3#W  drawgraph.gi      GAP library     Manuel Delgado <mdelgado@fc.up.pt>
4#W                                     Jose Morais    <josejoao@fc.up.pt>
7#Y  Copyright (C)  2004,  CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
9##  The functions in this file make use of the external program dot (from
10##  the freely available software package graphviz, for graph visualization)
11##  to display the graphs.
15# ############################################################################
16# ##
17# #F  SetDrawingsExtraFormat(f)
18# ##
19# ##  This function sets the value of DrawingsExtraFormat to <f>.
20# ##
21# InstallGlobalFunction(SetDrawingsExtraFormat, function(f)
22#     if not f in DrawingsListOfExtraFormats then
23#         Print("The specified format is not valid.\nThe valid formats are:\n", DrawingsListOfExtraFormats, ".\nPlease check  http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html\nfor more info.\n");
24#         return;
25#     fi;
26#     MakeReadWriteGlobal("DrawingsExtraFormat");
27#     DrawingsExtraFormat := f;
28#     MakeReadOnlyGlobal("DrawingsExtraFormat");
29# end);
32# ############################################################################
33# ##
34# #F  SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(L)
35# ##
36# ##  This function sets the value of DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes to <L>.
37# ##  For example if we wanted to define the graph size to be 7x9, we would call
38# ##  SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(["size=7,9"]);
39# ##
40# InstallGlobalFunction(SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes, function(L)
41#     if not (IsList(L) and ForAll(L, l -> IsString(l))) then
42#         Error("The argument must be a list of strings");
43#     fi;
44#     MakeReadWriteGlobal("DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes");
45#     DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes := L;
46#     MakeReadOnlyGlobal("DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes");
47# end);
49# ############################################################################
50# ##
51# #F  ClearDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes()
52# ##
53# ##  This function sets DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes to "none"
54# ##  Thus indicating that the graph should be drawn with dot's default parameters.
55# ##
56# InstallGlobalFunction(ClearDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes, function()
57#     MakeReadWriteGlobal("DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes");
58#     DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes := "none";
59#     MakeReadOnlyGlobal("DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes");
60# end);
66# This function parses the arguments for the functions DrawAutomaton and DrawSCCAutomaton.
68InstallGlobalFunction(AUX__parseDrawAutArgs, function(LA)
69    local   A,  fich,  state_names,  states_to_colorize,  l,  s;
71    A := LA[1];  # the automaton to draw
72    fich := "automaton";  # this is a string with the name of the .dot file
73    state_names := List([1..A!.states], s -> String(s));  # this is a list of strings with new state names
74    states_to_colorize := [];
76    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77    # ----- Treat the arguments ----------------------------------------------------
78    # Check if there is a second argument
79    if IsBound(LA[2]) then
80        if IsString(LA[2]) then  # this is a string with the name of the .dot file
81            fich := LA[2];
82        elif IsList(LA[2]) and IsString(LA[2][1]) then  # this is a list of strings with new state names
83            state_names := LA[2];
84            if Length(state_names) <> A!.states then
85                Error("The list of new state names must have length equal to the number of states of the automaton");
86            fi;
87        elif IsList(LA[2]) and IsList(LA[2][1]) and IsPosInt(LA[2][1][1]) then  # this is a list of lists of state numbers to draw in colorize
88            states_to_colorize := LA[2];
89            for l in states_to_colorize do
90                for s in l do
91                    if s < 1 or s > A!.states then
92                        Error("The states to colorize must be integers in [1 ..", A!.states, "]");
93                    fi;
94                od;
95            od;
96        else
97            Error("Wrong second argument, please check the manual");
98        fi;
99        # Check if there is a third argument
100        if IsBound(LA[3]) then
101            if IsString(LA[3]) then  # this is a string with the name of the .dot file
102                fich := LA[3];
103            elif IsList(LA[3]) and IsString(LA[3][1]) then  # this is a list of strings with new state names
104                state_names := LA[3];
105                if Length(state_names) <> A!.states then
106                    Error("The list of new state names must have length equal to the number of states of the automaton");
107                fi;
108            elif IsList(LA[3]) and IsList(LA[3][1]) and IsPosInt(LA[3][1][1]) then  # this is a list of lists of state numbers to draw in colorize
109                states_to_colorize := LA[3];
110                for l in states_to_colorize do
111                    for s in l do
112                        if s < 1 or s > A!.states then
113                            Error("The states to colorize must be integers in [1 ..", A!.states, "]");
114                        fi;
115                    od;
116                od;
117            else
118                Error("Wrong third argument, please check the manual");
119            fi;
120            # Check if there is a fourth argument
121            if IsBound(LA[4]) then
122                if IsString(LA[4]) then  # this is a string with the name of the .dot file
123                    fich := LA[4];
124                elif IsList(LA[4]) and IsString(LA[4][1]) then  # this is a list of strings with new state names
125                    state_names := LA[4];
126                    if Length(state_names) <> A!.states then
127                        Error("The list of new state names must have length equal to the number of states of the automaton");
128                    fi;
129                elif IsList(LA[4]) and IsList(LA[4][1]) and IsPosInt(LA[4][1][1]) then  # this is a list of lists of state numbers to draw in colorize
130                    states_to_colorize := LA[4];
131                    for l in states_to_colorize do
132                        for s in l do
133                            if s < 1 or s > A!.states then
134                                Error("The states to colorize must be integers in [1 ..", A!.states, "]");
135                            fi;
136                        od;
137                    od;
138                else
139                    Error("Wrong fourth argument, please check the manual");
140                fi;
141            fi;
142        fi;
143    fi;
144    # ----- End of  Treat the arguments --------------------------------------------
145    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146    return [A, fich, state_names, states_to_colorize];
153#F DotStringForDrawingAutomaton
155## ouputs a string consisting of dot code for an automaton
157#### the code is based on the code for the outdated function WriteDotFileForGraph
158## A is an automaton, map a list of states names and states_to_colorize
163# This function writes the .dot file specifying a graph.
164# It is used by DrawAutomaton and DrawSCCAutomaton.
166# The argument 'who_called' specifies which function requested the .dot file:
167# who_called = 1  --->  DrawAutomaton
168# who_called = 2  --->  DrawSCCAutomaton
170InstallGlobalFunction(WriteDotFileForGraph, function(A, fich, map, states_to_colorize, who_called)
171  local  alph, letters, edge_colors, node_colors, T, str, out_str, scc, G, p,
172         q, a, color_of_node, k;
174    alph := AlphabetOfAutomaton(A);
176    # When the alphabet has more than 27 letters, they are given in the form
177    if IsList(AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(A)[1]) then
178        letters := AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(A);
179    else
180        letters := List(AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(A), a -> [a]);
181    fi;
183    edge_colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange", "brown", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkturquoise",
184                    "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "forestgreen", "gold"];
186    if alph > 16 then
187        edge_colors := List([1 .. alph], i -> edge_colors[(i mod 16) + 1]);#to reuse colors
188    fi;
190    node_colors := [ "white", "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue",
191                     "crimson", "cyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkkhaki", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darksalmon",
192                     "darkseagreen", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dodgerblue", "firebrick",
193                     "forestgreen", "gold", "goldenrod", "green", "greenyellow", "grey", "hotpink", "indianred", "khaki",
194                     "lawngreen", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue",
195                     "lightslateblue", "lightslategrey", "limegreen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumorchid",
196                     "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred",
197                     "moccasin", "navajowhite", "olivedrab2", "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegreen", "paleturquoise",
198                     "palevioletred", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue1",
199                     "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategrey", "springgreen",
200                     "steelblue", "tan", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "violetred", "wheat", "yellow", "yellowgreen" ];
202#    tdir := CMUP__getTempDir();
203#    name := Filename(tdir, Concatenation(fich, ".dot"));
205    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207    T := StructuralCopy(A!.transitions);
208    str := "digraph  Automaton{\n";  # the string that will hold the code of the .dot file
209    out_str := OutputTextString(str, true);
211    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212    # If we were called by DrawSCCAutomaton, determine the edges to be drawn with dotted lines
213    if who_called = 2 then
214        scc := GraphStronglyConnectedComponents(UnderlyingGraphOfAutomaton(A));
215        G := [];
216        for p in scc do
217            for q in p do
218                G[q] := p;
219            od;
220        od;
221    fi;
222    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
224    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
225    # Write the edges
226    for a in [1 .. alph] do
227        for p in [1 .. A!.states] do
228            if IsList(T[a][p]) then  # this is a nondet or epsilon automaton
229                if who_called = 1 then
230                    for q in T[a][p] do  # write edge  p --a--> q
231                        AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" -> \"", map[q], "\" [label=\"", letters[a], "\",color=", edge_colors[a], "];\n");
232                    od;
233                elif who_called = 2 then
234                    for q in T[a][p] do  # write edge  p --a--> q
235                        if p in G[p] and q in G[p] and IsBound(G[p][2]) then
236                            AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" -> \"", map[q], "\" [label=\"", letters[a], "\",color=", edge_colors[a], "];\n");
237                        else
238                            AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" -> \"", map[q], "\" [label=\"", letters[a], "\",color=", edge_colors[a], ",style = dotted];\n");
239                        fi;
240                    od;
241                fi;
242            else
243                q := T[a][p];
244                if q > 0 then
245                    if who_called = 1 then
246                        AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" -> \"", map[q], "\" [label=\"", letters[a], "\",color=", edge_colors[a], "];\n");
247                    elif who_called = 2 then
248                        if p in G[p] and q in G[p] and IsBound(G[p][2]) then
249                            AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" -> \"", map[q], "\" [label=\"", letters[a], "\",color=", edge_colors[a], "];\n");
250                        else
251                            AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" -> \"", map[q], "\" [label=\"", letters[a], "\",color=", edge_colors[a], ",style = dotted];\n");
252                        fi;
253                    fi;
255                fi;
256            fi;
257        od;
258    od;
259    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
261    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262    # Prepare the list color_of_node, such that state p will be in color node_colors[k] <==> color_of_node[p] = k
263    color_of_node := List([1 .. A!.states], _ -> 1);
264    for k in [1 .. Length(states_to_colorize)] do
265        for p in states_to_colorize[k] do
266            color_of_node[p] := k+1;
267        od;
268    od;
269    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
271    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
272    # Write the nodes
273    for p in Difference(A!.initial, A!.accepting) do
274        AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" [shape=triangle, style=filled, fillcolor=", node_colors[color_of_node[p]], "];\n");
275    od;
276    for p in A!.accepting do
277        if p in A!.initial then
278            AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" [shape=triangle,peripheries=2, style=filled, fillcolor=", node_colors[color_of_node[p]], "];\n");
279        else
280            AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" [shape=doublecircle, style=filled, fillcolor=", node_colors[color_of_node[p]], "];\n");
281        fi;
282    od;
283    for p in Difference([1 .. A!.states], Concatenation(A!.initial, A!.accepting)) do
284        AppendTo(out_str, "\"", map[p], "\" [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=", node_colors[color_of_node[p]], "];\n");
285    od;
286    AppendTo(out_str,"}","\n");
287    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289    CloseStream(out_str);
290    #Siegen    PrintTo(name, str);
292    #Siegen return tdir;
293    return str;
296## ----  End of WriteDotFileForGraph()  ----
303#F  DotStringForDrawingAutomaton( arg )
305##  ouputs a string consisting of dot code for an automaton
307InstallGlobalFunction(DotStringForDrawingAutomaton, function(arg)
308    local   A,  fich,  state_names,  states_to_colorize,  l,  s,  gv,
309            dot,  tdir, res;
311    if Length(arg) = 0 then
312        Error("Please give me an automaton to draw");
313    fi;
314    if not IsAutomatonObj(arg[1]) then
315        Error("The first argument must be an automaton");
316    fi;
318    res := AUX__parseDrawAutArgs(arg);  # parse the arguments
319    A := res[1];
320    fich := res[2];
321    state_names := res[3];
322    states_to_colorize := res[4];
324    return WriteDotFileForGraph(A, fich, state_names, states_to_colorize, 1);
329#F  DotStringForDrawingGraph( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . .
330## ouputs a string consisting of dot code for a graph
333InstallGlobalFunction(DotStringForDrawingGraph, function(G)
334  local  dotstr, l, k;
336  dotstr := "digraph Graph__{\n";
337  # the string that will hold the code of the .dot file
338    for l  in [ 1 .. Length( G ) ]  do
339        for k  in G[ l ]  do
340          Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(l), " -> "));
341          Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(k)," [style=bold, color=black];\n"));
342        od;
343    od;
345    for k in [1..Length(G)] do
346        Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(k), " [shape=circle];\n"));
347    od;
348    Append(dotstr,"}\n");
349    return(dotstr);
354#F  AUX__DotStringForDrawingSubAutomaton(  <A> , <B>  )  . . . . . . . . Prepares a file in the DOT
355## language to draw the automaton B and showing the automaton A as a
356## subautomaton.
358InstallGlobalFunction(AUX__DotStringForDrawingSubAutomaton, function(A,B)
359  local  nome, letters, au, au1, i, j, colors, l2, array, s, arr, max, k,
360         dotstr, l;
362    # if not (IsList(A) and 1 < Length(A) and Length(A) < 4 and
363    #         IsAutomatonObj(A[1]) and IsAutomatonObj(A[2]) ) then
364    #     Error("The argument of dotAutomata is a list of automata");
365    # fi;
367##    tdir := CMUP__getTempDir();
368#    if Length(A) = 3 then
369#        name := Filename(tdir, Concatenation(String(A[3]), ".dot"));
370#        xname := Concatenation(String(A[3]), ".dot");
371#        aut1 := A[1];
372#        aut2 := A[2];
373#    elif Length(A) = 2 then
374# 	name := Filename(tdir, "automaton.dot");
375#        xname := "automato.dot";
376#        aut1 := A[1];
377#        aut2 := A[2];
378  #    fi;
381    nome := "Automaton";
382#    letters := [];
383    letters := List(AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(A), a -> [a]);
385    au := StructuralCopy(B!.transitions);
386    au1 := StructuralCopy(A!.transitions);
387    for i in [1 .. Length(A!.transitions)] do
388        for j in [1 .. Length(A!.transitions[1])] do
389            if not IsBound(au1[i][j]) or au1[i][j] = 0 or au1[i][j] = [0]
390               or au1[i][j] = [] then
391                au1[i][j] := " ";
392            fi;
393        od;
394    od;
395    for i in [1 .. Length(B!.transitions)] do
396        for j in [1 .. Length(B!.transitions[1])] do
397            if not IsBound(au[i][j]) or au[i][j] = 0 or au[i][j] = [0]
398               or au[i][j] = [] then
399                au[i][j] := " ";
400            fi;
401        od;
402    od;
404    if B!.alphabet < 7 then     ##  for small alphabets, the letters
405                                      ##  a, b, c, d are used
406#        letters := ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
407        colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"];
408    else
409#        for i in [1 .. B!.alphabet] do
410#            Add(letters, Concatenation("a", String(i)));
411#        od;
412        colors := [];
413        for i in [1 .. B!.alphabet] do
414            colors[i]:= "black";
415        od;
416    fi;
418    l2 := [];
419    array := [];
420    s := [];
421    arr := List( au, x -> List( x, String ) );
422    max := Maximum( List( arr, x -> Maximum( List(x,Length) ) ) );
424    for i in [1 .. B!.states] do
425        for j in [1 .. B!.alphabet] do
426            if IsBound(au[j]) and IsBound(au[j][i]) and
427               au[j][i] <> " " then
428                if IsList(au[j][i]) then
429                    for k in au[j][i] do
430                        if i <= A!.states and j <= A!.alphabet and
431                           IsBound(au1[j]) and IsBound(au1[j][i]) and k in au1[j][i] and
432                             au1[j][i] <> " " then
434                            Add(array, [i, " -> ", k," [label=", "\"", letters[j],"\"",",color=", colors[j],"];"]);
435                        else
436                            Add(array, [i, " -> ", k," [label=", "\"", letters[j],"\"",",color=", colors[j], ",style = dotted];"]);
438                        fi;
439                    od;
440                else
441                    if i <= A!.states and j <= A!.alphabet and
442                       IsBound(au1[j]) and IsBound(au1[j][i]) and
443                          au1[j][i] <> " " then
444                        Add(array, [i, " -> ", au[j][i]," [label=", "\"", letters[j],"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]);
445                    else
446                            Add(array, [i, " -> ", au[j][i]," [label=", "\"", letters[j],"\"",",color=", colors[j], ",style = dotted];"]);
447                    fi;
448                fi;
449            fi;
451        od;
452    od;
454    arr := List( array, x -> List( x, String ) );
456    dotstr :="digraph  Automaton {\n";
457 ##   PrintTo(name, "digraph  ", nome, "{", "\n");
458    for l  in [ 1 .. Length( arr ) ]  do
459        for k  in [ 1 .. Length( arr[ l ] ) ]  do
460            Append(dotstr,  String( arr[ l ][ k ]) );
461        od;
462        if l = Length( arr )  then
463            Append(dotstr,  "\n" );
464        else
465            Append(dotstr,  "\n" );
466        fi;
467    od;
468    for i in A!.initial do
469        Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(i), " [shape=triangle];\n"));
470    od;
471    for i in Difference(B!.initial,A!.initial) do
472        Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(i), " [shape=triangle,color=gray];\n"));
473    od;
474    for j in A!.accepting do
475        if j in A!.initial then
476            Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(j), " [shape=triangle,peripheries=2];\n"));
477        else
478            Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(j), " [shape=doublecircle];\n"));
479        fi;
480    od;
481    for j in Difference(B!.accepting,A!.accepting) do
482        if j in B!.initial then
483            Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(i), " [shape=triangle,peripheries=2,color=gray];\n"));
484        else
485            Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(j), " [shape=doublecircle,color=gray];n"));
486        fi;
487    od;
488    for k in Difference(Difference([1..A!.states],B!.accepting),Concatenation(A!.initial, B!.initial,A!.accepting)) do
489        Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(k), " [shape=circle];\n"));
490    od;
491    for k in Difference(Difference([1..B!.states],B!.accepting),Concatenation(A!.initial, B!.initial, [1..A!.states])) do
492        Append(dotstr, Concatenation(String(k), " [shape=circle,color=gray];\n"));
493    od;
494    Append(dotstr,"}\n");
495    return(dotstr);
500#F  DotStringForDrawingSubAutomaton( <A> , <B> )
501## ouputs a string consisting of dot code for automaton B and showing A as a subautomaton.
503InstallGlobalFunction(DotStringForDrawingSubAutomaton, function(arg)
504  local  A, B, fich, a, q, k, dotstr;
506    if not (IsBound(arg[1]) and IsBound(arg[2])) then
507        Error("This function takes two automata as arguments");
508    fi;
509    A := arg[1];
510    B := arg[2];
511    if not IsAutomatonObj(A) then
512        Error("The first argument must be an automaton");
513    fi;
514    if not IsAutomatonObj(B) then
515        Error("The second argument must be an automaton");
516    fi;
517    if IsBound(arg[3]) then
518        if not IsString(arg[3]) or arg[3] = "" then
519            fich := "implausible987678";
520        else
521            fich := arg[3];
522        fi;
523    else
524        fich := "implausible987678";
525    fi;
527    if A!.states > B!.states or A!.alphabet > B!.alphabet then
528        Print("The first argument is not a subautomaton of the second argument.\n");
529        return;
530    fi;
532#    gv := CMUP__getPsViewer();
533#    dot := CMUP__getDotExecutable();
535    for a in [1 .. A!.alphabet] do
536        for q in [1 .. A!.states] do
537            k := A!.transitions[a][q];
538            if IsInt(k) then
539                if not (k = B!.transitions[a][q] or k = 0) then
540                    Print("The first argument is not a subautomaton of the second argument.\n");
541                    return;
542                fi;
543            else
544                if not ForAll(k, s -> s in B!.transitions[a][q]) then
545                    Print("The first argument is not a subautomaton of the second argument.\n");
546                    return;
547                fi;
548            fi;
549        od;
550    od;
552    dotstr := AUX__DotStringForDrawingSubAutomaton(A,B);
553    return dotstr;
555    # res := dotAutomata([A,B, fich]);
557    # tdir := res[1];
558    # name := res[2];
559    # CMUP__executeDotAndViewer(tdir, dot, gv, name);
563#F  DotStringForDrawingSCCAutomaton( <A>, fich ) . . . . . . . .  produces a ps file with the
564## automaton A using the dot language. The strongly connected components are
565## emphasized.
567InstallGlobalFunction(DotStringForDrawingSCCAutomaton, function(arg)
568  local  res, A, fich, state_names, states_to_colorize, dotstr;
570    if Length(arg) = 0 then
571        Error("Please give me an automaton to draw");
572    fi;
573    if not IsAutomatonObj(arg[1]) then
574        Error("The first argument must be an automaton");
575    fi;
577    res := AUX__parseDrawAutArgs(arg);  # parse the arguments
578    A := res[1];
579    fich := res[2];
580    state_names := res[3];
581    states_to_colorize := res[4];
583 dotstr := WriteDotFileForGraph(A, fich, state_names, states_to_colorize, 2);
584 return dotstr;
587    # gv := CMUP__getPsViewer();
588    # dot := CMUP__getDotExecutable();
589    # tdir := WriteDotFileForGraph(A, fich, state_names, states_to_colorize, 2);
590    # CMUP__executeDotAndViewer(tdir, dot, gv, Concatenation(fich, ".dot"));