1 #define YAPB_NO_GAP
3 #include "simple_graph.h"
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <chrono>
9 #include "library/stats.hpp"
10 #include "search/search_options.hpp"
outputGraph(const ParsedGraph & g,SearchOptions so,GraphConfig gc,GraphDirected directed,bool stats)12 void outputGraph(const ParsedGraph& g, SearchOptions so, GraphConfig gc,
13                  GraphDirected directed, bool stats)
14 {
15     auto sols = SolveGraph(g, so, gc, directed);
17     std::cout << "[";
18     for(auto const& sol : sols)
19     {
20             std::cout << sol.cycle() << ",\n";
21     }
22     std::cout << "()]\n";
23     if(stats)
24     {
25       std::cout << "Generators: " << sols.size() << "\n";
26     }
27 }
print_usage_instructions()29 void print_usage_instructions()
30 {
31     std::cout <<
32     " A simple graph symmetry detector\n"
33     " Usage:\n"
34     "  ./symmetry_detect [--stats] [--directed] [--order [random|scf|ordered]]\n"
35     "                     [--find [generators|all]]\n"
36     "                     --saucy|--dimacs|--json <filename>\n"
37     " --stats    : Print extra stats\n"
38     " --directed : Graph is directed (ignored with --json)\n"
39     " --order    : The order in which search should be performed:\n"
40     "       random  : Choose search order randomly\n"
41     "       scf     : Choose smallest cell to branch on\n"
42     "       directed: Choose cell which is most connected in the graph(defaut)\n"
43     "       ordered : Choose cells in order of input\n"
44     " --find     : Which set of permutations should be produced:\n"
45     "       generators : Generators of the symmetry group (default)\n"
46     "       all        : All members of the symmetry group (can be VERY large)\n"
47     " --saucy    : Accept graph in saucy format\n"
48     " --dimacs   : Accept graph in dimacs format\n"
49     " --json     : Accept an AST in json format (see in-depth docs)\n"
50     " <filename> : Filename of graph\n"
51     " --startpathlength <num> : Length of paths to consider at root node (default 1)"
52     " --normalpathlength <num> : Length of paths to consider at all other nodes (default 1)";
53 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)56 int main(int argc, char **argv)
57 {
58     std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point startTime;
59     std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point endTime;
60     startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
61     char* filename = 0;
62     GraphDirected directed = GraphDirected_no;
63     bool stats = false;
64     SearchOptions so;
65     so.heuristic = Heuristic::adviseHeuristic();
66     // formats: 1 - DIMACS, 2 - saucy
67     int format = 1;
68     GraphConfig gc;
69     for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
70     {
71         if(argv[i] == std::string("--directed"))
72             directed = GraphDirected_yes;
73         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--stats"))
74             stats = true;
75         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--dimacs"))
76             format = 1;
77         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--saucy"))
78             format = 2;
79         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--json"))
80         {
81             format = 3;
82             directed = GraphDirected_yes;
83         }
84         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--order"))
85         {
86             i++;
87             if(argv[i] == std::string("random"))
88                 {
89                     so.heuristic = Heuristic::randomHeuristic();
90                 }
91             else if(argv[i] == std::string("scf"))
92             {
93                 so.heuristic = Heuristic::scfHeuristic();
94             }
95             else if(argv[i] == std::string("ordered"))
96             {
97                 so.heuristic = Heuristic::orderHeuristic();
98             }
99             else if(argv[i] == std::string("directed"))
100             {
101                 so.heuristic = Heuristic::adviseHeuristic();
102             }
103             else
104                 {
105                     std::cerr << "Do not understand order '" << argv[i] << "'\n";
106                     exit(1);
107                 }
108         }
109         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--find"))
110         {
111             i++;
112             if(argv[i] == std::string("generators"))
113                 so.only_find_generators = true;
114             else if(argv[i] == std::string("all"))
115                 so.only_find_generators = false;
116             else
117                 {
118                     std::cerr << "Do not understand --find argument '" << argv[i] << "'\n";
119                     exit(1);
120                 }
121         }
122         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--startpathlength"))
123         {
124             i++;
125             gc.start_path_length = atoi(argv[i]);
126             if(gc.start_path_length <= 0) {
127                 std::cerr << "Invalid startpathlength\n";
128                 exit(1);
129             }
130         }
131         else if(argv[i] == std::string("--normalpathlength"))
132         {
133             i++;
134             gc.normal_path_length = atoi(argv[i]);
135             if(gc.normal_path_length <= 0) {
136                 std::cerr << "Invalid normalpathlength\n";
137                 exit(1);
138             }
139         }
140         else if(argv[i] == std::string("-h") || argv[i] == std::string("-help") || argv[i] == std::string("--help"))
141         {
142             print_usage_instructions();
143             exit(0);
144         }
145         else
146         {
147             if(filename == 0)
148                 filename = argv[i];
149             else
150             {
151                 std::cerr << "Only one filename allowed\n";
152                 exit(1);
153             }
154         }
155     }
157     if(filename == 0)
158     {
159         std::cerr << "Error: No filename" << std::endl;
160         print_usage_instructions();
161         exit(1);
162     }
163     if(format == 3)
164     {
165         solveJsonGraph(filename, so, gc);
166     }
167     else
168     {
169     FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");
171     if(!fp)
172     {
173         std::cerr << "Could not open file '" << filename << "'\n";
174         perror("Error: ");
175     }
177     ParsedGraph g;
178     switch(format)
179     {
180         case 1: g = read_dimacs_graph(fp); break;
181         case 2: g = read_saucy_graph(fp); break;
182         default: abort();
184     }
186     g.clean();
188     outputGraph(g, so, gc, directed, stats);
189 }
191     if(stats) {
192       endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
193       int64_t timeTaken =
194         std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(endTime - startTime).count();
195       timeTaken /= 1000;
196       std::cout << "time taken (ms): " << timeTaken << std::endl;
197       std::cout << "Nodes: " << Stats::container().node_count << "\n"
198                 << "Bad leaves: " << Stats::container().bad_leaves << "\n"
199                   << "Bad internal: "
200                     << Stats::container(). bad_internal_nodes << "\n";
201         for(auto p : Stats::container().getConstraintCalls())
202         {
203             std::cout << p.first << ": " << p.second << "\n";
204         }
205     }
206     return 0;
207 }