1 /** @file gsField.h
3     @brief Provides declaration of the Field class.
5     This file is part of the G+Smo library.
7     This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
8     License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
9     file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
11     Author(s): A. Mantzaflaris
12 */
14 #pragma once
16 #include <gsCore/gsFunctionSet.h>
17 #include <gsCore/gsGeometry.h>
18 #include <gsCore/gsMultiPatch.h>
19 #include <gsCore/gsMultiBasis.h>
20 #include <gsUtils/gsPointGrid.h>
22 namespace gismo
23 {
24 /**
25  * \brief A scalar of vector field defined on a m_parametric geometry.
26  *
27  * A gsField is, generally speaking, some mathematical function that is defined on a domain of interest
28  * (the name "field" is motivated by, e.g., "scalar field" or "vector field").
29  *
30  * The gsField combines the following:\n
31  * - <b>Geometric information</b> on the domain:\n
32  *
33  * The domain can be represented as one single patch or as a
34  * collection of multiple patches (a.k.a. subdomains).\n This
35  * information is stored in a member of the gsMultiPatch class.\n
36  *
37  * - The <b>function</b> defined on the domain:\n
38  *
39  * For each patch (a.k.a. subdomain), the gsField contains a member
40  * of class gsFunction (which represents the "local field", so to
41  * say).  On this, the operations of gsFunction can be carried out
42  * (e.g., function evaluation or computation of derivatives).\n
43  * Remark: The collection of patch-wise gsFunction is stored in the
44  * private member gsField::m_fields.
45  *
46  * Note that the geometry representation of a single patch can be
47  * extracted by calling the member function gsField::patch.
48  *
49  * The "local field" on a single patch can be extracted by calling gsField::function.
50  *
51  * \ingroup Core
52  */
53 template<class T>
54 class gsField
55 {
57 public:
58     typedef memory::shared_ptr< gsField >  Ptr;// todo: remove
59     typedef memory::unique_ptr< gsField >  uPtr;// todo: remove
gsField()61     gsField(): m_patches(NULL) { }
gsField(const gsFunctionSet<T> & mp,typename gsFunctionSet<T>::Ptr fs,const bool isparam)63     gsField( const gsFunctionSet<T> & mp,
64              typename gsFunctionSet<T>::Ptr fs,
65              const bool isparam)
66     : m_patches(&mp), m_fields(fs), m_parametric(isparam)
67     { }
69     gsField( const gsGeometry<T> & sp, const gsFunctionSet<T> & pf, const bool isparam = false)
70     : m_patches(&sp), m_fields(memory::make_shared_not_owned(&pf)), m_parametric(isparam)
71     { }
gsField(const gsGeometry<T> & sp,const gsGeometry<T> & pf)73     gsField( const gsGeometry<T> & sp, const gsGeometry<T> & pf)
74     : m_patches(&sp), m_fields(memory::make_shared_not_owned(&pf)), m_parametric(true)
75     { }
77     gsField( const gsMultiPatch<T> & mp, const gsFunctionSet<T> & f, const bool isparam = false)
78     : m_patches(&mp), m_fields(memory::make_shared_not_owned(&f)), m_parametric(isparam)
79     { }
gsField(const gsMultiPatch<T> & mp,const gsMultiPatch<T> & f)81     gsField( const gsMultiPatch<T> & mp, const gsMultiPatch<T> & f)
82     : m_patches(&mp), m_fields(memory::make_shared_not_owned(&f)), m_parametric(true)
83     { }
85 public:
87 // TO DO:
89 // EVAL_physical_position
90 // Need to solve x = m_geometry(u) for u
92     // Return a point in  the physical domain at parameter value u
93     /**
94      * @brief Maps points \a u from the parameter domain to the physical domain.
95      *
96      * @param[in] u Evaluation points as gsMatrix of size <em>d</em> x <em>n</em>.\n
97      * \a d denotes the dimension of the parameter domain (i.e., d = parDim()).\n
98      * \a n denotes the number of evaluation points.\n
99      * Each column of \a u corresponds to one evaluation point.
100      * @param[in] i Index of the considered patch/subdomain.
101      * @returns uPtr The <em>j</em>-th column of \a uPtr corresponds
102      * to the image of the point \a u_j (which is defined by the \a j-th column of the input parameter \a u).
103      */
104     gsMatrix<T> point(const gsMatrix<T>& u, int i = 0) const
105     {
106         return m_patches->piece(i).eval(u);
107     }
109     // Return the value of the Field at parameter value u
110     // TO DO: rename to evalParam()
111     /**
112      * @brief Evaluation of the field at points \a u.
113      *
114      * @param[in] u Evaluation points as gsMatrix of size <em>d</em> x <em>n</em>.\n
115      * \a d denotes the dimension of the parameter domain (i.e., d = parDim()).\n
116      * \a n denotes the number of evaluation points.\n
117      * Each column of \a u corresponds to one evaluation point.
118      * @param[in] i Index of the considered patch/subdomain.
119      * @returns uPtr The <em>j</em>-th column of \a uPtr corresponds
120      * to the value of the field at the point \a u_j (which is defined by the \a j-th column of the input parameter \a u).
121      */
122     gsMatrix<T> value(const gsMatrix<T>& u, int i = 0)  const
123     {
124         return m_parametric
125             ? m_fields->piece(i).eval(u)
126             : m_fields->piece(i).eval( point(u, i) );
127     }
129     // Return the value of the Field at physical value u
130     // TO DO: rename to evalPhys()
pvalue(const gsMatrix<T> & u,int i)131     gsMatrix<T> pvalue(const gsMatrix<T>& u, int i)  const
132     {
133         GISMO_ASSERT(!m_parametric, "Cannot compute physical value");
134         return ( m_fields->piece(i).eval(u) );
135     }
137     /// Computes the L2-distance between the two fields, on the physical domain
138     T distanceL2(gsField<T> const & field, int numEvals= 1000) const;
140     /// Computes the L2-distance between the field and a function \a func on the physical domain
141     T distanceL2(gsFunctionSet<T> const & func,
142                  bool isFunc_param = false,
143                  int numEvals=1000) const;
145     /// Computes the L2-distance between the field and a function \a
146     /// func on the physical domain, using mesh from B
147     T distanceL2(gsFunctionSet<T> const & func,
148                  gsMultiBasis<T> const & B,
149                  bool isFunc_param = false,
150                  int numEvals=1000) const;
152     /// Computes the H1-seminorm of the diff. between the field and a function \a
153     /// func on the physical domain
154     T distanceH1(gsFunctionSet<T> const & func,
155                  bool isFunc_param = false,
156                  int = 1000) const;
158     /// Computes the H1-seminorm of the diff. between the field and a function \a
159     /// func on the physical domain, using mesh from B
160     T distanceH1(gsFunctionSet<T> const & func,
161                  gsMultiBasis<T> const & B,
162                  bool isFunc_param = false,
163                  int = 1000) const;
165     /// Computes the H2-seminorm of the diff. between the field and a function \a
166     /// func on the physical domain, using mesh from B
167     T distanceH2(gsFunctionSet<T> const & func,
168                  bool isFunc_param = false) const;
170     /// Computes the DG-distance between the field and a function \a
171     /// func on the physical domain
172     T distanceDG(gsFunctionSet<T> const & func,
173                  bool isFunc_param = false,
174                  int = 1000) const;
176     /// Prints the object as a string.
print(std::ostream & os)177     std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) const
178     {
179         os << ( m_parametric ? "Parameterized f" : "F")
180            << "unction field.\n Defined on " << m_patches;
181         return os;
182     }
184     /// \brief Returns the dimension of the parameter domain
185     /// (e.g., if the domain is a surface in three-dimensional space, it returns 2).
parDim()186     short_t parDim() const { return m_patches->domainDim(); }
188     /// \brief Returns the dimension of the physical domain
189     /// (e.g., if the domain is a surface in three-dimensional space, it returns 3).
geoDim()190     short_t geoDim() const { return m_patches->targetDim(); }
192     /// \brief Returns the dimension of the physical domain
193     /// (e.g., if the domain is a surface in three-dimensional space, it returns 3).
dim()194     short_t dim() const { return m_fields->targetDim(); }
196     /// Returns the number of patches.
nPatches()197     GISMO_DEPRECATED index_t nPatches()  const { return m_patches->nPieces(); }
199     /// Returns the number of pieces.
nPieces()200     int nPieces()  const { return m_patches->nPieces(); }
geometry()202     const gsGeometry<T> & geometry() const
203     {
204         GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<const gsGeometry<T>*>(m_patches),
205                      "No geometry in field. The domain is"<< *m_patches);
206         return *static_cast<const gsGeometry<T>*>(m_patches);
207     }
209     /// Returns gsMultiPatch containing the geometric information on the domain.
patches()210     const gsMultiPatch<T> & patches() const
211     {
212         GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<const gsMultiPatch<T>*>(m_patches),
213                      "No patches in field. The field domain is "<< *m_patches);
214         return *static_cast<const gsMultiPatch<T>*>(m_patches);
215     }
217     /// Returns the fields (defined per patch)
fields()218     const gsFunctionSet<T> & fields() const { return *m_fields; }
220     /// Returns the gsGeometry of patch \a i.
221     const gsGeometry<T> & patch(int i=0) const
222     {
223         GISMO_ASSERT( i<nPieces(),
224                       "gsField: Invalid patch index.");
225         GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<const gsGeometry<T>*>(&m_patches->piece(i)),
226                      "No geometry in field. The domain is"<< m_patches->piece(i));
227         return static_cast<const gsGeometry<T>&>(m_patches->piece(i));
228     }
230     /// Returns the gsFunction of patch \a i.
231     const gsFunction<T> & function(int i=0) const
232     {
233         GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<const gsFunction<T>*>(&m_fields->piece(i)),
234                      "No function in field. The domain is"<< m_patches->piece(i));
235         return static_cast<const gsFunction<T>&>(m_fields->piece(i));
236     }
238     /// Attempts to return an Isogeometric function for patch i
239     const gsGeometry<T> & igaFunction(int i=0) const
240     {
241         GISMO_ASSERT(i<m_fields->nPieces(),
242                      "gsField: Invalid patch index.");
243         GISMO_ASSERT(m_parametric,
244                      "Cannot get an IGA function from non-parametric field.");
245         GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<const gsGeometry<T>*>(&m_fields->piece(i)),
246                      "Cannot return an igaFunction from a function of type: "<< m_fields->piece(i) );
247         return static_cast<const gsGeometry<T> &>(m_fields->piece(i));
248     }
250     /// True if the field function is defined on parametric
251     /// coordinates (i.e. the same coordinate system as the patches)
isParametric()252     bool isParametric() const { return m_parametric; }
254     /// True if the field function is parametrized by a set of basis
255     /// functions in parametric coordinates (i.e. the same coordinate
256     /// system as the patches)
isParametrized()257     bool isParametrized() const
258     { return m_parametric && dynamic_cast<const gsGeometry<T>*>(&m_fields->piece(0));}
260     /** \brief Returns the coefficient vector (if it exists)
261         corresponding to the function field for patch \a i.
263     Returns the coefficients of the field corresponding to the \a i-th
264     patch. This is only possible in the case when the field is defined
265     in terms of basis functions (ie. it derives from gsGeometry).
267     */
268     const gsMatrix<T> & coefficientVector(int i=0) const
269     {
270         return igaFunction(i).coefs();
271     }
273 // Data members
274 private:
276     /// The isogeometric field is defined on this multipatch domain
277     const gsFunctionSet<T> * m_patches;
279     // If there are many patches, one field per patch
281     /// \brief Vector containing "local fields" for each patch/subdomain.
282     ///
283     /// For each patch/subdomain, the "local field" is represented by
284     /// a gsFunction. This local field can be accessed with
285     /// gsField::function.
286     typename gsFunctionSet<T>::Ptr m_fields;
288     /**
289      * @brief \a True iff this is an isogeometric field.
290      *
291      * If \a m_parametric is \a true, the evaluation points for calling gsField::value have to be placed in the
292      * \a parameter domain.
293      *
294      * If \a m_parametric is \a false, then the evaluation points are in the \a physical domain.
295      * This applies to, e.g., given exact solutions which are defined on the physical domain.
296      */
297     bool m_parametric;// True iff this is an Isogeometric field, living on parameter domain
299 }; // class gsField
302 /// Print (as string) operator to be used by all derived classes
303 template<class T>
304 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const gsField<T>& b)
305 {return b.print(os); }
308 } // namespace gismo
310 #ifndef GISMO_BUILD_LIB
311 #include GISMO_HPP_HEADER(gsField.hpp)
312 #endif