1 #include "defs.h"
2 #include "permfns.h"
4 extern char mult,conv,gens,inf1[],inf2[],outf1[],outf2[],outf3[],outf4[];
5 extern short  perm[],sv[],cp[],fpt[],orb[],igno[],
6        base[],lorb[],pno[],*pptr[],*svptr[],
7        gno[],ngno[],power[],wt[],d1[],d2[],
8        facord[],pinv[],rel[],
9        *relptr[],mp,mpt,mb,mexp;
10 extern int psp,svsp;
11 short npt,np,npt1,nb,exp,prime;
12 FILE *ip,*op;
14 int
resetsv(void)15 resetsv (void)
16 /* This recomputes the Schreier vectors, after a change of generators */
17 { short i,j,lo,bno,b;
18   for (bno=1;bno<=nb;bno++) if (lorb[bno]>1)
19   { *pno=0; lo=0; b=base[bno];
20     for (i=1;i<=np;i++)
21     { j=gno[i];
22       if (pptr[j][npt1]>=bno)
23       { (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=j; lo=orbitsv(b,svptr[bno],lo); }
24     }
25     if (lo!=lorb[bno]) {fprintf(stderr,"Orbit length wrong.\n"); return(-1); }
26   }
27   return(0);
28 }
30 int
setfixb(short * p)31 setfixb (short *p)
32 { short bno; bno=1;
33   while (bno<=nb && p[base[bno]]==base[bno]) bno++;
34   p[npt1]=bno;
35 }
37 int
pcprog(void)38 pcprog (void)
39 { short i,j,k,l,m,n,mxp,ngads,pairs,class,hgen,coeff,nf,nf1,nf2,pt,*pk,
40         *pnf,*pnf1,*pnf2,*ipnf,*ipnf1,*p1,*p2,*ip1,*ip2,nwt;
41   int quot;
42   char diff;
43   if ((ip=fopen(inf1,"r"))==0)
44   { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf1); return(-1); }
45   fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd%hd%hd",&npt,&np,&nb,&l);
46   if (npt>mpt) {fprintf(stderr,"npt too big. Increase MPT.\n"); return(-1); }
47   if (nb>=mb) {fprintf(stderr,"nb too big. Increase MB.\n"); return(-1); }
48   if (nb*npt>svsp)
49   { fprintf(stderr,"Out of sv space. Increase SVSP.\n");return(-1);}
50   if (l!=4) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format.\n"); return(-1); }
51   readbaselo(nb,base,lorb); npt1=npt+1;
52   quot=psp/npt1; if (quot>mp) quot=mp; mxp=quot; mxp=2*(mxp/2);
53   for (i=0;i<mxp;i++) pptr[i]=perm+i*npt1-1;
54   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svptr[i]=sv+(i-1)*npt-1;
55   if (2*(np+1)>mxp)
56   { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n"); return(-1); }
57   readpsv(0,nb,np,svptr);
58   fscanf(ip,"%hd",&prime);
59   for (i=1;i<=np;i++)
60   { fscanf(ip,"%hd",facord+i); gno[i]=2*(i-1); igno[2*i-1]=i; }
61   fclose(ip);
63 /* Since we will be changing generators, we link the perm nos with fpt.
64    gno[i] will be the current gen no i in the subnormal series for P.
65 */
66   nf=2*np; for (i=nf;i<mxp;i+=2) fpt[i]=i+2; fpt[mxp-2]= -1;
68 /* Now we start to convert the subnormal series to a central series */
69   for (i=1;i<=np;i++)
70   { p1=pptr[gno[i]]; m=facord[i];
71 /* If m>prime, we introduce p-th powers of this generator, until all indices
72    in the series have order p.
73 */
74     while (m>prime)
75     { pnf=pptr[nf]; ipnf=pnf+npt1;
76       for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
77       { pt=n; for (l=1;l<=prime;l++) pt=p1[pt]; pnf[n]=pt; ipnf[pt]=n; }
78       for (n=np+1;n>=i+1;n--)
79       { l=gno[n-1]; gno[n]=l; igno[l+1]=n; facord[n+1]=facord[n]; }
80       setfixb(pnf); facord[i+1]=prime; m/=prime;
81       facord[i]=m; gno[i]=nf; igno[nf+1]=i; np++; p1=pnf; nf=fpt[nf];
82       if (nf== -1)
83       { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n");
84         return(-1);
85       }
86       resetsv();
87     }
88     ip1=p1+npt1;
89 /* In the main bit of the algorithm, we compute commutator [i,j], and change j
90    until this lies in G(j-1).
91 */
92     for (j=1;j<=(i-2);j++)
93     { p2=pptr[gno[j]];
94       while(1)
95       { ip2=p2+npt1; pnf=pptr[nf]; ipnf=pnf+npt1;
96         for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
97         { l=p1[p2[ip1[ip2[n]]]]; pnf[n]=l; ipnf[l]=n; }
98         setfixb(pnf); firstgen(pnf,&hgen,&coeff); k=hgen;
99         if (k>=i) { fprintf(stderr,"Series is not subnormal.\n"); return(-1); }
100         if (k<j) break;
101         nf1=fpt[nf]; pnf1=pptr[nf1]; ipnf1=pnf1+npt1; nf2=fpt[nf1];
102         if (nf1== -1 || nf2== -1)
103         { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n");
104           return(-1);
105         }
106         pk=pptr[gno[k]];
107         for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
108         { pt=n; for (l=1;l<=coeff;l++) pt=pk[pt]; pnf1[n]=pt; ipnf1[pt]=n; }
109         setfixb(pnf1); fpt[gno[k]]=nf2; nf2=gno[k]; fpt[nf1]=nf2;
110         pnf2=pptr[nf2];
111         while(1)
112         { for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) pnf2[n]=pnf[ipnf1[n]];
113           firstgen(pnf2,&hgen,&coeff);
114           if (hgen>=k) {fprintf(stderr,"Impossible error!\n"); return(-1); }
115           if (hgen<j)
116           { for (m=k;m>j;m--) {l=gno[m-1]; gno[m]=l; igno[l+1]=m; }
117             gno[j]=nf1; p2=pnf1; igno[nf1+1]=j;
118             fpt[nf]=nf2; resetsv(); break;
119           }
120           for (m=k;m>=(hgen+2);m--) {l=gno[m-1];gno[m]=l;igno[l+1]=m;}
121           if (pptr[gno[hgen]][npt1]>=pnf1[npt1])
122           { l=gno[hgen]; gno[hgen+1]=l; igno[l+1]=hgen+1; }
123           else
124           { gno[hgen+1]=nf1; igno[nf1+1]=hgen+1; nf1=gno[hgen]; fpt[nf1]=nf2;
125             fpt[nf]=nf1; pnf1=pptr[nf1];
126           }
127           pk=pptr[gno[hgen]+1];
128           for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
129           { pt=n; for (l=1;l<=coeff;l++) pt=pk[pt];pt=ipnf1[pt]; pnf1[pt]=n;}
130           ipnf1=pnf1+npt1; invert(pnf1,ipnf1); setfixb(pnf1);
131           if (hgen==j)
132           { p2=pnf1; gno[j]=nf1; igno[nf1+1]=j; fpt[nf]=nf2; resetsv(); break;}
133           k=hgen;
134         } /* while(1) */
135       } /* while(1)  */
136     }  /* j loop  */
137   }  /* i loop */
138   printf("Central series found.\n");
140 /* We are now ready to compute the pcp, with definitions (d1,d2) and weigths
141    (wt). This involves two stages. In the first, we compute all commutators
142    and powers, to determine what the weights and definitios are, and change
143    some of the generators if necessary. We do not change the Schreier vector
144    generators - the new generators are used as PCP generators. Whenever we
145    change a generator, we have to completely restart this process. In the
146    second stage, the PCP is computed and output.
147 */
148   exp=np; setpinv();
149   if (exp>=mexp)
150   { fprintf(stderr,"exp too big. Increase MEXP.\n"); return(-1); }
151   for (i=1;i<=exp;i++)
152   { ngno[i]=gno[i]; wt[i]=1; power[i]=1; d1[i]=0; d2[i]=0; }
153   ngads=0; class=1;
155 restart:
156   for (i=exp;i>1;i--) for (j=exp;j>=i;j--)
157   { pnf=pptr[nf]; ipnf=pnf+npt1; p1=pptr[ngno[i]]; ip1=p1+npt1;
158     if (i==j)
159     { if (mult) continue;
160       nwt=wt[i]+1;
161       for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
162       { pt=n; for (l=1;l<=prime;l++) pt=p1[pt]; pnf[n]=pt; ipnf[pt]=n; }
163     }
164     else
165     { nwt=wt[i]+wt[j]; p2=pptr[ngno[j]]; ip2=p2+npt1;
166       for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) {pt=p2[p1[ip2[ip1[n]]]]; pnf[n]=pt; ipnf[pt]=n; }
167     }
168     hgen=express(pnf,rel,nwt);
169     if (hgen>0)
170     { wt[hgen]=nwt; if (nwt>class) class=nwt; l=ngno[hgen];
171       diff=0; p1=pptr[l];
172       for (k=1;k<=npt;k++) if (pnf[k]!=p1[k]) {diff=1; break;}
173       if (diff)
174       { if (l!=gno[hgen]) { fpt[l]=fpt[nf]; fpt[nf]=l;} else ngads++;
175         ngno[hgen]=nf; pptr[nf][npt1]=hgen; nf=fpt[nf];
176         if (nf== -1)
177         { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n");
178           return(-1);
179         }
180         for (k=1;k<=exp;k++) { d1[k]=0; d2[k]=0;}
181         goto restart;
182       }
183       else { d1[hgen]= exp+1-i; d2[hgen]=exp+1-j;}
184     }
185   }
187 /* Now we are ready to compute the PCP. We output it as we go along. */
188   op=fopen(outf1,"w");
189   fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,np,nb,2);
190   printbaselo(nb,base,lorb);
191   *pno=0; *gno=np; printpsv(nb,gno,svptr);
192   for (i=exp;i>0;i--) fprintf(op,"%4d",wt[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
193   fprintf(op,"%4d%4d\n",prime,ngads);
194   for (i=1;i<=exp;i++) fprintf(op,"%4d",power[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
195   for (i=1;i<=exp;i++)
196   { j=ngno[i]; if (j!=gno[i]) printvec(pptr[j],1);}
197   fclose(op);
198 /* Output pcp gens as permutations if required. */
199   if (gens)
200   { op=fopen(outf4,"w");
201     fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,exp,0,0);
202     for (i=exp;i>=1;i--) { j=ngno[i]; printvec(pptr[j],0);}
203     fclose(op);
204   }
205   op=fopen(outf2,"w");
206   fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",prime,exp,exp,exp-1,class,mult);
207   for (i=exp;i>0;i--) fprintf(op,"%4d",wt[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
208   for (i=exp;i>0;i--) fprintf(op,"%4d",d1[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
209   for (i=exp;i>0;i--) fprintf(op,"%4d",d2[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
210   for (i=2;i<exp;i++) for (j=1;j<i;j++)
211   { pnf=pptr[nf]; ipnf=pnf+npt1; p1=pptr[ngno[exp+1-i]]; ip1=p1+npt1;
212     p2=pptr[ngno[exp+1-j]]; ip2=p2+npt1;
213     for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) {pt=p2[p1[ip2[ip1[n]]]]; pnf[n]=pt; ipnf[pt]=n; }
214     express(pnf,rel+1,0);
215     l= *(rel+ *(rel+1)); m=1+exp-l;
216     if (d1[m]==i && d2[m]==j) *rel=l; else *rel=0;
217     for (k=0;k<= *(rel+1)+1;k++) fprintf(op,"%4d",rel[k]); fprintf(op,"\n");
218   }
219   for (i=1;i<exp;i++)
220   { pnf=pptr[nf]; ipnf=pnf+npt1; p1=pptr[ngno[exp+1-i]]; ip1=p1+npt1;
221     for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
222     { pt=n; for (l=1;l<=prime;l++) pt=p1[pt]; pnf[n]=pt; ipnf[pt]=n; }
223     express(pnf,rel+1,0);
224     l= *(rel+ *(rel+1)); m=1+exp-l;
225     if (d1[m]==i && d2[m]==i) *rel=l; else *rel=0;
226     for (k=0;k<= *(rel+1)+1;k++) fprintf(op,"%4d",rel[k]); fprintf(op,"\n");
227   }
228   fclose(op);
229   if (conv)
230   { if ((ip=fopen(inf2,"r"))==0)
231     { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf2); return(-1); }
232     op=fopen(outf3,"w");
233     fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd%hd%hd",&k,&l,&m,&n);
234     if (k!=npt || n<=0)
235     { fprintf(stderr,"inf2 has invalid npt or format.\n"); return(-1);}
236     for (i=1;i<=3;i++) while (getc(ip)!='\n');
237     fprintf(op,"%3d\n",l); pnf=pptr[nf]; ipnf=pnf+npt1;
238     for (i=1;i<=l;i++)
239     { readvec(pnf,1); invert(pnf,ipnf); express(pnf,rel,0);
240       fprintf(op,"%4d  ",*rel);
241       for (j=1;j<= *rel;j++) fprintf(op,"%4d",rel[j]);
242       fprintf(op,"\n");
243     }
244   }
245   return(0);
246 }