1 /*
2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   By Bob Jenkins, in association with his Masters Thesis
5   Routines dealing with boundary manipulations of weaves
6   Public Domain
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 */
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <gc.h>
12 #include "standard.h"
13 #include "order.h"
14 #include "control.h"
15 #include "bound.h"
17 /*
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 B_MANIP computes values of the global boundary variables.
20 A step is either adding a crossing, adding a crossing and removing a pair of
21 boundary crossings, or just removing a pair of boundary crossings.
22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 */
24 word list[BIGWEAVE];              /* description of first new weave */
25 word list2[BIGWEAVE];           /* description of second, if needed */
26 word old_going_in[BIGWEAVE];/* Was *i* an input? *old_going_in[i]*. */
27 word going_in[BIGWEAVE];    /* Will *i* be an input? *going_in[i]*. */
28 word map[BIGWEAVE];   /* i of old weave becomes map[i] of new weave */
29 word first;                    /* first boundary crossing to remove */
30 word second;                  /* second boundary crossing to remove */
31 word right;          /* Is the crossing being added be righthanded? */
32 word oldcross;     /* number of boundary crossings in the old weave */
33 word newcross;    /* number of boundary crossings in each new weave */
34 word oldin;                    /* number of inputs to the old weave */
35 word newin;                    /* number of inputs to the new weave */
b_manip(weave * oldweaves)37 void b_manip(weave *oldweaves)
38 {
39   word       i, j, k;
40   ub4        boundary[2];
42   oldcross = plan.oldn;             /* number of original boundary crossings */
43   oldin = oldcross/2;                           /* number of original inputs */
44   newcross = plan.newn;  /* number of boundary crossings in resulting weaves */
45   newin = newcross/2;                                          /* " inputs " */
47   /*--------------------------------------------------- Compute old_going_in */
48   for (i = 0; !oldweaves[i].tag.len; i++) ;          /* find a defined weave */
49   boundary[0] = oldweaves[i].boundary[0];
50   boundary[1] = oldweaves[i].boundary[1];
51   for (i = 0; i < oldcross; i++)
52     old_going_in[i] = 1;                 /* pretend all crossings are inputs */
53   for (i = 0; i < oldin; i++)
54   {
55     k = (i < 6) ? 0 : 1;
56     if (old_going_in[(boundary[k] & 0x1f)] == 0) {
57       printf("cannot have both ends of a string be an output\n");
58     }
59     old_going_in[(boundary[k] & 0x1f)] = 0;            /* unmark the outputs */
60     boundary[k] >>= 5;
61   }
62   right = plan.right;
63   if (plan.which != -1)
64   {
65     for (i = 0; i < oldcross; ++i)
66     {
67       if (old_going_in[i] != plan.going_in[i]) {
68 	printf("going_in is messed up\n");
69 	break;
70       }
71     }
72   }
74   /*--------------------------- Set first and second, if they need to be set */
75   first  = plan.r0[0];
76   second = plan.r1[0];
77   if (plan.reductions && plan.which != -1)   /* crossing added, pair removed */
78   {
79     if (first > plan.which+1) --first;
80     if (second > plan.which+1) --second;
81     if (first > plan.which) --first;
82     if (second > plan.which) --second;
83   }
84   else ;                                  /* crossing added, no pair removed */
86   /*---------------------------------------------------------------- Set map */
87   if (plan.reductions == 0)
88   {
89     for (i = 0, j = 0; i < oldcross+2; ++i)
90       if ((i != plan.which) && (i != plan.which+2)) map[j++] = i;
91   }
92   else if (plan.which == (-1))
93   {
94     for (i = 0, j = 0; j < oldcross; ++j)
95       if ((j != plan.r0[0]) && (j != plan.r1[0])) map[j] = i++;
96   }
97   else if (plan.r0[0] > plan.r1[0])
98   {
99     for (i = 0; i < oldcross; i++) map[i] = i;
100     map[first]  = (second);
101     map[second] = (first);
102   }
103   else if (plan.which == 0)
104   {
105     for (i = 0; i < oldcross; i++) map[i] = i+1;
106     map[0]   = 0;
107     map[oldcross-1] = 1;
108   }
109   else
110   {
111     for (i = 0; i < oldcross; i++) map[i] = i-1;
112     map[0]          = oldcross-2;
113     map[oldcross-1] = oldcross-1;
114   }
116   /*----------------------------------------------------------- Set going_in */
117   if (plan.which != (-1))
118   {
119     for (i = 0; i < oldcross; i++)
120     {
121       going_in[map[i]] = old_going_in[i];
122     }
123   }
124   else
125   {
126     for (i = 0; i < oldcross; i++)
127     {
128       if ((i != first) && (i != second))
129       {
130         going_in[map[i]] = old_going_in[i];
131       }
132     }
133   }
135   if (plan.reductions == 0)
136   {
137     going_in[plan.which]   = plan.prev;
138     going_in[plan.which+2] = !plan.prev;
139   }
140 }
145 /*
146 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 B_NO_PAIRS adds a single crossing to a single weave.
148 Either the crossing is correct, in which case *one* will be set, or it is
149 wrong.  In this case no more than two weaves are needed, so *two* will be set.
150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 */
b_no_pairs(word * list,word * list2,word * one,word * two)152 void  b_no_pairs(word  *list,  /* list of original inputs/outputs, modified by this routine */
153                  word  *list2,                    /* inputs/outputs of the second new weave */
154                  word  *one,                                 /* will one new weave suffice? */
155                  word  *two)                                /* will two new weaves suffice? */
156 {
157   word  i,
158         a,
159         b,
160         c;
163   /*-------------------------------------------------- Make the new boundary */
164   for (i = oldcross; --i >= 0;) list[map[i]] = map[list[i]];
165   a         = plan.which+1;
166   list[a-1] = a+1;
167   list[a+1] = a-1;
169   /*------------------------- Decide if the crossing needs to be operated on */
170   c = a-1;
171   b_right(list, going_in, c, a, i);
172   *one = (i == right);
173   *two = !*one;
174   if (*two)
175   {
176     for (i = newcross; --i >= 0;) list2[i] = list[i];
177     b               = (plan.prev == going_in[a]) ? a-1 : a+1;
178     c               = (plan.prev == going_in[a]) ? a+1 : a-1;
179     list2[list2[a]] = b;
180     list2[b]        = list2[a];
181     list2[a]        = c;
182     list2[c]        = a;
183   }
184 }
188 /*
189 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 B_ONE_PAIR handles adding one crossing and removing one pair of boundary
191 crossings.  This may require replacing the original weave with one, two, or
192 more new weaves.  If more than two are needed, do not set *one* or *two*.
193 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 */
b_one_pair(list,list2,one,two)195 void b_one_pair(list, list2, one, two)
196 word  *list;    /* list of original inputs/outputs, modified by this routine */
197 word  *list2;                      /* inputs/outputs of the second new weave */
198 word  *one;                                   /* will one new weave suffice? */
199 word  *two;                                  /* will two new weaves suffice? */
200 {
201   word   a;
202   word   i;
203   word   crossed;
204   word   shouldBeRight;
205   word   temp[BIGWEAVE];
207   /*---------------------------------- Check for a couple easy to spot cases */
208   a = plan.which;
209   if ((plan.r0[0] == a+1) || (plan.r1[0] == a+1))
210   {                                            /* A Type I Reidemeister move */
211     *one = 1;
212     return;
213   }
215   /*---------------- Handle the cases where the reduction is the 0..n-1 jump */
216   if (plan.r0[0] < plan.r1[0])
217   {
218     if (old_going_in[0] && old_going_in[oldcross-1]) return;
219     crossed = b_cross(first, second, list[first], list[second]);
220     b_right(list, old_going_in, first, second, shouldBeRight);
221                                                               /* werecrossed */
222     if (list[first] == second)
223     {
224         /* A Type I Reidemeister move */
225       for (i = oldcross; --i >= 0; ) temp[map[i]] = list[i];
226       for (i = oldcross; --i >= 0; ) list[i] = map[temp[i]];
227       *one = 1;
228       return;
229     }
231     if (old_going_in[first] != old_going_in[second])
232     {
233         /* this may be complicated */
234         return;
235     }
237     for (i = oldcross; --i >= 0; ) temp[map[i]] = list[i];
238     for (i = oldcross; --i >= 0; ) list[i] = map[temp[i]];
239     if (!old_going_in[first] && !old_going_in[second] &&
240         (crossed ^ shouldBeRight ^ right))
241     {
242       *two = 1;
243       for (i = 0; i < newcross; i++) list2[i] = list[i];
244       if (plan.which == 0) b_switch(list2, 1, 0, i);
245       else b_switch(list2, newcross-1, newcross-2, i);
246     }
247     else *one = 1;
248     return;
249   }
251   /*-------- Handle the cases where the numbers on the boundary are adjacent */
252   if (list[first] == second)                   /* A Type I Reidemeister move */
253   {
254     *one = 1;
255     return;
256   }
257   crossed = b_cross(first, second, list[first], list[second]);/* werecrossed */
258   b_right(list, old_going_in, first, second, a); /* old crossing righthanded */
259   b_switch(list, first, second, i);         /* switch the boundary crossings */
260   b_right(list, going_in, first, second, i);    /* new should be righthanded */
261   *one = (((crossed) && (a != right)) || ((!crossed) && (i == right)));
262   if (*two = !*one)
263   {
264     if (old_going_in[first] != old_going_in[second])
265     {
266       *two = 0;
267       b_switch(list, first, second, i);
268     }
269     else
270     {
271       for (i = newcross; --i >= 0; ) list2[i] = list[i];
272       b_switch(list2, first, second, i);
273     }
274   }
275 }