1      subroutine bsplvd ( t, lent, k, x, left, a, dbiatx, nderiv )
2c     --------   ------
3c      implicit none
5C calculates value and deriv.s of all b-splines which do not vanish at x
6C calls bsplvb
8c******  i n p u t  ******
9c  t     the knot array, of length left+k (at least)
10c  k     the order of the b-splines to be evaluated
11c  x     the point at which these values are sought
12c  left  an integer indicating the left endpoint of the interval of
13c        interest. the  k  b-splines whose support contains the interval
14c               (t(left), t(left+1))
15c        are to be considered.
16c  a s s u m p t i o n  - - -  it is assumed that
17c               t(left) < t(left+1)
18c        division by zero will result otherwise (in  b s p l v b ).
19c        also, the output is as advertised only if
20c               t(left) <= x <= t(left+1) .
21c  nderiv   an integer indicating that values of b-splines and their
22c        derivatives up to but not including the  nderiv-th  are asked
23c        for. ( nderiv  is replaced internally by the integer in (1,k)
24c        closest to it.)
26c******  w o r k   a r e a  ******
27c  a     an array of order (k,k), to contain b-coeff.s of the derivat-
28c        ives of a certain order of the  k  b-splines of interest.
30c******  o u t p u t  ******
31c  dbiatx   an array of order (k,nderiv). its entry  (i,m)  contains
32c        value of  (m-1)st  derivative of  (left-k+i)-th  b-spline of
33c        order  k  for knot sequence  t , i=m,...,k; m=1,...,nderiv.
35c******  m e t h o d  ******
36c  values at  x  of all the relevant b-splines of order k,k-1,...,
37c  k+1-nderiv  are generated via  bsplvb  and stored temporarily
38c  in  dbiatx .  then, the b-coeffs of the required derivatives of the
39c  b-splines of interest are generated by differencing, each from the
40c  preceding one of lower order, and combined with the values of b-
41c  splines of corresponding order in  dbiatx  to produce the desired
42c  values.
44C Args
45      integer lent,k,left,nderiv
46      double precision t(lent),x, dbiatx(k,nderiv), a(k,k)
47C Locals
48      double precision factor,fkp1mm,sum
49      integer i,ideriv,il,j,jlow,jp1mid, kp1,kp1mm,ldummy,m,mhigh
51      mhigh = max0(min0(nderiv,k),1)
52c     mhigh is usually equal to nderiv.
53      kp1 = k+1
54      call bsplvb(t,lent,kp1-mhigh,1,x,left,dbiatx)
55      if (mhigh .eq. 1) return
56c     the first column of  dbiatx  always contains the b-spline values
57c     for the current order. these are stored in column k+1-current
58c     order  before  bsplvb  is called to put values for the next
59c     higher order on top of it.
60      ideriv = mhigh
61      do 15 m=2,mhigh
62         jp1mid = 1
63         do 11 j=ideriv,k
64            dbiatx(j,ideriv) = dbiatx(jp1mid,1)
65            jp1mid = jp1mid + 1
66   11       continue
67         ideriv = ideriv - 1
68         call bsplvb(t,lent,kp1-ideriv,2,x,left,dbiatx)
69   15    continue
71c     at this point,  b(left-k+i, k+1-j)(x) is in  dbiatx(i,j) for
72c     i=j,...,k and j=1,...,mhigh ('=' nderiv). in particular, the
73c     first column of  dbiatx  is already in final form. to obtain cor-
74c     responding derivatives of b-splines in subsequent columns, gene-
75c     rate their b-repr. by differencing, then evaluate at  x.
77      jlow = 1
78      do 20 i=1,k
79         do 19 j=jlow,k
80            a(j,i) = 0d0
81   19       continue
82         jlow = i
83         a(i,i) = 1d0
84   20    continue
85c     at this point, a(.,j) contains the b-coeffs for the j-th of the
86c     k  b-splines of interest here.
88      do 45 m=2,mhigh
89         kp1mm = kp1 - m
90         fkp1mm = dble(kp1mm)
91         il = left
92         i = k
94c        for j=1,...,k, construct b-coeffs of  (m-1)st  derivative of
95c        b-splines from those for preceding derivative by differencing
96c        and store again in  a(.,j) . the fact that  a(i,j) = 0  for
97c        i < j  is used.sed.
98         do 25 ldummy=1,kp1mm
99            factor = fkp1mm/(t(il+kp1mm) - t(il))
100c           the assumption that t(left) < t(left+1) makes denominator
101c           in  factor  nonzero.
102            do 24 j=1,i
103               a(i,j) = (a(i,j) - a(i-1,j))*factor
104   24          continue
105            il = il - 1
106            i = i - 1
107   25       continue
109c        for i=1,...,k, combine b-coeffs a(.,i) with b-spline values
110c        stored in dbiatx(.,m) to get value of  (m-1)st  derivative of
111c        i-th b-spline (of interest here) at  x , and store in
112c        dbiatx(i,m). storage of this value over the value of a b-spline
113c        of order m there is safe since the remaining b-spline derivat-
114c        ive of the same order do not use this value due to the fact
115c        that  a(j,i) = 0  for j < i .
116         do 40 i=1,k
117            sum = 0.d0
118            jlow = max0(i,m)
119            do 35 j=jlow,k
120               sum = a(j,i)*dbiatx(j,m) + sum
121   35       continue
122            dbiatx(i,m) = sum
123   40    continue
124   45 continue
125      end
127      subroutine bsplvb ( t, lent,jhigh, index, x, left, biatx )
128c      implicit none
129c     -------------
131calculates the value of all possibly nonzero b-splines at  x  of order
133c               jout  =  dmax( jhigh , (j+1)*(index-1) )
135c  with knot sequence  t .
137c******  i n p u t  ******
138c  t.....knot sequence, of length  left + jout  , assumed to be nonde-
139c        creasing.
140c    a s s u m p t i o n  :  t(left)  <  t(left + 1)
141c    d i v i s i o n  b y  z e r o  will result if  t(left) = t(left+1)
143c  jhigh,
144c  index.....integers which determine the order  jout = max(jhigh,
145c        (j+1)*(index-1))  of the b-splines whose values at  x  are to
146c        be returned.  index  is used to avoid recalculations when seve-
147c        ral columns of the triangular array of b-spline values are nee-
148c        ded (e.g., in  bvalue  or in  bsplvd ). precisely,
149c                     if  index = 1 ,
150c        the calculation starts from scratch and the entire triangular
151c        array of b-spline values of orders 1,2,...,jhigh  is generated
152c        order by order , i.e., column by column .
153c                     if  index = 2 ,
154c        only the b-spline values of order  j+1, j+2, ..., jout  are ge-
155c        nerated, the assumption being that  biatx , j , deltal , deltar
156c        are, on entry, as they were on exit at the previous call.
157c           in particular, if  jhigh = 0, then  jout = j+1, i.e., just
158c        the next column of b-spline values is generated.
160c  w a r n i n g . . .  the restriction   jout <= jmax (= 20)  is
161c        imposed arbitrarily by the dimension statement for  deltal and
162c        deltar  below, but is  n o w h e r e  c h e c k e d  for .
164c  x.....the point at which the b-splines are to be evaluated.
165c  left.....an integer chosen (usually) so that
166c                  t(left) <= x <= t(left+1)  .
168c******  o u t p u t  ******
169c  biatx.....array of length  jout , with  biatx(i)  containing the val-
170c        ue at  x  of the polynomial of order  jout  which agrees with
171c        the b-spline  b(left-jout+i,jout,t)  on the interval (t(left),
172c        t(left+1)) .
174c******  m e t h o d  ******
175c  the recurrence relation
177c                       x - t(i)               t(i+j+1) - x
178c     b(i,j+1)(x)  =  ----------- b(i,j)(x) + --------------- b(i+1,j)(x)
179c                     t(i+j)-t(i)             t(i+j+1)-t(i+1)
181c  is used (repeatedly) to generate the
182c  (j+1)-vector  b(left-j,j+1)(x),...,b(left,j+1)(x)
183c  from the j-vector  b(left-j+1,j)(x),...,b(left,j)(x),
184c  storing the new values in  biatx  over the old.  the facts that
185c            b(i,1) = 1         if  t(i) <= x < t(i+1)
186c  and that
187c            b(i,j)(x) = 0  unless  t(i) <= x < t(i+j)
188c  are used. the particular organization of the calculations follows
189c  algorithm (8)  in chapter x of the text.
192C Arguments
193      integer lent, jhigh, index, left
194      double precision t(lent),x, biatx(jhigh)
195c     dimension     t(left+jout), biatx(jout)
196c     -----------------------------------
197c current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify the length of
198c  t  and of  biatx  precisely without the introduction of otherwise
199c  superfluous additional arguments.
201C Local Variables
202      integer jmax
203      parameter(jmax = 20)
204      integer i,j,jp1
205      double precision deltal(jmax), deltar(jmax),saved,term
207      save j,deltal,deltar
208      data j/1/
210c                                        go to (10,20), index
211      if (index .eq. 2) go to 20
212      j = 1
213      biatx(1) = 1d0
214      if (j .ge. jhigh) return
216   20    jp1 = j + 1
217         deltar(j) = t(left+j) - x
218         deltal(j) = x - t(left+1-j)
219         saved = 0d0
220         do 26 i=1,j
221            term = biatx(i)/(deltar(i) + deltal(jp1-i))
222            biatx(i) = saved + deltar(i)*term
223            saved = deltal(jp1-i)*term
224   26       continue
225         biatx(jp1) = saved
226         j = jp1
227         if (j .lt. jhigh)              go to 20
228      end