1Data file for testing ZCGESV/ZCPOSV LAPACK routines
211                                      Number of values of M
30 1 2 13 17 45 78 91 101 120 132        Values of M (row dimension)
44                                       Number of values of NRHS
51 2 15 16                               Values of NRHS (number of right hand sides)
630.0                                    Threshold value of test ratio
7T                                       Put T to test the driver routine
8T                                       Put T to test the error exits
9ZGE 11                                  Number of matrix types to be tested, list types on next line if 0 < NTYPES < 11
10ZPO  9                                  Number of matrix types to be tested, list types on next line if 0 < NTYPES < 9