1include ../../make.inc
4#  This is the makefile for the eigenvalue test program from LAPACK.
5#  The test files are organized as follows:
7#     AEIGTST -- Auxiliary test routines used in all precisions
8#     SCIGTST -- Auxiliary test routines used in REAL and COMPLEX
9#     DZIGTST -- Auxiliary test routines used in DOUBLE PRECISION and
10#                COMPLEX*16
11#     SEIGTST -- Single precision real test routines
12#     CEIGTST -- Single precision complex test routines
13#     DEIGTST -- Double precision real test routines
14#     ZEIGTST -- Double precision complex test routines
16#  Test programs can be generated for all or some of the four different
17#  precisions.  Enter make followed by one or more of the data types
18#  desired.  Some examples:
19#       make single
20#       make single complex
21#       make single double complex complex16
22#  Alternatively, the command
23#       make
24#  without any arguments creates all four test programs.
25#  The executable files are called
26#       xeigtsts, xeigtstd, xeigtstc, and xeigtstz
27#  and are created in the next higher directory level.
29#  To remove the object files after the executable files have been
30#  created, enter
31#       make clean
32#  On some systems, you can force the source files to be recompiled by
33#  entering (for example)
34#       make single FRC=FRC
39   alahdg.o \
40   alasum.o \
41   alasvm.o \
42   alareq.o \
43   ilaenv.o \
44   xerbla.o \
45   xlaenv.o \
46   chkxer.o
48SCIGTST = slafts.o slahd2.o slasum.o slatb9.o sstech.o sstect.o \
49   ssvdch.o ssvdct.o ssxt1.o
51SEIGTST = schkee.o \
52   sbdt01.o sbdt02.o sbdt03.o \
53   schkbb.o schkbd.o schkbk.o schkbl.o schkec.o \
54   schkgg.o schkgk.o schkgl.o schkhs.o schksb.o schkst.o \
55   sckcsd.o sckglm.o sckgqr.o sckgsv.o scklse.o scsdts.o \
56   sdrges.o sdrgev.o sdrgsx.o sdrgvx.o \
57   sdrvbd.o sdrves.o sdrvev.o sdrvgg.o sdrvsg.o \
58   sdrvst.o sdrvsx.o sdrvvx.o \
59   serrbd.o serrec.o serred.o serrgg.o serrhs.o serrst.o \
60   sget02.o sget10.o sget22.o sget23.o sget24.o sget31.o \
61   sget32.o sget33.o sget34.o sget35.o sget36.o \
62   sget37.o sget38.o sget39.o sget51.o sget52.o sget53.o \
63   sget54.o sglmts.o sgqrts.o sgrqts.o sgsvts.o \
64   shst01.o slarfy.o slarhs.o slatm4.o slctes.o slctsx.o slsets.o sort01.o \
65   sort03.o ssbt21.o ssgt01.o sslect.o sspt21.o sstt21.o \
66   sstt22.o ssyt21.o ssyt22.o
68CEIGTST = cchkee.o \
69   cbdt01.o cbdt02.o cbdt03.o \
70   cchkbb.o cchkbd.o cchkbk.o cchkbl.o cchkec.o \
71   cchkgg.o cchkgk.o cchkgl.o cchkhb.o cchkhs.o cchkst.o \
72   cckcsd.o cckglm.o cckgqr.o cckgsv.o ccklse.o ccsdts.o \
73   cdrges.o cdrgev.o cdrgsx.o cdrgvx.o \
74   cdrvbd.o cdrves.o cdrvev.o cdrvgg.o cdrvsg.o \
75   cdrvst.o cdrvsx.o cdrvvx.o \
76   cerrbd.o cerrec.o cerred.o cerrgg.o cerrhs.o cerrst.o \
77   cget02.o cget10.o cget22.o cget23.o cget24.o \
78   cget35.o cget36.o cget37.o cget38.o cget51.o cget52.o \
79   cget54.o cglmts.o cgqrts.o cgrqts.o cgsvts.o \
80   chbt21.o chet21.o chet22.o chpt21.o chst01.o \
81   clarfy.o clarhs.o clatm4.o clctes.o clctsx.o clsets.o csbmv.o \
82   csgt01.o cslect.o \
83   cstt21.o cstt22.o cunt01.o cunt03.o
85DZIGTST = dlafts.o dlahd2.o dlasum.o dlatb9.o dstech.o dstect.o \
86   dsvdch.o dsvdct.o dsxt1.o
88DEIGTST = dchkee.o \
89   dbdt01.o dbdt02.o dbdt03.o \
90   dchkbb.o dchkbd.o dchkbk.o dchkbl.o dchkec.o \
91   dchkgg.o dchkgk.o dchkgl.o dchkhs.o dchksb.o dchkst.o \
92   dckcsd.o dckglm.o dckgqr.o dckgsv.o dcklse.o dcsdts.o \
93   ddrges.o ddrgev.o ddrgsx.o ddrgvx.o \
94   ddrvbd.o ddrves.o ddrvev.o ddrvgg.o ddrvsg.o \
95   ddrvst.o ddrvsx.o ddrvvx.o \
96   derrbd.o derrec.o derred.o derrgg.o derrhs.o derrst.o \
97   dget02.o dget10.o dget22.o dget23.o dget24.o dget31.o \
98   dget32.o dget33.o dget34.o dget35.o dget36.o \
99   dget37.o dget38.o dget39.o dget51.o dget52.o dget53.o \
100   dget54.o dglmts.o dgqrts.o dgrqts.o dgsvts.o \
101   dhst01.o dlarfy.o dlarhs.o dlatm4.o dlctes.o dlctsx.o dlsets.o dort01.o \
102   dort03.o dsbt21.o dsgt01.o dslect.o dspt21.o dstt21.o \
103   dstt22.o dsyt21.o dsyt22.o
105ZEIGTST = zchkee.o \
106   zbdt01.o zbdt02.o zbdt03.o \
107   zchkbb.o zchkbd.o zchkbk.o zchkbl.o zchkec.o \
108   zchkgg.o zchkgk.o zchkgl.o zchkhb.o zchkhs.o zchkst.o \
109   zckcsd.o zckglm.o zckgqr.o zckgsv.o zcklse.o zcsdts.o \
110   zdrges.o zdrgev.o zdrgsx.o zdrgvx.o \
111   zdrvbd.o zdrves.o zdrvev.o zdrvgg.o zdrvsg.o \
112   zdrvst.o zdrvsx.o zdrvvx.o \
113   zerrbd.o zerrec.o zerred.o zerrgg.o zerrhs.o zerrst.o \
114   zget02.o zget10.o zget22.o zget23.o zget24.o \
115   zget35.o zget36.o zget37.o zget38.o zget51.o zget52.o \
116   zget54.o zglmts.o zgqrts.o zgrqts.o zgsvts.o \
117   zhbt21.o zhet21.o zhet22.o zhpt21.o zhst01.o \
118   zlarfy.o zlarhs.o zlatm4.o zlctes.o zlctsx.o zlsets.o zsbmv.o \
119   zsgt01.o zslect.o \
120   zstt21.o zstt22.o zunt01.o zunt03.o
122all: single complex double complex16
124single: ../xeigtsts
125complex: ../xeigtstc
126double: ../xeigtstd
127complex16: ../xeigtstz
129../xeigtsts: $(SEIGTST) $(SCIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(LAPACKLIB); \
130          $(LOADER) $(LOADOPTS) -o xeigtsts \
131          $(SEIGTST) $(SCIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(TMGLIB) \
132	  ../../$(LAPACKLIB) $(BLASLIB) && mv xeigtsts $@
134../xeigtstc: $(CEIGTST) $(SCIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(LAPACKLIB); \
135          $(LOADER) $(LOADOPTS) -o xeigtstc \
136          $(CEIGTST) $(SCIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(TMGLIB) \
137	  ../../$(LAPACKLIB) $(BLASLIB) && mv xeigtstc $@
139../xeigtstd: $(DEIGTST) $(DZIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(LAPACKLIB); \
140          $(LOADER) $(LOADOPTS) -o xeigtstd \
141          $(DEIGTST) $(DZIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(TMGLIB) \
142	  ../../$(LAPACKLIB) $(BLASLIB) && mv xeigtstd $@
144../xeigtstz: $(ZEIGTST) $(DZIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(LAPACKLIB); \
145          $(LOADER) $(LOADOPTS) -o xeigtstz \
146          $(ZEIGTST) $(DZIGTST) $(AEIGTST) ../../$(TMGLIB) \
147	  ../../$(LAPACKLIB) $(BLASLIB) && mv xeigtstz $@
149$(AEIGTST): $(FRC)
150$(SCIGTST): $(FRC)
151$(DZIGTST): $(FRC)
152$(SEIGTST): $(FRC)
153$(CEIGTST): $(FRC)
154$(DEIGTST): $(FRC)
155$(ZEIGTST): $(FRC)
158	@FRC=$(FRC)
161	rm -f *.o
163schkee.o: schkee.f
164	$(FORTRAN) $(DRVOPTS) -c $< -o $@
165dchkee.o: dchkee.f
166	$(FORTRAN) $(DRVOPTS) -c $< -o $@
167cchkee.o: cchkee.f
168	$(FORTRAN) $(DRVOPTS) -c $< -o $@
169zchkee.o: zchkee.f
170	$(FORTRAN) $(DRVOPTS) -c $< -o $@
172.f.o : ; $(FORTRAN) $(OPTS) -c $< -o $@