1 /** @file opera.c
2  *
3  *  Contains the 'operations'
4  *	These are the trace routines, the contractions of the Levi-Civita tensors
5  *	and the tensor to vector/vector to tensor routines.
6  *	The trace and contraction routines are done in a special way
7  *	(see commentary with the FIXEDGLOBALS struct)
8  */
9 /* #[ License : */
10 /*
11  *   Copyright (C) 1984-2017 J.A.M. Vermaseren
12  *   When using this file you are requested to refer to the publication
13  *   J.A.M.Vermaseren "New features of FORM" math-ph/0010025
14  *   This is considered a matter of courtesy as the development was paid
15  *   for by FOM the Dutch physics granting agency and we would like to
16  *   be able to track its scientific use to convince FOM of its value
17  *   for the community.
18  *
19  *   This file is part of FORM.
20  *
21  *   FORM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
22  *   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
23  *   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
24  *   version.
25  *
26  *   FORM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
27  *   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
28  *   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
29  *   details.
30  *
31  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
32  *   with FORM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
33  */
34 /* #] License : */
35 /*
36   	#[ Includes : opera.c
37 */
39 #include "form3.h"
40 /*
41 	int hulp;
42 */
44 /*
45   	#] Includes :
46   	#[ Operations :
47  		#[ EpfFind :			WORD EpfFind(term,params)
49 		Searches for a pair of Levi-Civita tensors that should be
50 		contracted.
51 		If a match is found its settings are recorded in AT.TMout.
52 		type indicates the number of indices that is searched for,
53 		unless all are searched for (type = 0).
54 		number is the number of tensors that should survive contraction.
56 */
EpfFind(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params)58 WORD EpfFind(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params)
59 {
61 	WORD *t, *m, *r, n1 = 0, n2, min = -1, count, fac;
62 	WORD *c1 = 0, *c2 = 0, sgn = 1;
63 	WORD *tstop, *mstop;
64 	UWORD *facto = (UWORD *)AT.WorkPointer;
65 	WORD ncoef,nfac;
66 	WORD number, type;
67 	if ( ( AT.WorkPointer = (WORD *)(facto + AM.MaxTal) ) > AT.WorkTop ) {
68 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
69 		MesWork();
70 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
71 		return(-1);
72 	}
73 	number = params[3];
74 	type = params[4];
75 	t = term;
76 	GETSTOP(t,tstop);
77 	t++;
78 	if ( !type ) {
79 		while ( *t != LEVICIVITA && t < tstop ) t += t[1];
80 		if ( t >= tstop ) return(0);
81 		m = t;
82 		while ( *m == LEVICIVITA && m < tstop ) { n1++; m += m[1]; }
83 AllLev:
84 		if ( n1 <= (number+1) || n1 <= 1 ) return(0);
85 		mstop = m;
86 		m = t + t[1];
87 		do {
88 			while ( m[1] == t[1] ) {
89 				m += FUNHEAD;
90 				r = t+FUNHEAD;
91 				count = fac = n1 = n2 = t[1] - FUNHEAD;
92 				while ( n1 && n2 ) {
93 					if ( *m > *r ) {
94 						r++; n2--;
95 					}
96 					else if ( *m < *r ) {
97 						m++; n1--;
98 					}
99 					else {
100 						if ( *m >= AM.OffsetIndex &&
101 						( ( *m >= AM.IndDum && AC.lDefDim == fac ) ||
102 						( *m < AM.IndDum &&
103 						indices[*m-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension == fac ) ) ) {
104 							count--;
105 						}
106 						r++; m++; n1--; n2--;
107 					}
108 				}
109 				m += n1;
110 				if ( min < 0 || count < min ) {
111 					c1 = t;
112 					c2 = m - fac - FUNHEAD;
113 					min = count;
114 				}
115 				if ( m >= mstop ) break;
116 			}
117 			t += t[1];
118 		} while ( ( m = t + t[1] ) < mstop );
119 	}
120 	else {
121 		fac = type + FUNHEAD;
122 		while ( *t != LEVICIVITA && t < tstop ) t += t[1];
123 		while ( *t == LEVICIVITA && t < tstop && t[1] != fac ) t += t[1];
124 		if ( t >= tstop ) return(0);
125 		m = t;
126 		while ( *m == LEVICIVITA && m < tstop && m[1] == fac ) { n1++; m += m[1]; }
127 		goto AllLev;
128 	}
129 /*
130 	We have now the two tensors that give the minimum contraction
131 	in c1 and c2.
132 	Prepare the AT.TMout array;
133 */
134 	if ( min < 0 ) return(0);	/* No matching pair! */
135 	t = c1;
136 	mstop = c2;
137 	fac = t[1] - FUNHEAD;
138 	m = AT.TMout;
139 	*m++ = 3 + (min*2);		/* The full length */
140 	*m++ = CONTRACT;
141 	if ( number < 0 ) *m++ = 1;
142 	else *m++ = 0;
143 	n1 = n2 = t[1] - FUNHEAD;
144 	r = c1 + FUNHEAD;
145 	c1 = m;
146 	m = c2 + FUNHEAD;
147 	c2 = c1 + min;
148 	while ( n1 && n2 ) {
149 		if ( *m > *r ) { *c1++ = *r++; n2--; }
150 		else if ( *m < *r ) { *c2++ = *m++; n1--; }
151 		else {
152 			if ( *m < AM.OffsetIndex || ( *m < AM.IndDum &&
153 			( indices[*m-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension != fac ) ) ||
154 			( *m >= AM.IndDum && AC.lDefDim != fac ) ) {
155 				*c1++ = *r++; *c2++ = *m++;
156 			}
157 			else { if ( ( n1 ^ n2 ) & 1 ) sgn = -sgn; r++; m++; }
158 			n1--; n2--;
159 		}
160 	}
161 	if ( n1 ) { NCOPY(c2,m,n1); }
162 	else if ( n2 ) { NCOPY(c1,r,n2); }
163 	fac -= min;
164 	m = t + t[1];
165 	while ( m < mstop ) *t++ = *m++;
166 	m += m[1];
167 	while ( m < tstop ) *t++ = *m++;
168 	*t++ = SUBEXPRESSION;
169 	*t++ = SUBEXPSIZE;
170 	*t++ = -1;
171 	*t++ = 1;
172 	*t++ = DUMMYBUFFER;
173 	FILLSUB(t)
174 	r = term;
175 	r += *r - 1;
176 	mstop = r;
177 	ncoef = REDLENG(*r);
178 	tstop = t;
179 	while ( m < mstop ) *t++ = *m++;
180 	if ( Factorial(BHEAD fac,facto,&nfac) || Mully(BHEAD (UWORD *)tstop,&ncoef,facto,nfac) ) {
181 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
182 		MesCall("EpfFind");
183 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
184 		SETERROR(-1)
185 	}
186 	tstop += (ABS(ncoef))*2;
187 	if ( sgn < 0 ) ncoef = -ncoef;
188 	ncoef *= 2;
189 	*tstop++ = (ncoef<0)?(ncoef-1):(ncoef+1);
190 	*term = WORDDIF(tstop,term);
191 	return(1);
192 }
194 /*
195  		#] EpfFind :
196  		#[ EpfCon :				WORD EpfCon(term,params,num,level)
198 		Contraction of two strings of indices/vectors. They come
199 		from LeviCivita tensors that are being contracted.
200 		term is the term with the subterm to be replaced.
201 		params is the full indicator:
202 			Length, number, raise, parameters.
203 		Length is the length of the parameter field.
204 		number is the number of the operation.
205 		raise tells whether level should be raised afterwards.
206 		the parameters are the two strings.
207 		level is the id level.
208 		The factorial has been multiplied in already.
210 */
EpfCon(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params,WORD num,WORD level)212 WORD EpfCon(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params, WORD num, WORD level)
213 {
215 	WORD *kron, *perm, *termout, *tstop, size2;
216 	WORD *m, *t, sizes, sgn = 0, i;
217 	sizes = *params - 3;
218 	kron = AT.WorkPointer;
219 	perm = (AT.WorkPointer += sizes);
220 	termout = (AT.WorkPointer += sizes);
221     AT.WorkPointer = (WORD *)(((UBYTE *)(AT.WorkPointer)) + AM.MaxTer);
222 	if ( AT.WorkPointer > AT.WorkTop ) {
223 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
224 		MesWork();
225 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
226 		return(-1);
227 	}
228 	params += 2;
229 	if ( !(*params++) ) level--;
230 	size2 = sizes>>1;
231 	if ( !size2 ) goto DoOnce;
232 	while ( ( sgn = EpfGen(size2,params,kron,perm,sgn) ) != 0 ) {
233 DoOnce:
234 		t = term;
235 		GETSTOP(t,tstop);
236 		m = termout;
237 		tstop -= SUBEXPSIZE;
238 		while ( t < tstop ) *m++ = *t++;
239 		if ( t[2] != num || *t != SUBEXPRESSION ) {
240 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
241 			MesPrint("Serious error in EpfCon");
242 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
243 			return(-1);
244 		}
245 		tstop += SUBEXPSIZE;
246 		if ( sizes ) {
247 			*m++ = DELTA;
248 			*m++ = sizes + 2;
249 			t = kron;
250 			i = sizes;
251 			if ( i ) { NCOPY(m,t,i); }
252 		}
253 		t = tstop;
254 		tstop = term + *term;
255 		while ( t < tstop ) *m++ = *t++;
256 		*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
257 		m--;
258 		if ( sgn < 0 ) *m = - *m;
259 		if ( *termout ) {
260 			*AN.RepPoint = 1;
261 			AR.expchanged = 1;
262 			AT.WorkPointer = termout + *termout;
263 			if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,level) < 0 ) goto EpfCall;
264 		}
265 	}
266 	AT.WorkPointer = kron;
267 	return(0);
268 EpfCall:
269 	if ( AM.tracebackflag ) {
270 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
271 		MesCall("EpfCon");
272 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
273 	}
274 	return(-1);
275 }
277 /*
278  		#] EpfCon :
279  		#[ EpfGen :				WORD EpfGen(number,inlist,kron,perm,sgn)
280 */
EpfGen(WORD number,WORD * inlist,WORD * kron,WORD * perm,WORD sgn)282 WORD EpfGen(WORD number, WORD *inlist, WORD *kron, WORD *perm, WORD sgn)
283 {
284 	WORD i, *in2, k, a;
285 	if ( !sgn ) {
286 		in2 = inlist + number;
287 		number *= 2;
288 		for ( i = 1; i < number; i += 2 ) {
289 			*perm++ = i;
290 			*perm++ = i;
291 			*kron++ = *inlist++;
292 			*kron++ = *in2++;
293 		}
294 		if ( number <= 0 ) return(0);
295 		else return(1);
296 	}
297 	number *= 2;
298 	i = number - 1;
299 	while ( ( i -= 2 ) >= 0 ) {
300 		if ( ( k = perm[i] ) != i ) {
301 			sgn = -sgn;
302 			a = kron[i];
303 			kron[i] = kron[k];
304 			kron[k] = a;
305 		}
306 		if ( ( k = ( perm[i] += 2 ) ) < number ) {
307 			a = kron[i];
308 			kron[i] = kron[k];
309 			kron[k] = a;
310 			sgn = - sgn;
311 			for ( k = i + 2; k < number; k += 2 ) perm[k] = k;
312 			return(sgn);
313 		}
314 	}
315 	return(0);
316 }
318 /*
319  		#] EpfGen :
320  		#[ Trick :				WORD Trick(in,t)
322 		This routine implements the identity:
323 		g_(j,mu)*g_(j,nu)*g_(j,ro)=e_(mu,nu,ro,si)*g5_(j)*g_(j,si)
324 		+d_(mu,nu)*g_(j,ro)-d_(mu,ro)*g_(j,nu)+d_(nu,ro)*g_(j,mu)
325 		which is for 4 dimensions only!
327 		Note that z->gamm = 1 if there is no g5 present.
329 */
Trick(WORD * in,TRACES * t)331 WORD Trick(WORD *in, TRACES *t)
332 {
333 	WORD n, n1;
334 	n = t->stap;
335 	n1 = t->step1;
336 	switch ( t->eers[n] ) {
337 		case 0: {
338 			WORD *p;
339 			p = t->pepf + t->mepf[n];
340 			*p++ = *in++;
341 			*p++ = *in++;
342 			*p++ = *in;
343 			*p   = ++(t->mdum);
344 			(t->mepf[n1]) += 4;
345 			*in  = t->mdum;
346 			t->gamm = - t->gamm;
347 			t->eers[n] = 5;
348 			break;
349 		}
350 		case 4:	{
351 			WORD *p;
352 			p = t->pdel + t->mdel[n];
353 			(t->mepf[n1]) -= 4;
354 			(t->mdum)--;
355 			*p++ = *in++;
356 			*p   = *in++;
357 			*in  = *(t->pepf + t->mepf[n] + 2);
358 			(t->mdel[n1]) += 2;
359 			t->gamm = - t->gamm;
360 			break;
361 		}
362 		case 3: {
363 			t->sign1 = - t->sign1;
364 			*(t->pdel + t->mdel[n] + 1) = in[2];
365 			in[2] = in[1];
366 			break;
367 		}
368 		case 2: {
369 			t->sign1 = - t->sign1;
370 			in[2] = in[0];
371 			*(t->pdel + t->mdel[n]) = in[1];
372 			break;
373 		}
374 		case 1: {
375 			in[2] = *(t->pdel + t->mdel[n] + 1);
376 			(t->mdel[n1]) -= 2;
377 			break;
378 		}
379 		default: {
380 			return(0);
381 		}
382 	}
383 	return(--(t->eers[n]));
384 }
386 /*
387  		#] Trick :
388  		#[ Trace4no :			WORD Trace4no(number,kron,t)
390 		Takes the trace of a string of gamma matrices in 4 dimensions.
391 		There is no test for indices or vectors that are the same.
392 		The four dimensions refer to the contraction in the algebra:
393 		g_(i,a,b,c) = e_(a,b,c,d)*g_(i,5_,d) + g_(i,a)*d_(b,c)
394 					- g_(i,b)*d_(a,c) + g_(i,c)*d_(a,b)
395 		This simplifies life very much and leads to shorter expressions
396 		than in the n dimensional case.
398 		Parameters:
399 		number: the number of vectors/indices in inlist.
400 		inlist:	the indices/vectors in the string.
401 		kron:	the output delta's.
402 		gamma5:	the potential gamma5 in front.
403 		t:		the struct for scratch manipulations.
404 		stack:	the space to put all scratch arrays in.
406 		The return value is zero if there are no more terms, 1 if a
407 		term was generated with a positive sign and -1 if a term was
408 		generated with a negative sign.
409 		The value of one is increased to two if the first 4 values
410 		in kron should be interpreted as a Levi-Civita tensor.
412 		Note that kron should have more places reserved than the number
413 		of indices in inlist, because it will contain dummy indices
414 		temporarily. In principle there can be 'number*1/4' extra dummies.
416 */
Trace4no(WORD number,WORD * kron,TRACES * t)418 WORD Trace4no(WORD number, WORD *kron, TRACES *t)
419 {
420 	WORD i;
421 	WORD *p, *m;
422 	WORD retval, *stop, oldsign;
423 	if ( !t->sgn ) {		/* Startup */
424 		if ( ( number < 0 ) || ( number & 1 ) ) return(0);
425 		if ( number <= 2 ) {
426 			if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) return(0);
427 			if ( number == 2 ) {
428 				*kron++ = *t->inlist;
429 				*kron++ = t->inlist[1];
430 			}
431 			return(1);
432 		}
433 		t->sgn = 1;
434 		{
435 			WORD nhalf = number >> 1;
436 			WORD ndouble = number * 2;
437 			p = t->eers;
438 			t->eers = p;	p += nhalf;
439 			t->mepf = p;	p += nhalf;
440 			t->mdel = p;	p += nhalf;
441 			t->pdel = p;	p += number + nhalf;
442 			t->pepf = p;	p += ndouble;
443 			t->e4 = p;		p += number;
444 			t->e3 = p;		p += ndouble;
445 			t->nt3 = p;		p += nhalf;
446 			t->nt4 = p;		p += nhalf;
447 			t->j3 = p;		p += ndouble;
448 			t->j4 = p;
449 		}
450 		t->mepf[0] = 0;
451 		t->mdel[0] = 0;
452 		t->mdum = AM.mTraceDum;
453 		t->kstep = -2;
454 		t->step1 = 0;
455 		t->sign1 = 1;
456 		t->lc3 = -1;
457 		t->lc4 = -1;
458 		t->gamm = 1;
460 		do {
461 			t->stap = (t->step1)++;
462 			t->kstep += 2;
463 			t->eers[t->stap] = 0;
464 			t->mepf[t->step1] = t->mepf[t->stap];
465 			t->mdel[t->step1] = t->mdel[t->stap];
466 CallTrick:	while ( !Trick(t->inlist+t->kstep,t) ) {
467 				t->kstep -= 2;
468 				t->step1 = (t->stap)--;
469 				if ( t->stap < 0 ) {
470 					return(0);
471 				}
472 			}
473 		} while ( t->kstep < (number-4) );
474 /*
475 		Take now the trace of the leftover matrices.
476 		If gamma5 causes the term to vanish there will be a
477 		renewed call to Trick for its next term.
478 */
479 		t->sign2 = t->sign1;
480 		if ( ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA7 ) && ( t->gamm == -1 ) ) {
481 			t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
482 		}
483 		else if ( ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) && ( t->gamm == 1 ) ) {
484 			goto CallTrick;
485 		}
486 		else if ( ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA1 ) && ( t->gamm == -1 ) ) {
487 			goto CallTrick;
488 		}
489 		p = t->pdel + t->mdel[t->step1];
490 		*p++ = t->inlist[t->kstep+2];
491 		*p++ = t->inlist[t->kstep+3];
492 /*
493 		Now the trace has been expressed in terms of Levi-Civita tensors
494 		and Kronecker delta's.
495 		The Levi-Civita tensors are in t->pepf
496 		and there are t->mepf[step1] elements in this array.
497 		The Kronecker delta's are in t->pdel
498 		and there are t->mdel[step1] elements in this array.
500 		Next we rake the Levi-Civita tensors together such that there
501 		is an optimal use of the contractions.
502 */
503 		{
504 			WORD ae;
505 			ae = t->mepf[t->step1];
506 			t->ad = t->mdel[t->step1]+2;
507 			t->a4 = 0;
508 			t->a3 = 0;
509 			while ( ( ae -= 4 ) >= 0 ) {
510 				if ( t->pepf[ae] > AM.mTraceDum && t->pepf[ae] <= t->mdum ) {
511 					p = t->e3 + t->a3;
512 					m = t->pepf + ae;
513 					for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
514 						p[3] = m[3-i];
515 						*p++ = m[i-4];
516 					}
517 					t->a3 += 6;
518 					ae -= 4;
519 				}
520 				else {
521 					p = t->e4 + t->a4;
522 					m = t->pepf + ae;
523 					for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) *p++ = *m++;
524 					t->a4 += 4;
525 				}
526 			}
527 		}
528 /*
529 		Now e3 contains pairs of LeviCivita tensors that have
530 		three indices each and a3 is the total number of indices.
531 		e4 contains individual tensors with 4 indices.
532 		Some indices may be contracted with Kronecker delta's.
534 		Contract the e3 tensors first.
535 */
537 		while ( t->a3 > 0 ) {
538 			t->nt3[++(t->lc3)] = 0;
539 			while ( ( t->nt3[t->lc3] = EpfGen(3,t->e3+t->a3-6,
540 			t->pdel+t->ad,t->j3+6*t->lc3,oldsign = t->nt3[t->lc3]) ) == 0 ) {
541 				if ( oldsign < 0 ) t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
542 				(t->lc3)--;
543 NextE3:			if ( t->lc3 < 0 ) goto CallTrick;
544 				t->ad -= 6;
545 				t->a3 += 6;
546 			}
547 			if ( oldsign ) {
548 				if ( oldsign != t->nt3[t->lc3] ) t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
549 			}
550 			else if ( t->nt3[t->lc3] < 0 ) t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
551 			t->a3 -= 6;
552 			t->ad += 6;
553 		}
554 /*
555 		Contract the e4 tensors.
556 */
557 		while ( t->a4 > 4 ) {
558 			t->nt4[++(t->lc4)] = 0;
559 			while ( ( t->nt4[t->lc4] = EpfGen(4,t->e4+t->a4-8,
560 			t->pdel+t->ad,t->j4+8*t->lc4,oldsign = t->nt4[t->lc4]) ) == 0 ) {
561 				if ( oldsign < 0 ) t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
562 				(t->lc4)--;
563 NextE4:			if ( t->lc4 < 0 ) goto NextE3;
564 				t->ad -= 8;
565 				t->a4 += 8;
566 			}
567 			if ( oldsign ) {
568 				if ( oldsign != t->nt4[t->lc4] ) t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
569 			}
570 			else if ( t->nt4[t->lc4] < 0 ) t->sign2 = - t->sign2;
571 			t->a4 -= 8;
572 			t->ad += 8;
573 		}
574 /*
575 		Finally the extra dummy indices can be eliminated.
576 		Note that there are currently t->ad words in t->pdel forming
577 		t->ad / 2 Kronecker delta's. We are however not allowed to
578 		alter anything in these arrays, so the results should be
579 		copied to kron.
580 */
581 		m = kron;
582 		if ( t->a4 == 4 ) {
583 			p = t->e4;
584 			*m++ = *p++; *m++ = *p++; *m++ = *p++; *m++ = *p++;
585 			retval = 2;
586 		}
587 		else retval = 1;
588 		if ( t->sign2 < 0 ) retval = - retval;
589 		p = t->pdel;
590 		for ( i = 0; i < t->ad; i++ ) *m++ = *p++;
591 		p = kron;
592 		if ( t->a4 == 4 ) {
593 /*
594 			Test for dummies in the last position of the e_.
595 */
596 			stop = p + t->ad + 4;
597 			p += 3;
598 			while ( *p >= AM.mTraceDum && *p <= t->mdum ) {
599 				m = p + 1;
600 				do {
601 					if ( *m == *p ) {
602 						*p = m[1];
603 						*m = *--stop;
604 						m[1] = *--stop;
605 						break;
606 					}
607 					else if ( m[1] == *p ) {
608 						*p = *m;
609 						*m = *--stop;
610 						m[1] = *--stop;
611 						break;
612 					}
613 					else m += 2;
614 				} while ( m < stop );
615 			}
616 			p++;
617 		}
618 		else stop = p + t->ad;
619 		while ( p < (stop-2) ) {
620 			while ( *p >= AM.mTraceDum && *p <= t->mdum ) {
621 				m = p + 2;
622 				do {
623 					if ( *m == *p ) {
624 						*p = m[1];
625 						*m = *--stop;
626 						m[1] = *--stop;
627 						break;
628 					}
629 					else if ( m[1] == *p ) {
630 						*p = *m;
631 						*m = *--stop;
632 						m[1] = *--stop;
633 						break;
634 					}
635 					else m += 2;
636 				} while ( m < stop );
637 			}
638 			p++;
639 			while ( *p >= AM.mTraceDum && *p <= t->mdum ) {
640 				m = p + 1;
641 				do {
642 					if ( *m == *p ) {
643 						*p = m[1];
644 						*m = *--stop;
645 						m[1] = *--stop;
646 						break;
647 					}
648 					else if ( m[1] == *p ) {
649 						*p = *m;
650 						*m = *--stop;
651 						m[1] = *--stop;
652 						break;
653 					}
654 					else m += 2;
655 				} while ( m < stop );
656 			}
657 			p++;
658 		}
659 		return(retval);
660 	}
661 	if ( number <= 2 ) return(0);
662 	else { goto NextE4; }
663 }
665 /*
666  		#] Trace4no :
667  		#[ Trace4 :				WORD Trace4(term,params,num,level)
669 		Generates traces of the string of gamma matrices in 'instring'.
671 		The difference with the routine tracen ( for n dimensions )
672 		lies in the treatment of gamma 5 and the specific form
673 		of the Chisholm identities. The identities used here are
674 		g(mu)*g(a1)*...*g(an)*g(mu)=
675 		n=odd:	-2*g(an)*...*g(a1)   ( reversed order )
676 		n=even: 2*g(an)*g(a1)*...*g(a(n-1))
677 		    +2*g(a(n-1))*...*g(a1)*g(an)
678 		There is a special case for n=2 : 4*d(a1,a2)*gi
680 		The main difference with the old fortran version lies in
681 		the recursion that is used here. That cleans up the variables
682 		very much.
684 		The contents of the AT.TMout array are:
685 		length,type,gamma5,gamma's
687 		The space for the vectors in t is at most 14 * number.
689 		The condition params[5] == 0 corresponds to finding gamma6*gamma7
690 		during the pick up of the matrices.
692 */
Trace4(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params,WORD num,WORD level)694 WORD Trace4(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params, WORD num, WORD level)
695 {
697 	TRACES *t;
698 	WORD *p, *m, number, i;
699 	WORD *OldW;
700 	WORD j, minimum, minimum2, *min, *stopper;
701 	OldW = AT.WorkPointer;
702 	if ( AN.numtracesctack >= AN.intracestack ) {
703 		number = AN.intracestack + 2;
704 		t = (TRACES *)Malloc1(number*sizeof(TRACES),"TRACES-struct");
705 		if ( AN.tracestack ) {
706 			for ( i = 0; i < AN.intracestack; i++ ) { t[i] = AN.tracestack[i]; }
707 			M_free(AN.tracestack,"TRACES-struct");
708 		}
709 		AN.tracestack = t;
710 		AN.intracestack = number;
711 	}
713 	number = *params - 6;
714 	if ( number < 0 || ( number & 1 ) || !params[5] ) return(0);
716 	t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack;
717 	AN.numtracesctack++;
719 	t->finalstep = ( params[2] & 16 ) ? 1 : 0;
720 	t->gamma5 = params[3];
721 	if ( t->finalstep && t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 ) {
722 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
723 		MesPrint("Gamma5 not allowed in this option of the trace command");
724 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
725 		AN.numtracesctack--;
726 		SETERROR(-1)
727 	}
728 	t->inlist = AT.WorkPointer;
729 	t->accup = t->accu = t->inlist + number;
730 	t->perm = t->accu + (number*2);
731 	t->eers = t->perm + number;
732 	if ( ( AT.WorkPointer += 19 * number ) >= AT.WorkTop ) {
733 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
734 		MesWork();
735 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
736 		return(-1);
737 	}
738 	t->num = num;
739 	t->level = level;
740 	p = t->inlist;
741 	m = params+6;
742 	for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *p++ = *m++;
743 	t->termp = term;
744 	t->factor = params[4];
745 	t->allsign = params[5];
746 	if ( number >= 10 || ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 && number > 4 ) ) {
747 /*
748 		The next code should `normal order' the string
749 		We need the lexicographic smallest string, taking also the
750 		reverse strings into account.
751 */
752 		minimum = 0; min = t->inlist;
753 		stopper = min + number;
754 		for ( i = 1; i < number; i++ ) {
755 			p = min;
756 			m = t->inlist + i;
757 			for ( j = 0; j < number; j++ ) {
758 				if ( *p < *m ) break;
759 				if ( *p > *m ) {
760 					min = t->inlist+i;
761 					minimum = i;
762 					break;
763 				}
764 				p++; m++;
765 				if ( m >= stopper ) m = t->inlist;
766 				if ( p >= stopper ) p = t->inlist;
767 			}
768 		}
769 		p = min;
770 		min = m = AT.WorkPointer;
771 		i = number;
772 		while ( --i >= 0 ) {
773 			*m++ = *p++;
774 			if ( p >= stopper ) p = t->inlist;
775 		}
776 		p = t->inlist;
777 		m = min;
778 		i = number;
779 		while ( --i >= 0 ) *p++ = *m++;
780 		p = t->inlist;
781 		m = stopper;
782 		while ( p < m ) {	/* reverse string */
783 			i = *p; *p++ = *--m; *m = i;
784 		}
785 		minimum2 = 0;
786 		for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
787 			p = min;
788 			m = t->inlist + i;
789 			for ( j = 0; j < number; j++ ) {
790 				if ( *p < *m ) break;
791 				if ( *p > *m ) {
792 					m = t->inlist + i;
793 					p = min;
794 					j = number;
795 					while ( --j >= 0 ) {
796 						*p++ = *m++;
797 						if ( m >= stopper ) m = t->inlist;
798 					}
799 					minimum2 = i;
800 					break;
801 				}
802 				p++; m++;
803 				if ( m >= stopper ) m = t->inlist;
804 			}
805 		}
806 		minimum ^= minimum2;
807 		if ( ( minimum & 1 ) != 0 ) {
808 			if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) t->allsign = - t->allsign;
809 			else if ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 )
810 				t->gamma5 = GAMMA6 + GAMMA7 - t->gamma5;
811 		}
812 		p = min; m = t->inlist; i = number;
813 		while ( --i >= 0 ) *m++ = *p++;
814 /*
815 		Now the trace is in normal order
816 */
817 	}
818 	number = Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number);
819 	AT.WorkPointer = OldW;
820 	AN.numtracesctack--;
821 	return(number);
822 }
824 /*
825  		#] Trace4 :
826  		#[ Trace4Gen :			WORD Trace4Gen(t,number)
828 		The recursive breakdown of a trace in 4 dimensions.
829 		We test first whether the trace has zero or two gamma's left.
830 		This case can be done quickly.
831 		Next we test whether we can eliminate adjacent objects that are
832 		the same.
833 		Then we test for Chisholm identities (I). First for identities
834 		with an odd number of gamma matrices (II), then for those with an
835 		even number of matrices (III). The special thing here is the demand
836 		that the contraction be between indices with 4 dimensions only.
837 		Then there is a scan for objects that are the same, not regarding
838 		their type (IV). This is exactly the same as in n dimensions.
839 		Finally we have a string left in which all objects are different (V).
840 		This case is treated by the routine Trace4no (no stands for no
841 		objects are the same).
843 		In case I we have one d_ of which the result of the contraction
844 		has not yet been fixed.
845 		Case II gives just a reordering of the matrices and a factor -2.
846 		Case III gives two terms: one for the anti commutation, such that
847 		the number of intermediate matrices becomes odd and the other
848 		from the Chisholm rule for an odd number of matrices. Both have
849 		a factor 2.
850 		Case IV gives m+1 terms when m is the number of matrices inbetween.
851 		We take the shortest path. The sign alternates and all terms have
852 		a factor two, except for the last one.
854 */
Trace4Gen(PHEAD TRACES * t,WORD number)856 WORD Trace4Gen(PHEAD TRACES *t, WORD number)
857 {
859 	WORD *termout, *stop;
860 	WORD *p, *m, oldval;
861 	WORD *pold, *mold, diff, *oldstring, cp;
862 /*
863 			#[ Special cases :
864 */
865 	if ( number <= 2 ) {	/* Special cases */
866 		if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) return(0);
867 		termout = AT.WorkPointer;
868 		p = t->termp;
869 		stop = p + *p;
870 		m = termout;
871 		p++;
872 		if ( p < stop ) do {
873 			if ( *p == SUBEXPRESSION && p[2] == t->num ) {
874 				oldstring = p;
875 				p = t->termp;
876 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < oldstring );
877 				p += p[1];
878 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[0];
879 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[1];
880 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[2];
881 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[3];
882 				if ( number == 2 || t->accup > t->accu ) {
883 					oldstring = m;
884 					*m++ = DELTA;
885 					*m++ = 4;
886 					if ( number == 2 ) {
887 						*m++ = t->inlist[0];
888 						*m++ = t->inlist[1];
889 					}
890 					if ( t->accup > t->accu ) {
891 						pold = p;
892 						p = t->accu;
893 						while ( p < t->accup ) *m++ = *p++;
894 						oldstring[1] = WORDDIF(m,oldstring);
895 						p = pold;
896 					}
897 				}
898 				if ( t->factor ) {
899 					*m++ = SNUMBER;
900 					*m++ = 4;
901 					*m++ = 2;
902 					*m++ = t->factor;
903 				}
904 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < stop );
905 				*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
906 				if ( t->allsign < 0 ) m[-1] = -m[-1];
907 				if ( ( AT.WorkPointer = m ) > AT.WorkTop ) {
908 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
909 					MesWork();
910 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
911 					return(-1);
912 				}
913 				*AN.RepPoint = 1;
914 				AR.expchanged = 1;
915 				if ( *termout ) {
916 					*AN.RepPoint = 1;
917 					AR.expchanged = 1;
918 					if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,t->level) ) goto TracCall;
919 				}
920 				AT.WorkPointer= termout;
921 				return(0);
922 			}
923 			p += p[1];
924 		} while ( p < stop );
925 		return(0);
926 	}
927 /*
928 			#] Special cases :
929 			#[ Adjacent objects :
930 */
931 	p = t->inlist;
932 	stop = p + number - 1;
933 	if ( *p == *stop ) {		/* First and last of string */
934 		oldval = *p;
935 		*(t->accup)++ = *p;
936 		*(t->accup)++ = *p;
937 		m = p+1;
938 		while ( m < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
939 		if ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 ) {
940 			if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) t->allsign = - t->allsign;
941 			else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA6 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA7;
942 			else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA7 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA6;
943 		}
944 		if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
945 		t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
946 		if ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 ) {
947 			if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) t->allsign = - t->allsign;
948 			else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA6 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA7;
949 			else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA7 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA6;
950 		}
951 		while ( p > t->inlist ) *--m = *--p;
952 		*p = *stop = oldval;
953 		t->accup -= 2;
954 		return(0);
955 	}
956 	do {
957 		if ( *p == p[1] ) {		/* Adjacent in string */
958 			oldval = *p;
959 			pold = p;
960 			m = p+2;
961 			*(t->accup)++ = *p;
962 			*(t->accup)++ = *p;
963 			while ( m <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
964 			if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
965 			t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
966 			while ( p > pold ) *--m = *--p;
967 			*p++ = oldval;
968 			*p++ = oldval;
969 			t->accup -= 2;
970 			return(0);
971 		}
972 		p++;
973 	} while ( p < stop );
974 /*
975 			#] Adjacent objects :
976 			#[ Odd Contraction :
977 */
978 	p = t->inlist;
979 	stop = p + number;
980 	do {
981 		if ( *p >= AM.OffsetIndex && (
982 		( *p < WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex &&
983 		 indices[*p-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension == 4 )
984 		|| ( *p >= WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex && AC.lDefDim == 4 ) ) ) {
985 			m = p+2;
986 			while ( m < stop ) {
987 				if ( *p == *m ) {
988 					pold = p;
989 					mold = m;
990 					oldval = *p;
991 					(t->factor)++;
992 					t->allsign = - t->allsign;
993 					*p++ = *--m;
994 					m--;
995 					while ( m > p ) { diff = *p; *p++ = *m; *m-- = diff; }
996 					p = mold - 1;
997 					m = mold + 1;
998 					while ( m < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
999 					if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
1000 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1001 					m--;
1002 					while ( m > mold ) *m-- = *--p;
1003 					p = pold;
1004 					*m-- = oldval;
1005 					*m-- = *p;
1006 					*p++ = oldval;
1007 					while ( m > p ) { diff = *p; *p++ = *m; *m-- = diff; }
1008 					t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1009 					(t->factor)--;
1010 					return(0);
1011 				}
1012 				m += 2;
1013 			}
1014 		}
1015 		p++;
1016 	} while ( p < stop );
1017 /*
1018 			#] Odd Contraction :
1019 			#[ Even Contraction :
1020 		First the case with two matrices inbetween.
1021 */
1022 	p = t->inlist;
1023 	stop = p + number;
1024 	do {
1025 		if ( *p >= AM.OffsetIndex && (
1026 		( *p < WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex &&
1027 		 indices[*p-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension == 4 )
1028 		|| ( *p >= WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex && AC.lDefDim == 4 ) ) ) {
1029 			m = p+3;
1030 			if ( m >= stop ) m -= number;
1031 			if ( *p == *m ) {
1032 				WORD oldfactor, old5;
1033 				oldstring = AT.WorkPointer;
1034 				AT.WorkPointer += number;
1035 				oldfactor = t->allsign;
1036 				old5 = t->gamma5;
1037 				if ( m < p ) cp = (WORDDIF(m,t->inlist) + 1 ) & 1;
1038 				else cp = 0;
1039 				if ( cp && ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 ) ) {
1040 					if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) t->allsign = -t->allsign;
1041 					else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA6 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA7;
1042 					else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA7 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA6;
1043 				}
1044 				mold = m;
1045 				p = oldstring;
1046 				m = t->inlist;
1047 				while ( m < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1048 /*
1049 		Rotate the string
1050 */
1051 				m = mold + 1;
1052 				p = t->inlist;
1053 				while ( m < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1054 				m = oldstring;
1055 				if ( !cp && ((WORDDIF(stop,p))&1) != 0 && ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 ) ) {
1056 					if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) t->allsign = -t->allsign;
1057 					else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA6 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA7;
1058 					else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA7 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA6;
1059 				}
1060 				while ( p < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1061 				t->factor += 2;
1062 				m = p - 3;
1063 				p = t->inlist;
1064 				oldval = number - 4;
1065 				while ( oldval > 0 ) {
1066 					if ( *p >= AM.OffsetIndex && (
1067 					( *p < WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex &&
1068 					 indices[*p-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension )
1069 					|| ( *p >= WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex && AC.lDefDim ) ) ) {
1070 						if ( *p == *m ) {
1071 							*p = m[1];
1072 							break;
1073 						}
1074 						else if ( *p == m[1] ) {
1075 							*p = *m;
1076 							break;
1077 						}
1078 					}
1079 					p++; oldval--;
1080 				}
1081 				if ( oldval <= 0 ) {
1082 					*(t->accup)++ = *m++;
1083 					*(t->accup)++ = *m++;
1084 				}
1085 				if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-4) ) goto TracCall;
1086 				t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1087 				t->factor -= 2;
1088 				if ( oldval <= 0 ) t->accup -= 2;
1089 				t->gamma5 = old5;
1090 				t->allsign = oldfactor;
1091 				AT.WorkPointer = p = oldstring;
1092 				m = t->inlist;
1093 				while ( m < stop ) *m++ = *p++;
1094 				return(0);
1095 			}
1096 		}
1097 		p++;
1098 	} while ( p < stop );
1099 /*
1100 		The case with at least 4 matrices inbetween.
1101 */
1102 	p = t->inlist;
1103 	stop = p + number;
1104 	do {
1105 		if ( *p >= AM.OffsetIndex && (
1106 		( *p < WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex &&
1107 		 indices[*p-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension == 4 )
1108 		|| ( *p >= WILDOFFSET + AM.OffsetIndex && AC.lDefDim == 4 ) ) ) {
1109 			m = p+5;
1110 			while ( m < stop ) {
1111 				if ( *p == *m ) {
1112 					WORD *pex, *mex;
1113 					pold = p;
1114 					mold = m;
1115 					oldval = *p;
1116 /*
1117 			g_(1,mu)*g_(1,a1)*...*g_(1,aj)*g_(1,an)*g_(1,mu) ->
1118 			first:
1119 			2*g_(1,an)*g_(1,a1)*...*g_(1,aj)
1120 */
1121 					(t->factor)++;
1122 /*
1123 					The variable hulp seems unnecessary
1124 					*p = hulp = m[-1];
1125 */
1126 					*p = m[-1];
1127 					p = m - 1;
1128 					m++;
1129 					while ( m < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1130 					if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
1131 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1132 					pex = p; mex = m;
1133 					p = pold;
1134 					m = mold - 2;
1135 					while ( m > p ) { diff = *p; *p++ = *m; *m-- = diff; }
1136 /*
1137 			and then:
1138 			2*g_(1,aj)*...*g_(1,a1)*g_(1,an)
1139 */
1140 					if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
1141 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1142 					p = pold;
1143 					m = mold - 2;
1144 					while ( m > p ) { diff = *p; *p++ = *m; *m-- = diff; }
1145 					m = mex;
1146 					p = pex;
1147 					m--;
1148 					while ( m > mold ) *m-- = *--p;
1149 					m = mold;
1150 					*m-- = oldval;
1151 					p = pold;
1152 					*m = *p;
1153 					*p = oldval;
1154 					(t->factor)--;
1155 					return(0);
1156 				}
1157 				m += 2;
1158 			}
1159 		}
1160 		p++;
1161 	} while ( p < stop );
1162 /*
1163 			#] Even Contraction :
1164 			#[ Same Objects :
1165 */
1166 	p = t->inlist;
1167 	stop = p + number - 1;
1168 	diff = 2;
1169 	do {
1170 		p = t->inlist;
1171 		while ( p <= stop ) {
1172 			m = p + diff;
1173 			if ( m > stop ) m -= number;
1174 			if ( *p == *m ) {
1175 				WORD oldfactor, c, old5;
1176 				oldfactor = t->allsign;
1177 				old5 = t->gamma5;
1178 				cp = (WORDDIF(m,t->inlist)) & 1;
1179 				if ( !cp && ( t->gamma5 != GAMMA1 ) ) {
1180 					if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA5 ) t->allsign = -t->allsign;
1181 					else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA6 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA7;
1182 					else if ( t->gamma5 == GAMMA7 ) t->gamma5 = GAMMA6;
1183 				}
1184 				oldstring = AT.WorkPointer;
1185 				AT.WorkPointer += number;
1186 				mold = m;
1187 				oldval = *p;
1188 				p = oldstring;
1189 				m = t->inlist;
1190 				while ( m <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1191 /*
1192 		Rotate the string
1193 */
1194 				m = mold + 1;
1195 				p = t->inlist;
1196 				while ( m <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1197 				m = oldstring;
1198 				while ( p <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1199 				(t->factor)++;
1200 				p -= diff + 1;
1201 				m = stop;
1202 				*(t->accup) = oldval;
1203 				t->accup += 2;
1204 				m--;
1205 				while ( m > p ) {
1206 					c = t->accup[-1];
1207 					t->accup[-1] = *m;
1208 					*m = c;
1209 					if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto Trac4Call;
1210 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1211 					m--;
1212 					t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1213 				}
1214 				c = t->accup[-1];
1215 				t->accup[-1] = *m;
1216 				*m = c;
1217 				(t->factor)--;
1218 				if ( Trace4Gen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto Trac4Call;
1219 				t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1220 				t->accup -= 2;
1221 				t->allsign = oldfactor;
1222 				AT.WorkPointer = p = oldstring;
1223 				m = t->inlist;
1224 				while ( m <= stop ) *m++ = *p++;
1225 				t->gamma5 = old5;
1226 				return(0);
1227 			}
1228 			p++;
1229 		}
1230 	} while ( ++diff <= (number>>1) );
1231 /*
1232 			#] Same Objects :
1233 			#[ All Different :
1235 		Here we have a string with all different objects.
1237 */
1238 	t->sgn = 0;
1239 	termout = AT.WorkPointer;
1240 	for(;;) {
1241 		if ( t->finalstep == 0 ) diff = Trace4no(number,t->accup,t);
1242 		else                     diff = TraceNno(number,t->accup,t);
1243 /*	while ( ( diff = Trace4no(number,t->accup,t) ) != 0 ) */
1244 		if ( diff == 0 ) break;
1245 		p = t->termp;
1246 		stop = p + *p;
1247 		m = termout;
1248 		p++;
1249 		if ( p < stop ) do {
1250 			if ( *p == SUBEXPRESSION && p[2] == t->num ) {
1251 				oldstring = p;
1252 				p = t->termp;
1253 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < oldstring );
1254 				p += p[1];
1255 				pold = p;
1256 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[0];
1257 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[1];
1258 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[2];
1259 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[3];
1260 				*m++ = SNUMBER;
1261 				*m++ = 4;
1262 				*m++ = 2;
1263 				*m++ = t->factor;
1264 				p = t->accup;
1265 				oldval = number;
1266 				if ( diff == 2 || diff == -2 ) {
1267 					*m++ = LEVICIVITA;
1268 					*m++ = 4+FUNHEAD;
1269 					*m++ = DIRTYFLAG;
1270 					FILLFUN3(m)
1271 					*m++ = *p++; *m++ = *p++; *m++ = *p++; *m++ = *p++;
1272 					oldval -= 4;
1273 				}
1274 				if ( oldval > 0 || t->accup > t->accu ) {
1275 					oldstring = m;
1276 					*m++ = DELTA;
1277 					*m++ = oldval + 2;
1278 					if ( oldval > 0 ) NCOPY(m,p,oldval);
1279 					if ( t->accup > t->accu ) {
1280 						p = t->accu;
1281 						while ( p < t->accup ) *m++ = *p++;
1282 						oldstring[1] = WORDDIF(m,oldstring);
1283 					}
1284 				}
1285 				p = pold;
1286 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < stop );
1287 				*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
1288 				if ( ( diff ^ t->allsign ) < 0 ) m[-1] = - m[-1];
1289 				if ( ( AT.WorkPointer = m ) > AT.WorkTop ) {
1290 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1291 					MesWork();
1292 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1293 					return(-1);
1294 				}
1295 				if ( *termout ) {
1296 					*AN.RepPoint = 1;
1297 					AR.expchanged = 1;
1298 					if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,t->level) ) {
1299 						AT.WorkPointer = termout;
1300 						goto TracCall;
1301 					}
1302 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1303 				}
1304 				break;
1305 			}
1306 			p += p[1];
1307 		} while ( p < stop );
1308 	}
1309 	AT.WorkPointer = termout;
1310 	return(0);
1312 /*
1313 			#] All Different :
1314 */
1315 Trac4Call:
1316 	AT.WorkPointer = oldstring;
1317 TracCall:
1318 	if ( AM.tracebackflag ) {
1319 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1320 		MesCall("Trace4Gen");
1321 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1322 	}
1323 	return(-1);
1324 }
1326 /*
1327  		#] Trace4Gen :
1328  		#[ TraceNno :			WORD TraceNno(number,kron,t)
1330 		Routine takes the trace in N dimensions of a string
1331 		of gamma matrices. It is assumed that there are no
1332 		contractions and no vectors that are the same. For
1333 		the treatment of those cases there are special routines,
1334 		that call this routine as a final stage.
1335 		The calling routine must reserve 'number' WORDs for perm
1336 		and kron each.
1337 		kron and perm may not be altered during the generation!
1339 */
TraceNno(WORD number,WORD * kron,TRACES * t)1341 WORD TraceNno(WORD number, WORD *kron, TRACES *t)
1342 {
1343 	WORD i, j, a, *p;
1344 	if ( !t->sgn ) {
1345 		if ( !number || ( number & 1 ) ) return(0);
1346 		p = t->inlist;
1347 		for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
1348 			t->perm[i] = i;
1349 			*kron++ = *p++;
1350 		}
1351 		t->sgn = 1;
1352 		return(1);
1353 	}
1354 	else {
1355 		i = number - 3;
1356 		while ( i > 0 ) {
1357 			a = kron[i];
1358 			p = t->perm + i;
1359 			for ( j = i + 1; j <= *p; j++ ) kron[j-1] = kron[j];
1360 			kron[(*p)++] = a;
1361 			if ( *p < number ) {
1362 				a = kron[*p];
1363 				j = *p;
1364 				while ( j >= (i+1) ) { kron[j] = kron[j-1]; j--; }
1365 				kron[i] = a;
1366 				number -= 2;
1367 				for ( j = i+2; j < number; j += 2 ) t->perm[j] = j;
1368 				t->sgn = - t->sgn;
1369 				return(t->sgn);
1370 			}
1371 			i -= 2;
1372 		}
1373 	}
1374 	return(0);
1375 }
1377 /*
1378  		#] TraceNno :
1379  		#[ TraceN :				WORD TraceN(term,params,num,level)
1380 */
TraceN(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params,WORD num,WORD level)1382 WORD TraceN(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params, WORD num, WORD level)
1383 {
1385 	TRACES *t;
1386 	WORD *p, *m, number, i;
1387 	WORD *OldW;
1388 	if ( params[3] != GAMMA1 ) {
1389 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1390 		MesPrint("Gamma5 not allowed in n-trace");
1391 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1392 		SETERROR(-1)
1393 	}
1394 	OldW = AT.WorkPointer;
1395 	if ( AN.numtracesctack >= AN.intracestack ) {
1396 		number = AN.intracestack + 2;
1397 		t = (TRACES *)Malloc1(number*sizeof(TRACES),"TRACES-struct");
1398 		if ( AN.tracestack ) {
1399 			for ( i = 0; i < AN.intracestack; i++ ) { t[i] = AN.tracestack[i]; }
1400 			M_free(AN.tracestack,"TRACES-struct");
1401 		}
1402 		AN.tracestack = t;
1403 		AN.intracestack = number;
1404 	}
1405 	number = *params - 6;
1406 	if ( number < 0 || ( number & 1 ) || !params[5] ) return(0);
1408 	t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack;
1409 	AN.numtracesctack++;
1411 	t->inlist = AT.WorkPointer;
1412 	t->accup = t->accu = t->inlist + number;
1413 	t->perm = t->accu + number;
1414 	if ( ( AT.WorkPointer += 3 * number ) >= AT.WorkTop ) {
1415 		AN.numtracesctack--;
1416 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1417 		MesWork();
1418 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1419 		return(-1);
1420 	}
1421 	t->num = num;
1422 	t->level = level;
1423 	p = t->inlist;
1424 	m = params+6;
1425 	for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) *p++ = *m++;
1426 	t->termp = term;
1427 	t->factor = params[4];
1428 	t->allsign = params[5];
1429 	number = TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number);
1430 	AT.WorkPointer = OldW;
1431 	AN.numtracesctack--;
1432 	return(number);
1433 }
1435 /*
1436  		#] TraceN :
1437  		#[ TraceNgen :			WORD TraceNgen(t,number)
1439 		This routine is a simplified version of Trace4Gen. We know here
1440 		only three cases: Adjacent objects, same objects and all different.
1441 		The othere difference lies of course in the struct which is now
1442 		not of type TRACES, but of type TRACES.
1444 */
TraceNgen(PHEAD TRACES * t,WORD number)1446 WORD TraceNgen(PHEAD TRACES *t, WORD number)
1447 {
1449 	WORD *termout, *stop;
1450 	WORD *p, *m, oldval;
1451 	WORD *pold, *mold, diff, *oldstring;
1452 /*
1453 			#[ Special cases :
1454 */
1455 	if ( number <= 2 ) {	/* Special cases */
1456 		termout = AT.WorkPointer;
1457 		p = t->termp;
1458 		stop = p + *p;
1459 		m = termout;
1460 		p++;
1461 		if ( p < stop ) do {
1462 			if ( *p == SUBEXPRESSION && p[2] == t->num ) {
1463 				oldstring = p;
1464 				p = t->termp;
1465 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < oldstring );
1466 				p += p[1];
1467 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[0];
1468 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[1];
1469 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[2];
1470 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[3];
1471 				if ( number == 2 || t->accup > t->accu ) {
1472 					oldstring = m;
1473 					*m++ = DELTA;
1474 					*m++ = 4;
1475 					if ( number == 2 ) {
1476 						*m++ = t->inlist[0];
1477 						*m++ = t->inlist[1];
1478 					}
1479 					if ( t->accup > t->accu ) {
1480 						pold = p;
1481 						p = t->accu;
1482 						while ( p < t->accup ) *m++ = *p++;
1483 						oldstring[1] = WORDDIF(m,oldstring);
1484 						p = pold;
1485 					}
1486 				}
1487 				if ( t->factor ) {
1488 					*m++ = SNUMBER;
1489 					*m++ = 4;
1490 					*m++ = 2;
1491 					*m++ = t->factor;
1492 				}
1493 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < stop );
1494 				*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
1495 				if ( t->allsign < 0 ) m[-1] = -m[-1];
1496 				if ( ( AT.WorkPointer = m ) > AT.WorkTop ) {
1497 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1498 					MesWork();
1499 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1500 					return(-1);
1501 				}
1502 				if ( *termout ) {
1503 					*AN.RepPoint = 1;
1504 					AR.expchanged = 1;
1505 					if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,t->level) ) goto TracCall;
1506 				}
1507 				AT.WorkPointer= termout;
1508 				return(0);
1509 			}
1510 			p += p[1];
1511 		} while ( p < stop );
1512 		return(0);
1513 	}
1514 /*
1515 			#] Special cases :
1516 			#[ Adjacent objects :
1517 */
1518 	p = t->inlist;
1519 	stop = p + number - 1;
1520 	if ( *p == *stop ) {		/* First and last of string */
1521 		oldval = *p;
1522 		*(t->accup)++ = *p;
1523 		*(t->accup)++ = *p;
1524 		m = p+1;
1525 		while ( m < stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1526 		if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
1527 		t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1528 		while ( p > t->inlist ) *--m = *--p;
1529 		*p = *stop = oldval;
1530 		t->accup -= 2;
1531 		return(0);
1532 	}
1533 	do {
1534 		if ( *p == p[1] ) {		/* Adjacent in string */
1535 			oldval = *p;
1536 			pold = p;
1537 			m = p+2;
1538 			*(t->accup)++ = *p;
1539 			*(t->accup)++ = *p;
1540 			while ( m <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1541 			if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracCall;
1542 			t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1543 			while ( p > pold ) *--m = *--p;
1544 			*p++ = oldval;
1545 			*p++ = oldval;
1546 			t->accup -= 2;
1547 			return(0);
1548 		}
1549 		p++;
1550 	} while ( p < stop );
1551 /*
1552 			#] Adjacent objects :
1553 			#[ Same Objects :
1554 */
1555 	p = t->inlist;
1556 	stop = p + number - 1;
1557 	diff = 2;
1558 	do {
1559 		p = t->inlist;
1560 		while ( p <= stop ) {
1561 			m = p + diff;
1562 			if ( m > stop ) m -= number;
1563 			if ( *p == *m ) {
1564 				WORD oldfactor, c;
1565 				oldstring = AT.WorkPointer;
1566 				AT.WorkPointer += number;
1567 				mold = m;
1568 				oldval = *p;
1569 				p = oldstring;
1570 				m = t->inlist;
1571 				while ( m <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1572 /*
1573 		Rotate the string
1574 */
1575 				{
1576 					m = mold + 1;
1577 					p = t->inlist;
1578 					while ( m <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1579 					m = oldstring;
1580 					while ( p <= stop ) *p++ = *m++;
1581 				}
1582 				oldfactor = t->allsign;
1583 				(t->factor)++;
1584 				p -= diff + 1;
1585 				m = stop;
1586 				if ( oldval >= ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET ) ||
1587 					( oldval >= AM.OffsetIndex
1588 					&& indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension ) ) {
1589 					m--;
1590 /*
1591 		We distinguish 4 cases:
1592 		m-p=1	Use g_(1,mu,a,mu) = (2-d_(mu,mu))*g_(1,a)
1593 		m-p=2	Use g_(1,mu,a,b,mu) = 4*d_(a,b)+(d_(mu,mu)-4)*g_(1,a,b)
1594 		m-p=3	Use g_(1,mu,a,b,c,mu) = -2*g_(1,c,b,a)
1595 						-(d_(mu,mu)-4)*g_(1,a,b,c)
1596 		m-p>3	Reduce down to m-p=3 with the old technique
1597 */
1598 					while ( m > (p+3) ) {
1599 						c = *p;
1600 						*p = *m;
1601 						*m = c;
1602 						if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1603 						t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1604 						m--;
1605 						t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1606 					}
1607 					switch ( WORDDIF(m,p) ) {
1608 						case 1:
1609 							c = *p;
1610 							*p = *m;
1611 							*m = c;
1612 							if ( oldval < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET )
1613 							&& indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].nmin4
1614 							!= -NMIN4SHIFT ) {
1615 								t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1616 								if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1617 								t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1618 								(t->factor)--;
1619 								*(t->accup)++ = SUMMEDIND;
1620 								*(t->accup)++ =
1621 									indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].nmin4;
1622 							}
1623 							else
1624 							{
1625 								if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1626 								t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1627 								t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1628 								(t->factor)--;
1629 								*(t->accup)++ = oldval;
1630 								*(t->accup)++ = oldval;
1631 							}
1632 							if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1633 							t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1634 							t->accup -= 2;
1635 							break;
1636 						case 2:
1637 							{ WORD one, two;
1638 							one = *p = p[1];
1639 							two = p[1] = *m;
1640 							(t->factor)++;			/* 4 */
1641 							*(t->accup)++ = *p;		/* d_(a,b) */
1642 							*(t->accup)++ = *m;
1643 							if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-4) ) goto TracnCall;
1644 							t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1645 							*p = one; p[1] = two;
1646 							t->accup -= 2;
1647 							if ( oldval < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET )
1648 							&& indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].nmin4
1649 							!= -NMIN4SHIFT ) {
1650 								t->factor -= 2;
1651 								*(t->accup)++ = SUMMEDIND;
1652 								*(t->accup)++ =
1653 									indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].nmin4;
1654 							}
1655 							else {
1656 								t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1657 								if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1658 								t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1659 								t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1660 								t->factor -= 2;
1661 								*(t->accup)++ = oldval;
1662 								*(t->accup)++ = oldval;
1663 							}
1664 							if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1665 							t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1666 							t->accup -= 2;
1667 							}
1668 							break;
1669 						default:
1670 							c = *p;
1671 							*p = *m;
1672 							*m = c;
1673 							c = m[-1]; m[-1] = m[-2]; m[-2] = c;
1674 							t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1675 							if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1676 							t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1677 							m--;
1678 							c = *p;
1679 							*p = *m;
1680 							*m = c;
1681 							(t->factor)--;
1682 							if ( oldval < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET )
1683 							&& indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].nmin4
1684 							!= -NMIN4SHIFT ) {
1685 								*(t->accup)++ = SUMMEDIND;
1686 								*(t->accup)++ =
1687 									indices[oldval-AM.OffsetIndex].nmin4;
1688 								if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1689 								t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1690 								t->accup -= 2;
1691 								t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1692 							}
1693 							else
1694 							{
1695 								*(t->accup)++ = oldval;
1696 								*(t->accup)++ = oldval;
1697 								if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1698 								t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1699 								t->accup -= 2;
1700 								t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1701 								t->factor += 2;
1702 								if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1703 								t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1704 								t->factor -= 2;
1705 							}
1706 							break;
1707 					}
1708 				}
1709 				else {
1710 					*(t->accup) = oldval;
1711 					t->accup += 2;
1712 					m--;
1713 					while ( m > p ) {
1714 						c = t->accup[-1];
1715 						t->accup[-1] = *m;
1716 						*m = c;
1717 						if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1718 						t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1719 						m--;
1720 						t->allsign = - t->allsign;
1721 					}
1722 					c = t->accup[-1];
1723 					t->accup[-1] = *m;
1724 					*m = c;
1725 					(t->factor)--;
1726 					if ( TraceNgen(BHEAD t,number-2) ) goto TracnCall;
1727 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1728 					t->accup -= 2;
1729 				}
1730 				t->allsign = oldfactor;
1731 				p = oldstring;
1732 				m = t->inlist;
1733 				while ( m <= stop ) *m++ = *p++;
1734 				AT.WorkPointer = oldstring;
1735 				return(0);
1736 			}
1737 			p++;
1738 		}
1739 		diff++;
1740 	} while ( diff <= (number>>1) );
1741 /*
1742 			#] Same Objects :
1743 			#[ All Different :
1745 		Here we have a string with all different objects.
1747 */
1748 	t->sgn = 0;
1749 	termout = AT.WorkPointer;
1750 	while ( ( diff = TraceNno(number,t->accup,t) ) != 0 ) {
1751 		p = t->termp;
1752 		stop = p + *p;
1753 		m = termout;
1754 		p++;
1755 		if ( p < stop ) do {
1756 			if ( *p == SUBEXPRESSION && p[2] == t->num ) {
1757 				oldstring = p;
1758 				p = t->termp;
1759 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < oldstring );
1760 				p += p[1];
1761 				pold = p;
1762 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[0];
1763 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[1];
1764 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[2];
1765 				*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[3];
1766 				*m++ = SNUMBER;
1767 				*m++ = 4;
1768 				*m++ = 2;
1769 				*m++ = t->factor;
1770 				p = t->accup;
1771 				oldval = number;
1772 				oldstring = m;
1773 				*m++ = DELTA;
1774 				*m++ = oldval + 2;
1775 				NCOPY(m,p,oldval);
1776 				if ( t->accup > t->accu ) {
1777 					p = t->accu;
1778 					while ( p < t->accup ) *m++ = *p++;
1779 					oldstring[1] = WORDDIF(m,oldstring);
1780 				}
1781 				p = pold;
1782 				do { *m++ = *p++; } while ( p < stop );
1783 				*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
1784 				if ( ( diff ^ t->allsign ) < 0 ) m[-1] = - m[-1];
1785 				if ( ( AT.WorkPointer = m ) > AT.WorkTop ) {
1786 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1787 					MesWork();
1788 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1789 					return(-1);
1790 				}
1791 				if ( *termout ) {
1792 					*AN.RepPoint = 1;
1793 					AR.expchanged = 1;
1794 					if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,t->level) ) {
1795 						AT.WorkPointer = termout;
1796 						goto TracCall;
1797 					}
1798 					t = AN.tracestack + AN.numtracesctack - 1;
1799 				}
1800 				break;
1801 			}
1802 			p += p[1];
1803 		} while ( p < stop );
1804 	}
1805 	AT.WorkPointer = termout;
1806 	return(0);
1808 /*
1809 			#] All Different :
1810 */
1811 TracnCall:
1812 	AT.WorkPointer = oldstring;
1813 TracCall:
1814 	if ( AM.tracebackflag ) {
1815 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1816 		MesCall("TraceNGen");
1817 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1818 	}
1819 	return(-1);
1820 }
1822 /*
1823  		#] TraceNgen :
1824  		#[ Traces :				WORD Traces(term,params,num,level)
1826 		The contents of the AT.TMout array are:
1827 		length,type,subtype,gamma5,factor,sign,gamma's
1829 */
Traces(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params,WORD num,WORD level)1831 WORD Traces(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params, WORD num, WORD level)
1832 {
1834 	switch ( AT.TMout[2] ) {	/* Subtype gives dimension */
1835 		case 0:
1836 			return(TraceN(BHEAD term,params,num,level));
1837 		case 4:
1838 			return(Trace4(BHEAD term,params,num,level));
1839 		case 12:
1840 			return(Trace4(BHEAD term,params,num,level));
1841 		case 20:
1842 			return(Trace4(BHEAD term,params,num,level));
1843 		default:
1844 			return(0);
1845 	}
1846 }
1848 /*
1849  		#] Traces :
1850  		#[ TraceFind :			WORD TraceFind(term,params)
1851 */
TraceFind(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params)1853 WORD TraceFind(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params)
1854 {
1856 	WORD *p, *m, *to;
1857 	WORD *termout, *stop, *stop2, number = 0;
1858 	WORD first = 1;
1859 	WORD type, spinline, sp;
1860 	type = params[3];
1861 	spinline = params[4];
1862 	if ( spinline < 0 ) {	/* $ variable. Evaluate */
1863 		sp = DolToIndex(BHEAD -spinline);
1864 		if ( AN.ErrorInDollar || sp < 0 ) {
1865 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1866 			MesPrint("$%s does not have an index value in trace statement in module %l",
1867 				DOLLARNAME(Dollars,-spinline),AC.CModule);
1868 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1869 			return(0);
1870 		}
1871 		spinline = sp;
1872 	}
1873 	to = AT.TMout;
1874 	to++;
1875 	*to++ = TAKETRACE;
1876 	*to++ = type;
1877 	*to++ = GAMMA1;
1878 	*to++ = 0;				/* Powers of two */
1879 	*to++ = 1;				/* sign */
1880 	p = term;
1881 	m = p + *p - 1;
1882 	stop = m - ABS(*m);
1883 	termout = m = AT.WorkPointer;
1884 	m++;
1885 	p++;
1886 	while ( p < stop ) {
1887 		stop2 = p + p[1];
1888 		if ( *p == GAMMA && p[FUNHEAD] == spinline ) {
1889 			if ( first ) {
1890 				*m++ = SUBEXPRESSION;
1891 				*m++ = SUBEXPSIZE;
1892 				*m++ = -1;
1893 				*m++ = 1;
1894 				*m++ = DUMMYBUFFER;
1895 				FILLSUB(m)
1896 				first = 0;
1897 			}
1898 			p += FUNHEAD+1;
1899 			while ( p < stop2 ) {
1900 				if ( *p == GAMMA5 ) {
1901 					if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA5 ) AT.TMout[3] = GAMMA1;
1902 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA1 ) AT.TMout[3] = GAMMA5;
1903 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA7 ) AT.TMout[5] = -AT.TMout[5];
1904 					if ( number & 1 ) AT.TMout[5] = - AT.TMout[5];
1905 					p++;
1906 				}
1907 				else if ( *p == GAMMA6 ) {
1908 					if ( number & 1 ) goto F7;
1909 F6:					if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA6 ) (AT.TMout[4])++;
1910 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA1 ) AT.TMout[3] = GAMMA6;
1911 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA5 ) AT.TMout[3] = GAMMA6;
1912 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA7 ) AT.TMout[5] = 0;
1913 					p++;
1914 				}
1915 				else if ( *p == GAMMA7 ) {
1916 					if ( number & 1 ) goto F6;
1917 F7:					if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA7 ) (AT.TMout[4])++;
1918 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA1 ) AT.TMout[3] = GAMMA7;
1919 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA5 ) {
1920 						AT.TMout[3] = GAMMA7;
1921 						AT.TMout[5] = -AT.TMout[5];
1922 					}
1923 					else if ( AT.TMout[3] == GAMMA6 ) AT.TMout[5] = 0;
1924 					p++;
1925 				}
1926 				else {
1927 					*to++ = *p++;
1928 					number++;
1929 				}
1930 			}
1931 		}
1932 		else {
1933 			while ( p < stop2 ) *m++ = *p++;
1934 		}
1935 	}
1936 	if ( first ) return(0);
1937 	AT.TMout[0] = WORDDIF(to,AT.TMout);
1938 	to = term;
1939 	to += *to;
1940 	while ( p < to ) *m++ = *p++;
1941 	*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
1942 	to = term;
1943 	p = termout;
1944 	do { *to++ = *p++; } while ( p < m );
1945 	AT.WorkPointer = term + *term;
1946 	return(1);
1947 }
1949 /*
1950  		#] TraceFind :
1951  		#[ Chisholm :			WORD Chisholm(term,level,num)
1953 		Routines for reorganizing traces.
1954 		The command
1955 			Chisholm,1;
1956 		will collect the gamma matrices in spinline 1 and see whether
1957 		they have an index in common with another gamma matrix. If this
1958 		is the case the identity
1959 			g_(2,mu)*Tr[g_(1,mu)*S(2)] = S(2)+SR(2)
1960 		is applied (SR is the reversed string).
1961 */
Chisholm(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD level)1963 WORD Chisholm(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD level)
1964 {
1966 	WORD *t, *r, *m, *s, *tt, *rr;
1967 	WORD *mat, *matpoint, *termout, *rdo;
1968 	CBUF *C = cbuf+AM.rbufnum;
1969 	WORD i, j, num = C->lhs[level][2], gam5;
1970 	WORD norm = 0, k, *matp;
1971 /*
1972   	#[ Find : Find possible matrices
1973 */
1974 	mat = matpoint = AT.WorkPointer;
1975 	t = term;
1976 	r = t + *t - 1; r -= ABS(*r);
1977 	t++;
1978 	i = 0;
1979 	gam5 = GAMMA1;
1980 	while ( t < r ) {
1981 		if ( *t == GAMMA && t[FUNHEAD] == num ) {
1982 			m = t + t[1];
1983 			t += FUNHEAD+1;
1984 			while ( t < m ) {
1985 				if ( *t >= 0 || *t < MINSPEC ) i++;
1986 				else {
1987 					if ( gam5 == GAMMA1 ) gam5 = *t;
1988 					else if ( gam5 == GAMMA5 ) {
1989 						if ( *t == GAMMA5 ) gam5 = GAMMA1;
1990 						else if ( *t != GAMMA1 ) gam5 = *t;
1991 					}
1992 				}
1993 				*matpoint++ = *t++;
1994 			}
1995 		}
1996 		else t += t[1];
1997 	}
1998 	if ( ( i & 1 ) != 0 ) return(0);	/* odd trace */
1999 /*
2000   	#] Find :
2001   	#[ Test : Test for contracted index
2003 	This code should be modified.
2005 	We have to check for all possible matches if C->lhs[level][3] == 1
2006 	and the trace contains a gamma5, gamma6 or gamma7.
2007 	Then we normalize by the number of possible contractions (norm) and
2008 	do all of them. This way the Levi-Civita tensors have a maximum
2009 	chance of cancelling each other. This option is activated with
2010 	`contract' and `symmetrize'. Defaults are that they are on, but
2011 	they can be switched off with nocontract and nosymmetrize.
2012 */
2013 	s = mat;
2014 	while ( s < matpoint ) {
2015 /*
2016 		if ( *s < AM.OffsetIndex || ( *s < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET ) &&
2017 		indices[*s-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension == 0 ) ) {
2018 */
2019 		if ( *s < AM.OffsetIndex || ( *s < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET ) &&
2020 		indices[*s-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension != 4 )
2021 		|| ( ( AC.lDefDim != 4 ) && ( *s >= ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET ) ) ) ) {
2022 			s++; continue;
2023 		}
2024 		t = term+1;
2025 		while ( t < r ) {
2026 			if ( *t == GAMMA && t[FUNHEAD] != num ) {
2027 				m = t + t[1];
2028 				t += FUNHEAD+1;
2029 				while ( t < m ) {
2030 					if ( *t == *s ) {
2031 						norm++;
2032 					}
2033 					t++;
2034 				}
2035 			}
2036 			else t += t[1];
2037 		}
2038 		s++;
2039 	}
2040 	if ( norm == 0 ) return(Generator(BHEAD term,level));	/* No Action */
2041 /*
2042   	#] Test :
2043   	#[ Do : Process the string
2045 	tt:	The subterm
2046 	t:	The matrix
2047 	s:	The matrix in the relevant string
2049 	Cycle the string in mat so that s is at the end.
2050 	Copy the part till the critical GAMMA.
2051 	Copy inside the critical string, copy S, copy tail inside string.
2052 	Important to remember where S is so that we can reverse it later.
2053 	Add term UnitTrace/2/norm.
2054 	Copy rest of term.
2055 	Continue execution with S.
2056 	Reverse S.
2057 	Continue execution with SR.
2058 */
2060 	if ( C->lhs[level][3] == 0 /* || gam5 == GAMMA1 */ ) norm = 1;
2062 	matp = matpoint;
2063 	for ( k = 0; k < norm; k++ ) {
2064 		matpoint = matp;
2065 		s = mat;
2066 		while ( s < matpoint ) {
2067 /*
2068 			if ( *s < AM.OffsetIndex || ( *s < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET ) &&
2069 			indices[*s-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension == 0 ) ) {
2070 */
2071 			if ( *s < AM.OffsetIndex || ( *s < ( AM.OffsetIndex + WILDOFFSET ) &&
2072 			indices[*s-AM.OffsetIndex].dimension != 4 ) ) {
2073 				s++; continue;
2074 			}
2075 			t = term+1;
2076 			while ( t < r ) {
2077 				if ( *t == GAMMA && t[FUNHEAD] != num ) {
2078 					tt = t;
2079 					m = t + t[1];
2080 					t += FUNHEAD+1;
2081 					while ( t < m ) {
2082 						if ( *t == *s ) {
2083 							i = WORDDIF(t,tt);
2084 							m = mat;
2085 							while ( m <= s ) *matpoint++ = *m++;
2086 							t = mat;
2087 							while ( m < matpoint ) *t++ = *m++;
2088 							termout = t;
2089 							m = termout + 1;
2090 							t = term + 1;
2091 							while ( t < tt ) {
2092 								if ( *t != GAMMA || t[FUNHEAD] != num ) {
2093 									j = t[1];
2094 									NCOPY(m,t,j);
2095 								}
2096 								else t += t[1];
2097 							}
2099 							tt += tt[1];
2100 							rdo = m;
2101 							j = i;
2102 							while ( --j >= 0 ) *m++ = *t++;
2103 							matpoint = m;
2104 							s = mat;
2105 							while ( s < termout ) *m++ = *s++;
2106 							m--;
2107 							t++;
2108 							while ( t < tt ) *m++ = *t++;
2109 							rdo[1] = WORDDIF(m,rdo);
2111 							*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[0];
2112 							*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[1];
2113 							*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[2];
2114 							*m++ = AC.lUniTrace[3];
2115 							*m++ = SNUMBER;
2116 							*m++ = 4;
2117 							*m++ = 2*norm;
2118 							*m++ = -1;
2120 							while ( t < r ) {
2121 								if ( *t != GAMMA || t[FUNHEAD] != num ) {
2122 									j = t[1];
2123 									NCOPY(m,t,j);
2124 								}
2125 								else t += t[1];
2126 							}
2127 							rr = term + *term;
2128 							while ( t < rr ) *m++ = *t++;
2130 							*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
2131 							rr = m;
2132 							t = termout;
2133 							j = *termout;
2134 							NCOPY(m,t,j);
2135 							AT.WorkPointer = m;
2136 							if ( Generator(BHEAD t,level) ) goto ChisCall;
2138 							j = WORDDIF(termout,mat)-1;
2139 							t = matpoint;
2140 							m = t + j;
2141 							AT.WorkPointer = rr;
2142 							while ( m > t ) {
2143 								i = *--m; *m = *t; *t++ = i;
2144 							}
2146 							if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,level) ) goto ChisCall;
2147 							AT.WorkPointer = mat;
2149 							goto NextK;
2150 						}
2151 						t++;
2152 					}
2153 				}
2154 				else t += t[1];
2155 			}
2156 			s++;
2157 		}
2158 NextK:;
2159 	}
2160 	return(0);
2161 /*
2162   	#] Do :
2163 */
2164 ChisCall:
2165 	if ( AM.tracebackflag ) {
2166 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2167 		MesCall("Chisholm");
2168 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2169 	}
2170 	return(-1);
2171 }
2173 /*
2174  		#] Chisholm :
2175  		#[ TenVecFind :			WORD TenVecFind(term,params)
2176 */
TenVecFind(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params)2178 WORD TenVecFind(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params)
2179 {
2181 	WORD *t, *w, *m, *tstop;
2182 	WORD i, mode, thevector, thetensor, spectator;
2183 	thetensor = params[3];
2184 	thevector = params[4];
2185 	mode = params[5];
2186 	if ( thetensor < 0 ) {	/* $-expression */
2187 		thetensor = DolToTensor(BHEAD -thetensor);
2188 		if ( thetensor < FUNCTION ) {
2189 			if ( thevector > 0 ) {
2190 				thetensor = DolToTensor(BHEAD thevector);
2191 				if ( thetensor < FUNCTION ) {
2192 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2193 					MesPrint("$%s should have been a tensor in module %l"
2194 						,DOLLARNAME(Dollars,params[4]),AC.CModule);
2195 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2196 					return(-1);
2197 				}
2198 				thevector = DolToVector(BHEAD -params[3]);
2199 				if ( thevector >= 0 ) {
2200 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2201 					MesPrint("$%s should have been a vector in module %l"
2202 						,DOLLARNAME(Dollars,-params[3]),AC.CModule);
2203 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2204 					return(-1);
2205 				}
2206 			}
2207 			else {
2208 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2209 				MesPrint("$%s should have been a tensor in module %l"
2210 					,DOLLARNAME(Dollars,-params[3]),AC.CModule);
2211 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2212 				return(-1);
2213 			}
2214 		}
2215 	}
2216 	if ( thevector > 0 ) {	/* $-expression */
2217 		thevector = DolToVector(BHEAD thevector);
2218 		if ( thevector >= 0 ) {
2219 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2220 			MesPrint("$%s should have been a vector in module %l"
2221 				,DOLLARNAME(Dollars,params[4]),AC.CModule);
2222 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2223 			return(-1);
2224 		}
2225 	}
2226 	if ( ( mode & 1 ) != 0 ) {  /* Vector to tensor */
2227 		GETSTOP(term,tstop);
2228 		t = term + 1;
2229 		while ( t < tstop ) {
2230 			if ( *t == DOTPRODUCT ) {
2231 				i = t[1] - 2; t += 2;
2232 				while ( i > 0 ) {
2233 					spectator = 0;
2234 					if ( t[2] < 0 ) {}
2235 					else if ( *t == thevector && t[1] == thevector ) {
2236 						if ( ( mode & 2 ) == 0 ) spectator = thevector;
2237 					}
2238 					else if ( *t == thevector ) spectator = t[1];
2239 					else if ( t[1] == thevector ) spectator = *t;
2240 					if ( spectator ) {
2241 						if ( ( mode & 8 ) == 0 ) goto match;
2242 						w = SetElements + Sets[params[6]].first;
2243 						m = SetElements + Sets[params[6]].last;
2244 						while ( w < m ) {
2245 							if ( *w == spectator ) break;
2246 							w++;
2247 						}
2248 						if ( w >= m ) goto match;
2249 					}
2250 					t += 3;
2251 					i -= 3;
2252 				}
2253 			}
2254 			else if ( *t == VECTOR ) {
2255 				i = t[1] - 2; t += 2;
2256 				while ( i > 0 ) {
2257 					if ( *t == thevector ) goto match;
2258 					t += 2;
2259 					i -= 2;
2260 				}
2261 			}
2262 			else if ( *t == thetensor ) t += t[1];
2263 			else if ( *t >= FUNCTION ) {
2264 				if ( functions[*t-FUNCTION].spec > 0 ) {
2265 					w = t + t[1];
2266 					t += FUNHEAD;
2267 					while ( t < w ) {
2268 						if ( *t == thevector ) goto match;
2269 						t++;
2270 					}
2271 				}
2272 				else if ( ( mode & 4 ) != 0 ) {
2273 					w = t + t[1];
2274 					t += FUNHEAD;
2275 					while ( t < w ) {
2276 						if ( *t == -VECTOR && t[1] == thevector ) goto match;
2277 						else if ( *t > 0 ) t += *t;
2278 						else if ( *t <= -FUNCTION ) t++;
2279 						else t += 2;
2280 					}
2281 				}
2282 				else t += t[1];
2283 			}
2284 			else t += t[1];
2285 		}
2286 	}
2287 	else { 						/* Tensor to Vector */
2288 		GETSTOP(term,tstop);
2289 		t = term+1;
2290 		while ( t < tstop ) {
2291 			if ( *t == thetensor ) goto match;
2292 			t += t[1];
2293 		}
2294 	}
2295 	return(0);
2296 match:
2297 	AT.TMout[0] = 5;
2298 	AT.TMout[1] = TENVEC;
2299 	AT.TMout[2] = thetensor;
2300 	AT.TMout[3] = thevector;
2301 	AT.TMout[4] = mode;
2302 	if ( ( mode & 8 ) != 0 ) { AT.TMout[0] = 6; AT.TMout[5] = params[6]; }
2303 	return(1);
2305 }
2307 /*
2308  		#] TenVecFind :
2309  		#[ TenVec :				WORD TenVec(term,params,num,level)
2310 */
TenVec(PHEAD WORD * term,WORD * params,WORD num,WORD level)2312 WORD TenVec(PHEAD WORD *term, WORD *params, WORD num, WORD level)
2313 {
2315 	WORD *t, *m, *w, *termout, *tstop, *outlist, *ou, *ww, *mm;
2316 	WORD i, j, k, x, mode, thevector, thetensor, DumNow, spectator;
2317 	DUMMYUSE(num);
2318 	thetensor = params[2];
2319 	thevector = params[3];
2320 	mode = params[4];
2321 	termout = AT.WorkPointer;
2322 	DumNow = AR.CurDum = DetCurDum(BHEAD term);
2323 	if ( ( mode & 1 ) != 0 ) {  /* Vector to tensor */
2324 		AT.WorkPointer += *term;
2325 		ou = outlist = AT.WorkPointer;
2326 		GETSTOP(term,tstop);
2327 		t = term + 1;
2328 		m = termout + 1;
2329 		while ( t < tstop ) {
2330 			if ( *t == DOTPRODUCT ) {
2331 				i = t[1] - 2;
2332 				w = m;
2333 				*m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++;
2334 				while ( i > 0 ) {
2335 					spectator = 0;
2336 					if ( t[2] < 0 ) {
2337 						*m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++;
2338 					}
2339 					else if ( *t == thevector && t[1] == thevector ) {
2340 						if ( ( mode & 2 ) == 0 ) spectator = thevector;
2341 						else {
2342 							*m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++;
2343 						}
2344 					}
2345 					else if ( *t == thevector ) spectator = t[1];
2346 					else if ( t[1] == thevector ) spectator = *t;
2347 					else {
2348 						*m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++;
2349 					}
2350 					if ( spectator ) {
2351 						if ( ( mode & 8 ) == 0 ) goto noveto;
2352 						ww = SetElements + Sets[params[5]].first;
2353 						mm = SetElements + Sets[params[5]].last;
2354 						while ( ww < mm ) {
2355 							if ( *ww == spectator ) break;
2356 							ww++;
2357 						}
2358 						if ( ww < mm ) {
2359 							*m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++;
2360 						}
2361 						else {
2362 noveto:					if ( spectator == thevector ) {
2363 							for ( j = 0; j < t[2]; j++ ) {
2364 								*ou++ = ++AR.CurDum;
2365 								*ou++ = AR.CurDum;
2366 							}
2367 							t += 3;
2368 						}
2369 						else {
2370 							for ( j = 0; j < t[2]; j++ ) *ou++ = spectator;
2371 							t += 3;
2372 						}}
2373 					}
2374 					i -= 3;
2375 				}
2376 				w[1] = WORDDIF(m,w);
2377 				if ( w[1] == 2 ) m = w;
2378 			}
2379 			else if ( *t == VECTOR ) {
2380 				i = t[1] - 2; w = m;
2381 				*m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++;
2382 				while ( i > 0 ) {
2383 					if ( *t == thevector ) {
2384 						*ou++ = t[1];
2385 						t += 2;
2386 					}
2387 					else { *m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++; }
2388 					i -= 2;
2389 				}
2390 				w[1] = WORDDIF(m,w);
2391 				if ( w[1] == 2 ) m = w;
2392 			}
2393 			else if ( *t == thetensor ) {
2394 				i = t[1] - FUNHEAD;
2395 				t += FUNHEAD;
2396 				NCOPY(ou,t,i);
2397 			}
2398 			else if ( *t >= FUNCTION ) {
2399 				if ( functions[*t-FUNCTION].spec > 0 ) {
2400 					w = t + t[1];
2401 					i = FUNHEAD;
2402 					NCOPY(m,t,i);
2403 					while ( t < w ) {
2404 						if ( *t == thevector ) {
2405 							*m++ = ++AR.CurDum;
2406 							*ou++ = AR.CurDum;
2407 							t++;
2408 						}
2409 						else *m++ = *t++;
2410 					}
2411 				}
2412 				else if ( ( mode & 4 ) != 0 ) {
2413 					w = t + t[1];
2414 					i = FUNHEAD;
2415 					NCOPY(m,t,i);
2416 					while ( t < w ) {
2417 						if ( *t == -VECTOR && t[1] == thevector ) {
2418 							*m++ = -INDEX;
2419 							*m++ = ++AR.CurDum;
2420 							*ou++ = AR.CurDum;
2421 							t += 2;
2422 						}
2423 						else if ( *t > 0 ) {
2424 							i = *t;
2425 							NCOPY(m,t,i);
2426 						}
2427 						else if ( *t <= -FUNCTION ) *m++ = *t++;
2428 						else { *m++ = *t++; *m++ = *t++; }
2429 					}
2430 				}
2431 				else goto docopy;
2432 			}
2433 			else {
2434 docopy:
2435 				i = t[1];
2436 				NCOPY(m,t,i);
2437 			}
2438 		}
2439 		i = WORDDIF(ou,outlist);
2440 		if ( i > 0 ) {
2441 			for ( j = 1; j < i; j++ ) {
2442 				if ( outlist[j-1] > outlist[j] ) {
2443 					x = outlist[j-1]; outlist[j-1] = outlist[j]; outlist[j] = x;
2444 					for ( k = j-1; k > 0; k-- ) {
2445 						if ( outlist[k-1] <= outlist[k] ) break;
2446 						x = outlist[k-1]; outlist[k-1] = outlist[k]; outlist[k] = x;
2447 					}
2448 				}
2449 			}
2451 			*m++ = thetensor;
2452 			*m++ = FUNHEAD + i;
2453 			*m++ = DIRTYSYMFLAG;
2454 			FILLFUN3(m)
2455 			ou = outlist;
2456 			NCOPY(m,ou,i);
2457 		}
2458 		w = term + *term;
2459 		while ( t < w ) *m++ = *t++;
2460 	}
2461 	else { 						/* Tensor to Vector */
2462 		GETSTOP(term,tstop);
2463 		t = term+1;
2464 		m = termout+1;
2465 		while ( t < tstop ) {
2466 			if ( *t != thetensor ) {
2467 				i = t[1];
2468 				NCOPY(m,t,i);
2469 			}
2470 			else {
2471 				i = t[1] - FUNHEAD;
2472 				t += FUNHEAD;
2473 				if ( i > 0 ) {
2474 					w = m; m += 2;
2475 					while ( --i >= 0 ) {
2476 						*m++ = thevector;
2477 						*m++ = *t++;
2478 					}
2479 					*w = DELTA;
2480 					w[1] = WORDDIF(m,w);
2481 				}
2482 			}
2483 		}
2484 		w = term + *term;
2485 		while ( t < w ) *m++ = *t++;
2486 	}
2487 	*termout = WORDDIF(m,termout);
2488 	AT.WorkPointer = m;
2489 	*AT.TMout = 0;
2490 	if ( Generator(BHEAD termout,level) ) goto fromTenVec;
2491 	AR.CurDum = DumNow;
2492 	AT.WorkPointer = termout;
2493 	return(0);
2494 fromTenVec:
2495 	if ( AM.tracebackflag ) {
2496 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2497 		MesCall("TenVec");
2498 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2499 	}
2500 	return(-1);
2501 }
2503 /*
2504  		#] TenVec :
2505   	#] Operations :
2506 */