1{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
4{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6-- | This module contains the definition of hereditary substitution
7-- and application operating on internal syntax which is in β-normal
8-- form (β including projection reductions).
10-- Further, it contains auxiliary functions which rely on substitution
11-- but not on reduction.
13module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
14  ( module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
15  , module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.Class
16  , module Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.DeBruijn
17  , Substitution'(..), Substitution
18  ) where
20import Control.Arrow (first, second)
21import Control.Monad (guard)
22import Data.Coerce
23import Data.Function
24import qualified Data.List as List
25import Data.Map (Map)
26import Data.Maybe
27import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
29import Debug.Trace (trace)
30import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (thenCmp) -- lexicographic combination of Ordering
32import Agda.Interaction.Options
34import Agda.Syntax.Common
35import Agda.Syntax.Position
36import Agda.Syntax.Internal
37import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern
38import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
40import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
41import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options (typeInType)
42import Agda.TypeChecking.Free as Free
43import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause
44import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence as Occ
46import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.Class
47import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.DeBruijn
49import Agda.Utils.Empty
50import Agda.Utils.Functor
51import Agda.Utils.List
52import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1, pattern (:|))
53import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
54import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict as Strict
55import Agda.Utils.Monad
56import Agda.Utils.Permutation
57import Agda.Utils.Pretty
58import Agda.Utils.Size
59import Agda.Utils.Tuple
61import Agda.Utils.Impossible
64-- | Apply @Elims@ while using the given function to report ill-typed
65--   redexes.
66--   Recursive calls for @applyE@ and @applySubst@ happen at type @t@ to
67--   propagate the same strategy to subtrees.
68{-# SPECIALIZE applyTermE :: (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> Term -> Elims -> Term #-}
69{-# SPECIALIZE applyTermE :: (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> BraveTerm -> Elims -> BraveTerm #-}
70applyTermE :: forall t. (Coercible Term t, Apply t, EndoSubst t)
71           => (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> t -> Elims -> t
72applyTermE err' m [] = m
73applyTermE err' m es = coerce $
74    case coerce m of
75      Var i es'   -> Var i (es' ++ es)
76      Def f es'   -> defApp f es' es  -- remove projection redexes
77      Con c ci args -> conApp @t err' c ci args es
78      Lam _ b     ->
79        case es of
80          Apply a : es0      -> lazyAbsApp (coerce b :: Abs t) (coerce $ unArg a) `app` es0
81          IApply _ _ a : es0 -> lazyAbsApp (coerce b :: Abs t) (coerce a)         `app` es0
82          _             -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__
83      MetaV x es' -> MetaV x (es' ++ es)
84      Lit{}       -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__
85      Level{}     -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__
86      Pi _ _      -> err __IMPOSSIBLE__
87      Sort s      -> Sort $ s `applyE` es
88      Dummy s es' -> Dummy s (es' ++ es)
89      DontCare mv -> dontCare $ mv `app` es  -- Andreas, 2011-10-02
90        -- need to go under DontCare, since "with" might resurrect irrelevant term
91   where
92     app :: Coercible t x => x -> Elims -> Term
93     app t es = coerce $ (coerce t :: t) `applyE` es
94     err e = err' e (coerce m) es
96instance Apply Term where
97  applyE = applyTermE absurd
99instance Apply BraveTerm where
100  applyE = applyTermE (\ _ t es ->  Dummy "applyE" (Apply (defaultArg t) : es))
102-- | If $v$ is a record value, @canProject f v@
103--   returns its field @f@.
104canProject :: QName -> Term -> Maybe (Arg Term)
105canProject f v =
106  case v of
107    (Con (ConHead _ IsRecord{} _ fs) _ vs) -> do
108      (fld, i) <- findWithIndex ((f==) . unArg) fs
109      -- Jesper, 2019-10-17: dont unfold irrelevant projections
110      guard $ not $ isIrrelevant fld
111      -- Andreas, 2018-06-12, issue #2170
112      -- The ArgInfo from the ConHead is more accurate (relevance subtyping!).
113      setArgInfo (getArgInfo fld) <.> isApplyElim =<< listToMaybe (drop i vs)
114    _ -> Nothing
116-- | Eliminate a constructed term.
117conApp :: forall t. (Coercible t Term, Apply t) => (Empty -> Term -> Elims -> Term) -> ConHead -> ConInfo -> Elims -> Elims -> Term
118conApp fk ch                  ci args []             = Con ch ci args
119conApp fk ch                  ci args (a@Apply{} : es) = conApp @t fk ch ci (args ++ [a]) es
120conApp fk ch                  ci args (a@IApply{} : es) = conApp @t fk ch ci (args ++ [a]) es
121conApp fk ch@(ConHead c _ _ fs) ci args ees@(Proj o f : es) =
122  let failure :: forall a. a -> a
123      failure err = flip trace err $ concat
124        [ "conApp: constructor ", prettyShow c
125        , unlines $ " with fields" : map (("  " ++) . prettyShow) fs
126        , unlines $ " and args"    : map (("  " ++) . prettyShow) args
127        , " projected by ", prettyShow f
128        ]
129      isApply e = fromMaybe (failure __IMPOSSIBLE__) $ isApplyElim e
130      stuck err = fk err (Con ch ci args) [Proj o f]
131      -- Recurse using the instance for 't', see @applyTermE@
132      app :: Term -> Elims -> Term
133      app v es = coerce $ applyE (coerce v :: t) es
134  in
135   case findWithIndex ((f==) . unArg) fs of
136     Nothing -> failure $ stuck __IMPOSSIBLE__ `app` es
137     Just (fld, i) -> let
138      -- Andreas, 2018-06-12, issue #2170
139      -- We safe-guard the projected value by DontCare using the ArgInfo stored at the record constructor,
140      -- since the ArgInfo in the constructor application might be inaccurate because of subtyping.
141      v = maybe (failure $ stuck __IMPOSSIBLE__) (relToDontCare fld . argToDontCare . isApply) $ listToMaybe $ drop i args
142      in v `app` es
144  -- -- Andreas, 2016-07-20 futile attempt to magically fix ProjOrigin
145  --     fallback = v
146  -- in  if not $ null es then applyE v es else
147  --     -- If we have no more eliminations, we can return v
148  --     if o == ProjSystem then fallback else
149  --       -- If the result is a projected term with ProjSystem,
150  --       -- we can can restore it to ProjOrigin o.
151  --       -- Otherwise, we get unpleasant printing with eta-expanded record metas.
152  --     caseMaybe (hasElims v) fallback $ \ (hd, es0) ->
153  --       caseMaybe (initLast es0) fallback $ \ (es1, e2) ->
154  --         case e2 of
155  --           -- We want to replace this ProjSystem by o.
156  --           Proj ProjSystem q -> hd (es1 ++ [Proj o q])
157  --             -- Andreas, 2016-07-21 for the whole testsuite
158  --             -- this case was never triggered!
159  --           _ -> fallback
162      i = maybe failure id    $ elemIndex f $ map unArg fs
163      v = maybe failure unArg $ listToMaybe $ drop i args
164      -- Andreas, 2013-10-20 see Issue543a:
165      -- protect result of irrelevant projection.
166      r = maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ getRelevance $ listToMaybe $ drop i fs
167      u | Irrelevant <- r = DontCare v
168        | otherwise       = v
169  in  applyE v es
172-- | @defApp f us vs@ applies @Def f us@ to further arguments @vs@,
173--   eliminating top projection redexes.
174--   If @us@ is not empty, we cannot have a projection redex, since
175--   the record argument is the first one.
176defApp :: QName -> Elims -> Elims -> Term
177defApp f [] (Apply a : es) | Just v <- canProject f (unArg a)
178  = argToDontCare v `applyE` es
179defApp f es0 es = Def f $ es0 ++ es
181-- protect irrelevant fields (see issue 610)
182argToDontCare :: Arg Term -> Term
183argToDontCare (Arg ai v) = relToDontCare ai v
185relToDontCare :: LensRelevance a => a -> Term -> Term
186relToDontCare ai v
187  | Irrelevant <- getRelevance ai = dontCare v
188  | otherwise                     = v
190-- Andreas, 2016-01-19: In connection with debugging issue #1783,
191-- I consider the Apply instance for Type harmful, as piApply is not
192-- safe if the type is not sufficiently reduced.
193-- (piApply is not in the monad and hence cannot unfold type synonyms).
195-- Without apply for types, one has to at least use piApply and be
196-- aware of doing something which has a precondition
197-- (type sufficiently reduced).
199-- By grepping for piApply, one can quickly get an overview over
200-- potentially harmful uses.
202-- In general, piApplyM is preferable over piApply since it is more robust
203-- and fails earlier than piApply, which may only fail at serialization time,
204-- when all thunks are forced.
206-- REMOVED:
207-- instance Apply Type where
208--   apply = piApply
209--   -- Maybe an @applyE@ instance would be useful here as well.
210--   -- A record type could be applied to a projection name
211--   -- to yield the field type.
212--   -- However, this works only in the monad where we can
213--   -- look up the fields of a record type.
215instance Apply Sort where
216  applyE s [] = s
217  applyE s es = case s of
218    MetaS x es' -> MetaS x $ es' ++ es
219    DefS  d es' -> DefS  d $ es' ++ es
220    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
222-- @applyE@ does not make sense for telecopes, definitions, clauses etc.
224instance TermSubst a => Apply (Tele a) where
225  apply tel               []       = tel
226  apply EmptyTel          _        = __IMPOSSIBLE__
227  apply (ExtendTel _ tel) (t : ts) = lazyAbsApp tel (unArg t) `apply` ts
229  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
231instance Apply Definition where
232  apply (Defn info x t pol occ gens gpars df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk d) args =
233    Defn info x (piApply t args) (apply pol args) (apply occ args) (apply gens args) (drop (length args) gpars) df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk (apply d args)
235  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
237instance Apply RewriteRule where
238  apply r args =
239    let newContext = apply (rewContext r) args
240        sub        = liftS (size newContext) $ parallelS $
241                       reverse $ map (PTerm . unArg) args
242    in RewriteRule
243       { rewName    = rewName r
244       , rewContext = newContext
245       , rewHead    = rewHead r
246       , rewPats    = applySubst sub (rewPats r)
247       , rewRHS     = applyNLPatSubst sub (rewRHS r)
248       , rewType    = applyNLPatSubst sub (rewType r)
249       , rewFromClause = rewFromClause r
250       }
252  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
254instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Apply [Occ.Occurrence] where
255  apply occ args = List.drop (length args) occ
256  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
258instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Apply [Polarity] where
259  apply pol args = List.drop (length args) pol
260  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
262instance Apply NumGeneralizableArgs where
263  apply NoGeneralizableArgs       args = NoGeneralizableArgs
264  apply (SomeGeneralizableArgs n) args = SomeGeneralizableArgs (n - length args)
265  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
267-- | Make sure we only drop variable patterns.
268instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Apply [NamedArg (Pattern' a)] where
269  apply ps args = loop (length args) ps
270    where
271    loop 0 ps = ps
272    loop n [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
273    loop n (p : ps) =
274      let recurse = loop (n - 1) ps
275      in  case namedArg p of
276            VarP{}  -> recurse
277            DotP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
278            LitP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
279            ConP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
280            DefP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
281            ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
282            IApplyP{} -> recurse
284  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
286instance Apply Projection where
287  apply p args = p
288    { projIndex = projIndex p - size args
289    , projLams  = projLams p `apply` args
290    }
291  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
293instance Apply ProjLams where
294  apply (ProjLams lams) args = ProjLams $ List.drop (length args) lams
295  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
297instance Apply Defn where
298  apply d [] = d
299  apply d args@(arg1:args1) = case d of
300    Axiom{} -> d
301    DataOrRecSig n -> DataOrRecSig (n - length args)
302    GeneralizableVar{} -> d
303    AbstractDefn d -> AbstractDefn $ apply d args
304    Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv
305            , funExtLam = extLam
306            , funProjection = Nothing } ->
307      d { funClauses    = apply cs args
308        , funCompiled   = apply cc args
309        , funCovering   = apply cov args
310        , funInv        = apply inv args
311        , funExtLam     = modifySystem (`apply` args) <$> extLam
312        }
314    Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv
315            , funExtLam = extLam
316            , funProjection = Just p0} ->
317      case p0 `apply` args of
318        p@Projection{ projIndex = n }
319          | n < 0     -> d { funProjection = __IMPOSSIBLE__ } -- TODO (#3123): we actually get here!
320          -- case: applied only to parameters
321          | n > 0     -> d { funProjection = Just p }
322          -- case: applied also to record value (n == 0)
323          | otherwise ->
324              d { funClauses        = apply cs args'
325                , funCompiled       = apply cc args'
326                , funCovering       = apply cov args'
327                , funInv            = apply inv args'
328                , funProjection     = if isVar0 then Just p{ projIndex = 0 } else Nothing
329                , funExtLam         = modifySystem (\ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__) <$> extLam
330                }
331              where
332                larg  = last1 arg1 args1 -- the record value
333                args' = [larg]
334                isVar0 = case unArg larg of Var 0 [] -> True; _ -> False
336    Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataClause = cl } ->
337      d { dataPars = np - size args
338        , dataClause     = apply cl args
339        }
340    Record{ recPars = np, recClause = cl, recTel = tel
341          {-, recArgOccurrences = occ-} } ->
342      d { recPars = np - size args
343        , recClause = apply cl args, recTel = apply tel args
344--        , recArgOccurrences = List.drop (length args) occ
345        }
346    Constructor{ conPars = np } ->
347      d { conPars = np - size args }
348    Primitive{ primClauses = cs } ->
349      d { primClauses = apply cs args }
350    PrimitiveSort{} -> d
352  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
354instance Apply PrimFun where
355  apply (PrimFun x ar def) args = PrimFun x (ar - size args) $ \ vs -> def (args ++ vs)
356  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
358instance Apply Clause where
359    -- This one is a little bit tricksy after the parameter refinement change.
360    -- It is assumed that we only apply a clause to "parameters", i.e.
361    -- arguments introduced by lambda lifting. The problem is that these aren't
362    -- necessarily the first elements of the clause telescope.
363    apply cls@(Clause rl rf tel ps b t catchall exact recursive unreachable ell) args
364      | length args > length ps = __IMPOSSIBLE__
365      | otherwise =
366      Clause rl rf
367             tel'
368             (applySubst rhoP $ drop (length args) ps)
369             (applySubst rho b)
370             (applySubst rho t)
371             catchall
372             exact
373             recursive
374             unreachable
375             ell
376      where
377        -- We have
378        --  Γ ⊢ args, for some outer context Γ
379        --  Δ ⊢ ps,   where Δ is the clause telescope (tel)
380        rargs = map unArg $ reverse args
381        rps   = reverse $ take (length args) ps
382        n     = size tel
384        -- This is the new telescope. Created by substituting the args into the
385        -- appropriate places in the old telescope. We know where those are by
386        -- looking at the deBruijn indices of the patterns.
387        tel' = newTel n tel rps rargs
389        -- We then have to create a substitution from the old telescope to the
390        -- new telescope that we can apply to dot patterns and the clause body.
391        rhoP :: PatternSubstitution
392        rhoP = mkSub dotP n rps rargs
393        rho  = mkSub id   n rps rargs
395        substP :: Nat -> Term -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
396        substP i v = subst i (dotP v)
398        -- Building the substitution from the old telescope to the new. The
399        -- interesting case is when we have a variable pattern:
400        --  We need Δ′ ⊢ ρ : Δ
401        --  where Δ′ = newTel Δ (xⁱ : ps) (v : vs)
402        --           = newTel Δ[xⁱ:=v] ps[xⁱ:=v'] vs
403        --  Note that we need v' = raise (|Δ| - 1) v, to make Γ ⊢ v valid in
404        --  ΓΔ[xⁱ:=v].
405        --  A recursive call ρ′ = mkSub (substP i v' ps) vs gets us
406        --    Δ′ ⊢ ρ′ : Δ[xⁱ:=v]
407        --  so we just need Δ[xⁱ:=v] ⊢ σ : Δ and then ρ = ρ′ ∘ σ.
408        --  That's achieved by σ = singletonS i v'.
409        mkSub :: EndoSubst a => (Term -> a) -> Nat -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [Term] -> Substitution' a
410        mkSub _ _ [] [] = idS
411        mkSub tm n (p : ps) (v : vs) =
412          case namedArg p of
413            VarP _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> mkSub tm (n - 1) (substP i v' ps) vs `composeS` singletonS i (tm v')
414              where v' = raise (n - 1) v
415            DotP{}  -> mkSub tm n ps vs
416            ConP c _ ps' -> mkSub tm n (ps' ++ ps) (projections c v ++ vs)
417            DefP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
418            LitP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
419            ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
420            IApplyP _ _ _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> mkSub tm (n - 1) (substP i v' ps) vs `composeS` singletonS i (tm v')
421              where v' = raise (n - 1) v
422        mkSub _ _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
424        -- The parameter patterns 'ps' are all variables or dot patterns, or eta
425        -- expanded record patterns (issue #2550). If they are variables they
426        -- can appear anywhere in the clause telescope. This function
427        -- constructs the new telescope with 'vs' substituted for 'ps'.
428        -- Example:
429        --    tel = (x : A) (y : B) (z : C) (w : D)
430        --    ps  = y@3 w@0
431        --    vs  = u v
432        --    newTel tel ps vs = (x : A) (z : C[u/y])
433        newTel :: Nat -> Telescope -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -> [Term] -> Telescope
434        newTel n tel [] [] = tel
435        newTel n tel (p : ps) (v : vs) =
436          case namedArg p of
437            VarP _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> newTel (n - 1) (subTel (size tel - 1 - i) v tel) (substP i (raise (n - 1) v) ps) vs
438            DotP{}              -> newTel n tel ps vs
439            ConP c _ ps'        -> newTel n tel (ps' ++ ps) (projections c v ++ vs)
440            DefP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
441            LitP{}  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
442            ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
443            IApplyP _ _ _ (DBPatVar _ i) -> newTel (n - 1) (subTel (size tel - 1 - i) v tel) (substP i (raise (n - 1) v) ps) vs
444        newTel _ tel _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
446        projections c v = [ relToDontCare ai $
447                            -- #4528: We might have bogus terms here when printing a clause that
448                            --        cannot be taken. To mitigate the problem we use a Def instead
449                            --        a Proj elim for data constructors, which at least stops conApp
450                            --        from crashing. See #4989 for not printing bogus terms at all.
451                            case conDataRecord c of
452                              IsData     -> Def f [Apply (Arg ai v)]
453                              IsRecord{} -> applyE v [Proj ProjSystem f]
454                          | Arg ai f <- conFields c ]
456        -- subTel i v (Δ₁ (xᵢ : A) Δ₂) = Δ₁ Δ₂[xᵢ = v]
457        subTel i v EmptyTel = __IMPOSSIBLE__
458        subTel 0 v (ExtendTel _ tel) = absApp tel v
459        subTel i v (ExtendTel a tel) = ExtendTel a $ subTel (i - 1) (raise 1 v) <$> tel
461    applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
463instance Apply CompiledClauses where
464  apply cc args = case cc of
465    Fail hs -> Fail (drop len hs)
466    Done hs t
467      | length hs >= len ->
468         let sub = parallelS $ map var [0..length hs - len - 1] ++ map unArg args
469         in  Done (List.drop len hs) $ applySubst sub t
470      | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
471    Case n bs
472      | unArg n >= len -> Case (n <&> \ m -> m - len) (apply bs args)
473      | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
474    where
475      len = length args
476  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
478instance Apply ExtLamInfo where
479  apply (ExtLamInfo m b sys) args = ExtLamInfo m b (apply sys args)
480  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
482instance Apply System where
483  -- We assume we apply a system only to arguments introduced by
484  -- lambda lifting.
485  apply (System tel sys) args
486      = if nargs > ntel then __IMPOSSIBLE__
487        else System newTel (map (map (f -*- id) -*- f) sys)
489    where
490      f = applySubst sigma
491      nargs = length args
492      ntel = size tel
493      newTel = apply tel args
494      -- newTel ⊢ σ : tel
495      sigma = liftS (ntel - nargs) (parallelS (reverse $ map unArg args))
497  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
499instance Apply a => Apply (WithArity a) where
500  apply  (WithArity n a) args = WithArity n $ apply  a args
501  applyE (WithArity n a) es   = WithArity n $ applyE a es
503instance Apply a => Apply (Case a) where
504  apply (Branches cop cs eta ls m b lz) args =
505    Branches cop (apply cs args) (second (`apply` args) <$> eta) (apply ls args) (apply m args) b lz
506  applyE (Branches cop cs eta ls m b lz) es =
507    Branches cop (applyE cs es) (second (`applyE` es) <$> eta)(applyE ls es) (applyE m es) b lz
509instance Apply FunctionInverse where
510  apply NotInjective  args = NotInjective
511  apply (Inverse inv) args = Inverse $ apply inv args
513  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
515instance Apply DisplayTerm where
516  apply (DTerm v)          args = DTerm $ apply v args
517  apply (DDot v)           args = DDot  $ apply v args
518  apply (DCon c ci vs)     args = DCon c ci $ vs ++ map (fmap DTerm) args
519  apply (DDef c es)        args = DDef c $ es ++ map (Apply . fmap DTerm) args
520  apply (DWithApp v ws es) args = DWithApp v ws $ es ++ map Apply args
522  applyE (DTerm v)           es = DTerm $ applyE v es
523  applyE (DDot v)            es = DDot  $ applyE v es
524  applyE (DCon c ci vs)      es = DCon c ci $ vs ++ map (fmap DTerm) ws
525    where ws = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
526  applyE (DDef c es')        es = DDef c $ es' ++ map (fmap DTerm) es
527  applyE (DWithApp v ws es') es = DWithApp v ws $ es' ++ es
529instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Apply t => Apply [t] where
530  apply  ts args = map (`apply` args) ts
531  applyE ts es   = map (`applyE` es) ts
533instance Apply t => Apply (Blocked t) where
534  apply  b args = fmap (`apply` args) b
535  applyE b es   = fmap (`applyE` es) b
537instance Apply t => Apply (Maybe t) where
538  apply  x args = fmap (`apply` args) x
539  applyE x es   = fmap (`applyE` es) x
541instance Apply t => Apply (Strict.Maybe t) where
542  apply  x args = fmap (`apply` args) x
543  applyE x es   = fmap (`applyE` es) x
545instance Apply v => Apply (Map k v) where
546  apply  x args = fmap (`apply` args) x
547  applyE x es   = fmap (`applyE` es) x
549instance Apply v => Apply (HashMap k v) where
550  apply  x args = fmap (`apply` args) x
551  applyE x es   = fmap (`applyE` es) x
553instance (Apply a, Apply b) => Apply (a,b) where
554  apply  (x,y) args = (apply  x args, apply  y args)
555  applyE (x,y) es   = (applyE x es  , applyE y es  )
557instance (Apply a, Apply b, Apply c) => Apply (a,b,c) where
558  apply  (x,y,z) args = (apply  x args, apply  y args, apply  z args)
559  applyE (x,y,z) es   = (applyE x es  , applyE y es  , applyE z es  )
561instance DoDrop a => Apply (Drop a) where
562  apply x args = dropMore (size args) x
563  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
565instance DoDrop a => Abstract (Drop a) where
566  abstract tel x = unDrop (size tel) x
568instance Apply Permutation where
569  -- The permutation must start with [0..m - 1]
570  -- NB: section (- m) not possible (unary minus), hence (flip (-) m)
571  apply (Perm n xs) args = Perm (n - m) $ map (flip (-) m) $ drop m xs
572    where
573      m = size args
575  applyE t es = apply t $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
577instance Abstract Permutation where
578  abstract tel (Perm n xs) = Perm (n + m) $ [0..m - 1] ++ map (+ m) xs
579    where
580      m = size tel
582-- | @(x:A)->B(x) `piApply` [u] = B(u)@
584--   Precondition: The type must contain the right number of pis without
585--   having to perform any reduction.
587--   @piApply@ is potentially unsafe, the monadic 'piApplyM' is preferable.
588piApply :: Type -> Args -> Type
589piApply t []                      = t
590piApply (El _ (Pi  _ b)) (a:args) = lazyAbsApp b (unArg a) `piApply` args
591piApply t args                    =
592  trace ("piApply t = " ++ prettyShow t ++ "\n  args = " ++ prettyShow args) __IMPOSSIBLE__
595-- * Abstraction
598instance Abstract Term where
599  abstract = teleLam
601instance Abstract Type where
602  abstract = telePi_
604instance Abstract Sort where
605  abstract EmptyTel s = s
606  abstract _        s = __IMPOSSIBLE__
608instance Abstract Telescope where
609  EmptyTel           `abstract` tel = tel
610  ExtendTel arg xtel `abstract` tel = ExtendTel arg $ xtel <&> (`abstract` tel)
612instance Abstract Definition where
613  abstract tel (Defn info x t pol occ gens gpars df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk d) =
614    Defn info x (abstract tel t) (abstract tel pol) (abstract tel occ) (abstract tel gens)
615                (replicate (size tel) Nothing ++ gpars) df m c inst copy ma nc inj copat blk (abstract tel d)
617-- | @tel ⊢ (Γ ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : t)@ becomes @tel, Γ ⊢ lhs ↦ rhs : t)@
618--   we do not need to change lhs, rhs, and t since they live in Γ.
619--   See 'Abstract Clause'.
620instance Abstract RewriteRule where
621  abstract tel (RewriteRule q gamma f ps rhs t c) =
622    RewriteRule q (abstract tel gamma) f ps rhs t c
624instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Abstract [Occ.Occurrence] where
625  abstract tel []  = []
626  abstract tel occ = replicate (size tel) Mixed ++ occ -- TODO: check occurrence
628instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Abstract [Polarity] where
629  abstract tel []  = []
630  abstract tel pol = replicate (size tel) Invariant ++ pol -- TODO: check polarity
632instance Abstract NumGeneralizableArgs where
633  abstract tel NoGeneralizableArgs       = NoGeneralizableArgs
634  abstract tel (SomeGeneralizableArgs n) = SomeGeneralizableArgs (size tel + n)
636instance Abstract Projection where
637  abstract tel p = p
638    { projIndex = size tel + projIndex p
639    , projLams  = abstract tel $ projLams p
640    }
642instance Abstract ProjLams where
643  abstract tel (ProjLams lams) = ProjLams $
644    map (\ !dom -> argFromDom (fst <$> dom)) (telToList tel) ++ lams
646instance Abstract System where
647  abstract tel (System tel1 sys) = System (abstract tel tel1) sys
649instance Abstract Defn where
650  abstract tel d = case d of
651    Axiom{} -> d
652    DataOrRecSig n -> DataOrRecSig (size tel + n)
653    GeneralizableVar{} -> d
654    AbstractDefn d -> AbstractDefn $ abstract tel d
655    Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv
656            , funExtLam = extLam
657            , funProjection = Nothing  } ->
658      d { funClauses  = abstract tel cs
659        , funCompiled = abstract tel cc
660        , funCovering = abstract tel cov
661        , funInv      = abstract tel inv
662        , funExtLam   = modifySystem (abstract tel) <$> extLam
663        }
664    Function{ funClauses = cs, funCompiled = cc, funCovering = cov, funInv = inv
665            , funExtLam = extLam
666            , funProjection = Just p } ->
667      -- Andreas, 2015-05-11 if projection was applied to Var 0
668      -- then abstract over last element of tel (the others are params).
669      if projIndex p > 0 then d' else
670        d' { funClauses  = map (abstractClause tel1) cs
671           , funCompiled = abstract tel1 cc
672           , funCovering = abstract tel1 cov
673           , funInv      = abstract tel1 inv
674           , funExtLam   = modifySystem (\ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__) <$> extLam
675           }
676        where
677          d' = d { funProjection = Just $ abstract tel p
678                 , funClauses    = map (abstractClause EmptyTel) cs }
679          tel1 = telFromList $ drop (size tel - 1) $ telToList tel
680          -- #5128: clause telescopes should be abstracted over the full telescope, regardless of
681          --        projection shenanigans.
682          abstractClause tel1 c = (abstract tel1 c) { clauseTel = abstract tel $ clauseTel c }
684    Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataClause = cl } ->
685      d { dataPars       = np + size tel
686        , dataClause     = abstract tel cl
687        }
688    Record{ recPars = np, recClause = cl, recTel = tel' } ->
689      d { recPars    = np + size tel
690        , recClause  = abstract tel cl
691        , recTel     = abstract tel tel'
692        }
693    Constructor{ conPars = np } ->
694      d { conPars = np + size tel }
695    Primitive{ primClauses = cs } ->
696      d { primClauses = abstract tel cs }
697    PrimitiveSort{} -> d
699instance Abstract PrimFun where
700    abstract tel (PrimFun x ar def) = PrimFun x (ar + n) $ \ts -> def $ drop n ts
701        where n = size tel
703instance Abstract Clause where
704  abstract tel (Clause rl rf tel' ps b t catchall exact recursive unreachable ell) =
705    Clause rl rf (abstract tel tel')
706           (namedTelVars m tel ++ ps)
707           b
708           t -- nothing to do for t, since it lives under the telescope
709           catchall
710           exact
711           recursive
712           unreachable
713           ell
714      where m = size tel + size tel'
716instance Abstract CompiledClauses where
717  abstract tel cc = case cc of
718      Fail xs   -> Fail (hs ++ xs)
719      Done xs t -> Done (hs ++ xs) t
720      Case n bs -> Case (n <&> \ i -> i + size tel) (abstract tel bs)
721    where
722      hs = map (argFromDom . fmap fst) $ telToList tel
724instance Abstract a => Abstract (WithArity a) where
725  abstract tel (WithArity n a) = WithArity n $ abstract tel a
727instance Abstract a => Abstract (Case a) where
728  abstract tel (Branches cop cs eta ls m b lz) =
729    Branches cop (abstract tel cs) (second (abstract tel) <$> eta)
730                 (abstract tel ls) (abstract tel m) b lz
732telVars :: Int -> Telescope -> [Arg DeBruijnPattern]
733telVars m = map (fmap namedThing) . (namedTelVars m)
735namedTelVars :: Int -> Telescope -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
736namedTelVars m EmptyTel                     = []
737namedTelVars m (ExtendTel !dom tel) =
738  Arg (domInfo dom) (namedDBVarP (m-1) $ absName tel) :
739  namedTelVars (m-1) (unAbs tel)
741instance Abstract FunctionInverse where
742  abstract tel NotInjective  = NotInjective
743  abstract tel (Inverse inv) = Inverse $ abstract tel inv
745instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Abstract t => Abstract [t] where
746  abstract tel = map (abstract tel)
748instance Abstract t => Abstract (Maybe t) where
749  abstract tel x = fmap (abstract tel) x
751instance Abstract v => Abstract (Map k v) where
752  abstract tel m = fmap (abstract tel) m
754instance Abstract v => Abstract (HashMap k v) where
755  abstract tel m = fmap (abstract tel) m
757abstractArgs :: Abstract a => Args -> a -> a
758abstractArgs args x = abstract tel x
759    where
760        tel   = foldr (\arg@(Arg info x) -> ExtendTel (__DUMMY_TYPE__ <$ domFromArg arg) . Abs x)
761                      EmptyTel
762              $ zipWith (<$) names args
763        names = cycle $ map (stringToArgName . (:[])) ['a'..'z']
766-- * Substitution and shifting\/weakening\/strengthening
769-- | If @permute π : [a]Γ -> [a]Δ@, then @applySubst (renaming _ π) : Term Γ -> Term Δ@
770renaming :: forall a. DeBruijn a => Impossible -> Permutation -> Substitution' a
771renaming err p = prependS err gamma $ raiseS $ size p
772  where
773    gamma :: [Maybe a]
774    gamma = inversePermute p (deBruijnVar :: Int -> a)
775    -- gamma = safePermute (invertP (-1) p) $ map deBruijnVar [0..]
777-- | If @permute π : [a]Γ -> [a]Δ@, then @applySubst (renamingR π) : Term Δ -> Term Γ@
778renamingR :: DeBruijn a => Permutation -> Substitution' a
779renamingR p@(Perm n _) = permute (reverseP p) (map deBruijnVar [0..]) ++# raiseS n
781-- | The permutation should permute the corresponding context. (right-to-left list)
782renameP :: Subst a => Impossible -> Permutation -> a -> a
783renameP err p = applySubst (renaming err p)
785instance EndoSubst a => Subst (Substitution' a) where
786  type SubstArg (Substitution' a) = a
787  applySubst rho sgm = composeS rho sgm
789{-# SPECIALIZE applySubstTerm :: Substitution -> Term -> Term #-}
790{-# SPECIALIZE applySubstTerm :: Substitution' BraveTerm -> BraveTerm -> BraveTerm #-}
791applySubstTerm :: forall t. (Coercible t Term, EndoSubst t, Apply t) => Substitution' t -> t -> t
792applySubstTerm IdS t = t
793applySubstTerm rho t    = coerce $ case coerce t of
794    Var i es    -> coerce $ lookupS rho i  `applyE` subE es
795    Lam h m     -> Lam h $ sub @(Abs t) m
796    Def f es    -> defApp f [] $ subE es
797    Con c ci vs -> Con c ci $ subE vs
798    MetaV x es  -> MetaV x $ subE es
799    Lit l       -> Lit l
800    Level l     -> levelTm $ sub @(Level' t) l
801    Pi a b      -> uncurry Pi $ subPi (a,b)
802    Sort s      -> Sort $ sub @(Sort' t) s
803    DontCare mv -> dontCare $ sub @t mv
804    Dummy s es  -> Dummy s $ subE es
805 where
806   sub :: forall a b. (Coercible b a, SubstWith t a) => b -> b
807   sub t = coerce $ applySubst rho (coerce t :: a)
808   subE :: Elims -> Elims
809   subE  = sub @[Elim' t]
810   subPi :: (Dom Type, Abs Type) -> (Dom Type, Abs Type)
811   subPi = sub @(Dom' t (Type'' t t), Abs (Type'' t t))
813instance Subst Term where
814  type SubstArg Term = Term
815  applySubst = applySubstTerm
817instance Subst BraveTerm where
818  type SubstArg BraveTerm = BraveTerm
819  applySubst = applySubstTerm
821instance (Coercible a Term, Subst a, Subst b, SubstArg a ~ SubstArg b) => Subst (Type'' a b) where
822  type SubstArg (Type'' a b) = SubstArg a
823  applySubst rho (El s t) = applySubst rho s `El` applySubst rho t
825instance (Coercible a Term, Subst a) => Subst (Sort' a) where
826  type SubstArg (Sort' a) = SubstArg a
827  applySubst rho = \case
828    Type n     -> Type $ sub n
829    Prop n     -> Prop $ sub n
830    Inf f n    -> Inf f n
831    SSet n     -> SSet $ sub n
832    SizeUniv   -> SizeUniv
833    LockUniv   -> LockUniv
834    PiSort a s1 s2 -> coerce $ piSort (coerce $ sub a) (coerce $ sub s1) (coerce $ sub s2)
835    FunSort s1 s2 -> coerce $ funSort (coerce $ sub s1) (coerce $ sub s2)
836    UnivSort s -> coerce $ univSort $ coerce $ sub s
837    MetaS x es -> MetaS x $ sub es
838    DefS d es  -> DefS d $ sub es
839    s@DummyS{} -> s
840    where
841      sub :: forall b. (Subst b, SubstArg a ~ SubstArg b) => b -> b
842      sub x = applySubst rho x
844instance Subst a => Subst (Level' a) where
845  type SubstArg (Level' a) = SubstArg a
846  applySubst rho (Max n as) = Max n $ applySubst rho as
848instance Subst a => Subst (PlusLevel' a) where
849  type SubstArg (PlusLevel' a) = SubstArg a
850  applySubst rho (Plus n l) = Plus n $ applySubst rho l
852instance Subst Name where
853  type SubstArg Name = Term
854  applySubst rho = id
856instance Subst ConPatternInfo where
857  type SubstArg ConPatternInfo = Term
858  applySubst rho i = i{ conPType = applySubst rho $ conPType i }
860instance Subst Pattern where
861  type SubstArg Pattern = Term
862  applySubst rho = \case
863    ConP c mt ps    -> ConP c (applySubst rho mt) $ applySubst rho ps
864    DefP o q ps     -> DefP o q $ applySubst rho ps
865    DotP o t        -> DotP o $ applySubst rho t
866    p@(VarP _o _x)  -> p
867    p@(LitP _o _l)  -> p
868    p@(ProjP _o _x) -> p
869    IApplyP o t u x -> IApplyP o (applySubst rho t) (applySubst rho u) x
871instance Subst A.ProblemEq where
872  type SubstArg A.ProblemEq = Term
873  applySubst rho (A.ProblemEq p v a) =
874    uncurry (A.ProblemEq p) $ applySubst rho (v,a)
876instance DeBruijn BraveTerm where
877  deBruijnVar = BraveTerm . deBruijnVar
878  deBruijnView = deBruijnView . unBrave
880instance DeBruijn NLPat where
881  deBruijnVar i = PVar i []
882  deBruijnView = \case
883    PVar i []   -> Just i
884    PVar{}      -> Nothing
885    PDef{}      -> Nothing
886    PLam{}      -> Nothing
887    PPi{}       -> Nothing
888    PSort{}     -> Nothing
889    PBoundVar{} -> Nothing -- or... ?
890    PTerm{}     -> Nothing -- or... ?
892applyNLPatSubst :: TermSubst a => Substitution' NLPat -> a -> a
893applyNLPatSubst = applySubst . fmap nlPatToTerm
894  where
895    nlPatToTerm :: NLPat -> Term
896    nlPatToTerm = \case
897      PVar i xs      -> Var i $ map (Apply . fmap var) xs
898      PTerm u        -> u
899      PDef f es      -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
900      PLam i u       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
901      PPi a b        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
902      PSort s        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
903      PBoundVar i es -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
905applyNLSubstToDom :: SubstWith NLPat a => Substitution' NLPat -> Dom a -> Dom a
906applyNLSubstToDom rho dom = applySubst rho <$> dom{ domTactic = applyNLPatSubst rho $ domTactic dom }
908instance Subst NLPat where
909  type SubstArg NLPat = NLPat
910  applySubst rho = \case
911    PVar i bvs     -> lookupS rho i `applyBV` bvs
912    PDef f es      -> PDef f $ applySubst rho es
913    PLam i u       -> PLam i $ applySubst rho u
914    PPi a b        -> PPi (applyNLSubstToDom rho a) (applySubst rho b)
915    PSort s        -> PSort $ applySubst rho s
916    PBoundVar i es -> PBoundVar i $ applySubst rho es
917    PTerm u        -> PTerm $ applyNLPatSubst rho u
919    where
920      applyBV :: NLPat -> [Arg Int] -> NLPat
921      applyBV p ys = case p of
922        PVar i xs      -> PVar i (xs ++ ys)
923        PTerm u        -> PTerm $ u `apply` map (fmap var) ys
924        PDef f es      -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
925        PLam i u       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
926        PPi a b        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
927        PSort s        -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
928        PBoundVar i es -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
930instance Subst NLPType where
931  type SubstArg NLPType = NLPat
932  applySubst rho (NLPType s a) = NLPType (applySubst rho s) (applySubst rho a)
934instance Subst NLPSort where
935  type SubstArg NLPSort = NLPat
936  applySubst rho = \case
937    PType l   -> PType $ applySubst rho l
938    PProp l   -> PProp $ applySubst rho l
939    PInf f n  -> PInf f n
940    PSizeUniv -> PSizeUniv
941    PLockUniv -> PLockUniv
943instance Subst RewriteRule where
944  type SubstArg RewriteRule = NLPat
945  applySubst rho (RewriteRule q gamma f ps rhs t c) =
946    RewriteRule q (applyNLPatSubst rho gamma)
947                f (applySubst (liftS n rho) ps)
948                  (applyNLPatSubst (liftS n rho) rhs)
949                  (applyNLPatSubst (liftS n rho) t)
950                  c
951    where n = size gamma
953instance Subst a => Subst (Blocked a) where
954  type SubstArg (Blocked a) = SubstArg a
955  applySubst rho b = fmap (applySubst rho) b
957instance Subst DisplayForm where
958  type SubstArg DisplayForm = Term
959  applySubst rho (Display n ps v) =
960    Display n (applySubst (liftS n rho) ps)
961              (applySubst (liftS n rho) v)
963instance Subst DisplayTerm where
964  type SubstArg DisplayTerm = Term
965  applySubst rho (DTerm v)        = DTerm $ applySubst rho v
966  applySubst rho (DDot v)         = DDot  $ applySubst rho v
967  applySubst rho (DCon c ci vs)   = DCon c ci $ applySubst rho vs
968  applySubst rho (DDef c es)      = DDef c $ applySubst rho es
969  applySubst rho (DWithApp v vs es) = uncurry3 DWithApp $ applySubst rho (v, vs, es)
971instance Subst a => Subst (Tele a) where
972  type SubstArg (Tele a) = SubstArg a
973  applySubst rho  EmptyTel         = EmptyTel
974  applySubst rho (ExtendTel t tel) = uncurry ExtendTel $ applySubst rho (t, tel)
976instance Subst Constraint where
977  type SubstArg Constraint = Term
979  applySubst rho = \case
980    ValueCmp cmp a u v       -> ValueCmp cmp (rf a) (rf u) (rf v)
981    ValueCmpOnFace cmp p t u v -> ValueCmpOnFace cmp (rf p) (rf t) (rf u) (rf v)
982    ElimCmp ps fs a v e1 e2  -> ElimCmp ps fs (rf a) (rf v) (rf e1) (rf e2)
983    SortCmp cmp s1 s2        -> SortCmp cmp (rf s1) (rf s2)
984    LevelCmp cmp l1 l2       -> LevelCmp cmp (rf l1) (rf l2)
985    IsEmpty r a              -> IsEmpty r (rf a)
986    CheckSizeLtSat t         -> CheckSizeLtSat (rf t)
987    FindInstance m cands     -> FindInstance m (rf cands)
988    c@UnBlock{}              -> c
989    c@CheckFunDef{}          -> c
990    HasBiggerSort s          -> HasBiggerSort (rf s)
991    HasPTSRule a s           -> HasPTSRule (rf a) (rf s)
992    CheckLockedVars a b c d  -> CheckLockedVars (rf a) (rf b) (rf c) (rf d)
993    UnquoteTactic t h g      -> UnquoteTactic (rf t) (rf h) (rf g)
994    CheckMetaInst m          -> CheckMetaInst m
995    UsableAtModality mod m   -> UsableAtModality mod (rf m)
996    where
997      rf :: forall a. TermSubst a => a -> a
998      rf x = applySubst rho x
1000instance Subst CompareAs where
1001  type SubstArg CompareAs = Term
1002  applySubst rho (AsTermsOf a) = AsTermsOf $ applySubst rho a
1003  applySubst rho AsSizes       = AsSizes
1004  applySubst rho AsTypes       = AsTypes
1006instance Subst a => Subst (Elim' a) where
1007  type SubstArg (Elim' a) = SubstArg a
1008  applySubst rho = \case
1009    Apply v      -> Apply $ applySubst rho v
1010    IApply x y r -> IApply (applySubst rho x) (applySubst rho y) (applySubst rho r)
1011    e@Proj{}     -> e
1013instance Subst a => Subst (Abs a) where
1014  type SubstArg (Abs a) = SubstArg a
1015  applySubst rho (Abs x a)   = Abs x $ applySubst (liftS 1 rho) a
1016  applySubst rho (NoAbs x a) = NoAbs x $ applySubst rho a
1018instance Subst a => Subst (Arg a) where
1019  type SubstArg (Arg a) = SubstArg a
1020  applySubst IdS arg = arg
1021  applySubst rho arg = setFreeVariables unknownFreeVariables $ fmap (applySubst rho) arg
1023instance Subst a => Subst (Named name a) where
1024  type SubstArg (Named name a) = SubstArg a
1025  applySubst rho = fmap (applySubst rho)
1027instance (Subst a, Subst b, SubstArg a ~ SubstArg b) => Subst (Dom' a b) where
1028  type SubstArg (Dom' a b) = SubstArg a
1030  applySubst IdS dom = dom
1031  applySubst rho dom = setFreeVariables unknownFreeVariables $
1032    fmap (applySubst rho) dom{ domTactic = applySubst rho (domTactic dom) }
1034instance Subst a => Subst (Maybe a) where
1035  type SubstArg (Maybe a) = SubstArg a
1037instance Subst a => Subst [a] where
1038  type SubstArg [a] = SubstArg a
1040instance (Ord k, Subst a) => Subst (Map k a) where
1041  type SubstArg (Map k a) = SubstArg a
1043instance Subst a => Subst (WithHiding a) where
1044  type SubstArg (WithHiding a) = SubstArg a
1046instance Subst () where
1047  type SubstArg () = Term
1048  applySubst _ _ = ()
1050instance (Subst a, Subst b, SubstArg a ~ SubstArg b) => Subst (a, b) where
1051  type SubstArg (a, b) = SubstArg a
1052  applySubst rho (x,y) = (applySubst rho x, applySubst rho y)
1054instance (Subst a, Subst b, Subst c, SubstArg a ~ SubstArg b, SubstArg b ~ SubstArg c) => Subst (a, b, c) where
1055  type SubstArg (a, b, c) = SubstArg a
1056  applySubst rho (x,y,z) = (applySubst rho x, applySubst rho y, applySubst rho z)
1059  ( Subst a, Subst b, Subst c, Subst d
1060  , SubstArg a ~ SubstArg b
1061  , SubstArg b ~ SubstArg c
1062  , SubstArg c ~ SubstArg d
1063  ) => Subst (a, b, c, d) where
1064  type SubstArg (a, b, c, d) = SubstArg a
1065  applySubst rho (x,y,z,u) = (applySubst rho x, applySubst rho y, applySubst rho z, applySubst rho u)
1067instance Subst Candidate where
1068  type SubstArg Candidate = Term
1069  applySubst rho (Candidate q u t ov) = Candidate q (applySubst rho u) (applySubst rho t) ov
1071instance Subst EqualityView where
1072  type SubstArg EqualityView = Term
1073  applySubst rho (OtherType t) = OtherType
1074    (applySubst rho t)
1075  applySubst rho (IdiomType t) = IdiomType
1076    (applySubst rho t)
1077  applySubst rho (EqualityType s eq l t a b) = EqualityType
1078    (applySubst rho s)
1079    eq
1080    (map (applySubst rho) l)
1081    (applySubst rho t)
1082    (applySubst rho a)
1083    (applySubst rho b)
1085instance DeBruijn a => DeBruijn (Pattern' a) where
1086  debruijnNamedVar n i             = varP $ debruijnNamedVar n i
1087  -- deBruijnView returns Nothing, to prevent consS and the like
1088  -- from dropping the names and origins when building a substitution.
1089  deBruijnView _                   = Nothing
1091fromPatternSubstitution :: PatternSubstitution -> Substitution
1092fromPatternSubstitution = fmap patternToTerm
1094applyPatSubst :: TermSubst a => PatternSubstitution -> a -> a
1095applyPatSubst = applySubst . fromPatternSubstitution
1098usePatOrigin :: PatOrigin -> Pattern' a -> Pattern' a
1099usePatOrigin o p = case patternInfo p of
1100  Nothing -> p
1101  Just i  -> usePatternInfo (i { patOrigin = o }) p
1103usePatternInfo :: PatternInfo -> Pattern' a -> Pattern' a
1104usePatternInfo i p = case patternOrigin p of
1105  Nothing         -> p
1106  Just PatOSplit  -> p
1107  Just PatOAbsurd -> p
1108  Just _          -> case p of
1109    (VarP _ x) -> VarP i x
1110    (DotP _ u) -> DotP i u
1111    (ConP c (ConPatternInfo _ r ft b l) ps)
1112      -> ConP c (ConPatternInfo i r ft b l) ps
1113    DefP _ q ps -> DefP i q ps
1114    (LitP _ l) -> LitP i l
1115    ProjP{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1116    (IApplyP _ t u x) -> IApplyP i t u x
1118instance Subst DeBruijnPattern where
1119  type SubstArg DeBruijnPattern = DeBruijnPattern
1120  applySubst IdS = id
1121  applySubst rho = \case
1122    VarP i x     ->
1123      usePatternInfo i $
1124      useName (dbPatVarName x) $
1125      lookupS rho $ dbPatVarIndex x
1126    DotP i u     -> DotP i $ applyPatSubst rho u
1127    ConP c ci ps -> ConP c ci {conPType = applyPatSubst rho (conPType ci)} $ applySubst rho ps
1128    DefP i q ps  -> DefP i q $ applySubst rho ps
1129    p@(LitP _ _) -> p
1130    p@ProjP{}    -> p
1131    IApplyP i t u x ->
1132      case useName (dbPatVarName x) $ lookupS rho $ dbPatVarIndex x of
1133        IApplyP _ _ _ y -> IApplyP i (applyPatSubst rho t) (applyPatSubst rho u) y
1134        VarP  _ y       -> IApplyP i (applyPatSubst rho t) (applyPatSubst rho u) y
1135        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1136    where
1137      useName :: PatVarName -> DeBruijnPattern -> DeBruijnPattern
1138      useName n (VarP o x)
1139        | isUnderscore (dbPatVarName x)
1140        = VarP o $ x { dbPatVarName = n }
1141      useName _ x = x
1143instance Subst Range where
1144  type SubstArg Range = Term
1145  applySubst _ = id
1148-- * Projections
1151-- | @projDropParsApply proj o args = 'projDropPars' proj o `'apply'` args@
1153--   This function is an optimization, saving us from construction lambdas we
1154--   immediately remove through application.
1155projDropParsApply :: Projection -> ProjOrigin -> Relevance -> Args -> Term
1156projDropParsApply (Projection prop d r _ lams) o rel args =
1157  case initLast $ getProjLams lams of
1158    -- If we have no more abstractions, we must be a record field
1159    -- (projection applied already to record value).
1160    Nothing -> if proper then Def d $ map Apply args else __IMPOSSIBLE__
1161    Just (pars, Arg i y) ->
1162      let irr = isIrrelevant rel
1163          core
1164            | proper && not irr = Lam i $ Abs y $ Var 0 [Proj o d]
1165            | otherwise         = Lam i $ Abs y $ Def d [Apply $ Var 0 [] <$ r]
1166            -- Issue2226: get ArgInfo for principal argument from projFromType
1167      -- Now drop pars many args
1168          (pars', args') = dropCommon pars args
1169      -- We only have to abstract over the parameters that exceed the arguments.
1170      -- We only have to apply to the arguments that exceed the parameters.
1171      in List.foldr (\ (Arg ai x) -> Lam ai . NoAbs x) (core `apply` args') pars'
1172  where proper = isJust prop
1175-- * Telescopes
1178-- ** Telescope view of a type
1180type TelView = TelV Type
1181data TelV a  = TelV { theTel :: Tele (Dom a), theCore :: a }
1182  deriving (Show, Functor)
1184deriving instance (TermSubst a, Eq  a) => Eq  (TelV a)
1185deriving instance (TermSubst a, Ord a) => Ord (TelV a)
1187-- | Takes off all exposed function domains from the given type.
1188--   This means that it does not reduce to expose @Pi@-types.
1189telView' :: Type -> TelView
1190telView' = telView'UpTo (-1)
1192-- | @telView'UpTo n t@ takes off the first @n@ exposed function types of @t@.
1193-- Takes off all (exposed ones) if @n < 0@.
1194telView'UpTo :: Int -> Type -> TelView
1195telView'UpTo 0 t = TelV EmptyTel t
1196telView'UpTo n t = case unEl t of
1197  Pi a b  -> absV a (absName b) $ telView'UpTo (n - 1) (absBody b)
1198  _       -> TelV EmptyTel t
1199  where
1200    absV a x (TelV tel t) = TelV (ExtendTel a (Abs x tel)) t
1203-- ** Creating telescopes from lists of types
1205-- | Turn a typed binding @(x1 .. xn : A)@ into a telescope.
1206bindsToTel' :: (Name -> a) -> [Name] -> Dom Type -> ListTel' a
1207bindsToTel' f []     t = []
1208bindsToTel' f (x:xs) t = fmap (f x,) t : bindsToTel' f xs (raise 1 t)
1210bindsToTel :: [Name] -> Dom Type -> ListTel
1211bindsToTel = bindsToTel' nameToArgName
1213bindsToTel'1 :: (Name -> a) -> List1 Name -> Dom Type -> ListTel' a
1214bindsToTel'1 f = bindsToTel' f . List1.toList
1216bindsToTel1 :: List1 Name -> Dom Type -> ListTel
1217bindsToTel1 = bindsToTel . List1.toList
1219-- | Turn a typed binding @(x1 .. xn : A)@ into a telescope.
1220namedBindsToTel :: [NamedArg Name] -> Type -> Telescope
1221namedBindsToTel []       t = EmptyTel
1222namedBindsToTel (x : xs) t =
1223  ExtendTel (t <$ domFromNamedArgName x) $ Abs (nameToArgName $ namedArg x) $ namedBindsToTel xs (raise 1 t)
1225namedBindsToTel1 :: List1 (NamedArg Name) -> Type -> Telescope
1226namedBindsToTel1 = namedBindsToTel . List1.toList
1228domFromNamedArgName :: NamedArg Name -> Dom ()
1229domFromNamedArgName x = () <$ domFromNamedArg (fmap forceName x)
1230  where
1231    -- If no explicit name is given we use the bound name for the label.
1232    forceName (Named Nothing x) = Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ Ranged (getRange x) $ nameToArgName x) x
1233    forceName x = x
1235-- ** Abstracting in terms and types
1237mkPiSort :: Dom Type -> Abs Type -> Sort
1238mkPiSort a b = piSort (unEl <$> a) (getSort $ unDom a) (getSort <$> b)
1240-- | @mkPi dom t = telePi (telFromList [dom]) t@
1241mkPi :: Dom (ArgName, Type) -> Type -> Type
1242mkPi !dom b = el $ Pi a (mkAbs x b)
1243  where
1244    x = fst $ unDom dom
1245    a = snd <$> dom
1246    el = El $ mkPiSort a (Abs x b)
1248mkLam :: Arg ArgName -> Term -> Term
1249mkLam a v = Lam (argInfo a) (Abs (unArg a) v)
1251lamView :: Term -> ([Arg ArgName], Term)
1252lamView (Lam h (Abs   x b)) = first (Arg h x :) $ lamView b
1253lamView (Lam h (NoAbs x b)) = first (Arg h x :) $ lamView (raise 1 b)
1254lamView t                   = ([], t)
1256unlamView :: [Arg ArgName] -> Term -> Term
1257unlamView xs b = foldr mkLam b xs
1259telePi' :: (Abs Type -> Abs Type) -> Telescope -> Type -> Type
1260telePi' reAbs = telePi where
1261  telePi EmptyTel          t = t
1262  telePi (ExtendTel u tel) t = el $ Pi u $ reAbs b
1263    where
1264      b  = (`telePi` t) <$> tel
1265      el = El $ mkPiSort u b
1267-- | Uses free variable analysis to introduce 'NoAbs' bindings.
1268telePi :: Telescope -> Type -> Type
1269telePi = telePi' reAbs
1271-- | Everything will be an 'Abs'.
1272telePi_ :: Telescope -> Type -> Type
1273telePi_ = telePi' id
1275-- | Only abstract the visible components of the telescope,
1276--   and all that bind variables.  Everything will be an 'Abs'!
1277-- Caution: quadratic time!
1279telePiVisible :: Telescope -> Type -> Type
1280telePiVisible EmptyTel t = t
1281telePiVisible (ExtendTel u tel) t
1282    -- If u is not declared visible and b can be strengthened, skip quantification of u.
1283    | notVisible u, NoAbs x t' <- b' = t'
1284    -- Otherwise, include quantification over u.
1285    | otherwise = El (mkPiSort u b) $ Pi u b
1286  where
1287    b  = tel <&> (`telePiVisible` t)
1288    b' = reAbs b
1290-- | Abstract over a telescope in a term, producing lambdas.
1291--   Dumb abstraction: Always produces 'Abs', never 'NoAbs'.
1293--   The implementation is sound because 'Telescope' does not use 'NoAbs'.
1294teleLam :: Telescope -> Term -> Term
1295teleLam  EmptyTel         t = t
1296teleLam (ExtendTel u tel) t = Lam (domInfo u) $ flip teleLam t <$> tel
1298-- | Performs void ('noAbs') abstraction over telescope.
1299class TeleNoAbs a where
1300  teleNoAbs :: a -> Term -> Term
1302instance TeleNoAbs ListTel where
1303  teleNoAbs tel t = foldr (\ Dom{domInfo = ai, unDom = (x, _)} -> Lam ai . NoAbs x) t tel
1305instance TeleNoAbs Telescope where
1306  teleNoAbs tel = teleNoAbs $ telToList tel
1309-- ** Telescope typing
1311-- | Given arguments @vs : tel@ (vector typing), extract their individual types.
1312--   Returns @Nothing@ is @tel@ is not long enough.
1314typeArgsWithTel :: Telescope -> [Term] -> Maybe [Dom Type]
1315typeArgsWithTel _ []                         = return []
1316typeArgsWithTel (ExtendTel dom tel) (v : vs) = (dom :) <$> typeArgsWithTel (absApp tel v) vs
1317typeArgsWithTel EmptyTel{} (_:_)             = Nothing
1320-- * Clauses
1323-- | In compiled clauses, the variables in the clause body are relative to the
1324--   pattern variables (including dot patterns) instead of the clause telescope.
1325compiledClauseBody :: Clause -> Maybe Term
1326compiledClauseBody cl = applySubst (renamingR perm) $ clauseBody cl
1327  where perm = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ clausePerm cl
1330-- * Syntactic equality and order
1332-- Needs weakening.
1335deriving instance Eq Substitution
1336deriving instance Ord Substitution
1338deriving instance Eq Sort
1339deriving instance Ord Sort
1340deriving instance Eq Level
1341deriving instance Ord Level
1342deriving instance Eq PlusLevel
1343deriving instance Eq NotBlocked
1344deriving instance Eq t => Eq (Blocked t)
1345deriving instance Eq CandidateKind
1346deriving instance Eq Candidate
1348deriving instance (Subst a, Eq a)  => Eq  (Tele a)
1349deriving instance (Subst a, Ord a) => Ord (Tele a)
1351-- Andreas, 2019-11-16, issue #4201: to avoid potential unintended
1352-- performance loss, the Eq instance for Constraint is disabled:
1354-- -- deriving instance Eq Constraint
1356-- I am tempted to write
1358--   instance Eq Constraint where (==) = undefined
1360-- but this does not give a compilation error anymore when trying
1361-- to use equality on constraints.
1362-- Therefore, I hope this comment is sufficient to prevent a resurrection
1363-- of the Eq instance for Constraint.
1365deriving instance Eq Section
1367instance Ord PlusLevel where
1368  -- Compare on the atom first. Makes most sense for levelMax.
1369  compare (Plus n a) (Plus m b) = compare (a,n) (b,m)
1371-- | Syntactic 'Type' equality, ignores sort annotations.
1372instance Eq a => Eq (Type' a) where
1373  (==) = (==) `on` unEl
1375instance Ord a => Ord (Type' a) where
1376  compare = compare `on` unEl
1378-- | Syntactic 'Term' equality, ignores stuff below @DontCare@ and sharing.
1379instance Eq Term where
1380  Var x vs   == Var x' vs'   = x == x' && vs == vs'
1381  Lam h v    == Lam h' v'    = h == h' && v  == v'
1382  Lit l      == Lit l'       = l == l'
1383  Def x vs   == Def x' vs'   = x == x' && vs == vs'
1384  Con x _ vs == Con x' _ vs' = x == x' && vs == vs'
1385  Pi a b     == Pi a' b'     = a == a' && b == b'
1386  Sort s     == Sort s'      = s == s'
1387  Level l    == Level l'     = l == l'
1388  MetaV m vs == MetaV m' vs' = m == m' && vs == vs'
1389  DontCare _ == DontCare _   = True
1390  Dummy{}    == Dummy{}      = True
1391  _          == _            = False
1393instance Eq a => Eq (Pattern' a) where
1394  VarP _ x        == VarP _ y          = x == y
1395  DotP _ u        == DotP _ v          = u == v
1396  ConP c _ ps     == ConP c' _ qs      = c == c && ps == qs
1397  LitP _ l        == LitP _ l'         = l == l'
1398  ProjP _ f       == ProjP _ g         = f == g
1399  IApplyP _ u v x == IApplyP _ u' v' y = u == u' && v == v' && x == y
1400  DefP _ f ps     == DefP _ g qs       = f == g && ps == qs
1401  _               == _                 = False
1403instance Ord Term where
1404  Var a b    `compare` Var x y    = compare x a `thenCmp` compare b y -- sort de Bruijn indices down (#2765)
1405  Var{}      `compare` _          = LT
1406  _          `compare` Var{}      = GT
1407  Def a b    `compare` Def x y    = compare (a, b) (x, y)
1408  Def{}      `compare` _          = LT
1409  _          `compare` Def{}      = GT
1410  Con a _ b  `compare` Con x _ y  = compare (a, b) (x, y)
1411  Con{}      `compare` _          = LT
1412  _          `compare` Con{}      = GT
1413  Lit a      `compare` Lit x      = compare a x
1414  Lit{}      `compare` _          = LT
1415  _          `compare` Lit{}      = GT
1416  Lam a b    `compare` Lam x y    = compare (a, b) (x, y)
1417  Lam{}      `compare` _          = LT
1418  _          `compare` Lam{}      = GT
1419  Pi a b     `compare` Pi x y     = compare (a, b) (x, y)
1420  Pi{}       `compare` _          = LT
1421  _          `compare` Pi{}       = GT
1422  Sort a     `compare` Sort x     = compare a x
1423  Sort{}     `compare` _          = LT
1424  _          `compare` Sort{}     = GT
1425  Level a    `compare` Level x    = compare a x
1426  Level{}    `compare` _          = LT
1427  _          `compare` Level{}    = GT
1428  MetaV a b  `compare` MetaV x y  = compare (a, b) (x, y)
1429  MetaV{}    `compare` _          = LT
1430  _          `compare` MetaV{}    = GT
1431  DontCare{} `compare` DontCare{} = EQ
1432  DontCare{} `compare` _          = LT
1433  _          `compare` DontCare{} = GT
1434  Dummy{}    `compare` Dummy{}    = EQ
1436-- Andreas, 2017-10-04, issue #2775, ignore irrelevant arguments during with-abstraction.
1438-- For reasons beyond my comprehension, the following Eq instances are not employed
1439-- by with-abstraction in TypeChecking.Abstract.isPrefixOf.
1440-- Instead, I modified the general Eq instance for Arg to ignore the argument
1441-- if irrelevant.
1443-- -- | Ignore irrelevant arguments in equality check.
1444-- --   Also ignore origin.
1445-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq (Arg Term) where
1446--   a@(Arg (ArgInfo h r _o) t) == a'@(Arg (ArgInfo h' r' _o') t') = trace ("Eq (Arg Term) on " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show a') $
1447--     h == h' && ((r == Irrelevant) || (r' == Irrelevant) || (t == t'))
1448--     -- Andreas, 2017-10-04: According to Syntax.Common, equality on Arg ignores Relevance and Origin.
1450-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq Args where
1451--   us == vs = length us == length vs && and (zipWith (==) us vs)
1453-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq Elims where
1454--   us == vs = length us == length vs && and (zipWith (==) us vs)
1456-- | Equality of binders relies on weakening
1457--   which is a special case of renaming
1458--   which is a special case of substitution.
1459instance (Subst a, Eq a) => Eq (Abs a) where
1460  NoAbs _ a == NoAbs _ b = a == b  -- no need to raise if both are NoAbs
1461  a         == b         = absBody a == absBody b
1463instance (Subst a, Ord a) => Ord (Abs a) where
1464  NoAbs _ a `compare` NoAbs _ b = a `compare` b  -- no need to raise if both are NoAbs
1465  a         `compare` b         = absBody a `compare` absBody b
1467deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Dom a)
1469instance (Subst a, Eq a)  => Eq  (Elim' a) where
1470  Apply  a == Apply  b = a == b
1471  Proj _ x == Proj _ y = x == y
1472  IApply x y r == IApply x' y' r' = x == x' && y == y' && r == r'
1473  _ == _ = False
1475instance (Subst a, Ord a) => Ord (Elim' a) where
1476  Apply  a `compare` Apply  b = a `compare` b
1477  Proj _ x `compare` Proj _ y = x `compare` y
1478  IApply x y r `compare` IApply x' y' r' = compare x x' `mappend` compare y y' `mappend` compare r r'
1479  Apply{}  `compare` _        = LT
1480  _        `compare` Apply{}  = GT
1481  Proj{}   `compare` _        = LT
1482  _        `compare` Proj{}   = GT
1486-- * Sort stuff
1489-- | @univSort' univInf s@ gets the next higher sort of @s@, if it is
1490--   known (i.e. it is not just @UnivSort s@).
1492--   Precondition: @s@ is reduced
1493univSort' :: Sort -> Maybe Sort
1494univSort' (Type l) = Just $ Type $ levelSuc l
1495univSort' (Prop l) = Just $ Type $ levelSuc l
1496univSort' (Inf f n) = Just $ Inf f $ 1 + n
1497univSort' (SSet l) = Just $ SSet $ levelSuc l
1498univSort' SizeUniv = Just $ Inf IsFibrant 0
1499univSort' LockUniv = Just $ Inf IsFibrant 0 -- lock polymorphism is not actually supported
1500univSort' s        = Nothing
1502univSort :: Sort -> Sort
1503univSort s = fromMaybe (UnivSort s) $ univSort' s
1505sort :: Sort -> Type
1506sort s = El (univSort s) $ Sort s
1508ssort :: Level -> Type
1509ssort l = sort (SSet l)
1511-- | Returns @Nothing@ for unknown (meta) sorts, and otherwise returns
1512--   @Just (b,f)@ where @b@ indicates smallness and @f@ fibrancy.
1513--   I.e., @b@ is @True@ for (relatively) small sorts like @Set l@ and
1514--   @Prop l@, and instead @b@ is @False@ for large sorts such as @Setω@.
1515isSmallSort :: Sort -> Maybe (Bool,IsFibrant)
1516isSmallSort Type{}     = Just (True,IsFibrant)
1517isSmallSort Prop{}     = Just (True,IsFibrant)
1518isSmallSort SizeUniv   = Just (True,IsFibrant)
1519isSmallSort LockUniv   = Just (True,IsFibrant)
1520isSmallSort (Inf f _)  = Just (False,f)
1521isSmallSort SSet{}     = Just (True,IsStrict)
1522isSmallSort MetaS{}    = Nothing
1523isSmallSort FunSort{}  = Nothing
1524isSmallSort PiSort{}   = Nothing
1525isSmallSort UnivSort{} = Nothing
1526isSmallSort DefS{}     = Nothing
1527isSmallSort DummyS{}   = Nothing
1529fibrantLub :: IsFibrant -> IsFibrant -> IsFibrant
1530fibrantLub IsStrict a = IsStrict
1531fibrantLub a IsStrict = IsStrict
1532fibrantLub a b = a
1534-- | Compute the sort of a function type from the sorts of its
1535--   domain and codomain.
1536funSort' :: Sort -> Sort -> Maybe Sort
1537funSort' a b = case (a, b) of
1538  (Inf af m      , Inf bf n     ) -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub af bf) $ max m n
1539  (Inf af m      , b            ) | Just (True,bf) <- isSmallSort b -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub af bf) m
1540  (a             , Inf bf n     ) | Just (True,af) <- isSmallSort a -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub af bf) n
1541  (Type a        , Type b       ) -> Just $ Type $ levelLub a b
1542  (LockUniv      , b            ) -> Just b
1543  -- No functions into lock types
1544  (a             , LockUniv     ) -> Nothing
1545  (SizeUniv      , b            ) -> Just b
1546  (a             , SizeUniv     ) | Just (True,_) <- isSmallSort a -> Just SizeUniv
1547  (Prop a        , Type b       ) -> Just $ Type $ levelLub a b
1548  (Type a        , Prop b       ) -> Just $ Prop $ levelLub a b
1549  (Prop a        , Prop b       ) -> Just $ Prop $ levelLub a b
1550  (SSet a        , SSet b       ) -> Just $ SSet $ levelLub a b
1551  (Type a        , SSet b       ) -> Just $ SSet $ levelLub a b
1552  (SSet a        , Type b       ) -> Just $ SSet $ levelLub a b
1553  (a             , b            ) -> Nothing
1555funSort :: Sort -> Sort -> Sort
1556funSort a b = fromMaybe (FunSort a b) $ funSort' a b
1558-- | Compute the sort of a pi type from the sorts of its domain
1559--   and codomain.
1560piSort' :: Dom Term -> Sort -> Abs Sort -> Maybe Sort
1561piSort' a s1       (NoAbs _ s2) = Just $ FunSort s1 s2
1562piSort' a s1 s2Abs@(Abs   _ s2) = case flexRigOccurrenceIn 0 s2 of
1563  Nothing -> Just $ FunSort s1 $ noabsApp __IMPOSSIBLE__ s2Abs
1564  Just o | Just (True, f1) <- isSmallSort s1, Just (True, f2) <- isSmallSort s2 -> case o of
1565    StronglyRigid -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub f1 f2) 0
1566    Unguarded     -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub f1 f2) 0
1567    WeaklyRigid   -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub f1 f2) 0
1568    Flexible _    -> Nothing
1569  Just o | Inf f1 n <- s1 , Just (True, f2) <- isSmallSort s2 -> Just $ Inf (fibrantLub f1 f2) n
1570  Just _ -> Nothing
1572-- Andreas, 2019-06-20
1573-- KEEP the following commented out code for the sake of the discussion on irrelevance.
1574-- piSort' a bAbs@(Abs   _ b) = case occurrence 0 b of
1575--     -- Andreas, Jesper, AIM XXIX, 2019-03-18, issue #3631
1576--     -- Remember the NoAbs here!
1577--     NoOccurrence  -> Just $ funSort a $ noabsApp __IMPOSSIBLE__ bAbs
1578--     -- Andreas, 2017-01-18, issue #2408:
1579--     -- The sort of @.(a : A) → Set (f a)@ in context @f : .A → Level@
1580--     -- is @dLub Set λ a → Set (lsuc (f a))@, but @DLub@s are not serialized.
1581--     -- Alternatives:
1582--     -- 1. -- Irrelevantly -> sLub s1 (absApp b $ DontCare $ Sort Prop)
1583--     --    We cheat here by simplifying the sort to @Set (lsuc (f *))@
1584--     --    where * is a dummy value.  The rationale is that @f * = f a@ (irrelevance!)
1585--     --    and that if we already have a neutral level @f a@
1586--     --    it should not hurt to have @f *@ even if type @A@ is empty.
1587--     --    However: sorts are printed in error messages when sorts do not match.
1588--     --    Also, sorts with a dummy like Prop would be ill-typed.
1589--     -- 2. We keep the DLub, and serialize it.
1590--     --    That's clean and principled, even though DLubs make level solving harder.
1591--     -- Jesper, 2018-04-20: another alternative:
1592--     -- 3. Return @Inf@ as in the relevant case. This is conservative and might result
1593--     --    in more occurrences of @Setω@ than desired, but at least it doesn't pollute
1594--     --    the sort system with new 'exotic' sorts.
1595--     Irrelevantly  -> Just Inf
1596--     StronglyRigid -> Just Inf
1597--     Unguarded     -> Just Inf
1598--     WeaklyRigid   -> Just Inf
1599--     Flexible _    -> Nothing
1601piSort :: Dom Term -> Sort -> Abs Sort -> Sort
1602piSort a s1 s2 = case piSort' a s1 s2 of
1603  Just s  -> s
1604  Nothing -> PiSort a s1 s2
1607-- * Level stuff
1610-- ^ Computes @n0 ⊔ a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ ... ⊔ aₙ@ and return its canonical form.
1611levelMax :: Integer -> [PlusLevel] -> Level
1612levelMax n0 as0 = Max n as
1613  where
1614    -- step 1: flatten nested @Level@ expressions in @PlusLevel@s
1615    Max n1 as1 = expandLevel $ Max n0 as0
1616    -- step 2: remove subsumed @PlusLevel@s
1617    as2       = removeSubsumed as1
1618    -- step 3: sort remaining @PlusLevel@s
1619    as        = List.sort as2
1620    -- step 4: set constant to 0 if it is subsumed by one of the @PlusLevel@s
1621    greatestB = Prelude.maximum $ 0 : [ n | Plus n _ <- as ]
1622    n | n1 > greatestB = n1
1623      | otherwise      = 0
1625    lmax :: Integer -> [PlusLevel] -> [Level] -> Level
1626    lmax m as []              = Max m as
1627    lmax m as (Max n bs : ls) = lmax (max m n) (bs ++ as) ls
1629    expandLevel :: Level -> Level
1630    expandLevel (Max m as) = lmax m [] $ map expandPlus as
1632    expandPlus :: PlusLevel -> Level
1633    expandPlus (Plus m l) = levelPlus m (expandTm l)
1635    expandTm (Level l)       = expandLevel l
1636    expandTm l               = atomicLevel l
1638    removeSubsumed [] = []
1639    removeSubsumed (Plus n a : bs)
1640      | not $ null ns = removeSubsumed bs
1641      | otherwise     = Plus n a : removeSubsumed [ b | b@(Plus _ a') <- bs, a /= a' ]
1642      where
1643        ns = [ m | Plus m a' <- bs, a == a', m > n ]
1645-- | Given two levels @a@ and @b@, compute @a ⊔ b@ and return its
1646--   canonical form.
1647levelLub :: Level -> Level -> Level
1648levelLub (Max m as) (Max n bs) = levelMax (max m n) $ as ++ bs
1650levelTm :: Level -> Term
1651levelTm l =
1652  case l of
1653    Max 0 [Plus 0 l] -> l
1654    _                -> Level l