2-- | Computing the free variables of a term lazily.
4-- We implement a reduce (traversal into monoid) over internal syntax
5-- for a generic collection (monoid with singletons).  This should allow
6-- a more efficient test for the presence of a particular variable.
8-- Worst-case complexity does not change (i.e. the case when a variable
9-- does not occur), but best case-complexity does matter.  For instance,
10-- see 'Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.mkAbs': each time we construct
11-- a dependent function type, we check whether it is actually dependent.
13-- The distinction between rigid and strongly rigid occurrences comes from:
14--   Jason C. Reed, PhD thesis, 2009, page 96 (see also his LFMTP 2009 paper)
16-- The main idea is that x = t(x) is unsolvable if x occurs strongly rigidly
17-- in t.  It might have a solution if the occurrence is not strongly rigid, e.g.
19--   x = \f -> suc (f (x (\ y -> k)))  has  x = \f -> suc (f (suc k))
21-- [Jason C. Reed, PhD thesis, page 106]
23-- Under coinductive constructors, occurrences are never strongly rigid.
24-- Also, function types and lambdas do not establish strong rigidity.
25-- Only inductive constructors do so.
26-- (See issue 1271).
28-- For further reading on semirings and semimodules for variable occurrence,
29-- see e.g. Conor McBrides "I got plenty of nuttin'" (Wadlerfest 2016).
30-- There, he treats the "quantity" dimension of variable occurrences.
32-- The semiring has an additive operation for combining occurrences of subterms,
33-- and a multiplicative operation of representing function composition.  E.g.
34-- if variable @x@ appears @o@ in term @u@, but @u@ appears in context @q@ in
35-- term @t@ then occurrence of variable @x@ coming from @u@ is accounted for
36-- as @q o@ in @t@.
38-- Consider example @(λ{ x → (x,x)}) y@:
40--   * Variable @x@ occurs once unguarded in @x@.
42--   * It occurs twice unguarded in the aggregation @x@ @x@
44--   * Inductive constructor @,@ turns this into two strictly rigid occurrences.
46--     If @,@ is a record constructor, then we stay unguarded.
48--   * The function @({λ x → (x,x)})@ provides a context for variable @y@.
49--     This context can be described as weakly rigid with quantity two.
51--   * The final occurrence of @y@ is obtained as composing the context with
52--     the occurrence of @y@ in itself (which is the unit for composition).
53--     Thus, @y@ occurs weakly rigid with quantity two.
55-- It is not a given that the context can be described in the same way
56-- as the variable occurrence.  However, for quantity it is the case
57-- and we obtain a semiring of occurrences with 0, 1, and even ω, which
58-- is an absorptive element for addition.
60module Agda.TypeChecking.Free.Lazy where
62import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
63import Control.Monad.Reader
66import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
67import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
68import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
69import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
70import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup, (<>) )
74import Agda.Syntax.Common
75import Agda.Syntax.Internal
77import Agda.Utils.Functor
78import Agda.Utils.Lens
79import Agda.Utils.Monad
80import Agda.Utils.Null
81import Agda.Utils.Semigroup
82import Agda.Utils.Singleton
83import Agda.Utils.Size
86-- * Set of meta variables.
88-- | A set of meta variables.  Forms a monoid under union.
90newtype MetaSet = MetaSet { theMetaSet :: IntSet }
91  deriving (Eq, Show, Null, Semigroup, Monoid)
93instance Singleton MetaId MetaSet where
94  singleton = MetaSet . singleton . metaId
96insertMetaSet :: MetaId -> MetaSet -> MetaSet
97insertMetaSet (MetaId m) (MetaSet ms) = MetaSet $ IntSet.insert m ms
99foldrMetaSet :: (MetaId -> a -> a) -> a -> MetaSet -> a
100foldrMetaSet f e ms = IntSet.foldr (f . MetaId) e $ theMetaSet ms
103-- * Flexible and rigid occurrences (semigroup)
105-- | Depending on the surrounding context of a variable,
106--   it's occurrence can be classified as flexible or rigid,
107--   with finer distinctions.
109--   The constructors are listed in increasing order (wrt. information content).
110data FlexRig' a
111  = Flexible a        -- ^ In arguments of metas.
112                      --   The set of metas is used by ''Agda.TypeChecking.Rewriting.NonLinMatch''
113                      --   to generate the right blocking information.
114                      --   The semantics is that the status of a variable occurrence may change
115                      --   if one of the metas in the set gets solved.  We may say the occurrence
116                      --   is tainted by the meta variables in the set.
117  | WeaklyRigid       -- ^ In arguments to variables and definitions.
118  | Unguarded         -- ^ In top position, or only under inductive record constructors (unit).
119  | StronglyRigid     -- ^ Under at least one and only inductive constructors.
120  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)
122type FlexRig = FlexRig' MetaSet
124class LensFlexRig a o | o -> a where
125  lensFlexRig :: Lens' (FlexRig' a) o
127instance LensFlexRig a (FlexRig' a) where
128  lensFlexRig f x = f x
130isFlexible :: LensFlexRig a o => o -> Bool
131isFlexible o = case o ^. lensFlexRig of
132  Flexible {} -> True
133  _ -> False
135isUnguarded :: LensFlexRig a o => o -> Bool
136isUnguarded o = case o ^. lensFlexRig of
137  Unguarded -> True
138  _ -> False
140isWeaklyRigid :: LensFlexRig a o => o -> Bool
141isWeaklyRigid o = case o ^. lensFlexRig of
142   WeaklyRigid -> True
143   _ -> False
145isStronglyRigid :: LensFlexRig a o => o -> Bool
146isStronglyRigid o = case o ^. lensFlexRig of
147  StronglyRigid -> True
148  _ -> False
150-- | 'FlexRig' aggregation (additive operation of the semiring).
151--   For combining occurrences of the same variable in subterms.
152--   This is a refinement of the 'max' operation for 'FlexRig'
153--   which would work if 'Flexible' did not have the 'MetaSet' as an argument.
154--   Now, to aggregate two 'Flexible' occurrences, we union the involved 'MetaSet's.
156addFlexRig :: Semigroup a => FlexRig' a -> FlexRig' a -> FlexRig' a
157addFlexRig = curry $ \case
158  -- StronglyRigid is dominant
159  (StronglyRigid, _) -> StronglyRigid
160  (_, StronglyRigid) -> StronglyRigid
161  -- Next is Unguarded
162  (Unguarded, _) -> Unguarded
163  (_, Unguarded) -> Unguarded
164  -- Then WeaklyRigid
165  (WeaklyRigid, _) -> WeaklyRigid
166  (_, WeaklyRigid) -> WeaklyRigid
167  -- Least is Flexible.  We union the meta sets, as the variable
168  -- is tainted by all of the involved meta variable.
169  (Flexible ms1, Flexible ms2) -> Flexible $ ms1 <> ms2
171-- | Unit for 'addFlexRig'.
172zeroFlexRig :: Monoid a => FlexRig' a
173zeroFlexRig = Flexible mempty
175-- | Absorptive for 'addFlexRig'.
176omegaFlexRig :: FlexRig' a
177omegaFlexRig = StronglyRigid
179-- | 'FlexRig' composition (multiplicative operation of the semiring).
180--   For accumulating the context of a variable.
182--   'Flexible' is dominant.  Once we are under a meta, we are flexible
183--   regardless what else comes.  We taint all variable occurrences
184--   under a meta by this meta.
186--   'WeaklyRigid' is next in strength.  Destroys strong rigidity.
188--   'StronglyRigid' is still dominant over 'Unguarded'.
190--   'Unguarded' is the unit.  It is the top (identity) context.
192composeFlexRig :: Semigroup a => FlexRig' a -> FlexRig' a -> FlexRig' a
193composeFlexRig = curry $ \case
194    (Flexible ms1, Flexible ms2) -> Flexible $ ms1 <> ms2
195    (Flexible ms1, _) -> Flexible ms1
196    (_, Flexible ms2) -> Flexible ms2
197    (WeaklyRigid, _) -> WeaklyRigid
198    (_, WeaklyRigid) -> WeaklyRigid
199    (StronglyRigid, _) -> StronglyRigid
200    (_, StronglyRigid) -> StronglyRigid
201    (Unguarded, Unguarded) -> Unguarded
203-- | Unit for 'composeFlexRig'.
204oneFlexRig :: FlexRig' a
205oneFlexRig = Unguarded
208-- * Multi-dimensional feature vector for variable occurrence (semigroup)
210-- | Occurrence of free variables is classified by several dimensions.
211--   Currently, we have 'FlexRig' and 'Modality'.
212data VarOcc' a = VarOcc
213  { varFlexRig   :: FlexRig' a
214  , varModality  :: Modality
215  }
216  deriving (Show)
217type VarOcc = VarOcc' MetaSet
219-- | Equality up to origin.
220instance Eq a => Eq (VarOcc' a) where
221  VarOcc fr m == VarOcc fr' m' = fr == fr' && sameModality m m'
223instance LensModality (VarOcc' a) where
224  getModality = varModality
225  mapModality f (VarOcc x r) = VarOcc x $ f r
227instance LensRelevance (VarOcc' a) where
228instance LensQuantity (VarOcc' a) where
230-- | Access to 'varFlexRig' in 'VarOcc'.
231instance LensFlexRig a (VarOcc' a) where
232  lensFlexRig f (VarOcc fr m) = f fr <&> \ fr' -> VarOcc fr' m
233-- lensFlexRig :: Lens' (FlexRig' a) (VarOcc' a)
234-- lensFlexRig f (VarOcc fr m) = f fr <&> \ fr' -> VarOcc fr' m
237-- | The default way of aggregating free variable info from subterms is by adding
238--   the variable occurrences.  For instance, if we have a pair @(t₁,t₂)@ then
239--   and @t₁@ has @o₁@ the occurrences of a variable @x@
240--   and @t₂@ has @o₂@ the occurrences of the same variable, then
241--   @(t₁,t₂)@ has @mappend o₁ o₂@ occurrences of that variable.
243--   From counting 'Quantity', we extrapolate this to 'FlexRig' and 'Relevance':
244--   we care most about about 'StronglyRigid' 'Relevant' occurrences.
245--   E.g., if @t₁@ has a 'StronglyRigid' occurrence and @t₂@ a 'Flexible' occurrence,
246--   then @(t₁,t₂)@ still has a 'StronglyRigid' occurrence.
247--   Analogously, @Relevant@ occurrences count most, as we wish e.g. to forbid
248--   relevant occurrences of variables that are declared to be irrelevant.
250--   'VarOcc' forms a semiring, and this monoid is the addition of the semiring.
252instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (VarOcc' a) where
253  VarOcc o m <> VarOcc o' m' = VarOcc (addFlexRig o o') (addModality m m')
255-- | The neutral element for variable occurrence aggregation is least serious
256--   occurrence: flexible, irrelevant.
257--   This is also the absorptive element for 'composeVarOcc', if we ignore
258--   the 'MetaSet' in 'Flexible'.
259instance (Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (VarOcc' a) where
260  mempty  = VarOcc (Flexible mempty) zeroModality
261  mappend = (<>)
263-- | The absorptive element of variable occurrence under aggregation:
264--   strongly rigid, relevant.
265topVarOcc :: VarOcc' a
266topVarOcc = VarOcc StronglyRigid topModality
268-- | First argument is the outer occurrence (context) and second is the inner.
269--   This multiplicative operation is to modify an occurrence under a context.
270composeVarOcc :: Semigroup a => VarOcc' a -> VarOcc' a -> VarOcc' a
271composeVarOcc (VarOcc o m) (VarOcc o' m') = VarOcc (composeFlexRig o o') (composeModality m m')
272  -- We use the multipicative modality monoid (composition).
274oneVarOcc :: VarOcc' a
275oneVarOcc = VarOcc Unguarded unitModality
278-- * Storing variable occurrences (semimodule).
280-- | Any representation @c@ of a set of variables need to be able to be modified by
281--   a variable occurrence. This is to ensure that free variable analysis is
282--   compositional. For instance, it should be possible to compute `fv (v [u/x])`
283--   from `fv v` and `fv u`.
285--   In algebraic terminology, a variable set @a@ needs to be (almost) a left semimodule
286--   to the semiring 'VarOcc'.
287class (Singleton MetaId a, Semigroup a, Monoid a, Semigroup c, Monoid c) => IsVarSet a c | c -> a where
288  -- | Laws
289  --    * Respects monoid operations:
290  --      ```
291  --        withVarOcc o mempty   == mempty
292  --        withVarOcc o (x <> y) == withVarOcc o x <> withVarOcc o y
293  --      ```
294  --    * Respects VarOcc composition:
295  --      ```
296  --        withVarOcc oneVarOcc             = id
297  --        withVarOcc (composeVarOcc o1 o2) = withVarOcc o1 . withVarOcc o2
298  --      ```
299  --    * Respects VarOcc aggregation:
300  --      ```
301  --        withVarOcc (o1 <> o2) x = withVarOcc o1 x <> withVarOcc o2 x
302  --      ```
303  --      Since the corresponding unit law may fail,
304  --      ```
305  --        withVarOcc mempty x = mempty
306  --      ```
307  --      it is not quite a semimodule.
308  withVarOcc :: VarOcc' a -> c -> c
310-- | Representation of a variable set as map from de Bruijn indices
311--   to 'VarOcc'.
312type TheVarMap' a = IntMap (VarOcc' a)
313newtype VarMap' a = VarMap { theVarMap :: TheVarMap' a }
314  deriving (Eq, Show)
316type TheVarMap = TheVarMap' MetaSet
317type    VarMap =    VarMap' MetaSet
319-- | A "set"-style 'Singleton' instance with default/initial variable occurrence.
320instance Singleton Variable (VarMap' a) where
321  singleton i = VarMap $ IntMap.singleton i oneVarOcc
323mapVarMap :: (TheVarMap' a -> TheVarMap' b) -> VarMap' a -> VarMap' b
324mapVarMap f = VarMap . f . theVarMap
326lookupVarMap :: Variable -> VarMap' a -> Maybe (VarOcc' a)
327lookupVarMap i = IntMap.lookup i . theVarMap
329-- Andreas & Jesper, 2018-05-11, issue #3052:
331-- | Proper monoid instance for @VarMap@ rather than inheriting the broken one from IntMap.
332--   We combine two occurrences of a variable using 'mappend'.
333instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (VarMap' a) where
334  VarMap m <> VarMap m' = VarMap $ IntMap.unionWith (<>) m m'
336instance Semigroup a => Monoid (VarMap' a) where
337  mempty  = VarMap IntMap.empty
338  mappend = (<>)
339  mconcat = VarMap . IntMap.unionsWith (<>) . map theVarMap
340  -- mconcat = VarMap . IntMap.unionsWith mappend . coerce   -- ghc 8.6.5 does not seem to like this coerce
342instance (Singleton MetaId a, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => IsVarSet a (VarMap' a) where
343  withVarOcc o = mapVarMap $ fmap $ composeVarOcc o
347-- * Simple flexible/rigid variable collection.
349-- | Keep track of 'FlexRig' for every variable, but forget the involved meta vars.
350type TheFlexRigMap = IntMap (FlexRig' ())
351newtype FlexRigMap = FlexRigMap { theFlexRigMap :: TheFlexRigMap }
352  deriving (Show, Singleton (Variable, FlexRig' ()))
354mapFlexRigMap :: (TheFlexRigMap -> TheFlexRigMap) -> FlexRigMap -> FlexRigMap
355mapFlexRigMap f = FlexRigMap . f . theFlexRigMap
357instance Semigroup FlexRigMap where
358  FlexRigMap m <> FlexRigMap m' = FlexRigMap $ IntMap.unionWith addFlexRig m m'
360instance Monoid FlexRigMap where
361  mempty  = FlexRigMap IntMap.empty
362  mappend = (<>)
363  mconcat = FlexRigMap . IntMap.unionsWith addFlexRig . map theFlexRigMap
365-- | Compose everything with the 'varFlexRig' part of the 'VarOcc'.
366instance IsVarSet () FlexRigMap where
367  withVarOcc o = mapFlexRigMap $ fmap $ composeFlexRig $ () <$ varFlexRig o
369instance Singleton MetaId () where
370  singleton _ = ()
373-- * Environment for collecting free variables.
375-- | Where should we skip sorts in free variable analysis?
377data IgnoreSorts
378  = IgnoreNot            -- ^ Do not skip.
379  | IgnoreInAnnotations  -- ^ Skip when annotation to a type.
380  | IgnoreAll            -- ^ Skip unconditionally.
381  deriving (Eq, Show)
383-- | The current context.
385data FreeEnv' a b c = FreeEnv
386  { feExtra     :: !b
387    -- ^ Additional context, e.g., whether to ignore free variables in sorts.
388  , feFlexRig   :: !(FlexRig' a)
389    -- ^ Are we flexible or rigid?
390  , feModality  :: !Modality
391    -- ^ What is the current relevance and quantity?
392  , feSingleton :: Maybe Variable -> c
393    -- ^ Method to return a single variable.
394  }
396type Variable    = Int
397type SingleVar c = Variable -> c
399type FreeEnv c = FreeEnv' MetaSet IgnoreSorts c
401-- | Ignore free variables in sorts.
402feIgnoreSorts :: FreeEnv' a IgnoreSorts c -> IgnoreSorts
403feIgnoreSorts = feExtra
405instance LensFlexRig a (FreeEnv' a b c) where
406  lensFlexRig f e = f (feFlexRig e) <&> \ fr -> e { feFlexRig = fr }
408instance LensModality (FreeEnv' a b c) where
409  getModality = feModality
410  mapModality f e = e { feModality = f (feModality e) }
412instance LensRelevance (FreeEnv' a b c) where
413instance LensQuantity (FreeEnv' a b c) where
415-- | The initial context.
417initFreeEnv :: Monoid c => b -> SingleVar c -> FreeEnv' a b c
418initFreeEnv e sing = FreeEnv
419  { feExtra       = e
420  , feFlexRig     = Unguarded
421  , feModality    = unitModality      -- multiplicative monoid
422  , feSingleton   = maybe mempty sing
423  }
425type FreeT a b m c = ReaderT (FreeEnv' a b c) m c
426type FreeM a c = Reader (FreeEnv' a IgnoreSorts c) c
428-- | Run function for FreeM.
429runFreeM :: IsVarSet a c => SingleVar c -> IgnoreSorts -> FreeM a c -> c
430runFreeM single i m = runReader m $ initFreeEnv i single
432instance (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, Semigroup c, Monoid c) => Monoid (FreeT a b m c) where
433  mempty  = pure mempty
434  mappend = (<>)
435  mconcat = mconcat <.> sequence
437-- | Base case: a variable.
438variable :: (Monad m, IsVarSet a c) => Int -> FreeT a b m c
439variable n = do
440  o <- asks feFlexRig
441  r <- asks feModality
442  s <- asks feSingleton
443  return $ withVarOcc (VarOcc o r) (s $ Just n)
445-- | Subtract, but return Nothing if result is negative.
446subVar :: Int -> Maybe Variable -> Maybe Variable
447-- subVar n x = x >>= \ i -> (i - n) <$ guard (n <= i)
448subVar n x = do
449  i <- x
450  guard $ i >= n
451  return $ i - n
453-- | Going under a binder.
454underBinder :: MonadReader (FreeEnv' a b c) m => m z -> m z
455underBinder = underBinder' 1
457-- | Going under @n@ binders.
458underBinder' :: MonadReader (FreeEnv' a b c) m => Nat -> m z -> m z
459underBinder' n = local $ \ e -> e { feSingleton = feSingleton e . subVar n }
461-- | Changing the 'Modality'.
462underModality :: (MonadReader r m, LensModality r, LensModality o) => o -> m z -> m z
463underModality = local . mapModality . composeModality . getModality
465-- | Changing the 'Relevance'.
466underRelevance :: (MonadReader r m, LensRelevance r, LensRelevance o) => o -> m z -> m z
467underRelevance = local . mapRelevance . composeRelevance . getRelevance
469-- | Changing the 'FlexRig' context.
470underFlexRig :: (MonadReader r m, LensFlexRig a r, Semigroup a, LensFlexRig a o) => o -> m z -> m z
471underFlexRig = local . over lensFlexRig . composeFlexRig . view lensFlexRig
473-- | What happens to the variables occurring under a constructor?
474underConstructor :: (MonadReader r m, LensFlexRig a r, Semigroup a) => ConHead -> Elims -> m z -> m z
475underConstructor (ConHead _c _d i fs) es =
476  case i of
477    -- Coinductive (record) constructors admit infinite cycles:
478    CoInductive -> underFlexRig WeaklyRigid
479    -- Inductive constructors do not admit infinite cycles:
480    Inductive   | size es == size fs -> underFlexRig StronglyRigid
481                | otherwise          -> underFlexRig WeaklyRigid
482    -- Jesper, 2020-10-22: Issue #4995: treat occurrences in non-fully
483    -- applied constructors as weakly rigid.
484    -- Ulf, 2019-10-18: Now the termination checker treats inductive recursive records
485    -- the same as datatypes, so absense of infinite cycles can be proven in Agda, and thus
486    -- the unifier is allowed to do it too. Test case: test/Succeed/Issue1271a.agda
487    -- WAS:
488    -- -- Inductive record constructors do not admit infinite cycles,
489    -- -- but this cannot be proven inside Agda.
490    -- -- Thus, unification should not prove it either.
493-- * Recursively collecting free variables.
495-- | Gather free variables in a collection.
496class Free t where
497  -- Misplaced SPECIALIZE pragma:
498  -- {-# SPECIALIZE freeVars' :: a -> FreeM Any #-}
499  -- So you cannot specialize all instances in one go. :(
500  freeVars' :: IsVarSet a c => t -> FreeM a c
502  default freeVars' :: (t ~ f b, Foldable f, Free b) => IsVarSet a c => t -> FreeM a c
503  freeVars' = foldMap freeVars'
506instance Free Term where
507  -- SPECIALIZE instance does not work as well, see
508  -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10434#ticket
509  -- {-# SPECIALIZE instance Free Term All #-}
510  -- {-# SPECIALIZE freeVars' :: Term -> FreeM Any #-}
511  -- {-# SPECIALIZE freeVars' :: Term -> FreeM All #-}
512  -- {-# SPECIALIZE freeVars' :: Term -> FreeM VarSet #-}
513  freeVars' t = case unSpine t of -- #4484: unSpine to avoid projected variables being treated as StronglyRigid
514    Var n ts     -> variable n `mappend` do underFlexRig WeaklyRigid $ freeVars' ts
515    -- λ is not considered guarding, as
516    -- we cannot prove that x ≡ λy.x is impossible.
517    Lam _ t      -> underFlexRig WeaklyRigid $ freeVars' t
518    Lit _        -> mempty
519    Def _ ts     -> underFlexRig WeaklyRigid $ freeVars' ts  -- because we are not in TCM
520      -- we cannot query whether we are dealing with a data/record (strongly r.)
521      -- or a definition by pattern matching (weakly rigid)
522      -- thus, we approximate, losing that x = List x is unsolvable
523    Con c _ ts   -> underConstructor c ts $ freeVars' ts
524    -- Pi is not guarding, since we cannot prove that A ≡ B → A is impossible.
525    -- Even as we do not permit infinite type expressions,
526    -- we cannot prove their absence (as Set is not inductive).
527    -- Also, this is incompatible with univalence (HoTT).
528    Pi a b       -> freeVars' (a,b)
529    Sort s       -> freeVars' s
530    Level l      -> freeVars' l
531    MetaV m ts   -> underFlexRig (Flexible $ singleton m) $ freeVars' ts
532    DontCare mt  -> underModality (Modality Irrelevant unitQuantity unitCohesion) $ freeVars' mt
533    Dummy{}      -> mempty
535instance Free t => Free (Type' t) where
536  freeVars' (El s t) =
537    ifM (asks ((IgnoreNot ==) . feIgnoreSorts))
538      {- then -} (freeVars' (s, t))
539      {- else -} (freeVars' t)
541instance Free Sort where
542  freeVars' s =
543    ifM (asks ((IgnoreAll ==) . feIgnoreSorts)) mempty $ {- else -}
544    case s of
545      Type a     -> freeVars' a
546      Prop a     -> freeVars' a
547      Inf _ _    -> mempty
548      SSet a     -> freeVars' a
549      SizeUniv   -> mempty
550      LockUniv   -> mempty
551      PiSort a s1 s2 -> underFlexRig (Flexible mempty) (freeVars' $ unDom a) `mappend`
552                        underFlexRig WeaklyRigid (freeVars' (s1, s2))
553      FunSort s1 s2 -> freeVars' s1 `mappend` freeVars' s2
554      UnivSort s -> underFlexRig WeaklyRigid $ freeVars' s
555      MetaS x es -> underFlexRig (Flexible $ singleton x) $ freeVars' es
556      DefS _ es  -> underFlexRig WeaklyRigid $ freeVars' es
557      DummyS{}   -> mempty
559instance Free Level where
560  freeVars' (Max _ as) = freeVars' as
562instance Free t => Free (PlusLevel' t) where
563  freeVars' (Plus _ l)    = freeVars' l
565instance Free t => Free [t]            where
566instance Free t => Free (Maybe t)      where
567instance Free t => Free (WithHiding t) where
568instance Free t => Free (Named nm t)
570instance (Free t, Free u) => Free (t, u) where
571  freeVars' (t, u) = freeVars' t `mappend` freeVars' u
573instance (Free t, Free u, Free v) => Free (t, u, v) where
574  freeVars' (t, u, v) = freeVars' t `mappend` freeVars' u `mappend` freeVars' v
576instance Free t => Free (Elim' t) where
577  freeVars' (Apply t) = freeVars' t
578  freeVars' (Proj{} ) = mempty
579  freeVars' (IApply x y r) = freeVars' (x,y,r)
581instance Free t => Free (Arg t) where
582  freeVars' t = underModality (getModality t) $ freeVars' $ unArg t
584instance Free t => Free (Dom t) where
585  freeVars' d = freeVars' (domTactic d, unDom d)
587instance Free t => Free (Abs t) where
588  freeVars' (Abs   _ b) = underBinder $ freeVars' b
589  freeVars' (NoAbs _ b) = freeVars' b
591instance Free t => Free (Tele t) where
592  freeVars' EmptyTel          = mempty
593  freeVars' (ExtendTel t tel) = freeVars' (t, tel)
595instance Free Clause where
596  freeVars' cl = underBinder' (size $ clauseTel cl) $ freeVars' $ clauseBody cl
598instance Free EqualityView where
599  freeVars' = \case
600    OtherType t -> freeVars' t
601    IdiomType t -> freeVars' t
602    EqualityType s _eq l t a b -> freeVars' (s, l, [t, a, b])