1#  File src/library/stats/R/dummy.coef.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 1998-2020 The R Core Team
5#  Copyright (C) 1998 B. D. Ripley
7#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10#  (at your option) any later version.
12#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15#  GNU General Public License for more details.
17#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
18#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
20dummy.coef <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("dummy.coef")
22dummy.coef.lm <- function(object, use.na=FALSE, ...)
24    xl <- object$xlevels
25    if(!length(xl)) # no factors in model
26	return(as.list(coef(object)))
27    Terms <- terms(object)
28    tl <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
29    int <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
30    facs <- attr(Terms, "factors")[-1, , drop=FALSE]
31    Terms <- delete.response(Terms)
32    mf <- object$model %||% model.frame(object)
33    vars <- dimnames(facs)[[1]] # names
34    xtlv <- lapply(mf[,vars, drop=FALSE], levels) ## levels
35    nxl <- pmax(lengths(xtlv), 1L)  ## (named) number of levels
36    lterms <- apply(facs, 2L, function(x) prod(nxl[x > 0]))
37    nl <- sum(lterms)
38    ## dummy: data frame of vars
39    args <- sapply(vars, function(i)
40	if (nxl[i] == 1) rep.int(1, nl)
41	else factor(rep.int(xtlv[[i]][1L], nl), levels = xtlv[[i]]),
42	simplify=FALSE)
43    ## dummy <- as.data.frame(args) # slightly more efficiently:
44    dummy <- do.call(data.frame, args); names(dummy) <- vars
45    pos <- 0L
46    rn <- rep.int(tl, lterms)
47    rnn <- character(nl) # all "" --- will be names of rows
48    for(j in tl) {
49	i <- vars[facs[, j] > 0]
50	ifac <- i[nxl[i] > 1]
51	lt.j <- lterms[[j]]
52	if(length(ifac) == 0L) {        # quantitative factor
53	    rnn[pos+1L] <- j
54	} else {
55	    p.j <- pos + seq_len(lt.j)
56	    if(length(ifac) == 1L) {	# main effect
57		dummy[p.j, ifac] <- x.i <- xtlv[[ifac]]
58		rnn[p.j] <- as.character(x.i)
59	    } else {			# interaction
60		tmp <- expand.grid(xtlv[ifac], KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE)
61		dummy[p.j, ifac] <- tmp
62		rnn[p.j] <- apply(as.matrix(tmp), 1L, paste, collapse = ":")
63	    }
64	}
65	pos <- pos + lt.j
66    }
67    attr(dummy,"terms") <- attr(mf,"terms")
68    lcontr <- object$contrasts
69    lci <- vapply(dummy, is.factor, NA)
70    lcontr <- lcontr[names(lci)[lci]] ## factors with 1 level have disappeared (?)
71    mm <- model.matrix(Terms, dummy, lcontr, xl)
72    if(anyNA(mm)) {
73        warning("some terms will have NAs due to the limits of the method")
74        mm[is.na(mm)] <- NA
75    }
76    coef <- object$coefficients
77    if(!use.na) coef[is.na(coef)] <- 0
78    asgn <- attr(mm,"assign")
79    res <- setNames(vector("list", length(tl)), tl)
80    if(isM <- is.matrix(coef)) { # isM is true for "mlm", multivariate lm (incl manova)
81	for(j in seq_along(tl)) {
82	    keep <- which(asgn == j)
83	    cf <- coef[keep, , drop=FALSE]
84	    ij <- rn == tl[j]
85	    cf <-
86		if (any(na <- is.na(cf))) {
87		    if(ncol(cf) >= 2)
88			stop("multivariate case with missing coefficients is not yet implemented")
89		    ## else: 1 column --> treat 'cf' as vector
90		    rj <- t( mm[ij, keep[!na], drop=FALSE] %*% cf[!na])
91		    rj[apply(mm[ij, keep[ na], drop=FALSE] != 0, 1L, any)] <- NA
92		    rj
93		} else
94		    t(mm[ij, keep, drop = FALSE] %*% cf)
95	    dimnames(cf) <- list(colnames(coef), rnn[ij])
96	    res[[j]] <- cf
97	}
98    } else { ## regular univariate lm case
99	for(j in seq_along(tl)) {
100	    keep <- which(asgn == j)
101	    cf <- coef[keep]
102	    ij <- rn == tl[j]
103	    res[[j]] <-
104		if (any(na <- is.na(cf))) {
105		    rj <- setNames(drop(mm[ij, keep[!na], drop = FALSE] %*%
106					cf[!na]), rnn[ij])
107		    rj[apply(mm[ij, keep[na], drop=FALSE] != 0, 1L, any)] <- NA
108		    rj
109		} else
110		    setNames(drop(mm[ij, keep, drop = FALSE] %*% cf), rnn[ij])
111	}
112    }
113    if(int > 0)
114	res <- c(list("(Intercept)" = if(isM) coef[int, ] else coef[int]), res)
115    structure(res, class = "dummy_coef",  matrix = isM)
118## NB: This is very much duplication from dummy.coef.lm -- keep in sync !
119dummy.coef.aovlist <- function(object, use.na = FALSE, ...)
121    xl <- attr(object, "xlevels")
122    if(!length(xl)) # no factors in model
123	return(as.list(coef(object)))
124    Terms <- terms(object, specials="Error")
125    err <- attr(Terms,"specials")$Error - 1
126    tl <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")[-err]
127    int <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
128    facs <- attr(Terms, "factors")[-c(1,1+err), -err, drop=FALSE]
129    stopifnot(length(names(object)) == (N <- length(object)))
130    mf <- object$model %||% model.frame(object)
131    vars <- dimnames(facs)[[1]] # names
132    xtlv <- lapply(mf[,vars, drop=FALSE], levels) ## levels
133    nxl <- pmax(lengths(xtlv), 1L)  ## (named) number of levels
134    lterms <- apply(facs, 2L, function(x) prod(nxl[x > 0]))
135    nl <- sum(lterms)
136    args <- setNames(vector("list", length(vars)), vars)
137    for(i in vars)
138	args[[i]] <- if(nxl[[i]] == 1) rep.int(1, nl)
139                     else factor(rep.int(xl[[i]][1L], nl), levels = xl[[i]])
140    ## dummy <- as.data.frame(args) # slightly more efficiently:
141    dummy <- do.call(data.frame, args); names(dummy) <- vars
142    pos <- 0L
143    rn <- rep.int(tl, lterms)
144    rnn <- character(nl) # all "" --- will be names of rows
145    for(j in tl) {
146	i <- vars[facs[, j] > 0]
147	ifac <- i[nxl[i] > 1]
148	lt.j <- lterms[[j]]
149	if(length(ifac) == 0L) {        # quantitative factor
150	    rnn[pos+1L] <- j
151	} else {
152	    p.j <- pos + seq_len(lt.j)
153	    if(length(ifac) == 1L) {	# main effect
154		dummy[p.j, ifac] <- x.i <- xtlv[[ifac]]
155		rnn[p.j] <- as.character(x.i)
156	    } else {			# interaction
157		tmp <- expand.grid(xtlv[ifac], KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE)
158		dummy[p.j, ifac] <- tmp
159		rnn[p.j] <- apply(as.matrix(tmp), 1L, paste, collapse = ":")
160	    }
161        }
162	pos <- pos + lt.j
163    }
164    form <- paste0("~", paste0(tl, collapse = " + "), if(!int) "- 1")
165    lcontr <- object$contrasts
166    lci <- vapply(dummy, is.factor, NA)
167    lcontr <- lcontr[names(lci)[lci]] ## factors with 1 level have disappeared
168    mm <- model.matrix(terms(formula(form)), dummy, lcontr, xl)
169    tl <- c("(Intercept)", tl)
170    res <- setNames(vector("list", N), names(object))
171    allasgn <- attr(mm, "assign")
172    for(i in names(object)) {
173	coef <- object[[i]]$coefficients
174	if(!use.na) coef[is.na(coef)] <- 0
175	asgn <- object[[i]]$assign
176	uasgn <- unique(asgn)
177	tll <- tl[1L + uasgn]
178	mod <- setNames(vector("list", length(tll)), tll)
179### FIXME --- npk.aovE --- fails : "N"  gets  length 0 !!!!
180	if((isM <- is.matrix(coef))) { # "mlm", multivariate lm (incl manova)
181	    for(j in uasgn) {
182		keep <- which(asgn == j)
183		cf <- coef[keep, , drop=FALSE]
184		ij <- rn == tl[j]
185		cf <-
186		    if (any(na <- is.na(cf))) {
187			if(ncol(cf) >= 2)
188			    stop("multivariate case with missing coefficients is not yet implemented")
189			if(j == 0) {
190			    structure(cf[!na], names="(Intercept)")
191			} else {
192			    ## else: 1 column --> treat 'cf' as vector
193			    rj <- t( mm[ij, keep[!na], drop=FALSE] %*% cf[!na])
194			    rj[apply(mm[ij, keep[ na], drop=FALSE] != 0, 1L, any)] <- NA
195			    rj
196			}
197		    } else { # no NA's
198			if(j == 0)
199			    structure(cf, names="(Intercept)")
200			else
201			    t(mm[ij, keep, drop=FALSE] %*% cf)
202		    }
203		dimnames(cf) <- list(colnames(coef), rnn[ij])
204		mod[[tl[j+1L]]] <- cf
205	    }
206	} else { ## regular univariate lm case
207	    for(j in uasgn) {
208		keep <- which(asgn == j)
209		cf <- coef[keep]
210		mod[[tl[j+1L]]] <-
211		    if(j == 0) {
212			structure(cf, names="(Intercept)")
213		    } else {
214			ij <- rn == tl[j+1L]
215			if (any(na <- is.na(cf))) {
216			    rj <- setNames(drop(mm[ij, keep[!na], drop = FALSE] %*%
217						cf[!na]), rnn[ij])
218			    rj[apply(mm[ij, keep[na], drop=FALSE] != 0, 1L, any)] <- NA
219			    rj
220			} else
221			    setNames(drop(mm[ij, allasgn == j, drop=FALSE] %*% cf),
222				     rnn[ij])
223		    }
224	    }
225	}
226	res[[i]] <- structure(mod, matrix = isM)
227    } ## for( i )
229    structure(res, class = "dummy_coef_list")
232print.dummy_coef <- function(x, ..., title)
234    terms <- names(x)
235    n <- length(x)
236    isM <- attr(x, "matrix")
237    nr.x <- if(isM) vapply(x, NROW, 1L) else lengths(x)
238    line <- 0L # 'lineEnd'
239    if(isM) { # "mlm" - multivariate case
240	ansnrow <- sum(1L + nr.x)
241	addcol <- max(nr.x) - 1L
242	nm <- addcol + if(isM) max(vapply(x, NCOL, 1L)) else 1L
243	ans <- matrix("", ansnrow , nm)
244	rn <- character(ansnrow)
245	for (j in seq_len(n)) {
246	    this <- as.matrix(x[[j]])
247	    nr1 <- nrow(this)
248	    nc1 <- ncol(this)
249	    dn <- dimnames(this)
250	    dimnames(this) <-
251		list(dn[[1]] %||% character(nr1),
252		     dn[[2]] %||% character(nc1))
253	    if(nc1 > 1L) {
254		lin0 <- line + 2L
255		line <- line + nr1 + 1L
256		ans[lin0 - 1L, addcol + (1L:nc1)] <- colnames(this)
257		ans[lin0:line, addcol + (1L:nc1)] <- format(this, ...)
258		rn[lin0 - 1L] <- paste0(terms[j], ":   ")
259	    } else {
260		lin0 <- line + 1L
261		line <- line + nr1
262		ans[lin0:line, addcol + 1L] <- format(this, ...)
263		rn[lin0] <- paste0(terms[j], ":   ")
264	    }
265	    if(addcol > 0) ans[lin0:line, addcol] <- rownames(this)
266	}
267    } else { ## regular univariate lm case
268	nm <- max(nr.x)
269	ans <- matrix("", 2L*n, nm)
270	rn <- character(2L*n) # ""
271	for (j in seq_len(n)) {
272	    this <- x[[j]]
273	    n1 <- length(this)
274	    if(n1 > 1) {
275		line <- line + 2L
276		ans[line-1L, 1L:n1] <- names(this)
277		ans[line,    1L:n1] <- format(this, ...)
278		rn [line-1L] <- paste0(terms[j], ":   ")
279	    } else {
280		line <- line + 1L
281		ans[line, 1L:n1] <- format(this, ...)
282		rn[line] <- paste0(terms[j], ":   ")
283	    }
284	}
285    }
286    dimnames(ans) <- list(rn, character(nm))
287    cat(if(missing(title)) "Full coefficients are" else title, "\n")
288    print(ans[1L:line, , drop=FALSE], quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)
289    invisible(x)
292print.dummy_coef_list <- function(x, ...)
294    for(strata in names(x))
295	print.dummy_coef(x[[strata]], ..., title=paste("\n     Error:", strata))
296    invisible(x)