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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


COPYRIGHTH A D21-Apr-20201.5 KiB2928

READMEH A D21-Apr-2020292 75

dbfopen.cH A D12-Jun-202018 KiB633421

shapefile.hH A D30-Apr-20204.7 KiB14465

shpopen.cH A D07-May-202039.6 KiB1,202854


1The files here are slimmed-down versions of some of the sources of
2Frank Warmerdam's shapelib, version 1.5.0, governed by the copyright
3information in the COPYRIGHT notice in this directory. We're including
4only what we need for reading shp/dbf pairs.
6Allin Cottrell (for gretl), April 2020