1 /*****************************************************************************
2 *                                                                            *
3 * Auxiliary procedures for use with nauty 2.2.                               *
4 * None of these procedures are needed by nauty or by dreadnaut.              *
5 *                                                                            *
6 *   Copyright (1984-2002) Brendan McKay.  All rights reserved.               *
7 *   Subject to waivers and disclaimers in nauty.h.                           *
8 *                                                                            *
9 *   CHANGE HISTORY                                                           *
10 *       26-Apr-89 : initial creation for Version 1.5.                        *
11 *       14-Oct-90 : renamed to version 1.6 (no changes to this file)         *
12 *        5-Jun-93 : renamed to version 1.7+ (no changes to this file)        *
13 *       18-Aug-93 : renamed to version 1.8 (no changes to this file)         *
14 *       17-Sep-93 : renamed to version 1.9 (no changes to this file)         *
15 *       24-Jan-00 : renamed to version 2.0 (no changes to this file)         *
16 *       16-Nov-00 : made changes listed in nauty.h                           *
17 *        8-Aug-02 : updated for version 2.2 (dynamic storage)                *
18 *                                                                            *
19 *****************************************************************************/
21 #define ONE_WORD_SETS
22 #include "naututil.h"          /* which includes "nauty.h" and <stdio.h> */
23 #include "nautaux.h"
25 #if  MAXM==1
26 #define M 1
27 #else
28 #define M m
29 #endif
31 #if !MAXN
32 DYNALLSTAT(set,workset,workset_sz);
33 DYNALLSTAT(permutation,workperm,workperm_sz);
34 #else
35 static set workset[MAXM];   /* used for scratch work */
36 static permutation workperm[MAXN+2];
37 #endif
39 /*****************************************************************************
40 *                                                                            *
41 *  ptncode(g,lab,ptn,level,m,n) returns a long integer invariant which       *
42 *  depends on the (assumed equitable) partition at the stated level, and     *
43 *  the number of edges betwen the various cells.                             *
44 *  Neither nauty nor dreadnaut use this.                                     *
45 *                                                                            *
46 *  GLOBALS ACCESSED: bit<r>,setinter()                                       *
47 *                                                                            *
48 *****************************************************************************/
50 long
ptncode(graph * g,int * lab,int * ptn,int level,int m,int n)51 ptncode(graph *g, int *lab, int *ptn, int level, int m, int n)
52 {
53         register int i;
54         register long code;
55         int v1,v2,nc,inter,cellend;
57 #if !MAXN
58         DYNALLOC1(permutation,workperm,workperm_sz,n+2,"testcanlab");
59         DYNALLOC1(set,workset,workset_sz,m,"testcanlab");
60 #endif
62         /* find all cells: put starts in workperm[0..n] */
64         i = nc = 0;
65         code = 0;
67         while (i < n)
68         {
69             workperm[nc++] = i;
70             code = ((code << 13) ^ (code >> 19)) + i;
71             while (ptn[i] > level)
72                 ++i;
73             ++i;
74         }
75         workperm[nc] = n;
77         for (v2 = 0; v2 < nc; ++v2)
78         {
79             EMPTYSET(workset,m);
80             for (i = workperm[v2], cellend = workperm[v2+1] - 1;
81                                                           i <= cellend; ++i)
82                 ADDELEMENT(workset,lab[i]);
83             for (v1 = 0; v1 < nc; ++v1)
84             {
85                 i = workperm[v1];
86                 cellend = workperm[v1+1] - 1;
87                 inter = setinter(workset,GRAPHROW(g,lab[i],M),M);
88                 code = ((code << 13) ^ (code >> 19)) + inter;
89             }
90         }
92         return(code);
93 }
95 /*****************************************************************************
96 *                                                                            *
97 *  equitable(g,lab,ptn,level,m,n) checks that the partition at the given     *
98 *  level is equitable.  Neither nauty nor dreadnaut use this.                *
99 *                                                                            *
100 *  GLOBALS ACCESSED: bit<r>,setinter()                                       *
101 *                                                                            *
102 *****************************************************************************/
104 boolean
equitable(graph * g,int * lab,int * ptn,int level,int m,int n)105 equitable(graph *g, int *lab, int *ptn, int level, int m, int n)
106 {
107         register int i;
108         int v1,v2,nc,inter,cellend;
109         boolean ok;
111         /* find all cells: put starts in workperm[0..n] */
113 #if !MAXN
114         DYNALLOC1(permutation,workperm,workperm_sz,n+2,"testcanlab");
115         DYNALLOC1(set,workset,workset_sz,m,"testcanlab");
116 #endif
118         i = nc = 0;
120         while (i < n)
121         {
122             workperm[nc++] = i;
123             while (ptn[i] > level)
124                 ++i;
125             ++i;
126         }
127         workperm[nc] = n;
129         ok = TRUE;
130         for (v2 = 0; v2 < nc; ++v2)
131         {
132             EMPTYSET(workset,m);
133             for (i = workperm[v2], cellend = workperm[v2+1] - 1;
134                                                           i <= cellend; ++i)
135                 ADDELEMENT(workset,lab[i]);
136             for (v1 = 0; v1 < nc; ++v1)
137             {
138                 i = workperm[v1];
139                 cellend = workperm[v1+1] - 1;
140                 if (i == cellend)
141                     continue;
142                 inter = setinter(workset,GRAPHROW(g,lab[i],M),M);
143                 while (++i <= cellend)
144                      if (setinter(workset,GRAPHROW(g,lab[i],M),M) != inter)
145                          ok = FALSE;
146             }
147         }
149         return(ok);
150 }
152 /*****************************************************************************
153 *                                                                            *
154 *  component(g,v,c,m,n) determines the set of all vertices that can be       *
155 *  reached along directed paths starting at vertex v, including v itself.    *
156 *  This set is returned as c, unless c is null.  The size of the set is      *
157 *  returned as the function value.                                           *
158 *                                                                            *
159 *  GLOBALS ACCESSED: bit<r>,setinter(),nextelement()                         *
160 *                                                                            *
161 *****************************************************************************/
163 int
component(graph * g,int v,set * cmpt,int m,int n)164 component(graph *g, int v, set *cmpt, int m, int n)
165 {
166         register int i,z;
167         set newverts[MAXM],*gx;
168         int head,tail,x;
170 #if !MAXN
171         DYNALLOC1(permutation,workperm,workperm_sz,n+2,"testcanlab");
172 #endif
174         EMPTYSET(workset,m);
175         ADDELEMENT(workset,v);
176         head = 0;
177         tail = 1;
178         workperm[head] = v;
180         while (head < tail && tail < n)
181         {
182             x = workperm[head++];
183             gx = GRAPHROW(g,x,m);
184             for (i = m; --i >= 0;)
185             {
186                 newverts[i] = gx[i] & ~workset[i];
187                 workset[i] |= gx[i];
188             }
189 	    for (z = -1; (z = nextelement(newverts,m,z)) >= 0; )
190                 workperm[tail++] = z;
191         }
193         if (cmpt != NULL)
194             for (i = m; --i >= 0;) cmpt[i] = workset[i];
196         return(tail);
197 }
199 /*****************************************************************************
200 *                                                                            *
201 *  nautyaux_check() checks that this file is compiled compatibly with the    *
202 *  given parameters.   If not, call exit(1).                                 *
203 *                                                                            *
204 *****************************************************************************/
206 void
nautyaux_check(int wordsize,int m,int n,int version)207 nautyaux_check(int wordsize, int m, int n, int version)
208 {
209         if (wordsize != WORDSIZE)
210         {
211             fprintf(ERRFILE,"Error: WORDSIZE mismatch in nautyaux.c\n");
212             exit(1);
213         }
215 #if MAXN
216         if (m > MAXM)
217         {
218             fprintf(ERRFILE,"Error: MAXM inadequate in nautyaux.c\n");
219             exit(1);
220         }
222         if (n > MAXN)
223         {
224             fprintf(ERRFILE,"Error: MAXN inadequate in nautyaux.c\n");
225             exit(1);
226         }
227 #endif
229 #ifdef BIGNAUTY
230         if ((version & 1) == 0)
231         {
232             fprintf(ERRFILE,"Error: BIGNAUTY mismatch in nautyaux.c\n");
233             exit(1);
234         }
235 #else
236         if ((version & 1) == 1)
237         {
238             fprintf(ERRFILE,"Error: BIGNAUTY mismatch in nautyaux.c\n");
239             exit(1);
240         }
241 #endif
243         if (version < NAUTYREQUIRED)
244         {
245             fprintf(ERRFILE,"Error: nautyaux.c version mismatch\n");
246             exit(1);
247         }
248 }
250 /*****************************************************************************
251 *                                                                            *
252 *  nautyaux_freedyn() - free the dynamic memory in this module               *
253 *                                                                            *
254 *****************************************************************************/
256 void
naugraph_freedyn(void)257 naugraph_freedyn(void)
258 {
259 #if !MAXN
260         DYNFREE(workset,workset_sz);
261         DYNFREE(workperm,workperm_sz);
262 #endif
263 }