1 // Copyright (C) 2004, 2011 International Business Machines and others.
2 // All Rights Reserved.
3 // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
4 //
5 // Authors:  Carl Laird, Andreas Waechter     IBM    2004-08-13
10 #include "IpSmartPtr.hpp"
11 #include "IpCachedResults.hpp"
13 #include <string>
15 namespace Ipopt
16 {
17 class IpoptNLP;
18 class IpoptData;
19 class Vector;
20 class Matrix;
21 class SymMatrix;
22 class Journalist;
23 class OptionsList;
24 class RegisteredOptions;
26 /** Norm types */
27 enum ENormType
28 {
29    NORM_1 = 0,
30    NORM_2,
31    NORM_MAX
32 };
34 /** Base class for additional calculated quantities that is special
35  *  to a particular type of algorithm, such as the CG penalty
36  *  function, or using iterative linear solvers.
37  *
38  *  The regular IpoptCalculatedQuantities object should be given
39  *  a derivation of this base class when it is created.
40  */
41 class IPOPTLIB_EXPORT IpoptAdditionalCq: public ReferencedObject
42 {
43 public:
44    /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
45    //@{
46    /** Default Constructor */
IpoptAdditionalCq()47    IpoptAdditionalCq()
48    { }
50    /** Destructor */
~IpoptAdditionalCq()51    virtual ~IpoptAdditionalCq()
52    { }
53    //@}
55    /** This method is called to initialize the global algorithmic
56     *  parameters.
57     *
58     *  The parameters are taken from the OptionsList object.
59     */
60    virtual bool Initialize(
61       const Journalist&  jnlst,
62       const OptionsList& options,
63       const std::string& prefix
64    ) = 0;
66 private:
67    /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
68     * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
69     *
70     * These methods are not implemented and
71     * we do not want the compiler to implement
72     * them for us, so we declare them private
73     * and do not define them. This ensures that
74     * they will not be implicitly created/called.
75     */
76    //@{
77    /** Copy Constructor */
78    IpoptAdditionalCq(
79       const IpoptAdditionalCq&);
81    /** Default Assignment Operator */
82    void operator=(
83       const IpoptAdditionalCq&);
84    //@}
85 };
87 /** Class for all IPOPT specific calculated quantities. */
88 class IPOPTLIB_EXPORT IpoptCalculatedQuantities: public ReferencedObject
89 {
90 public:
92    /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
93    //@{
94    /** Constructor */
95    IpoptCalculatedQuantities(
96       const SmartPtr<IpoptNLP>&  ip_nlp,
97       const SmartPtr<IpoptData>& ip_data
98    );
99    /** Destructor */
100    virtual ~IpoptCalculatedQuantities();
101    //@}
103    /** Method for setting pointer for additional calculated
104     *  quantities.
105     *
106     *  This needs to be called before Initialized.
107     */
SetAddCq(SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalCq> add_cq)108    void SetAddCq(
109       SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalCq> add_cq
110    )
111    {
112       DBG_ASSERT(!HaveAddCq());
113       add_cq_ = add_cq;
114    }
116    /** Method detecting if additional object for calculated
117     *  quantities has already been set
118     */
HaveAddCq()119    bool HaveAddCq()
120    {
121       return IsValid(add_cq_);
122    }
124    /** This method must be called to initialize the global
125     *  algorithmic parameters.
126     *
127     *  The parameters are taken from the OptionsList object.
128     */
129    bool Initialize(
130       const Journalist&  jnlst,
131       const OptionsList& options,
132       const std::string& prefix
133    );
135    /** @name Slacks */
136    //@{
137    /** Slacks for x_L (at current iterate) */
138    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_x_L();
139    /** Slacks for x_U (at current iterate) */
140    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_x_U();
141    /** Slacks for s_L (at current iterate) */
142    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_s_L();
143    /** Slacks for s_U (at current iterate) */
144    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_slack_s_U();
145    /** Slacks for x_L (at trial point) */
146    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_x_L();
147    /** Slacks for x_U (at trial point) */
148    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_x_U();
149    /** Slacks for s_L (at trial point) */
150    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_s_L();
151    /** Slacks for s_U (at trial point) */
152    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_slack_s_U();
153    /** Indicating whether or not we "fudged" the slacks */
154    Index AdjustedTrialSlacks();
155    /** Reset the flags for "fudged" slacks */
156    void ResetAdjustedTrialSlacks();
157    //@}
159    /** @name Objective function */
160    //@{
161    /** Value of objective function (at current point) */
162    virtual Number curr_f();
163    /** Unscaled value of the objective function (at the current point) */
164    virtual Number unscaled_curr_f();
165    /** Value of objective function (at trial point) */
166    virtual Number trial_f();
167    /** Unscaled value of the objective function (at the trial point) */
168    virtual Number unscaled_trial_f();
169    /** Gradient of objective function (at current point) */
170    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_f();
171    /** Gradient of objective function (at trial point) */
172    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_grad_f();
173    //@}
175    /** @name Barrier Objective Function */
176    //@{
177    /** Barrier Objective Function Value
178     * (at current iterate with current mu)
179     */
180    virtual Number curr_barrier_obj();
181    /** Barrier Objective Function Value
182     * (at trial point with current mu)
183     */
184    virtual Number trial_barrier_obj();
186    /** Gradient of barrier objective function with respect to x
187     * (at current point with current mu)
188     */
189    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_barrier_obj_x();
190    /** Gradient of barrier objective function with respect to s
191     * (at current point with current mu)
192     */
193    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_barrier_obj_s();
195    /** Gradient of the damping term with respect to x (times kappa_d) */
196    SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_kappa_times_damping_x();
197    /** Gradient of the damping term with respect to s (times kappa_d) */
198    SmartPtr<const Vector> grad_kappa_times_damping_s();
199    //@}
201    /** @name Constraints */
202    //@{
203    /** c(x) (at current point) */
204    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_c();
205    /** unscaled c(x) (at current point) */
206    SmartPtr<const Vector> unscaled_curr_c();
207    /** c(x) (at trial point) */
208    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_c();
209    /** unscaled c(x) (at trial point) */
210    SmartPtr<const Vector> unscaled_trial_c();
211    /** d(x) (at current point) */
212    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_d();
213    /** unscaled d(x) (at current point) */
214    SmartPtr<const Vector> unscaled_curr_d();
215    /** d(x) (at trial point) */
216    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_d();
217    /** d(x) - s (at current point) */
218    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_d_minus_s();
219    /** d(x) - s (at trial point) */
220    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_d_minus_s();
221    /** Jacobian of c (at current point) */
222    SmartPtr<const Matrix> curr_jac_c();
223    /** Jacobian of c (at trial point) */
224    SmartPtr<const Matrix> trial_jac_c();
225    /** Jacobian of d (at current point) */
226    SmartPtr<const Matrix> curr_jac_d();
227    /** Jacobian of d (at trial point) */
228    SmartPtr<const Matrix> trial_jac_d();
229    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of C
230     *  transpose with general vector
231     */
232    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_cT_times_vec(
233       const Vector& vec
234    );
235    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of C
236     *  transpose with general vector
237     */
238    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_cT_times_vec(
239       const Vector& vec
240    );
241    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of D
242     *  transpose with general vector
243     */
244    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_dT_times_vec(
245       const Vector& vec
246    );
247    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of D
248     *  transpose with general vector
249     */
250    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_dT_times_vec(
251       const Vector& vec
252    );
253    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of C
254     *  transpose with current y_c
255     */
256    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_cT_times_curr_y_c();
257    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of C
258     *  transpose with trial y_c
259     */
260    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_cT_times_trial_y_c();
261    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of D
262     *  transpose with current y_d
263     */
264    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_dT_times_curr_y_d();
265    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at trial point) of D
266     *  transpose with trial y_d
267     */
268    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_jac_dT_times_trial_y_d();
269    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of C
270     *  with general vector
271     */
272    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_c_times_vec(
273       const Vector& vec
274    );
275    /** Product of Jacobian (evaluated at current point) of D
276     *  with general vector
277     */
278    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_jac_d_times_vec(
279       const Vector& vec
280    );
281    /** Constraint Violation (at current iterate).
282     *
283     *  This value should
284     *  be used in the line search, and not curr_primal_infeasibility().
285     *  What type of norm is used depends on constr_viol_normtype
286     */
287    virtual Number curr_constraint_violation();
288    /** Constraint Violation (at trial point).
289     *
290     *  This value should
291     *  be used in the line search, and not curr_primal_infeasibility().
292     *  What type of norm is used depends on constr_viol_normtype
293     */
294    virtual Number trial_constraint_violation();
295    /** Real constraint violation in a given norm (at current iterate).
296     *
297     *  This considers the inequality constraints without slacks.
298     */
299    virtual Number curr_nlp_constraint_violation(
300       ENormType NormType
301    );
302    /** Unscaled real constraint violation in a given norm (at current iterate).
303     *
304     *  This considers the inequality constraints without slacks.
305     */
306    virtual Number unscaled_curr_nlp_constraint_violation(
307       ENormType NormType
308    );
309    /** Unscaled real constraint violation in a given norm (at trial iterate).
310     *
311     *  This considers the inequality constraints without slacks.
312     */
313    virtual Number unscaled_trial_nlp_constraint_violation(
314       ENormType NormType
315    );
316    //@}
318    /** @name Hessian matrices */
319    //@{
320    /** exact Hessian at current iterate (uncached) */
321    SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> curr_exact_hessian();
322    //@}
324    /** @name primal-dual error and its components */
325    //@{
326    /** x-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point) */
327    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_x();
328    /** x-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at trial point) */
329    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_grad_lag_x();
330    /** s-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point) */
331    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_s();
332    /** s-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at trial point) */
333    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_grad_lag_s();
334    /** x-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point)
335     * including linear damping term
336     */
337    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_with_damping_x();
338    /** s-part of gradient of Lagrangian function (at current point)
339     * including linear damping term
340     */
341    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_grad_lag_with_damping_s();
342    /** Complementarity for x_L (for current iterate) */
343    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_x_L();
344    /** Complementarity for x_U (for current iterate) */
345    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_x_U();
346    /** Complementarity for s_L (for current iterate) */
347    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_s_L();
348    /** Complementarity for s_U (for current iterate) */
349    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_compl_s_U();
350    /** Complementarity for x_L (for trial iterate) */
351    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_x_L();
352    /** Complementarity for x_U (for trial iterate) */
353    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_x_U();
354    /** Complementarity for s_L (for trial iterate) */
355    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_s_L();
356    /** Complementarity for s_U (for trial iterate) */
357    SmartPtr<const Vector> trial_compl_s_U();
358    /** Relaxed complementarity for x_L (for current iterate and current mu) */
359    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_x_L();
360    /** Relaxed complementarity for x_U (for current iterate and current mu) */
361    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_x_U();
362    /** Relaxed complementarity for s_L (for current iterate and current mu) */
363    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_s_L();
364    /** Relaxed complementarity for s_U (for current iterate and current mu) */
365    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_relaxed_compl_s_U();
367    /** Primal infeasibility in a given norm (at current iterate). */
368    virtual Number curr_primal_infeasibility(
369       ENormType NormType
370    );
371    /** Primal infeasibility in a given norm (at trial point) */
372    virtual Number trial_primal_infeasibility(
373       ENormType NormType
374    );
376    /** Dual infeasibility in a given norm (at current iterate) */
377    virtual Number curr_dual_infeasibility(
378       ENormType NormType
379    );
380    /** Dual infeasibility in a given norm (at trial iterate) */
381    virtual Number trial_dual_infeasibility(
382       ENormType NormType
383    );
384    /** Unscaled dual infeasibility in a given norm (at current iterate) */
385    virtual Number unscaled_curr_dual_infeasibility(
386       ENormType NormType
387    );
389    /** Complementarity (for all complementarity conditions together)
390     *  in a given norm (at current iterate)
391     */
392    virtual Number curr_complementarity(
393       Number    mu,
394       ENormType NormType
395    );
396    /** Complementarity (for all complementarity conditions together)
397     *  in a given norm (at trial iterate)
398     */
399    virtual Number trial_complementarity(
400       Number    mu,
401       ENormType NormType
402    );
403    /** Complementarity (for all complementarity conditions together)
404     *  in a given norm (at current iterate) without NLP scaling.
405     */
406    virtual Number unscaled_curr_complementarity(
407       Number    mu,
408       ENormType NormType
409    );
411    /** Centrality measure (in spirit of the -infinity-neighborhood. */
412    Number CalcCentralityMeasure(
413       const Vector& compl_x_L,
414       const Vector& compl_x_U,
415       const Vector& compl_s_L,
416       const Vector& compl_s_U
417    );
418    /** Centrality measure at current point */
419    virtual Number curr_centrality_measure();
421    /** Total optimality error for the original NLP at the current
422     *  iterate, using scaling factors based on multipliers.
423     *
424     *  Note that here the constraint violation is measured without slacks
425     *  (nlp_constraint_violation)
426     */
427    virtual Number curr_nlp_error();
428    /** Total optimality error for the original NLP at the current
429     *  iterate, but using no scaling based on multipliers, and no
430     *  scaling for the NLP.
431     *
432     *  Note that here the constraint violation
433     *  is measured without slacks (nlp_constraint_violation)
434     */
435    virtual Number unscaled_curr_nlp_error();
437    /** Total optimality error for the barrier problem at the
438     *  current iterate, using scaling factors based on multipliers.
439     */
440    virtual Number curr_barrier_error();
442    /** Norm of the primal-dual system for a given mu (at current iterate).
443     *
444     *  The norm is defined as the sum of the 1-norms of
445     *  dual infeasibiliy, primal infeasibility, and complementarity,
446     *  all divided by the number of elements of the vectors of which
447     *  the norm is taken.
448     */
449    virtual Number curr_primal_dual_system_error(
450       Number mu
451    );
452    /** Norm of the primal-dual system for a given mu (at trial iterate).
453     *
454     *  The norm is defined as the sum of the 1-norms of
455     *  dual infeasibiliy, primal infeasibility, and complementarity,
456     *  all divided by the number of elements of the vectors of which
457     *  the norm is taken.
458     */
459    virtual Number trial_primal_dual_system_error(
460       Number mu
461    );
462    //@}
464    /** @name Computing fraction-to-the-boundary step sizes */
465    //@{
466    /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) primal variables x and s
467     *  for a given step
468     */
469    Number primal_frac_to_the_bound(
470       Number        tau,
471       const Vector& delta_x,
472       const Vector& delta_s
473    );
474    /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) primal variables x and s
475     *  for internal (current) step
476     */
477    Number curr_primal_frac_to_the_bound(
478       Number tau
479    );
480    /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) dual variables z and v
481     *  for a given step
482     */
483    Number dual_frac_to_the_bound(
484       Number        tau,
485       const Vector& delta_z_L,
486       const Vector& delta_z_U,
487       const Vector& delta_v_L,
488       const Vector& delta_v_U
489    );
490    /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) dual variables z and v
491     *  for a given step, without caching
492     */
493    Number uncached_dual_frac_to_the_bound(
494       Number        tau,
495       const Vector& delta_z_L,
496       const Vector& delta_z_U,
497       const Vector& delta_v_L,
498       const Vector& delta_v_U
499    );
500    /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) dual variables z and v
501     *  for internal (current) step
502     */
503    Number curr_dual_frac_to_the_bound(
504       Number tau
505    );
506    /** Fraction to the boundary from (current) slacks for a given
507     *  step in the slacks.
508     *
509     *  Usually, one will use the
510     *  primal_frac_to_the_bound method to compute the primal fraction
511     *  to the boundary step size, but if it is cheaper to provide the
512     *  steps in the slacks directly (e.g. when the primal step sizes
513     *  are only temporary), the this method is more efficient.  This
514     *  method does not cache computations.
515     */
516    Number uncached_slack_frac_to_the_bound(
517       Number        tau,
518       const Vector& delta_x_L,
519       const Vector& delta_x_U,
520       const Vector& delta_s_L,
521       const Vector& delta_s_U
522    );
523    //@}
525    /** @name Sigma matrices */
526    //@{
527    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_sigma_x();
528    SmartPtr<const Vector> curr_sigma_s();
529    //@}
531    /** average of current values of the complementarities */
532    Number curr_avrg_compl();
533    /** average of trial values of the complementarities */
534    Number trial_avrg_compl();
536    /** inner_product of current barrier obj. fn. gradient with
537     *  current search direction
538     */
539    Number curr_gradBarrTDelta();
541    /** Compute the norm of a specific type of a set of vectors (uncached) */
542    Number
543    CalcNormOfType(
544       ENormType                            NormType,
545       std::vector<SmartPtr<const Vector> > vecs
546    );
548    /** Compute the norm of a specific type of two vectors (uncached) */
549    Number
550    CalcNormOfType(
551       ENormType     NormType,
552       const Vector& vec1,
553       const Vector& vec2
554    );
556    /** Norm type used for calculating constraint violation */
constr_viol_normtype() const557    ENormType constr_viol_normtype() const
558    {
559       return constr_viol_normtype_;
560    }
562    /** Method returning true if this is a square problem */
563    bool IsSquareProblem() const;
565    /** Method returning the IpoptNLP object.
566     *
567     *  This should only be used with care!
568     */
GetIpoptNLP()569    SmartPtr<IpoptNLP>& GetIpoptNLP()
570    {
571       return ip_nlp_;
572    }
AdditionalCq()574    IpoptAdditionalCq& AdditionalCq()
575    {
576       DBG_ASSERT(IsValid(add_cq_));
577       return *add_cq_;
578    }
580    /** Called by IpoptType to register the options */
581    static void RegisterOptions(
582       SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions
583    );
585 private:
586    /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
587     * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
588     *
589     * These methods are not implemented and
590     * we do not want the compiler to implement
591     * them for us, so we declare them private
592     * and do not define them. This ensures that
593     * they will not be implicitly created/called.
594     */
595    //@{
596    /** Default Constructor */
597    IpoptCalculatedQuantities();
599    /** Copy Constructor */
600    IpoptCalculatedQuantities(
601       const IpoptCalculatedQuantities&
602    );
604    /** Default Assignment Operator */
605    void operator=(
606       const IpoptCalculatedQuantities&
607    );
608    //@}
610    /** @name Pointers for easy access to data and NLP information */
611    //@{
612    /** Ipopt NLP object */
613    SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> ip_nlp_;
614    /** Ipopt Data object */
615    SmartPtr<IpoptData> ip_data_;
616    /** Chen-Goldfarb specific calculated quantities */
617    SmartPtr<IpoptAdditionalCq> add_cq_;
618    //@}
620    /** @name Algorithmic Parameters that can be set through the
621     *  options list.
622     *
623     *  Those parameters are initialize by calling the Initialize method.
624     */
625    //@{
626    /** Parameter in formula for computing overall primal-dual
627     *  optimality error
628     */
629    Number s_max_;
630    /** Weighting factor for the linear damping term added to the
631     *  barrier objective function.
632     */
633    Number kappa_d_;
634    /** fractional movement allowed in bounds */
635    Number slack_move_;
636    /** Norm type to be used when calculating the constraint violation */
637    ENormType constr_viol_normtype_;
638    /** Flag indicating whether the TNLP with identical structure has
639     *  already been solved before.
640     */
641    bool warm_start_same_structure_;
642    /** Desired value of the barrier parameter */
643    Number mu_target_;
644    //@}
646    /** @name Caches for slacks */
647    //@{
648    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_x_L_cache_;
649    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_x_U_cache_;
650    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_s_L_cache_;
651    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > curr_slack_s_U_cache_;
652    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_x_L_cache_;
653    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_x_U_cache_;
654    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_s_L_cache_;
655    CachedResults<SmartPtr<Vector> > trial_slack_s_U_cache_;
656    Index num_adjusted_slack_x_L_;
657    Index num_adjusted_slack_x_U_;
658    Index num_adjusted_slack_s_L_;
659    Index num_adjusted_slack_s_U_;
660    //@}
662    /** @name Cached for objective function stuff */
663    //@{
664    CachedResults<Number> curr_f_cache_;
665    CachedResults<Number> trial_f_cache_;
666    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_f_cache_;
667    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_grad_f_cache_;
668    //@}
670    /** @name Caches for barrier function stuff */
671    //@{
672    CachedResults<Number> curr_barrier_obj_cache_;
673    CachedResults<Number> trial_barrier_obj_cache_;
674    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_barrier_obj_x_cache_;
675    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_barrier_obj_s_cache_;
676    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > grad_kappa_times_damping_x_cache_;
677    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > grad_kappa_times_damping_s_cache_;
678    //@}
680    /** @name Caches for constraint stuff */
681    //@{
682    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_c_cache_;
683    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_c_cache_;
684    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_d_cache_;
685    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_d_cache_;
686    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_d_minus_s_cache_;
687    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_d_minus_s_cache_;
688    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Matrix> > curr_jac_c_cache_;
689    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Matrix> > trial_jac_c_cache_;
690    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Matrix> > curr_jac_d_cache_;
691    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Matrix> > trial_jac_d_cache_;
692    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_cT_times_vec_cache_;
693    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_jac_cT_times_vec_cache_;
694    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_dT_times_vec_cache_;
695    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_jac_dT_times_vec_cache_;
696    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_c_times_vec_cache_;
697    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_jac_d_times_vec_cache_;
698    CachedResults<Number> curr_constraint_violation_cache_;
699    CachedResults<Number> trial_constraint_violation_cache_;
700    CachedResults<Number> curr_nlp_constraint_violation_cache_;
701    CachedResults<Number> unscaled_curr_nlp_constraint_violation_cache_;
702    CachedResults<Number> unscaled_trial_nlp_constraint_violation_cache_;
703    //@}
705    /** Cache for the exact Hessian */
706    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const SymMatrix> > curr_exact_hessian_cache_;
708    /** @name Components of primal-dual error */
709    //@{
710    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_x_cache_;
711    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_grad_lag_x_cache_;
712    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_s_cache_;
713    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_grad_lag_s_cache_;
714    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_with_damping_x_cache_;
715    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_grad_lag_with_damping_s_cache_;
716    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_x_L_cache_;
717    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_x_U_cache_;
718    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_s_L_cache_;
719    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_compl_s_U_cache_;
720    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_x_L_cache_;
721    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_x_U_cache_;
722    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_s_L_cache_;
723    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > trial_compl_s_U_cache_;
724    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_x_L_cache_;
725    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_x_U_cache_;
726    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_s_L_cache_;
727    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_relaxed_compl_s_U_cache_;
728    CachedResults<Number> curr_primal_infeasibility_cache_;
729    CachedResults<Number> trial_primal_infeasibility_cache_;
730    CachedResults<Number> curr_dual_infeasibility_cache_;
731    CachedResults<Number> trial_dual_infeasibility_cache_;
732    CachedResults<Number> unscaled_curr_dual_infeasibility_cache_;
733    CachedResults<Number> curr_complementarity_cache_;
734    CachedResults<Number> trial_complementarity_cache_;
735    CachedResults<Number> curr_centrality_measure_cache_;
736    CachedResults<Number> curr_nlp_error_cache_;
737    CachedResults<Number> unscaled_curr_nlp_error_cache_;
738    CachedResults<Number> curr_barrier_error_cache_;
739    CachedResults<Number> curr_primal_dual_system_error_cache_;
740    CachedResults<Number> trial_primal_dual_system_error_cache_;
741    //@}
743    /** @name Caches for fraction to the boundary step sizes */
744    //@{
745    CachedResults<Number> primal_frac_to_the_bound_cache_;
746    CachedResults<Number> dual_frac_to_the_bound_cache_;
747    //@}
749    /** @name Caches for sigma matrices */
750    //@{
751    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_sigma_x_cache_;
752    CachedResults<SmartPtr<const Vector> > curr_sigma_s_cache_;
753    //@}
755    /** Cache for average of current complementarity */
756    CachedResults<Number> curr_avrg_compl_cache_;
757    /** Cache for average of trial complementarity */
758    CachedResults<Number> trial_avrg_compl_cache_;
760    /** Cache for grad barrier obj. fn inner product with step */
761    CachedResults<Number> curr_gradBarrTDelta_cache_;
763    /** @name Indicator vectors required for the linear damping terms
764     *  to handle unbounded solution sets. */
765    //@{
766    /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in x that have
767     *  only lower bounds.
768     */
769    SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_x_L_;
770    /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in x that have
771     *  only upper bounds.
772     */
773    SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_x_U_;
774    /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in s that have
775     *  only lower bounds.
776     */
777    SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_s_L_;
778    /** Indicator vector for selecting the elements in s that have
779     *  only upper bounds.
780     */
781    SmartPtr<Vector> dampind_s_U_;
782    //@}
784    /** @name Temporary vectors for intermediate calculations.
785     *
786     *  We keep these around to avoid unnecessarily many new allocations
787     *  of Vectors.
788     */
789    //@{
790    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_x_;
791    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_s_;
792    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_c_;
793    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_d_;
794    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_x_L_;
795    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_x_U_;
796    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_s_L_;
797    SmartPtr<Vector> tmp_s_U_;
799    /** Accessor methods for the temporary vectors */
800    Vector& Tmp_x();
801    Vector& Tmp_s();
802    Vector& Tmp_c();
803    Vector& Tmp_d();
804    Vector& Tmp_x_L();
805    Vector& Tmp_x_U();
806    Vector& Tmp_s_L();
807    Vector& Tmp_s_U();
808    //@}
810    /** flag indicating if Initialize method has been called (for
811     *  debugging)
812     */
813    bool initialize_called_;
815    /** @name Auxiliary functions */
816    //@{
817    /** Compute new vector containing the slack to a lower bound
818     *  (uncached)
819     */
820    SmartPtr<Vector> CalcSlack_L(
821       const Matrix& P,
822       const Vector& x,
823       const Vector& x_bound
824    );
825    /** Compute new vector containing the slack to a upper bound
826     *  (uncached)
827     */
828    SmartPtr<Vector> CalcSlack_U(
829       const Matrix& P,
830       const Vector& x,
831       const Vector& x_bound
832    );
833    /** Compute barrier term at given point
834     *  (uncached)
835     */
836    Number CalcBarrierTerm(
837       Number        mu,
838       const Vector& slack_x_L,
839       const Vector& slack_x_U,
840       const Vector& slack_s_L,
841       const Vector& slack_s_U
842    );
844    /** Compute complementarity for slack / multiplier pair */
845    SmartPtr<const Vector> CalcCompl(
846       const Vector& slack,
847       const Vector& mult
848    );
850    /** Compute fraction to the boundary parameter for lower and upper bounds */
851    Number CalcFracToBound(
852       const Vector& slack_L,
853       Vector&       tmp_L,
854       const Matrix& P_L,
855       const Vector& slack_U,
856       Vector&       tmp_U,
857       const Matrix& P_U,
858       const Vector& delta,
859       Number        tau
860    );
862    /** Compute the scaling factors for the optimality error. */
863    void ComputeOptimalityErrorScaling(
864       const Vector& y_c,
865       const Vector& y_d,
866       const Vector& z_L,
867       const Vector& z_U,
868       const Vector& v_L,
869       const Vector& v_U,
870       Number        s_max,
871       Number&       s_d,
872       Number&       s_c
873    );
875    /** Check if slacks are becoming too small.
876     *
877     *  If slacks are becoming too small, they are change.
878     *
879     *  @return number of corrected slacks
880     */
881    Index CalculateSafeSlack(
882       SmartPtr<Vector>&             slack,
883       const SmartPtr<const Vector>& bound,
884       const SmartPtr<const Vector>& curr_point,
885       const SmartPtr<const Vector>& multiplier
886    );
888    /** Computes the indicator vectors that can be used to filter out
889     *  those entries in the slack_... variables, that correspond to
890     *  variables with only lower and upper bounds.
891     *
892     *  This is required for the linear damping term in the barrier
893     *  objective function to handle unbounded solution sets.
894     */
895    void ComputeDampingIndicators(
896       SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_x_L,
897       SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_x_U,
898       SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_s_L,
899       SmartPtr<const Vector>& dampind_s_U
900    );
902    /** Check if we are in the restoration phase.
903     *
904     *  @return true, if the ip_nlp is of the type RestoIpoptNLP
905     *
906     *  @todo We probably want to
907     *  handle this more elegant and don't have an explicit dependency
908     *  here.  Now I added this because otherwise the caching doesn't
909     *  work properly since the restoration phase objective function
910     *  depends on the current barrier parameter.
911     */
912    bool in_restoration_phase();
914    //@}
915 };
917 } // namespace Ipopt
919 #endif