1{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
3module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term where
5import Prelude hiding ( null )
7import Control.Monad.Except
8import Control.Monad.Reader
10import Data.Maybe
11import Data.Either (partitionEithers, lefts)
12import qualified Data.List as List
13import qualified Data.Map as Map
14import qualified Data.Set as Set
16import Agda.Interaction.Options
17import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Generate (disambiguateRecordFields)
19import Agda.Syntax.Abstract (Binder)
20import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
21import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Views as A
22import qualified Agda.Syntax.Info as A
23import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Pretty () -- only Pretty instances
24import Agda.Syntax.Concrete (FieldAssignment'(..), nameFieldA)
25import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
26import Agda.Syntax.Common
27import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
28import Agda.Syntax.Internal.MetaVars
29import Agda.Syntax.Position
30import Agda.Syntax.Literal
31import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base ( ThingsInScope, AbstractName
32                              , emptyScopeInfo
33                              , exportedNamesInScope)
34import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Monad (getNamedScope)
36import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause
37import Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints
38import Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion
39import Agda.TypeChecking.Coverage.SplitTree
40import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes
41import Agda.TypeChecking.EtaContract
42import Agda.TypeChecking.Generalize
43import Agda.TypeChecking.Implicit
44import Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance
45import Agda.TypeChecking.IApplyConfluence
46import Agda.TypeChecking.Level
47import Agda.TypeChecking.Lock (requireGuarded)
48import Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars
49import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
50import Agda.TypeChecking.Patterns.Abstract
51import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
52import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
53import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive
54import Agda.TypeChecking.Quote
55import Agda.TypeChecking.RecordPatterns
56import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
57import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
58import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS
59import Agda.TypeChecking.SizedTypes
60import Agda.TypeChecking.SizedTypes.Solve
61import Agda.TypeChecking.Sort
62import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
63import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
64import Agda.TypeChecking.Unquote
65import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings
67import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Empty ( ensureEmptyType )
68import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Def (checkFunDef', useTerPragma)
69import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Decl (checkSectionApplication)
70import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Application
72import Agda.Utils.Functor
73import Agda.Utils.Lens
74import Agda.Utils.List
75import Agda.Utils.List1  ( List1, pattern (:|) )
76import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
77import Agda.Utils.Maybe
78import Agda.Utils.Monad
79import Agda.Utils.Null
80import Agda.Utils.Pretty ( prettyShow )
81import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
82import Agda.Utils.Singleton
83import Agda.Utils.Size
84import Agda.Utils.Tuple
86import Agda.Utils.Impossible
89-- * Types
92-- | Check that an expression is a type.
93isType :: A.Expr -> Sort -> TCM Type
94isType = isType' CmpLeq
96-- | Check that an expression is a type.
97--   * If @c == CmpEq@, the given sort must be the minimal sort.
98--   * If @c == CmpLeq@, the given sort may be any bigger sort.
99isType' :: Comparison -> A.Expr -> Sort -> TCM Type
100isType' c e s =
101    traceCall (IsTypeCall c e s) $ do
102    v <- checkExpr' c e (sort s)
103    return $ El s v
105-- | Check that an expression is a type and infer its (minimal) sort.
106isType_ :: A.Expr -> TCM Type
107isType_ e = traceCall (IsType_ e) $ do
108  reportResult "tc.term.istype" 15 (\a -> vcat
109    [ "isType_" <?> prettyTCM e
110    , nest 2 $ "returns" <?> prettyTCM a
111    ]) $ do
112  let fallback = isType' CmpEq e =<< do workOnTypes $ newSortMeta
113  SortKit{..} <- sortKit
114  case unScope e of
115    A.Fun i (Arg info t) b -> do
116      a <- setArgInfo info . defaultDom <$> checkPiDomain (info :| []) t
117      b <- isType_ b
118      s <- inferFunSort (getSort a) (getSort b)
119      let t' = El s $ Pi a $ NoAbs underscore b
120      --noFunctionsIntoSize t'
121      return t'
122    A.Pi _ tel e -> do
123      (t0, t') <- checkPiTelescope (List1.toList tel) $ \ tel -> do
124        t0  <- instantiateFull =<< isType_ e
125        tel <- instantiateFull tel
126        return (t0, telePi tel t0)
127      checkTelePiSort t'
128      --noFunctionsIntoSize t'
129      return t'
131    A.Generalized s e -> do
132      (_, t') <- generalizeType s $ isType_ e
133      --noFunctionsIntoSize t'
134      return t'
136    -- Setᵢ
137    A.Def' x suffix | x == nameOfSet -> case suffix of
138      NoSuffix -> return $ sort (mkType 0)
139      Suffix i -> return $ sort (mkType i)
141    -- Propᵢ
142    A.Def' x suffix | x == nameOfProp -> do
143      unlessM isPropEnabled $ typeError NeedOptionProp
144      case suffix of
145        NoSuffix -> return $ sort (mkProp 0)
146        Suffix i -> return $ sort (mkProp i)
148    -- Setᵢ
149    A.Def' x suffix | x == nameOfSSet -> do
150      unlessM isTwoLevelEnabled $ typeError NeedOptionTwoLevel
151      case suffix of
152        NoSuffix -> return $ sort (mkSSet 0)
153        Suffix i -> return $ sort (mkSSet i)
155    -- Setωᵢ
156    A.Def' x suffix | x == nameOfSetOmega IsFibrant -> case suffix of
157      NoSuffix -> return $ sort (Inf IsFibrant 0)
158      Suffix i -> return $ sort (Inf IsFibrant i)
160    -- SSetωᵢ
161    A.Def' x suffix | x == nameOfSetOmega IsStrict -> do
162      unlessM isTwoLevelEnabled $ typeError NeedOptionTwoLevel
163      case suffix of
164        NoSuffix -> return $ sort (Inf IsStrict 0)
165        Suffix i -> return $ sort (Inf IsStrict i)
167    -- Set ℓ
168    A.App i s arg
169      | visible arg,
170        A.Def x <- unScope s,
171        x == nameOfSet -> do
172      unlessM hasUniversePolymorphism $ genericError
173        "Use --universe-polymorphism to enable level arguments to Set"
174      -- allow NonStrict variables when checking level
175      --   Set : (NonStrict) Level -> Set\omega
176      applyRelevanceToContext NonStrict $
177        sort . Type <$> checkLevel arg
179    -- Prop ℓ
180    A.App i s arg
181      | visible arg,
182        A.Def x <- unScope s,
183        x == nameOfProp -> do
184      unlessM isPropEnabled $ typeError NeedOptionProp
185      unlessM hasUniversePolymorphism $ genericError
186        "Use --universe-polymorphism to enable level arguments to Prop"
187      applyRelevanceToContext NonStrict $
188        sort . Prop <$> checkLevel arg
190    -- SSet ℓ
191    A.App i s arg
192      | visible arg,
193        A.Def x <- unScope s,
194        x == nameOfSSet -> do
195      unlessM isTwoLevelEnabled $ typeError NeedOptionTwoLevel
196      unlessM hasUniversePolymorphism $ genericError
197        "Use --universe-polymorphism to enable level arguments to SSet"
198      applyRelevanceToContext NonStrict $
199        sort . SSet <$> checkLevel arg
201    -- Issue #707: Check an existing interaction point
202    A.QuestionMark minfo ii -> caseMaybeM (lookupInteractionMeta ii) fallback $ \ x -> do
203      -- -- | Just x <- A.metaNumber minfo -> do
204      reportSDoc "tc.ip" 20 $ fsep
205        [ "Rechecking meta "
206        , prettyTCM x
207        , text $ " for interaction point " ++ show ii
208        ]
209      mv <- lookupMeta x
210      let s0 = jMetaType . mvJudgement $ mv
211      -- Andreas, 2016-10-14, issue #2257
212      -- The meta was created in a context of length @n@.
213      let n  = length . envContext . clEnv . miClosRange . mvInfo $ mv
214      (vs, rest) <- splitAt n <$> getContextArgs
215      reportSDoc "tc.ip" 20 $ vcat
216        [ "  s0   = " <+> prettyTCM s0
217        , "  vs   = " <+> prettyTCM vs
218        , "  rest = " <+> prettyTCM rest
219        ]
220      -- We assume the meta variable use here is in an extension of the original context.
221      -- If not we revert to the old buggy behavior of #707 (see test/Succeed/Issue2257b).
222      if (length vs /= n) then fallback else do
223      s1  <- reduce =<< piApplyM s0 vs
224      reportSDoc "tc.ip" 20 $ vcat
225        [ "  s1   = " <+> prettyTCM s1
226        ]
227      reportSDoc "tc.ip" 70 $ vcat
228        [ "  s1   = " <+> text (show s1)
229        ]
230      case unEl s1 of
231        Sort s -> return $ El s $ MetaV x $ map Apply vs
232        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
234    _ -> fallback
236checkLevel :: NamedArg A.Expr -> TCM Level
237checkLevel arg = do
238  lvl <- levelType
239  levelView =<< checkNamedArg arg lvl
241-- | Ensure that a (freshly created) function type does not inhabit 'SizeUniv'.
242--   Precondition:  When @noFunctionsIntoSize t tBlame@ is called,
243--   we are in the context of @tBlame@ in order to print it correctly.
244--   Not being in context of @t@ should not matter, as we are only
245--   checking whether its sort reduces to 'SizeUniv'.
247--   Currently UNUSED since SizeUniv is turned off (as of 2016).
249noFunctionsIntoSize :: Type -> Type -> TCM ()
250noFunctionsIntoSize t tBlame = do
251  reportSDoc "tc.fun" 20 $ do
252    let El s (Pi dom b) = tBlame
253    sep [ "created function type " <+> prettyTCM tBlame
254        , "with pts rule (" <+> prettyTCM (getSort dom) <+>
255                        "," <+> underAbstraction_ b (prettyTCM . getSort) <+>
256                        "," <+> prettyTCM s <+> ")"
257        ]
258  s <- reduce $ getSort t
259  when (s == SizeUniv) $ do
260    -- Andreas, 2015-02-14
261    -- We have constructed a function type in SizeUniv
262    -- which is illegal to prevent issue 1428.
263    typeError $ FunctionTypeInSizeUniv $ unEl tBlame
266-- | Check that an expression is a type which is equal to a given type.
267isTypeEqualTo :: A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Type
268isTypeEqualTo e0 t = scopedExpr e0 >>= \case
269  A.ScopedExpr{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
270  A.Underscore i | isNothing (A.metaNumber i) -> return t
271  e -> workOnTypes $ do
272    t' <- isType e (getSort t)
273    t' <$ leqType t t'
275leqType_ :: Type -> Type -> TCM ()
276leqType_ t t' = workOnTypes $ leqType t t'
279-- * Telescopes
282checkGeneralizeTelescope :: A.GeneralizeTelescope -> ([Maybe Name] -> Telescope -> TCM a) -> TCM a
283checkGeneralizeTelescope (A.GeneralizeTel vars tel) k =
284  generalizeTelescope vars (checkTelescope tel) k
286-- | Type check a (module) telescope.
287--   Binds the variables defined by the telescope.
288checkTelescope :: A.Telescope -> (Telescope -> TCM a) -> TCM a
289checkTelescope = checkTelescope' LamNotPi
291-- | Type check the telescope of a dependent function type.
292--   Binds the resurrected variables defined by the telescope.
293--   The returned telescope is unmodified (not resurrected).
294checkPiTelescope :: A.Telescope -> (Telescope -> TCM a) -> TCM a
295checkPiTelescope = checkTelescope' PiNotLam
297-- | Flag to control resurrection on domains.
298data LamOrPi
299  = LamNotPi -- ^ We are checking a module telescope.
300             --   We pass into the type world to check the domain type.
301             --   This resurrects the whole context.
302  | PiNotLam -- ^ We are checking a telescope in a Pi-type.
303             --   We stay in the term world, but add resurrected
304             --   domains to the context to check the remaining
305             --   domains and codomain of the Pi-type.
306  deriving (Eq, Show)
308-- | Type check a telescope. Binds the variables defined by the telescope.
309checkTelescope' :: LamOrPi -> A.Telescope -> (Telescope -> TCM a) -> TCM a
310checkTelescope' lamOrPi []        ret = ret EmptyTel
311checkTelescope' lamOrPi (b : tel) ret =
312    checkTypedBindings lamOrPi b $ \tel1 ->
313    checkTelescope' lamOrPi tel  $ \tel2 ->
314        ret $ abstract tel1 tel2
316-- | Check the domain of a function type.
317--   Used in @checkTypedBindings@ and to typecheck @A.Fun@ cases.
318checkDomain :: (LensLock a, LensModality a) => LamOrPi -> List1 a -> A.Expr -> TCM Type
319checkDomain lamOrPi xs e = do
320    let (c :| cs) = fmap (getCohesion . getModality) xs
321    unless (all (c ==) cs) $ __IMPOSSIBLE__
323    let (q :| qs) = fmap (getQuantity . getModality) xs
324    unless (all (q ==) qs) $ __IMPOSSIBLE__
326    t <- applyQuantityToContext q $
327         applyCohesionToContext c $
328         modEnv lamOrPi $ isType_ e
329    -- Andrea TODO: also make sure that LockUniv implies IsLock
330    when (any (\ x -> getLock x == IsLock) xs) $ do
331        requireGuarded "which is needed for @tick/@lock attributes."
332         -- Solves issue #5033
333        unlessM (isJust <$> getName' builtinLockUniv) $ do
334          genericDocError $ "Missing binding for primLockUniv primitive."
336        equalSort (getSort t) LockUniv
338    return t
339  where
340        -- if we are checking a typed lambda, we resurrect before we check the
341        -- types, but do not modify the new context entries
342        -- otherwise, if we are checking a pi, we do not resurrect, but
343        -- modify the new context entries
344        modEnv LamNotPi = workOnTypes
345        modEnv _        = id
347checkPiDomain :: (LensLock a, LensModality a) => List1 a -> A.Expr -> TCM Type
348checkPiDomain = checkDomain PiNotLam
350-- | Check a typed binding and extends the context with the bound variables.
351--   The telescope passed to the continuation is valid in the original context.
353--   Parametrized by a flag wether we check a typed lambda or a Pi. This flag
354--   is needed for irrelevance.
356checkTypedBindings :: LamOrPi -> A.TypedBinding -> (Telescope -> TCM a) -> TCM a
357checkTypedBindings lamOrPi (A.TBind r tac xps e) ret = do
358    let xs = fmap (updateNamedArg $ A.unBind . A.binderName) xps
359    tac <- traverse (checkTacticAttribute lamOrPi) tac
360    whenJust tac $ \ t -> reportSDoc "tc.term.tactic" 30 $ "Checked tactic attribute:" <?> prettyTCM t
361    -- Andreas, 2011-04-26 irrelevant function arguments may appear
362    -- non-strictly in the codomain type
363    -- 2011-10-04 if flag --experimental-irrelevance is set
364    experimental <- optExperimentalIrrelevance <$> pragmaOptions
366    t <- checkDomain lamOrPi xps e
368    -- Jesper, 2019-02-12, Issue #3534: warn if the type of an
369    -- instance argument does not have the right shape
370    List1.unlessNull (List1.filter isInstance xps) $ \ ixs -> do
371      (tel, target) <- getOutputTypeName t
372      case target of
373        OutputTypeName{} -> return ()
374        OutputTypeVar{}  -> return ()
375        OutputTypeVisiblePi{} -> warning . InstanceArgWithExplicitArg =<< prettyTCM (A.mkTBind r ixs e)
376        OutputTypeNameNotYetKnown{} -> return ()
377        NoOutputTypeName -> warning . InstanceNoOutputTypeName =<< prettyTCM (A.mkTBind r ixs e)
379    let setTac tac EmptyTel            = EmptyTel
380        setTac tac (ExtendTel dom tel) = ExtendTel dom{ domTactic = tac } $ setTac (raise 1 tac) <$> tel
381        xs' = fmap (modMod lamOrPi experimental) xs
382    let tel = setTac tac $ namedBindsToTel1 xs t
384    addContext (xs', t) $ addTypedPatterns xps (ret tel)
386    where
387        -- if we are checking a typed lambda, we resurrect before we check the
388        -- types, but do not modify the new context entries
389        -- otherwise, if we are checking a pi, we do not resurrect, but
390        -- modify the new context entries
391        modEnv LamNotPi = workOnTypes
392        modEnv _        = id
393        modMod PiNotLam xp = (if xp then mapRelevance irrToNonStrict else id)
394        modMod _        _  = id
396checkTypedBindings lamOrPi (A.TLet _ lbs) ret = do
397    checkLetBindings lbs (ret EmptyTel)
399-- | After a typed binding has been checked, add the patterns it binds
400addTypedPatterns :: List1 (NamedArg A.Binder) -> TCM a -> TCM a
401addTypedPatterns xps ret = do
402  let ps  = List1.mapMaybe (A.extractPattern . namedArg) xps
403  let lbs = map letBinding ps
404  checkLetBindings lbs ret
405  where
406    letBinding :: (A.Pattern, A.BindName) -> A.LetBinding
407    letBinding (p, n) = A.LetPatBind (A.LetRange r) p (A.Var $ A.unBind n)
408      where r = fuseRange p n
410-- | Check a tactic attribute. Should have type Term → TC ⊤.
411checkTacticAttribute :: LamOrPi -> A.Expr -> TCM Term
412checkTacticAttribute LamNotPi e = genericDocError =<< "The @tactic attribute is not allowed here"
413checkTacticAttribute PiNotLam e = do
414  expectedType <- el primAgdaTerm --> el (primAgdaTCM <#> primLevelZero <@> primUnit)
415  checkExpr e expectedType
417ifPath :: Type -> TCM a -> TCM a -> TCM a
418ifPath ty fallback work = do
419  pv <- pathView ty
420  if isPathType pv then work else fallback
422checkPath :: A.TypedBinding -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
423checkPath b@(A.TBind _ _ (x':|[]) typ) body ty = do
424    let x    = updateNamedArg (A.unBind . A.binderName) x'
425        info = getArgInfo x
426    PathType s path level typ lhs rhs <- pathView ty
427    interval <- primIntervalType
428    v <- addContext ([x], interval) $
429           checkExpr body (El (raise 1 s) (raise 1 (unArg typ) `apply` [argN $ var 0]))
430    iZero <- primIZero
431    iOne  <- primIOne
432    let lhs' = subst 0 iZero v
433        rhs' = subst 0 iOne  v
434    let t = Lam info $ Abs (namedArgName x) v
435    let btyp i = El s (unArg typ `apply` [argN i])
436    locallyTC eRange (const noRange) $ blockTerm ty $ traceCall (SetRange $ getRange body) $ do
437      equalTerm (btyp iZero) lhs' (unArg lhs)
438      equalTerm (btyp iOne) rhs' (unArg rhs)
439      return t
440checkPath b body ty = __IMPOSSIBLE__
442-- * Lambda abstractions
445-- | Type check a lambda expression.
446--   "checkLambda bs e ty"  means  (\ bs -> e) : ty
447checkLambda :: Comparison -> A.TypedBinding -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
448checkLambda cmp (A.TLet _ lbs) body target =
449  checkLetBindings lbs (checkExpr body target)
450checkLambda cmp b@(A.TBind r tac xps0 typ) body target = do
451  reportSDoc "tc.term.lambda" 30 $ vcat
452    [ "checkLambda before insertion xs =" <+> prettyA xps0
453    ]
454  -- Andreas, 2020-03-25, issue #4481: since we have named lambdas now,
455  -- we need to insert skipped hidden arguments.
456  xps <- insertImplicitBindersT1 xps0 target
457  checkLambda' cmp (A.TBind r tac xps typ) xps typ body target
460  :: Comparison          -- ^ @cmp@
461  -> A.TypedBinding      -- ^ @TBind _ _ xps typ@
462  -> List1 (NamedArg Binder)   -- ^ @xps@
463  -> A.Expr              -- ^ @typ@
464  -> A.Expr              -- ^ @body@
465  -> Type                -- ^ @target@
466  -> TCM Term
467checkLambda' cmp b xps typ body target = do
468  reportSDoc "tc.term.lambda" 30 $ vcat
469    [ "checkLambda xs =" <+> prettyA xps
470    , "possiblePath   =" <+> prettyTCM possiblePath
471    , "numbinds       =" <+> prettyTCM numbinds
472    , "typ            =" <+> prettyA   (unScope typ)
473    ]
474  reportSDoc "tc.term.lambda" 60 $ vcat
475    [ "info           =" <+> (text . show) info
476    ]
477  TelV tel btyp <- telViewUpTo numbinds target
478  if size tel < numbinds || numbinds /= 1
479    then (if possiblePath then trySeeingIfPath else dontUseTargetType)
480    else useTargetType tel btyp
482  where
484    xs = fmap (updateNamedArg (A.unBind . A.binderName)) xps
485    numbinds = length xps
486    isUnderscore = \case { A.Underscore{} -> True; _ -> False }
487    possiblePath = numbinds == 1 && isUnderscore (unScope typ)
488                   && isRelevant info && visible info
489    info = getArgInfo $ List1.head xs
491    trySeeingIfPath = do
492      cubical <- optCubical <$> pragmaOptions
493      reportSLn "tc.term.lambda" 60 $ "trySeeingIfPath for " ++ show xps
494      let postpone' = if cubical then postpone else \ _ _ -> dontUseTargetType
495      ifBlocked target postpone' $ \ _ t -> do
496        ifPath t dontUseTargetType $ if cubical
497          then checkPath b body t
498          else genericError "Option --cubical needed to build a path with a lambda abstraction"
500    postpone blocker tgt = flip postponeTypeCheckingProblem blocker $
501      CheckExpr cmp (A.Lam A.exprNoRange (A.DomainFull b) body) tgt
503    dontUseTargetType = do
504      -- Checking λ (xs : argsT) → body : target
505      verboseS "tc.term.lambda" 5 $ tick "lambda-no-target-type"
507      -- First check that argsT is a valid type
508      argsT <- workOnTypes $ isType_ typ
509      let tel = namedBindsToTel1 xs argsT
510      reportSDoc "tc.term.lambda" 30 $ "dontUseTargetType tel =" <+> pretty tel
512      -- Andreas, 2015-05-28 Issue 1523
513      -- If argsT is a SizeLt, it must be non-empty to avoid non-termination.
514      -- TODO: do we need to block checkExpr?
515      checkSizeLtSat $ unEl argsT
517      -- Jesper 2019-12-17, #4261: we need to postpone here if
518      -- checking of the record pattern fails; if we try to catch
519      -- higher up the metas created during checking of @argsT@ are
520      -- not available.
521      let postponeOnBlockedPattern m = m `catchIlltypedPatternBlockedOnMeta` \(err , x) -> do
522            reportSDoc "tc.term" 50 $ vcat $
523              [ "checking record pattern stuck on meta: " <+> text (show x) ]
524            t1 <- addContext (xs, argsT) $ workOnTypes newTypeMeta_
525            let e    = A.Lam A.exprNoRange (A.DomainFull b) body
526                tgt' = telePi tel t1
527            w <- postponeTypeCheckingProblem (CheckExpr cmp e tgt') x
528            return (tgt' , w)
530      -- Now check body : ?t₁
531      -- DONT USE tel for addContext, as it loses NameIds.
532      -- WRONG: v <- addContext tel $ checkExpr body t1
533      (target0 , w) <- postponeOnBlockedPattern $
534         addContext (xs, argsT) $ addTypedPatterns xps $ do
535           t1 <- workOnTypes newTypeMeta_
536           v  <- checkExpr' cmp body t1
537           return (telePi tel t1 , teleLam tel v)
539      -- Do not coerce hidden lambdas
540      if notVisible info || any notVisible xs then do
541        pid <- newProblem_ $ leqType target0 target
542        blockTermOnProblem target w pid
543      else do
544        coerce cmp w target0 target
547    useTargetType tel@(ExtendTel dom (Abs y EmptyTel)) btyp = do
548        verboseS "tc.term.lambda" 5 $ tick "lambda-with-target-type"
549        reportSLn "tc.term.lambda" 30 $ "useTargetType y  = " ++ y
551        let (x :| []) = xs
552        unless (sameHiding dom info) $ typeError $ WrongHidingInLambda target
553        when (isJust $ getNameOf x) $
554          -- Andreas, 2020-03-25, issue #4481: check for correct name
555          unless (namedSame dom x) $
556            setCurrentRange x $ typeError $ WrongHidingInLHS
557        -- Andreas, 2011-10-01 ignore relevance in lambda if not explicitly given
558        info <- lambdaModalityCheck dom info
559        -- Andreas, 2015-05-28 Issue 1523
560        -- Ensure we are not stepping under a possibly non-existing size.
561        -- TODO: do we need to block checkExpr?
562        let a = unDom dom
563        checkSizeLtSat $ unEl a
564        -- We only need to block the final term on the argument type
565        -- comparison. The body will be blocked if necessary. We still want to
566        -- compare the argument types first, so we spawn a new problem for that
567        -- check.
568        (pid, argT) <- newProblem $ isTypeEqualTo typ a
569        -- Andreas, Issue 630: take name from function type if lambda name is "_"
570        v <- lambdaAddContext (namedArg x) y (defaultArgDom info argT) $
571               addTypedPatterns xps $ checkExpr' cmp body btyp
572        blockTermOnProblem target (Lam info $ Abs (namedArgName x) v) pid
574    useTargetType _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
576-- | Check that modality info in lambda is compatible with modality
577--   coming from the function type.
578--   If lambda has no user-given modality, copy that of function type.
579lambdaModalityCheck :: (LensAnnotation dom, LensModality dom) => dom -> ArgInfo -> TCM ArgInfo
580lambdaModalityCheck dom = lambdaAnnotationCheck (getAnnotation dom) <=< lambdaCohesionCheck m <=< lambdaQuantityCheck m <=< lambdaIrrelevanceCheck m
581  where m = getModality dom
583-- | Check that irrelevance info in lambda is compatible with irrelevance
584--   coming from the function type.
585--   If lambda has no user-given relevance, copy that of function type.
586lambdaIrrelevanceCheck :: LensRelevance dom => dom -> ArgInfo -> TCM ArgInfo
587lambdaIrrelevanceCheck dom info
588    -- Case: no specific user annotation: use relevance of function type
589  | getRelevance info == defaultRelevance = return $ setRelevance (getRelevance dom) info
590    -- Case: explicit user annotation is taken seriously
591  | otherwise = do
592      let rPi  = getRelevance dom  -- relevance of function type
593      let rLam = getRelevance info -- relevance of lambda
594        -- Andreas, 2017-01-24, issue #2429
595        -- we should report an error if we try to check a relevant function
596        -- against an irrelevant function type (subtyping violation)
597      unless (moreRelevant rPi rLam) $ do
598        -- @rLam == Relevant@ is impossible here
599        -- @rLam == Irrelevant@ is impossible here (least relevant)
600        -- this error can only happen if @rLam == NonStrict@ and @rPi == Irrelevant@
601        unless (rLam == NonStrict) __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- separate tests for separate line nums
602        unless (rPi == Irrelevant) __IMPOSSIBLE__
603        typeError WrongIrrelevanceInLambda
604      return info
606-- | Check that quantity info in lambda is compatible with quantity
607--   coming from the function type.
608--   If lambda has no user-given quantity, copy that of function type.
609lambdaQuantityCheck :: LensQuantity dom => dom -> ArgInfo -> TCM ArgInfo
610lambdaQuantityCheck dom info
611    -- Case: no specific user annotation: use quantity of function type
612  | noUserQuantity info = return $ setQuantity (getQuantity dom) info
613    -- Case: explicit user annotation is taken seriously
614  | otherwise = do
615      let qPi  = getQuantity dom  -- quantity of function type
616      let qLam = getQuantity info -- quantity of lambda
617      unless (qPi `sameQuantity` qLam) $ do
618        typeError WrongQuantityInLambda
619      return info
621lambdaAnnotationCheck :: LensAnnotation dom => dom -> ArgInfo -> TCM ArgInfo
622lambdaAnnotationCheck dom info
623    -- Case: no specific user annotation: use annotation of function type
624  | getAnnotation info == defaultAnnotation = return $ setAnnotation (getAnnotation dom) info
625    -- Case: explicit user annotation is taken seriously
626  | otherwise = do
627      let aPi  = getAnnotation dom  -- annotation of function type
628      let aLam = getAnnotation info -- annotation of lambda
629      unless (aPi == aLam) $ do
630        typeError $ GenericError $ "Wrong annotation in lambda"
631      return info
633-- | Check that cohesion info in lambda is compatible with cohesion
634--   coming from the function type.
635--   If lambda has no user-given cohesion, copy that of function type.
636lambdaCohesionCheck :: LensCohesion dom => dom -> ArgInfo -> TCM ArgInfo
637lambdaCohesionCheck dom info
638    -- Case: no specific user annotation: use cohesion of function type
639  | getCohesion info == defaultCohesion = return $ setCohesion (getCohesion dom) info
640    -- Case: explicit user annotation is taken seriously
641  | otherwise = do
642      let cPi  = getCohesion dom  -- cohesion of function type
643      let cLam = getCohesion info -- cohesion of lambda
644      unless (cPi `sameCohesion` cLam) $ do
645        -- if there is a cohesion annotation then
646        -- it better match the domain.
647        typeError WrongCohesionInLambda
648      return info
650-- Andreas, issue #630: take name from function type if lambda name is "_".
651lambdaAddContext :: Name -> ArgName -> Dom Type -> TCM a -> TCM a
652lambdaAddContext x y dom
653  | isNoName x = addContext (y, dom)                 -- Note: String instance
654  | otherwise  = addContext (x, dom)                 -- Name instance of addContext
656-- | Checking a lambda whose domain type has already been checked.
657checkPostponedLambda :: Comparison -> Arg (List1 (WithHiding Name), Maybe Type) -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
658-- checkPostponedLambda cmp args@(Arg _    ([]    , _ )) body target = do
659--   checkExpr' cmp body target
660checkPostponedLambda cmp args@(Arg info (WithHiding h x :| xs, mt)) body target = do
661  let postpone _ t = postponeTypeCheckingProblem_ $ CheckLambda cmp args body t
662      lamHiding = mappend h $ getHiding info
663  insertHiddenLambdas lamHiding target postpone $ \ t@(El _ (Pi dom b)) -> do
664    -- Andreas, 2011-10-01 ignore relevance in lambda if not explicitly given
665    info' <- setHiding lamHiding <$> lambdaModalityCheck dom info
666    -- We only need to block the final term on the argument type
667    -- comparison. The body will be blocked if necessary. We still want to
668    -- compare the argument types first, so we spawn a new problem for that
669    -- check.
670    mpid <- caseMaybe mt (return Nothing) $ \ ascribedType -> Just <$> do
671      newProblem_ $ leqType (unDom dom) ascribedType
672    -- We type-check the body with the ascribedType given by the user
673    -- to get better error messages.
674    -- Using the type dom from the usage context would be more precise,
675    -- though.
676    -- TODO: quantity
677    let dom' = setRelevance (getRelevance info') . setHiding lamHiding $
678          maybe dom (dom $>) mt
679    v <- lambdaAddContext x (absName b) dom'  $
680      checkPostponedLambda0 cmp (Arg info (xs, mt)) body $ absBody b
681    let v' = Lam info' $ Abs (nameToArgName x) v
682    maybe (return v') (blockTermOnProblem t v') mpid
684checkPostponedLambda0 :: Comparison -> Arg ([WithHiding Name], Maybe Type) -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
685checkPostponedLambda0 cmp (Arg _    ([]    , _ )) body target =
686  checkExpr' cmp body target
687checkPostponedLambda0 cmp (Arg info (x : xs, mt)) body target =
688  checkPostponedLambda cmp (Arg info (x :| xs, mt)) body target
691-- | Insert hidden lambda until the hiding info of the domain type
692--   matches the expected hiding info.
693--   Throws 'WrongHidingInLambda'
695  :: Hiding                       -- ^ Expected hiding.
696  -> Type                         -- ^ Expected to be a function type.
697  -> (Blocker -> Type -> TCM Term) -- ^ Continuation on blocked type.
698  -> (Type -> TCM Term)           -- ^ Continuation when expected hiding found.
699                                  --   The continuation may assume that the @Type@
700                                  --   is of the form @(El _ (Pi _ _))@.
701  -> TCM Term                     -- ^ Term with hidden lambda inserted.
702insertHiddenLambdas h target postpone ret = do
703  -- If the target type is blocked, we postpone,
704  -- because we do not know if a hidden lambda needs to be inserted.
705  ifBlocked target postpone $ \ _ t -> do
706    case unEl t of
708      Pi dom b -> do
709        let h' = getHiding dom
710        -- Found expected hiding: return function type.
711        if sameHiding h h' then ret t else do
712          -- Found a visible argument but expected a hidden one:
713          -- That's an error, as we cannot insert a visible lambda.
714          if visible h' then typeError $ WrongHidingInLambda target else do
715            -- Otherwise, we found a hidden argument that we can insert.
716            let x    = absName b
717            Lam (setOrigin Inserted $ domInfo dom) . Abs x <$> do
718              addContext (x, dom) $ insertHiddenLambdas h (absBody b) postpone ret
720      _ -> typeError . GenericDocError =<< do
721        "Expected " <+> prettyTCM target <+> " to be a function type"
723-- | @checkAbsurdLambda i h e t@ checks absurd lambda against type @t@.
724--   Precondition: @e = AbsurdLam i h@
725checkAbsurdLambda :: Comparison -> A.ExprInfo -> Hiding -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
726checkAbsurdLambda cmp i h e t = localTC (set eQuantity topQuantity) $ do
727      -- Andreas, 2019-10-01: check absurd lambdas in non-erased mode.
728      -- Otherwise, they are not usable in meta-solutions in the term world.
729      -- See test/Succeed/Issue3176.agda for an absurd lambda
730      -- created in types.
731  t <- instantiateFull t
732  ifBlocked t (\ blocker t' -> postponeTypeCheckingProblem (CheckExpr cmp e t') blocker) $ \ _ t' -> do
733    case unEl t' of
734      Pi dom@(Dom{domInfo = info', unDom = a}) b
735        | not (sameHiding h info') -> typeError $ WrongHidingInLambda t'
736        | otherwise -> blockTerm t' $ do
737          ensureEmptyType (getRange i) a
738          -- Add helper function
739          top <- currentModule
740          aux <- qualify top <$> freshName_ (getRange i, absurdLambdaName)
741          -- if we are in irrelevant / erased position, the helper function
742          -- is added as irrelevant / erased
743          mod <- asksTC getModality
744          reportSDoc "tc.term.absurd" 10 $ vcat
745            [ ("Adding absurd function" <+> prettyTCM mod) <> prettyTCM aux
746            , nest 2 $ "of type" <+> prettyTCM t'
747            ]
748          addConstant aux $
749            (\ d -> (defaultDefn (setModality mod info') aux t' d)
750                    { defPolarity       = [Nonvariant]
751                    , defArgOccurrences = [Unused] })
752            $ emptyFunction
753              { funClauses        =
754                  [ Clause
755                    { clauseLHSRange  = getRange e
756                    , clauseFullRange = getRange e
757                    , clauseTel       = telFromList [fmap (absurdPatternName,) dom]
758                    , namedClausePats = [Arg info' $ Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ unranged $ absName b) $ absurdP 0]
759                    , clauseBody      = Nothing
760                    , clauseType      = Just $ setModality mod $ defaultArg $ absBody b
761                    , clauseCatchall    = True      -- absurd clauses are safe as catch-alls
762                    , clauseExact       = Just False
763                    , clauseRecursive   = Just False
764                    , clauseUnreachable = Just True -- absurd clauses are unreachable
765                    , clauseEllipsis  = NoEllipsis
766                    }
767                  ]
768              , funCompiled       = Just $ Fail [Arg info' "()"]
769              , funSplitTree      = Just $ SplittingDone 0
770              , funMutual         = Just []
771              , funTerminates     = Just True
772              , funExtLam         = Just $ ExtLamInfo top True empty
773              }
774          -- Andreas 2012-01-30: since aux is lifted to toplevel
775          -- it needs to be applied to the current telescope (issue 557)
776          Def aux . map Apply . teleArgs <$> getContextTelescope
777      _ -> typeError $ ShouldBePi t'
779-- | @checkExtendedLambda i di erased qname cs e t@ check pattern matching lambda.
780-- Precondition: @e = ExtendedLam i di erased qname cs@
781checkExtendedLambda ::
782  Comparison -> A.ExprInfo -> A.DefInfo -> Erased -> QName ->
783  List1 A.Clause -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
784checkExtendedLambda cmp i di erased qname cs e t = do
785  mod <- asksTC getModality
786  if isErased erased && not (hasQuantity0 mod) then
787    genericError $ unwords
788      [ "Erased pattern-matching lambdas may only be used in erased"
789      , "contexts"
790      ]
791   else localTC (set eQuantity $ asQuantity erased) $ do
792   -- Andreas, 2016-06-16 issue #2045
793   -- Try to get rid of unsolved size metas before we
794   -- fix the type of the extended lambda auxiliary function
795   solveSizeConstraints DontDefaultToInfty
796   lamMod <- inFreshModuleIfFreeParams currentModule  -- #2883: need a fresh module if refined params
797   t <- instantiateFull t
798   ifBlocked t (\ m t' -> postponeTypeCheckingProblem_ $ CheckExpr cmp e t') $ \ _ t -> do
799     j   <- currentOrFreshMutualBlock
800     mod <- asksTC getModality
801     let info = setModality mod defaultArgInfo
803     reportSDoc "tc.term.exlam" 20 $ vcat
804       [ hsep
805         [ text $ show $ A.defAbstract di
806         , "extended lambda's implementation"
807         , doubleQuotes $ prettyTCM qname
808         , "has type:"
809         ]
810       , prettyTCM t -- <+> " where clauses: " <+> text (show cs)
811       ]
812     args     <- getContextArgs
814     -- Andreas, Ulf, 2016-02-02: We want to postpone type checking an extended lambda
815     -- in case the lhs checker failed due to insufficient type info for the patterns.
816     -- Issues 480, 1159, 1811.
817     abstract (A.defAbstract di) $ do
818       -- Andreas, 2013-12-28: add extendedlambda as @Function@, not as @Axiom@;
819       -- otherwise, @addClause@ in @checkFunDef'@ fails (see issue 1009).
820       addConstant qname =<< do
821         useTerPragma $
822           (defaultDefn info qname t emptyFunction) { defMutual = j }
823       checkFunDef' t info NotDelayed (Just $ ExtLamInfo lamMod False empty) Nothing di qname $
824         List1.toList cs
825       whenNothingM (asksTC envMutualBlock) $
826         -- Andrea 10-03-2018: Should other checks be performed here too? e.g. termination/positivity/..
827         checkIApplyConfluence_ qname
828       return $ Def qname $ map Apply args
829  where
830    -- Concrete definitions cannot use information about abstract things.
831    abstract ConcreteDef = inConcreteMode
832    abstract AbstractDef = inAbstractMode
834-- | Run a computation.
836--   * If successful, that's it, we are done.
838--   * If @NotADatatype a@ or @CannotEliminateWithPattern p a@
839--     is thrown and type @a@ is blocked on some meta @x@,
840--     reset any changes to the state and pass (the error and) @x@ to the handler.
842--   * If @SplitError (UnificationStuck c tel us vs _)@ is thrown and the unification
843--     problem @us =?= vs : tel@ is blocked on some meta @x@ pass @x@ to the handler.
845--   * If another error was thrown or the type @a@ is not blocked, reraise the error.
847--   Note that the returned meta might only exists in the state where the error was
848--   thrown, thus, be an invalid 'MetaId' in the current state.
850catchIlltypedPatternBlockedOnMeta :: TCM a -> ((TCErr, Blocker) -> TCM a) -> TCM a
851catchIlltypedPatternBlockedOnMeta m handle = do
853  -- Andreas, 2016-07-13, issue 2028.
854  -- Save the state to rollback the changes to the signature.
855  st <- getTC
857  m `catchError` \ err -> do
859    let reraise :: MonadError TCErr m => m a
860        reraise = throwError err
862    -- Get the blocker responsible for the type error.
863    -- If we do not find a blocker or the error should not be handled,
864    -- we reraise the error.
865    blocker <- maybe reraise return $ case err of
866      TypeError _ s cl -> case clValue cl of
867        SortOfSplitVarError b _                       -> b
868        SplitError (UnificationStuck b c tel us vs _) -> b
869        SplitError (BlockedType b aClosure)           -> Just b
870        CannotEliminateWithPattern b p a              -> b
871        -- Andrea: TODO look for blocking meta in tClosure and its Sort.
872        -- SplitError (CannotCreateMissingClause _ _ _ tClosure) ->
873        _                                             -> Nothing
874      _ -> Nothing
876    reportSDoc "tc.postpone" 20 $ vcat $
877      [ "checking definition blocked on: " <+> prettyTCM blocker ]
879    -- Note that we messed up the state a bit.  We might want to unroll these state changes.
880    -- However, they are mostly harmless:
881    -- 1. We created a new mutual block id.
882    -- 2. We added a constant without definition.
883    -- In fact, they are not so harmless, see issue 2028!
884    -- Thus, reset the state!
885    putTC st
887    -- There might be metas in the blocker not known in the reset state, as they could have been
888    -- created somewhere on the way to the type error.
889    blocker <- (`onBlockingMetasM` blocker) $ \ x ->
890                lookupMeta' x >>= \ case
891      -- Case: we do not know the meta, so cannot unblock.
892      Nothing -> return neverUnblock
893      -- Case: we know the meta here.
894      -- Just m | InstV{} <- mvInstantiation m -> __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- It cannot be instantiated yet.
895      -- Andreas, 2018-11-23: I do not understand why @InstV@ is necessarily impossible.
896      -- The reasoning is probably that the state @st@ is more advanced that @s@
897      -- in which @x@ was blocking, thus metas in @st@ should be more instantiated than
898      -- in @s@.  But issue #3403 presents a counterexample, so let's play save and reraise.
899      -- Ulf, 2020-08-13: But treat this case as not blocked and reraise on both always and never.
900      -- Ulf, 2020-08-13: Previously we returned neverUnblock for frozen metas here, but this is in
901      -- fact not very helpful. Yes there is no hope of solving the problem, but throwing a hard
902      -- error means we rob the user of the tools needed to figure out why the meta has not been
903      -- solved. Better to leave the constraint.
904      Just m | InstV{} <- mvInstantiation m -> return alwaysUnblock
905             | otherwise -> return $ unblockOnMeta x
907    -- If it's not blocked or we can't ever unblock reraise the error.
908    if blocker `elem` [neverUnblock, alwaysUnblock] then reraise else handle (err, blocker)
911-- * Records
914-- | Picks up record field assignments from modules that export a definition
915--   that has the same name as the missing field.
918  :: [Either A.Assign A.ModuleName]  -- ^ Modules and field assignments.
919  -> [C.Name]                        -- ^ Names of fields of the record type.
920  -> TCM A.Assigns                   -- ^ Completed field assignments from modules.
921expandModuleAssigns mfs xs = do
922  let (fs , ms) = partitionEithers mfs
924  -- The fields of the record that have not been given by field assignments @fs@
925  -- are looked up in the given modules @ms@.
926  fs' <- forM (xs List.\\ map (view nameFieldA) fs) $ \ f -> do
928    -- Get the possible assignments for field f from the modules.
929    pms <- forM ms $ \ m -> do
930      modScope <- getNamedScope m
931      let names :: ThingsInScope AbstractName
932          names = exportedNamesInScope modScope
933      return $
934        case Map.lookup f names of
935          Just [n] -> Just (m, FieldAssignment f $ killRange $ A.nameToExpr n)
936          _        -> Nothing
938    -- If we have several matching assignments, that's an error.
939    case catMaybes pms of
940      []        -> return Nothing
941      [(_, fa)] -> return (Just fa)
942      mfas      -> typeError . GenericDocError =<< do
943        vcat $
944          "Ambiguity: the field" <+> prettyTCM f
945            <+> "appears in the following modules: " : map (prettyTCM . fst) mfas
946  return (fs ++ catMaybes fs')
948-- | @checkRecordExpression fs e t@ checks record construction against type @t@.
949-- Precondition @e = Rec _ fs@.
951  :: Comparison       -- ^ How do we related the inferred type of the record expression
952                      --   to the expected type?  Subtype or equal type?
953  -> A.RecordAssigns  -- ^ @mfs@: modules and field assignments.
954  -> A.Expr           -- ^ Must be @A.Rec _ mfs@.
955  -> Type             -- ^ Expected type of record expression.
956  -> TCM Term         -- ^ Record value in internal syntax.
957checkRecordExpression cmp mfs e t = do
958  reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 10 $ sep
959    [ "checking record expression"
960    , prettyA e
961    ]
962  ifBlocked t (\ _ t -> guessRecordType t) {-else-} $ \ _ t -> do
963  case unEl t of
964    -- Case: We know the type of the record already.
965    Def r es  -> do
966      let ~(Just vs) = allApplyElims es
967      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 20 $ text $ "  r   = " ++ prettyShow r
969      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 30 $ "  xs  = " <> do
970        text =<< prettyShow . map unDom <$> getRecordFieldNames r
971      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 30 $ "  ftel= " <> do
972        prettyTCM =<< getRecordFieldTypes r
973      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 30 $ "  con = " <> do
974        text =<< prettyShow <$> getRecordConstructor r
976      def <- getRecordDef r
977      let -- Field names (C.Name) with ArgInfo from record type definition.
978          cxs  = map argFromDom $ recordFieldNames def
979          -- Just field names.
980          xs   = map unArg cxs
981          -- Record constructor.
982          con  = killRange $ recConHead def
983      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 20 $ vcat
984        [ "  xs  = " <> return (P.pretty xs)
985        , "  ftel= " <> prettyTCM (recTel def)
986        , "  con = " <> return (P.pretty con)
987        ]
989      -- Andreas, 2018-09-06, issue #3122.
990      -- Associate the concrete record field names used in the record expression
991      -- to their counterpart in the record type definition.
992      disambiguateRecordFields (map _nameFieldA $ lefts mfs) (map unDom $ recFields def)
994      -- Compute the list of given fields, decorated with the ArgInfo from the record def.
995      -- Andreas, 2019-03-18, issue #3122, also pick up non-visible fields from the modules.
996      fs <- expandModuleAssigns mfs (map unArg cxs)
998      -- Compute a list of metas for the missing visible fields.
999      scope <- getScope
1000      let re = getRange e
1001          meta x = A.Underscore $ A.MetaInfo re scope Nothing (prettyShow x)
1002      -- In @es@ omitted explicit fields are replaced by underscores.
1003      -- Omitted implicit or instance fields
1004      -- are still left out and inserted later by checkArguments_.
1005      es <- insertMissingFieldsWarn r meta fs cxs
1007      args <- checkArguments_ cmp ExpandLast re es (recTel def `apply` vs) >>= \case
1008        (elims, remainingTel) | null remainingTel
1009                              , Just args <- allApplyElims elims -> return args
1010        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1011      -- Don't need to block here!
1012      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 20 $ text $ "finished record expression"
1013      return $ Con con ConORec (map Apply args)
1014    _ -> typeError $ ShouldBeRecordType t
1016  where
1017    -- Case: We don't know the type of the record.
1018    guessRecordType t = do
1019      let fields = [ x | Left (FieldAssignment x _) <- mfs ]
1020      rs <- findPossibleRecords fields
1021      reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 30 $ "Possible records for" <+> prettyTCM t <+> "are" <?> pretty rs
1022      case rs of
1023          -- If there are no records with the right fields we might as well fail right away.
1024        [] -> case fields of
1025          []  -> genericError "There are no records in scope"
1026          [f] -> genericError $ "There is no known record with the field " ++ prettyShow f
1027          _   -> genericError $ "There is no known record with the fields " ++ unwords (map prettyShow fields)
1028          -- If there's only one record with the appropriate fields, go with that.
1029        [r] -> do
1030          -- #5198: Don't generate metas for parameters of the current module. In most cases they
1031          -- get solved, but not always.
1032          def <- instantiateDef =<< getConstInfo r
1033          ps  <- freeVarsToApply r
1034          let rt = defType def
1035          reportSDoc "tc.term.rec" 30 $ "Type of unique record" <+> prettyTCM rt
1036          vs  <- newArgsMeta rt
1037          target <- reduce $ piApply rt vs
1038          s  <- case unEl target of
1039                  Sort s  -> return s
1040                  v       -> do
1041                    reportSDoc "impossible" 10 $ vcat
1042                      [ "The impossible happened when checking record expression against meta"
1043                      , "Candidate record type r = " <+> prettyTCM r
1044                      , "Type of r               = " <+> prettyTCM rt
1045                      , "Ends in (should be sort)= " <+> prettyTCM v
1046                      , text $ "  Raw                   =  " ++ show v
1047                      ]
1048                    __IMPOSSIBLE__
1049          let inferred = El s $ Def r $ map Apply (ps ++ vs)
1050          v <- checkExpr e inferred
1051          coerce cmp v inferred t
1052          -- Andreas 2012-04-21: OLD CODE, WRONG DIRECTION, I GUESS:
1053          -- blockTerm t $ v <$ leqType_ t inferred
1055          -- If there are more than one possible record we postpone
1056        _:_:_ -> do
1057          reportSDoc "tc.term.expr.rec" 10 $ sep
1058            [ "Postponing type checking of"
1059            , nest 2 $ prettyA e <+> ":" <+> prettyTCM t
1060            ]
1061          postponeTypeCheckingProblem_ $ CheckExpr cmp e t
1063-- | @checkRecordUpdate cmp ei recexpr fs e t@
1065-- Preconditions: @e = RecUpdate ei recexpr fs@ and @t@ is reduced.
1068  :: Comparison   -- ^ @cmp@
1069  -> A.ExprInfo   -- ^ @ei@
1070  -> A.Expr       -- ^ @recexpr@
1071  -> A.Assigns    -- ^ @fs@
1072  -> A.Expr       -- ^ @e = RecUpdate ei recexpr fs@
1073  -> Type         -- ^ Need not be reduced.
1074  -> TCM Term
1075checkRecordUpdate cmp ei recexpr fs eupd t = do
1076  ifBlocked t (\ _ _ -> tryInfer) $ {-else-} \ _ t' -> do
1077    caseMaybeM (isRecordType t') should $ \ (r, _pars, defn) -> do
1078      -- Bind the record value (before update) to a fresh @name@.
1079      v <- checkExpr' cmp recexpr t'
1080      name <- freshNoName $ getRange recexpr
1081      addLetBinding defaultArgInfo name v t' $ do
1083        let projs = map argFromDom $ recFields defn
1085        -- Andreas, 2018-09-06, issue #3122.
1086        -- Associate the concrete record field names used in the record expression
1087        -- to their counterpart in the record type definition.
1088        disambiguateRecordFields (map _nameFieldA fs) (map unArg projs)
1090        -- Desugar record update expression into record expression.
1091        let fs' = map (\ (FieldAssignment x e) -> (x, Just e)) fs
1092        axs <- map argFromDom <$> getRecordFieldNames r
1093        es  <- orderFieldsWarn r (const Nothing) axs fs'
1094        let es'  = zipWith (replaceFields name ei) projs es
1095        let erec = A.Rec ei [ Left (FieldAssignment x e) | (Arg _ x, Just e) <- zip axs es' ]
1096        -- Call the type checker on the desugared syntax.
1097        checkExpr' cmp erec t
1098  where
1099    replaceFields :: Name -> A.ExprInfo -> Arg A.QName -> Maybe A.Expr -> Maybe A.Expr
1100    replaceFields name ei (Arg ai p) Nothing | visible ai = Just $
1101      -- omitted visible fields remain unchanged: @{ ...; p = p name; ...}@
1102      -- (hidden fields are supposed to be inferred)
1103      A.App
1104        (A.defaultAppInfo $ getRange ei)
1105        (A.Proj ProjSystem $ unambiguous p)
1106        (defaultNamedArg $ A.Var name)
1107    replaceFields _ _ _ me = me  -- other fields get the user-written updates
1109    tryInfer = do
1110      (_, trec) <- inferExpr recexpr
1111      ifBlocked trec (\ _ _ -> postpone) $ {-else-} \ _ _ -> do
1112        v <- checkExpr' cmp eupd trec
1113        coerce cmp v trec t
1115    postpone = postponeTypeCheckingProblem_ $ CheckExpr cmp eupd t
1116    should   = typeError $ ShouldBeRecordType t
1119-- * Literal
1122checkLiteral :: Literal -> Type -> TCM Term
1123checkLiteral lit t = do
1124  t' <- litType lit
1125  coerce CmpEq (Lit lit) t' t
1128-- * Terms
1131-- | Remove top layers of scope info of expression and set the scope accordingly
1132--   in the 'TCState'.
1134scopedExpr :: A.Expr -> TCM A.Expr
1135scopedExpr (A.ScopedExpr scope e) = setScope scope >> scopedExpr e
1136scopedExpr e                      = return e
1138-- | Type check an expression.
1139checkExpr :: A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
1140checkExpr = checkExpr' CmpLeq
1142-- Andreas, 2019-10-13, issue #4125:
1143-- For the sake of readable types in interactive program construction,
1144-- avoid unnecessary unfoldings via 'reduce' in the type checker!
1146  :: Comparison
1147  -> A.Expr
1148  -> Type        -- ^ Unreduced!
1149  -> TCM Term
1150checkExpr' cmp e t =
1151  verboseBracket "tc.term.expr.top" 5 "checkExpr" $
1152  reportResult "tc.term.expr.top" 15 (\ v -> vcat
1153                                              [ "checkExpr" <?> fsep [ prettyTCM e, ":", prettyTCM t ]
1154                                              , "  returns" <?> prettyTCM v ]) $
1155  traceCall (CheckExprCall cmp e t) $ localScope $ doExpandLast $ unfoldInlined =<< do
1156    reportSDoc "tc.term.expr.top" 15 $
1157        "Checking" <+> sep
1158          [ fsep [ prettyTCM e, ":", prettyTCM t ]
1159          , nest 2 $ "at " <+> (text . prettyShow =<< getCurrentRange)
1160          ]
1161    reportSDoc "tc.term.expr.top.detailed" 80 $
1162      "Checking" <+> fsep [ prettyTCM e, ":", text (show t) ]
1163    tReduced <- reduce t
1164    reportSDoc "tc.term.expr.top" 15 $
1165        "    --> " <+> prettyTCM tReduced
1167    e <- scopedExpr e
1169    irrelevantIfProp <- (runBlocked $ isPropM t) >>= \case
1170      Right True  -> do
1171        let mod = defaultModality { modRelevance = Irrelevant }
1172        return $ fmap dontCare . applyModalityToContext mod
1173      _ -> return id
1175    irrelevantIfProp $ tryInsertHiddenLambda e tReduced $ case e of
1177        A.ScopedExpr scope e -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- setScope scope >> checkExpr e t
1179        -- a meta variable without arguments: type check directly for efficiency
1180        A.QuestionMark i ii -> checkQuestionMark (newValueMeta' RunMetaOccursCheck) cmp t i ii
1181        A.Underscore i -> checkUnderscore cmp t i
1183        A.WithApp _ e es -> typeError $ NotImplemented "type checking of with application"
1185        e0@(A.App i q (Arg ai e))
1186          | A.Quote _ <- unScope q, visible ai -> do
1187          x <- quotedName $ namedThing e
1188          ty <- qNameType
1189          coerce cmp (quoteName x) ty t
1191          | A.QuoteTerm _ <- unScope q -> do
1192             (et, _) <- inferExpr (namedThing e)
1193             doQuoteTerm cmp et t
1195        A.Quote{}     -> genericError "quote must be applied to a defined name"
1196        A.QuoteTerm{} -> genericError "quoteTerm must be applied to a term"
1197        A.Unquote{}   -> genericError "unquote must be applied to a term"
1199        A.AbsurdLam i h -> checkAbsurdLambda cmp i h e t
1201        A.ExtendedLam i di erased qname cs ->
1202          checkExtendedLambda cmp i di erased qname cs e t
1204        A.Lam i (A.DomainFull b) e -> checkLambda cmp b e t
1206        A.Lam i (A.DomainFree _ x) e0
1207          | isNothing (nameOf $ unArg x) && isNothing (A.binderPattern $ namedArg x) ->
1208              checkExpr' cmp (A.Lam i (domainFree (getArgInfo x) $ A.unBind <$> namedArg x) e0) t
1209          | otherwise -> typeError $ NotImplemented "named arguments in lambdas"
1211        A.Lit _ lit  -> checkLiteral lit t
1212        A.Let i ds e -> checkLetBindings ds $ checkExpr' cmp e t
1213        e@A.Pi{} -> do
1214            t' <- isType_ e
1215            let s = getSort t'
1216                v = unEl t'
1217            coerce cmp v (sort s) t
1219        A.Generalized s e -> do
1220            (_, t') <- generalizeType s $ isType_ e
1221            --noFunctionsIntoSize t' t'
1222            let s = getSort t'
1223                v = unEl t'
1224            coerce cmp v (sort s) t
1226        e@A.Fun{} -> do
1227            t' <- isType_ e
1228            let s = getSort t'
1229                v = unEl t'
1230            coerce cmp v (sort s) t
1232        A.Rec _ fs  -> checkRecordExpression cmp fs e t
1234        A.RecUpdate ei recexpr fs -> checkRecordUpdate cmp ei recexpr fs e t
1236        A.DontCare e -> -- resurrect vars
1237          ifM ((Irrelevant ==) <$> asksTC getRelevance)
1238            (dontCare <$> do applyRelevanceToContext Irrelevant $ checkExpr' cmp e t)
1239            (internalError "DontCare may only appear in irrelevant contexts")
1241        A.ETel _   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1243        A.Dot{} -> genericError "Invalid dotted expression"
1245        -- Application
1246        _   | Application hd args <- appView e -> checkApplication cmp hd args e t
1248      `catchIlltypedPatternBlockedOnMeta` \ (err, x) -> do
1249        -- We could not check the term because the type of some pattern is blocked.
1250        -- It has to be blocked on some meta, so we can postpone,
1251        -- being sure it will be retried when a meta is solved
1252        -- (which might be the blocking meta in which case we actually make progress).
1253        reportSDoc "tc.term" 50 $ vcat $
1254          [ "checking pattern got stuck on meta: " <+> pretty x ]
1255        postponeTypeCheckingProblem (CheckExpr cmp e t) x
1257  where
1258  -- Call checkExpr with an hidden lambda inserted if appropriate,
1259  -- else fallback.
1260  tryInsertHiddenLambda
1261    :: A.Expr
1262    -> Type      -- Reduced.
1263    -> TCM Term
1264    -> TCM Term
1265  tryInsertHiddenLambda e tReduced fallback
1266    -- Insert hidden lambda if all of the following conditions are met:
1267    -- type is a hidden function type, {x : A} -> B or {{x : A}} -> B
1268    -- expression is not a lambda with the appropriate hiding yet
1269    | Pi (Dom{domInfo = info, unDom = a}) b <- unEl tReduced
1270        , let h = getHiding info
1271        , notVisible h
1272        -- expression is not a matching hidden lambda or question mark
1273        , not (hiddenLambdaOrHole h e)
1274        = do
1275      let proceed = doInsert (setOrigin Inserted info) $ absName b
1276      expandHidden <- asksTC envExpandLast
1277      -- If we skip the lambda insertion for an introduction,
1278      -- we will hit a dead end, so proceed no matter what.
1279      if definitelyIntroduction then proceed else
1280        -- #3019 and #4170: don't insert implicit lambdas in arguments to existing metas
1281        if expandHidden == ReallyDontExpandLast then fallback else do
1282        -- Andreas, 2017-01-19, issue #2412:
1283        -- We do not want to insert a hidden lambda if A is
1284        -- possibly empty type of sizes, as this will produce an error.
1285        reduce a >>= isSizeType >>= \case
1286          Just (BoundedLt u) -> ifBlocked u (\ _ _ -> fallback) $ \ _ v -> do
1287            ifM (checkSizeNeverZero v) proceed fallback
1288            `catchError` \_ -> fallback
1289          _ -> proceed
1291    | otherwise = fallback
1293    where
1294    re = getRange e
1295    rx = caseMaybe (rStart re) noRange $ \ pos -> posToRange pos pos
1297    doInsert info y = do
1298      x <- C.setNotInScope <$> freshName rx y
1299      reportSLn "tc.term.expr.impl" 15 $ "Inserting implicit lambda"
1300      checkExpr' cmp (A.Lam (A.ExprRange re) (domainFree info $ A.mkBinder x) e) tReduced
1302    hiddenLambdaOrHole h = \case
1303      A.AbsurdLam _ h'          -> sameHiding h h'
1304      A.ExtendedLam _ _ _ _ cls -> any hiddenLHS cls
1305      A.Lam _ bind _            -> sameHiding h bind
1306      A.QuestionMark{}          -> True
1307      _                         -> False
1309    hiddenLHS (A.Clause (A.LHS _ (A.LHSHead _ (a : _))) _ _ _ _) = notVisible a
1310    hiddenLHS _ = False
1312    -- Things with are definitely introductions,
1313    -- thus, cannot be of hidden Pi-type, unless they are hidden lambdas.
1314    definitelyIntroduction = case e of
1315      A.Lam{}        -> True
1316      A.AbsurdLam{}  -> True
1317      A.Lit{}        -> True
1318      A.Pi{}         -> True
1319      A.Fun{}        -> True
1320      A.Rec{}        -> True
1321      A.RecUpdate{}  -> True
1322      A.ScopedExpr{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1323      A.ETel{}       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1324      _ -> False
1327-- * Reflection
1330doQuoteTerm :: Comparison -> Term -> Type -> TCM Term
1331doQuoteTerm cmp et t = do
1332  et'       <- etaContract =<< instantiateFull et
1333  case allMetasList et' of
1334    []  -> do
1335      q  <- quoteTerm et'
1336      ty <- el primAgdaTerm
1337      coerce cmp q ty t
1338    metas -> postponeTypeCheckingProblem (DoQuoteTerm cmp et t) $ unblockOnAllMetas $ Set.fromList metas
1340-- | Unquote a TCM computation in a given hole.
1341unquoteM :: A.Expr -> Term -> Type -> TCM ()
1342unquoteM tacA hole holeType = do
1343  tac <- checkExpr tacA =<< (el primAgdaTerm --> el (primAgdaTCM <#> primLevelZero <@> primUnit))
1344  inFreshModuleIfFreeParams $ unquoteTactic tac hole holeType
1346-- | Run a tactic `tac : Term → TC ⊤` in a hole (second argument) of the type
1347--   given by the third argument. Runs the continuation if successful.
1348unquoteTactic :: Term -> Term -> Type -> TCM ()
1349unquoteTactic tac hole goal = do
1350  reportSDoc "tc.term.tactic" 40 $ sep
1351    [ "Running tactic" <+> prettyTCM tac
1352    , nest 2 $ "on" <+> prettyTCM hole <+> ":" <+> prettyTCM goal ]
1353  ok  <- runUnquoteM $ unquoteTCM tac hole
1354  case ok of
1355    Left (BlockedOnMeta oldState blocker) -> do
1356      putTC oldState
1357      let stripFreshMeta x = maybe neverUnblock (const $ unblockOnMeta x) <$> lookupMeta' x
1358      blocker' <- onBlockingMetasM stripFreshMeta blocker
1359      r <- case Set.toList $ allBlockingMetas blocker' of
1360            x : _ -> getRange <$> lookupMeta' x
1361            []    -> return noRange
1362      setCurrentRange r $
1363        addConstraint blocker' (UnquoteTactic tac hole goal)
1364    Left err -> typeError $ UnquoteFailed err
1365    Right _ -> return ()
1368-- * Meta variables
1371-- | Check an interaction point without arguments.
1373  :: (Comparison -> Type -> TCM (MetaId, Term))
1374  -> Comparison
1375  -> Type            -- ^ Not reduced!
1376  -> A.MetaInfo
1377  -> InteractionId
1378  -> TCM Term
1379checkQuestionMark new cmp t0 i ii = do
1380  reportSDoc "tc.interaction" 20 $ sep
1381    [ "Found interaction point"
1382    , text . show =<< asksTC (^. lensIsAbstract)
1383    , pretty ii
1384    , ":"
1385    , prettyTCM t0
1386    ]
1387  reportSDoc "tc.interaction" 60 $ sep
1388    [ "Raw:"
1389    , text (show t0)
1390    ]
1391  checkMeta (newQuestionMark' new ii) cmp t0 i -- Andreas, 2013-05-22 use unreduced type t0!
1393-- | Check an underscore without arguments.
1394checkUnderscore :: Comparison -> Type -> A.MetaInfo -> TCM Term
1395checkUnderscore = checkMeta (newValueMeta RunMetaOccursCheck)
1397-- | Type check a meta variable.
1398checkMeta :: (Comparison -> Type -> TCM (MetaId, Term)) -> Comparison -> Type -> A.MetaInfo -> TCM Term
1399checkMeta newMeta cmp t i = fst <$> checkOrInferMeta newMeta (Just (cmp , t)) i
1401-- | Infer the type of a meta variable.
1402--   If it is a new one, we create a new meta for its type.
1403inferMeta :: (Comparison -> Type -> TCM (MetaId, Term)) -> A.MetaInfo -> TCM (Elims -> Term, Type)
1404inferMeta newMeta i = mapFst applyE <$> checkOrInferMeta newMeta Nothing i
1406-- | Type check a meta variable.
1407--   If its type is not given, we return its type, or a fresh one, if it is a new meta.
1408--   If its type is given, we check that the meta has this type, and we return the same
1409--   type.
1411  :: (Comparison -> Type -> TCM (MetaId, Term))
1412  -> Maybe (Comparison , Type)
1413  -> A.MetaInfo
1414  -> TCM (Term, Type)
1415checkOrInferMeta newMeta mt i = do
1416  case A.metaNumber i of
1417    Nothing -> do
1418      setScope (A.metaScope i)
1419      (cmp , t) <- maybe ((CmpEq,) <$> workOnTypes newTypeMeta_) return mt
1420      (x, v) <- newMeta cmp t
1421      setMetaNameSuggestion x (A.metaNameSuggestion i)
1422      return (v, t)
1423    -- Rechecking an existing metavariable
1424    Just x -> do
1425      let v = MetaV x []
1426      reportSDoc "tc.meta.check" 20 $
1427        "checking existing meta " <+> prettyTCM v
1428      t' <- metaType x
1429      reportSDoc "tc.meta.check" 20 $
1430        nest 2 $ "of type " <+> prettyTCM t'
1431      case mt of
1432        Nothing -> return (v, t')
1433        Just (cmp , t) -> (,t) <$> coerce cmp v t' t
1435-- | Turn a domain-free binding (e.g. lambda) into a domain-full one,
1436--   by inserting an underscore for the missing type.
1437domainFree :: ArgInfo -> A.Binder' A.Name -> A.LamBinding
1438domainFree info x =
1439  A.DomainFull $ A.mkTBind r (singleton $ unnamedArg info $ fmap A.mkBindName x)
1440               $ A.Underscore underscoreInfo
1441  where
1442    r = getRange x
1443    underscoreInfo = A.MetaInfo
1444      { A.metaRange          = r
1445      , A.metaScope          = emptyScopeInfo
1446      , A.metaNumber         = Nothing
1447      , A.metaNameSuggestion = prettyShow $ A.nameConcrete $ A.binderName x
1448      }
1451-- | Check arguments whose value we already know.
1453--   This function can be used to check user-supplied parameters
1454--   we have already computed by inference.
1456--   Precondition: The type @t@ of the head has enough domains.
1459  :: [NamedArg A.Expr]  -- ^ User-supplied arguments (hidden ones may be missing).
1460  -> Args               -- ^ Inferred arguments (including hidden ones).
1461  -> Type               -- ^ Type of the head (must be Pi-type with enough domains).
1462  -> TCM (Args, Type)   -- ^ Remaining inferred arguments, remaining type.
1463checkKnownArguments []           vs t = return (vs, t)
1464checkKnownArguments (arg : args) vs t = do
1465  (vs', t') <- traceCall (SetRange $ getRange arg) $ checkKnownArgument arg vs t
1466  checkKnownArguments args vs' t'
1468-- | Check an argument whose value we already know.
1471  :: NamedArg A.Expr    -- ^ User-supplied argument.
1472  -> Args               -- ^ Inferred arguments (including hidden ones).
1473  -> Type               -- ^ Type of the head (must be Pi-type with enough domains).
1474  -> TCM (Args, Type)   -- ^ Remaining inferred arguments, remaining type.
1475checkKnownArgument arg [] _ = genericDocError =<< do
1476  "Invalid projection parameter " <+> prettyA arg
1477-- Andreas, 2019-07-22, while #3353: we should use domName, not absName !!
1478-- WAS:
1479-- checkKnownArgument arg@(Arg info e) (Arg _infov v : vs) t = do
1480--   (dom@Dom{domInfo = info',unDom = a}, b) <- mustBePi t
1481--   -- Skip the arguments from vs that do not correspond to e
1482--   if not (sameHiding info info'
1483--           && (visible info || maybe True (absName b ==) (bareNameOf e)))
1484checkKnownArgument arg (Arg _ v : vs) t = do
1485  -- Skip the arguments from vs that do not correspond to e
1486  (dom@Dom{ unDom = a }, b) <- mustBePi t
1487  if not $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ fittingNamedArg arg dom
1488    -- Continue with the next one
1489    then checkKnownArgument arg vs (b `absApp` v)
1490    -- Found the right argument
1491    else do
1492      u <- checkNamedArg arg a
1493      equalTerm a u v
1494      return (vs, b `absApp` v)
1496-- | Check a single argument.
1498checkNamedArg :: NamedArg A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
1499checkNamedArg arg@(Arg info e0) t0 = do
1500  let e = namedThing e0
1501  let x = bareNameWithDefault "" e0
1502  traceCall (CheckExprCall CmpLeq e t0) $ do
1503    reportSDoc "tc.term.args.named" 15 $ do
1504        "Checking named arg" <+> sep
1505          [ fsep [ prettyTCM arg, ":", prettyTCM t0 ]
1506          ]
1507    reportSLn "tc.term.args.named" 75 $ "  arg = " ++ show (deepUnscope arg)
1508    -- Ulf, 2017-03-24: (#2172) Always treat explicit _ and ? as implicit
1509    -- argument (i.e. solve with unification).
1510    let checkU = checkMeta (newMetaArg (setHiding Hidden info) x) CmpLeq t0
1511    let checkQ = checkQuestionMark (newInteractionMetaArg (setHiding Hidden info) x) CmpLeq t0
1512    if not $ isHole e then checkExpr e t0 else localScope $ do
1513      -- Note: we need localScope here,
1514      -- as scopedExpr manipulates the scope in the state.
1515      -- However, we may not pull localScope over checkExpr!
1516      -- This is why we first test for isHole, and only do
1517      -- scope manipulations if we actually handle the checking
1518      -- of e here (and not pass it to checkExpr).
1519      scopedExpr e >>= \case
1520        A.Underscore i ->  checkU i
1521        A.QuestionMark i ii -> checkQ i ii
1522        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1523  where
1524  isHole A.Underscore{} = True
1525  isHole A.QuestionMark{} = True
1526  isHole (A.ScopedExpr _ e) = isHole e
1527  isHole _ = False
1529-- | Infer the type of an expression. Implemented by checking against a meta
1530--   variable.  Except for neutrals, for them a polymorphic type is inferred.
1531inferExpr :: A.Expr -> TCM (Term, Type)
1532-- inferExpr e = inferOrCheck e Nothing
1533inferExpr = inferExpr' DontExpandLast
1535inferExpr' :: ExpandHidden -> A.Expr -> TCM (Term, Type)
1536inferExpr' exh e = traceCall (InferExpr e) $ do
1537  let Application hd args = appView e
1538  reportSDoc "tc.infer" 30 $ vcat
1539    [ "inferExpr': appView of " <+> prettyA e
1540    , "  hd   = " <+> prettyA hd
1541    , "  args = " <+> prettyAs args
1542    ]
1543  reportSDoc "tc.infer" 60 $ vcat
1544    [ text $ "  hd (raw) = " ++ show hd
1545    ]
1546  inferApplication exh hd args e
1548defOrVar :: A.Expr -> Bool
1549defOrVar A.Var{} = True
1550defOrVar A.Def'{} = True
1551defOrVar A.Proj{} = True
1552defOrVar (A.ScopedExpr _ e) = defOrVar e
1553defOrVar _     = False
1555-- | Used to check aliases @f = e@.
1556--   Switches off 'ExpandLast' for the checking of top-level application.
1557checkDontExpandLast :: Comparison -> A.Expr -> Type -> TCM Term
1558checkDontExpandLast cmp e t = case e of
1559  _ | Application hd args <- appView e,  defOrVar hd ->
1560    traceCall (CheckExprCall cmp e t) $ localScope $ dontExpandLast $ do
1561      checkApplication cmp hd args e t
1562  _ -> checkExpr' cmp e t -- note that checkExpr always sets ExpandLast
1564-- | Check whether a de Bruijn index is bound by a module telescope.
1565isModuleFreeVar :: Int -> TCM Bool
1566isModuleFreeVar i = do
1567  params <- moduleParamsToApply =<< currentModule
1568  return $ any ((== Var i []) . unArg) params
1570-- | Infer the type of an expression, and if it is of the form
1571--   @{tel} -> D vs@ for some datatype @D@ then insert the hidden
1572--   arguments.  Otherwise, leave the type polymorphic.
1573inferExprForWith :: Arg A.Expr -> TCM (Term, Type)
1574inferExprForWith (Arg info e) =
1575  applyRelevanceToContext (getRelevance info) $ do
1576    reportSDoc "tc.with.infer" 20 $ "inferExprforWith " <+> prettyTCM e
1577    reportSLn  "tc.with.infer" 80 $ "inferExprforWith " ++ show (deepUnscope e)
1578    traceCall (InferExpr e) $ do
1579      -- With wants type and term fully instantiated!
1580      (v, t) <- instantiateFull =<< inferExpr e
1581      v0 <- reduce v
1582      -- Andreas 2014-11-06, issue 1342.
1583      -- Check that we do not `with` on a module parameter!
1584      case v0 of
1585        Var i [] -> whenM (isModuleFreeVar i) $ do
1586          reportSDoc "tc.with.infer" 80 $ vcat
1587            [ text $ "with expression is variable " ++ show i
1588            , "current modules = " <+> do text . show =<< currentModule
1589            , "current module free vars = " <+> do text . show =<< getCurrentModuleFreeVars
1590            , "context size = " <+> do text . show =<< getContextSize
1591            , "current context = " <+> do prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope
1592            ]
1593          typeError $ WithOnFreeVariable e v0
1594        _        -> return ()
1595      -- Possibly insert hidden arguments.
1596      TelV tel t0 <- telViewUpTo' (-1) (not . visible) t
1597      case unEl t0 of
1598        Def d vs -> do
1599          res <- isDataOrRecordType d
1600          case res of
1601            Nothing -> return (v, t)
1602            Just{}  -> do
1603              (args, t1) <- implicitArgs (-1) notVisible t
1604              return (v `apply` args, t1)
1605        _ -> return (v, t)
1608-- * Let bindings
1611checkLetBindings :: Foldable t => t A.LetBinding -> TCM a -> TCM a
1612checkLetBindings = foldr ((.) . checkLetBinding) id
1614checkLetBinding :: A.LetBinding -> TCM a -> TCM a
1616checkLetBinding b@(A.LetBind i info x t e) ret =
1617  traceCall (CheckLetBinding b) $ do
1618    -- #4131: Only DontExpandLast if no user written type signature
1619    let check | getOrigin info == Inserted = checkDontExpandLast
1620              | otherwise                  = checkExpr'
1621    t <- isType_ t
1622    v <- applyModalityToContext info $ check CmpLeq e t
1623    addLetBinding info (A.unBind x) v t ret
1625checkLetBinding b@(A.LetPatBind i p e) ret =
1626  traceCall (CheckLetBinding b) $ do
1627    p <- expandPatternSynonyms p
1628    (v, t) <- inferExpr' ExpandLast e
1629    let -- construct a type  t -> dummy  for use in checkLeftHandSide
1630        t0 = El (getSort t) $ Pi (defaultDom t) (NoAbs underscore __DUMMY_TYPE__)
1631        p0 = Arg defaultArgInfo (Named Nothing p)
1632    reportSDoc "tc.term.let.pattern" 10 $ vcat
1633      [ "let-binding pattern p at type t"
1634      , nest 2 $ vcat
1635        [ "p (A) =" <+> prettyA p
1636        , "t     =" <+> prettyTCM t
1637        , "cxtRel=" <+> do pretty =<< asksTC getRelevance
1638        , "cxtQnt=" <+> do pretty =<< asksTC getQuantity
1639        ]
1640      ]
1641    fvs <- getContextSize
1642    checkLeftHandSide (CheckPattern p EmptyTel t) Nothing [p0] t0 Nothing [] $ \ (LHSResult _ delta0 ps _ _t _ asb _) -> bindAsPatterns asb $ do
1643          -- After dropping the free variable patterns there should be a single pattern left.
1644      let p = case drop fvs ps of [p] -> namedArg p; _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1645          -- Also strip the context variables from the telescope
1646          delta = telFromList $ drop fvs $ telToList delta0
1647      reportSDoc "tc.term.let.pattern" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat
1648        [ "p (I) =" <+> prettyTCM p
1649        , "delta =" <+> prettyTCM delta
1650        , "cxtRel=" <+> do pretty =<< asksTC getRelevance
1651        , "cxtQnt=" <+> do pretty =<< asksTC getQuantity
1652        ]
1653      reportSDoc "tc.term.let.pattern" 80 $ nest 2 $ vcat
1654        [ "p (I) =" <+> (text . show) p
1655        ]
1656      -- We translate it into a list of projections.
1657      fs <- recordPatternToProjections p
1658      -- We remove the bindings for the pattern variables from the context.
1659      cxt0 <- getContext
1660      let (binds, cxt) = splitAt (size delta) cxt0
1661          toDrop       = length binds
1663          -- We create a substitution for the let-bound variables
1664          -- (unfortunately, we cannot refer to x in internal syntax
1665          -- so we have to copy v).
1666          sigma = map ($ v) fs
1667          -- We apply the types of the let bound-variables to this substitution.
1668          -- The 0th variable in a context is the last one, so we reverse.
1669          -- Further, we need to lower all other de Bruijn indices by
1670          -- the size of delta, so we append the identity substitution.
1671          sub    = parallelS (reverse sigma)
1673      updateContext sub (drop toDrop) $ do
1674        reportSDoc "tc.term.let.pattern" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat
1675          [ "delta =" <+> prettyTCM delta
1676          , "binds =" <+> prettyTCM binds
1677          ]
1678        let fdelta = flattenTel delta
1679        reportSDoc "tc.term.let.pattern" 20 $ nest 2 $ vcat
1680          [ "fdelta =" <+> addContext delta (prettyTCM fdelta)
1681          ]
1682        let tsl  = applySubst sub fdelta
1683        -- We get a list of types
1684        let ts   = map unDom tsl
1685        -- and relevances.
1686        let infos = map domInfo tsl
1687        -- We get list of names of the let-bound vars from the context.
1688        let xs   = map (fst . unDom) (reverse binds)
1689        -- We add all the bindings to the context.
1690        foldr (uncurry4 addLetBinding) ret $ List.zip4 infos xs sigma ts
1692checkLetBinding (A.LetApply i x modapp copyInfo _adir) ret = do
1693  -- Any variables in the context that doesn't belong to the current
1694  -- module should go with the new module.
1695  -- Example: @f x y = let open M t in u@.
1696  -- There are 2 @new@ variables, @x@ and @y@, going into the anonynous module
1697  -- @module _ (x : _) (y : _) = M t@.
1698  fv   <- getCurrentModuleFreeVars
1699  n    <- getContextSize
1700  let new = n - fv
1701  reportSDoc "tc.term.let.apply" 10 $ "Applying" <+> pretty x <+> prettyA modapp <?> ("with" <+> pshow new <+> "free variables")
1702  reportSDoc "tc.term.let.apply" 20 $ vcat
1703    [ "context =" <+> (prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
1704    , "module  =" <+> (prettyTCM =<< currentModule)
1705    , "fv      =" <+> text (show fv)
1706    ]
1707  checkSectionApplication i x modapp copyInfo
1708  withAnonymousModule x new ret
1709-- LetOpen and LetDeclaredVariable are only used for highlighting.
1710checkLetBinding A.LetOpen{} ret = ret
1711checkLetBinding (A.LetDeclaredVariable _) ret = ret