3##  This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
4##  This file's authors include Michael Smith, Alexander Hulpke.
6##  Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
7##  to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
9##  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
11##  This file contains meataxe type routines to compute module homomorphisms
12##  for modules that are not necessarily irreducible. They are mainly a
13##  conversion of the module routines in the GAP3 package `autag' by the
14##  first author.
18  if m1.field<>m2.field then
19    Error("different fields");
20  fi;
21  if Length(m1.generators)<>Length(m2.generators) then
22    Error("generators are different lengths");
23  fi;
26# basis for homomorphism space, efficient only for small dimensions
28local f, d1, d2, e, z, g1, g2, r, b, n, a, gp, i, j, k;
29  f:=m1.field;
30  d1:=m1.dimension;
31  d2:=m2.dimension;
32  e:=[];
33  z:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(d1*d2,Zero(f));
34  z:=ImmutableVector(f,z);
35  for gp in [1..Length(m1.generators)] do
36    g1:=m1.generators[gp];
37    g2:=m2.generators[gp];
38    for i in [1..d1] do
39      for j in [1..d2] do
40	# calculate equation for i-th row, j-th column
41        r:=ShallowCopy(z);
42	# the entry in g*hom is the i-th row of g with the variables in the
43	# j-th column
44	for k in [1..d1] do
45	  b:=(k-1)*d2+j;
46	  r[b]:=r[b]+g1[i][k];
47        od;
48	# the entry in hom*g is the variables in the i-th row of hom with the
49	# j-th column of g
50	for k in [1..d2] do
51	  b:=(i-1)*d2+k;
52	  r[b]:=r[b]-g2[k][j];
53	od;
54	Add(e,r);
55      od;
56    od;
57  od;
58  n:=NullspaceMat(TransposedMat(e));
59  b:=[];
60  for i in n do
61    # convert back to d1 x d2 matrix
62    a:=[];
63    for j in [1..d1] do
64      Add(a,i{[(j-1)*d2+1..(j-1)*d2+d2]});
65    od;
66    a:=ImmutableMatrix(f,a);
67    Add(b,a);
68  od;
69  return b;
73# the following code is essentially due to Michael Smith
75# These routines are designed to accumulate a system of linear equations
77#    M_1 X = V_1,  M_2 X = V_2 ...  M_t X = V_t
79# Where each M_i is an m_i*n matrix, X is the unknown length n vector, and
80# each V is an length m_i vector.  The equations can be added as each batch
81# is calculated. Here is some pseudo-code to demonstrate:
83#   eqns := newEqns (n, field);
84#   i := 1;
85#   repeat
86#     <calculate M_i and V_i>
87#     addEqns(M_i, V_i)
88#     increment i;
89#   until  i > t  or  eqns.failed;
90#   if not eqns.failed then
91#     S := solveEqns(eqns);
92#   fi;
94# As demonstrated by the example, an early notification of failure is
95# available by checking ".failed".  All new equations are sifted with respect
96# to the current set, and only added if they are independent of the current
97# set. If a new equation reduces to the zero row and a nonzero vector
98# entry, then there is no solution and this is immediately returned by
99# setting eqns.failed to true.  The function solveEqns has an already
100# triangulised system of equations, so it simply reduces above the pivots
101# and returns the solution vector.
104BindGlobal("SMTX_AddEqns",function ( eqns, newmat, newvec)
105local n, zero, weights, mat, vec, NextPositionProperty, ReduceRow, t,
106      newweight, newrow, newrhs, i, l, k;
108# Add a bunch of equations to the system of equations in <eqns>.  Each
109# row of <newmat> is the left-hand side of a new equation, and the
110# corresponding row of <newvec> the right-hand side. Each equation in
111# filtered against the current echelonised system stored in <eqns> and
112# then added if it is independent of the system.  As soon as a
113# left-hand side reduces to 0 with a non-zero right-hand side, the flag
114# <eqns.failed> is set.
116  Info(InfoMtxHom,6,"addEqns: entering" );
118  n := eqns.dim;
119  zero := Zero(eqns.field);
120  weights := eqns.weights;
121  mat := eqns.mat;
122  vec := eqns.vec;
124  NextPositionProperty := function (list, func, start )
125  local   i;
126    for i  in [ start .. Length( list ) ]  do
127      if func( list[ i ] )  then
128	return i;
129      fi;
130    od;
131    return fail;
132  end;
134  # reduce the (lhs,rhs) against the semi-echelonised current matrix,
135  # and return either: (1) the reduced rhs if the lhs reduces to zero,
136  # or (2) a list containing the new echelon weight, the new row and
137  # the new rhs for the system, and the row number that this
138  # equation should placed.
139  ReduceRow := function (lhs, rhs)
140  local lead, i, z;
141    lead := PositionProperty(lhs, i->i<>zero);
142    if lead = fail then
143      return rhs;
144    fi;
145    for i in [1..Length(weights)] do
146      if weights[i] = lead then
147	z := lhs[lead];
148	lhs := lhs - z * mat[i]; rhs := rhs - z * vec[i];
149	lead := NextPositionProperty(lhs, i->i<>zero, lead);
150	if lead = fail then
151	  return rhs;
152	fi;
153      elif weights[i] > lead then
154	return [lead, lhs, rhs, i];
155      fi;
156    od;
157    return [lead, lhs, rhs, Length(weights)+1];
158  end;
160  for k in [1..Length(newmat)] do
161    t := ReduceRow(newmat[k], newvec[k]);
163    if IsList(t) then
164      # new equation
165      newweight := t[1];
166      newrow := t[2];
167      newrhs := t[3];
168      i := t[4]; # position for new row
170      # normalise so that leading entry is 1
171      newrhs := newrhs / newrow[newweight];
172      newrow := newrow / newrow[newweight]; # NB: in this order
174      if i = Length(mat)+1 then
175	# add new equation to end of list
176	Add(mat, newrow);
177	Add(vec, newrhs);
178	Add(weights, newweight);
179      else
180	l := Length(mat);
181	# move down other rows to make space for this new one...
182	mat{[i+1..l+1]} := mat{[i..l]};
183	vec{[i+1..l+1]} := vec{[i..l]};
184	# and then slot it in
185	mat[i] := newrow;
186	vec[i] := newrhs;
187	weights{[i+1..l+1]} := weights{[i..l]};
188	weights[i] := newweight;
189      fi;
191    else
192      # no new equation, check whether inconsistent due to
193      # nonzero rhs reduction
195      if not IsZero(t) then
196	Info(InfoMtxHom,6,"addEqns: FAIL!" );
197	eqns.failed := true;
198	return eqns; # return immediately
199      fi;
200    fi;
201  od;
204BindGlobal("SMTX_NewEqns",function (arg)
205local X, n, F, V, eqns;
207  if Length(arg) <2 then
208    Error("NewEqns(dim, field) or NewEqns(X, V)");
209  fi;
211  if IsInt(arg[1]) then
212    X := false;
213    n := arg[1];
214    F := arg[2];
215  else
216    X := arg[1];
217    V := arg[2];
218    n := Length(X[1]);
219    F := Field(X[1][1]); # Note: prime field only
220  fi;
222  eqns := rec();
223  eqns.dim := n;              # number of variables
224  eqns.field := F;            # field over which the equation hold
225  eqns.mat := [];             # left-hand sides of system
226  eqns.weights := [];         # echelon weights for lhs matrix
227  eqns.vec := [];             # right-hand sides of system
228  eqns.failed := false;         # flag to indicate inconsistent system
229  eqns.index := [];           # index for row ordering
231  if IsMatrix(X) then
232    SMTX_AddEqns(eqns, X, V);
233  fi;
235  return eqns;
238BindGlobal("SMTX_KillAbovePivotsEqns",function (eqns)
239# Eliminate entries above pivots. Note that the pivot entries are
240# all 1 courtesy of SMTX_AddEqns.
242local m, n, zero, i, c, j, factor;
244  Info(InfoMtxHom,6,"killAbovePivotsEqns: entering" );
245  m := Length(eqns.mat);
246  n := eqns.dim;
247  if m > 0 then
248    zero := Zero(eqns.field);
249    for i in [1..m] do
250      c := eqns.weights[i];
251      for j in [1..i-1] do
252	if eqns.mat[j][c] <> zero then
253	  Info(InfoMtxHom,6,"solveEqns: kill mat[",j,",",c,"]");
254	  factor := eqns.mat[j][c];
255	  eqns.mat[j] := eqns.mat[j] - factor*eqns.mat[i];
256	  eqns.vec[j] := eqns.vec[j] - factor*eqns.vec[i];
257	fi;
258      od;
259    od;
260  fi;
261  Info(InfoMtxHom,6,"killAbovePivotsEqns: leaving" );
266# Take the matrix stored in equation record <e> and compute a basis
267# for its nullspace, ie  x  such that  mat * x = 0.  Note that the
268# vector is on the other side of the matrix from GAP's NullspaceMat.
269# This means we get to skip the Transposing that occurs at the top
270# of that function (a bonus!).
272# This function is a modified version NullspaceMat in matrix.g
274local mat, m, n, zero, one, empty, i, k, nullspace, row,mi;
276  SMTX_KillAbovePivotsEqns(e);
277  mat := e.mat;
279  m := Length(mat);
280  n := e.dim;
281  zero := Zero(e.field);
282  one  := One(e.field);
284  # insert empty rows to bring the leading term of each row on the diagonal
285  empty := ListWithIdenticalEntries(n,zero);
286  empty := ImmutableVector(e.field,empty);
287  i := 1;
288  while i <= Length(mat)  do
289    if i < n  and mat[i][i] = zero  then
290      mi:=Minimum(Length(mat),n-1);
291      for k in [mi,mi-1..i]  do
292	mat[k+1] := mat[k];
293      od;
294      mat[i] := empty;
295    fi;
296    i := i+1;
297  od;
298  for i  in [ Length(mat)+1 .. n ]  do
299    mat[i] := empty;
300  od;
302  # The following comment from NullspaceMat:
303  # 'mat' now  looks  like  [ [1,2,0,2], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,3], [0,0,0,0] ],
304  # and the solutions can be read in those columns with a 0 on the diagonal
305  # by replacing this 0 by a -1, in  this  example  [2,-1,0,0], [2,0,3,-1].
306  nullspace := [];
307  for k in [1..n] do
308    if mat[k][k] = zero  then
309      row := [];
310      for i  in [1..k-1]  do row[i] := -mat[i][k];  od;
311      row[k] := one;
312      for i  in [k+1..n]  do row[i] := zero;  od;
313      Add( nullspace, row );
314    fi;
315  od;
317  return nullspace;
321BindGlobal("EchResidueCoeffs",function (base, ech, v,mode)
322local n, coeffs, x, zero, z, i;
324# Take a semi-ech basis <base>, with ech weights <ech>, and a vector
325# <v> in the subspace spanned by <base>. Returns:
326# if mode>2:
327# a record containing the
328# residue after removing projection of <v> onto subspace spanned by
329# <base>, as well as the coefficients of the linear combination of
330# <base> elements used to obtain the projection. Also return the
331# projection.
332# if mode =1 returns only the coefficients
333# if mode=2 returns only the residue
335# Note that the pivots of <base> must be set to 1.
337  n:=Length(base);
339  if n = 0 then
340    coeffs:=[];
341    x:=v;
342  else
343    x:=v;
344    zero:=x[1]*0;
345    coeffs:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(n, zero);
346    for i in [1..n] do
347      z:=x[ech[i]];
348      if z <> zero then
349	x:=x - z * base[i];
350	coeffs[i]:=z;
351      fi;
352    od;
353  fi;
355  if mode=1 then
356    return coeffs;
357  elif mode=2 then
358    return x;
359  else
360    return rec(coeffs:=coeffs,
361	      residue:=x,
362	      projection:=v - x
363	      );
364  fi;
367BindGlobal("SpinSpaceVector",function (V, U, ech, v,zero)
368local gens, pos, settled, oldlen, i, j;
370# Take <U> a semi-ech basis for a submodule of <V>, with ech-weights
371# <ech>, and a vector <v> in <V>. Return a semi-ech basis for the
372# submodule generated by <U> and <v>.
374  U:=ShallowCopy(U);
375  ech:=ShallowCopy(ech);
376  gens:=V.generators;
378  v:=EchResidueCoeffs(U, ech, v,2);
379  pos:=PositionProperty(v, i->i<>zero);
380  if pos = fail then
381    return U;
382  fi;
383  Add(U, v/v[pos]); Add(ech, pos);
385  settled:=Maximum(Length(U),1); # <U> is a submodule
386  repeat
387    oldlen:=Length(U);
388    for i in [settled+1..Length(U)] do
389      for j in [1..Length(gens)] do
390	v:=EchResidueCoeffs(U, ech, (U[i] * gens[j]),2);
391	pos:=PositionProperty(v, i->i<>zero);
392	if pos <> fail then
393	  Add(U, v/v[pos]); Add(ech, pos);
394	fi;
395      od;
396    od;
397    settled:=oldlen;
398  until oldlen = Length(U);
399  return U;
402BindGlobal("SpinHomFindVector",function (r)
403local V, nv, W, nw, U, echu, F, matsV, matsW, k, g1, g2, max_stack_len, _t,
404      newstack, v0, extradim, N, count, look_lim, done, grpalg, i, M, pos, A,
405      j,zero;
407# <r> contains information about modules <V> and <W>, and a submodule
408# <U> of <V> with semi-ech information <echu>. The routine selects
409# an element of <V> lying outside of <U> that will be used to spin
410# up to a new submodule U'.
412# It returns a list [<v0>, <M>] where <v0> is the element of <V>
413# and <M> is a basis for a submodule of <W> which <v0> must map into
414# under any hom.
416  V:=r.V;    nv:=V.dimension;
417  W:=r.W;    nw:=W.dimension;
418  U:=r.U;    echu:=r.echu;
419  F:=V.field;
420  zero:=Zero(F);
422  if not IsBound(r.mats) then
423    matsV:=V.generators;
424    matsW:=W.generators;
425    k:=Length(matsV);
426    r.mats:=List([1..k], i -> [matsV[i], matsW[i]]);
428    # do preprocessing to make random matrices list in parallel
430    for i in [1..10] do
431      g1:=Random(1, k);
432      g2:=g1;
433      while g2 = g1 and Length(r.mats)>1 do
434	g2:=Random(1, k);
435      od;
436      Add(r.mats,[r.mats[g1][1]*r.mats[g2][1],
437		  r.mats[g1][2]*r.mats[g2][2]]);
438      k:=k + 1;
439    od;
441    r.zero:=[ ImmutableMatrix(F,NullMat(nv,nv,F)),
442	      ImmutableMatrix(F,NullMat(nw,nw,F)) ];
444    # we build a stack of good grpalg elements to use for choosing
445    # elements <v0> --- an element <A> in <stack> is of the form:
446    #   A[1] = v0
447    #   A[2] = grpalg element whose nullspace contains v0
448    #   A[3] = Dim(<U,v0>^G)-Dim(U) i.e. increase in dim by adding
449    #          <v0> to <U>
450    r.stack:=[];
452  else
453    k:=Length(r.mats);
454  fi;
456  max_stack_len:=10;
458  # adjust the elements of the stack to account for the larger
459  # submodule <U> we now have
460  _t:=Runtime();
461  newstack:=[];
462  for A in r.stack do
463    v0:=A[1];
464    extradim:=Length(SpinSpaceVector(V, U, echu, v0,zero))
465		- Length(U);
466    if extradim > 0 then
467      Add(newstack, [v0, A[2], extradim]);
468    fi;
469  od;
470  r.stack:=newstack;
471  Info(InfoMtxHom,2,"stack reduced to length ", Length(r.stack), " (",
472	  Runtime()-_t, ")");
474  # <N> contains the nullspace in <V> of a group algebra element ---
475  # initialise it to the empty list for the following repeat loop
476  N:=[];
478  count:=0;
479  look_lim:=5;  # give up after this many random grpalg elements
481  _t:=Runtime();
483  if Length(r.stack) > 0 then
484    # if we have something left, don't bother generating any new
485    # grpalg elements (?)
486    count:=look_lim + 1;
487  fi;
489  done:=false;
490  while count < look_lim and Length(r.stack) < max_stack_len and not done do
492    # we look for a while and take the best element found
494    # We are looking for an element <v0> of a nullspace that lies
495    # outside of <U>
497    repeat
498      # Take a work record <r> containing the information about the two
499      # modules <V> and <W>, and return a random group algebra element
500      # record containing its action on each of the modules.
502      # first take two elements of the list and multiply them
503      # together
504      g1:=Random(1, k);
505      repeat
506	g2:=Random(1, k);
507      until g2 <> g1 or Length(r.mats)=1;
508      Add(r.mats,[r.mats[g1][1]*r.mats[g2][1],
509		  r.mats[g1][2]*r.mats[g2][2]]);
510      k:=k + 1;
512      # Now take a random linear sum of the existing generators as new
513      # generator.  Record the sum in coefflist
515      grpalg:=ShallowCopy(r.zero);
517      for g1 in [1..k] do
518	g2:=Random(F);
519	if not IsZero(g2) then
520	  grpalg[1]:=grpalg[1] + g2*r.mats[g1][1];
521	  grpalg[2]:=grpalg[2] + g2*r.mats[g1][2];
522	fi;
523      od;
524      N:=TriangulizedNullspaceMat(grpalg[1]);
525      count:=count + 1;
526    until Length(N) > 0 or count >= look_lim;
528    if Length(N) > 0 then
530      # now find best element of <N> for adding to <stack>
531      extradim:=List(N, y ->
532			Length(SpinSpaceVector(V, U, echu, y,zero))
533			- Length(U));
534      i:=1;
535      for j in [2..Length(extradim)] do
536	if extradim[j] > extradim[i] then
537	  i:=j;
538	fi;
539      od;
540      if extradim[i] > 0 then
541	# exit early if we have found an element that gets use all
542	# of <V> after spinning
543	done:=extradim[i] = nv - Length(U);
544	if done then
545	  r.stack:=[[N[i], grpalg, extradim[i]]];
546	else
547	  Add(r.stack, [N[i], grpalg, extradim[i]]);
548	fi;
549      fi;
550    fi;
552  od;
553  Info(InfoMtxHom,2,"stack loop done, stack now length ", Length(r.stack), " (",
554	  Runtime()-_t, ")");
556  if Length(r.stack) > 0 then
557    #
558    # find best element in r.stack and use it
559    i:=1;
560    for j in [2..Length(r.stack)] do
561      if r.stack[j][3] > r.stack[i][3] then
562	i:=j;
563      fi;
564    od;
565    v0:=r.stack[i][1];
566    M:=TriangulizedNullspaceMat(r.stack[i][2][2]);
568  else
570    # we haven't found a good grpalg element, so just choose
571    # something outside of <U> and use it
573    Info(InfoMtxHom,1,"too many random grpalg elements...");
574    M:=IdentityMat(nw,F);
575    pos:=Difference([1..nv], echu)[1];
576    v0:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(nv,zero);
577    v0[pos]:=One(F);
578    v0:=ImmutableVector(F,v0);
579  fi;
580  return [v0, M];
584# compute a semi-echelonised basis for a matrix algebra
585# If a linearly dependent set of elements is supplied, this
586# routine will trim it down to a basis.
587BindGlobal("SMTX_EcheloniseMats",function (gens, F)
588local n, m, zero, ech, k, i, j, found, l;
590  if Length(gens) = 0 then
591    return [ [], [] ];
592  fi;
593  # copy the list to avoid destroying the original list
594  gens:=List(gens,i->List(i,ShallowCopy));
596  n:=Length(gens[1]);
597  m:=Length(gens[1][1]);
598  zero:=Zero(F);
600  ech:=[];
601  k:=1;
603  while k <= Length(gens) do
604    i:=1; j:=1;
605    found:=false;
606    while not found and i <= n do
607      if (gens[k][i][j] <> zero) then
608	found:=true;
609      else
610	j:=j + 1;
611	if (j > m) then
612	  j:=1; i:=i + 1;
613	fi;
614      fi;
615    od;
617    if found then
619      # Now basis element k will have echelonisation index [i,j]
620      Add(ech, [i,j]);
622      # First normalise the [i,j] position to 1
623      gens[k]:=gens[k] / gens[k][i][j];
625      # Now zero position [i,j] in all further generators
626      for l in [k+1..Length(gens)] do
627	if (gens[l][i][j] <> zero) then
628	  gens[l]:=gens[l] - gens[k] * gens[l][i][j];
629	fi;
630      od;
631      k:=k + 1;
632    else
633      # no non-zero element found, delete from list
634      gens{[k..Length(gens)-1]}:=gens{[k+1..Length(gens)]};
635      Unbind(gens[Length(gens)]);
636      # WAS: gens:=gens{ Cat([1..k-1], [k+1..Length(gens)])};
637    fi;
638  od;
639  return [List(gens,i->ImmutableMatrix(F,i)), ech];
642# The SpinHom routine in this file was written during August 1996. The
643# basic idea comes from a discussion I had with Charles Leedham-Green early
644# in 1995. He gave me a rough sketch of the algorithm that he and John
645# Cannon developed for Magma. Some details were missing, and this is my
646# attempt at filling in some of them.
648# Many improvements were made on my earlier version, in large part due to a
649# discussion I had with Alice Niemeyer in early 1996. She relayed to me
650# some comments of Klaus Lux on my earlier version. This is a combination
651# of the suggestions of Klaus and Alice and my own ideas.
653# Note: This provides an enormous speed-up on the default GAP routine,
654# and on my own naive intertwining routine, especially when the module is
655# large enough and/or it is irreducible. However, this routine is nowhere
656# near as good as the Magma algorithm, and I do not know how to improve it.
658# The code is heavily commented, and I appreciate suggestions on how to
659# improve it (particularly bits of code).
660BindGlobal("SpinHom",function (V, W)
661local nv, nw, F, zero, zeroW, gV, gW, k, U, echu, r, homs, s, work, ans, v0,
662      M, x, pos, z, echm, t, v, echv, a, u, e, start, oldlen, ag, m, uu, ret,
663      c, s1, X, mat, uuc, uic, newhoms, hom, Uhom, imv0, imv0c, image, i, j, l;
665# Compute Hom(V,W) for G-modules <V> and <W>. The algorithm starts with
666# the trivial submodule <U> of <V> for which Hom(U,V) is trivial.  It
667# then computes Hom(U',W) for U' a submodule generated by <U> and a
668# single element <v0> in <V>. This U' becomes the next <U> as the process
669# is iterated, ending when <U'> = <V>. The element <v0> is chosen in a
670# nullspace of a group algebra element in order to restrict it possible
671# images in <W>.
673  nv:=V.dimension;
674  nw:=W.dimension;
676  F:=V.field;
677  if F<>W.field then
678    Error("different fields");
679  fi;
680  zero:=Zero(F);
682  zeroW:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(nw,zero);
683  zeroW:=ImmutableVector(F,zeroW);
685  # group generating sets acting on each module
686  gV:=V.generators;
687  gW:=W.generators;
689  # <k> is the number of generators of the acting group
690  k:=Length(gV);
691  if k<>Length(gW) then
692    Error("generator lengths");
693  fi;
695  # <U> is the semi-ech basis for the currently known submodule, of
696  # dimension <r>
697  U:=[];
698  echu:=[];
699  r:=0;
701  # <homs> contains a basis for Hom(U,W), of dimension <s>
702  homs:=[];
703  s:=0;
705  # define a record which stores information about the modules <V>, <W>
706  # and <U> for passing into a routine that selects a new vector <v0>
707  # for spinning up to a larger submodule U'.
708  work:=rec(V:=V, W:=W, U:=U, echu:=echu);
710  repeat
712    # we loop until <U> is the whole of <V>
714    ans:=SpinHomFindVector(work);
715    v0:=ans[1];
716    M:=ans[2];
718    # find residue of <v0> modulo current submodule <U>
719    x:=EchResidueCoeffs(U, echu, v0,2);
721    # normalise <x> (ie get a 1 in leading position)
722    pos:=PositionProperty(x, i->i<>zero);
723    z:=x[pos];
724    x:=x / z;
725    v0:=v0 / z;
727    # we know that <v0> has to map into the subspace <M> of <W>.
728    echm:=List(M, y -> PositionProperty(y, i->i<>zero));
729    t:=Length(M);
731    # now we start building extension of semi-echelonised basis for
732    # the submodule U' generated by <U> and <v0>
733    #
734    # new elements of semi-ech basis will be stored in <v>, with
735    # echelon weights stored in <echv>
737    v:=[ x ];
738    echv:=[ pos ];
740    # we need to keep track of how each new element of the semi-ech
741    # basis was obtained from <v0> --- new basis element <v[i]> will
742    # satisfy:
743    #
744    #     v[i]  =  v0*a[i] + u[i]
745    #
746    # where <a[i]> is an element of the group algebra FG, and <u[i]> is
747    # the element of <U> that was subtracted during semi-ech reduction
749    a:=[ M ];
750    u:=[ x - v0 ];
752    # we will accumulate the homogeneous linear system in <e>
753    #
754    # the first <s> variables are the coefficients of basis elements of
755    # Hom(U,W), which describes how a hom of U' acts on submodule <U>
756    #
757    # the other <t> variables are the coefficients of basis elements of
758    # <M>, which describes the image of <v0> under a hom
759    #
760    e:=SMTX_NewEqns(s + t, F);
762    # we will close the submodule by spinning <v0> --- the variable
763    # <start> will trim off the elements of <v> that we have already
764    # used
765    start:=1;
767    repeat
769      # take an element <v[i]> of <v> and a group generator <g[j]>
770      # and check whether <v[i]^g[j]> is a new basis element.
771      #
772      # if it is, add it to the basis, with its definition.
773      #
774      # if it isn't, we get an equation which an element of Hom(U',W)
775      # must satisfy
777      oldlen:=Length(v);
779      for i in [start..oldlen] do     ### loop on vectors in <v>
780	for j in [1..k] do          ### loop on generators of G
782	  if Length(a[i])=0 then
783	    #T: special treatment 0-dimensional
784	    ag:=[];
785	  else
786	    ag:=a[i] * gW[j];
787	  fi;
789	  # create new element <x>, with its definition as the
790	  # difference between <v0^m> and <uu> in <U>.
791	  x:=v[i] * gV[j];
792	  m:=ag;
793	  uu:=u[i] * gV[j];
795	  ret:=EchResidueCoeffs(U, echu, x,3);
796	  x:=ret.residue;
797	  uu:=uu - ret.projection;
799	  # reduce modulo the new semi-ech basis elements in <v>,
800	  # storing the coefficients in <c>
801	  #
802	  c:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(Length(v),zero);
803	  for l in [1..Length(v)] do
804	    z:=x[echv[l]];
805	    if z <> zero then
806	      x:=x - z * v[l];
807	      if Length(m) > 0 then
808		  m:=m - z * a[l];
809	      fi;
810	      c[l]:=c[l] + z;
811	      uu:=uu - z * u[l];
812	    fi;
813	  od;
814      c:=ImmutableVector(F,c);
816	  # Note: at this point, <x> has been reduced modulo the
817	  # semi-ech basis <U> union <v>, and that
818	  #
819	  #     x = v0 * a[i] + uu
821	  pos:=PositionProperty(x, i->i<>zero);
822	  if pos <> fail then
824	    # new semi-ech basis element <x>
826	    z:=x[pos];
827	    Add(v, x/z);
828	    Add(echv, pos);
829	    Add(a, m/z);
830	    Add(u, uu/z);
832	  else
834	    # we get some equations !
836	    s1:=Sum([1..Length(v)], y -> c[y] * v[y]);
837	    uu:=v[i] * gV[j] - s1;
839	    X:=NullMat(t, nw, F);
840	    for l in [1..Length(v)] do
841	      if c[l] <> zero then
842		if Length(X) > 0 then
843		  X:=X + c[l] * a[l];
844		fi;
845		uu:=uu + c[l] * u[l];
846	      fi;
847	    od;
849	    if Length(X) > 0 then
850	      X:=X - ag;
851	    fi;
853	    mat:=[];
854	    uuc:=EchResidueCoeffs(U, echu, uu,1);
855	    uic:=EchResidueCoeffs(U, echu, u[i],1);
856	    for l in [1..s] do
857	      Add(mat, uuc * homs[l] - uic * homs[l] * gW[j]);
858	    od;
859	    Append(mat, X);
860	    SMTX_AddEqns(e, TransposedMat(mat), zeroW);
861	  fi;
862	od;
863      od;
865      start:=oldlen+1;
867      # exit when no new elements were added --- i.e. the subspace
868      # is closed under action of G and is therefore a submodule
870    until oldlen = Length(v);
872    # we have the system of equations, so find its solution space
874    ans:=SMTX_NullspaceEqns(e);
876    # Now build the homomorphisms
878    newhoms:=[];
879    for i in [1..Length(ans)] do
881      # Each row of ans is of the form:
882      #
883      #     [ b_1, b_2, ..., b_s, c_1, c_2, ..., c_t ]
884      #
885      # where the action of this hom on <U> is as \Sum{b_l homs[l]}
886      # and the hom sends <v0> to Sum{c_l M[l]}
888      hom:=[];
889      if r > 0 then
890	Uhom:=NullMat(r, nw, F);
891	for l in [1..s] do
892	  if ans[i][l] <> zero then
893	    Uhom:=Uhom + ans[i][l] * homs[l];
894	  fi;
895	od;
896	for l in [1..r] do
897	  Add(hom, Uhom[l]);
898	od;
899      fi;
901      imv0:=zeroW * zero;
902      for l in [1..t] do
903	if ans[i][s+l] <> zero then
904	  imv0:=imv0 + ans[i][s+l] * M[l];
905	fi;
906      od;
907      imv0c:=EchResidueCoeffs(M, echm, imv0,1);
908      for l in [1..Length(v)] do
909	image:=imv0c * a[l];
910	if r > 0 then
911	  image:=image + EchResidueCoeffs(U, echu, u[l],1) * Uhom;
912	fi;
913	Add(hom, image);
914      od;
915      hom:=ImmutableMatrix(F,hom);
916      Assert(1,hom<>0*hom);
917      Add(newhoms, hom);
918    od;
920    # now update <U> to be the now larger submodule
922    Append(U,v);
923    Append(echu, echv);
924    homs:=newhoms;
925    r:=Length(U);
926    s:=Length(homs);
928    Info(InfoMtxHom,1,"U is now dimension ", r, " and dim(Hom(U,W)) = ", s);
930  until r = nv; # i.e. <U> = <V>
932  if Length(homs)=0 then
933    return homs;
934  fi;
936  # We must change basis on <V> from <U> to the usual one before returning
938  U:=ImmutableMatrix(F,U);
939  return U^-1 * homs;
944# module isomorphism and decomposition routines
946# These are functions for computing with modules, including:
948#   (1) computing a direct sum decomposition of a module into
949#   indecomposable summands.
951#   (2) deciding module isomorphism using the decomposition.
953# The algorithm for deciding indecomposability is based on the algorithm
954# described by G. Schneider in the Journal of Symbolic Computation,
955# Volume 9, Numbers 5 & 6, 1990
958# Take a Fitting element and use it to split M into a direct sum
959# of submodules. Return the submodules.
960# r is the rank of a (which migth be known before
961BindGlobal("FittingSplitModule",function (a,r,F)
962local n, ro;
964  # do we have a fitting matrix?
965  # a matrix is a fitting matrix if it is singular but not nilpotent.
966  # case
967  n:=Length(a);
968  if r=n or r=0 then
969    # not singular or zero.
970    return fail;
971  fi;
972  # now square repeatedly until the rank stays the same and >0
973  repeat
974    ro:=r;
975    a:=a^2;
976    r:=RankMat(a);
977  until ro=r or r=0;
978  if r=0 then
979    return fail;
980  fi;
981  # otherwise a is a power of a fitting matrix, the space will split in
982  # Kern(a) \oplus Image(a)
984  Info(InfoMeatAxe,2,"Decomposition ",r,":",n-r," found");
986  return [ImmutableMatrix(F,BaseMat(a)),NullspaceMat(a)];
989# Take a module and break it into two pieces if possible.
990# The function searches for a decomposition of the module M while
991# attempting to prove indecomposability at the same time.  Of course,
992# only one of these will succeed.
993BindGlobal("ProperModuleDecomp",function (M)
994local proveIndecomposability, addnilpotent, n, F, zero, basis, enddim,
995      echelon, nildim, p, maxorder, maxa, nilbase, nilech, cnt, remain,
996      used, coeffs, a, rk, order, fit, pos, newa, lastdim, i;
998  # Check whether we have found the indecomposability proof. That is,
999  # see whether our regular element generates a subalgebra which
1000  # complements the current nilpotent ideal (the approximation to
1001  # radical)
1002  proveIndecomposability:=function ()
1003  local maxaord;
1004  # NB: <maxa> is not local
1006    if enddim - nildim = LogInt(maxorder + 1,p) then
1007      # Yes, found the residue field root and proved indecomposability!
1008      maxaord:=Order(maxa);
1009      while maxaord > maxorder do
1010	maxa:=maxa^p;
1011	maxaord:=maxaord / p;
1012      od;
1013      SMTX.SetEndAlgResidue(M, [maxa, maxaord]);
1014      Info(InfoMtxHom,3,"proved ",Length(nilbase));
1015      SMTX.SetBasisEndomorphismsRadical(M, nilbase);
1016      return true;
1017    fi;
1018    return false;
1019  end;
1021  # take a new nilpotent element and sift against current nilpotent
1022  # ideal basis. If it does not lie in the space spanned so far,
1023  # add it to nilbasis
1024  addnilpotent:=function (a)
1025  local i, r, c, k, done, l;
1026  # NB: <remain> and <nildim> and <cnt> are not local
1028    for i in [1..nildim] do
1029      r:=echelon[nilech[i]][1]; c:=echelon[nilech[i]][2];
1030      if a[r][c] <> zero then
1031	a:=a - a[r][c] * nilbase[i] / nilbase[i][r][c];
1032      fi;
1033    od;
1035    # find which echelon index to remove due to this new element
1036    k:=1; done:=false;
1037    while not done and k <= Length(remain) do
1038      l:=remain[k];
1039      r:=echelon[l][1]; c:=echelon[l][2];
1040      if a[r][c] <> zero then
1041	done:=true;
1042      else
1043	k:=k + 1;
1044      fi;
1045    od;
1047    if k > Length(remain) then
1048      # in nilpotent ideal already, return
1049      return false;
1050    fi;
1052    # We now know this nilpotent element is a new one
1053    Add(nilbase, a);
1055    # the k-th basis element was used to make the new element a. So
1056    # remove it from future random element calculations
1057    #
1058    Add(nilech, remain[k]);
1059    remain:=Difference(remain, [remain[k]]);
1060    nildim:=nildim + 1;
1061    cnt:=1;
1062    return true;
1063  end;
1065  if not M.IsOverFiniteField then
1066    return Error ("Argument of ProperModuleDecomp is not over a finite field.");
1067  fi;
1068  n:=M.dimension;
1069  F:=M.field;
1071  zero:=Zero(F);
1072  Info(InfoMtxHom,2,"ProperModuleDecomp for module of dimension ", n);
1074  if n = 1 then
1075    # A 1-dimensional module is always indecomposable
1076    Info(InfoMtxHom,3,"1dimensional");
1077    SMTX.SetEndAlgResidue(M, [[[ PrimitiveElement(F) ]], Size(F) - 1]);
1078    SMTX.SetBasisEndomorphismsRadical(M, []);
1079    return fail;
1080  fi;
1082  basis:=SMTX.BasisModuleEndomorphisms(M);
1083  if Length(basis) = 1 then
1084    # if endomorphism algebra has dimension 1 then indecomposable
1085    #SMTX.SetEndAlgResidueFlag(M, F.root * GModOps.EndAlgBasisFlag(M)[1], F.size - 1);
1086    SMTX.SetEndAlgResidue(M, [PrimitiveElement(F)*basis[1], Size(F) - 1]);
1087    Info(InfoMtxHom,3,"basislength 1");
1088    SMTX.SetBasisEndomorphismsRadical(M, []);
1089    return fail;
1090  fi;
1092  enddim:=Length(basis);            # dim of endo algebra
1093  echelon:=SMTX_EcheloniseMats(basis,F)[2]; # echelon indices for endalg basis
1094  nildim:=0;                        # dim of current approx to radical
1095  p:=Size(F);
1096  maxorder:=1;                      # order of largest order regular elmt
1097				      #   found so far
1098  maxa:=IdentityMat(n,F);           # the regular elmt with order maxorder
1099  nilbase:=[];                      # basis for approx to radical
1100  nilech:=[];
1102  cnt:=1;
1104  # We will "quotient" out the nilpotent subspace as we go. The elements
1105  # of remain tell us which (echelonised) basis elements of the
1106  # endomorphism algebra we will take use in our random linear
1107  # combination.
1108  #
1109  remain:=[1..enddim];
1110  used:=[];
1112  repeat
1113    # we will loop until too many passes without an improvement in knowledge
1114    repeat
1115      # randomly sample endomorphism algebra
1116      repeat
1117	coeffs:=List([1..enddim], x -> Random(F));
1118      until ForAny(remain,x->not IsZero(coeffs[x]));
1120      a:=LinearCombination(basis,coeffs);
1122      rk:=RankMat(a);
1123      if rk=n then
1124	# a regular element, check to see whether its order is
1125	# larger than previously known, and if so whether it
1126	# generates the residue field modulo current nilpotent ideal
1127	order:=Order(a);
1129	while (order mod p = 0) do
1130	    order:=order / p;
1131	od;
1132	if order > maxorder then
1133	  maxorder:=order;
1134	  maxa:=a;
1135	  if proveIndecomposability() then
1136	    return fail;
1137	  fi;
1138	  cnt:=1;
1139	else
1140	  cnt:=cnt + 1;
1141	fi;
1142      else
1143	fit:=FittingSplitModule(a,rk,F);
1144	if fit<>fail then
1145	  return fit;
1146	elif addnilpotent(a) then
1147	  # new nilpotent element, added to nilbasis. Now close nilbasis to
1148	  # basis for an ideal.
1150	  # keep a pointer to the first new element added to nilbase
1151	  pos:=nildim; # a was just added
1153	  # first add powers of a
1154	  newa:=a^2;
1155	  repeat
1156	    lastdim:=nildim;
1157	    addnilpotent(newa);
1158	    newa:=newa * a;
1159	  until lastdim = nildim or IsZero(newa);
1161	  # now close nilbase to make ideal basis
1162	  repeat
1163	    for i in [1..enddim] do
1164	      a:=nilbase[pos] * basis[i];
1165	      fit:=FittingSplitModule(a,RankMat(a),F);
1166	      if fit <> fail then
1167		return fit;
1168	      fi;
1169	      addnilpotent(a);
1170	    od;
1171	    pos:=pos + 1;
1172	  until pos = nildim + 1;
1173	fi;
1174      fi;
1176      if proveIndecomposability() then
1177	return fail;
1178      fi;
1179    until (cnt >= 20000);
1180    Error("Unable to ascertain module decomposition within time limits.\n",
1181	  "Call `return;' to try again.");
1182    cnt:=0;
1183  until false;
1188local n, F, stack, i, d, d2, md, b, endo, sel, e1, e2;
1189  if not IsBound(m.indecomposition) then
1190    n:=m.dimension;
1191    F:=m.field;
1192    stack:=[[IdentityMat(n,F),m]];
1193    i:=1;
1194    while i<=Length(stack) do
1195      d:=ProperModuleDecomp(stack[i][2]);
1196      if d<>fail then
1197	if Length(stack[i][1])<n then
1198	  d2:=List(d,j->j*stack[i][1]);
1199	else
1200	  d2:=d;
1201	fi;
1202	md:=List(d2,i->SMTX.InducedActionSubmodule(m,i));
1203	Assert(1,ForAll(md,i->i<>fail));
1204	# Translate endomorphism rings
1205	b:=Concatenation(d[1],d[2]); # local new basis
1206	# basechange
1207	endo:=List(stack[i][2].basisModuleEndomorphisms,
1208	           i->b*i/b);
1209	sel:=[1..Length(d[1])];
1210	e1:=List(endo,i->i{sel}{sel});
1211	e1:=SMTX_EcheloniseMats(e1,F)[1];
1212	Assert(1,ForAll(md[1].generators,i->ForAll(e1,j->i*j=j*i)));
1213	md[1].basisModuleEndomorphisms:=e1;
1214	sel:=[Length(d[1])+1..stack[i][2].dimension];
1215	e2:=List(endo,i->i{sel}{sel});
1216	e2:=SMTX_EcheloniseMats(e2,F)[1];
1217	Assert(1,ForAll(md[2].generators,i->ForAll(e2,j->i*j=j*i)));
1218	md[2].basisModuleEndomorphisms:=e2;
1219	stack[i]:=[d2[1],md[1]];
1220	Add(stack,[d2[2],md[2]]);
1221      else
1222	SMTX.SetIsIndecomposable(stack[i][2],true);
1223	i:=i+1;
1224      fi;
1225    od;
1226    m.indecomposition:=stack;
1227  fi;
1228  return m.indecomposition;
1234# Check isomorphism of indecomposable modules.
1236# If they are isomorphic then the homomorphism space between them is a
1237# disguised copy of the endomorphism algebra. This is a local algebra,
1238# and hence all singular elements are nilpotent. Certainly it cannot
1239# have a basis consisting entirely of nilpotent elements (a theorem of
1240# Wedderburn), so at least one basis element for Hom(M1,M2) must be an
1241# isomorphism if they are isomorphic.
1242BindGlobal("IsomIndecModules",function (M1, M2)
1243local base, i,n;
1245  if not (SMTX.IsIndecomposable(M1) and SMTX.IsIndecomposable(M2)) then
1246    Error("IsomIndecModules: requires indecomposable modules");
1247  fi;
1249  n:=M1.dimension;
1250  # module dimensions certainly must match
1251  if n<>M2.dimension or
1253    # their endomorphism algebras must have same dimension
1254     Length(SMTX.BasisModuleEndomorphisms(M1)) <>
1255     Length(SMTX.BasisModuleEndomorphisms(M2)) or
1257    (SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M1)<>fail  and
1258     SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M2)<>fail  and
1259     Length(SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M1))<>
1260     Length(SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M2)) ) then
1261    return fail;
1262  fi;
1263  # the easy options have run out
1265  # Last case, both modules are idecomposable but not necessarily irreducible.
1266  # In this case, compute Hom and look for isom in the basis.
1268  base:=SMTX.BasisModuleHomomorphisms(M1, M2);
1270  for i in base do
1271    if RankMat(i) = n then
1272      return i;
1273    fi;
1274  od;
1276  return fail;
1281local d, h, found, i, m1, idx, imgs, hom, j;
1282  d:=SMTX.Indecomposition(m);
1283  h:=[];
1284  found:=[];
1285  i:=1;
1286  while Length(found)<Length(d) do
1287    if not i in found then
1288      m1:=d[i][2];
1289      idx:=[i];
1290      AddSet(found,i);
1291      imgs:=[];
1292      for j in [i+1..Length(d)] do
1293	if not j in found and m1.dimension=d[j][2].dimension then
1294	  hom:=IsomIndecModules(d[j][2],m1);
1295	  if hom<>fail then
1296	    Add(idx,j);
1297	    AddSet(found,j);
1298	    Add(imgs,rec(component:=d[j],isomorphism:=hom^-1));
1299	  fi;
1300	fi;
1301      od;
1302      Add(h,rec(component:=d[i],images:=imgs,indices:=idx));
1303    fi;
1304    i:=i+1;
1305  od;
1306  return h;
1312# Test for isomorphism of modules. Will return one of:
1314# (1) the isomorphism as an F-matrix between M1 and M2
1315# (2) fail if the two modules are definitely not isomorphic
1317# Note that the isomorphism X is such that conjugating each generator
1318# acting on M1 by X gives the corresponding action on M2. Therefore
1319# X^-1 is a matrix whose rows correspond to a new basis of M1 that
1320# duplicates the action of M2 on M1.
1322# If necessary, uses the decomposition into indecomposable summands.  A
1323# homogeneous component is a direct sum of multiple copies of a single
1324# indecomposable summand. The homogeneous components must match between
1325# each module, with their multiplicities.
1326BindGlobal("SMTX_IsomorphismModules",function (M1, M2)
1327local F, n, hc1, hc2, nc, b1, b2, map, remain, j, found, hom, i, k;
1329  TestModulesFitTogether(M1,M2);
1330  F:=M1.field;
1331  n:=M1.dimension;
1333  if n <> M2.dimension then
1334    # Modules have different dimensions
1335    return fail;
1336  elif (SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M1)<>fail  and
1337    SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M2)<>fail  and
1338    Length(SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M1))<>
1339    Length(SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(M2)) ) then
1340    # different endomorphism algebra dimensions
1341    return fail;
1342  fi;
1344  hc1:=SMTX.HomogeneousComponents(M1);
1345  hc2:=SMTX.HomogeneousComponents(M2);
1347  nc:=Length(hc1);
1348  if nc <> Length(hc2) then
1349    return fail;
1350  fi;
1352  # build bases that must be mapped to each other iteratively
1353  b1:=[];
1354  b2:=[];
1355  map:=[];
1357  remain:=[1..nc];
1358  for i in [1..nc] do
1359    j:=1;found:=false;
1360    while j<=nc and not found do
1361      if j in remain and Length(hc1[i].indices)=Length(hc2[j].indices) then
1362        # test: i isomorphic j?
1363	hom:=IsomIndecModules(hc1[i].component[2],hc2[j].component[2]);
1364	if hom<>fail then
1365	  # the homogeneous components are isomorphic
1366	  found:=true;
1367	  Append(b1,hc1[i].component[1]);
1368	  Append(b2,hc2[j].component[1]);
1369	  Add(map,hom);
1370	  for k in [1..Length(hc1[i].images)] do
1371	    Append(b1,hc1[i].images[k].component[1]);
1372	    Append(b2,hc2[j].images[k].component[1]);
1373	    Add(map,hc1[i].images[k].isomorphism^-1*hom*
1374		    hc2[j].images[k].isomorphism);
1375	  od;
1376	fi;
1377      fi;
1378      j:=j+1;
1379    od;
1380    if found=false then
1381      # one homogeneous component has no image -- the modules cannot be
1382      # isomorphic
1383      return fail;
1384    fi;
1385  od;
1386  b1:=ImmutableMatrix(M1.field,b1);
1387  b2:=ImmutableMatrix(M1.field,b2);
1388  return b1^-1*ImmutableMatrix(M1.field,DirectSumMat(map))*b2;
1393# Note: matalg is a basis for a nilpotent matrix algebra whose elements
1394# are all in lower diagonal form (zeros on the main diagonal).
1396# Echelonisation indices are chosen as the earliest non-zero entries
1397# running down diagonals below the main diagonal:
1398#   [2,1], [3,2], [4,3], ..., [3,1], [4,2], ..., [n-1,1], [n, 2], [n,1]
1399BindGlobal("SMTX_EcheloniseNilpotentMatAlg",function (matalg, F)
1400local zero, n, flags, base, ech, k, diff, i, j, found, l;
1402  zero:=Zero(F);
1403  n := Length(matalg[1][1]);
1404  flags := NullMat(n,n);
1406  base := matalg;
1407  ech := [];
1408  k := 1;
1410  while k <= Length(base) do
1411    diff := 1;
1412    i := 2; j := i - diff;
1413    found := false;
1414    while not found and diff < n do
1415      if (base[k][i][j] <> zero) and
1416	(flags[i][j] = 0) then
1417	found := true;
1418      else
1419	i := i + 1;
1420	j := i - diff;
1421	if (i > n) then
1422	  diff := diff + 1;
1423	  i := diff + 1;
1424	  j := i - diff;
1425	fi;
1426      fi;
1427    od;
1429    if found then
1431      # Now basis element k will have echelonisation index [i,j]
1432      Add(ech, [i,j]);
1434      # First normalise the [i,j] position to 1
1435      base[k] := base[k] / base[k][i][j];
1437      # Now zero position [i,j] in all other basis elements
1438      for l in [1..Length(base)] do
1439	if (l <> k) and (base[l][i][j] <> zero) then
1440	  base[l] := base[l] - base[k] * base[l][i][j];
1441	fi;
1442      od;
1443      k := k + 1;
1445    else
1446      # no non-zero element found, delete from list
1447      base := base{ Concatenation([1..k-1], [k+1..Length(base)])};
1448    fi;
1449  od;
1450  return [base, ech];
1453# compute a change of basis that exhibits the matrix algebra
1454# defined by the basis 'matalg' in triangular form.
1455BindGlobal("SMTX_NilpotentBasis",function (matalg)
1456local decompose, field, Y, mats, newbase;
1458  decompose := function ( m, b )
1459  local n, subs, vs, vsi,rep, newm,j,ran;
1461    if Length(m) = 0 then
1462      # all action is now zero, so append current full basis and
1463      # finish up
1464      Append(Y, b);
1465    else
1467      n := Length(m[1][1]);
1469      # find the intersection of the nullspaces
1470      subs:=NullspaceMat(m[1]);
1471      for j in [2..Length(m)] do
1472	subs:=SumIntersectionMat(subs,NullspaceMat(m[j]))[2];
1473      od;
1476      # Use matrix group routine to compute action of nilpotent
1477      # matrices on the quotient vectorspace
1478      vs := BaseSteinitzVectors(IdentityMat(n,field),subs);
1479      vs:=Concatenation(vs.subspace,vs.factorspace);
1480      vs:=ImmutableMatrix(field,vs);
1481      vsi:=vs^-1;
1482      ran:=[Length(subs)+1..n];
1483      rep:=List(m,i->vs*i*vsi);
1484      rep:=List(rep,i->i{ran}{ran});
1486      # Take a copy of the non-zero matrices acting on the quotient space
1487      #
1488      newm := Filtered(rep,x->not IsZero(x));
1490      Append(Y, subs * b);
1491      decompose( newm, vs{ran} * b );
1493    fi;
1494  end;
1496  # return empty list if empty matrix list
1497  if Length(matalg) = 0 then return []; fi;
1499  field := DefaultField(matalg[1][1]);
1501  Y   := [];
1503  decompose( matalg, IdentityMat(Length(matalg[1][1]), field));
1504  #
1505  # Y is the change of basis matrix
1507  if Length(matalg) > 0 then
1508      mats := Y * matalg / Y;
1509  fi;
1510  #
1511  # mats is now a list of matrices in lower triangular form
1513  # echelonise them along lower diagonals
1514  #
1515  newbase := SMTX_EcheloniseNilpotentMatAlg(mats, field)[1];
1517  return [newbase, Y];
1522# module automorphism group
1524  local f, h, hb, hbi, bas, auts, autorder, dim, nb, nbi, r, q, w, Fqr, gl, a, subm, nilbase, homs, sub, endos, au, aubas, it, coeffs, cnt, ol, ind, i, j, g, k;
1525  f:=m.field;
1526  h:=MTX.HomogeneousComponents(m);
1527  # construct basis for each homogeneous component
1528  hb:=[];
1529  for i in h do
1530    # basis of component
1531    bas:=ShallowCopy(i.component[1]);
1532    for j in i.images do
1533      #Append(bas,LeftQuotient(j.isomorphism,j.component[1]));
1534      Append(bas,j.isomorphism*j.component[1]);
1535    od;
1536    #bas:=MTX.NormedBasisAndBaseChange(bas)[1];
1537    Add(hb,bas);
1538  od;
1540  # each homogeneous component separately
1541  auts:=[];
1542  autorder:=1;
1543  for i in [1..Length(h)] do
1544    # basis of component
1545    bas:=hb[i];
1546    dim:=h[i].component[2].dimension;
1547    nb:=Concatenation(bas,Concatenation(hb{Difference([1..Length(h)],[i])}));
1548    nb:=ImmutableMatrix(f,nb);
1549    nbi:=nb^-1;
1551    # start by building those automorphisms that fix the homogeneous
1552    # components - ie, do not involve maps from M_i to M_j unless
1553    # M_i is the same isomorphism type as M_j
1554    r:=Length(h[i].indices);
1555    # first the subgroup GL(multiplicity, residue field)
1556    q:=SMTX.EndAlgResidue(h[i].component[2]);
1557    w:=q[1];
1558    q:=q[2]+1;
1559    Fqr:=PrimitiveElement(GF(q));
1560    gl:=GL(r,q);
1561    autorder:=autorder*Size(gl);
1562    Info(InfoMtxHom,3,"increase by gl",Size(gl)," ",autorder);
1563    for g in GeneratorsOfGroup(gl) do
1564      a:=IdentityMat(m.dimension,f);
1565      for j in [1..r] do
1566	for k in [1..r] do
1567	  if IsZero(g[j][k]) then
1568	    subm:=w*0;
1569	  else
1570	    subm:=w^LogFFE(g[j][k],Fqr);
1571	  fi;
1572	  a{[(j-1)*dim+1..j*dim]}{[(k-1)*dim+1..k*dim]}:=subm;
1573	od;
1574      od;
1575      a:=nbi*a*nb;
1576      Assert(1,ForAll(m.generators,i->i*a=a*i));
1577      Add(auts,a);
1578    od;
1580    # now the subgroup { I + Y | Y in S } where S generates the radical
1581    # of the endomorphism algebra as a circle group
1582    nilbase:=SMTX.BasisEndomorphismsRadical(h[i].component[2]);
1583    if Length(nilbase)>0 then
1584      nilbase:=SMTX_NilpotentBasis(nilbase);
1585      nilbase:=nilbase[2]^-1*nilbase[1]*nilbase[2];
1586    fi;
1587    a:=(Size(f)^Length(nilbase))^(r^2);
1588    autorder := autorder * a;
1589    Info(InfoMtxHom,3,"increase by radical",a," ",autorder);
1591    for j in nilbase do;
1592      a:=IdentityMat(m.dimension,f);
1593      subm:=IdentityMat(dim,f)+j;
1594      a{[1..dim]}{[1..dim]}:=subm;
1595      a:=nbi*a*nb;
1596      Assert(1,ForAll(m.generators,i->i*a=a*i));
1597      Add(auts,a);
1598    od;
1600    # Now the automorphisms that act trivially when restricted to
1601    # each homogeneous component, but which include action between
1602    # homogeneous components via elements of Hom(M_i, M_j)
1603    for j in [1..Length(h)] do
1604      if i <> j then
1605	homs:=SMTX.BasisModuleHomomorphisms(h[i].component[2],
1606	                                    h[j].component[2]);
1607	if Length(homs) > 0 then
1608	  hbi:=0;
1609	  for k in [1..j-1] do
1610	    hbi:=hbi+Length(hb[k]);
1611	  od;
1612	  if i>j then
1613	    hbi:=hbi+Length(hb[i]);
1614	  fi;
1615	  hbi:=hbi+[1..h[j].component[2].dimension];
1617	  a:=(Size(f)^Length(homs))^(r*Length(h[j].indices));
1618	  autorder:=autorder*a;
1619	  Info(InfoMtxHom,3,"increase by mixing ",j,":",a," ",autorder);
1620	  for k in homs do
1621	    a:=IdentityMat(m.dimension,f);
1622	    a{[1..dim]}{hbi}:=k;
1623	    a:=nbi*a*nb;
1624	    Assert(1,ForAll(m.generators,i->i*a=a*i));
1625	    Add(auts,a);
1626	  od;
1627	fi;
1628      fi;
1629    od;
1630  od;
1632  if Length(auts)=0 then
1633    return Group(auts,IdentityMat(m.dimension,f));
1634  else
1635    a:=Group(auts);
1636    Assert(1,Size(a)=autorder);
1637    SetSize(a,autorder);
1638    return a;
1639  fi;
1646  m.isIndecomposable:=b;
1650  return IsBound(m.isIndecomposable);
1654  if not SMTX.HasIsIndecomposable(m) then
1655    m.isIndecomposable:=Length(SMTX.Indecomposition(m))=1;
1656  fi;
1657  return m.isIndecomposable;
1662local b;
1663  TestModulesFitTogether(m1,m2);
1664  if m1.dimension>5 then
1665    b:= SpinHom(m1,m2);
1666    Assert(1,Length(b)=Length(SmalldimHomomorphismsModules(m1,m2)));
1667  else
1668    b:= SmalldimHomomorphismsModules(m1,m2);
1669  fi;
1670  Assert(1,ForAll([1..Length(m1.generators)],
1671           i->ForAll(b,j->m1.generators[i]*j=j*m2.generators[i])));
1672  return b;
1678  if not IsBound(m.basisModuleEndomorphisms) then
1679    m.basisModuleEndomorphisms:=Immutable(SMTX.BasisModuleHomomorphisms(m,m));
1680  fi;
1681  return m.basisModuleEndomorphisms;
1692if IsHPCGAP then
1693    MakeReadOnlyObj(SMTX);