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111\multiply\bigbigskipamount by4\divide\bigbigskipamount by3
114\centerline{{\titlefont PARTITION BACKTRACK PROGRAMS:}}
116\centerline{{\titlefont USER'S MANUAL}}
118\centerline{{\authorfont JEFFREY S. LEON}}
120\centerline{Mathmatics Dept, m/c 249}
121\centerline{University of Illinois at Chicago}
122\centerline{Box 4348}
123\centerline{Chicago, IL 60680}
126\section{I.\quad INTRODUCTION}
128This document describes a collection of programs for permutation group
129computations employing the partition backtrack method, as described in a
130recent article by the author (Leon, 1991).  At present, these programs
131perform the following computations:
133\twocols{set stabilizers,}{set images (see below),}
135\twocols{ordered partition stabilizers,}{ordered partition images,}
139\twocols{centralizers (of elements),}{conjugacy (of elements),}
141\twocols{centralizers (of subgroups),}{}
143\twocols{automorphism groups of designs,}{isomorphism of designs,}
145\twocols{automorphism groups of matrices,}{isomorphism of matrices,}
147\twocols{monomial automorphism groups of}{monomial isomorphism of matrices}
149\twocols{matrices over small fields,}{over small fields,}
151\twocols{automorphism groups of linear codes,}{isomorphism of linear codes.}
153The term {\it set image} problem is used here to refer to the following
154problem: Given a permutation group
155$G$ and subsets $\Lambda$ and $\Phi$ of the domain, determine if there exists
156$g \in G$ such that $\Lambda^g = \Phi$.  The ordered partition image problem is
157defined analogously.  The term {\it design\/} is used here to refer to any
158collection of points and blocks.  An automorphism of a matrix is any permutation
159of the rows and columns that leaves the matrix invariant; two matrices are
160isomorphic if one may be transformed to the other by permutation of rows and
161columns.  For monomial automorphism groups and monomial isomorphism, the matrix entries
162must be taken from a finite field; in addition to permutation of rows and
163columns, we allow each row and each column to be multiplied by a nonzero
164field element.
167Note that each of the problems in the first column above involves
168computation of a subgroup; these problems will be referred to
169as {\it subgroup computations}.  For each problem
170in the second column, the set of permutations having the desired property
171either is empty or forms a right coset of an appropriate subgroup; we are
172seeking one coset representative (if it exists).  These problems
173will be referred to as {\it coset representative computations}.
176Some of the programs described here can be used to compute in groups of
177relatively high degree, considerably higher than those that can be
178handled by programs based on conventional algorithms.
179However, it should be kept mind that the programs are new.
180All appear to work correctly, but most have not
181been thoroughly tested, especially on intransitive groups.  (The set
182stabilizer program has been tested the most thoroughly, and in general those
183for subgroup computations have received more testing than those for coset
184representative calculations.)  The author would appreciate any reports of errors; they
185may be sent to {\tt leon@turing.math.uic.edu}.
187Work on programs for the following computations is in progress:
189\twocols{unordered partition stabilizers,}{unordered partition images,}
191\twocols{normalizers,}{conjugacy (of subgroups),}
193\twocols{}{coset intersections,}
195In the course of constructing test cases for the partition backtrack programs
196and verifying their output,
197the author has developed several other programs, not based on backtrack search.
198These programs are described briefly in Section~IX.  Many of these programs
199were put together quickly, with a view toward simplicity rather than
200efficiency and ease of use.
202At present, the programs run on the following machines: The Sun/3, the Sun/4,
203the IBM~3090, and the IBM~PC.  Two versions are available for the IBM~PC: a standard version,
204which is limited to groups of degree no more than 1000 (roughly) due
205to the 640K memory limitation, and a 386/486 version using a DOS extender, that
206can handle larger groups.  The source code for all programs is written
207entirely in C and, with very minor exceptions, conforms to the ANSI
208standard.  The programs should compile, with minimal changes, with
209any C compiler fully supporting the ANSI standard.  The Sun/3 and Sun/4
210versions have been compiled with the GNU C compiler, the IBM~3090 version with the
211Waterloo~C compiler, and the IBM/PC versions with the Borland C++ and
212Zortech C++ compilers (both configured as C compilers).
215\section{II.\quad OBJECTS AND FILE FORMATS}
217At present, the programs compute with objects of seven types:  Permutation
218groups, permutations, point sets, partitions (ordered or unordered),
219block designs, matrices, and linear codes.  Each object used as
220input by the programs is read from a file.  Likewise, each object constructed
221by the programs is written to a file.  All of these files
222are ordinary text files.  The format of the files is designed for
223compatibility with Cayley (Cannon, 1984); it is that of a Cayley library,
224with certain restrictions added.  Essentially, the restrictions say that
225the library may contain only statements defining the object, and (at present)
226that only certain attributes of the object may specified in the library.
227(Many of the permutation group libraries distributed with Cayley conform
228to these restrictions.)  Thus objects constructed by these programs
229described here may be read into Cayley for further investigation.
230Likewise, objects defined in existing Cayley libraries may, in many cases,
231be used as input to the programs described here.  An alternative format,
232compatible with Gap, may be added at a later date.
234The examples which follow illustrate the correct format for these object files.
235Note that the contents of the files is case--insensitive; upper and lower case
236letters may be used interchangeably.  (However, the names of the files may
237be case--sensitive, depending on the operating system.)  Also, the
238use of white space (blanks, tabs, newline characters) is optional:  Except
239within integers and identifiers, any number of whitespace characters may
240occur.  Text enclosed by ampersands or quotation marks is treated as a comment.
242\subsection{a)\enskip Permutation groups:}The format for permutation group files
243is illustrated by following file, named {\filenamefont psp62}, which defines
244${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ as a permutation group
245on nonzero vectors (degree 63).
247\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
248LIBRARY psp62;
249" PSp(6,2) acting on nonzero vectors, degree 63."
250psp62: permutation group(63);
251psp62.forder: 2^9 * 3^4 * 5 * 7;
253  a = (1,2)(3,5)(4,7)(8,12)(11,16)(13,19)(17,18)(20,26)(21,28)(23,30)(24,32)
254      (25,34)(29,37)(31,40)(33,43)(36,46)(38,41)(39,49)(42,44)(45,52)(48,51)
255      (53,58)(57,62)(59,61),
256  b = (1,3,6,10,15,22)(2,4,8,13,20,27)(5,9,14,21,29,38)(7,11,17,23,31,41)
257      (12,18,24,33,44,34)(16,19,25)(26,35,45,53,32,42)(28,36,47)(30,39,50,
258      56,61,58)(37,48)(40,51,46,54,59,62)(49,55,60,63,52,57);
261The line specifying the factored group order may be omitted; however, since the
262random Schreier method is currently used to construct a base and strong
263generating set for the group, there is a possibility (probably small) that
264the group may be generated incorrectly if this line is removed.
265When generators are written in cycle format, as above, inclusion of cycles
266of length one is optional.  (For compatibility with Cayley, they should be
268It is also
269possible to write the generators in image (rather than cycle) format; in
270this case, the file shown above would become:
272\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
273LIBRARY psp62;
274" PSp(6,2) acting on nonzero vectors, degree 63."
275psp62: permutation group(63);
276psp62.forder: 2^9 * 3^4 * 5 * 7;
278   a = /2,1,5,7,3,6,4,12,9,10,16,8,19,14,15,11,18,17,13,26,28,22,30,
279        32,34,20,27,21,37,23,40,24,43,25,35,46,29,41,49,31,38,44,33,42,
280        52,36,47,51,39,50,48,45,58,54,55,56,62,53,61,60,59,57,63/,
281   b = /3,4,6,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,18,20,21,22,19,23,24,25,27,29,1,
282        31,33,16,35,2,36,38,39,41,42,44,12,45,47,48,5,50,51,7,26,43,34,
283        53,54,28,37,55,56,46,57,32,59,60,61,49,30,62,63,58,40,52/;
286Finally, if a base and strong generating set for the group are already
287known, they may be included in the file.  This eliminates the need for
288the programs to first construct a base and strong generating set for
289the input group.  The file format is then as follows.
291\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
292LIBRARY psp62;
293" PSp(6,2) acting on nonzero vectors, degree 63."
294psp62: permutation group(63);
295psp62.forder: 2^9 * 3^4 * 5 * 7;
296psp62.base:  seq(1,3,6,2,4,5);
297psp62.strong generators:  [
298   x01 = (1,3)(4,27)(5,9)(7,45)(10,48)(11,17)(12,34)(13,20)(14,25)(15,
299         39)(16,63)(19,60)(21,55)(22,58)(23,28)(24,37)(31,53)(32,47)(33,
300         61)(36,42)(38,49)(44,50)(51,62)(54,59),
301   x02 = (2,16)(3,6)(5,55)(8,21)(9,40)(13,51)(14,46)(15,47)(17,44)(19,
302         59)(20,29)(22,36)(23,58)(24,61)(25,63)(26,37)(27,60)(31,50)(32,
303         48)(33,41)(34,56)(38,57)(43,45)(52,62),
304    .
305    .
307   x12 = (5,51)(7,12)(8,29)(9,62)(10,42)(13,55)(15,23)(18,35)(20,21)
308         (22,32)(28,39)(34,45)(36,48)(40,52)(43,56)(47,58)];
311(The vertical dots indicated that part of the file has been omitted.)
312When a base and strong generating set are given, inclusion of the factored
313order of the group is purely optional.
314At present it is {\it not} possible to specify both generators and a base and
315strong generating set for a group.  (This obviously undesirable restriction
316will be removed eventually.)
318\subsection{b)\enskip Permutations:}The format for permutation files
319is illustrated by following file, named {\filenamefont g}, which defines a permutation of
320$g$ of degree 63 and order 4, which turns out to lie in the group
321${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ given above.
323\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
325" An element of order 4 in the group psp62 above."
326g = (1,40,50,6)(2,58,18,34)(3,8,44,30)(4,10,15,48)(5,11)(7,60,38,32)
327    (12,46,22,56)(13,62,20,61)(16,42,36,63)(19,49,47,45)(21,53,31,
328    55)(24,33,37,51)(25,28)(26,52)(27,59,39,54)(29,41);
331As with generators for permutation groups, permutations may be written in
332image format, rather than cycle format.  Note that, when cycle format is used,
333the file contains no explicit indication of the degree of the permutation.
334Thus, for example, the permutation {\tt g} above could be used wherever a
335permutation of degree 63 (the largest point appearing explicitly) or greater
336is expected.
338Given the files above, the centralizer in ${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ of $g$ could be
339computed by the command
341\hskip0.45truein{\tt cent\quad psp62\quad g\quad C}
343which would save the centralizer (in the format described in part~(a) above)
344in the file {\filenamefont C}.
346\subsection{c)\enskip Point sets:}The format for point sets is illustrated
347by following file, named {\filenamefont lambda}, which defines a subset $\Lambda$ of
350\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
351LIBRARY lambda;
352" A subset of {1,...,63} of size 31."
353lambda = [10,16,44,3,5,33,48,63,56,50,6,52,55,19,34,25,2,35,17,40,21,
354          58,49,36,39,12,60,30,15,29,37];
357Note that there is no explicit indication of the size
358of the base set.  Thus the set {\tt lambda} above could be used wherever
359a subset of $\{1,\ldots,m\}$ is expected for any $m$ with $m \geq 63$
360(the largest point appearing explicitly).
362The set stabilizer in ${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ of $\Lambda$ could be computed
363by the command
365\hskip0.45truein{\tt setstab\quad psp62\quad lambda\quad S}
367which would save the stabilizer in the file {\filenamefont S}.
369\subsection{d)\enskip Partitions:}The format for partitions (ordered or
370unordered) is illustrated
371by following file, named {\filenamefont pi}, which defines a partition
372$\Pi$ of $\{1,\ldots,63\}$.
374\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
375LIBRARY pi;
376" An (ordered or unordered) partition of 1,...,63 having four "
377" cells of sizes 15, 20, 13, and 15. respectively."
378pi = seq([1,34,28,48,37,41,13,54,57,51,4,38,8,46,16],[2,40,21,
379          18,6,53,30,56,42,12,3,11,33,15,32,5,60,31,55,63],[7,
380          36,25,29,35,9,26,49,14,47,10,24,43],[17,58,52,50,59,
381          45,20,61,23,39,44,19,22,62,27]);
384Note that the individual cells are delimited by square brackets.
385Note also that the file contains no indication whether the partition is ordered
386or unordered; rather each program operating on partitions interprets the
387partition as ordered or unordered, whichever is appropriate for the the
390The stabilizer in ${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ of $\Pi$, interpreted as an ordered
391partition, could be computed by the command
393\hskip0.45truein{\tt parstab\quad psp62\quad pi\quad T}
395which saves the stabilizer in the file {\filenamefont T}.
397\subsection{e)\enskip Block designs:}Here a block design refers to any
398collection of subsets of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$; it is even possible to have
399repeated blocks, i.e., two different blocks containing exactly the same points.
400(If repeated blocks occur, we require that an automorphism preserve
401multiplicities.)  The file format for block designs
402is illustrated by following file, named {\filenamefont d17}, which defines
403a block design $D_{17}$ with 17 points and with 34 blocks, each of size 5.
405\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
406LIBRARY d17;
407" The design with 17 points and 34 blocks, each containing "
408" 5 points, obtained from the codewords of weight 5 in the "
409" quadratic residue code of length 17 and dimension 9."
410d17 = seq( 17, 34,
411           [3,6,8,15,17], [1,4,7,9,16], [1,4,5,11,17],
412           [2,5,8,10,17], [3,4,7,8,14], [1,2,5,6,12],
413           [1,4,6,13,15], [1,3,6,9,11], [1,3,10,12,15],
414           [3,5,8,11,13], [2,8,9,12,13], [1,7,13,14,17],
415           [6,8,11,14,16], [4,5,8,9,15], [2,5,7,14,16],
416           [2,3,6,7,13], [3,4,10,16,17], [3,5,12,14,17],
417           [1,7,8,11,12], [5,7,10,13,15], [6,12,13,16,17],
418           [2,4,7,10,12], [2,9,11,14,17], [2,3,9,15,16],
419           [2,4,11,13,16], [6,7,10,11,17], [4,6,9,12,14],
420           [5,11,12,15,16], [1,8,10,13,16], [1,2,8,14,15],
421           [5,6,9,10,16], [4,10,11,14,15], [7,9,12,15,17],
422           [3,9,10,13,14] );
425Note that the file contains the number of points, followed by the number
426of blocks, followed by a listing of the blocks.  Each block is delimited
427by square brackets.
429The automorphism group of this block design could be computed by the command
431\hskip0.45truein{\tt desauto\quad d17\quad A}
433which saves the automorphism group in the file {\filenamefont A}.
435\subsection{f)\enskip Matrices:}Here a matrix is merely a $k\times n$
436array of integers, each in the set $\{0,\ldots,q-1\}$ for some $k$, $n$, and
437$q$.  (At present, $q$ cannot exceed 256; this limit could be raised, at the
438cost of additional space, by minor changes to the source code.)
439The file format for matrices is
440illustrated by following file, named {\filenamefont m17},
441which represents incidence matrix $M_{17}$ for the block design $D_{17}$
442in part~(e) above.  (In the incidence matrix, rows correspond to points and
443columns to blocks.)
445\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
446LIBRARY m17;
447" The incidence matrix of d17."
448m17 = seq( 2, 17, 34, seq(
449       0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,
450       0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,
451       1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,
452       0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,
453       0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,
454       1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,
455       0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,
456       1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,
457       0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,
458       0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,
459       0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,
460       0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,
461       0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,
462       0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,
463       1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,
464       0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,
465       1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0
466      ));
469Note that the file contains the set size $q$, followed by the number $k$ of rows,
470followed by the number $n$ of columns, followed by the entries of the matrix
471listed in row--major order.  Note that matrix entries are not, in general,
472limited to 0 and 1; if $q$ is the set size, matrix entries may be integers
473in the range 0 through $q-1$.
475The automorphism group of this matrix could be computed by the command
477\hskip0.45truein{\tt matauto\quad m17\quad B}
479which saves the automorphism group in the file {\filenamefont B}.
481Matrices may also be specified using an alternate format, which is not
482compatible with Cayley, but which saves considerable space for large
483matrices.\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{\elevenpoint At time of writing, the alternate format does not work
484correctly on some machines.}  This alternate format is available only when the set size $q$ is
485at most 9.  Using the alternate format, the matrix $M_{17}$ would be
486specified by a file as follows:
488\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
4902  17  34
510With the alternate format, blanks may occur between matrix entries, but
511are not required.  The first line of the file is reserved for the matrix
512name; nothing else may be placed on this line.
514\subsection{g)\enskip Linear codes:}
515The file format for lines codes is
516illustrated by following file, named {\filenamefont q17}, which represents the
517binary (17,9)--quadratic residue code $Q_{17}$ mentioned in part~(e) above.
518This file gives a generator matrix for the code, in the format of
519part~(f) above.
521\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
522LIBRARY q17;
523" The (17,9) binary quadratic residue code."
524q17 = seq( 2, 9, 17, seq(
525           1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,
526           1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,
527           1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,
528           0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,
529           1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,
530           0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,
531           0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,
532           0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,
533           1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
534      ));
537Note that the file contains the size of the field for the code, followed by the
538dimension of the code, followed by the
539length of the code, followed by a generator matrix whose entries are
540listed in row--major order.  At present, the field size is restricted to
541a prime integer (less than 255) or to 4; automorphism group and isomorphism
542calculations are practical only when the field size is quite small.
543  In the case of a prime, the field
544is taken as the integers modulo that prime.
546The automorphism group of this code could be computed by the command
548\hskip0.45truein{\tt codeauto\quad q17\quad v17\quad H}
550which saves the automorphism group as the group {\filenamefont H}.
551(Here file {\filenamefont v17} defines a matrix $V_{17}$ which is the
552transpose of the matrix $M_{17}$ of part~(f) above; the role of
553$V_{17}$ will be explained later.)
555As with matrices, an alternate (not Cayley--compatible) format is provided
556for codes over field of size at most 9.\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{\elevenpoint As with matrices, this
557alternate format at present fails to work correctly on some machines.}
558With the alternate format, the file defining the code $Q_{17}$
559would be as follows:
561\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
5632  9  17
577In the examples above, it was assumed that the name of file matched the
578name of the Cayley library that it contained.  Although this is
579recommended for simplicity, it need not be the case.  When the names
580do not match, an object is specified using the format
581\hbox{{\it fileName\/}{\tt ::}{\it libraryName\/}}.  For example, if the file
582{\filenamefont psp62} in part~(a) above were renamed {\filenamefont psp}
583and the file {\filenamefont g} in part~(b) were named {\filenamefont pspx4},
584but if the contents of both files remained unchanged, the command to
585compute the centralizer in ${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ of $g$ might be
587\hskip0.45truein{\tt cent\quad psp::psp62\quad pspx4::g\quad gCentr::C}
589where now the centralizer is saved in the file {\filenamefont gCentr}, but in a
590Cayley library named {\tt C}.  A path may also be specified, for example,
592\hskip0.45in{\tt cent\quad ../groups/psp::psp62\quad ../groups/pspx4::g\quad gCentr::C}
594in Unix.  (In MS~DOS on the IBM~PC, the forward slash must be replaced
595by a backslash.  Under CMS on the IBM~370, the file name and file type must
596be separated by a period, rather than the blank normally used under CMS.)
597If however, the file name and the library name for input files
598differ only in that the file name contains path information, the
599{\tt -p} option (discussed later) may be useful.
602In the examples above, not only did the file name and the Cayley library
603name match, but both matched the actual name for the object appearing in
604the Cayley library.  Actually, the name for the object need not be
605related to the name of the Cayley library.  For example, the following
606is acceptable.
608\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
609LIBRARY psp62;
610" PSp(6,2) acting on nonzero vectors, degree 63."
611G: permutation group(63);
612G.forder: 2^9 * 3^4 * 5 * 7;
614  a = (1,2)(3,5)(4,7)(8,12)(11,16)(13,19)(17,18)(20,26)(21,28)(23,30)(24,32)
615      (25,34)(29,37)(31,40)(33,43)(36,46)(38,41)(39,49)(42,44)(45,52)(48,51)
616      (53,58)(57,62)(59,61),
617  b = (1,3,6,10,15,22)(2,4,8,13,20,27)(5,9,14,21,29,38)(7,11,17,23,31,41)
618      (12,18,24,33,44,34)(16,19,25)(26,35,45,53,32,42)(28,36,47)(30,39,50,
619      56,61,58)(37,48)(40,51,46,54,59,62)(49,55,60,63,52,57);
622In this situation, the command line must still specify the Cayley library name
623(and file name, if different), but informative messages printed as the
624command executes use the object name ({\tt G}, in this case).  For
625objects created by commands, an object name different from the Cayley
626library name may be specified by means of the {\tt -n} option, discussed
630\section{III.\quad\kern-3pt FIELDS, MONOMIAL PERMUTATIONS, AND MATRICES\kern-2pt}
632This section treats several topics that arise primarily in connection
633with computations involving combinatorial structures -- designs, matrices,
634and codes.
636\subsection{i)\enskip Finite fields:}Finite fields arise when computing with
637codes, or with matrices whose entries belong to the field.  At present, only
638fields ${\rm GF}(q)$ whose order $q$ is either 4 or a prime integer are
639supported; moreover, we must have $q\leq 255$.  (For automorphism
640group and isomorphism calculations, time and space considerations generally
641dictate a practical limit on $q$ that is far lower.)  Field elements are
642numbered $0,1,\ldots,q-1$.  When $q$ is prime, the field is taken as the
643integers modulo $q$.  When $q=4$, there is an essentially unique way to
644number the field elements.
646We denote the set of nonzero elements of
647${\rm GF}(q)$ by ${\rm GF}(q)^{\#}$.
649\subsection{ii)\enskip Monomial permutations:}Given a fixed field
650${\rm GF}(q)$, a monomial permutation of monomial degree $n$ over
651${\rm GF}(q)$ is essentially a permutation $s$ on
652${\rm GF}(q)^{\#} \times \{1,\ldots,n\}$ which satisfies the following property,
653henceforth referred to as the {\it monomial property:\/}
654$$\displaylines{(\alpha,i)^s = (\beta,j)\quad {\rm implies}\quad
655  (\gamma\alpha,i)^s = (\gamma\beta,j)\kern40pt\cr\kern40pt
656  {\rm \hbox{for all}}\enskip
657  \alpha,\beta,\gamma\in {\rm GF}(q)^{\#}\enskip {\rm and}\enskip
658  i,j\in\{1,\ldots,n\}.\cr}$$
659Note that $s$ is determined completely by its action on the points $(1,i)$,
660$1\leq i\leq n$; note also that the actual degree of $s$ is $(q-1)n$.
662For purposes of actual computation, however, we want
663a representation of $s$ as a
664permutation on $\{1,\ldots,(q-1)n\}$; to obtain this,
665we number the pair $(\alpha,i)$ by
666$(q-1)(i-1)+\overline{\alpha}$, where $\overline{\alpha}$ denotes the integer
667representing $\alpha$.  Then the monomial property becomes
668$$\displaylines{\bigl((q-1)(i-1)+\overline{\alpha}\bigr)^s =
669(q-1)(j-1)+\overline{\beta}\quad{\rm implies}\kern40pt\cr
670  \kern40pt\bigl((q-1)(i-1)+\overline{\gamma\alpha}\bigr)^s =
673For example, over the field ${\rm GF}(4)$, the monomial permutation $s$ on
674${\rm GF}(4) \times \{1,2,3,4\}$ determined by
675$$ (1,1)^s = (3,2),\quad (1,2)^s = (2,4),\quad (1,3)^s = (1,1),\quad
676   (1,4)^s = (2,3)$$
677is represented as a permutation on $\{1,\ldots,12\}$ as follows:
681\subsection{iii)\enskip Permutations acting on matrices:}Let
682$A = (a_{ij})$ be an $r \times c$ matrix with entries from an arbitrary set.
683A permutation $s$ of degree $r+c$ which fixes $\{1,\ldots,r\}$ setwise
684induces an action on $A$ as follows:  Row $i$ of $A$ is moved to row position $i^s$\enskip
685$(1\leq i\leq r)$ and column $j$ of $A$ is moved to column position
686$(r+j)^s-r$\enskip $(1\leq j\leq c)$.  Thus
687$$A^s = (b_{ij}),\quad {\rm where}\quad
688  b_{ij} = a_{i^\prime j^\prime},\enskip {\rm with}\enskip
689  i^\prime = i^{s^{-1}}\enskip {\rm and}\enskip
690  j^\prime = (r+j)^{s^{-1}}-r.$$
691If $A^s = B$, we say that $s$ is an {\it isomorphism\/} of $A$ to $B$.  When
692$A^s=A$,\enskip $s$ is called an {\it automorphism\/} of $A$.  The group formed by
693the automorphisms is called the {\it automorphism group\/} of $A$, and denoted
694${\rm AUT}(A)$.
696For example, the action of a permutation $s$ of degree 7 on a $3\times 4$
697matrix $A$ is illustrated by the following.
698$$s = (1,3,2)(4,7,5),\qquad
699  A =   \pmatrix{8&0&4&3\cr
700                2&9&3&0\cr
701                0&1&7&5\cr},\qquad
702  A^s = \pmatrix{9&0&3&2\cr
703                1&5&7&0\cr
704                0&3&4&8\cr}.$$
707\subsection{iv)\enskip Monomial permutations acting on matrices:}Now let
708$A = (a_{ij})$ be an $r \times c$ matrix with entries from a field
709${\rm GF}(q)$.  A monomial permutation $s$ of monomial degree $r+c\kern3pt$
710(actual degree $(q-1)(r+c)\kern2pt)$ which fixes $\{1,\ldots,(q-1)r\}$ setwise
711induces an action on $A$.  This action is most easily described if we think of $s$ as
712a permutation on ${\rm GF}(q)^{\#} \times \{1,\ldots,n\}$, as in~(ii) above;
713then $s$ fixes $\{(\alpha,i)\vert \alpha\in{\rm GF}(q)^{\#},1\leq i\leq r\}$
714setwise.  If $(1,i)^s = (\alpha,k)$ and $(1,r+j)^s = (\beta,r+m)$,
715then row $i$ of $A$ is multiplied by $\alpha$ and moved to row position $k$,\enskip
716and column $j$ of $A$ is multiplied by $\beta$ and moved to column position
717$m$.  Thus
718$$ A^s = (b_{ij}),\quad {\rm where}\quad
719   b_{ij} = \lambda^{-1}\mu^{-1}a_{i^\prime j^\prime},$$
720with $\lambda$, $\mu$, $i^\prime$, and $j^\prime$ determined by
721$$ (\lambda,i^\prime) = (1,i)^{s^{-1}}\quad {\rm and}\quad
722   (\mu,r+j^\prime) = (1,r+j)^{s^{-1}}.$$
723If $A^s = B$, we say that $s$ is an {\it monomial isomorphism\/} of $A$ to $B$.  When
724$A^s=A$,\enskip $s$ is called a {\it monomial automorphism\/} of $A$.  The group
725formed by the automorphisms is called the {\it monomial automorphism group\/} of $A$, and denoted
726${\rm AUT}^*(A)$.
728For example, over the field ${\rm GF}(4)$, the action of a
729monomial permutation $s$ of monomial degree 5 (actual degree 15)
730on a $2\times 3$ matrix $A$ is illustrated by the following.
731$$\displaylines{(1,1)^s = (3,2),\enskip\kern2pt (1,2)^s = (1,1),\enskip\kern2pt
732  (1,3)^s = (2,5),\enskip\kern2pt (1,4)^s = (3,3),\enskip\kern2pt (1,5)^s = (2,4),\cr
733  s = (1,6,3,5,2,4)(7,14,12,8,15,10,9,13,11),\quad\enskip
734  A =   \pmatrix{2&0&3\cr
735                 0&3&1\cr},\quad\enskip
736  A^s = \pmatrix{2&2&0\cr
737                 0&3&2\cr}.\cr}$$
744The commands employing the partition backtrack method that are currently
745available are described below.  Note material
746in square brackets is optional.  (The brackets themselves are not to be
747typed.)  Discussion of most of the available options will be
748deferred to Section~V; only those unique to a specific command will be
749mentioned here.
751Options are never required, but they may prove
752useful in controlling the format of the output or the procedures used in the
753computation. For example, certain options allow for a time versus space
754tradeoff.  For some ``unusual'' groups (e.g., very dense imprimitive groups),
755it may be necessary to specify nonstandard options in order to obtain
756acceptable performance.
758The partition backtrack programs described here represent full implementations
759of the partition backtrack method, as set forth in (Leon, 1991), with
760two exceptions.
761{\smallskip\advance\leftskip by 0.45in\relax
762 \item{i)}The criterion in Prop.~8(iii) is not checked.
763 \smallskip
764 \item{ii)}In coset--type computations, the refinement $\germR^+$ of Figure~8 is
765           always taken as $\germR$\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{\elevenpoint In order to allow
766           this manual to be printed without special AMS~TeX fonts, underlined
767           letters (e.g., $\germR$) are used here as a substitute for
768           letters appearing in the Euler Fraktur (German) font in (Leon, 1991).}
772\subsection{Set stabilizers:}Set stabilizers may be computed
773by the {\tt setstab} command.  The format is
775\hskip0.45truein{\tt setstab}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup\quad pointSet\quad
776                stabilizerSubgroup}
778This command computes the set stabilizer in the permutation group {\it permGroup\/}
779of the set {\it pointSet\/} and saves the result (in Cayley library format)
780as the permutation group {\it stabilizerSubgroup}.
782At present, the set stabilizer program sometimes
783run slowly in doubly transitive groups, and often runs very slowly in groups
784that are triply transitive or ``almost'' triply transitive (e.g.,
785${\rm SL}_n(2)$\kern2pt), especially when both the point set and its complement
786are large and when the set stabilizer turns out to be small.  Imprimitive
787groups closely related to doubly transitive groups may also cause
788difficulty.  Modifications to alleviate this difficulty, at least in part,
789will be added eventually.
792\subsection{Set images:}Given a permutation group $G$ on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$
793and subsets $\Lambda$ and $\Phi$ of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, the {\tt setimage}
794command may be used to determine if there exists an element $g$ of $G$ such
795that $\Lambda^g = \Phi$.  The format is
797\hskip0.45truein{\tt setimage}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup\quad pointSet1\quad
798                pointSet2\quad groupElement}
800where {\it permGroup}, {\it pointSet1}, {\it pointSet2}, and {\it groupElement}
801play the role of $G$, $\Lambda$, $\Phi$, and $g$, respectively.  That is,
802the command determines whether there exists an element of {\it permGroup\/}
803mapping {\it pointSet1\/} to {\it pointSet2\/} and, if so, saves one such
804element as the permutation {\it groupElement}.
805Note that {\it groupElement\/} will not be created if $\Phi\notin\Lambda^G$.
806(Unless the {\tt -q} option is specified, a message indicating whether
807$\Phi\in\Lambda^G$ will be written to the standard output.)
808The potential difficulties with doubly and triply transitive groups mentioned
809for set stabilizer computations apply here also.
812\subsection{Ordered partition stabilizers:}Stabilizers of ordered partitions
813may be computed by the {\tt parstab} command.  The format is
815\hskip0.45truein{\tt parstab}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup\quad ordPartition\quad
816                stabilizerSubgroup}
818This command computes the stabilizer in the permutation group {\it permGroup\/}
819of the ordered partition {\it ordPartition\/} and saves the result as the
820permutation group {\it stabilizerSubgroup}.  The remarks about performance
821on doubly and triply transitive groups for set stabilizer computations
822apply here also.
825\subsection{Ordered partition images:}Given a permutation group $G$ on
826$\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and ordered partitions $\Pi$ and $\Sigma$ of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$,
827the {\tt parimage} command may be used to determine if there exists an
828element $g$ of $G$ such that $\Pi^g = \Sigma$.  The format is
830\hskip0.45truein{\tt parimage}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup\quad ordPartition1\quad
831                ordPartition2\quad groupElement}
833where {\it permGroup}, {\it ordPartition1}, {\it ordPartition2}, and {\it groupElement}
834play the role of $G$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, and $g$, respectively.
835That is,
836the command determines whether there exists an element of {\it permGroup\/}
837mapping {\it ordPartition1\/} to {\it ordPartition2\/} and, if so, saves one
838such element as the permutation {\it groupElement}.
839The permutation {\it groupElement\/} is created only if $\Sigma\in\Pi^G$.
840The remarks about performance on doubly and triply
841transitive groups given above for
842set stabilizer computations apply here also.
845\subsection{Group intersections:}Given permutation groups $G$ and $H$ on
846$\{1,\ldots,n\}$, the {\tt inter} command may be used compute the
847intersection $G\cap H$.  The format is
849\hskip0.45truein{\tt inter}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup1\quad permGroup2\quad
850                interGroup}
852This command computes the intersection of groups {\it permGroup1\/} and {\it permGroup2\/}
853and saves the result as the group {\it interGroup\/}.  The potential
854difficulty with doubly and triply transitive groups discussed above for set
855stabilizer computations applies here also when both groups are doubly
856or triply transitive.
859\subsection{Centralizers of elements:}Given a permutation group $G$ and
860a permutation $x$ (not necessarily contained in $G$), the
861{\tt cent} command may be used compute $C_G(x)$, the centralizer in $G$ of $x$.
862The format is
864\hskip0.45truein{\tt cent}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup\quad permutation\quad
865                centralizerSubgroup}
867Here {\it permGroup}, {\it permutation}, and {\it centralizerSubgroup\/}
868play the role of $G$, $x$, and $C_G(x)$ above.  That is, the command computes
869the centralizer in the group {\it permGroup\/} of
870the permutation {\it permutation\/}
871and saves the result as the group {\it centralizerSubgroup}.
873For this command, it is permissible to specify
874{\it permGroup\/} as {\tt \#}{\it n}, where {\it n\/}
875is an integer at least 2, in which case {\it permGroup\/} is taken as the symmetric
876group of degree {\it n}; in this situation, the normal restrictions on
877base size (discussed later) do not apply to {\it permGroup}, although they do apply to
878{\it centralizerSubgroup}.
880The {\tt cent} command accepts an option {\tt -np} which can have an effect
881(often small) on performance.  If this option is specified, a refinement
882process based on the cycle structure of $x$ will not be used.  The effect is
883to reduce memory requirements a bit.  In many cases, the running time does
884not change significantly, but in some cases it does increase a great deal.
886It should be noted that in many cases, perhaps most
887cases arising in practice, centralizer computations are fairly easy
888even for conventional algorithms, and the partition backtrack
889program may perform no better than, and perhaps not even as well as,
890programs based on conventional techniques, such as those in
891Cayley.  (Note, however, that, unlike Cayley, the program here does not require
892that the permutation to be centralized lie in the group.)
895\subsection{Conjugacy of elements:}Given a permutation group $G$ and
896permutations $x$ and $y$ (not necessarily contained in $G$), the
897{\tt conj} command may be used to determine if $x$ and $y$ are conjugate
898under $G$ and, if so, to find $g$ in $G$ with $x^g = y$.  The format is
900\hskip0.45truein{\tt conj}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup\quad permutation1\quad
901                permutation2\quad conjugatingElement}
903Here {\it permGroup}, {\it permutation1}, {\it permutation2}, and
904{\it conjugatingElement\/} play the role of $G$, $x$, $y$, and $g$ above.
905That is, the command determines if there exists an element of
906{\it permGroup\/} conjugating
907{\it permutation1\/} to {\it permutation2\/} and, if so, it saves one such
908element as the permutation {\it conjugatingElement}.  If the two permutations
909are not conjugate in {\it permGroup}, then {\it conjugatingElement} is not
910created.  In any case, a message indicating the result is written to the
911standard output (unless the {\tt -q} option is specified).
913As with the {\tt cent} command, {\it permGroup\/} may be specified
914as {\tt \#}{\it n}, in which case conjugacy in the symmetric group of
915degree {\it n} is checked.  (In this case, the program merely checks that
916the two permutations have the same cycle structure.)  Also, the {\tt -np}
917option is accepted, and it works as described above for the {\tt cent}
920As with centralizer computations, conjugacy calculations are usually
921easy with conventional algorithms, and the partition backtrack method
922may not yield an improvement.
925\subsection{Centralizers of groups:}Given a permutation groups $G$ and
926a second permutation group $E$ (not necessarily contained in $G$), the
927{\tt gcent} command may be used compute $C_G(E)$, the centralizer in
928$G$ of $E$.  The format is
930\hskip0.45truein{\tt gcent}\quad \options\quad {\it permGroup1\quad permGroup2\quad
931                centralizerSubgroup}
933Here {\it permGroup1}, {\it permGroup2}, and {\it centralizerSubgroup\/}
934play the role of $G$, $E$, and $C_G(E)$ above.  That is, the command computes
935the centralizer in the group {\it permGroup1\/} of
936the group {\it permGroup2\/}
937and saves the result as the group {\it centralizerSubgroup}.
939As with the element centralizer command ({\tt cent}),
940it is permissible to specify {\it permGroup1\/} as {\tt \#}{\it n},
941indicating the symmetric group of degree {\it n}.
943To an even greater extent than element centralizer
944calculations, group centralizer calculations tend to
945be easy ones for conventional algorithms; the full power of the
946partition method is not needed, and perhaps not even desirable.  For this
947reason, little effort has gone into development of the {\tt gcent} command;
948its implementation is fairly crude, and it is included primarily
949for completeness.  There are two options, {\tt -cg:}{\it m} and
950{\tt -cp:}{\it p}, which affect its performance; for some groups $G$,
951it may be necessary to assign them values different from the defaults
952(current 3 and 10, respectively).  A full description of the significance
953of {\it m\/} and {\it p\/} will not be given here; however, we note that
954higher values (especially for {\it m}) increase
955memory requirements, and often increase execution time as well, but may be
956needed if the group $E$ fails to have a small generating set (e.g., if E is
957a large elementary abelian group).
959By specifying {\it permGroup1\/} and {\it permGroup2\/} as the same group,
960the {\tt gcent} command may be used to compute the center of a group; note,
961however, that it represents an exceptionally inefficient algorithm for
962this purpose.
966\subsection{Automorphism groups of designs:}The
967{\tt desauto} command may be used to compute the
968automorphism group of a design.  Here a {\it design\/} means any set
969of points (numbered $1,\ldots,n$ for some $n$) and any collection of subsets
970of the point set. The format of the design automorphism group command is:
972\hskip0.45truein{\tt desauto}\quad \options\quad {\it design\quad autoGroup}
974and the command sets {\it autoGroup} to the automorphism group of the
975design {\it design\/}.
977The interpretation of the group {\it autoGroup\/} that is created depends
978on whether the {\tt -pb} (points and blocks) option is specified.
979Let $p$ and $b$ denote the number of points and blocks, respectively, of
980the design.
982{\advance\leftskip by0.70truein
983\noindent\llap{i)\enspace}If the option {\tt -pb} is specified, then {\it autoGroup} is constructed as
984a group of degree $p+b$, in which the action on $1,\ldots,p$ is the action
985on points and in which the action on $p+1,\ldots,p+b$ is the
986action on blocks, the $j$\kern1ptth block being
987represented by $p+j$.
989\noindent\llap{ii)\enspace}If the {\tt -pb} option is omitted, then
990{\it autoGroup} is constructed as a group of degree $p$, representing the
991action on points only.
992In this case, if there are repeated blocks, the group acting on
993points only has lower
994order than the group acting on points and blocks).
995When this situation arises, the group saved as {\it autoGroup} represents
996the group on points
997only, but the information written to the standard output during the computation
998refers to the group acting on points and blocks.  (This occurs because the
999computation is carried out on points and blocks; restriction to points
1000is performed only at the end; note also, for this reason, restriction to
1001points only does not save time or memory.)\vskip0pt}
1006\subsection{Isomorphism of designs:}The
1007{\tt desiso} command may be used to check
1008isomorphism of designs. The format is
1010\hskip0.45truein{\tt desiso}\quad \options\quad {\it design1\quad
1011                 design2\quad isoPerm}
1013and the command sets {\it isoPerm} to an isomorphism from
1014design {\it design1\/} to design {\it design2}, provided the designs
1015are isomorphic.  (If not, the permutation {\it isoPerm\/} is
1016not created.  In any case, a message indicating the result is written to
1017the standard output, unless the {\tt -q} option is specified.)
1019As in the case of the {\tt desauto} command, described
1020above, the presence or absence of the {\tt -pb} option determines whether
1021{\it isoPerm\/} is constructed as a permutation on points and blocks,
1022or on points only (the default).  When the action on blocks is included,
1023the $j$\kern1ptth block is represented by $p+j$.
1028\subsection{Automorphism groups and monomial groups of matrices:}The
1029{\tt matauto} command may be used to compute the
1030automorphism group of a matrix.  If the matrix elements are taken from a
1031small finite field ${\rm GF}(q)$, then optionally the monomial automorphism group may
1032be computed.  (See Section~III for definitions.)
1033The command format is:
1035\hskip0.45truein{\tt matauto}\quad \options\quad {\it matrix\quad autoGroup}
1037and the command sets {\it autoGroup} to the automorphism group of the
1038matrix {\it matrix\/} or, if the {\tt -mm} option is specified, to the
1039monomial automorphism group of {\it matrix\/}.
1041If the {\tt -tr} option is specified, the matrix is transposed after it is
1042read in, and all computations apply to the transposed matrix.
1044Let $r$ and $c$ denote the number of rows and columns, respectively, of
1045the matrix $A = (a_{ij})$ whose group is to be constructed.  Normally
1046the automorphism group has degree $r+c$ and the monomial automorphism group
1047has degree $(q-1)(r+c)$; the interpretation of these groups is described
1048in Section~III.  However, if the {\tt -ro} (rows only) option is specified,
1049the degree will be $r$ or $(q-1)r$, and the group will represent the action
1050on rows only.  Note that restriction to rows only may reduce the order of
1051the group, just as in the case of designs restriction to points only may
1052reduce the order of the group.  When this occurs, the remarks above for
1053design groups apply here also.
1055At present, the program for computing monomial groups of matrices is a very
1056crude one.  As a result, although it works reasonably for many matrices of
1057fairly large size, it can fail to run in acceptable time even for very small
1058matrices, e.g., matrices of all 0s.  Sometimes use of the {\tt -tr} option
1059can get around this difficulty (which will be fixed eventually).
1063\subsection{Isomorphism and monomial isomorphism of matrices:}The
1064{\tt matiso} command may be used to check
1065if two matrices are isomorphic or, if the matrix elements are from a
1066finite field ${\rm GF}(q)$, monomially isomorphic.  (See Section~III for
1067definitions.)  The command format is
1069\hskip0.45truein{\tt matiso}\quad \options\quad {\it matrix1\quad
1070                 matrix2\quad isoPerm}
1072In the absence of the {\tt -mm} option, the command sets {\it isoPerm} to an
1073isomorphism from matrix {\it matrix1\/} to matrix {\it matrix2}, provided the matrices
1074are isomorphic.  (If not, the permutation {\it isoPerm\/} is
1075not created).  If the {\tt -mm} option is specified, the command sets
1076{\it isoPerm} to a monomial isomorphism from matrix {\it matrix1\/} to matrix {\it matrix2},
1077provided the matrices are monomially isomorphic.  (In this case, the matrix
1078entries should be field elements.)  The effect of the {\tt -ro} option is as
1079described above for matrix automorphism group calculations.
1081Currently the monomial isomorphism program suffers from the same limitations
1082as the monomial automorphism group program, as mentioned above.
1086\subsection{Automorphism groups of linear codes:}The
1087{\tt codeauto} command may be used to compute the
1088automorphism group of a linear code over a small field ${\rm GF}(q)$.
1089However, before the automorphism group of a code $C$ may be computed,
1090it is necessary to have a set $V$ of vectors (not necessarily codewords)
1091such that the following conditions hold.  In these conditions, $V^*$
1092denotes the set of all nonzero scalar multiples of vectors in $V$.
1094{\advance\leftskip by1em\parindent=1em\relax
1095\item{i)} No vector in $V$ is a scalar multiple of any other vector in $V$.
1096(In particular, $\vert V^*\vert = (q-1)\vert V\vert$.)
1098\item{ii)} $V$ is ``reasonably small''.  (With a very large memory,
1099           ``reasonably small'' might mean 100,000 or more.)
1101\item{iii)} $V^*$ is invariant under ${\rm AUT}(C)$\enskip (the automorphism
1102          group of $C$),
1104\item{iv)} $\bigl\vert{\rm AUT}(V^*):{\rm AUT}(C)\bigr\vert$ is very small.
1105            (The running time rises very rapidly as a function of this
1106            index.  Note that, if $V$ spans $C$, the index is 1.)
1108Often the set of minimal weight vectors of the code (scalar multiples
1109removed if $q > 2$) make a suitable choice for $V$; minimum weight vectors
1110of the dual code may also be used.  This choice for $V$ certainly
1111satisfies~(i) and~(iii),
1112may well satisfy~(ii), and in many cases satisfies~(iv).  The author has available
1113programs for computing the set of minimum weight vectors (or vectors of
1114any specified weight.)
1116The format of the code automorphism group command is
1118\hskip0.45truein{\tt codeauto}\quad \options\quad {\it code\quad
1119                 invarVectors\quad autoGroup}
1121where {\it invarVectors\/} is the set $V$ of vectors described above
1122(in the format of a matrix, whose rows are the vectors).  The command
1123sets {\it autoGroup} to the automorphism group of the
1124code {\it code}.
1126The {\tt -cv} (coordinates and vectors) option for codes
1127has essentially the same effect as the
1128{\tt -pb} option for designs.  With this option, the automorphism
1129group is saved in {\it autoGroup\/} as a permutation group
1130of degree $\bigl(q-1)(n+\vert V\vert\bigr)$\enskip ($n =$ length of code),
1131representing the action on (monomial) coordinates
1132and invariant vectors; without the {\tt -cv} option, it is saved as a permutation group
1133acting of degree $(q-1)n$, representing the action on (monomial)
1134coordinates only.   (However, restriction to coordinates only can never lead to a reduction
1135in the group order, as occurred with restriction to points or rows for
1136designs or matrices.)  For an explanation of the format of monomial
1137permutations, see Section~III.
1139At present, the program for computing groups of non--binary codes is a very
1140crude one; sometimes it can fail to run in reasonable time even on small
1141codes.  Eventually this program will be improved.
1146\subsection{Isomorphism of linear codes:}The
1147{\tt codeiso} command may be used to check isomorphism
1148of linear codes.  However, before isomorphism of two codes
1149$C_1$ and $C_2$ may be checked, it is necessary to have a sets $V_1$
1150and $V_2$ of vectors (not necessarily codewords of the two codes)
1151such that $V_1$ and $V_2$ satisfy conditions~(i), (ii), (iii), and~(iv) above
1152relative to $C_1$ and $C_2$, respectively, and in addition such that
1153any isomorphism of $C_1$ to $C_2$ must map $V_1^*$ to $V_2^*$.  (As with
1154code automorphism groups, $V_1^*$ and $V_2^*$ denote the sets of nonzero scalar
1155multiples of vectors in $V_1$ and $V_2$, respectively.
1156Often suitable choices for $V_1$ and $V_2$ are the minimal weight vectors
1157of $C_1$ and $C_2$, respectively (scalar multiples removed.); minimal weight vectors of the duals
1158of the two codes also could be used.
1160The format of the code isomorphism command is
1162\hskip0.45truein{\tt codeiso}\quad \options\quad {\it code1\quad
1163                 code2\quad invarVectors1\quad invarVectors2\quad
1164                 isoPerm}
1166where {\it invarVectors1\/} and {\it invarVectors2\/}
1167are the sets $V_1$ and $V_2$, respectively, of vectors described above
1168(each in the format of a matrix, whose rows are the vectors).  The command
1169sets {\it isoPerm} to an isomorphism from {\it code1\/} to {\it code2},
1170if the codes are isomorphic; if not, {\it isoPerm\/} is not created.
1172As in the case of the {\tt codeauto} command, described
1173above, the presence or absence of the {\tt -cv} option determines whether
1174{\it isoPerm\/} is a permutation on (monomial) coordinates and invariant vectors,
1175or on (monomial) coordinates only.  The interpretation of monomial permutations
1176is described in Section~III..
1181Note that a number of the commands above are implemented as shell
1182files (under Unix), batch files (under MS~DOS), or exec files
1183(under CMS).  The commands that are implemented in this manner, and the
1184contents of the Unix shell files, are as follows.  (The list includes a few
1185commands to be discussed in Section~IX.)
1187\long\def\shellfile#1#2{\noindent\hskip0.45truein\hbox to1.0truein{#1\hfil}\relax
1188                   \hbox to4.0truein{#2\hfil}\vskip2.0pt}\relax
1190\shellfile{command}{contents of shell file}
1193\shellfile{setimage}{setstab -image \$*}
1194\shellfile{parstab} {setstab -partn \$*}
1195\shellfile{parimage}{setstab -image -partn \$*}
1196\shellfile{conj}    {cent -conj \$*}
1197\shellfile{gcent}   {cent -group \$*}
1198\shellfile{desiso}  {desauto -iso \$*}
1199\shellfile{matauto} {desauto -matrix \$*}
1200\shellfile{matiso}  {desauto -iso -matrix \$*}
1201\shellfile{codeauto}{desauto -code \$*}
1202\shellfile{codeiso} {desauto -iso -code \$*}
1203\shellfile{cjper}   {cjrndper -perm \$*}
1204\shellfile{ncl}     {commut -ncl \$*}
1205\shellfile{compper} {compgrp -perm:\$1 \$2 \$3}
1206\shellfile{compset} {compgrp -set:\$1 \$2 \$3}
1207\shellfile{chbase}  {orblist -chbase \$*}
1208\shellfile{ptstab}  {orblist -ptstab \$*}
1213\section{V.\quad OPTIONS}
1215A partial description of the options that are currently available
1216follows.  Most of the options are available with all of
1217the commands described in Section~IV.  A few options apply only to
1218subgroup computations, or only to coset--representative computations;
1219these restrictions are noted below.  Options applicable only to a single command
1220are discussed with that command in Section~IV.
1222In general, options may be specified in any order.  However, if
1223conflicting options are specified, the one specified last is
1224the one that is used.  (In some cases, conflicting options are treated
1225as an error.  Also, the {\tt -l} and {\tt -v} options, discussed later,
1226are an exception to the general rule that options may be specified in
1227any order; these options, if present, must come first, and the remainder
1228of the command line is ignored.)
1230Entering any command with no options or arguments causes a brief
1231summary of the command format to be displayed.
1233\subsection{Options affecting file handling:}
1236\defoption{-a}{Normally, if a file name is specified for an object
1237                 to be constructed, and if a file by that name already
1238                 exists, the programs overwrite the existing file.  With
1239                 the {\tt -a} option, they append to the existing file,
1240                 rather than overwriting it.}
1242\defoption{-p:{\it path}}{Here {\it path\/} is a string.
1243                 The string {\it path\/} is concatenated to
1244                 the file name of every input file.  This option can be useful
1245                 if all the input files are in another directory.
1246                 For example,
1247                 \smallskip
1248                 \hskip0.15truein{\tt setstab\quad\kern-1pt  ../groups/psp62::psp62\quad\kern-1pt
1249                 ../groups/lambda::lambda\quad\kern-2pt S}
1250                 \smallskip
1251                 may be written more compactly as
1252                 \smallskip
1253                 \hskip0.15truein{\tt setstab\quad  -p:../groups/\quad
1254                 psp62\quad lambda\quad S}
1255                 \smallskip
1256                 (Note the final slash following {\tt groups} is required.).
1257                 The {\tt -p} option has no effect on output files.}
1260\subsection{Options affecting output format:}
1264\defoption{-i}{This option applies to commands that construct and write out
1265               either a permutation or a permutation group.  It causes
1266               permutations to be written in image format, rather
1267               than in cycle format (the default).}
1270\defoption{-n:{\it name}}{Here {\it name\/} is a string.  The object created
1271                         by the command will be named {\it name}.  By
1272                         default, the name assigned to the object will be
1273                         the name of the Cayley library containing its
1274                         definition.  Note this option affects only the
1275                         name of the object, not that of the file or the
1276                         Cayley library.}
1279\defoption{-q}{Suppresses informative messages on the state of the
1280               computation, normally written to the standard output during
1281               the computation.}
1284\defoption{-s}{Causes statistics on the pruning of the backtrack
1285               search tree to be written out to the standard output.
1286               These statistics relate to the backtrack search tree
1287               defined in the author's paper (Leon, 1991), and are
1288               likely to be meaningful only to users familiar with that
1289               paper.}
1292\defoption{-w:{\it n}}{Here {\it n\/} should be a nonnegative integer.
1293                       This option applies only to coset representative
1294                       computations.   If the degree is less
1295                       than or equal to {\it n}, and if a coset representative
1296                       is found, it will be included in the informative
1297                       messages written to the standard output.  (In any case,
1298                       the coset representative will be written to a file in
1299                       Cayley library format.)  The default value of {\it n}
1300                       is currently 300.}
1303\subsection{Options affecting performance of the algorithm:}
1305\defoption{-b:{\it k}}{Here {\it k\/} is a nonnegative integer which
1306                 determines the extent to which base changes are performed
1307                 in an attempt to
1308                 improve pruning of the backtrack search tree using
1309                 tests on double--coset minimality (Leon, 1991, Prop~8).
1310                 When {\it k}~=~0,
1311                 base change is never performed (except during $\bfgermR$--base
1312                 construction, when it is used for a different purpose).
1313                 As {\it k\/} increases, the number of base change operations
1314                 performed increases;  however,
1315                 increasing {\it k\/} beyond the base size produces no
1316                 further increase in the number of base change operations.
1317                 Designating {\it k}~=~0 reduces memory requirements and often
1318                 produces the best running times as well.  On the other
1319                 hand, some high--density groups seem to require a higher
1320                 value of {\it k\/} in order to obtain acceptable performance.
1321                 By default, the program chooses a value of {\it k\/} based
1322                 on the density and degree of transitivity of the group;
1323                 quite often, this default value is 0.
1324                 \smallskip
1325                 {\it Note:}\enskip For coset representative computations,
1326                 this option has no effect unless known subgroups of the two
1327                 associated groups are specified; see discussion of the
1328                 {\tt -kL} and {\tt -kR} options below.}
1331\defoption{-g:$m$}{Here $m$ should be a nonnegative integer.
1332                 This is one of several parameters providing a
1333                 time vs.\ space tradeoff.
1334                 Small values of $m$, say 10 or less, minimize memory
1335                 requirements, while large values of $m$, say 100 or
1336                 greater, reduce the running time moderately for most
1337                 difficult groups.  Use of a high value is recommended
1338                 for multiply transitive groups.
1339                 \smallskip
1340                 After $\bfgermR$--base construction, the program attempts to
1341                 reduce the height of the Schreier trees for the
1342                 containing group by adding new strong generators.  However,
1343                 it will never add generators for this purpose if doing
1344                 so would cause the total number of strong generators to
1345                 exceed $m$.  (It will also stop adding generators if the height
1346                 falls below certain goals currently fixed in the program.)}
1349\defoption{-k:$H$}{Here $H$ specifies a permutation group (in the format
1350                 {\it cayleyLibraryName\/} or
1351                 {\it fileName}\kern1pt::\kern1pt{\it cayleyLibraryName}).
1352                 This option applies only to subgroup
1353                 calculations.  The group $H$ must
1354                 be a known subgroup of the group being computed.  In
1355                 principle, this option allows one to take advantage
1356                 of any subgroup of the group being computed that happens
1357                 to be known in advance. In practice, however, it seldom
1358                 appears to speed up the computation by very much,
1359                 and it increases memory requirements.}
1362\newdimen\optionWidth \optionWidth=\hsize \advance\optionWidth by-1em\relax
1363                     \advance\optionWidth by-\optionIndent
1364{\advance\leftskip by1em\noindent\vtop{\hsize=\optionIndent\parindent=0pt\tt\noindent
1365                 -kL:$J$\vskip1pt\noindent -kR:$M$}\relax
1366                 \vtop{\hsize=\optionWidth\parindent=0pt
1367                 Here $J$ and $M$ must specify permutation groups (each in the
1368                 format  {\it cayleyLibraryName\/} or
1369                 {\it fileName}\kern1pt::\kern1pt{\it cayleyLibraryName}).  These options
1370                 apply only to coset representative calculations.  Either or
1371                 both may be specified.  Associated with every coset
1372                 representative computation, there are ``left'' and ``right''
1373                 groups, as explained in Section~2 of (Leon, 1991).
1374                 The groups $J$ and $M$ must be known subgroups of these
1375                 left and right groups, respectively.  Specifying $J$ and/or $M$,
1376                 if known, increases memory requirements, but in some cases
1377                 it may improve the running time.  For some very dense groups,
1378                 one or both of these options may be needed in order to allow
1379                 the computation to finish in an acceptable amount of time.}\vskip0pt}
1382\defoption{-mb:$k$}{Here $k$ should be a nonnegative integer.  This integer
1383                represents an upper bound on the size of the base for a
1384                permutation group.  The default value of $k$ is 62, which is
1385                more than adequate for many groups.  For further discussion of
1386                the {\tt -mb} option, see Section~VII.}
1389\defoption{-mw:$\ell$}{Here $\ell$ should be a nonnegative integer whose value
1390                is at least several hundred.  This integer represents an upper
1391                bound on the length of any word in the generators of any
1392                permutation group.  For further discussion, see Section~VII.}
1395\defoption{-r:$p$}{Here $p$ should be a nonnegative integer, normally smaller
1396                 than the integer $m$ specified for the {\tt -g} option
1397                 described above.  This is another option providing for a
1398                 time versus space
1399                 tradeoff.  Small values of $p$, say less than 10, minimize
1400                 memory requirements, while larger values, say 50 or higher,
1401                 {\it may\/} reducing the running time, although usually not
1402                 a great deal.
1403                 \smallskip
1404                 Whenever the number of strong generators for the containing
1405                 group exceeds $p$, redundant strong generators are eliminated,
1406                 using a procedure originally due to Sims (1971).}
1408\subsection{Special options:}
1410\defoption{-l}{This option, if present, must be the first option on the
1411               command line, and the remainder of the command line is
1412               ignored.  (It may be omitted.)  The {\tt -l} option merely
1413               prints out limits on the default maximum base size,
1414               default maximum word length, degree, and other
1415               quantities with which this version of the program has been
1416               compiled.  (See Section~VII for discussion of these limits.)}
1418\defoption{-v}{This option, if present, must be the first option on the
1419               command line, and the remainder of the command line is
1420               ignored.  (It may be omitted.)  The {\tt -v} option is
1421               intended to be used once following compilation of the program.
1422               It attempts to check that all the source files for the
1423               program were compiled with the same options and size limits.
1424               (See Section~VII for discussion of size limits.)}
1428\section{VI.\quad OUTPUT AND RETURN CODES}
1430All programs for subgroup computations return a value of 0 if the
1431computation is completed successfully and a nonzero value (currently 15) if
1432the computation terminates due to an error (input file not found, incorrect
1433format in input file, memory exhausted, size limit in program exceeded, etc.)
1434All programs for coset representative
1435computations return a value of 0 if the computation is completed
1436successfully and a coset representative exists, 1 if it is
1437completed but a coset representative does {\it not\/} exist, and a value different from
14380 and 1 (currently 15) if the computation terminates due to an error.
1441Unless the {\tt -q} option is specified, all of the programs write
1442information about the progress of the computation to the standard output.
1443Some of this information, most notably that relating to the
1444$\bfgermR$--base and the backtrack search tree (the latter
1445given only if {\tt -s} is specified)
1446will probably be meaningful primarily to users familiar with the
1447author's paper (Leon, 1991).  Information of more general interest
1450{\advance\leftskip by0.45truein\noindent
1451\item{i)}The order of the containing group (unless it is the symmetric
1452group).  Note that this order is determined by computing a base and strong
1453generating set for the containing group when it is read in, unless they are
1454supplied in the input file.
1456\item{ii)}The new (changed) base and strong generating set for the
1457containing group computed during $\bfgermR$--base construction, and the corresponding
1458basic orbit lengths.  In the notation of (Leon, 1991), this is the
1459base $(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_k)$ associated with the $\bfgermR$--base.
1461\item{iii)}A base for the subgroup to be computed (subgroup computations)
1462or for the subgroup associated with the right coset whose representative
1463is to be computed (coset representative computations).
1464This is the subgroup base associated
1465with the $\bfgermR$--base; in the notation of (Leon, 1991), it is
1466$(\hat{\alpha}_1,\ldots,\hat{\alpha}_{\ell})$.  Note that this base is a
1467subsequence of the base for the containing group in~(ii) above.
1469\item{iv)}The basic cell sizes corresponding to the subgroup base in~(iii)
1470above (for definitions, see (Leon, 1991)).  Note that each basic
1471cell size provides an upper bound for the corresponding basic orbit length of the
1472subgroup to be computed (subgroup--type computations).
1473(Usually the bound is not sharp).
1475\item{v)}The number of strong generators for the containing group and the
1476mean node depths in the Schreier trees for the basic orbits of the containing
1477group.  Depending on the {\tt -g} and {\tt -r} options, following $\bfgermR$--base
1478construction, additional strong generators may be added in an attempt to
1479reduce the height of the Schreier trees.  Figures are provided both before
1480and after additional strong generators are added.
1482\item{vi)}[subgroup computations only]\enskip A message for each strong
1483generator that is found for the subgroup.  The message gives the level and the basic
1484orbit lengths for the subgroup constructed thus far.  (A generator will
1485be said to be at level $i$ if it fixes the first $i-1$ base points but
1486moves the $i$\kern1ptth.)
1488\item{vii)}[subgroup computations only]\enskip The order of the subgroup that was
1491\item{viii)}[subgroup computations only]\enskip The base (same as in~(iii) above)
1492and basic orbit lengths for the subgroup that was computed.
1494\item{ix)}[coset representative computations only]\enskip A message indicating whether a coset
1495representative exists.
1497\item{x)}[coset representative computations only]\enskip If a coset representative exists and the degree is sufficiently
1498low (depending on the {\tt -w} option), the coset representative that was
1501\item{xi)}The time required for the computation.  Note that the time to
1502read in the containing group from a file, construct the initial base and
1503strong generating set for the containing group (if not present in the input
1504file), and to write out the subgroup or coset representative to a file is
1505not included in this time.  All computations relating to calculation of
1506the subgroup or coset representative (including base changes in the containing
1507group) are included.
1510Note that, in subgroup computations, the actual strong generators for the
1511subgroup are not written to standard output, and in coset computations,
1512the actual coset representative found may not (depending on the degree and
1513{\tt -w} option) be written to the standard output.  However, both may be
1514found (in Cayley library format) in the output file that is created.
1516For design, matrix, or code isomorphism computations, the isomorphism that
1517is constructed is written to the standard output (assuming that the degree
1518is sufficiently low) in a more easily readable
1519(but not Cayley compatible) format than that described in Sections~II
1520and~III.  For designs with the {\tt -pb} option,
1521the action on points and blocks is given separately.  For matrices, the
1522action on rows and columns is given separately.  For monomial isomorphism of
1523matrices for non--binary codes, the monomial
1524isomorphism is written in the following format:
1526This denotes the monomial permutation mapping 1 to $\lambda_1i_1$,
15272 to $\lambda_2i_2$, etc.  For example, to apply this monomial permutation
1528to the rows of an $r$ by $c$ matrix, row $j$ is multiplied by $\lambda_j$
1529and the result is moved to row position $i_j$.
1536\section{VII.\quad SIZE LIMITS}
1538There are a few fixed limits on the sizes of objects that the programs can
1539handle.  These limits can be changed only by recompiling the programs.
1540The order of any group may have at most 30 distinct prime divisors.  The
1541name of any file may have at most 60 characters (including path information
1542supplied with the {\tt -p} option).   The name of any object may have at
1543most 16 characters.
1544Most importantly, if the program is compiled using 16--bit integers,
1545the maximum degree of any permutation group is limited to slightly less
1546than $2^{16}$ (about 65000).  If it is compiled using 32--bit integers,
1547there is, for practical purposes, no fixed limit.
1548Note, however, that use of 16--bit
1549integers reduces memory requirements substantially, and it is recommended
1550unless groups of degree greater than 65000 (approx) are to be used.
1551Only machines having at least 20 to 25 megabytes of memory are
1552likely to be able to handle groups of degree high enough to require
155332--bit integers.   Currently both 16--bit and 32--bit compiled versions
1554of the programs are available.
1556Although there is no fixed limit on the base size for a permutation group,
1557a limit must be established at the time that the program is initiated, and
1558this limit remains fixed during that run.
1559This limit may be set at $k$ by means of the {\tt -mb:$k$} option, or it
1560may be allowed to default to 62.  Note that large values of $k$ increase
1561running times and memory requirements slightly even if the actual base size
1562turns out to be much less than $k$.
1564For the most part, the amount of memory (real and virtual) available
1565determines the sizes of objects that can be handled by the programs.
1566Memory requirements depend heavily on the degree of the group, and
1567to a somewhat lesser extent on the base size.
1568The programs can use virtual memory to some extent; however, if
1569virtual memory used exceeds real memory by a factor of more than 1.6 to 1.8,
1570excessive paging is likely to occur.  The following steps may be taken
1571to reduce memory requirements; the steps are listed in order of decreasing
1573\medskip{\advance\leftskip by0.45in\noindent
1574\item{i)}If the degree of the group is less than 65000 (approx), use a
1575         16--bit version of the program rather than a 32--bit version.
1576         The 16--bit version is likely to run about as fast as the 32--bit
1577         version, and it requires a great deal less memory.
1579\item{ii)}Specify options of {\tt -g:1} and {\tt -r:1}.  These options
1580          are likely to increase the execution time substantially, but
1581          they often save a good deal of memory.   As a compromise,
1582          values greater than 1 but less than the defaults may be
1583          specified, e.g., {\tt -g:20} and {\tt -r:15}
1585\item{iii)}Specify the option {\tt -b:0} if it is not already the default.
1586           In the majority of cases, this option will not increase
1587           execution time, and it reduces memory requirements considerably.
1588           However, in a great many cases, {\tt -b:0}
1589           will already be the default.   (The value for this and other
1590           options is displayed on the standard output when the program is
1591           is run.)
1593\item{iv)}For (element) centralizer and conjugacy calculations, specify the
1594          {\tt -np} option.  This saves a modest amount of memory.  The
1595          effect on execution time is hard to predict; in some cases, it
1596          may lead to a major increase.  For group centralizer calculations,
1597          options of {\tt -cg:2} and {\tt -cp:$i$}, where $i$ is 3 to 5,
1598          may be tried, although on some groups they may raise the
1599          running time to unacceptable levels.
1601\item{v)}Specify the option {\tt -mb:$k$} for a value of $k$ less than
1602          the default of 62.  The {\tt -mb:$k$} options sets a limit of $k$
1603          on the base size for the group; often a value considerably less
1604          than 62 (e.g., 15 or 20) will be adequate.  However, the amount of
1605          memory saved is relatively small.
1608In the author's experience, the programs can often handle groups of degree
1609as high as 2000$m$ to 3000$m$, where $m$ is the number of megabytes of
1610{\it real\/} memory available.  However, for groups lacking a relatively
1611small base, the limit on the degree is much lower.  Also, this limit
1612applies only to memory requirements; depending on the type of computation
1613and the specific groups, it may or may not be possible to perform
1614computations in groups this large in an acceptable amount of time.
1617\section{VIII.\quad EXAMPLES}
1619The author has prepared a number of sample objects that may be used to
1620test the programs.  In the Unix distribution, these objects
1621appear in various subdirectories of the directory {\tt partn/examples}.
1624The subdirectories {\tt psp62}, {\tt psp82}, {\tt psu72},
1625{\tt omg84}, {\tt fi23}, {\tt ahs2}, {\tt rubik4}, and
1626{\tt syl128} of directory {\tt partn/examples} contain
1627examples for computation in the groups ${\rm PSp}_6(2)$ of degree 63,
1628${\rm PSp}_8(2)$ of degree 255, ${\rm PSU}_7(2)$ of degree 2709,
1629$\Omega^+_8(4)$ of degree 5525, ${\rm Fi}_{23}$ of degree 31671,
1630${\rm AUT(HS)}\times {\rm AUT(HS)}$ of degree 200,
1631the group of a $4\times 4$ Rubik's cube (degree 96), and a Sylow 2--subgroup
1632of the symmetric group {\it Sym\/}(128)\enskip of degree 128, respectively.
1633Note that, for the last two groups, any base will be large, and the
1634{\tt -mb} option (e.g., {\tt -mb:75}) will need to be specified.
1635Each of the directories contains files as follows, where {\it grp\/} is
1636to be replaced by the actual name of the directory.
1638{\advance\leftskip by 1.0truein\relax
1639   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{{\it grp}\hfil}}The permutation group mentioned above.
1640   \medbreak
1641   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{{\it grp\/}{\tt\kern1ptx}\hfil}}A group permutation isomorphic to the
1642          group {\it grp\/} and having a small but nontrivial intersection with
1643          {\it grp}.  The intersection of {\it grp\/} and {\it grp\/}{\tt x} may
1644           be computed by the command
1645   \smallskip
1646   \hskip0.4in{\tt inter\quad {\it grp\/}\quad {\it grp\/}x\quad int}
1647   \smallskip
1648          which saves the intersection as the group {\tt int}.  The file
1649          {\it grp\/}{\tt x} contains a comment giving the order of the
1650          intersection.
1651   \medbreak
1652   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt set1\hfil}}A random point set of size half the degree
1653                of {\it grp}.  Except in the case of {\tt rubik4}
1654                and {\tt syl128}, the set stabilizer of
1655                 {\tt set1} in the group {\it grp\/} turns out to be trivial.  This
1656                 set stabilizer may be computed by the command
1657   \smallskip
1658   \hskip0.4in{\tt setstab\quad {\it grp\/}\quad set1\quad stab1}
1659   \smallskip
1660          which saves the set stabilizer as the group {\tt stab1}.
1661   \medbreak
1662   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt set2\hfil}}A point set of size approximately
1663                 half the degree whose set stabilizer in {\it grp\/}
1664                 is a dihedral group of low order, except in the case
1665                 of {\tt rubik4} and
1666                 {\tt syl128}.  This set stabilizer may be computed by the command
1667   \smallskip
1668   \hskip0.4in{\tt setstab\quad {\it grp\/}\quad set2\quad stab2}
1669   \smallskip
1670          which saves the set stabilizer as the group {\tt stab2}.
1671          The file {\tt set2} contains a comment indicating the order of the
1672          stabilizer.
1673   \medbreak
1674   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt set3\hfil}}A point set of size roughly
1675                 half the degree (in most cases ) whose set stabilizer in {\it grp\/} is a
1676                 group of high order.  This set stabilizer may be
1677                 computed by the command
1678   \smallskip
1679   \hskip0.4in{\tt setstab\quad {\it grp\/}\quad set3\quad stab3}
1680   \smallskip
1681          which saves the set stabilizer as the group {\tt stab3}.
1682          The file {\tt set3} contains a comment indicating the order of the
1683          stabilizer.
1684   \medbreak
1685   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt set1x\hfil}}A point set obtained by applying a
1686                 randomly--chosen element of the group {\it grp\/} to {\tt set1}.
1687                 The command
1688   \smallskip
1689   \hskip0.4in{\tt setimage\quad {\it grp\/}\quad set1\quad set1x\quad g}
1690   \smallskip
1691          may be used to find an element {\tt g} of the group {\it grp\/} mapping
1692          {\tt set1} to {\tt set1x}.
1693   \medbreak
1694   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt set1y\hfil}}A point set having the same cardinality
1695                 as {\tt set1} but not equal to the image of {\tt set1}
1696                 under any element of {\it grp\/}.  The command
1697   \smallskip
1698   \hskip0.4in{\tt setimage\quad {\it grp\/}\quad set1\quad set1y\quad h}
1699   \smallskip
1700          may be used to determine that {\tt set1y} is not in fact an
1701          image of {\tt set1} under the group.  (The permutation $h$ will
1702          {\it not\/} be created.
1703   \medbreak
1704   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt par1\hfil}}A partition of the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, where
1705                 $n$ is the degree of group {\it grp}.  (The file contains
1706                 a comment indicating the number of cells and cell sizes.)
1707                 The stabilizer in {\it grp\/} of
1708                 {\tt par1}, treated as an ordered partition, may be computed by the
1709                 command
1710   \smallskip
1711   \hskip0.4in{\tt parstab\quad {\it grp\/}\quad par1\quad pstab1}
1712   \smallskip
1713          which saves the ordered partition stabilizer as the group {\tt pstab1}.
1714          The file {\tt par1} contains a comment giving the order of the
1715          stabilizer.
1716   \medbreak
1717   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt par1x\hfil}}A partition obtained by applying a
1718                 randomly--chosen element of the group {\it grp\/} to {\tt par1}.
1719                 The command
1720   \smallskip
1721   \hskip0.4in{\tt parimage\quad {\it grp\/}\quad par1\quad par1x\quad i}
1722   \smallskip
1723          may be used to find an element {\tt i} of the group {\it grp\/} mapping
1724          {\tt par1} to {\tt par1x}.
1725   \medbreak
1726   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt par1y\hfil}}A partition in which the sizes of the
1727                 cells match those in {\tt par1}, but which is not the
1728                 image of {\tt par1} under any element of the group {\it grp\/}.
1729                 The command
1730   \smallskip
1731   \hskip0.4in{\tt parimage\quad {\it grp\/}\quad par1\quad par1y\quad j}
1732   \smallskip
1733          may be used to demonstrate that {\tt par1y} is not an image of
1734          {\tt par1} under any group element.
1735   \medbreak
1736   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt elt1\hfil}}An element of the group {\it grp\/}
1737                 having a fairly
1738                 large centralizer in {\it grp\/}.  This centralizer may be
1739                 computed by the command
1740   \smallskip
1741   \hskip0.4in{\tt cent\quad {\it grp\/}\quad elt1\quad cent1}
1742   \smallskip
1743          which saves the centralizer as the group {\tt cent1}.
1744          The file {\tt elt1} contains a comment stating the order of the
1745          centralizer.
1746   \medbreak
1747   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt elt1x\hfil}}An element conjugate
1748                 under the group {\it grp\/}
1749                 to {\tt elt1}.  An element of {\it grp\/} conjugating {\tt elt1}
1750                 to {\tt elt1x} may be found by the command
1751   \smallskip
1752   \hskip0.4in{\tt conj\quad {\it grp\/}\quad elt1\quad elt1x\quad c1}
1753   \smallskip
1754          which sets {\tt c1} to such a conjugating element.
1755   \medbreak
1756   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt elt2\hfil}}An permutation {\it not\/}
1757                 in the group {\it grp\/} having a nontrivial
1758                 centralizer in {\it grp}.  This centralizer may be
1759                 computed by the command
1760   \smallskip
1761   \hskip0.4in{\tt cent\quad {\it grp\/}\quad elt2\quad cent2}
1762   \smallskip
1763          which saves the centralizer as the group {\tt cent2}.
1764          The file {\tt cent2} contains a comment indicating the order of the
1765          centralizer.
1766   \medbreak
1767   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt elt2x\hfil}}A permutation (not in {\it grp\/})
1768                 conjugate under {\it grp\/}
1769                 to {\tt elt2}.  An element of {\it grp\/} conjugating {\tt elt2}
1770                 to {\tt elt2x} may be found by the command
1771   \smallskip
1772   \hskip0.4in{\tt conj\quad {\it grp\/}\quad elt2\quad elt2x\quad c2}
1773   \smallskip
1774          which sets {\tt c2} to such an element.
1775   \medbreak
1776   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt elt2y\hfil}}A permutation not in {\it grp\/}
1777                 having the same cycle structure as {\tt elt2} but not
1778                 conjugate under {\it grp\/} to {\tt elt2}.  Non--conjugacy may
1779                 be demonstrated by the command
1780   \smallskip
1781   \hskip0.4in{\tt conj\quad {\it grp\/}\quad elt2\quad elt2y\quad d}
1782   \smallskip
1783          which does {\it not} create a permutation {\tt d}.
1786Note that, in the case of the group {\tt fi23}, about 16 megabytes of real
1787memory may be needed to perform the calculations above.
1789The subdirectories {\tt q17} and {\tt q32} contain designs, (0,1)--matrices,
1790and codes based on the quadratic residue code $Q_{17}$ of length 17 and
1791on the extended quadratic residue code $Q_{32}$ of length 32, respectively.
1792The contents of these directories are as follows, where $i$ denotes either
179317 or 32.
1795{\advance\leftskip by 1.0truein\relax
1796   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt q\kern1pt$i$\hfil}}The quadratic or extended
1797                      quadratic residue code.
1798   \medbreak
1799   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt v\kern1pt$i$\hfil}}The matrix whose rows are
1800                   the weight 5 ($i = 17$) or weight 8 ($i = 32$) codewords
1801                   of the code {\tt q}\kern1pt$i$.  The automorphism group of the code
1802                   {\tt q}\kern1pt$i$ may be computed by the command
1803   \smallskip
1804   \hskip0.4in{\tt codeauto\quad q\kern1pt$i$\quad v\kern1pt$i$\quad A}
1805   \smallskip
1806   or
1807   \smallskip
1808   \hskip0.4in{\tt codeauto\quad -cv\quad q\kern1pt$i$\quad v\kern1pt$i$\quad A}
1809   \smallskip
1810          which saves the automorphism group as the group {\tt A},
1811          either as a group of degree $i$ or as a group of degree
1812          $i+k$, where $k$ is the number of codewords in the set {\tt v}\kern1pt$i$.
1813   \medbreak
1814   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt q\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx\hfil}}Another quadratic residue
1815                     code obtained from
1816                     {\tt q}\kern1pt$i$ by applying a random permutation to the
1817                      coordinates..
1818   \medbreak
1819   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt v\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx\hfil}}The matrix whose rows are
1820                   the weight 5 ($i = 17$) or weight 8 ($i = 32$) codewords
1821                   of the code {\tt q}\kern1pt$i$\kern1pt{\tt x}.  An isomorphism from
1822                   {\tt q}\kern1pt$i$ to {\tt q\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx}
1823                   may be found by the command
1824   \smallskip
1825   \hskip0.4in{\tt codeiso\quad q\kern1pt$i$\quad q\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx\quad
1826                v\kern1pt$i$\quad v\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx\quad s}
1827   \smallskip
1828          which saves the isomorphism found as the permutation {\tt s}.
1829   \medbreak
1830   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt d\kern1pt$i$\hfil}}The design on $\{1,\ldots,i\}$
1831                     whose blocks correspond to the codewords of
1832                     weight 5 ($i = 17$) or weight 8 ($i = 32$) in {\tt q}\kern1pt$i$.
1833                     The automorphism group of this design (which must
1834                     contain the group of the corresponding code, and which
1835                     in fact equals it) may be computed by the command
1836   \smallskip
1837   \hskip0.4in{\tt desauto\quad d\kern1pt$i$\quad B}
1838   \smallskip
1839   or
1840   \smallskip
1841   \hskip0.4in{\tt desauto\quad -pb\quad d\kern1pt$i$\quad B}
1842   \smallskip
1843          which saves the automorphism group as the group {\tt B}, either as a
1844          group on points only, or as a group on points and blocks.  Note
1845          that the incidence matrix of the design {\tt d}\kern1pt$i$ is the
1846          transpose of the matrix {\tt v}\kern1pt$i$, so the same automorphism
1847          group could be computed by the command
1848   \smallskip
1849   \hskip0.4in{\tt matauto\quad -tr\quad v\kern1pt$i$\quad A}
1850   \medbreak
1851   \noindent\llap{\hbox to0.75in{\tt d\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx\hfil}}A design obtained from
1852                     {\tt d}\kern1pt$i$ by applying a random permutation to the
1853                     points.  (The order of the blocks is also permuted
1854                     randomly.)  An isomorphism from {\tt d}\kern1pt$i$ to
1855                     {\tt d\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx} may be found by the command
1856   \smallskip
1857   \hskip0.4in{\tt desiso\quad d\kern1pt$i$\quad d\kern1pt$i$x t}
1858   \smallskip
1859          which sets {\tt t} to one such isomorphism.
1862The subdirectory {\tt dmcl} contains a design based on
1863the sporadic simple group of McLaughlin (McL, degree 275).  In this group,
1864a point stabilizer has orbits of length 1, 112, and 162.  The design
1865{\tt dmcl} on $\{1,\ldots,275\}$ has 275 blocks, each of size 112; the
1866blocks are the orbits of length 112 in the 275 point stabilizers.
1867The group of this design, which must contain AUT(McL) and turns out to
1868equal to AUT(McL), may be computed by the command
1870\hskip0.4in{\tt desauto\quad dmcl\quad Y}
1872which saves the group as {\tt Y}.  (Note that we are computing the group
1873of the design, not the group of the graph associated with the orbit of
1874length 112; in general, the design group is larger than the graph group,
1875although in this case they are the equal.)  The directory also contains a
1876second design {\tt dmclx}, isomorphic to {\tt dmcl}.  An isomorphism may
1877be found by the command
1879\hskip0.4in{\tt desiso\quad dmcl\quad dmclx\quad s}
1881which sets {\tt s} to an isomorphism from {\tt dmcl} to {\tt dmclx}.
1883Finally, the subdirectories {\tt had32} and {\tt had104}
1884contains  $32\times32$ and $104\times104$ matrices
1885over ${\rm GF}(3)$, respectively, which are
1886essentially the Paley--Hadamard matrices.
1887(The entries of -1 have been changed to 2.)  The (monomial) automorphism
1888group of either of these Hadamard matrices may be computed by the command
1890\hskip0.4in{\tt matauto\quad -mm\quad had\kern1pt$i$\quad Z}
1892($i = 32{\rm\ or\ }104$),
1893which sets {\tt Z} to the automorphism group.  This subdirectories also
1894contain matrices {\tt had\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx} obtained by
1895applying random monomial
1896permutations to the rows and columns of {\tt had\kern1pt$i$}.  Equivalence of
1897{\tt had\kern1pt$i$} and {\tt had\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx} may be
1898established by the command
1900\hskip0.4in{\tt matiso\quad -mm\quad had\kern1pt$i$\quad had\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx\quad w}
1902which sets {\tt w} to an monomial isomorphism
1903from {\tt had\kern1pt$i$} to {\tt had\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx}.
1904Finally, the subdirectories contain Hadamard designs {\tt dhad\kern1pt$i$}\kern3pt\
1905($i = 32{\rm\ or\ }104$) and equivalent designs {\tt dhad\kern1pt$i$\kern1ptx},
1906whose groups may be computed using the {\tt desauto} command, and whose
1907equivalence may be established with the {\tt desiso} command.
1910\section{IX.\quad OTHER COMMANDS}
1912In the course of testing and benchmarking the partition backtrack
1913algorithms described in Section~IV, the author developed a number of other
1914programs.  Most of these programs were put
1915together quickly, with a view toward simplicity rather than efficiency;
1916in some cases, they are very inefficient.  Also, some of them perform
1917only minimal error checking.  Nonetheless, they may prove useful since they
1918operate on objects specified in the format described in Section~II.
1920All of these programs accept the {\tt -a}, {\tt -i}, {\tt -mb:$k$}, {\tt -mw:$w$},
1921{\tt -n:}{\it name}, {\tt -p:}{\it path}, and {\tt -q} options, as described
1922in Section~V, whenever they would be meaningful.  (For example, the {\tt -i}
1923option is meaningful only if the command creates a permutation or
1924permutation group.)  Other options vary by command, and are discussed separately
1925for each command below.
1927\subsection{Base and strong generating set construction:}The {\tt generate}
1928command may be used to construct a probable base and strong generating set
1929for the permutation group generated by specified permutations.  The random
1930Schreier method (Leon, 1980) is used.  If the group order is known in advance,
1931this method always produces a correct base and strong generating set, although
1932there is no bound on the time required to do so.  Otherwise,
1933there is no guarantee that the method will produce a correct result.  However,
1934in the author's experience, it nearly always does give a correct result, and
1935it runs far more quickly than alternative methods, such as the Schreier--Sims
1936or Schreier--Todd-Coxeter--Sims algorithms.
1938The format for the command is
1941\centerline{{\tt generate}\quad {\it options\/}\quad {\it inputGroup\/}\quad
1942                         {\it outputGroup}}
1945where {\it options\/} denotes
1948            [{\tt -a}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1949            [{\tt -i}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1950            [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\kern-1pt\enskip
1951            [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\kern-1pt\enskip
1952            [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1953            [{\tt -nro}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1954            [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1955            [{\tt -q}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1956            [{\tt -s:}{\it seed\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
1957            [{\tt -ti:}$i$]\kern-1pt\enskip
1958            [{\tt -tr:}$m$]\kern-1pt\enskip
1959            [{\tt -z}]}
1961Here {\it inputGroup\/} denotes the original permutation group, for which
1962a base and strong generating set are not yet available.
1963The factored group order for {\it inputGroup\/} may or may not be present.
1964The random Schreier method is used to construct a probable base and strong
1965generating set for {\it inputGroup},, and the result is saved as the
1966permutation group {\it outputGroup}.
1967If the factored group order is present, the computation will continue until
1968a base and strong generating set has been found.  Otherwise it continues until
1969{\it m\/} consecutive quasi--random elements of the group factor in terms of the
1970possible base and strong generating set, where {\it m\/} is the integer
1971specified in the {\tt -tr:}$m$ option (default 40).  High values of
1972{\it m} may be specified to reduce the chance of an incorrect result, at the
1973cost of slowing down the computation.
1975Normally, before a new strong generator is added to the strong generating
1976set, an attempt is made to replace the new generator by a power of it, in
1977order to obtain generators of low order.  (This may be desirable later on if the
1978Schreier--Todd--Coxeter--Sims method is used to verify the base and strong
1979generating set; in addition, it saves space whenever a non--involutory
1980generator is converted to an involution.)    This attempt may be suppressed
1981by the {\tt -nro} option.  Note, however, that replacement of generators
1982by powers is relatively inexpensive, so the {\tt -nro} option saves little time.
1983The {\tt -ti:}$i$ option may be specified in order to have the program
1984try harder to find involutory generators.  Up to $i$ consecutive generators that
1985cannot be converted to involutory generators will be rejected.  The default
1986for $i$ is 0; higher values often increase the execution time a good
1989If the {\tt -z} option is specified, the program will make some attempt
1990to remove certain redundant strong generators from the strong generating set for
1991{\it outputGroup}.
1993\subsection{Base change:}The {\tt chbase}
1994command may be used to change the base in a permutation group.  The
1995command format is
1998\centerline{{\tt chbase}\quad {\it inputGroup\/}\quad
1999                         $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$\quad {\it outputGroup}}
2001where {\it options\/} denotes
2004        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2005        [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2006        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2007        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2008        [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2009        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2010        [{\tt -q}]\enskip
2011        [{\tt -z}]}
2013The base for permutation group {\it inputGroup\/} is
2014changed, if necessary, so that it begins  with $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$,
2015and the group with this new base is saved as {\it outputGroup}.  Note
2016that, in the list $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$ of points, individual points
2017are separated by commas but {\it not\/} by blanks.  Note also that the
2018points $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$ are included in the new base even if
2019they are redundant as base points.  However, no other redundant base points
2020will appear in the new base.  If the {\tt -z} option is specified, certain
2021redundant strong generators will be removed following the base change.
2024\subsection{Conjugation by a specified permutation:}The {\tt cjper}
2025command may be used to conjugate an object (group, permutation, point set,
2026partition, design, matrix, or code) by a specified permutation.  The command
2027format is
2030\centerline{{\tt cjper}\quad {\it options\quad type\quad object\quad
2031                             conjugateObject\quad conjugatingPerm}}
2033where {\it options\/} denotes
2036            [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2037            [{\tt -b}]\enskip
2038            [{\tt -d:}{\it deg\/}]\enskip
2039            [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2040            [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2041            [{\tt -mm}]\enskip
2042            [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2043            [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2044            [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2045            [{\tt -q}]\enskip}
2047Here {\it type\/} must be one of the keywords {\tt group}, {\tt perm},
2048{\tt set}, {\tt partition}, {\tt design}, {\tt matrix}, or {\tt code},\enskip
2049{\it object\/} must be an object of the type designated by {\it type},\enskip
2050and {\it conjugatingPerm\/} must be a permutation.  In the event that {\it object\/}
2051is a permutation, set, or partition, the {\tt -d:}{\it deg} option {\it must\/}
2052be used to specify the degree {\it deg}.  The program sets
2053{\it conjugateObject\/} to the object obtained by conjugating {\it object\/}
2054by {\it conjugatingPerm\/}, in the case that {\it object\/} is a group
2055or permutation, or to the object obtained by
2056applying {\it conjugatingPerm\/} to {\it object}, if {\it object} is a
2057point set, partition, design, matrix, or code.  In the event that
2058{\it object\/} is a group, the {\tt -b} option forces the program to
2059compute a base and strong generating set for {\it conjugateObject\/}; by
2060default, {\it conjugateObject\/} will have a base and strong generating
2061set only if {\it object\/} does.
2063In the event that {\it object\/} is a design or matrix, the degree
2064is treated as the number of points plus the number of blocks, or the
2065number of rows plus the number of columns, respectively.
2066Blocks or columns are permuted as well as points or rows.  However,
2067since the input format for permutations permits a permutation of degree $n$
2068to be treated as a permutation of any higher degree, this represents no
2069real restriction.
2071If {\it object\/} is a matrix over a finite field ${\rm GF}(q)$, the {\tt -mm}
2072option may be specified.  Then {\it conjugatingPerm\/} must have degree
2073$(q-1)(r+c)$, where $r$ and $c$ are the number of rows and columns, and
2074must satisfy the ``monomial property'', as described in Section~III.
2077\subsection{Conjugation by a random permutation:}The {\tt cjrndper}
2078command may be used to conjugate an object by a either a random permutation,
2079or by a permutation chosen at random from a specified permutation group.  The command
2080format is
2083\centerline{{\tt cjrndper}\quad {\it options\quad type\quad object\quad
2084                             conjugateObject}\quad [{\it conjugatingPerm\/}]}
2086where {\it options\/} denotes
2089        [{\tt -a}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2090        [{\tt -b}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2091        [{\tt -d:}{\it deg\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2092        [{\tt -g:}{\it grp\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2093        [{\tt -i}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2094        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\kern-1pt\enskip
2095        [{\tt -mm}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2096        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\kern-1pt\enskip
2097        [{\tt -n:}{\it name}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2098        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2099        [{\tt -s:}{\it seed\/}]\kern-1pt\enskip
2100        [{\tt -q}]}
2102Here {\it type\/} must be one of the keywords {\tt group}, {\tt perm},
2103{\tt set}, {\tt partition}, {\tt design}, {\tt matrix}, or {\tt code},\enskip
2104and {\it object\/} must be an object of the type designated by {\it type}.
2105In the event that {\it object\/}
2106is a permutation, set, or partition, the {\tt -d:}{\it deg} option {\it must}
2107be used to specify the degree {\it deg}.  If {\it object\/} is a permutation
2108or permutation group, the program sets
2109{\it conjugateObject\/} to the object obtained by conjugating {\it object\/}
2110by a certain permutation $x$; if {\it object\/} is a point set, partition,
2111design, matrix, or code, it sets {\it conjugateObject\/} to the
2112object obtained by applying a certain permutation $x$ to {\it object}.
2113In either case, the permutation $x$ is
2114chosen at random from the group {\it grp}, if the {\tt -g:}{\it grp} option
2115is specified, or at random from the symmetric group, if the
2116{\tt -g:}{\it grp} option is omitted.  If {\it conjugatingPerm\/} is specified,
2117the permutation $x$ is saved as {\it conjugatingPerm}.
2118The {\tt -s:}{\it seed} option may be used to specify
2119a specific seed for the random number generator that is used internally.
2120In the event that {\it object\/} is a group, the {\tt -b} option forces the
2121program to compute a base and strong generating set for {\it conjObject}, even
2122when one is not available for {\it object}.
2124In the event that {\it object\/} is a design (or matrix), both points
2125and blocks (or both rows and columns) are permuted.
2127If {\it object\/} is a matrix over a finite field ${\rm GF}(q)$, the {\tt -mm}
2128option may be specified.  Then a random monomial permutation is applied
2129to the rows and columns of the input matrix.
2133\subsection{Commutator groups and lower central series:}The {\tt commut}
2134command may be used to compute commutator groups.  Repeated application of
2135the command may be used to compute lower central series.  Specifically, given
2136a group $G$ and a (not necessarily normal) subgroup $H$ of $G$, the command
2137computes the commutator group $C = [G,H]$.  The command format is
2140\centerline{{\tt commut}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it permGroup}\quad
2141                        [{\it subgroup\/}]\quad {\it commutatorGroup}}
2143where {\it options\/} denotes
2146        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2147        [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2148        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2149        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2150        [{\tt -n:}{\it name}]\enskip
2151        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2152        [{\tt -q}]}
2154Here, {\it permGroup\/}, {\it subgroup\/}, and {\it commutatorGroup\/}
2155play the role of $G$, $H$, and $C$ above, respectively.
2156If {\it subgroup\/} is specified, it must be a subgroup of {\it permGroup\/}
2157(not checked); the command sets {\it commutatorGroup\/}
2158to the commutator of {\it permGroup\/} and {\it subgroup}.  If subgroup is
2159omitted, the command sets {\it commutatorGroup\/} to the commutator of
2160{\it permGroup\/} with itself (the derived group).
2162At present, the strong generating set for the commutator group is
2163constructed only by the random Schreier method.  Thus there is a
2164(probably small) possibility that the base and strong generating set
2165constructed for the commutator group will be incorrect.  (If this
2166occurs, the generators constructed will generate the commutator group, but
2167not strongly.  This undesirable feature will be fixed eventually.)
2169The return code from the {\tt commut} command will 0 if the commutator group
2170has order 1.
2171Otherwise the return code will depend on  whether the order of $H$ (i.e.,
2172{\it subgroup\/})
2173is known in advance.  If so, the return code will  1 if $\vert C\vert \neq
2174\vert H\vert$ and 2 otherwise.  (If $H$ is normal in $G$, these correspond
2175to the cases $H \subset G$ and $H = G$, respectively.)  If not, the return
2176code will be 3.
2180\subsection{Comparison of groups, normality, and centralization:}The {\tt compgrp} command may be
2181used to check if either of two permutation groups is contained
2182in the other, or normalizes the other, or whether the two groups
2183centralize each other.  The command format is
2186\centerline{{\tt compgrp}\quad [{\tt -c}] \enskip[{\tt -n}]\enskip
2187            [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2188            [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\quad {\it permGroup1\quad permGroup2}}
2190This command checks if either of {\it permGroup1\/} or {\it permGroup2\/} is contained
2191in the other.  If the {\tt -n} option is specified, it also checks if
2192either group normalizes the other.  (Note here the {\tt -n} option is used
2193for a different purpose that that described in Section~V.)  If the {\tt -c} option is given, it
2194checks whether the two groups centralize each other.  Messages indicating the result are
2195written to the standard output.   The return code is 0 if the two groups
2196are equal, 1 if {\it permGroup1\/} is a proper subgroup of {\it permGroup2\/},
21972 if {\it permGroup2\/} is a proper subgroup of {\it permGroup1\/}, and 3
2198otherwise.\quad  Note:  The procedure for checking normality
2199is, at present, extremely inefficient in many cases.
2203\subsection{Comparison of permutations:}The {\tt compper} command may be
2204used to check if two permutations are equal, or if a permutation is the
2205identity.  The command format is
2208\centerline{{\tt compper}\quad {\it degree\quad permutation1}\quad
2209            {\tt [}{\it permutation2\/}{\tt ]}}
2211This command checks if {\it permutation1\/} and {\it permutation2}, both of
2212which must be permutations of degree {\it degree}, are equal.  It prints a
2213message indicating whether the permutations are equal, and gives a return
2214code of 0 if they are equal and 1 otherwise.  If {\it permutation2\/} is
2215omitted, it is taken as the identity; thus the command checks if
2216{\it permutation1\/} is the identity.
2220\subsection{Comparison of point sets:}The {\tt compset} command may be
2221used to check if two point sets are equal.  The command format is
2224\centerline{{\tt compset}\quad {\it degree\quad set1}\quad
2225            {\tt [}{\it set2\/}{\tt ]}}
2227This command checks if {\it set1\/} and {\it set2}, both of
2228which must be points sets of degree {\it degree}, are equal, or if either
2229is contained in the other.  if {\it set2\/} is omitted, it is taken to be
2230the empty set, and the command checks if {\it set1\/} is empty.  It prints a
2231message indicating the result.  If {\it set2\/} is specified, the return code is 0 if
2232the two sets are equal, 1 if {\it set1\/} is properly contained in {\it set2\/},
22332 if {\it set1\/} properly contains {\it set2\/}, and 3 otherwise.
2234If {\it set2\/} is omitted, the return code is 0 if {\it set1\/} is empty
2235and 1 otherwise.
2238\subsection{Coset weight distributions of codes:}The {\tt cwtdist}
2239command\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{\elevenpoint At time of writing, this command
2240was not complete.  It should be available shortly.}
2241may be used to compute the coset weight distribution of a linear code.
2242At present, the program is restricted to binary codes of codimension at
2243most 32.  The program is highly optimized; nonetheless, time and space
2244requirements may restrict the codimension to values less than its maximum
2245of 32.  The command format is
2248\centerline{{\tt cwtdist}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it code}\quad
2249            [{\it maxCosWeight\/}\quad [{\it matrix\/}]]}
2251where {\it options\/} denotes
2254        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2255        [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2256        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2257        [{\tt -q}]}
2259The program computes the coset weight distribution of the code
2260{\it code\/}, that is, for each $d$, it determines the number of cosets of
2261the code having minimum weight $d$.  If {\it maxCosWeight\/} is specified
2262(It should be an integer.), the computation is performed only for
2263$d \leq {\it maxCosWeight}$.  If {\it matrix\/} is given, a coset representative
2264is saved for one coset whose minimum weight is the minimum of the covering
2265radius and {\it maxCosetWeight\/}.  {\it Note:\/}  It is not possible to
2266specify {\it matrix\/} without specifying {\it maxCosWeight\/}; however,
2267an artificially large value of {\it maxCosWeight\/} may be given instead.
2271\subsection{Designs from groups:}The {\tt orbdes} command may be used to
2272construct a block design $D$ from a permutation group $G$, which normally
2273should be transitive.  The design $D$ will have $n$ points and $n$ blocks, each
2274having the same number of points, where $n$ is the degree.  The automorphism
2275group ${\rm AUT}(D)$ will contain the group $G$ (perhaps properly).
2276For a specified point $\gamma$, let $\Gamma$ denote the orbit of $\gamma$
2277under the point stabilizer $G_1$.  The blocks of $D$ are exactly
2278$\Gamma^{u_1},\ldots,\Gamma^{u_k}$, where $k$ is the size of the $G$--orbit
2279of 1, and $u_1,\ldots,u_k$ map 1 to the different points of the $G$--orbit
2280of 1.  The command format is
2283\centerline{{\tt orbdes}\quad [{\tt -a}]\enskip[{\tt -m}]\enskip
2284            [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2285            [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\quad
2286            {\it permGroup}\quad {\it point}\quad {\it design}}
2288Here {\it permGroup}, {\it point}, and {\it design\/} play the role of
2289$G$, $\gamma$, and $D$ above, respectively.  If the {\tt -m} option is
2290given, the incidence matrix of the design is written out as a matrix;
2291otherwise the design is written in the standard format for designs.
2295\subsection{Finding group elements of specified order:}The {\tt fndelt}
2296command may be used to locate group elements of specified order, using
2297a quasi-random search process.  (Random group elements are examined in
2298searching for ones whose order is a multiple of the specified order.)
2299The command format is
2302\centerline{{\tt fndelt}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it permGroup} \quad
2303                        $n$\quad $k_1$\quad $k_2$\quad$\ldots$}
2305where {\it options\/} denotes
2308        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2309        [{\tt -f}]\enskip
2310        [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2311        [{\tt -m:}{\it trials}]\enskip
2312        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2313        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2314        [{\tt -n:}{\it name}]}
2317        [{\tt -o:}{\it ord\/}]\enskip
2318        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2319        [{\tt -po}]\enskip
2320        [{\tt -s:}{\it seed\/}]\enskip
2321        [{\tt -wg:}{\it grp\/}]\enskip
2322        [{\tt -wp:}{\it perm\/}]}
2324By default, the command searches quasi--randomly
2325until it finds $n$ involutions in the
2326group {\it permGroup\/}, and
2327if $k_1,\,k_2,\,\ldots$ are specified, it saves the $k_1$\kern1ptst,
2328$k_2$\kern1ptnd, $\ldots$ elements found.  (See discussion of the
2329{\tt -wp} and {\tt -wg} options below.)  The value of $n$ may be at
2330most 99.  The seed used in the random number generator may be specified
2331by the {\tt -s:}{\it seed\/} option; two invocations with the same
2332(default or specified) seed should produce identical results.
2333If the {\tt -o:}{\it ord\/}
2334option is given, the command searches for elements of order {\it ord}, rather
2335than for involutions.  If the {\tt -f} option is specified, it prints
2336the number of fixed points of each element found.  If the {\tt -po} option
2337is specified, it prints the orders of all products of the elements found.
2338If the {\tt -wp:}{\it perm\/} option is given and $k_1$ is specified,
2339the $k_1$\kern1ptst element found is saved as the permutation {\it perm}.
2340If the {\tt -wg:}{\it grp\/} is given and at least $k_1$ is specified,
2341a group {\it grp\/} is created using the $k_1$\kern1ptst,
2342$k_2$\kern1ptnd, $\ldots$ elements found as generators.
2345In some groups, elements of a specified order may be very difficult
2346to find using the quasi--random search technique employed by {\tt fndelt}.
2347For example, it is very difficult to find involutions in ${\rm PGL}_2(2^k)$
2348if $k$ is fairly high (say 10 to 15).  The {\tt -m:}{\it trials\/} option
2349may be used to terminate the command after {\it trials\/} random
2350group elements have been generated, regardless of how many elements of
2351the desired order have been found.  By default, {\it trials\/} is
2352essentially infinite.
2357\subsection{Normal closures:}The {\tt ncl}
2358command may be used to compute normal closures of subgroups.  Specifically,
2359given a group $G$ and a subgroup $H$ of $G$, the command
2360computes the normal closure $H^G$ of $H$ in $G$.  The command format is
2363\centerline{{\tt ncl}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it permGroup}\quad
2364                        {\it subgroup\/}\quad {\it normal closure}}
2366where {\it options\/} denotes
2369        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2370        [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2371        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2372        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2373        [{\tt -n:}{\it name}]\enskip
2374        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2375        [{\tt -q}]}
2377The command sets {\it normalClosure\/}
2378to the normal closure in {\it permGroup\/} of {\it subgroup}.  (Note that
2379{\it subgroup\/} must be a subgroup of {\it permGroup\/}; this is not checked.)
2381At present, the strong generating set for the normal closure is
2382constructed only by the random Schreier method.  Thus there is a
2383(probably small) possibility that the strong generating set
2384may be incorrect.  (This will
2385be fixed eventually; if it occurs, the generators obtained will generate
2386the normal closure, but not strongly.)
2390\subsection{Orbit structure:}The {\tt orblist} command performs various
2391calculations relating to the orbit structure of a specified group, or to the
2392orbit structure of point stabilizers within the group.  The command format
2395\centerline{{\tt orblist}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it permGroup}\quad
2396            [\kern1pt$p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$\quad[{\it ptStabGroup\/}]\kern1pt]}
2398where {\it options\/} denotes
2401        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2402        [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2403        [{\tt -len}]\enskip
2404        [{\tt -lr}]\enskip
2405        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2406        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2407        [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2408        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]}
2411        [{\tt -ps:}{\it set\/}]\enskip
2412        [{\tt -q}]\enskip
2413        [{\tt -r}]\enskip
2414        [{\tt -s:}{\it seed\/}]\enskip
2415        [{\tt -wno:}{\it $k$}]\enskip
2416        [{\tt -wo:}{\it $p_1,p_2,\ldots$}]\enskip
2417        [{\tt -wp:}{\it partn\/}]\enskip
2418        [{\tt -z}]}
2420In the absence of any options, and with only one non--option parameter,
2421the command writes (to standard output)
2422the orbits of the group {\it permGroup}.  For each orbit, the orbit
2423representative, the orbit length, and the list of points in the orbit
2424are written.  If the {\tt -r} option is given, the order in which the
2425orbits are listed is randomized; the seed for the random number generator
2426that is used may be specified by means of the {\tt -s:}{\it seed\/} option.
2427(Note that the {\tt -r} option is ignored if the {\tt -len} or {\tt -lr} options are
2430If the {\tt -len} option is specified, only the orbit lengths are
2431written.  If the {\tt -lr} option is given, only the
2432orbit representatives and orbit lengths are given; the output consists of
2433a list of pairs {\it rep\/}{\tt :}{\it len}, where {\it rep\/} is an
2434orbit representative and {\it len\/} is the length of the corresponding
2437The {\tt -wp:}{\it partn} may be used save the orbit partition of the
2438group as the partition {\it partn}.
2439The {\tt -wo:}{\it $p_1,p_2,\ldots$} option may be used to save the
2440union of the orbits of points $p_1,p_2,\ldots$ as a point set; the
2441name of the point set is the string {\it set\/} given by
2442the {\tt -ps:}{\it set\/} option.
2443Alternatively, the {\tt -wno:}{\it $k$} option causes the union of
2444the first $k$ orbits to be saved as a point set, whose name again
2445is specified by the {\tt -ps:}{\it set\/} option.
2447If a second non--option parameter $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$ is specified,
2448all orbit calculations are carried out in the stabilizer in ${\it permGroup\/}$
2449of the point sequence $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$, rather than in {\it permGroup\/}
2450itself.  Note that this entails a base change for the group {\it permGroup}.
2451The {\tt -z} option causes redundant strong generators for {\it permGroup}
2452to be removed following this base change.
2453Specifying a third non--option parameter {\it ptStabGroup\/} option causes
2454point stabilizer of $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$ to be saved
2455as the permutation group {\it ptStab}.
2458\subsection{Point stabilizers:}The {\tt ptstab}
2459command may be used to compute point stabilizers in permutation groups.  The
2460command format is
2463\centerline{{\tt ptstab}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it permGroup}\quad
2464            $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$\quad {\it ptStabGroup\/}}
2466where {\it options\/} denotes
2469        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2470        [{\tt -i}]\enskip
2471        [{\tt -mb:}$k$]\enskip
2472        [{\tt -mw:}$w$]\enskip
2473        [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2474        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2475        [{\tt -q}]\enskip
2476        [{\tt -z}]}
2478The point stabilizer in the group {\it permGroup\/} of the list
2479$p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$ is computed and saved as the permutation group
2480{\it ptStabGroup}.  Note that, in the list $p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_k$, individual
2481points are separated by commas but {\it not\/} by blanks.
2482The {\tt -z} option causes certain redundant strong generators for {\it ptStabGroup}
2483to be removed before the group is saved.
2488\subsection{Random point sets and partitions:}The {\tt randobj}
2489command may be used to construct a random $k$--element subset of
2490$\{1,\ldots,n\}$ for specified $n$ and $k$, or to construct a partition
2491of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ that is random subject to the cells having specified
2492sizes.  The command format
2495\centerline{{\tt randobj}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it type}\quad $n$\quad
2496            $k_1,k_2,\ldots,k_p$\quad {\it newObject}}
2498where {\it options\/} denotes
2501        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2502        [{\tt -e}]\enskip
2503        [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2504        [{\tt -s:}{\it seed\/}]}
2506Here {\it type\/} must be either {\tt set} or {\tt partition}; it indicates
2507whether a point set or partition is to be constructed.  For a point set,
2508$p$ must be 1; a random $k_1$--element subset of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ is constructed.
2509For a partition, in the absence of the {\tt -e} option,
2510$k_1 + k_2 + \ldots + k_p$ must equal $n$; a partition of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$
2511random subject to having cell sizes $k_1$,~$k_2$,...,~$k_p$ is constructed.
2512However, if the {\tt -e} option is specified, then $p$ must equal 1, and
2513a random partition having $k_1$ cells of equal size (as closely as possible)
2514is constructed.  In any case, the point set or partition constructed is saved
2515as the object {\it newObject}.
2517The {\tt -s:}{\it seed} option may be used to specify an initial seed for
2518the random number generator that is used.
2521\subsection{Weight distributions of codes:}The {\tt wtdist}
2522command may be used to compute the weight distribution of a linear code.
2523The program is highly optimized, both for binary and nonbinary codes.
2524The command format is
2527\centerline{{\tt wtdist}\quad {\it options}\quad {\it code}\quad
2528            [{\it saveWeight\/}\quad {\it matrix\/}]}
2530where {\it options\/} denotes
2533        [{\tt -a}]\enskip
2534        [{\tt -b}]\enskip
2535        [{\tt -g}]\enskip
2536        [{\tt -n:}{\it name\/}]\enskip
2537        [{\tt -p:}{\it path\/}]\enskip
2538        [{\tt -pf:}$p$]\enskip
2539        [{\tt -s:}$m$]\enskip
2540        [{\tt -q}]\enskip
2541        [{\tt -1}]}
2543The weight distribution of the code {\it code\/} is computed and written to
2544the standard output.  If {\it saveWeight\/} (which should be a positive
2545integer) and {\it matrix\/} are specified, the codewords of weight
2546{\it saveWeight\/} are saved; specifically, a new matrix {\it matrix\/} is
2547created whose rows are the vectors of weight {\it saveWeight\/} in the
2548code {\it code}.  However, for nonbinary fields, only one codeword from
2549each one-dimensional subspace is saved.  (Thus, for a code over
2550${\rm GF}(q)$ with $k$ vectors of weight {\it saveWeight}, {\it matrix\/} will
2551have $k/(q-1)$ rows.)  Also, if the {\tt -1} option is specified, only one
2552codeword of weight {\it saveWeight\/} will be saved, and thus {\it matrix\/}
2553will have only one row.  In the event that the code has no codewords of the
2554specified weight, the matrix is not created.
2556Four options, {\tt -b}, {\tt -g}, {\tt pf:}$p$, and {\tt s:}$m$, are never
2557necessary but may be used to optimize performance.  The {\tt -s:}$m$
2558option may be coded if codewords of weight {\it saveWeight\/} are to be
2559saved, and if the number of such codewords is known in advance; the value
2560of $m$ should be the number of such codewords (excluding scalar multiples,
2561for nonbinary fields).  Use of this option saves some time and space.  (If
2562an incorrect value of $m$ is specified, the savings in time and space may
2563be lost, but the results will still be correct.)
2565To understand the other optimization options,
2566it is necessary to understand that the {\tt wtdist} command invokes one of
2567two programs: a considerably optimized program for codes over any field, or
2568an even more highly optimized one for binary codes meeting certain
2569constraints on length and dimension.  The binary code program requires a fixed
2570amount of time (several seconds or more on a micro or workstation) to
2571construct a certain table of size 65536, even if the
2572dimension of the code is small.  Accordingly, the {\tt wtdist} command
2573invokes the general code program for binary codes of low dimension; however,
2574the criteria for choosing the cutoff point is relatively crude, and often
2575a nonoptimal choice may be made.  The {\tt -g} option forces the general
2576code program to be used, even if the binary one would be chosen by default.
2577The {\tt -b} option forces the binary code program to be used, provided the
2578code is binary, provided its length is at most 128, and provided its
2579dimension is at most 3.  (If any of these conditions fail, the binary
2580program cannot be used.)
2582The {\tt -pf:}$p$ option is applicable only if
2583the general code program is employed.  The value of $p$, which is referred
2584to as the {\it packing factor}, should be a positive integer such that
2585$q^p\leq 65535$.  (Here $q$ is the field size.)  Internally, the program will pack
2586$p$ coordinates of each codeword into a single 16--bit word.  Higher values
2587of $p$ improve performance on codes of high dimension.  On the other hand,
2588the size of the internal tables that must be allocated and initialized
2589rise very rapidly as a function of $p$, and in particular, a value of
2590$p$ maximal subject to $q^p\leq 65535$ will be practical only with a
2591rather large memory, and will be optimal with respect to time
2592only for codes of quite high dimension, because of the large amount of time
2593spent initializing the tables.  (The size in bytes of the largest single
2594table used internally is roughly $q^p e k \lceil n/p\rceil$, where $n$ is
2595the length, $k$ is the dimension, and $e$ is the exponent of the field.)
2596The program will choose a packing factor by default, but at present the
2597procedure for making this choice is crude.  In particular, if the program
2598runs out of memory, a smaller packing pactor should be specified.
2601\section{X.\quad THE UNIX DISTRIBUTION}
2603On Unix, the programs, documentation, and examples will be available
2604by anonymous ftp from {\tt math.uic.edu}.  The
2605directory {\tt pub/leon/partn} should contain the following files,
2606where {\it r} denotes the release number, e.g. {\tt 1.00}:
2609\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
2610doc-\kern-1pt{\it r}.tar.Z
2611examples-\kern-1pt{\it r}.tar.Z
2612src-\kern-1pt{\it r}.tar.Z
2613bin16-\kern-1pt{\it r}.sun4.tar.Z
2614bin16-\kern-1pt{\it r}.sun3.tar.Z
2616bin32-\kern-1pt{\it r}.sun4.tar.Z
2617bin32-\kern-1pt{\it r}.sun3.tar.Z
2620(The last two files may be omitted to conserve disk space, but can be made
2621available on request; contact the author at {\tt leon@turing.math.uic.edu}.)
2622Users with a Sun/4 should obtain the files {\tt doc.tar.Z},
2623{\tt examples.tar.Z}, and {\tt bin16.sun4.tar.Z}, which contain, respectively,
2624the documentation, the examples, and 16-bit executables for the Sun/4.
2625Users desiring the C language source code (of limited use, due to inadequate
2626documentation) should obtain the file {\tt src.tar.Z}.  Note that source code
2627is not required since binary executables for the programs are supplied.
2628Users needing
2629to compute with groups of degree greater that 65000 (approximate) should
2630obtain the file {\tt bin32.sun4.tar.Z}, which contains 32-bit executables.
2631Users with a Sun/3 merely substitute ``{\tt sun3}'' for ``{\tt sun4}'' in
2632the preceding instructions.  Other users should obtain only the files
2633{\tt doc.tar.Z}, {\tt examples.tar.Z}, and {\tt src.tar.Z}.  It will be
2634necessary to compile the source; a make file is provided for this purpose
2635(See Section~XI).
2637A directory, say {\tt partn}, should be created, and all the files should
2638be downloaded or moved to this directory.  They should then be uncompressed
2639and extracted by commands such as
2641\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
2642uncompress -v doc.tar.Z
2643tar xvf doc.tar
2646(Repeat the above for each of the files.)
2647The result should be subdirectories of {\tt partn} as follows:
2649\hskip0.45truein\hbox to 0.85truein{\tt doc\hfil}{Documentation for the programs --
2650           primarily this manual.}
2652\hskip0.45truein\hbox to 0.85truein{\tt examples\hfil}{The subdirectories of this
2653           directory contain examples.  See Section~VIII.}
2655\hskip0.45truein\hbox to 0.85truein{\tt test\hfil}{Unix shell scripts to test
2656          the partition backtrack programs, using some of the examples provided
2657          in the {\tt examples} subdirectory.}
2659\hskip0.45truein\hbox to 0.85truein{\tt src\hfil}\vtop{\hsize=5.2truein\relax
2660          Source code and a make file,
2661          to allow compilation of the programs on machines other than the
2662          Sun/3 and Sun/4.}
2664\hskip0.45truein\hbox to 0.85truein{\tt bin16\hfil}{executable programs for the Sun/3
2665                       or Sun/4, using 16--bit integers.}
2667\hskip0.45truein\hbox to 0.85truein{\tt bin32\hfil}{executable programs for the Sun/3
2668                       or Sun/4, using 32--bit integers.}
2670For the Sun/3 or Sun/4, the appropriate directory {\tt partn/bin16} or
2671{\tt partn/bin32} should be added to the path, or the files from one of
2672those directories should be copied to a directory on the path.  For other
2673Unix machines, it will be necessary to recompile the source; see Section~XI.
2676Once installation is complete, the programs may be tested using the
2677shell scripts in the subdirectory {\tt test}.  Specifically, the following
2678shell scripts, written for the Bourne shell, are provided:
2680\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
2689Each of the above shell files may be run, without options or parameters.
2690When {\tt test\_setstab} is run, the output is collected in a file named
2691{\tt setstab.output}, as well as appearing on the screen.  This file
2692may be compared to the file {\tt setstab.correct}, supplied in the subdirectory
2693{\tt tests}, which contains the correct output.  The files should match
2694exactly.  The comparison may be performed, for example, with the command
2697\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
2698diff setstab.output setstab.correct
2700The other shell files work in an analogous manner.
2702The tests above may take a number of hours, depending on the speed of the
2703machine.  In addition, they require several megabytes of memory.  Each of
2704the shell files accepts an option {\tt -s}, which runs a much less time--taking
2705series of tests, requiring less memory.  When this option is used with
2706{\tt test\_setstab}, the output in file {\tt setstab.output} should be
2707compared to the file {\tt setstab-s.correct}, rather than to
2708{\tt setstab.correct}.  A similar remark applies to the other tests.
2710The programs described in this manual are also available, in binary form,
2711for the IBM~PC and compatibles, under MS~DOS, and for the IBM~370
2712family of machines, under CMS.  For details, please contact the author.
2715\section{XI.\quad COMPILING THE SOURCE CODE}
2717As mentioned earlier, compiled versions of the programs described here are
2718available for the IBM~PC (DOS), the Sun/3 and Sun/4 (Unix), and the
2719IBM~370 (CMS).  For other systems, it will be necessary to compile the
2720C source code.  The information in this section is intended for users
2721intending to compile the source code.
2723To compile the C source code, a compiler that supports ANSI Standard C is
2725With very minor exceptions, the source code conforms to the ANSI standard
2726for C; it does, however, make use of a number of features not present in
2727most pre--ANSI versions of C.  The code was written under the assumption
2728that it would be compiled with optimization turned on, so it is important
2729to enable optimization, as the programs tend to run quite slowly if
2730compiled with optimization disabled.\footnote{${}^{\dag}$}{\elevenpoint However, some compilers
2731fail to optimize the code correctly.  GNU~C~1.39 and~2.1 (Sun/3, Sun/4) and
2732Waterloo~C 3.2 (IBM~370) optimize it correctly; at present,
2733Borland~C++~3.0 and Microsoft~C~5.1 do not.
2734Microsoft~C~6.0/7.0 and Borland~C++~3.1 have not been
2735tested.}  At present large sections of the source code
2736are not commented or are commented incorrectly.  Accordingly, the source
2737is provided primarily so that users may compile the programs on other
2738machines, rather than modify them.  Eventually the author hopes to
2739distribute adequately documented source code.
2741Prior to compiling the source, it is necessary to determine whether a
2742special timing function needs to be supplied.  By default the programs
2743use the C standard library function {\tt clock()} to measure execution
2744times.  This is adequate on many systems.  However, on some systems (e.g.,
2745Sun/3 and Sun/4 Unix), a problem arises because the {\tt clock()} function returns a
2746result with a resolution of one microsecond and thus ``wraps around'' in about
274736 minutes.  Unless the user is content with timing statistics correct modulo
2748$2^{32}$ microseconds (about 71.58 minutes), an alternate timing function
2749must be supplied in a file which should be named {\tt cputime.c};
2750this function must return a value of type {\tt long}
2751which represents the elapsed CPU time, and C macros
2752{\tt CPU\_TIME} and {\tt TICK} must be
2753defined to specify the name of this special
2754function (e.g., {\tt cpuTime}) and the resolution
2755of the function (in clock ticks per second), respectively.
2756In addition, a make file macro {\tt CPUTIME} must be defined to have
2757the value {\tt cputime.o} (assuming object code files have suffix {\tt o}).
2758These macros are discussed in more detail below.
2759For the Sun/3 and Sun/4, source code for such a function
2760{\tt cpuTime()} is supplied in the file {\tt cputime.c}; perhaps this function
2761will work on other Unix systems as well.  In the remainder of this section,
2762it is assumed that such a function, if needed, has already been written.
2764A make file (named {\tt Makefile}) is provided with the source.  This make file
2765is designed for the GNU~C compiler, version 2, on the Sun/3 and Sun/4, but with some
2766other compilers and systems, only simple editting of the first few lines of the make file
2767should be needed; the purpose of these lines is to define appropriate
2768make file macros.  For some compilers, more extensive editting of the
2769make file may be
2770required.  Note that the make file assumes that all source code and include
2771files (except system include files) are in the currect directory, and that
2772all object and executable files are to be placed in this directory.
2774The make file provided with the source begins as follows:
2776\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
2777COMPILE = gcc
2779          -DLONG\_EXTERNAL\_NAMES -Dclock\_t=long
2781COMPOPT = -c -O2 -Wall
2782LINKNAME = -o
2783LINKOPT = -v
2784OBJ = o
2785CPUTIME = cputime.o
2786BOUNDS =
2789The purpose of the make file macros defined here is as follows:
2791{\advance\leftskip by 0.3in\noindent
2792   {\tt COMPILE}:\quad  This macro specifies the command to invoke the C compiler;
2793                   it may include path information.
2795   {\tt DEFINES}:\quad  This make file macro specifies C macros to be defined
2796                        for the compilation; these are discussed below.
2798   {\tt INCLUDES}:\quad  This macro is used to tell the compiler where
2799                         to search for include files, if they are located
2800                         other than in the standard location.
2802   {\tt COMPOPT}:\quad  This macro is used to specify compile--time options,
2803                        other than those given by means of the
2804                        {\tt DEFINES} and {\tt INCLUDES} macros.  These
2805                        options should include code optimization and
2806                        compile--only (no linking) if these are not
2807                        defaults.  For the IBM~PC, an option specifying the
2808                        large memory model should be given.
2810   {\tt LINKNAME}:\quad  This macro is used to specify the linker option
2811                        used to give the name of the executable file
2812                        to be created.
2814   {\tt LINKOPT}:\quad  This macro is used to specify linker options, other
2815                        than that given by the {\tt LINKNAME} macro above.
2817   {\tt OBJ}:\quad   This macro is used to specify the suffix (file type)
2818                     for object files.  Normally this would be {\tt o}
2819                     on Unix and {\tt obj} on MS~DOS.
2821   {\tt CPUTIME}:\quad  Unless a special timing function is to be supplied
2822                     (see discussion above), this value of this macro should
2823                      be the null string.  If a special timing function is
2824                      supplied, the value of the {\tt CPUTIME} macro should
2825                      be {\tt cputime.o}, assuming object files have suffix
2826                      {\tt o}.
2828   {\tt BOUNDS}:\quad  This macro is present for use on MS~DOS with Bounds Checker,
2829                     a debugging product published by Nu-Mega Technologies
2830                     and used heavily by the author in debugging the programs.
2831                     Normally its value should be the null string.
2833It remains to discuss the C language macros that must, or may, be defined
2834by the make macro {\tt DEFINES}.  One of these C macros, {\tt INT\_SIZE}, always
2835must be defined; the others are optional, or are required only in
2836certain circumstances.  The C language macros are as follows:
2838{\advance\leftskip by 0.3in\noindent
2839    {\tt INT\_SIZE}:\quad  This macro is always required.  Its value must
2840             be the number of bits in the C data type {\tt int}, usually
2841             16 or 32.  (The programs have never been adapted to a system
2842             in which the integer size is other than 16 or 32, although
2843             it should not be difficult to do so.)
2844             {\it Note:\/}\enskip This macro only specifies the size of the
2845             C data type {\tt int}; it does {\it not\/} determine whether
2846             the programs are compiled to use 16 or 32 bit integers.
2848   {\tt EXTRA\_LARGE}:\quad If this macro is defined, and {\tt INT\_SIZE}
2849             above is 32, the programs will be compiled using 32--bit integers;
2850             that is, points will be represented using the C data type
2851             {\tt unsigned}.  Otherwise, if {\tt INT\_SIZE} is 32, the programs
2852             will be compiled using 16--bit integers (with most compilers),
2853             as points will be represented using the C data type
2854             {\tt unsigned short}.  Note {\tt EXTRA\_LARGE} should not be
2855             defined when {\tt INT\_SIZE} is 16.  Care must be taken, of
2856             course, not to link object files compiled with {\tt EXTRA\_LARGE}
2857             defined with those compiled without it defined, as the make file
2858             cannot protect against this error.  (However, running the programs
2859             with the {\tt -v} option will reveal this error.)
2862   {\tt LONG\_EXTERNAL\_NAMES}:\quad   This macro should (but need not) be defined
2863             if the linker supports long external names (up to 31 characters).
2864             If defined, its value is irrelevent.
2866   {\tt CPU\_TIME}:\quad  This macro must be defined if a special timing function
2867             is supplied, and its value must be the name of that function.
2868             If the standard C function {\tt clock()} is to be used, the
2869             macro must not be defined (not even as the null string).
2871   {\tt NOFLOAT}:\quad  This macro probably should be defined on a system
2872              lacking floating point hardware support.  (If defined, its
2873              value is irrelevant.)  Normally, the programs perform a
2874              small amount of floating point arithmetic in attempting to
2875              produce a good $\bfgermR$--base; with software emulation of floating
2876              point instructions, the cost of this use of floating point
2877              arithmetic probably exceeds its benefit.  If the
2878              {\tt NOFLOAT} macro is defined, no floating point arithmetic
2879              is used.  (In this case, it may be advantageous to add a
2880              compiler option telling the compiler not to incorporate
2881              floating--point support into the executable program.  For
2882              example, under Borland C++, the {\tt -f-} option has this
2883              effect.)
2885   {\tt TICK}:\quad  This macro should be defined in two situations: (1)
2886                If a special CPU time function is supplied, {\tt TICK}
2887                should be defined to be the resolution (in clock ticks per
2888                second) of that function, and (2) if the
2889                {\tt NOFLOAT} macro is defined and if the compiler--supplied
2890                definition of the standard C macro {\tt CLK\_TCK} is a
2891                floating point constant (as occurs with Borland~C++),
2892                {\tt TICK} should be defined to be the nearest integer
2893                approximation to the value of {\tt CLK\_TCK}, e.g., 18 for
2894                Borland~C++.
2896   {\tt HUGE}:\quad This macro must be defined for the IBM PC (unless a
2897               DOS extender is being used).  It simply causes a few pointers
2898               to be declared as {\tt huge}.  Only one program, the
2899               weight distribution program, uses huge pointers.
2901In addition, the author recommends defining a symbol unique to the system
2902and compiler, e.g., {\tt SUN\_UNIX\_GCC} above.  Then any code modifications
2903unique to this system and compiler can be bracketed as follows:
2905\vbox{{\elevenpoint\advance\leftskip by 0.45truein\obeywhitespace\tt\catcode`^=\other
2906\#ifdef SUN\_UNIX\_GCC
2907   /* Code modifications for Sun Unix, GNU C compiler. */
2911Once the make file has been editted appropriately, all of the programs
2912may be compiled at once by the command
2914\hskip0.45truein\relax {\tt make all}
2916or, alternatively, individual programs may be compiled by the commands
2918\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make setstab\hfil}for
2919                    {\tt setstab}, {\tt setimage}, {\tt parstab}, and {\tt parimage},
2921\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make cent\hfil}for
2922                    {\tt cent}, {\tt conj}, {\tt gcent},
2924\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make inter\hfil}for
2925                    {\tt inter},
2927\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make desauto\hfil}for
2928                    {\tt desauto}, {\tt desiso}, {\tt matauto}, {\tt matiso},
2929                    {\tt codeauto}, and {\tt codeiso},
2931\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make cjrndper\hfil}for
2932                    {\tt cjrndper} and {\tt cjper},
2934\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make commut\hfil}for
2935                    {\tt commut} and {\tt ncl},
2937\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make compgrp\hfil}for
2938                    {\tt compgrp},
2940\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make fndelt\hfil}for
2941                    {\tt fndelt},
2943\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make generate\hfil}for
2944                    {\tt generate},
2946\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make orblist\hfil}for
2947                    {\tt orblist}, {\tt chbase}, and {\tt ptstab},
2949\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make randobj\hfil}for
2950                    {\tt randobj},
2952\hskip0.45truein\relax \hbox to1.5truein{\tt make wtdist\hfil}for
2953                    {\tt wtdist} and {\tt cwtdist}.
2955Ideally, there should be no errors in compilation.  However, with some
2956compilers (e.g., Zortech~C++), it is necessary to define {\tt const} to
2957be a null string in order to avoid compile--time errors.  Typically
2958compilers will generate a number of warnings; a number of them involve
2959implicit conversion between pointers to constant and non--constant types.
2961The above commands place the executable programs in the current directory
2962(that containing the source).   The final step is to move the executables
2963to the directory in which they should reside, preferably one on the current
2964path.  A shell file named {\tt install} is provided for this purpose.
2965The command
2967\hskip0.45in\relax {\tt sh install\ }{\it bindir}
2969should be issued, where {\it bindir\/} is the name of the directory in
2970which the binary files should be placed, e.g., {\tt ../bin}.  Note that
2971this command also copies certain shell files from the source directory
2972to the binary directory, renaming them by dropping the {\tt sh} suffix
2973in the process.
2977\centerline{\sectionheaderfont REFERENCES}
2979Leon, J.\enskip (1980a),\enskip
2980On an algorithm for finding a base and a strong generating set
2981for a group given by generating permutations,\enskip
2982{\it Math.\ Comp.}
2983{\bf 35},
2986Leon, J.\enskip(1991),\enskip
2987Permutation group algorithms based on partitions, I: Theory and algorithms,\enskip
2988{\it J. Symbolic Comp.}
2989{\bf 12},
2992Cannon, J.\enskip (1984),\enskip
2993{\it A language for group theory,}\enskip
2994Dept.\ of Pure Mathematics, University of Sydney, Australia.
2996Sims, C.~C.\enskip (1971),\enskip
2997Computation with permutation groups,\enskip
2998In (Petrick, S.~R., ed.),\enskip
2999{\it Proc.\ of the Second Symposium on Symbolic and
3000Algebraic Manipulation,}\enskip
3001New York: Assoc.\ for Computing Mach.