1{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation   #-}
3module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Record where
5import Prelude hiding (null)
7import Control.Monad
8import Data.Maybe
9import qualified Data.Set as Set
11import Agda.Interaction.Options
13import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
14import Agda.Syntax.Common
15import Agda.Syntax.Internal
16import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern
17import Agda.Syntax.Position
18import qualified Agda.Syntax.Info as Info
20import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
21import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive
22import Agda.TypeChecking.Rewriting.Confluence
23import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
24import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
25import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
26import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
27import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
28import Agda.TypeChecking.Polarity
29import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings
30import Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance
31import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause (hasProjectionPatterns)
32import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause.Compile
34import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Data ( getGeneralizedParameters, bindGeneralizedParameters, bindParameters, fitsIn, forceSort,
35                                      defineCompData, defineTranspOrHCompForFields )
36import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term ( isType_ )
37import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Decl (checkDecl)
39import Agda.Utils.Maybe
40import Agda.Utils.Monad
41import Agda.Utils.Null
42import Agda.Utils.Permutation
43import Agda.Utils.POMonoid
44import Agda.Utils.Pretty (render)
45import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
46import Agda.Utils.Size
47import Agda.Utils.WithDefault
49import Agda.Utils.Impossible
52-- * Records
55-- | @checkRecDef i name con ps contel fields@
57--     [@name@]    Record type identifier.
59--     [@con@]     Maybe constructor name and info.
61--     [@ps@]      Record parameters.
63--     [@contel@]  Approximate type of constructor (@fields@ -> Set).
64--                 Does not include record parameters.
66--     [@fields@]  List of field signatures.
69  :: A.DefInfo                 -- ^ Position and other info.
70  -> QName                     -- ^ Record type identifier.
71  -> UniverseCheck             -- ^ Check universes?
72  -> A.RecordDirectives        -- ^ (Co)Inductive, (No)Eta, (Co)Pattern, Constructor?
73  -> A.DataDefParams           -- ^ Record parameters.
74  -> A.Expr                    -- ^ Approximate type of constructor (@fields@ -> Set).
75                               --   Does not include record parameters.
76  -> [A.Field]                 -- ^ Field signatures.
77  -> TCM ()
78checkRecDef i name uc (RecordDirectives ind eta0 pat con) (A.DataDefParams gpars ps) contel fields =
79  traceCall (CheckRecDef (getRange name) name ps fields) $ do
80    reportSDoc "tc.rec" 10 $ vcat
81      [ "checking record def" <+> prettyTCM name
82      , nest 2 $ "ps ="     <+> prettyList (map prettyA ps)
83      , nest 2 $ "contel =" <+> prettyA contel
84      , nest 2 $ "fields =" <+> prettyA (map Constr fields)
85      ]
86    -- get type of record
87    def <- instantiateDef =<< getConstInfo name
88    t   <- instantiateFull $ defType def
89    let npars =
90          case theDef def of
91            DataOrRecSig n -> n
92            _              -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
94    parNames <- getGeneralizedParameters gpars name
96    bindGeneralizedParameters parNames t $ \ gtel t0 ->
97     bindParameters (npars - length parNames) ps t0 $ \ ptel t0 -> do
99      let tel = abstract gtel ptel
101      -- Generate type of constructor from field telescope @contel@,
102      -- which is the approximate constructor type (target missing).
104      -- Check and evaluate field types.
105      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 15 $ "checking fields"
106      contype <- workOnTypes $ instantiateFull =<< isType_ contel
107      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 20 $ vcat
108        [ "contype = " <+> prettyTCM contype ]
110      -- compute the field telescope (does not include record parameters)
111      let TelV ftel _ = telView' contype
113      -- Compute correct type of constructor
115      -- t = tel -> t0 where t0 must be a sort s
116      TelV idxTel s <- telView t0
117      unless (null idxTel) $ typeError $ ShouldBeASort t0
118      s <- forceSort s
120      -- needed for impredicative Prop (not implemented yet)
121      -- ftel <- return $
122      --   if s == Prop
123      --   then telFromList $ map (setRelevance Irrelevant) $ telToList ftel
124      --   else ftel
126      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 20 $ do
127        gamma <- getContextTelescope  -- the record params (incl. module params)
128        "gamma = " <+> inTopContext (prettyTCM gamma)
130      -- record type (name applied to parameters)
131      rect <- El s . Def name . map Apply <$> getContextArgs
133      -- Put in @rect@ as correct target of constructor type.
134      -- Andreas, 2011-05-10 use telePi_ instead of telePi to preserve
135      -- even names of non-dependent fields in constructor type (Issue 322).
136      let contype = telePi_ ftel (raise (size ftel) rect)
137        -- NB: contype does not contain the parameter telescope
139      -- Obtain name of constructor (if present).
140      (hasNamedCon, conName) <- case con of
141        Just c  -> return (True, c)
142        Nothing -> do
143          m <- killRange <$> currentModule
144          -- Andreas, 2020-06-01, AIM XXXII
145          -- Using prettyTCM here jinxes the printer, see PR #4699.
146          -- r <- prettyTCM name
147          let r = P.pretty $ qnameName name
148          c <- qualify m <$> freshName_ (render r ++ ".constructor")
149          return (False, c)
151      -- Add record type to signature.
152      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 15 $ "adding record type to signature"
154      etaenabled <- etaEnabled
156      let getName :: A.Declaration -> [Dom QName]
157          getName (A.Field _ x arg)    = [x <$ domFromArg arg]
158          getName (A.ScopedDecl _ [f]) = getName f
159          getName _                    = []
161          setTactic dom f = f { domTactic = domTactic dom }
163          fs = zipWith setTactic (telToList ftel) $ concatMap getName fields
165          -- indCo is what the user wrote: inductive/coinductive/Nothing.
166          -- We drop the Range.
167          indCo = rangedThing <$> ind
168          -- A constructor is inductive unless declared coinductive.
169          conInduction = fromMaybe Inductive indCo
170          -- Andreas, 2016-09-20, issue #2197.
171          -- Eta is inferred by the positivity checker.
172          -- We should turn it off until it is proven to be safe.
173          haveEta      = maybe (Inferred $ NoEta patCopat) Specified eta
174          -- haveEta      = maybe (Inferred $ conInduction == Inductive && etaenabled) Specified eta
175          con = ConHead conName (IsRecord patCopat) conInduction $ map argFromDom fs
177          -- A record is irrelevant if all of its fields are.
178          -- In this case, the associated module parameter will be irrelevant.
179          -- See issue 392.
180          -- Unless it's been declared coinductive or no-eta-equality (#2607).
181          recordRelevance
182            | Just NoEta{} <- eta         = Relevant
183            | CoInductive <- conInduction = Relevant
184            | otherwise                   = minimum $ Irrelevant : map getRelevance (telToList ftel)
186      -- Andreas, 2017-01-26, issue #2436
187      -- Disallow coinductive records with eta-equality
188      when (conInduction == CoInductive && theEtaEquality haveEta == YesEta) $ do
189        typeError . GenericDocError =<< do
190          sep [ "Agda doesn't like coinductive records with eta-equality."
191              , "If you must, use pragma"
192              , "{-# ETA" <+> prettyTCM name <+> "#-}"
193              ]
194      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 30 $ "record constructor is " <+> prettyTCM con
196      -- Jesper, 2021-05-26: Warn when declaring coinductive record
197      -- but neither --guardedness nor --sized-types is enabled.
198      when (conInduction == CoInductive) $ do
199        guardedness <- collapseDefault . optGuardedness <$> pragmaOptions
200        sizedTypes  <- collapseDefault . optSizedTypes  <$> pragmaOptions
201        unless (guardedness || sizedTypes) $ warning $ NoGuardednessFlag name
203      -- Add the record definition.
205      -- Andreas, 2016-06-17, Issue #2018:
206      -- Do not rely on @addConstant@ to put in the record parameters,
207      -- as they might be renamed in the context.
208      -- By putting them ourselves (e.g. by using the original type @t@)
209      -- we make sure we get the original names!
210      let npars = size tel
211          telh  = fmap hideAndRelParams tel
212      escapeContext impossible npars $ do
213        addConstant name $
214          defaultDefn defaultArgInfo name t $
215            Record
216              { recPars           = npars
217              , recClause         = Nothing
218              , recConHead        = con
219              , recNamedCon       = hasNamedCon
220              , recFields         = fs
221              , recTel            = telh `abstract` ftel
222              , recAbstr          = Info.defAbstract i
223              , recEtaEquality'   = haveEta
224              , recPatternMatching= patCopat
225              , recInduction      = indCo
226                  -- We retain the original user declaration [(co)inductive]
227                  -- in case the record turns out to be recursive.
228              -- Determined by positivity checker:
229              , recMutual         = Nothing
230              , recComp           = emptyCompKit -- filled in later
231              }
233        -- Add record constructor to signature
234        addConstant conName $
235          defaultDefn defaultArgInfo conName (telh `abstract` contype) $
236            Constructor
237              { conPars   = npars
238              , conArity  = size fs
239              , conSrcCon = con
240              , conData   = name
241              , conAbstr  = Info.defAbstract i
242              , conInd    = conInduction
243              , conComp   = emptyCompKit  -- filled in later
244              , conProj   = Nothing       -- filled in later
245              , conForced = []
246              , conErased = Nothing
247              }
249      -- Declare the constructor as eligible for instance search
250      case Info.defInstance i of
251        InstanceDef r -> setCurrentRange r $ do
252          -- Andreas, 2020-01-28, issue #4360:
253          -- Use addTypedInstance instead of addNamedInstance
254          -- to detect unusable instances.
255          addTypedInstance conName contype
256          -- addNamedInstance conName name
257        NotInstanceDef -> pure ()
259      -- Check that the fields fit inside the sort
260      _ <- fitsIn uc [] contype s
262      {- Andreas, 2011-04-27 WRONG because field types are checked again
263         and then non-stricts should not yet be irrelevant
265      -- make record parameters hidden and non-stricts irrelevant
266      -- ctx <- (reverse . map hideAndRelParams . take (size tel)) <$> getContext
267      -}
269{- Andreas, 2013-09-13 DEBUGGING the debug printout
270      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
271        [ "current module record telescope"
272        , nest 2 $ (prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
273        ]
274      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
275        [ "current module record telescope"
276        , nest 2 $ (text . show =<< getContextTelescope)
277        ]
278      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
279        [ "current module record telescope"
280        , nest 2 $ (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
281        ]
282      reportSDoc "tc.rec" 80 $ sep
283        [ "current module record telescope"
284        , nest 2 $ do
285           tel <- getContextTelescope
286           text (show tel) $+$ do
287           inTopContext $ do
288             prettyTCM tel $+$ do
289               telA <- reify tel
290               text (show telA) $+$ do
291               ctx <- getContextTelescope
292               "should be empty:" <+> prettyTCM ctx
293        ]
296      let info = setRelevance recordRelevance defaultArgInfo
297          addRecordVar =
298            addRecordNameContext (setArgInfo info $ defaultDom rect)
300      let m = qnameToMName name  -- Name of record module.
302      -- Andreas, 2016-02-09 setting all parameters hidden in the record
303      -- section telescope changes the semantics, see e.g.
304      -- test/Succeed/RecordInParModule.
305      -- Ulf, 2016-03-02 but it's the right thing to do (#1759)
306      modifyContextInfo hideOrKeepInstance $ addRecordVar $ do
308        -- Add the record section.
310        reportSDoc "tc.rec.def" 10 $ sep
311          [ "record section:"
312          , nest 2 $ sep
313            [ prettyTCM m <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
314            , fsep $ punctuate comma $ map (return . P.pretty . map argFromDom . getName) fields
315            ]
316          ]
317        reportSDoc "tc.rec.def" 15 $ nest 2 $ vcat
318          [ "field tel =" <+> escapeContext impossible 1 (prettyTCM ftel)
319          ]
320        addSection m
322      -- Andreas, 2016-02-09, Issue 1815 (see also issue 1759).
323      -- For checking the record declarations, hide the record parameters
324      -- and the parameters of the parent modules.
325      modifyContextInfo hideOrKeepInstance $ addRecordVar $ do
327        -- Check the types of the fields and the other record declarations.
328        withCurrentModule m $ do
330          -- Andreas, 2013-09-13, 2016-01-06.
331          -- Argument telescope for the projections: all parameters are hidden.
332          -- This means parameters of the parent modules and of the current
333          -- record type.
334          -- See test/Succeed/ProjectionsTakeModuleTelAsParameters.agda.
335          tel' <- getContextTelescope
336          setModuleCheckpoint m
337          checkRecordProjections m name hasNamedCon con tel' ftel fields
340      -- we define composition here so that the projections are already in the signature.
341      escapeContext impossible npars $ do
342        addCompositionForRecord name con tel (map argFromDom fs) ftel rect
344      -- The confluence checker needs to know what symbols match against
345      -- the constructor.
346      modifySignature $ updateDefinition conName $ \def ->
347        def { defMatchable = Set.fromList $ map unDom fs }
349      return ()
350  where
351  -- Andreas, 2020-04-19, issue #4560
352  -- If the user declared the record constructor as @pattern@,
353  -- then switch on pattern matching for no-eta-equality.
354  -- Default is no pattern matching, but definition by copatterns instead.
355  patCopat = maybe CopatternMatching (const PatternMatching) pat
356  eta      = (patCopat <$) <$> eta0
360  :: QName       -- ^ Datatype name.
361  -> ConHead
362  -> Telescope   -- ^ @Γ@ parameters.
363  -> [Arg QName] -- ^ Projection names.
364  -> Telescope   -- ^ @Γ ⊢ Φ@ field types.
365  -> Type        -- ^ @Γ ⊢ T@ target type.
366  -> TCM ()
367addCompositionForRecord name con tel fs ftel rect = do
368  cxt <- getContextTelescope
369  inTopContext $ do
371    -- Record has no fields: attach composition data to record constructor
372    if null fs then do
373      kit <- defineCompData name con (abstract cxt tel) [] ftel rect []
374      modifySignature $ updateDefinition (conName con) $ updateTheDef $ \case
375        r@Constructor{} -> r { conComp = kit, conProj = Just [] }  -- no projections
376        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
378    -- Record has fields: attach composition data to record type
379    else do
380      -- If record has irrelevant fields but irrelevant projections are disabled,
381      -- we cannot generate composition data.
382      kit <- ifM (return (any isIrrelevant fs)
383                  `and2M` do not . optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions)
384        {-then-} (return emptyCompKit)
385        {-else-} (defineCompKitR name (abstract cxt tel) ftel fs rect)
386      modifySignature $ updateDefinition name $ updateTheDef $ \case
387        r@Record{} -> r { recComp = kit }
388        _          -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
390defineCompKitR ::
391    QName          -- ^ some name, e.g. record name
392  -> Telescope   -- ^ param types Δ
393  -> Telescope   -- ^ fields' types Δ ⊢ Φ
394  -> [Arg QName] -- ^ fields' names
395  -> Type        -- ^ record type Δ ⊢ T
396  -> TCM CompKit
397defineCompKitR name params fsT fns rect = do
398  required <- mapM getTerm'
399        [ builtinInterval
400        , builtinIZero
401        , builtinIOne
402        , builtinIMin
403        , builtinIMax
404        , builtinINeg
405        , builtinPOr
406        , builtinItIsOne
407        ]
408  reportSDoc "tc.rec.cxt" 30 $ prettyTCM params
409  reportSDoc "tc.rec.cxt" 30 $ prettyTCM fsT
410  reportSDoc "tc.rec.cxt" 30 $ pretty rect
411  if not $ all isJust required then return $ emptyCompKit else do
412    transp <- whenDefined [builtinTrans]              (defineTranspOrHCompR DoTransp name params fsT fns rect)
413    hcomp  <- whenDefined [builtinTrans,builtinHComp] (defineTranspOrHCompR DoHComp name params fsT fns rect)
414    return $ CompKit
415      { nameOfTransp = transp
416      , nameOfHComp  = hcomp
417      }
418  where
419    whenDefined xs m = do
420      xs <- mapM getTerm' xs
421      if all isJust xs then m else return Nothing
424defineTranspOrHCompR ::
425  TranspOrHComp
426  -> QName       -- ^ some name, e.g. record name
427  -> Telescope   -- ^ param types Δ
428  -> Telescope   -- ^ fields' types Δ ⊢ Φ
429  -> [Arg QName] -- ^ fields' names
430  -> Type        -- ^ record type Δ ⊢ T
431  -> TCM (Maybe QName)
432defineTranspOrHCompR cmd name params fsT fns rect = do
433  let project = (\ t fn -> t `applyE` [Proj ProjSystem fn])
434  stuff <- fmap fst <$> defineTranspOrHCompForFields cmd Nothing project name params fsT fns rect
436  caseMaybe stuff (return Nothing) $ \ (theName, gamma, rtype, clause_types, bodies) -> do
437  -- phi = 1 clause
438  c' <- do
439           io <- primIOne
440           Just io_name <- getBuiltinName' builtinIOne
441           one <- primItIsOne
442           tInterval <- primIntervalType
443           let
444              (ix,rhs) =
445                case cmd of
446                  -- TranspRArgs = phi : I, a0 : ..
447                  -- Γ = Δ^I , CompRArgs
448                  -- pats = ... | phi = i1
449                  -- body = a0
450                  DoTransp -> (1,Var 0 [])
451                  -- HCompRArgs = phi : I, u : .., a0 : ..
452                  -- Γ = Δ, CompRArgs
453                  -- pats = ... | phi = i1
454                  -- body = u i1 itIsOne
455                  DoHComp  -> (2,Var 1 [] `apply` [argN io, setRelevance Irrelevant $ argN one])
457              p = ConP (ConHead io_name IsData Inductive [])
458                       (noConPatternInfo { conPType = Just (Arg defaultArgInfo tInterval)
459                                         , conPFallThrough = True })
460                         []
462              -- gamma, rtype
464              s = singletonS ix p
466              pats :: [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
467              pats = s `applySubst` teleNamedArgs gamma
469              t :: Type
470              t = s `applyPatSubst` rtype
472              gamma' :: Telescope
473              gamma' = unflattenTel (ns0 ++ ns1) $ s `applyPatSubst` (g0 ++ g1)
474               where
475                (g0,_:g1) = splitAt (size gamma - 1 - ix) $ flattenTel gamma
476                (ns0,_:ns1) = splitAt (size gamma - 1 - ix) $ teleNames gamma
478              c = Clause { clauseTel       = gamma'
479                         , clauseType      = Just $ argN t
480                         , namedClausePats = pats
481                         , clauseFullRange = noRange
482                         , clauseLHSRange  = noRange
483                         , clauseCatchall  = False
484                         , clauseBody      = Just $ rhs
485                         , clauseExact       = Just True
486                         , clauseRecursive   = Just False  -- definitely non-recursive!
487                         , clauseUnreachable = Just False
488                         , clauseEllipsis  = NoEllipsis
489                         }
490           reportSDoc "trans.rec.face" 17 $ text $ show c
491           return c
492  cs <- forM (zip3 fns clause_types bodies) $ \ (fname, clause_ty, body) -> do
493          let
494              pats = teleNamedArgs gamma ++ [defaultNamedArg $ ProjP ProjSystem $ unArg fname]
495              c = Clause { clauseTel       = gamma
496                         , clauseType      = Just $ argN (unDom clause_ty)
497                         , namedClausePats = pats
498                         , clauseFullRange = noRange
499                         , clauseLHSRange  = noRange
500                         , clauseCatchall  = False
501                         , clauseBody      = Just body
502                         , clauseExact       = Just True
503                         , clauseRecursive   = Nothing
504                             -- Andreas 2020-02-06 TODO
505                             -- Or: Just False;  is it known to be non-recursive?
506                         , clauseUnreachable = Just False
507                         , clauseEllipsis  = NoEllipsis
508                         }
509          reportSDoc "trans.rec" 17 $ text $ show c
510          reportSDoc "trans.rec" 16 $ text "type =" <+> text (show (clauseType c))
511          reportSDoc "trans.rec" 15 $ prettyTCM $ abstract gamma (unDom clause_ty)
512          reportSDoc "trans.rec" 10 $ text "body =" <+> prettyTCM (abstract gamma body)
513          return c
514  addClauses theName $ c' : cs
515  reportSDoc "trans.rec" 15 $ text $ "compiling clauses for " ++ show theName
516  (mst, _, cc) <- inTopContext (compileClauses Nothing cs)
517  whenJust mst $ setSplitTree theName
518  setCompiledClauses theName cc
519  reportSDoc "trans.rec" 15 $ text $ "compiled"
520  return $ Just theName
523{-| @checkRecordProjections m r q tel ftel fs@.
525    [@m@    ]  name of the generated module
527    [@r@    ]  name of the record type
529    [@con@  ]  name of the record constructor
531    [@tel@  ]  parameters and record variable r ("self")
533    [@ftel@ ]  telescope of fields
535    [@fs@   ]  the fields to be checked
537checkRecordProjections ::
538  ModuleName -> QName -> Bool -> ConHead -> Telescope -> Telescope ->
539  [A.Declaration] -> TCM ()
540checkRecordProjections m r hasNamedCon con tel ftel fs = do
541    checkProjs EmptyTel ftel [] fs
542  where
544    checkProjs :: Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [A.Declaration] -> TCM ()
546    checkProjs _ _ _ [] = return ()
548    checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 vs (A.ScopedDecl scope fs' : fs) =
549      setScope scope >> checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 vs (fs' ++ fs)
551    -- Case: projection.
552    checkProjs ftel1 (ExtendTel (dom@Dom{domInfo = ai,unDom = t}) ftel2) vs (A.Field info x _ : fs) =
553      traceCall (CheckProjection (getRange info) x t) $ do
554      -- Andreas, 2012-06-07:
555      -- Issue 387: It is wrong to just type check field types again
556      -- because then meta variables are created again.
557      -- Instead, we take the field type t from the field telescope.
558      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 5 $ sep
559        [ "checking projection" <+> prettyTCM x
560        , nest 2 $ vcat
561          [ "top   =" <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
562          , "tel   =" <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM $ tel)
563          ]
564        ]
565      -- Andreas, 2021-05-11, issue #5378
566      -- The impossible is sometimes possible, so splitting out this part...
567      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 5 $ nest 2 $ vcat
568          [ "ftel1 =" <+> escapeContext impossible 1 (prettyTCM ftel1)
569          , "t     =" <+> escapeContext impossible 1 (addContext ftel1 $ prettyTCM t)
570          , "ftel2 =" <+> escapeContext impossible 1 (addContext ftel1 $ underAbstraction dom ftel2 prettyTCM)
571          ]
572      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 55 $ nest 2 $ vcat
573          [ "ftel1 (raw) =" <+> pretty ftel1
574          , "t     (raw) =" <+> pretty t
575          , "ftel2 (raw) =" <+> pretty ftel2
576          ]
577      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 5 $ nest 2 $ vcat
578          [ "vs    =" <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM vs)
579          , "abstr =" <+> (text . show) (Info.defAbstract info)
580          , "quant =" <+> (text . show) (getQuantity ai)
581          , "coh   =" <+> (text . show) (getCohesion ai)
582          ]
584      -- Cohesion check:
585      -- For a field `@c π : A` we would create a projection `π : .., (@(c^-1) r : R as) -> A`
586      -- So we want to check that `@.., (c^-1 . c) x : A |- x : A` is allowed by the modalities.
587      --
588      -- Alternatively we could create a projection `.. |- π r :c A`
589      -- but that would require support for a `t :c A` judgment.
590      if hasLeftAdjoint (UnderComposition (getCohesion ai))
591        then unless (getCohesion ai == Continuous)
592                    -- Andrea TODO: properly update the context/type of the projection when we add Sharp
593                    __IMPOSSIBLE__
594        else genericError $ "Cannot have record fields with modality " ++ show (getCohesion ai)
596      -- The telescope tel includes the variable of record type as last one
597      -- e.g. for cartesion product it is
598      --
599      --   tel = {A' : Set} {B' : Set} (r : Prod A' B')
601      -- create the projection functions (instantiate the type with the values
602      -- of the previous fields)
604      -- The type of the projection function should be
605      --  {Δ} -> (r : R Δ) -> t
606      -- where Δ are the parameters of R
608      {- what are the contexts?
610          Δ , ftel₁              ⊢ t
611          Δ , (r : R Δ)          ⊢ parallelS vs : ftel₁
612          Δ , (r : R Δ) , ftel₁  ⊢ t' = raiseFrom (size ftel₁) 1 t
613          Δ , (r : R Δ)          ⊢ t'' = applySubst (parallelS vs) t'
614                                 ⊢ finalt = telePi tel t''
615      -}
616      let t'       = raiseFrom (size ftel1) 1 t
617          t''      = applySubst (parallelS vs) t'
618          finalt   = telePi (replaceEmptyName "r" tel) t''
619          projname = qualify m $ qnameName x
620          projcall o = Var 0 [Proj o projname]
621          rel      = getRelevance ai
622          -- the recursive call
623          recurse  = checkProjs (abstract ftel1 $ ExtendTel dom
624                                 $ Abs (nameToArgName $ qnameName projname) EmptyTel)
625                                (absBody ftel2) (projcall ProjSystem : vs) fs
627      reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 25 $ nest 2 $ "finalt=" <+> do
628        inTopContext $ prettyTCM finalt
630      -- -- Andreas, 2012-02-20 do not add irrelevant projections if
631      -- -- disabled by --no-irrelevant-projections
632      -- ifM (return (rel == Irrelevant) `and2M` do not . optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions) recurse $ do
633      -- Andreas, 2018-06-09 issue #2170
634      -- Always create irrelevant projections (because the scope checker accepts irrelevant fields).
635      -- If --no-irrelevant-projections, then their use should be disallowed by the type checker for expressions.
636      do
637        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 10 $ sep
638          [ "adding projection"
639          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM projname <+> ":" <+> inTopContext (prettyTCM finalt)
640          ]
642        -- The body should be
643        --  P.xi {tel} (r _ .. x .. _) = x
644        -- Ulf, 2011-08-22: actually we're dropping the parameters from the
645        -- projection functions so the body is now
646        --  P.xi (r _ .. x .. _) = x
647        -- Andreas, 2012-01-12: irrelevant projections get translated to
648        --  P.xi (r _ .. x .. _) = irrAxiom {level of t} {t} x
649        -- PROBLEM: because of dropped parameters, cannot refer to t
650        -- 2012-04-02: DontCare instead of irrAxiom
652        -- compute body modification for irrelevant projections
653        let bodyMod = case rel of
654              Relevant   -> id
655              NonStrict  -> id
656              Irrelevant -> dontCare
658        let -- Andreas, 2010-09-09: comment for existing code
659            -- split the telescope into parameters (ptel) and the type or the record
660            -- (rt) which should be  R ptel
661            telList = telToList tel
662            (ptelList,[rt]) = splitAt (size tel - 1) telList
663            ptel   = telFromList ptelList
664            cpo    = if hasNamedCon then PatOCon else PatORec
665            cpi    = ConPatternInfo { conPInfo   = PatternInfo cpo []
666                                    , conPRecord = True
667                                    , conPFallThrough = False
668                                    , conPType   = Just $ argFromDom $ fmap snd rt
669                                    , conPLazy   = True }
670            conp   = defaultNamedArg $ ConP con cpi $ teleNamedArgs ftel
671            body   = Just $ bodyMod $ var (size ftel2)
672            cltel  = ptel `abstract` ftel
673            cltype = Just $ Arg ai $ raise (1 + size ftel2) t
674            clause = Clause { clauseLHSRange  = getRange info
675                            , clauseFullRange = getRange info
676                            , clauseTel       = killRange cltel
677                            , namedClausePats = [conp]
678                            , clauseBody      = body
679                            , clauseType      = cltype
680                            , clauseCatchall  = False
681                            , clauseExact       = Just True
682                            , clauseRecursive   = Just False
683                            , clauseUnreachable = Just False
684                            , clauseEllipsis  = NoEllipsis
685                            }
687        let projection = Projection
688              { projProper   = Just r
689              , projOrig     = projname
690              -- name of the record type:
691              , projFromType = defaultArg r
692              -- index of the record argument (in the type),
693              -- start counting with 1:
694              , projIndex    = size tel -- which is @size ptel + 1@
695              , projLams     = ProjLams $ map (argFromDom . fmap fst) telList
696              }
698        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 70 $ sep
699          [ "adding projection"
700          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM projname <+> pretty clause
701          ]
702        reportSDoc "tc.rec.proj" 10 $ sep
703          [ "adding projection"
704          , nest 2 $ prettyTCM (QNamed projname clause)
705          ]
707              -- Record patterns should /not/ be translated when the
708              -- projection functions are defined. Record pattern
709              -- translation is defined in terms of projection
710              -- functions.
711        (mst, _, cc) <- compileClauses Nothing [clause]
713        reportSDoc "tc.cc" 60 $ do
714          sep [ "compiled clauses of " <+> prettyTCM projname
715              , nest 2 $ text (show cc)
716              ]
718        escapeContext impossible (size tel) $ do
719          addConstant projname $
720            (defaultDefn ai projname (killRange finalt)
721              emptyFunction
722                { funClauses        = [clause]
723                , funCompiled       = Just cc
724                , funSplitTree      = mst
725                , funProjection     = Just projection
726                , funMutual         = Just []  -- Projections are not mutually recursive with anything
727                , funTerminates     = Just True
728                })
729              { defArgOccurrences = [StrictPos]
730              , defCopatternLHS   = hasProjectionPatterns cc
731              }
732          computePolarity [projname]
734        case Info.defInstance info of
735          -- fields do not have an @instance@ keyword!?
736          InstanceDef _r -> addTypedInstance projname t
737          NotInstanceDef -> pure ()
739        recurse
741    -- Case: definition.
742    checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 vs (d : fs) = do
743      checkDecl d
744      checkProjs ftel1 ftel2 vs fs