1 /* sbart.f -- translated by f2c (version 20010821).
2  * ------- and f2c-clean,v 1.9 2000/01/13
3  *
4  * According to the GAMFIT sources, this was derived from code by
5  * Finbarr O'Sullivan.
6  */
8 #include "modreg.h"
9 #include <math.h>
10 #include <Rmath.h>
12 /* sbart() : The cubic spline smoother
13    -------
14  Calls	 sgram	(sg0,sg1,sg2,sg3,knot,nk)
15 	 stxwx	(xs,ys,ws,n,knot,nk,xwy,hs0,hs1,hs2,hs3)
16 	 sslvrg (penalt,dofoff,xs,ys,ws,ssw,n,knot,nk,	coef,sz,lev,crit,icrit,
17 		 lambda, xwy, hs0,hs1,hs2,hs3, sg0,sg1,sg2,sg3,
18 		 abd,p1ip,p2ip,ld4,ldnk,ier)
20  is itself called from	 qsbart() [./qsbart.f]	 which has only one work array
22  Now allows to pass 'lambda' (not just 'spar') via spar[0] == *spar  iff  *isetup = 2
23 */
F77_SUB(sbart)24 void F77_SUB(sbart)
25     (double *penalt, double *dofoff,
26      double *xs, double *ys, double *ws, double *ssw,
27      int *n, double *knot, int *nk, double *coef,
28      double *sz, double *lev, double *crit,
29      int *icrit, double *spar, int *ispar, int *iter,
30      double *lspar, double *uspar, double *tol, double *eps, double *Ratio,
31      int *isetup,
32      double *xwy, double *hs0, double *hs1, double *hs2,
33      double *hs3, double *sg0, double *sg1, double *sg2,
34      double *sg3, double *abd, double *p1ip, double *p2ip,
35      int *ld4, int *ldnk, int *ier)
36 {
38 /* A Cubic B-spline Smoothing routine.
40    The algorithm minimises:
42 	(1/n) * sum ws(i)^2 * (ys(i)-sz(i))^2 + lambda* int ( s"(x) )^2 dx
44    lambda is a function of the spar which is assumed to be between 0 and 1
47  -----
48    penalt	A penalty > 1 to be used in the gcv criterion
49    dofoff	either `df.offset' for GCV or `df' (to be matched).
50    n		number of data points
51    ys(n)	vector of length n containing the observations
52    ws(n)	vector containing the weights given to each data point
53 		NB: the code alters the values here.
54    xs(n)	vector containing the ordinates of the observations
55    ssw          `centered weighted sum of y^2'
56    nk		number of b-spline coefficients to be estimated
57 		nk <= n+2
58    knot(nk+4)	vector of knot points defining the cubic b-spline basis.
59 		To obtain full cubic smoothing splines one might
60 		have (provided the xs-values are strictly increasing)
61    spar		penalised likelihood smoothing parameter
62    ispar	indicating if spar is supplied (ispar=1) or to be estimated
63    lspar, uspar lower and upper values for spar search;  0.,1. are good values
64    tol, eps	used in Golden Search routine
65    isetup	setup indicator initially 0 or 2 (if 'spar' is lambda)
66 	NB: this alters that, and it is a constant in the caller!
67    icrit	indicator saying which cross validation score is to be computed
68 		0: none ;  1: GCV ;  2: CV ;  3: 'df matching'
69    ld4		the leading dimension of abd (ie ld4=4)
70    ldnk		the leading dimension of p2ip (not referenced)
73  ------
74    coef(nk)	vector of spline coefficients
75    sz(n)	vector of smoothed z-values
76    lev(n)	vector of leverages
77    crit		either ordinary or generalized CV score
78    spar         if ispar != 1
79    lspar         == lambda (a function of spar and the design if(setup != 1)
80    iter		number of iterations needed for spar search (if ispar != 1)
81    ier		error indicator
82 		ier = 0 ___  everything fine
83 		ier = 1 ___  spar too small or too big
84 			problem in cholesky decomposition
86  Working arrays/matrix
87    xwy			X'Wy
88    hs0,hs1,hs2,hs3	the non-zero diagonals of the X'WX matrix
89    sg0,sg1,sg2,sg3	the non-zero diagonals of the Gram matrix SIGMA
90    abd (ld4, nk)	[ X'WX + lambda*SIGMA ] = R'R in banded form; output = R
91    p1ip(ld4, nk)	inner products between columns of R^{-1}
92    p2ip(ldnk,nk)	all inner products between columns of R inverse
93 			where  R'R = [X'WX + lambda*SIGMA]  NOT REFERENCED
94 */
96 // "Correct" ./sslvrg.f (line 129):   crit = 3 + (dofoff-df)**2
97 #define CRIT(FX) (*icrit == 3 ? FX - 3. : FX)
98 	/* cancellation in (3 + eps) - 3, but still...informative */
100 #define BIG_f (1e100)
102     /* c_Gold is the squared inverse of the golden ratio */
103     static const double c_Gold = 0.381966011250105151795413165634;
104     /* == (3. - sqrt(5.)) / 2. */
106     /* Local variables */
107     static double ratio;/* must be static (not needed in R) */
109     double a, b, d, e, p, q, r, u, v, w, x;
110     double ax, fu, fv, fw, fx, bx, xm;
111     double tol1, tol2;
113     int i, maxit;
114     Rboolean Fparabol = FALSE, tracing = (*ispar < 0), spar_is_lambda = FALSE;
116     /* unnecessary initializations to keep  -Wall happy */
117     d = 0.; fu = 0.; u = 0.;
118     // never computed if(spar_is_lambda)
119     ratio = 1.;
121 /*  Compute SIGMA, X' W X, X' W z, trace ratio, s0, s1.
123 	SIGMA	-> sg0,sg1,sg2,sg3   -- via sgram() in ./sgram.f
124 	X' W X	-> hs0,hs1,hs2,hs3   \
125 	X' W Z	-> xwy               _\ via stxwx() in ./stxwx.f
126 */
128 /* trevor fixed this 4/19/88
129  * Note: sbart, i.e. stxwx() and sslvrg() {mostly, not always!}, use
130  *	 the square of the weights; the following rectifies that */
131     for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
132 	if (ws[i] > 0.)
133 	    ws[i] = sqrt(ws[i]);
135     if (*isetup < 0)
136 	spar_is_lambda = TRUE;
137     else if (*isetup != 1) { // 0 or 2
138 	/* SIGMA[i,j] := Int  B''(i,t) B''(j,t) dt  {B(k,.) = k-th B-spline} */
139 	F77_CALL(sgram)(sg0, sg1, sg2, sg3, knot, nk);
140 	F77_CALL(stxwx)(xs, ys, ws, n,
141 			knot, nk,
142 			xwy,
143 			hs0, hs1, hs2, hs3);
144 	spar_is_lambda = (*isetup == 2);
145 	if(!spar_is_lambda) {
146 	    /* Compute ratio :=  tr(X' W X) / tr(SIGMA) */
147 	    double t1 = 0., t2 = 0.;
148 	    for (i = 3 - 1; i < (*nk - 3); ++i) {
149 		t1 += hs0[i];
150 		t2 += sg0[i];
151 	    }
152 	    ratio = t1 / t2;
153 	}
154 	*isetup = 1;
155     }
156 /*     Compute estimate */
158 // Compute SSPLINE(SPAR), assign result to *crit (and the auxil.variables)
159 #define SSPLINE_COMP(_SPAR_)						\
160     *lspar = spar_is_lambda ? _SPAR_					\
161                             : ratio * R_pow(16., (_SPAR_) * 6. - 2.);   \
162     F77_CALL(sslvrg)(penalt, dofoff, xs, ys, ws, ssw, n,		\
163 		     knot, nk,						\
164 		     coef, sz, lev, crit, icrit, lspar, xwy,		\
165 		     hs0, hs1, hs2, hs3,				\
166 		     sg0, sg1, sg2, sg3, abd,				\
167 		     p1ip, p2ip, ld4, ldnk, ier)
169     if (*ispar == 1) { /* Value of spar supplied */
170 	SSPLINE_COMP(*spar);
171 	/* got through check 2 */
172 	*Ratio = ratio;
173 	return;
174     }
176 /* ELSE ---- spar not supplied --> compute it ! ---------------------------
177  */
178     ax = *lspar;
179     bx = *uspar;
181 /*
182        Use Forsythe Malcom and Moler routine to MINIMIZE criterion
183        f denotes the value of the criterion
185        an approximation	x  to the point where	f  attains a minimum  on
186        the interval  (ax,bx)  is determined.
189    INPUT
191    ax	 left endpoint of initial interval
192    bx	 right endpoint of initial interval
193    f	 function subprogram which evaluates  f(x)  for any  x
194 	 in the interval  (ax,bx)
195    tol	 desired length of the interval of uncertainty of the final
196 	 result ( >= 0 )
198    OUTPUT
200    fmin	 abcissa approximating the point where	f  attains a minimum
201 */
203 /*
204    The method used is a combination of  golden  section  search  and
205    successive parabolic interpolation.	convergence is never much slower
206    than	 that  for  a  fibonacci search.  if  f	 has a continuous second
207    derivative which is positive at the minimum (which is not  at  ax  or
208    bx),	 then  convergence  is	superlinear, and usually of the order of
209    about  1.324....
210 	the function  f  is never evaluated at two points closer together
211    than	 eps*abs(fmin) + (tol/3), where eps is	approximately the square
212    root	 of  the  relative  machine  precision.	  if   f   is a unimodal
213    function and the computed values of	 f   are  always  unimodal  when
214    separated by at least  eps*abs(x) + (tol/3), then  fmin  approximates
215    the abcissa of the global minimum of	 f  on the interval  ax,bx  with
216    an error less than  3*eps*abs(fmin) + tol.  if   f	is not unimodal,
217    then fmin may approximate a local, but perhaps non-global, minimum to
218    the same accuracy.
219 	this function subprogram is a slightly modified	version	 of  the
220    algol  60 procedure	localmin  given in richard brent, algorithms for
221    minimization without derivatives, prentice - hall, inc. (1973).
223    Double	 a,b,c,d,e,eps,xm,p,q,r,tol1,tol2,u,v,w
224    Double	 fu,fv,fw,fx,x
225 */
227 /*  eps is approximately the square root of the relative machine
228     precision.
230     -	 eps = 1e0
231     - 10	 eps = eps/2e0
232     -	 tol1 = 1e0 + eps
233     -	 if (tol1 > 1e0) go to 10
234     -	 eps = sqrt(eps)
235     R Version <= 1.3.x had
236     eps = .000244     ( = sqrt(5.954 e-8) )
237      -- now eps is passed as argument
238 */
240     /* initialization */
242     maxit = *iter;
243     *iter = 0;
244     a = ax;
245     b = bx;
246     v = a + c_Gold * (b - a);
247     w = v;
248     x = v;
249     e = 0.;
250     SSPLINE_COMP(x);
251     fx = *crit;
252     fv = fx;
253     fw = fx;
255 /* main loop
256    --------- */
257     while(*ier == 0) { /* L20: */
258 	xm = (a + b) * .5;
259 	tol1 = *eps * fabs(x) + *tol / 3.;
260 	tol2 = tol1 * 2.;
261 	++(*iter);
263 	if(tracing) {
264 	    if(*iter == 1) {/* write header */
265 		Rprintf("sbart (ratio = %15.8g) iterations;"
266 			" initial tol1 = %12.6e :\n"
267 			"%11s %14s  %9s %11s  Kind %11s %12s\n%s\n",
268 			ratio, tol1, "spar",
269 			((*icrit == 1) ? "GCV" :
270 			 (*icrit == 2) ?  "CV" :
271 			 (*icrit == 3) ?"(df0-df)^2" :
272 			 /*else (should not happen) */"?f?"),
273 			"b - a", "e", "NEW lspar", "crit",
274 			" ---------------------------------------"
275 			"----------------------------------------");
276 	    }
277 	    Rprintf("%11.8f %14.9g %9.4e %11.5g", x, CRIT(fx), b - a, e);
278 	    Fparabol = FALSE;
279 	}
281 	/* Check the (somewhat peculiar) stopping criterion: note that
282 	   the RHS is negative as long as the interval [a,b] is not small:*/
283 	if (fabs(x - xm) <= tol2 - (b - a) * .5 || *iter > maxit)
284 	    goto L_End;
287 /* is golden-section necessary */
289 	if (fabs(e) <= tol1 ||
290 	    /*  if had Inf then go to golden-section */
291 	    fx >= BIG_f || fv >= BIG_f || fw >= BIG_f) goto L_GoldenSect;
293 /* Fit Parabola */
294 	if(tracing) { Rprintf(" FP"); Fparabol = TRUE; }
296 	r = (x - w) * (fx - fv);
297 	q = (x - v) * (fx - fw);
298 	p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * r;
299 	q = (q - r) * 2.;
300 	if (q > 0.)
301 	    p = -p;
302 	q = fabs(q);
303 	r = e;
304 	e = d;
306 /* is parabola acceptable?  Otherwise do golden-section */
308 	if (fabs(p) >= fabs(.5 * q * r) ||
309 	    q == 0.)
310 	    /* above line added by BDR;
311 	     * [the abs(.) >= abs() = 0 should have branched..]
312 	     * in FTN: COMMON above ensures q is NOT a register variable */
314 	    goto L_GoldenSect;
316 	if (p <= q * (a - x) ||
317 	    p >= q * (b - x))			goto L_GoldenSect;
321 /* Parabolic Interpolation step */
323 	if(tracing) Rprintf(" PI ");
324 	d = p / q;
325 	if(!R_FINITE(d))
326 	    REprintf(" !FIN(d:=p/q): ier=%d, (v,w, p,q)= %g, %g, %g, %g\n",
327 		     *ier, v,w, p, q);
328 	u = x + d;
330 	/* f must not be evaluated too close to ax or bx */
331 	if (u - a < tol2 ||
332 	    b - u < tol2)	d = fsign(tol1, xm - x);
334 	goto L50;
335 	/*------*/
337     L_GoldenSect: /* a golden-section step */
339 	if(tracing) Rprintf(" GS%s ", Fparabol ? "" : " --");
341 	if (x >= xm)    e = a - x;
342 	else/* x < xm*/ e = b - x;
343 	d = c_Gold * e;
346     L50:
347 	u = x + ((fabs(d) >= tol1) ? d : fsign(tol1, d));
348 	/*  tol1 check : f must not be evaluated too close to x */
351 	fu = *crit;
352 	if(tracing) Rprintf("%11g %12g\n", *lspar, CRIT(fu));
353 	if(!R_FINITE(fu)) {
354 	    REprintf("spar-finding: non-finite value %g; using BIG value\n", fu);
355 	    fu = 2. * BIG_f;
356 	}
358 /*  update  a, b, v, w, and x */
360 	if (fu <= fx) {
361 	    if (u >= x) a = x; else b = x;
363 	    v = w; fv = fw;
364 	    w = x; fw = fx;
365 	    x = u; fx = fu;
366 	}
367 	else {
368 	    if (u < x)  a = u; else b = u;
370 	    if (fu <= fw || w == x) {		        /* L70: */
371 		v = w; fv = fw;
372 		w = u; fw = fu;
373 	    } else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w) {	/* L80: */
374 		v = u; fv = fu;
375 	    }
376 	}
377     }/* end main loop -- goto L20; */
379  L_End:
380     if(tracing) Rprintf("  >>> %12g %12g\n", *lspar, CRIT(fx));
381     *Ratio = ratio;
382     *spar = x;
383     *crit = fx;
384     return;
385 } /* sbart */