1{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-missing-signatures #-}
3module Agda.Syntax.Translation.ReflectedToAbstract where
5import Control.Arrow ( (***) )
6import Control.Monad.Except
7import Control.Monad.Reader
9import Data.Maybe
10import Data.Set (Set)
11import qualified Data.Set as Set
12import Data.Text (Text)
13import qualified Data.Text as Text
15import Agda.Syntax.Literal
16import Agda.Syntax.Position
17import Agda.Syntax.Info
18import Agda.Syntax.Common
19import Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A hiding (Apply)
20import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Pattern
21import Agda.Syntax.Reflected as R
22import Agda.Syntax.Internal (Dom,Dom'(..))
24import Agda.Interaction.Options (optUseUnicode, UnicodeOrAscii(..))
25import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad as M hiding (MetaInfo)
26import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Monad (getCurrentModule)
28import Agda.Utils.Impossible
29import Agda.Utils.Maybe
30import Agda.Utils.Monad
31import Agda.Utils.List
32import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1, pattern (:|))
33import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
34import Agda.Utils.Null
35import Agda.Utils.Pretty
36import Agda.Utils.Functor
37import Agda.Utils.Singleton
38import Agda.Utils.Size
40type Vars = [(Name,R.Type)]
42type MonadReflectedToAbstract m =
43  ( MonadReader Vars m
44  , MonadFresh NameId m
45  , MonadError TCErr m
46  , MonadTCEnv m
47  , ReadTCState m
48  , HasOptions m
49  , HasBuiltins m
50  , HasConstInfo m
51  )
53-- | Adds a new unique name to the current context.
54--   NOTE: See @chooseName@ in @Agda.Syntax.Translation.AbstractToConcrete@ for similar logic.
55--   NOTE: See @freshConcreteName@ in @Agda.Syntax.Scope.Monad@ also for similar logic.
56withName :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => String -> (Name -> m a) -> m a
57withName s = withVar s R.Unknown
59withVar :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => String -> R.Type -> (Name -> m a) -> m a
60withVar s t f = do
61  name <- freshName_ s
62  ctx  <- asks $ map $ nameConcrete . fst
63  glyphMode <- optUseUnicode <$> M.pragmaOptions
64  let freshNameMode = case glyphMode of
65        UnicodeOk -> A.UnicodeSubscript
66        AsciiOnly -> A.AsciiCounter
67  let name' = head $ filter (notTaken ctx) $ iterate (nextName freshNameMode) name
68  local ((name,t):) $ f name'
69  where
70    notTaken xs x = isNoName x || nameConcrete x `notElem` xs
72withNames :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => [String] -> ([Name] -> m a) -> m a
73withNames ss = withVars $ zip ss $ repeat R.Unknown
75withVars :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => [(String, R.Type)] -> ([Name] -> m a) -> m a
76withVars ss f = case ss of
77  []     -> f []
78  ((s,t):ss) -> withVar s t $ \n -> withVars ss $ \ns -> f (n:ns)
80-- | Returns the name and type of the variable with the given de Bruijn index.
81askVar :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => Int -> m (Maybe (Name,R.Type))
82askVar i = reader (!!! i)
84askName :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => Int -> m (Maybe Name)
85askName i = fmap fst <$> askVar i
87class ToAbstract r where
88  type AbsOfRef r
89  toAbstract :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => r -> m (AbsOfRef r)
91  default toAbstract
92    :: (Traversable t, ToAbstract s, t s ~ r, t (AbsOfRef s) ~ (AbsOfRef r))
93    => MonadReflectedToAbstract m => r -> m (AbsOfRef r)
94  toAbstract = traverse toAbstract
96-- | Translate reflected syntax to abstract, using the names from the current typechecking context.
97toAbstract_ ::
98  (ToAbstract r
99  , MonadFresh NameId m
100  , MonadError TCErr m
101  , MonadTCEnv m
102  , ReadTCState m
103  , HasOptions m
104  , HasBuiltins m
105  , HasConstInfo m
106  ) => r -> m (AbsOfRef r)
107toAbstract_ = withShowAllArguments . toAbstractWithoutImplicit
109-- | Drop implicit arguments unless --show-implicit is on.
110toAbstractWithoutImplicit ::
111  (ToAbstract r
112  , MonadFresh NameId m
113  , MonadError TCErr m
114  , MonadTCEnv m
115  , ReadTCState m
116  , HasOptions m
117  , HasBuiltins m
118  , HasConstInfo m
119  ) => r -> m (AbsOfRef r)
120toAbstractWithoutImplicit x = do
121  xs <- getContextNames
122  let ctx = zip xs $ repeat R.Unknown
123  runReaderT (toAbstract x) ctx
125instance ToAbstract r => ToAbstract (Named name r) where
126  type AbsOfRef (Named name r) = Named name (AbsOfRef r)
128instance ToAbstract r => ToAbstract (Arg r) where
129  type AbsOfRef (Arg r) = NamedArg (AbsOfRef r)
130  toAbstract (Arg i x) = Arg i <$> toAbstract (unnamed x)
132instance ToAbstract r => ToAbstract [Arg r] where
133  type AbsOfRef [Arg r] = [NamedArg (AbsOfRef r)]
135-- instance ToAbstract r Expr => ToAbstract (Dom r, Name) (A.TypedBinding) where
136instance (ToAbstract r, AbsOfRef r ~ Expr) => ToAbstract (Dom r, Name) where
137  type AbsOfRef (Dom r, Name) = A.TypedBinding
138  toAbstract (Dom{domInfo = i,unDom = x, domTactic = tac}, name) = do
139    dom <- toAbstract x
140    return $ mkTBind noRange (singleton $ unnamedArg i $ mkBinder_ name) dom
142instance ToAbstract (Expr, Elim) where
143  type AbsOfRef (Expr, Elim) = Expr
144  toAbstract (f, Apply arg) = do
145    arg     <- toAbstract arg
146    showImp <- showImplicitArguments
147    return $ if showImp || visible arg
148             then App (setOrigin Reflected defaultAppInfo_) f arg
149             else f
151instance ToAbstract (Expr, Elims) where
152  type AbsOfRef (Expr, Elims) = Expr
153  toAbstract (f, elims) = foldM (curry toAbstract) f elims
155instance ToAbstract r => ToAbstract (R.Abs r) where
156  type AbsOfRef (R.Abs r) = (AbsOfRef r, Name)
157  toAbstract (Abs s x) = withName s' $ \name -> (,) <$> toAbstract x <*> return name
158    where s' = if (isNoName s) then "z" else s -- TODO: only do this when var is free
160instance ToAbstract Literal where
161  type AbsOfRef Literal = Expr
162  toAbstract l = return $ A.Lit empty l
164instance ToAbstract Term where
165  type AbsOfRef Term = Expr
166  toAbstract = \case
167    R.Var i es -> do
168      name <- mkVarName i
169      toAbstract (A.Var name, es)
170    R.Con c es -> toAbstract (A.Con (unambiguous $ killRange c), es)
171    R.Def f es -> do
172      af <- mkDef (killRange f)
173      toAbstract (af, es)
174    R.Lam h t  -> do
175      (e, name) <- toAbstract t
176      let info  = setHiding h $ setOrigin Reflected defaultArgInfo
177      return $ A.Lam exprNoRange (mkDomainFree $ unnamedArg info $ mkBinder_ name) e
178    R.ExtLam cs es -> do
179      name <- freshName_ extendedLambdaName
180      m    <- getCurrentModule
181      let qname   = qualify m name
182          cname   = nameConcrete name
183          defInfo = mkDefInfo cname noFixity' PublicAccess ConcreteDef noRange
184      cs <- toAbstract $ fmap (QNamed qname) cs
185      toAbstract
186        (A.ExtendedLam exprNoRange defInfo defaultErased qname cs, es)
187    R.Pi a b   -> do
188      (b, name) <- toAbstract b
189      a         <- toAbstract (a, name)
190      return $ A.Pi exprNoRange (singleton a) b
191    R.Sort s   -> toAbstract s
192    R.Lit l    -> toAbstract l
193    R.Meta x es    -> toAbstract (A.Underscore info, es)
194      where info = emptyMetaInfo{ metaNumber = Just x }
195    R.Unknown      -> return $ Underscore emptyMetaInfo
197mkDef :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> m A.Expr
198mkDef f =
199  ifM (isMacro . theDef <$> getConstInfo f)
200      (return $ A.Macro f)
201      (return $ A.Def f)
203mkApp :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
204mkApp e1 e2 = App (setOrigin Reflected defaultAppInfo_) e1 $ defaultNamedArg e2
207mkVar :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => Int -> m (Name, R.Type)
208mkVar i = ifJustM (askVar i) return $ do
209  cxt   <- getContextTelescope
210  names <- asks $ drop (size cxt) . reverse . map fst
211  withShowAllArguments' False $ typeError $ DeBruijnIndexOutOfScope i cxt names
213mkVarName :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => Int -> m Name
214mkVarName i = fst <$> mkVar i
216annotatePattern :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => Int -> R.Type -> A.Pattern -> m A.Pattern
217annotatePattern _ R.Unknown p = return p
218annotatePattern i t p = local (drop $ i + 1) $ do
219  t <- toAbstract t  -- go into the right context for translating the type
220  return $ A.AnnP patNoRange t p
222instance ToAbstract Sort where
223  type AbsOfRef Sort = Expr
224  toAbstract s = do
225    setName <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltinName' builtinSet
226    propName <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltinName' builtinProp
227    infName <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltinName' builtinSetOmega
228    case s of
229      SetS x -> mkApp (A.Def setName) <$> toAbstract x
230      LitS x -> return $ A.Def' setName $ A.Suffix x
231      PropS x -> mkApp (A.Def propName) <$> toAbstract x
232      PropLitS x -> return $ A.Def' propName $ A.Suffix x
233      InfS x -> return $ A.Def' infName $ A.Suffix x
234      UnknownS -> return $ mkApp (A.Def setName) $ Underscore emptyMetaInfo
236instance ToAbstract R.Pattern where
237  type AbsOfRef R.Pattern = A.Pattern
238  toAbstract pat = case pat of
239    R.ConP c args -> do
240      args <- toAbstract args
241      return $ A.ConP (ConPatInfo ConOCon patNoRange ConPatEager) (unambiguous $ killRange c) args
242    R.DotP t -> A.DotP patNoRange <$> toAbstract t
243    R.VarP i -> do
244      (x, t) <- mkVar i
245      annotatePattern i t $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
246    R.LitP l  -> return $ A.LitP patNoRange l
247    R.AbsurdP i -> do
248      (_, t) <- mkVar i
249      annotatePattern i t $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
250    R.ProjP d -> return $ A.ProjP patNoRange ProjSystem $ unambiguous $ killRange d
252instance ToAbstract (QNamed R.Clause) where
253  type AbsOfRef (QNamed R.Clause) = A.Clause
255  toAbstract (QNamed name (R.Clause tel pats rhs)) = withVars (map (Text.unpack *** unArg) tel) $ \_ -> do
256    checkClauseTelescopeBindings tel pats
257    pats <- toAbstract pats
258    rhs  <- toAbstract rhs
259    let lhs = spineToLhs $ SpineLHS empty name pats
260    return $ A.Clause lhs [] (RHS rhs Nothing) noWhereDecls False
261  toAbstract (QNamed name (R.AbsurdClause tel pats)) = withVars (map (Text.unpack *** unArg) tel) $ \_ -> do
262    checkClauseTelescopeBindings tel pats
263    pats <- toAbstract pats
264    let lhs = spineToLhs $ SpineLHS empty name pats
265    return $ A.Clause lhs [] AbsurdRHS noWhereDecls False
267instance ToAbstract [QNamed R.Clause] where
268  type AbsOfRef [QNamed R.Clause] = [A.Clause]
269  toAbstract = traverse toAbstract
271instance ToAbstract (List1 (QNamed R.Clause)) where
272  type AbsOfRef (List1 (QNamed R.Clause)) = List1 A.Clause
273  toAbstract = traverse toAbstract
275-- | Check that all variables in the telescope are bound in the left-hand side. Since we check the
276--   telescope by attaching type annotations to the pattern variables there needs to be somewhere to
277--   put the annotation. Also, since the lhs is where the variables are actually bound, missing a
278--   binding for a variable that's used later in the telescope causes unbound variable panic
279--   (see #5044).
280checkClauseTelescopeBindings :: MonadReflectedToAbstract m => [(Text, Arg R.Type)] -> [Arg R.Pattern] -> m ()
281checkClauseTelescopeBindings tel pats =
282  case reverse [ x | ((x, _), i) <- zip (reverse tel) [0..], not $ Set.member i bs ] of
283    [] -> return ()
284    xs -> genericDocError $ ("Missing bindings for telescope variable" <> s) <?>
285                              (fsep (punctuate ", " $ map (text . Text.unpack) xs) <> ".") $$
286                             "All variables in the clause telescope must be bound in the left-hand side."
287      where s | length xs == 1 = empty
288              | otherwise      = "s"
289  where
290    bs = boundVars pats
292    boundVars = Set.unions . map (bound . unArg)
293    bound (R.VarP i)    = Set.singleton i
294    bound (R.ConP _ ps) = boundVars ps
295    bound R.DotP{}      = Set.empty
296    bound R.LitP{}      = Set.empty
297    bound (R.AbsurdP i) = Set.singleton i
298    bound R.ProjP{}     = Set.empty