1Read( "ReducedBasisOfModule.g" );
3## compute a free resolution of W
4P := Resolution( W );
5## apply the inner functor G := Hom(-,R) to the resolution
6GP := Hom( P );
7## tensor with P again
8FGP := GP * P;
9## the bicomplex associated to FGP
10BC := HomalgBicomplex( FGP );
11## the total complex of BC
12Tot := TotalComplex( BC );
13## the associated spectral sequence
14I_E := HomalgSpectralSequence( BC );
15## the transposed bicomplex associated to FGP
16tBC := TransposedBicomplex( BC );
17## the associated spectral sequence
18II_E := HomalgSpectralSequence( 2, tBC );