1{-# LANGUAGE GADTs              #-}
3-- | Preprocess 'Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Declaration's, producing 'NiceDeclaration's.
5--   * Attach fixity and syntax declarations to the definition they refer to.
7--   * Distribute the following attributes to the individual definitions:
8--       @abstract@,
9--       @instance@,
10--       @postulate@,
11--       @primitive@,
12--       @private@,
13--       termination pragmas.
15--   * Gather the function clauses belonging to one function definition.
17--   * Expand ellipsis @...@ in function clauses following @with@.
19--   * Infer mutual blocks.
20--     A block starts when a lone signature is encountered, and ends when
21--     all lone signatures have seen their definition.
23--   * Handle interleaved mutual blocks.
24--     In an `interleaved mutual' block we:
25--     * leave the data and fun sigs in place
26--     * classify signatures in `constructor' block based on their return type
27--       and group them all as a data def at the position in the block where the
28--       first constructor for the data sig in question occured
29--     * classify fun clauses based on the declared function used and group them
30--       all as a fundef at the position in the block where the first such fun
31--       clause appeared
33--   * Report basic well-formedness error,
34--     when one of the above transformation fails.
35--     When possible, errors should be deferred to the scope checking phase
36--     (ConcreteToAbstract), where we are in the TCM and can produce more
37--     informative error messages.
40module Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Definitions
41    ( NiceDeclaration(..)
42    , NiceConstructor, NiceTypeSignature
43    , Clause(..)
44    , DeclarationException(..)
45    , DeclarationWarning(..), DeclarationWarning'(..), unsafeDeclarationWarning
46    , Nice, runNice
47    , niceDeclarations
48    , notSoNiceDeclarations
49    , niceHasAbstract
50    , Measure
51    , declarationWarningName
52    ) where
55import Prelude hiding (null)
57import Control.Monad.Except
58import Control.Monad.State
60import Data.Bifunctor
61import Data.Data (Data)
62import Data.Either (isLeft, isRight)
63import Data.Function (on)
64import qualified Data.Map as Map
65import Data.Map (Map)
66import Data.Maybe
67import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) )
68import qualified Data.List as List
69import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
70import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav
72import Agda.Syntax.Concrete
73import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Pattern
74import Agda.Syntax.Common hiding (TerminationCheck())
75import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common as Common
76import Agda.Syntax.Position
77import Agda.Syntax.Notation
78import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Pretty () --instance only
79import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Fixity
81import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Definitions.Errors
82import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Definitions.Monad
83import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Definitions.Types
85import Agda.Interaction.Options.Warnings
87import Agda.Utils.AffineHole
88import Agda.Utils.CallStack ( CallStack, HasCallStack, withCallerCallStack )
89import Agda.Utils.Functor
90import Agda.Utils.Lens
91import Agda.Utils.List (isSublistOf, spanJust)
92import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1, pattern (:|))
93import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
94import Agda.Utils.Maybe
95import Agda.Utils.Null
96import Agda.Utils.Pretty
97import Agda.Utils.Singleton
98import Agda.Utils.Three
99import Agda.Utils.Tuple
100import Agda.Utils.Update
102import Agda.Utils.Impossible
105    The niceifier
106 --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
108-- | Check that declarations in a mutual block are consistently
109--   equipped with MEASURE pragmas, or whether there is a
110--   NO_TERMINATION_CHECK pragma.
111combineTerminationChecks :: Range -> [TerminationCheck] -> Nice TerminationCheck
112combineTerminationChecks r tcs = loop tcs where
113  loop :: [TerminationCheck] -> Nice TerminationCheck
114  loop []         = return TerminationCheck
115  loop (tc : tcs) = do
116    let failure r = declarationException $ InvalidMeasureMutual r
117    tc' <- loop tcs
118    case (tc, tc') of
119      (TerminationCheck      , tc'                   ) -> return tc'
120      (tc                    , TerminationCheck      ) -> return tc
121      (NonTerminating        , NonTerminating        ) -> return NonTerminating
122      (NoTerminationCheck    , NoTerminationCheck    ) -> return NoTerminationCheck
123      (NoTerminationCheck    , Terminating           ) -> return Terminating
124      (Terminating           , NoTerminationCheck    ) -> return Terminating
125      (Terminating           , Terminating           ) -> return Terminating
126      (TerminationMeasure{}  , TerminationMeasure{}  ) -> return tc
127      (TerminationMeasure r _, NoTerminationCheck    ) -> failure r
128      (TerminationMeasure r _, Terminating           ) -> failure r
129      (NoTerminationCheck    , TerminationMeasure r _) -> failure r
130      (Terminating           , TerminationMeasure r _) -> failure r
131      (TerminationMeasure r _, NonTerminating        ) -> failure r
132      (NonTerminating        , TerminationMeasure r _) -> failure r
133      (NoTerminationCheck    , NonTerminating        ) -> failure r
134      (Terminating           , NonTerminating        ) -> failure r
135      (NonTerminating        , NoTerminationCheck    ) -> failure r
136      (NonTerminating        , Terminating           ) -> failure r
138combineCoverageChecks :: [CoverageCheck] -> CoverageCheck
139combineCoverageChecks = Fold.fold
141combinePositivityChecks :: [PositivityCheck] -> PositivityCheck
142combinePositivityChecks = Fold.fold
144data DeclKind
145    = LoneSigDecl Range DataRecOrFun Name
146    | LoneDefs DataRecOrFun [Name]
147    | OtherDecl
148  deriving (Eq, Show)
150declKind :: NiceDeclaration -> DeclKind
151declKind (FunSig r _ _ _ _ _ tc cc x _)     = LoneSigDecl r (FunName tc cc) x
152declKind (NiceRecSig r _ _ pc uc x pars _)  = LoneSigDecl r (RecName pc uc) x
153declKind (NiceDataSig r _ _ pc uc x pars _) = LoneSigDecl r (DataName pc uc) x
154declKind (FunDef r _ abs ins tc cc x _)     = LoneDefs (FunName tc cc) [x]
155declKind (NiceDataDef _ _ _ pc uc x pars _) = LoneDefs (DataName pc uc) [x]
156declKind (NiceRecDef _ _ _ pc uc x _ pars _) = LoneDefs (RecName pc uc) [x]
157declKind (NiceUnquoteDef _ _ _ tc cc xs _)  = LoneDefs (FunName tc cc) xs
158declKind Axiom{}                            = OtherDecl
159declKind NiceField{}                        = OtherDecl
160declKind PrimitiveFunction{}                = OtherDecl
161declKind NiceMutual{}                       = OtherDecl
162declKind NiceModule{}                       = OtherDecl
163declKind NiceModuleMacro{}                  = OtherDecl
164declKind NiceOpen{}                         = OtherDecl
165declKind NiceImport{}                       = OtherDecl
166declKind NicePragma{}                       = OtherDecl
167declKind NiceFunClause{}                    = OtherDecl
168declKind NicePatternSyn{}                   = OtherDecl
169declKind NiceGeneralize{}                   = OtherDecl
170declKind NiceUnquoteDecl{}                  = OtherDecl
171declKind NiceLoneConstructor{}              = OtherDecl
173-- | Replace (Data/Rec/Fun)Sigs with Axioms for postulated names
174--   The first argument is a list of axioms only.
176  :: LoneSigs               -- ^ Lone signatures to be turned into Axioms
177  -> [NiceDeclaration]      -- ^ Declarations containing them
178  -> [NiceDeclaration]      -- ^ In the output, everything should be defined
179replaceSigs ps = if Map.null ps then id else \case
180  []     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
181  (d:ds) ->
182    case replaceable d of
183      -- If declaration d of x is mentioned in the map of lone signatures then replace
184      -- it with an axiom
185      Just (x, axiom)
186        | (Just (LoneSig _ x' _), ps') <- Map.updateLookupWithKey (\ _ _ -> Nothing) x ps
187        , getRange x == getRange x'
188            -- Use the range as UID to ensure we do not replace the wrong signature.
189            -- This could happen if the user wrote a duplicate definition.
190        -> axiom : replaceSigs ps' ds
191      _ -> d     : replaceSigs ps  ds
193  where
195    -- A @replaceable@ declaration is a signature. It has a name and we can make an
196    -- @Axiom@ out of it.
197    replaceable :: NiceDeclaration -> Maybe (Name, NiceDeclaration)
198    replaceable = \case
199      FunSig r acc abst inst _ argi _ _ x' e ->
200        -- #4881: Don't use the unique NameId for NoName lookups.
201        let x = if isNoName x' then noName (nameRange x') else x' in
202        Just (x, Axiom r acc abst inst argi x' e)
203      NiceRecSig r acc abst _ _ x pars t ->
204        let e = Generalized $ makePi (lamBindingsToTelescope r pars) t in
205        Just (x, Axiom r acc abst NotInstanceDef defaultArgInfo x e)
206      NiceDataSig r acc abst _ _ x pars t ->
207        let e = Generalized $ makePi (lamBindingsToTelescope r pars) t in
208        Just (x, Axiom r acc abst NotInstanceDef defaultArgInfo x e)
209      _ -> Nothing
211-- | Main. Fixities (or more precisely syntax declarations) are needed when
212--   grouping function clauses.
213niceDeclarations :: Fixities -> [Declaration] -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
214niceDeclarations fixs ds = do
216  -- Run the nicifier in an initial environment. But keep the warnings.
217  st <- get
218  put $ initNiceEnv { niceWarn = niceWarn st }
219  nds <- nice ds
221  -- Check that every signature got its definition.
222  ps <- use loneSigs
223  checkLoneSigs ps
224  -- We postulate the missing ones and insert them in place of the corresponding @FunSig@
225  let ds = replaceSigs ps nds
227  -- Note that loneSigs is ensured to be empty.
228  -- (Important, since inferMutualBlocks also uses loneSigs state).
229  res <- inferMutualBlocks ds
231  -- Restore the old state, but keep the warnings.
232  warns <- gets niceWarn
233  put $ st { niceWarn = warns }
234  return res
236  where
238    inferMutualBlocks :: [NiceDeclaration] -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
239    inferMutualBlocks [] = return []
240    inferMutualBlocks (d : ds) =
241      case declKind d of
242        OtherDecl    -> (d :) <$> inferMutualBlocks ds
243        LoneDefs{}   -> (d :) <$> inferMutualBlocks ds  -- Andreas, 2017-10-09, issue #2576: report error in ConcreteToAbstract
244        LoneSigDecl r k x  -> do
245          _ <- addLoneSig r x k
246          InferredMutual checks nds0 ds1 <- untilAllDefined (mutualChecks k) ds
247          -- If we still have lone signatures without any accompanying definition,
248          -- we postulate the definition and substitute the axiom for the lone signature
249          ps <- use loneSigs
250          checkLoneSigs ps
251          let ds0 = replaceSigs ps (d : nds0) -- NB: don't forget the LoneSig the block started with!
252          -- We then keep processing the rest of the block
253          tc <- combineTerminationChecks (getRange d) (mutualTermination checks)
254          let cc = combineCoverageChecks              (mutualCoverage checks)
255          let pc = combinePositivityChecks            (mutualPositivity checks)
256          (NiceMutual (getRange ds0) tc cc pc ds0 :) <$> inferMutualBlocks ds1
257      where
258        untilAllDefined :: MutualChecks -> [NiceDeclaration] -> Nice InferredMutual
259        untilAllDefined checks ds = do
260          done <- noLoneSigs
261          if done then return (InferredMutual checks [] ds) else
262            case ds of
263              []     -> return (InferredMutual checks [] ds)
264              d : ds -> case declKind d of
265                LoneSigDecl r k x -> do
266                  void $ addLoneSig r x k
267                  extendInferredBlock  d <$> untilAllDefined (mutualChecks k <> checks) ds
268                LoneDefs k xs -> do
269                  mapM_ removeLoneSig xs
270                  extendInferredBlock  d <$> untilAllDefined (mutualChecks k <> checks) ds
271                OtherDecl -> extendInferredBlock d <$> untilAllDefined checks ds
273    nice :: [Declaration] -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
274    nice [] = return []
275    nice ds = do
276      (xs , ys) <- nice1 ds
277      (xs ++) <$> nice ys
279    nice1 :: [Declaration] -> Nice ([NiceDeclaration], [Declaration])
280    nice1 []     = return ([], []) -- Andreas, 2017-09-16, issue #2759: no longer __IMPOSSIBLE__
281    nice1 (d:ds) = do
282      let justWarning :: HasCallStack => DeclarationWarning' -> Nice ([NiceDeclaration], [Declaration])
283          justWarning w = do
284            -- NOTE: This is the location of the invoker of justWarning, not here.
285            withCallerCallStack $ declarationWarning' w
286            nice1 ds
288      case d of
290        TypeSig info _tac x t -> do
291          termCheck <- use terminationCheckPragma
292          covCheck  <- use coverageCheckPragma
293          -- Andreas, 2020-09-28, issue #4950: take only range of identifier,
294          -- since parser expands type signatures with several identifiers
295          -- (like @x y z : A@) into several type signatures (with imprecise ranges).
296          let r = getRange x
297          -- register x as lone type signature, to recognize clauses later
298          x' <- addLoneSig r x $ FunName termCheck covCheck
299          return ([FunSig r PublicAccess ConcreteDef NotInstanceDef NotMacroDef info termCheck covCheck x' t] , ds)
301        -- Should not show up: all FieldSig are part of a Field block
302        FieldSig{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
304        Generalize r [] -> justWarning $ EmptyGeneralize r
305        Generalize r sigs -> do
306          gs <- forM sigs $ \case
307            sig@(TypeSig info tac x t) -> do
308              return $ NiceGeneralize (getRange sig) PublicAccess info tac x t
309            _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
310          return (gs, ds)
312        (FunClause lhs _ _ _)         -> do
313          termCheck <- use terminationCheckPragma
314          covCheck  <- use coverageCheckPragma
315          catchall  <- popCatchallPragma
316          xs <- loneFuns <$> use loneSigs
317          -- for each type signature 'x' waiting for clauses, we try
318          -- if we have some clauses for 'x'
319          case [ (x, (x', fits, rest))
320               | (x, x') <- xs
321               , let (fits, rest) =
322                      -- Anonymous declarations only have 1 clause each!
323                      if isNoName x then ([d], ds)
324                      else span (couldBeFunClauseOf (Map.lookup x fixs) x) (d : ds)
325               , not (null fits)
326               ] of
328            -- case: clauses match none of the sigs
329            [] -> case lhs of
330              -- Subcase: The lhs is single identifier (potentially anonymous).
331              -- Treat it as a function clause without a type signature.
332              LHS p [] [] | Just x <- isSingleIdentifierP p -> do
333                d  <- mkFunDef (setOrigin Inserted defaultArgInfo) termCheck covCheck x Nothing [d] -- fun def without type signature is relevant
334                return (d , ds)
335              -- Subcase: The lhs is a proper pattern.
336              -- This could be a let-pattern binding. Pass it on.
337              -- A missing type signature error might be raise in ConcreteToAbstract
338              _ -> do
339                return ([NiceFunClause (getRange d) PublicAccess ConcreteDef termCheck covCheck catchall d] , ds)
341            -- case: clauses match exactly one of the sigs
342            [(x,(x',fits,rest))] -> do
343               -- The x'@NoName{} is the unique version of x@NoName{}.
344               removeLoneSig x
345               ds  <- expandEllipsis fits
346               cs  <- mkClauses x' ds False
347               return ([FunDef (getRange fits) fits ConcreteDef NotInstanceDef termCheck covCheck x' cs] , rest)
349            -- case: clauses match more than one sigs (ambiguity)
350            xf:xfs -> declarationException $ AmbiguousFunClauses lhs $ List1.reverse $ fmap fst $ xf :| xfs
351                 -- "ambiguous function clause; cannot assign it uniquely to one type signature"
353        Field r [] -> justWarning $ EmptyField r
354        Field _ fs -> (,ds) <$> niceAxioms FieldBlock fs
356        DataSig r x tel t -> do
357          pc <- use positivityCheckPragma
358          uc <- use universeCheckPragma
359          _ <- addLoneSig r x $ DataName pc uc
360          (,ds) <$> dataOrRec pc uc NiceDataDef NiceDataSig (niceAxioms DataBlock) r x (Just (tel, t)) Nothing
362        Data r x tel t cs -> do
363          pc <- use positivityCheckPragma
364          -- Andreas, 2018-10-27, issue #3327
365          -- Propagate {-# NO_UNIVERSE_CHECK #-} pragma from signature to definition.
366          -- Universe check is performed if both the current value of
367          -- 'universeCheckPragma' AND the one from the signature say so.
368          uc <- use universeCheckPragma
369          uc <- if uc == NoUniverseCheck then return uc else getUniverseCheckFromSig x
370          mt <- defaultTypeSig (DataName pc uc) x (Just t)
371          (,ds) <$> dataOrRec pc uc NiceDataDef NiceDataSig (niceAxioms DataBlock) r x ((tel,) <$> mt) (Just (tel, cs))
373        DataDef r x tel cs -> do
374          pc <- use positivityCheckPragma
375          -- Andreas, 2018-10-27, issue #3327
376          -- Propagate {-# NO_UNIVERSE_CHECK #-} pragma from signature to definition.
377          -- Universe check is performed if both the current value of
378          -- 'universeCheckPragma' AND the one from the signature say so.
379          uc <- use universeCheckPragma
380          uc <- if uc == NoUniverseCheck then return uc else getUniverseCheckFromSig x
381          mt <- defaultTypeSig (DataName pc uc) x Nothing
382          (,ds) <$> dataOrRec pc uc NiceDataDef NiceDataSig (niceAxioms DataBlock) r x ((tel,) <$> mt) (Just (tel, cs))
384        RecordSig r x tel t         -> do
385          pc <- use positivityCheckPragma
386          uc <- use universeCheckPragma
387          _ <- addLoneSig r x $ RecName pc uc
388          return ([NiceRecSig r PublicAccess ConcreteDef pc uc x tel t] , ds)
390        Record r x dir tel t cs   -> do
391          pc <- use positivityCheckPragma
392          -- Andreas, 2018-10-27, issue #3327
393          -- Propagate {-# NO_UNIVERSE_CHECK #-} pragma from signature to definition.
394          -- Universe check is performed if both the current value of
395          -- 'universeCheckPragma' AND the one from the signature say so.
396          uc <- use universeCheckPragma
397          uc <- if uc == NoUniverseCheck then return uc else getUniverseCheckFromSig x
398          mt <- defaultTypeSig (RecName pc uc) x (Just t)
399          (,ds) <$> dataOrRec pc uc (\ r o a pc uc x tel cs -> NiceRecDef r o a pc uc x dir tel cs) NiceRecSig
400                      return r x ((tel,) <$> mt) (Just (tel, cs))
402        RecordDef r x dir tel cs   -> do
403          pc <- use positivityCheckPragma
404          -- Andreas, 2018-10-27, issue #3327
405          -- Propagate {-# NO_UNIVERSE_CHECK #-} pragma from signature to definition.
406          -- Universe check is performed if both the current value of
407          -- 'universeCheckPragma' AND the one from the signature say so.
408          uc <- use universeCheckPragma
409          uc <- if uc == NoUniverseCheck then return uc else getUniverseCheckFromSig x
410          mt <- defaultTypeSig (RecName pc uc) x Nothing
411          (,ds) <$> dataOrRec pc uc (\ r o a pc uc x tel cs -> NiceRecDef r o a pc uc x dir tel cs) NiceRecSig
412                      return r x ((tel,) <$> mt) (Just (tel, cs))
414        RecordDirective r -> justWarning $ InvalidRecordDirective (getRange r)
416        Mutual r ds' -> do
417          -- The lone signatures encountered so far are not in scope
418          -- for the mutual definition
419          forgetLoneSigs
420          case ds' of
421            [] -> justWarning $ EmptyMutual r
422            _  -> (,ds) <$> (singleton <$> (mkOldMutual r =<< nice ds'))
424        InterleavedMutual r ds' -> do
425          -- The lone signatures encountered so far are not in scope
426          -- for the mutual definition
427          forgetLoneSigs
428          case ds' of
429            [] -> justWarning $ EmptyMutual r
430            _  -> (,ds) <$> (singleton <$> (mkInterleavedMutual r =<< nice ds'))
432        LoneConstructor r [] -> justWarning $ EmptyConstructor r
433        LoneConstructor r ds' ->
434          ((,ds) . singleton . NiceLoneConstructor r) <$> niceAxioms ConstructorBlock ds'
437        Abstract r []  -> justWarning $ EmptyAbstract r
438        Abstract r ds' ->
439          (,ds) <$> (abstractBlock r =<< nice ds')
441        Private r UserWritten []  -> justWarning $ EmptyPrivate r
442        Private r o ds' ->
443          (,ds) <$> (privateBlock r o =<< nice ds')
445        InstanceB r []  -> justWarning $ EmptyInstance r
446        InstanceB r ds' ->
447          (,ds) <$> (instanceBlock r =<< nice ds')
449        Macro r []  -> justWarning $ EmptyMacro r
450        Macro r ds' ->
451          (,ds) <$> (macroBlock r =<< nice ds')
453        Postulate r []  -> justWarning $ EmptyPostulate r
454        Postulate _ ds' ->
455          (,ds) <$> niceAxioms PostulateBlock ds'
457        Primitive r []  -> justWarning $ EmptyPrimitive r
458        Primitive _ ds' -> (,ds) <$> (map toPrim <$> niceAxioms PrimitiveBlock ds')
460        Module r x tel ds' -> return $
461          ([NiceModule r PublicAccess ConcreteDef x tel ds'] , ds)
463        ModuleMacro r x modapp op is -> return $
464          ([NiceModuleMacro r PublicAccess x modapp op is] , ds)
466        -- Fixity and syntax declarations and polarity pragmas have
467        -- already been processed.
468        Infix _ _  -> return ([], ds)
469        Syntax _ _ -> return ([], ds)
471        PatternSyn r n as p -> do
472          return ([NicePatternSyn r PublicAccess n as p] , ds)
473        Open r x is         -> return ([NiceOpen r x is] , ds)
474        Import r x as op is -> return ([NiceImport r x as op is] , ds)
476        UnquoteDecl r xs e -> do
477          tc <- use terminationCheckPragma
478          cc <- use coverageCheckPragma
479          return ([NiceUnquoteDecl r PublicAccess ConcreteDef NotInstanceDef tc cc xs e] , ds)
481        UnquoteDef r xs e -> do
482          sigs <- map fst . loneFuns <$> use loneSigs
483          List1.ifNotNull (filter (`notElem` sigs) xs)
484            {-then-} (declarationException . UnquoteDefRequiresSignature)
485            {-else-} $ do
486              mapM_ removeLoneSig xs
487              return ([NiceUnquoteDef r PublicAccess ConcreteDef TerminationCheck YesCoverageCheck xs e] , ds)
489        Pragma p -> nicePragma p ds
491    nicePragma :: Pragma -> [Declaration] -> Nice ([NiceDeclaration], [Declaration])
493    nicePragma (TerminationCheckPragma r (TerminationMeasure _ x)) ds =
494      if canHaveTerminationMeasure ds then
495        withTerminationCheckPragma (TerminationMeasure r x) $ nice1 ds
496      else do
497        declarationWarning $ InvalidTerminationCheckPragma r
498        nice1 ds
500    nicePragma (TerminationCheckPragma r NoTerminationCheck) ds = do
501      -- This PRAGMA has been deprecated in favour of (NON_)TERMINATING
502      -- We warn the user about it and then assume the function is NON_TERMINATING.
503      declarationWarning $ PragmaNoTerminationCheck r
504      nicePragma (TerminationCheckPragma r NonTerminating) ds
506    nicePragma (TerminationCheckPragma r tc) ds =
507      if canHaveTerminationCheckPragma ds then
508        withTerminationCheckPragma tc $ nice1 ds
509      else do
510        declarationWarning $ InvalidTerminationCheckPragma r
511        nice1 ds
513    nicePragma (NoCoverageCheckPragma r) ds =
514      if canHaveCoverageCheckPragma ds then
515        withCoverageCheckPragma NoCoverageCheck $ nice1 ds
516      else do
517        declarationWarning $ InvalidCoverageCheckPragma r
518        nice1 ds
520    nicePragma (CatchallPragma r) ds =
521      if canHaveCatchallPragma ds then
522        withCatchallPragma True $ nice1 ds
523      else do
524        declarationWarning $ InvalidCatchallPragma r
525        nice1 ds
527    nicePragma (NoPositivityCheckPragma r) ds =
528      if canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma ds then
529        withPositivityCheckPragma NoPositivityCheck $ nice1 ds
530      else do
531        declarationWarning $ InvalidNoPositivityCheckPragma r
532        nice1 ds
534    nicePragma (NoUniverseCheckPragma r) ds =
535      if canHaveNoUniverseCheckPragma ds then
536        withUniverseCheckPragma NoUniverseCheck $ nice1 ds
537      else do
538        declarationWarning $ InvalidNoUniverseCheckPragma r
539        nice1 ds
541    nicePragma p@CompilePragma{} ds = do
542      declarationWarning $ PragmaCompiled (getRange p)
543      return ([NicePragma (getRange p) p], ds)
545    nicePragma (PolarityPragma{}) ds = return ([], ds)
547    nicePragma (BuiltinPragma r str qn@(QName x)) ds = do
548      return ([NicePragma r (BuiltinPragma r str qn)], ds)
550    nicePragma p ds = return ([NicePragma (getRange p) p], ds)
552    canHaveTerminationMeasure :: [Declaration] -> Bool
553    canHaveTerminationMeasure [] = False
554    canHaveTerminationMeasure (d:ds) = case d of
555      TypeSig{} -> True
556      (Pragma p) | isAttachedPragma p -> canHaveTerminationMeasure ds
557      _         -> False
559    canHaveTerminationCheckPragma :: [Declaration] -> Bool
560    canHaveTerminationCheckPragma []     = False
561    canHaveTerminationCheckPragma (d:ds) = case d of
562      Mutual _ ds   -> any (canHaveTerminationCheckPragma . singleton) ds
563      TypeSig{}     -> True
564      FunClause{}   -> True
565      UnquoteDecl{} -> True
566      (Pragma p) | isAttachedPragma p -> canHaveTerminationCheckPragma ds
567      _             -> False
569    canHaveCoverageCheckPragma :: [Declaration] -> Bool
570    canHaveCoverageCheckPragma = canHaveTerminationCheckPragma
572    canHaveCatchallPragma :: [Declaration] -> Bool
573    canHaveCatchallPragma []     = False
574    canHaveCatchallPragma (d:ds) = case d of
575      FunClause{} -> True
576      (Pragma p) | isAttachedPragma p -> canHaveCatchallPragma ds
577      _           -> False
579    canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma :: [Declaration] -> Bool
580    canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma []     = False
581    canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma (d:ds) = case d of
582      Mutual _ ds                   -> any (canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma . singleton) ds
583      Data{}                        -> True
584      DataSig{}                     -> True
585      DataDef{}                     -> True
586      Record{}                      -> True
587      RecordSig{}                   -> True
588      RecordDef{}                   -> True
589      Pragma p | isAttachedPragma p -> canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma ds
590      _                             -> False
592    canHaveNoUniverseCheckPragma :: [Declaration] -> Bool
593    canHaveNoUniverseCheckPragma []     = False
594    canHaveNoUniverseCheckPragma (d:ds) = case d of
595      Data{}                        -> True
596      DataSig{}                     -> True
597      DataDef{}                     -> True
598      Record{}                      -> True
599      RecordSig{}                   -> True
600      RecordDef{}                   -> True
601      Pragma p | isAttachedPragma p -> canHaveNoPositivityCheckPragma ds
602      _                             -> False
604    -- Pragma that attaches to the following declaration.
605    isAttachedPragma :: Pragma -> Bool
606    isAttachedPragma = \case
607      TerminationCheckPragma{}  -> True
608      CatchallPragma{}          -> True
609      NoPositivityCheckPragma{} -> True
610      NoUniverseCheckPragma{}   -> True
611      _                         -> False
613    -- We could add a default type signature here, but at the moment we can't
614    -- infer the type of a record or datatype, so better to just fail here.
615    defaultTypeSig :: DataRecOrFun -> Name -> Maybe Expr -> Nice (Maybe Expr)
616    defaultTypeSig k x t@Just{} = return t
617    defaultTypeSig k x Nothing  = do
618      caseMaybeM (getSig x) (return Nothing) $ \ k' -> do
619        unless (sameKind k k') $ declarationException $ WrongDefinition x k' k
620        Nothing <$ removeLoneSig x
622    dataOrRec
623      :: forall a decl
624      .  PositivityCheck
625      -> UniverseCheck
626      -> (Range -> Origin -> IsAbstract -> PositivityCheck -> UniverseCheck -> Name -> [LamBinding] -> [decl] -> NiceDeclaration)
627         -- Construct definition.
628      -> (Range -> Access -> IsAbstract -> PositivityCheck -> UniverseCheck -> Name -> [LamBinding] -> Expr -> NiceDeclaration)
629         -- Construct signature.
630      -> ([a] -> Nice [decl])        -- Constructor checking.
631      -> Range
632      -> Name                        -- Data/record type name.
633      -> Maybe ([LamBinding], Expr)  -- Parameters and type.  If not @Nothing@ a signature is created.
634      -> Maybe ([LamBinding], [a])   -- Parameters and constructors.  If not @Nothing@, a definition body is created.
635      -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
636    dataOrRec pc uc mkDef mkSig niceD r x mt mcs = do
637      mds <- Trav.forM mcs $ \ (tel, cs) -> (tel,) <$> niceD cs
638      -- We set origin to UserWritten if the user split the data/rec herself,
639      -- and to Inserted if the she wrote a single declaration that we're
640      -- splitting up here. We distinguish these because the scoping rules for
641      -- generalizable variables differ in these cases.
642      let o | isJust mt && isJust mcs = Inserted
643            | otherwise               = UserWritten
644      return $ catMaybes $
645        [ mt  <&> \ (tel, t)  -> mkSig (fuseRange x t) PublicAccess ConcreteDef pc uc x tel t
646        , mds <&> \ (tel, ds) -> mkDef r o ConcreteDef pc uc x (caseMaybe mt tel $ const $ concatMap dropTypeAndModality tel) ds
647          -- If a type is given (mt /= Nothing), we have to delete the types in @tel@
648          -- for the data definition, lest we duplicate them. And also drop modalities (#1886).
649        ]
650    -- Translate axioms
651    niceAxioms :: KindOfBlock -> [TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock] -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
652    niceAxioms b ds = List.concat <$> mapM (niceAxiom b) ds
654    niceAxiom :: KindOfBlock -> TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
655    niceAxiom b = \case
656      d@(TypeSig rel _tac x t) -> do
657        return [ Axiom (getRange d) PublicAccess ConcreteDef NotInstanceDef rel x t ]
658      d@(FieldSig i tac x argt) | b == FieldBlock -> do
659        return [ NiceField (getRange d) PublicAccess ConcreteDef i tac x argt ]
660      InstanceB r decls -> do
661        instanceBlock r =<< niceAxioms InstanceBlock decls
662      Pragma p@(RewritePragma r _ _) -> do
663        return [ NicePragma r p ]
664      d -> declarationException $ WrongContentBlock b $ getRange d
666    toPrim :: NiceDeclaration -> NiceDeclaration
667    toPrim (Axiom r p a i rel x t) = PrimitiveFunction r p a x (Arg rel t)
668    toPrim _                       = __IMPOSSIBLE__
670    -- Create a function definition.
671    mkFunDef info termCheck covCheck x mt ds0 = do
672      ds <- expandEllipsis ds0
673      cs <- mkClauses x ds False
674      return [ FunSig (fuseRange x t) PublicAccess ConcreteDef NotInstanceDef NotMacroDef info termCheck covCheck x t
675             , FunDef (getRange ds0) ds0 ConcreteDef NotInstanceDef termCheck covCheck x cs ]
676        where
677          t = fromMaybe (underscore (getRange x)) mt
679    underscore r = Underscore r Nothing
682    expandEllipsis :: [Declaration] -> Nice [Declaration]
683    expandEllipsis [] = return []
684    expandEllipsis (d@(FunClause lhs@(LHS p _ _) _ _ _) : ds)
685      | hasEllipsis p = (d :) <$> expandEllipsis ds
686      | otherwise     = (d :) <$> expand (killRange p) ds
687      where
688        expand :: Pattern -> [Declaration] -> Nice [Declaration]
689        expand _ [] = return []
690        expand p (d : ds) = do
691          case d of
692            Pragma (CatchallPragma _) -> do
693                  (d :) <$> expand p ds
694            FunClause (LHS p0 eqs es) rhs wh ca -> do
695              case hasEllipsis' p0 of
696                ManyHoles -> declarationException $ MultipleEllipses p0
697                OneHole cxt ~(EllipsisP r Nothing) -> do
698                  -- Replace the ellipsis by @p@.
699                  let p1 = cxt $ EllipsisP r $ Just $ setRange r p
700                  let d' = FunClause (LHS p1 eqs es) rhs wh ca
701                  -- If we have with-expressions (es /= []) then the following
702                  -- ellipses also get the additional patterns in p0.
703                  (d' :) <$> expand (if null es then p else killRange p1) ds
704                ZeroHoles _ -> do
705                  -- We can have ellipses after a fun clause without.
706                  -- They refer to the last clause that introduced new with-expressions.
707                  -- Same here: If we have new with-expressions, the next ellipses will
708                  -- refer to us.
709                  -- Andreas, Jesper, 2017-05-13, issue #2578
710                  -- Need to update the range also on the next with-patterns.
711                  (d :) <$> expand (if null es then p else killRange p0) ds
712            _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
713    expandEllipsis _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
715    -- Turn function clauses into nice function clauses.
716    mkClauses :: Name -> [Declaration] -> Catchall -> Nice [Clause]
717    mkClauses _ [] _ = return []
718    mkClauses x (Pragma (CatchallPragma r) : cs) True  = do
719      declarationWarning $ InvalidCatchallPragma r
720      mkClauses x cs True
721    mkClauses x (Pragma (CatchallPragma r) : cs) False = do
722      when (null cs) $ declarationWarning $ InvalidCatchallPragma r
723      mkClauses x cs True
725    mkClauses x (FunClause lhs rhs wh ca : cs) catchall
726      | null (lhsWithExpr lhs) || hasEllipsis lhs  =
727      (Clause x (ca || catchall) lhs rhs wh [] :) <$> mkClauses x cs False   -- Will result in an error later.
729    mkClauses x (FunClause lhs rhs wh ca : cs) catchall = do
730      when (null withClauses) $ declarationException $ MissingWithClauses x lhs
731      wcs <- mkClauses x withClauses False
732      (Clause x (ca || catchall) lhs rhs wh wcs :) <$> mkClauses x cs' False
733      where
734        (withClauses, cs') = subClauses cs
736        -- A clause is a subclause if the number of with-patterns is
737        -- greater or equal to the current number of with-patterns plus the
738        -- number of with arguments.
739        numWith = numberOfWithPatterns p + length (filter visible es) where LHS p _ es = lhs
741        subClauses :: [Declaration] -> ([Declaration],[Declaration])
742        subClauses (c@(FunClause (LHS p0 _ _) _ _ _) : cs)
743         | isEllipsis p0 ||
744           numberOfWithPatterns p0 >= numWith = mapFst (c:) (subClauses cs)
745         | otherwise                           = ([], c:cs)
746        subClauses (c@(Pragma (CatchallPragma r)) : cs) = case subClauses cs of
747          ([], cs') -> ([], c:cs')
748          (cs, cs') -> (c:cs, cs')
749        subClauses [] = ([],[])
750        subClauses _  = __IMPOSSIBLE__
751    mkClauses _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
753    couldBeCallOf :: Maybe Fixity' -> Name -> Pattern -> Bool
754    couldBeCallOf mFixity x p =
755      let
756      pns        = patternNames p
757      xStrings   = nameStringParts x
758      patStrings = concatMap nameStringParts pns
759      in
760--          trace ("x = " ++ prettyShow x) $
761--          trace ("pns = " ++ show pns) $
762--          trace ("xStrings = " ++ show xStrings) $
763--          trace ("patStrings = " ++ show patStrings) $
764--          trace ("mFixity = " ++ show mFixity) $
765      case (listToMaybe pns, mFixity) of
766        -- first identifier in the patterns is the fun.symbol?
767        (Just y, _) | x == y -> True -- trace ("couldBe since y = " ++ prettyShow y) $ True
768        -- are the parts of x contained in p
769        _ | xStrings `isSublistOf` patStrings -> True -- trace ("couldBe since isSublistOf") $ True
770        -- looking for a mixfix fun.symb
771        (_, Just fix) ->  -- also matches in case of a postfix
772           let notStrings = stringParts (theNotation fix)
773           in  -- trace ("notStrings = " ++ show notStrings) $
774               -- trace ("patStrings = " ++ show patStrings) $
775               not (null notStrings) && (notStrings `isSublistOf` patStrings)
776        -- not a notation, not first id: give up
777        _ -> False -- trace ("couldBe not (case default)") $ False
780    -- for finding nice clauses for a type sig in mutual blocks
781    couldBeNiceFunClauseOf :: Maybe Fixity' -> Name -> NiceDeclaration
782                           -> Maybe (MutualChecks, Declaration)
783    couldBeNiceFunClauseOf mf n (NiceFunClause _ _ _ tc cc _ d)
784      = (MutualChecks [tc] [cc] [], d) <$ guard (couldBeFunClauseOf mf n d)
785    couldBeNiceFunClauseOf _ _ _ = Nothing
787    -- for finding clauses for a type sig in mutual blocks
788    couldBeFunClauseOf :: Maybe Fixity' -> Name -> Declaration -> Bool
789    couldBeFunClauseOf mFixity x (Pragma (CatchallPragma{})) = True
790    couldBeFunClauseOf mFixity x (FunClause (LHS p _ _) _ _ _) =
791       hasEllipsis p || couldBeCallOf mFixity x p
792    couldBeFunClauseOf _ _ _ = False -- trace ("couldBe not (fun default)") $ False
794    -- Turn a new style `interleaved mutual' block into a new style mutual block
795    -- by grouping the declarations in blocks.
796    mkInterleavedMutual
797      :: Range                 -- Range of the whole @mutual@ block.
798      -> [NiceDeclaration]     -- Declarations inside the block.
799      -> Nice NiceDeclaration  -- Returns a 'NiceMutual'.
800    mkInterleavedMutual r ds' = do
801      (other, (m, checks, _)) <- runStateT (groupByBlocks r ds') (empty, mempty, 0)
802      let idecls = other ++ concatMap (uncurry interleavedDecl) (Map.toList m)
803      let decls0 = map snd $ List.sortBy (compare `on` fst) idecls
804      ps <- use loneSigs
805      checkLoneSigs ps
806      let decls = replaceSigs ps decls0
807      -- process the checks
808      tc <- combineTerminationChecks r (mutualTermination checks)
809      let cc = combineCoverageChecks   (mutualCoverage checks)
810      let pc = combinePositivityChecks (mutualPositivity checks)
811      pure $ NiceMutual r tc cc pc decls
813      where
815        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
816        -- Adding Signatures
817        addType :: Name -> (Int -> a) -> MutualChecks
818                -> StateT (Map Name a, MutualChecks, Int) Nice ()
819        addType n c mc = do
820          (m, checks, i) <- get
821          when (isJust $ Map.lookup n m) $ lift $ declarationException $ DuplicateDefinition n
822          put (Map.insert n (c i) m, mc <> checks, i+1)
824        addFunType d@(FunSig _ _ _ _ _ _ tc cc n _) = do
825           let checks = MutualChecks [tc] [cc] []
826           addType n (\ i -> InterleavedFun (i, d) Nothing) checks
827        addFunType _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
829        addDataType d@(NiceDataSig _ _ _ pc uc n _ _) = do
830          let checks = MutualChecks [] [] [pc]
831          addType n (\ i -> InterleavedData (i, d) Nothing) checks
832        addDataType _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
834        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
835        -- Adding constructors & clauses
837        addDataConstructors :: Maybe Name         -- Data type the constructors belong to
838                            -> [NiceConstructor]  -- Constructors to add
839                            -> StateT (InterleavedMutual, MutualChecks, Int) Nice ()
840        -- if we know the type's name, we can go ahead
841        addDataConstructors (Just n) ds = do
842          (m, checks, i) <- get
843          case Map.lookup n m of
844            Just (InterleavedData (i0, sig) cs) -> do
845              lift $ removeLoneSig n
846              -- add the constructors to the existing ones (if any)
847              let (cs', i') = case cs of
848                    Nothing        -> ((i, [ds])   , i+1)
849                    Just (i1, ds1) -> ((i1, ds:ds1), i)
850              put (Map.insert n (InterleavedData (i0, sig) (Just cs')) m, checks, i')
851            _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- we have resolved the name `n` already and it comes from a DataSig!
853        addDataConstructors Nothing [] = pure ()
855        -- Otherwise we try to guess which datasig the constructor is referring to
856        addDataConstructors Nothing (d : ds) = do
857          -- get the candidate data types that are in this interleaved mutual block
858          (m, _, _) <- get
859          let sigs = mapMaybe (\ (n, d) -> n <$ isInterleavedData d) $ Map.toList m
860          -- check whether this constructor matches any of them
861          case isConstructor sigs d of
862            Right n -> do
863              -- if so grab the whole block that may work and add them
864              let (ds0, ds1) = span (isRight . isConstructor [n]) ds
865              addDataConstructors (Just n) (d : ds0)
866              -- and then repeat the process for the rest of the block
867              addDataConstructors Nothing ds1
868            Left (n, ns) -> lift $ declarationException $ AmbiguousConstructor (getRange d) n ns
870        addFunDef :: NiceDeclaration -> StateT (InterleavedMutual, MutualChecks, Int) Nice ()
871        addFunDef (FunDef _ ds _ _ tc cc n cs) = do
872          let check = MutualChecks [tc] [cc] []
873          (m, checks, i) <- get
874          case Map.lookup n m of
875            Just (InterleavedFun (i0, sig) cs0) -> do
876              let (cs', i') = case cs0 of
877                    Nothing        -> ((i, [(ds, cs)]) , i+1)
878                    Just (i1, cs1) -> ((i1, (ds, cs):cs1), i)
879              put (Map.insert n (InterleavedFun (i0, sig) (Just cs')) m, check <> checks, i')
880            _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- A FunDef always come after an existing FunSig!
881        addFunDef _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
883        addFunClauses :: Range -> [NiceDeclaration]
884                      -> StateT (InterleavedMutual, MutualChecks, Int) Nice [(Int, NiceDeclaration)]
885        addFunClauses r (nd@(NiceFunClause _ _ _ tc cc _ d@(FunClause lhs _ _ _)) : ds) = do
886          -- get the candidate functions that are in this interleaved mutual block
887          (m, checks, i) <- get
888          let sigs = mapMaybe (\ (n, d) -> n <$ isInterleavedFun d) $ Map.toList m
889          -- find the funsig candidates for the funclause of interest
890          case [ (x, fits, rest)
891               | x <- sigs
892               , let (fits, rest) = spanJust (couldBeNiceFunClauseOf (Map.lookup x fixs) x) (nd : ds)
893               , not (null fits)
894               ] of
895            -- no candidate: keep the isolated fun clause, we'll complain about it later
896            [] -> do
897              let check = MutualChecks [tc] [cc] []
898              put (m, check <> checks, i+1)
899              ((i,nd) :) <$> groupByBlocks r ds
900            -- exactly one candidate: attach the funclause to the definition
901            [(n, fits0, rest)] -> do
902              let (checkss, fits) = unzip fits0
903              ds <- lift $ expandEllipsis fits
904              cs <- lift $ mkClauses n ds False
905              case Map.lookup n m of
906                Just (InterleavedFun (i0, sig) cs0) -> do
907                  let (cs', i') = case cs0 of
908                        Nothing        -> ((i, [(fits,cs)]), i+1)
909                        Just (i1, cs1) -> ((i1, (fits,cs):cs1), i)
910                  let checks' = Fold.fold checkss
911                  put (Map.insert n (InterleavedFun (i0, sig) (Just cs')) m, checks' <> checks, i')
912                _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
913              groupByBlocks r rest
914            -- more than one candidate: fail, complaining about the ambiguity!
915            xf:xfs -> lift $ declarationException
916                           $ AmbiguousFunClauses lhs
917                           $ List1.reverse $ fmap (\ (a,_,_) -> a) $ xf :| xfs
918        addFunClauses _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
920        groupByBlocks :: Range -> [NiceDeclaration]
921                      -> StateT (InterleavedMutual, MutualChecks, Int) Nice [(Int, NiceDeclaration)]
922        groupByBlocks r []       = pure []
923        groupByBlocks r (d : ds) = do
924          -- for most branches we deal with the one declaration and move on
925          let oneOff act = act >>= \ ns -> (ns ++) <$> groupByBlocks r ds
926          case d of
927            NiceDataSig{}                -> oneOff $ [] <$ addDataType d
928            NiceDataDef _ _ _ _ _ n _ ds -> oneOff $ [] <$ addDataConstructors (Just n) ds
929            NiceLoneConstructor r ds     -> oneOff $ [] <$ addDataConstructors Nothing ds
930            FunSig{}                     -> oneOff $ [] <$ addFunType d
931            FunDef _ _ _  _ _ _ n cs
932                      | not (isNoName n) -> oneOff $ [] <$ addFunDef d
933            -- It's a bit different for fun clauses because we may need to grab a lot
934            -- of clauses to handle ellipses properly.
935            NiceFunClause{}              -> addFunClauses r (d:ds)
936            -- We do not need to worry about RecSig vs. RecDef: we know there's exactly one
937            -- of each for record definitions and leaving them in place should be enough!
938            _ -> oneOff $ do
939              (m, c, i) <- get -- TODO: grab checks from c?
940              put (m, c, i+1)
941              pure [(i,d)]
943    -- Extract the name of the return type (if any) of a potential constructor.
944    -- In case of failure return the name of the constructor and the list of candidates
945    -- for the return type.
946    -- A `constructor' block should only contain NiceConstructors so we crash with
947    -- an IMPOSSIBLE otherwise
948    isConstructor :: [Name] -> NiceDeclaration -> Either (Name, [Name]) Name
949    isConstructor ns (Axiom _ _ _ _ _ n e)
950       -- extract the return type & see it as an LHS-style pattern
951       | Just p <- exprToPatternWithHoles <$> returnExpr e =
952         case [ x | x <- ns
953                  , couldBeCallOf (Map.lookup x fixs) x p
954                  ] of
955           [x] -> Right x
956           xs  -> Left (n, xs)
957       -- which may fail (e.g. if the "return type" is a hole
958       | otherwise = Left (n, [])
959    isConstructor _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
961    -- Turn an old-style mutual block into a new style mutual block
962    -- by pushing the definitions to the end.
963    mkOldMutual
964      :: Range                 -- Range of the whole @mutual@ block.
965      -> [NiceDeclaration]     -- Declarations inside the block.
966      -> Nice NiceDeclaration  -- Returns a 'NiceMutual'.
967    mkOldMutual r ds' = do
968        -- Postulate the missing definitions
969        let ps = loneSigsFromLoneNames loneNames
970        checkLoneSigs ps
971        let ds = replaceSigs ps ds'
973        -- -- Remove the declarations that aren't allowed in old style mutual blocks
974        -- ds <- fmap catMaybes $ forM ds $ \ d -> let success = pure (Just d) in case d of
975        --   -- Andreas, 2013-11-23 allow postulates in mutual blocks
976        --   Axiom{}          -> success
977        --   -- Andreas, 2017-10-09, issue #2576, raise error about missing type signature
978        --   -- in ConcreteToAbstract rather than here.
979        --   NiceFunClause{}  -> success
980        --   -- Andreas, 2018-05-11, issue #3052, allow pat.syn.s in mutual blocks
981        --   NicePatternSyn{} -> success
982        --   -- Otherwise, only categorized signatures and definitions are allowed:
983        --   -- Data, Record, Fun
984        --   _ -> if (declKind d /= OtherDecl) then success
985        --        else Nothing <$ declarationWarning (NotAllowedInMutual (getRange d) $ declName d)
986        -- Sort the declarations in the mutual block.
987        -- Declarations of names go to the top.  (Includes module definitions.)
988        -- Definitions of names go to the bottom.
989        -- Some declarations are forbidden, as their positioning could confuse
990        -- the user.
991        (top, bottom, invalid) <- forEither3M ds $ \ d -> do
992          let top       = return (In1 d)
993              bottom    = return (In2 d)
994              invalid s = In3 d <$ do declarationWarning $ NotAllowedInMutual (getRange d) s
995          case d of
996            -- Andreas, 2013-11-23 allow postulates in mutual blocks
997            Axiom{}             -> top
998            NiceField{}         -> top
999            PrimitiveFunction{} -> top
1000            -- Andreas, 2019-07-23 issue #3932:
1001            -- Nested mutual blocks are not supported.
1002            NiceMutual{}        -> invalid "mutual blocks"
1003            -- Andreas, 2018-10-29, issue #3246
1004            -- We could allow modules (top), but this is potentially confusing.
1005            NiceModule{}        -> invalid "Module definitions"
1006            -- Lone constructors are only allowed in new-style mutual blocks
1007            NiceLoneConstructor{} -> invalid "Lone constructors"
1008            NiceModuleMacro{}   -> top
1009            NiceOpen{}          -> top
1010            NiceImport{}        -> top
1011            NiceRecSig{}        -> top
1012            NiceDataSig{}       -> top
1013            -- Andreas, 2017-10-09, issue #2576, raise error about missing type signature
1014            -- in ConcreteToAbstract rather than here.
1015            NiceFunClause{}     -> bottom
1016            FunSig{}            -> top
1017            FunDef{}            -> bottom
1018            NiceDataDef{}       -> bottom
1019            NiceRecDef{}        -> bottom
1020            -- Andreas, 2018-05-11, issue #3051, allow pat.syn.s in mutual blocks
1021            -- Andreas, 2018-10-29: We shift pattern synonyms to the bottom
1022            -- since they might refer to constructors defined in a data types
1023            -- just above them.
1024            NicePatternSyn{}    -> bottom
1025            NiceGeneralize{}    -> top
1026            NiceUnquoteDecl{}   -> top
1027            NiceUnquoteDef{}    -> bottom
1028            NicePragma r pragma -> case pragma of
1030              OptionsPragma{}           -> top     -- error thrown in the type checker
1032              -- Some builtins require a definition, and they affect type checking
1033              -- Thus, we do not handle BUILTINs in mutual blocks (at least for now).
1034              BuiltinPragma{}           -> invalid "BUILTIN pragmas"
1036              -- The REWRITE pragma behaves differently before or after the def.
1037              -- and affects type checking.  Thus, we refuse it here.
1038              RewritePragma{}           -> invalid "REWRITE pragmas"
1040              -- Compiler pragmas are not needed for type checking, thus,
1041              -- can go to the bottom.
1042              ForeignPragma{}           -> bottom
1043              CompilePragma{}           -> bottom
1045              StaticPragma{}            -> bottom
1046              InlinePragma{}            -> bottom
1048              ImpossiblePragma{}        -> top     -- error thrown in scope checker
1049              EtaPragma{}               -> bottom  -- needs record definition
1050              WarningOnUsage{}          -> top
1051              WarningOnImport{}         -> top
1052              InjectivePragma{}         -> top     -- only needs name, not definition
1053              DisplayPragma{}           -> top     -- only for printing
1055              -- The attached pragmas have already been handled at this point.
1056              CatchallPragma{}          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1057              TerminationCheckPragma{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1058              NoPositivityCheckPragma{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1059              PolarityPragma{}          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1060              NoUniverseCheckPragma{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1061              NoCoverageCheckPragma{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1063        -- -- Pull type signatures to the top
1064        -- let (sigs, other) = List.partition isTypeSig ds
1066        -- -- Push definitions to the bottom
1067        -- let (other, defs) = flip List.partition ds $ \case
1068        --       FunDef{}         -> False
1069        --       NiceDataDef{}    -> False
1070        --       NiceRecDef{}         -> False
1071        --       NiceFunClause{}  -> False
1072        --       NicePatternSyn{} -> False
1073        --       NiceUnquoteDef{} -> False
1074        --       _ -> True
1076        -- Compute termination checking flag for mutual block
1077        tc0 <- use terminationCheckPragma
1078        let tcs = map termCheck ds
1079        tc <- combineTerminationChecks r (tc0:tcs)
1081        -- Compute coverage checking flag for mutual block
1082        cc0 <- use coverageCheckPragma
1083        let ccs = map covCheck ds
1084        let cc = combineCoverageChecks (cc0:ccs)
1086        -- Compute positivity checking flag for mutual block
1087        pc0 <- use positivityCheckPragma
1088        let pcs = map positivityCheckOldMutual ds
1089        let pc = combinePositivityChecks (pc0:pcs)
1091        return $ NiceMutual r tc cc pc $ top ++ bottom
1092        -- return $ NiceMutual r tc pc $ other ++ defs
1093        -- return $ NiceMutual r tc pc $ sigs ++ other
1094      where
1096        -- isTypeSig Axiom{}                     = True
1097        -- isTypeSig d | LoneSig{} <- declKind d = True
1098        -- isTypeSig _                           = False
1100        sigNames  = [ (r, x, k) | LoneSigDecl r k x <- map declKind ds' ]
1101        defNames  = [ (x, k) | LoneDefs k xs <- map declKind ds', x <- xs ]
1102        -- compute the set difference with equality just on names
1103        loneNames = [ (r, x, k) | (r, x, k) <- sigNames, List.all ((x /=) . fst) defNames ]
1105        termCheck :: NiceDeclaration -> TerminationCheck
1106        -- Andreas, 2013-02-28 (issue 804):
1107        -- do not termination check a mutual block if any of its
1108        -- inner declarations comes with a {-# NO_TERMINATION_CHECK #-}
1109        termCheck (FunSig _ _ _ _ _ _ tc _ _ _)      = tc
1110        termCheck (FunDef _ _ _ _ tc _ _ _)          = tc
1111        -- ASR (28 December 2015): Is this equation necessary?
1112        termCheck (NiceMutual _ tc _ _ _)            = tc
1113        termCheck (NiceUnquoteDecl _ _ _ _ tc _ _ _) = tc
1114        termCheck (NiceUnquoteDef _ _ _ tc _ _ _)    = tc
1115        termCheck Axiom{}             = TerminationCheck
1116        termCheck NiceField{}         = TerminationCheck
1117        termCheck PrimitiveFunction{} = TerminationCheck
1118        termCheck NiceModule{}        = TerminationCheck
1119        termCheck NiceModuleMacro{}   = TerminationCheck
1120        termCheck NiceOpen{}          = TerminationCheck
1121        termCheck NiceImport{}        = TerminationCheck
1122        termCheck NicePragma{}        = TerminationCheck
1123        termCheck NiceRecSig{}        = TerminationCheck
1124        termCheck NiceDataSig{}       = TerminationCheck
1125        termCheck NiceFunClause{}     = TerminationCheck
1126        termCheck NiceDataDef{}       = TerminationCheck
1127        termCheck NiceRecDef{}        = TerminationCheck
1128        termCheck NicePatternSyn{}    = TerminationCheck
1129        termCheck NiceGeneralize{}    = TerminationCheck
1130        termCheck NiceLoneConstructor{} = TerminationCheck
1132        covCheck :: NiceDeclaration -> CoverageCheck
1133        covCheck (FunSig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cc _ _)      = cc
1134        covCheck (FunDef _ _ _ _ _ cc _ _)          = cc
1135        -- ASR (28 December 2015): Is this equation necessary?
1136        covCheck (NiceMutual _ _ cc _ _)            = cc
1137        covCheck (NiceUnquoteDecl _ _ _ _ _ cc _ _) = cc
1138        covCheck (NiceUnquoteDef _ _ _ _ cc _ _)    = cc
1139        covCheck Axiom{}             = YesCoverageCheck
1140        covCheck NiceField{}         = YesCoverageCheck
1141        covCheck PrimitiveFunction{} = YesCoverageCheck
1142        covCheck NiceModule{}        = YesCoverageCheck
1143        covCheck NiceModuleMacro{}   = YesCoverageCheck
1144        covCheck NiceOpen{}          = YesCoverageCheck
1145        covCheck NiceImport{}        = YesCoverageCheck
1146        covCheck NicePragma{}        = YesCoverageCheck
1147        covCheck NiceRecSig{}        = YesCoverageCheck
1148        covCheck NiceDataSig{}       = YesCoverageCheck
1149        covCheck NiceFunClause{}     = YesCoverageCheck
1150        covCheck NiceDataDef{}       = YesCoverageCheck
1151        covCheck NiceRecDef{}        = YesCoverageCheck
1152        covCheck NicePatternSyn{}    = YesCoverageCheck
1153        covCheck NiceGeneralize{}    = YesCoverageCheck
1154        covCheck NiceLoneConstructor{} = YesCoverageCheck
1156        -- ASR (26 December 2015): Do not positivity check a mutual
1157        -- block if any of its inner declarations comes with a
1158        -- NO_POSITIVITY_CHECK pragma. See Issue 1614.
1159        positivityCheckOldMutual :: NiceDeclaration -> PositivityCheck
1160        positivityCheckOldMutual (NiceDataDef _ _ _ pc _ _ _ _) = pc
1161        positivityCheckOldMutual (NiceDataSig _ _ _ pc _ _ _ _) = pc
1162        positivityCheckOldMutual (NiceMutual _ _ _ pc _)        = pc
1163        positivityCheckOldMutual (NiceRecSig _ _ _ pc _ _ _ _)  = pc
1164        positivityCheckOldMutual (NiceRecDef _ _ _ pc _ _ _ _ _) = pc
1165        positivityCheckOldMutual _                              = YesPositivityCheck
1167        -- A mutual block cannot have a measure,
1168        -- but it can skip termination check.
1170    abstractBlock _ [] = return []
1171    abstractBlock r ds = do
1172      (ds', anyChange) <- runChangeT $ mkAbstract ds
1173      let inherited = r == noRange
1174      if anyChange then return ds' else do
1175        -- hack to avoid failing on inherited abstract blocks in where clauses
1176        unless inherited $ declarationWarning $ UselessAbstract r
1177        return ds -- no change!
1179    privateBlock _ _ [] = return []
1180    privateBlock r o ds = do
1181      (ds', anyChange) <- runChangeT $ mkPrivate o ds
1182      if anyChange then return ds' else do
1183        when (o == UserWritten) $ declarationWarning $ UselessPrivate r
1184        return ds -- no change!
1186    instanceBlock
1187      :: Range  -- Range of @instance@ keyword.
1188      -> [NiceDeclaration]
1189      -> Nice [NiceDeclaration]
1190    instanceBlock _ [] = return []
1191    instanceBlock r ds = do
1192      let (ds', anyChange) = runChange $ mapM (mkInstance r) ds
1193      if anyChange then return ds' else do
1194        declarationWarning $ UselessInstance r
1195        return ds -- no change!
1197    -- Make a declaration eligible for instance search.
1198    mkInstance
1199      :: Range  -- Range of @instance@ keyword.
1200      -> Updater NiceDeclaration
1201    mkInstance r0 = \case
1202        Axiom r p a i rel x e          -> (\ i -> Axiom r p a i rel x e) <$> setInstance r0 i
1203        FunSig r p a i m rel tc cc x e -> (\ i -> FunSig r p a i m rel tc cc x e) <$> setInstance r0 i
1204        NiceUnquoteDecl r p a i tc cc x e -> (\ i -> NiceUnquoteDecl r p a i tc cc x e) <$> setInstance r0 i
1205        NiceMutual r tc cc pc ds       -> NiceMutual r tc cc pc <$> mapM (mkInstance r0) ds
1206        NiceLoneConstructor r ds       -> NiceLoneConstructor r <$> mapM (mkInstance r0) ds
1207        d@NiceFunClause{}              -> return d
1208        FunDef r ds a i tc cc x cs     -> (\ i -> FunDef r ds a i tc cc x cs) <$> setInstance r0 i
1209        d@NiceField{}                  -> return d  -- Field instance are handled by the parser
1210        d@PrimitiveFunction{}          -> return d
1211        d@NiceUnquoteDef{}             -> return d
1212        d@NiceRecSig{}                 -> return d
1213        d@NiceDataSig{}                -> return d
1214        d@NiceModuleMacro{}            -> return d
1215        d@NiceModule{}                 -> return d
1216        d@NicePragma{}                 -> return d
1217        d@NiceOpen{}                   -> return d
1218        d@NiceImport{}                 -> return d
1219        d@NiceDataDef{}                -> return d
1220        d@NiceRecDef{}                 -> return d
1221        d@NicePatternSyn{}             -> return d
1222        d@NiceGeneralize{}             -> return d
1224    setInstance
1225      :: Range  -- Range of @instance@ keyword.
1226      -> Updater IsInstance
1227    setInstance r0 = \case
1228      i@InstanceDef{} -> return i
1229      _               -> dirty $ InstanceDef r0
1231    macroBlock r ds = mapM mkMacro ds
1233    mkMacro :: NiceDeclaration -> Nice NiceDeclaration
1234    mkMacro = \case
1235        FunSig r p a i _ rel tc cc x e -> return $ FunSig r p a i MacroDef rel tc cc x e
1236        d@FunDef{}                     -> return d
1237        d                              -> declarationException (BadMacroDef d)
1239-- | Make a declaration abstract.
1241-- Mark computation as 'dirty' if there was a declaration that could be made abstract.
1242-- If no abstraction is taking place, we want to complain about 'UselessAbstract'.
1244-- Alternatively, we could only flag 'dirty' if a non-abstract thing was abstracted.
1245-- Then, nested @abstract@s would sometimes also be complained about.
1247class MakeAbstract a where
1248  mkAbstract :: UpdaterT Nice a
1250  default mkAbstract :: (Traversable f, MakeAbstract a', a ~ f a') => UpdaterT Nice a
1251  mkAbstract = traverse mkAbstract
1253instance MakeAbstract a => MakeAbstract [a]
1255-- Leads to overlap with 'WhereClause':
1256-- instance (Traversable f, MakeAbstract a) => MakeAbstract (f a) where
1257--   mkAbstract = traverse mkAbstract
1259instance MakeAbstract IsAbstract where
1260  mkAbstract = \case
1261    a@AbstractDef -> return a
1262    ConcreteDef -> dirty $ AbstractDef
1264instance MakeAbstract NiceDeclaration where
1265  mkAbstract = \case
1266      NiceMutual r termCheck cc pc ds  -> NiceMutual r termCheck cc pc <$> mkAbstract ds
1267      NiceLoneConstructor r ds         -> NiceLoneConstructor r <$> mkAbstract ds
1268      FunDef r ds a i tc cc x cs       -> (\ a -> FunDef r ds a i tc cc x) <$> mkAbstract a <*> mkAbstract cs
1269      NiceDataDef r o a pc uc x ps cs  -> (\ a -> NiceDataDef r o a pc uc x ps) <$> mkAbstract a <*> mkAbstract cs
1270      NiceRecDef r o a pc uc x dir ps cs -> (\ a -> NiceRecDef r o a pc uc x dir ps cs) <$> mkAbstract a
1271      NiceFunClause r p a tc cc catchall d  -> (\ a -> NiceFunClause r p a tc cc catchall d) <$> mkAbstract a
1272      -- The following declarations have an @InAbstract@ field
1273      -- but are not really definitions, so we do count them into
1274      -- the declarations which can be made abstract
1275      -- (thus, do not notify progress with @dirty@).
1276      Axiom r p a i rel x e          -> return $ Axiom             r p AbstractDef i rel x e
1277      FunSig r p a i m rel tc cc x e -> return $ FunSig            r p AbstractDef i m rel tc cc x e
1278      NiceRecSig r p a pc uc x ls t  -> return $ NiceRecSig        r p AbstractDef pc uc x ls t
1279      NiceDataSig r p a pc uc x ls t -> return $ NiceDataSig       r p AbstractDef pc uc x ls t
1280      NiceField r p _ i tac x e      -> return $ NiceField         r p AbstractDef i tac x e
1281      PrimitiveFunction r p _ x e    -> return $ PrimitiveFunction r p AbstractDef x e
1282      -- Andreas, 2016-07-17 it does have effect on unquoted defs.
1283      -- Need to set updater state to dirty!
1284      NiceUnquoteDecl r p _ i tc cc x e -> tellDirty $> NiceUnquoteDecl r p AbstractDef i tc cc x e
1285      NiceUnquoteDef r p _ tc cc x e    -> tellDirty $> NiceUnquoteDef r p AbstractDef tc cc x e
1286      d@NiceModule{}                 -> return d
1287      d@NiceModuleMacro{}            -> return d
1288      d@NicePragma{}                 -> return d
1289      d@(NiceOpen _ _ directives)              -> do
1290        whenJust (publicOpen directives) $ lift . declarationWarning . OpenPublicAbstract
1291        return d
1292      d@NiceImport{}                 -> return d
1293      d@NicePatternSyn{}             -> return d
1294      d@NiceGeneralize{}             -> return d
1296instance MakeAbstract Clause where
1297  mkAbstract (Clause x catchall lhs rhs wh with) = do
1298    Clause x catchall lhs rhs <$> mkAbstract wh <*> mkAbstract with
1300-- | Contents of a @where@ clause are abstract if the parent is.
1301instance MakeAbstract WhereClause where
1302  mkAbstract  NoWhere             = return $ NoWhere
1303  mkAbstract (AnyWhere r ds)      = dirty $ AnyWhere r [Abstract noRange ds]
1304  mkAbstract (SomeWhere r m a ds) = dirty $ SomeWhere r m a [Abstract noRange ds]
1306-- | Make a declaration private.
1308-- Andreas, 2012-11-17:
1309-- Mark computation as 'dirty' if there was a declaration that could be privatized.
1310-- If no privatization is taking place, we want to complain about 'UselessPrivate'.
1312-- Alternatively, we could only flag 'dirty' if a non-private thing was privatized.
1313-- Then, nested @private@s would sometimes also be complained about.
1315class MakePrivate a where
1316  mkPrivate :: Origin -> UpdaterT Nice a
1318  default mkPrivate :: (Traversable f, MakePrivate a', a ~ f a') => Origin -> UpdaterT Nice a
1319  mkPrivate o = traverse $ mkPrivate o
1321instance MakePrivate a => MakePrivate [a]
1323-- Leads to overlap with 'WhereClause':
1324-- instance (Traversable f, MakePrivate a) => MakePrivate (f a) where
1325--   mkPrivate = traverse mkPrivate
1327instance MakePrivate Access where
1328  mkPrivate o = \case
1329    p@PrivateAccess{} -> return p  -- OR? return $ PrivateAccess o
1330    _                 -> dirty $ PrivateAccess o
1332instance MakePrivate NiceDeclaration where
1333  mkPrivate o = \case
1334      Axiom r p a i rel x e                    -> (\ p -> Axiom r p a i rel x e)                <$> mkPrivate o p
1335      NiceField r p a i tac x e                -> (\ p -> NiceField r p a i tac x e)            <$> mkPrivate o p
1336      PrimitiveFunction r p a x e              -> (\ p -> PrimitiveFunction r p a x e)          <$> mkPrivate o p
1337      NiceMutual r tc cc pc ds                 -> (\ ds-> NiceMutual r tc cc pc ds)             <$> mkPrivate o ds
1338      NiceLoneConstructor r ds                 -> NiceLoneConstructor r                         <$> mkPrivate o ds
1339      NiceModule r p a x tel ds                -> (\ p -> NiceModule r p a x tel ds)            <$> mkPrivate o p
1340      NiceModuleMacro r p x ma op is           -> (\ p -> NiceModuleMacro r p x ma op is)       <$> mkPrivate o p
1341      FunSig r p a i m rel tc cc x e           -> (\ p -> FunSig r p a i m rel tc cc x e)       <$> mkPrivate o p
1342      NiceRecSig r p a pc uc x ls t            -> (\ p -> NiceRecSig r p a pc uc x ls t)        <$> mkPrivate o p
1343      NiceDataSig r p a pc uc x ls t           -> (\ p -> NiceDataSig r p a pc uc x ls t)       <$> mkPrivate o p
1344      NiceFunClause r p a tc cc catchall d     -> (\ p -> NiceFunClause r p a tc cc catchall d) <$> mkPrivate o p
1345      NiceUnquoteDecl r p a i tc cc x e        -> (\ p -> NiceUnquoteDecl r p a i tc cc x e)    <$> mkPrivate o p
1346      NiceUnquoteDef r p a tc cc x e           -> (\ p -> NiceUnquoteDef r p a tc cc x e)       <$> mkPrivate o p
1347      NicePatternSyn r p x xs p'               -> (\ p -> NicePatternSyn r p x xs p')           <$> mkPrivate o p
1348      NiceGeneralize r p i tac x t             -> (\ p -> NiceGeneralize r p i tac x t)         <$> mkPrivate o p
1349      d@NicePragma{}                           -> return d
1350      d@(NiceOpen _ _ directives)              -> do
1351        whenJust (publicOpen directives) $ lift . declarationWarning . OpenPublicPrivate
1352        return d
1353      d@NiceImport{}                           -> return d
1354      -- Andreas, 2016-07-08, issue #2089
1355      -- we need to propagate 'private' to the named where modules
1356      FunDef r ds a i tc cc x cls              -> FunDef r ds a i tc cc x <$> mkPrivate o cls
1357      d@NiceDataDef{}                          -> return d
1358      d@NiceRecDef{}                           -> return d
1360instance MakePrivate Clause where
1361  mkPrivate o (Clause x catchall lhs rhs wh with) = do
1362    Clause x catchall lhs rhs <$> mkPrivate o wh <*> mkPrivate o with
1364instance MakePrivate WhereClause where
1365  mkPrivate o = \case
1366    d@NoWhere    -> return d
1367    -- @where@-declarations are protected behind an anonymous module,
1368    -- thus, they are effectively private by default.
1369    d@AnyWhere{} -> return d
1370    -- Andreas, 2016-07-08
1371    -- A @where@-module is private if the parent function is private.
1372    -- The contents of this module are not private, unless declared so!
1373    -- Thus, we do not recurse into the @ds@ (could not anyway).
1374    SomeWhere r m a ds -> mkPrivate o a <&> \ a' -> SomeWhere r m a' ds
1376-- The following function is (at the time of writing) only used three
1377-- times: for building Lets, and for printing error messages.
1379-- | (Approximately) convert a 'NiceDeclaration' back to a list of
1380-- 'Declaration's.
1381notSoNiceDeclarations :: NiceDeclaration -> [Declaration]
1382notSoNiceDeclarations = \case
1383    Axiom _ _ _ i rel x e          -> inst i [TypeSig rel Nothing x e]
1384    NiceField _ _ _ i tac x argt   -> [FieldSig i tac x argt]
1385    PrimitiveFunction r _ _ x e    -> [Primitive r [TypeSig (argInfo e) Nothing x (unArg e)]]
1386    NiceMutual r _ _ _ ds          -> [Mutual r $ concatMap notSoNiceDeclarations ds]
1387    NiceLoneConstructor r ds       -> [LoneConstructor r $ concatMap notSoNiceDeclarations ds]
1388    NiceModule r _ _ x tel ds      -> [Module r x tel ds]
1389    NiceModuleMacro r _ x ma o dir -> [ModuleMacro r x ma o dir]
1390    NiceOpen r x dir               -> [Open r x dir]
1391    NiceImport r x as o dir        -> [Import r x as o dir]
1392    NicePragma _ p                 -> [Pragma p]
1393    NiceRecSig r _ _ _ _ x bs e    -> [RecordSig r x bs e]
1394    NiceDataSig r _ _ _ _ x bs e   -> [DataSig r x bs e]
1395    NiceFunClause _ _ _ _ _ _ d    -> [d]
1396    FunSig _ _ _ i _ rel _ _ x e   -> inst i [TypeSig rel Nothing x e]
1397    FunDef _ ds _ _ _ _ _ _        -> ds
1398    NiceDataDef r _ _ _ _ x bs cs  -> [DataDef r x bs $ concatMap notSoNiceDeclarations cs]
1399    NiceRecDef r _ _ _ _ x dir bs ds -> [RecordDef r x dir bs ds]
1400    NicePatternSyn r _ n as p      -> [PatternSyn r n as p]
1401    NiceGeneralize r _ i tac n e   -> [Generalize r [TypeSig i tac n e]]
1402    NiceUnquoteDecl r _ _ i _ _ x e -> inst i [UnquoteDecl r x e]
1403    NiceUnquoteDef r _ _ _ _ x e    -> [UnquoteDef r x e]
1404  where
1405    inst (InstanceDef r) ds = [InstanceB r ds]
1406    inst NotInstanceDef  ds = ds
1408-- | Has the 'NiceDeclaration' a field of type 'IsAbstract'?
1409niceHasAbstract :: NiceDeclaration -> Maybe IsAbstract
1410niceHasAbstract = \case
1411    Axiom{}                       -> Nothing
1412    NiceField _ _ a _ _ _ _       -> Just a
1413    PrimitiveFunction _ _ a _ _   -> Just a
1414    NiceMutual{}                  -> Nothing
1415    NiceLoneConstructor{}         -> Nothing
1416    NiceModule _ _ a _ _ _        -> Just a
1417    NiceModuleMacro{}             -> Nothing
1418    NiceOpen{}                    -> Nothing
1419    NiceImport{}                  -> Nothing
1420    NicePragma{}                  -> Nothing
1421    NiceRecSig{}                  -> Nothing
1422    NiceDataSig{}                 -> Nothing
1423    NiceFunClause _ _ a _ _ _ _   -> Just a
1424    FunSig{}                      -> Nothing
1425    FunDef _ _ a _ _ _ _ _        -> Just a
1426    NiceDataDef _ _ a _ _ _ _ _   -> Just a
1427    NiceRecDef _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ -> Just a
1428    NicePatternSyn{}              -> Nothing
1429    NiceGeneralize{}              -> Nothing
1430    NiceUnquoteDecl _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ -> Just a
1431    NiceUnquoteDef _ _ a _ _ _ _    -> Just a