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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


.gitignoreH A D22-Dec-201793 65

MakefileH A D22-Dec-2017645 3320

READMEH A D22-Dec-20171.2 KiB2621

ps_file.docH A D22-Dec-201711.6 KiB361351

ps_fontfile_doc.texH A D22-Dec-20179.5 KiB312298

ps_symbols.gpiH A D16-Feb-20198 KiB135131


1This set of files contains information about the gnuplot-PostScript interface.
4  is a discussion of a PostScript file as written by gnuplot.
7  is a PostScript file that has two pages.  The first is a summary of the
8  enhanced syntax (available via "set terminal postscript enhanced".  The
9  second is a table of the character codes.  The table has the standard
10  encoding (shown in Times-Roman), the Symbol and Zapf-Dingbats fonts, and
11  the ISO-Latin1 (also known as ISO-8859-1) encoding.  The last entry may
12  be changed to ISO-Latin2 (also called as ISO-8859-2), CP850 or CP852
13  (for OS/2) or CP437 (for MS-DOS) by editing line #14 in the file.  These
14  encodings are selected via the "set encoding" command.
17  is a gnuplot command file that generates ps_symbols. ps.ps_symbols.ps
18  is a PostScript file that shows a simple display of the 76 symbol types
19  available to the "postscript" terminal and selectable via the "pt" option
20  on the "plot" command.
23  is a LaTeX file that generates the file ps_fontfile_doc.ps. It contains
24  a table containing the glyphs of the most important TeX math fonts
25  (Computer Modern Fonts).