2! KGEN-generated Fortran source file
4! Filename    : micro_mg2_0.F90
5! Generated at: 2015-03-31 09:44:40
6! KGEN version: 0.4.5
10    MODULE micro_mg2_0
11        !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12        ! Purpose:
13        !   MG microphysics version 2.0 - Update of MG microphysics with
14        !                                 prognostic precipitation.
15        !
16        ! Author: Andrew Gettelman, Hugh Morrison.
17        ! Contributions from: Peter Caldwell, Xiaohong Liu and Steve Ghan
18        ! Version 2 history: Sep 2011: Development begun.
19        !                    Feb 2013: Added of prognostic precipitation.
20        ! invoked in 1 by specifying -microphys=mg2.0
21        !
22        ! for questions contact Hugh Morrison, Andrew Gettelman
23        ! e-mail: morrison@ucar.edu, andrew@ucar.edu
24        !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25        !
26        ! NOTE: Modified to allow other microphysics packages (e.g. CARMA) to do ice
27        ! microphysics in cooperation with the MG liquid microphysics. This is
28        ! controlled by the do_cldice variable.
29        !
30        ! If do_cldice is false, then MG microphysics should not update CLDICE or
31        ! NUMICE; it is assumed that the other microphysics scheme will have updated
32        ! CLDICE and NUMICE. The other microphysics should handle the following
33        ! processes that would have been done by MG:
34        !   - Detrainment (liquid and ice)
35        !   - Homogeneous ice nucleation
36        !   - Heterogeneous ice nucleation
37        !   - Bergeron process
38        !   - Melting of ice
39        !   - Freezing of cloud drops
40        !   - Autoconversion (ice -> snow)
41        !   - Growth/Sublimation of ice
42        !   - Sedimentation of ice
43        !
44        ! This option has not been updated since the introduction of prognostic
45        ! precipitation, and probably should be adjusted to cover snow as well.
46        !
47        !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48        ! Based on micro_mg (restructuring of former cldwat2m_micro)
49        ! Author: Andrew Gettelman, Hugh Morrison.
50        ! Contributions from: Xiaohong Liu and Steve Ghan
51        ! December 2005-May 2010
52        ! Description in: Morrison and Gettelman, 2008. J. Climate (MG2008)
53        !                 Gettelman et al., 2010 J. Geophys. Res. - Atmospheres (G2010)
54        ! for questions contact Hugh Morrison, Andrew Gettelman
55        ! e-mail: morrison@ucar.edu, andrew@ucar.edu
56        !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57        ! Code comments added by HM, 093011
58        ! General code structure:
59        !
60        ! Code is divided into two main subroutines:
61        !   subroutine micro_mg_init --> initializes microphysics routine, should be called
62        !                                  once at start of simulation
63        !   subroutine micro_mg_tend --> main microphysics routine to be called each time step
64        !                                this also calls several smaller subroutines to calculate
65        !                                microphysical processes and other utilities
66        !
67        ! List of external functions:
68        !   qsat_water --> for calculating saturation vapor pressure with respect to liquid water
69        !   qsat_ice --> for calculating saturation vapor pressure with respect to ice
70        !   gamma   --> standard mathematical gamma function
71        ! .........................................................................
72        ! List of inputs through use statement in fortran90:
73        ! Variable Name                      Description                Units
74        ! .........................................................................
75        ! gravit          acceleration due to gravity                    m s-2
76        ! rair            dry air gas constant for air                  J kg-1 K-1
77        ! tmelt           temperature of melting point for water          K
78        ! cpair           specific heat at constant pressure for dry air J kg-1 K-1
79        ! rh2o            gas constant for water vapor                  J kg-1 K-1
80        ! latvap          latent heat of vaporization                   J kg-1
81        ! latice          latent heat of fusion                         J kg-1
82        ! qsat_water      external function for calculating liquid water
83        !                 saturation vapor pressure/humidity              -
84        ! qsat_ice        external function for calculating ice
85        !                 saturation vapor pressure/humidity              pa
86        ! rhmini          relative humidity threshold parameter for
87        !                 nucleating ice                                  -
88        ! .........................................................................
89        ! NOTE: List of all inputs/outputs passed through the call/subroutine statement
90        !       for micro_mg_tend is given below at the start of subroutine micro_mg_tend.
91        !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92        ! Procedures required:
93        ! 1) An implementation of the gamma function (if not intrinsic).
94        ! 2) saturation vapor pressure and specific humidity over water
95        ! 3) svp over ice
96        USE shr_spfn_mod, ONLY: gamma => shr_spfn_gamma
97        USE wv_sat_methods, ONLY: qsat_water => wv_sat_qsat_water
98        USE wv_sat_methods, ONLY: qsat_ice => wv_sat_qsat_ice
99        ! Parameters from the utilities module.
100        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: r8
101        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: qsmall
102        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: mincld
103        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: ar
104        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: as
105        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: rhow
106        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: ai
107        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: mi0
108        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: br
109        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: bs
110        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: pi
111        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: rhosn
112        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: omsm
113        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: rising_factorial
114        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: bc
115        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: bi
116        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: rhows
117        USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: rhoi
118        IMPLICIT NONE
119        PRIVATE
120        PUBLIC micro_mg_tend
121        ! switch for specification rather than prediction of droplet and crystal number
122        ! note: number will be adjusted as needed to keep mean size within bounds,
123        ! even when specified droplet or ice number is used
124        ! If constant cloud ice number is set (nicons = .true.),
125        ! then all microphysical processes except mass transfer due to ice nucleation
126        ! (mnuccd) are based on the fixed cloud ice number. Calculation of
127        ! mnuccd follows from the prognosed ice crystal number ni.
128        ! nccons = .true. to specify constant cloud droplet number
129        ! nicons = .true. to specify constant cloud ice number
130        LOGICAL, parameter, public :: nccons = .false.
131        LOGICAL, parameter, public :: nicons = .false.
132        !=========================================================
133        ! Private module parameters
134        !=========================================================
135        ! parameters for specified ice and droplet number concentration
136        ! note: these are local in-cloud values, not grid-mean
137        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: ncnst = 100.e6_r8 ! droplet num concentration when nccons=.true. (m-3)
138        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: ninst = 0.1e6_r8 ! ice num concentration when nicons=.true. (m-3)
139        !Range of cloudsat reflectivities (dBz) for analytic simulator
140        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: csmin = -30._r8
141        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: csmax = 26._r8
142        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: mindbz = -99._r8
143        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: minrefl = 1.26e-10_r8 ! minrefl = 10._r8**(mindbz/10._r8)
144        ! autoconversion size threshold for cloud ice to snow (m)
145        REAL(KIND=r8) :: dcs
146        ! minimum mass of new crystal due to freezing of cloud droplets done
147        ! externally (kg)
148        REAL(KIND=r8), parameter :: mi0l_min = 4._r8/3._r8*pi*rhow*(4.e-6_r8)**3
149        !=========================================================
150        ! Constants set in initialization
151        !=========================================================
152        ! Set using arguments to micro_mg_init
153        REAL(KIND=r8) :: g ! gravity
154        REAL(KIND=r8) :: r ! dry air gas constant
155        REAL(KIND=r8) :: rv ! water vapor gas constant
156        REAL(KIND=r8) :: cpp ! specific heat of dry air
157        REAL(KIND=r8) :: tmelt ! freezing point of water (K)
158        ! latent heats of:
159        REAL(KIND=r8) :: xxlv ! vaporization
160        REAL(KIND=r8) :: xlf ! freezing
161        REAL(KIND=r8) :: xxls ! sublimation
162        REAL(KIND=r8) :: rhmini ! Minimum rh for ice cloud fraction > 0.
163        ! flags
164        LOGICAL :: microp_uniform
165        LOGICAL :: do_cldice
166        LOGICAL :: use_hetfrz_classnuc
167        REAL(KIND=r8) :: rhosu ! typical 850mn air density
168        REAL(KIND=r8) :: icenuct ! ice nucleation temperature: currently -5 degrees C
169        REAL(KIND=r8) :: snowmelt ! what temp to melt all snow: currently 2 degrees C
170        REAL(KIND=r8) :: rainfrze ! what temp to freeze all rain: currently -5 degrees C
171        ! additional constants to help speed up code
172        REAL(KIND=r8) :: gamma_br_plus1
173        REAL(KIND=r8) :: gamma_br_plus4
174        REAL(KIND=r8) :: gamma_bs_plus1
175        REAL(KIND=r8) :: gamma_bs_plus4
176        REAL(KIND=r8) :: gamma_bi_plus1
177        REAL(KIND=r8) :: gamma_bi_plus4
178        REAL(KIND=r8) :: xxlv_squared
179        REAL(KIND=r8) :: xxls_squared
180        CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: micro_mg_precip_frac_method ! type of precipitation fraction method
181        REAL(KIND=r8) :: micro_mg_berg_eff_factor ! berg efficiency factor
182        !===============================================================================
183            PUBLIC kgen_read_externs_micro_mg2_0
184        CONTAINS
186        ! write subroutines
187        ! No subroutines
189        ! module extern variables
191        SUBROUTINE kgen_read_externs_micro_mg2_0(kgen_unit)
192            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kgen_unit
193            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) dcs
194            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) g
195            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) r
196            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) rv
197            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) cpp
198            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) tmelt
199            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) xxlv
200            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) xlf
201            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) xxls
202            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) rhmini
203            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) microp_uniform
204            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) do_cldice
205            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) use_hetfrz_classnuc
206            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) rhosu
207            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) icenuct
208            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) snowmelt
209            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) rainfrze
210            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) gamma_br_plus1
211            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) gamma_br_plus4
212            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) gamma_bs_plus1
213            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) gamma_bs_plus4
214            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) gamma_bi_plus1
215            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) gamma_bi_plus4
216            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) xxlv_squared
217            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) xxls_squared
218            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) micro_mg_precip_frac_method
219            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) micro_mg_berg_eff_factor
220        END SUBROUTINE kgen_read_externs_micro_mg2_0
222        !===============================================================================
224        !===============================================================================
225        !microphysics routine for each timestep goes here...
227        SUBROUTINE micro_mg_tend(mgncol, nlev, deltatin, t, q, qcn, qin, ncn, nin, qrn, qsn, nrn, nsn, relvar, accre_enhan, p, &
228        pdel, cldn, liqcldf, icecldf, qcsinksum_rate1ord, naai, npccn, rndst, nacon, tlat, qvlat, qctend, qitend, nctend, nitend, &
229        qrtend, qstend, nrtend, nstend, effc, effc_fn, effi, prect, preci, nevapr, evapsnow, prain, prodsnow, cmeout, deffi, &
230        pgamrad, lamcrad, qsout, dsout, rflx, sflx, qrout, reff_rain, reff_snow, qcsevap, qisevap, qvres, cmeitot, vtrmc, vtrmi, &
231        umr, ums, qcsedten, qisedten, qrsedten, qssedten, pratot, prctot, mnuccctot, mnuccttot, msacwitot, psacwstot, bergstot, &
232        bergtot, melttot, homotot, qcrestot, prcitot, praitot, qirestot, mnuccrtot, pracstot, meltsdttot, frzrdttot, mnuccdtot, &
233        nrout, nsout, refl, arefl, areflz, frefl, csrfl, acsrfl, fcsrfl, rercld, ncai, ncal, qrout2, qsout2, nrout2, nsout2, &
234        drout2, dsout2, freqs, freqr, nfice, qcrat, errstring, tnd_qsnow, tnd_nsnow, re_ice, prer_evap, frzimm, frzcnt, frzdep)
235            ! Below arguments are "optional" (pass null pointers to omit).
236            ! Constituent properties.
237            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: mg_liq_props
238            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: mg_ice_props
239            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: mg_rain_props
240            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: mg_snow_props
241            ! Size calculation functions.
242            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: size_dist_param_liq
243            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: size_dist_param_basic
244            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: avg_diameter
245            ! Microphysical processes.
246            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: kk2000_liq_autoconversion
247            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: ice_autoconversion
248            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: immersion_freezing
249            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: contact_freezing
250            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: snow_self_aggregation
251            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: accrete_cloud_water_snow
252            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: secondary_ice_production
253            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: accrete_rain_snow
254            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: heterogeneous_rain_freezing
255            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: accrete_cloud_water_rain
256            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: self_collection_rain
257            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: accrete_cloud_ice_snow
258            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: evaporate_sublimate_precip
259            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: bergeron_process_snow
260            USE micro_mg_utils, ONLY: ice_deposition_sublimation
261            !Authors: Hugh Morrison, Andrew Gettelman, NCAR, Peter Caldwell, LLNL
262            ! e-mail: morrison@ucar.edu, andrew@ucar.edu
263            ! input arguments
264            INTEGER, intent(in) :: mgncol ! number of microphysics columns
265            INTEGER, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of layers
266            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: deltatin ! time step (s)
267            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: t(:,:) ! input temperature (K)
268            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: q(:,:) ! input h20 vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg)
269            ! note: all input cloud variables are grid-averaged
270            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: qcn(:,:) ! cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
271            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: qin(:,:) ! cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg)
272            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: ncn(:,:) ! cloud water number conc (1/kg)
273            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: nin(:,:) ! cloud ice number conc (1/kg)
274            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: qrn(:,:) ! rain mixing ratio (kg/kg)
275            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: qsn(:,:) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg)
276            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: nrn(:,:) ! rain number conc (1/kg)
277            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: nsn(:,:) ! snow number conc (1/kg)
278            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: relvar(:,:) ! cloud water relative variance (-)
279            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: accre_enhan(:,:) ! optional accretion
280            ! enhancement factor (-)
281            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: p(:,:) ! air pressure (pa)
282            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: pdel(:,:) ! pressure difference across level (pa)
283            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: cldn(:,:) ! cloud fraction (no units)
284            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: liqcldf(:,:) ! liquid cloud fraction (no units)
285            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: icecldf(:,:) ! ice cloud fraction (no units)
286            ! used for scavenging
287            ! Inputs for aerosol activation
288            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: naai(:,:) ! ice nucleation number (from microp_aero_ts) (1/kg)
289            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: npccn(:,:) ! ccn activated number tendency (from microp_aero_ts) (1/kg*s)
290            ! Note that for these variables, the dust bin is assumed to be the last index.
291            ! (For example, in 1, the last dimension is always size 4.)
292            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: rndst(:,:,:) ! radius of each dust bin, for contact freezing (from microp_aero_ts) (m)
293            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: nacon(:,:,:) ! number in each dust bin, for contact freezing  (from microp_aero_ts) (1/m^3)
294            ! output arguments
295            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qcsinksum_rate1ord(:,:) ! 1st order rate for
296            ! direct cw to precip conversion
297            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: tlat(:,:) ! latent heating rate       (W/kg)
298            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qvlat(:,:) ! microphysical tendency qv (1/s)
299            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qctend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency qc (1/s)
300            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qitend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency qi (1/s)
301            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nctend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency nc (1/(kg*s))
302            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nitend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency ni (1/(kg*s))
303            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qrtend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency qr (1/s)
304            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qstend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency qs (1/s)
305            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nrtend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency nr (1/(kg*s))
306            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nstend(:,:) ! microphysical tendency ns (1/(kg*s))
307            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: effc(:,:) ! droplet effective radius (micron)
308            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: effc_fn(:,:) ! droplet effective radius, assuming nc = 1.e8 kg-1
309            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: effi(:,:) ! cloud ice effective radius (micron)
310            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: prect(:) ! surface precip rate (m/s)
311            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: preci(:) ! cloud ice/snow precip rate (m/s)
312            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nevapr(:,:) ! evaporation rate of rain + snow (1/s)
313            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: evapsnow(:,:) ! sublimation rate of snow (1/s)
314            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: prain(:,:) ! production of rain + snow (1/s)
315            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: prodsnow(:,:) ! production of snow (1/s)
316            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: cmeout(:,:) ! evap/sub of cloud (1/s)
317            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: deffi(:,:) ! ice effective diameter for optics (radiation) (micron)
318            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: pgamrad(:,:) ! ice gamma parameter for optics (radiation) (no units)
319            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: lamcrad(:,:) ! slope of droplet distribution for optics (radiation) (1/m)
320            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qsout(:,:) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg)
321            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: dsout(:,:) ! snow diameter (m)
322            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: rflx(:,:) ! grid-box average rain flux (kg m^-2 s^-1)
323            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: sflx(:,:) ! grid-box average snow flux (kg m^-2 s^-1)
324            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qrout(:,:) ! grid-box average rain mixing ratio (kg/kg)
325            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: reff_rain(:,:) ! rain effective radius (micron)
326            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: reff_snow(:,:) ! snow effective radius (micron)
327            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qcsevap(:,:) ! cloud water evaporation due to sedimentation (1/s)
328            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qisevap(:,:) ! cloud ice sublimation due to sublimation (1/s)
329            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qvres(:,:) ! residual condensation term to ensure RH < 100% (1/s)
330            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: cmeitot(:,:) ! grid-mean cloud ice sub/dep (1/s)
331            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: vtrmc(:,:) ! mass-weighted cloud water fallspeed (m/s)
332            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: vtrmi(:,:) ! mass-weighted cloud ice fallspeed (m/s)
333            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: umr(:,:) ! mass weighted rain fallspeed (m/s)
334            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: ums(:,:) ! mass weighted snow fallspeed (m/s)
335            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qcsedten(:,:) ! qc sedimentation tendency (1/s)
336            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qisedten(:,:) ! qi sedimentation tendency (1/s)
337            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qrsedten(:,:) ! qr sedimentation tendency (1/s)
338            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qssedten(:,:) ! qs sedimentation tendency (1/s)
339            ! microphysical process rates for output (mixing ratio tendencies) (all have units of 1/s)
340            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: pratot(:,:) ! accretion of cloud by rain
341            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: prctot(:,:) ! autoconversion of cloud to rain
342            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: mnuccctot(:,:) ! mixing ratio tend due to immersion freezing
343            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: mnuccttot(:,:) ! mixing ratio tend due to contact freezing
344            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: msacwitot(:,:) ! mixing ratio tend due to H-M splintering
345            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: psacwstot(:,:) ! collection of cloud water by snow
346            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: bergstot(:,:) ! bergeron process on snow
347            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: bergtot(:,:) ! bergeron process on cloud ice
348            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: melttot(:,:) ! melting of cloud ice
349            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: homotot(:,:) ! homogeneous freezing cloud water
350            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qcrestot(:,:) ! residual cloud condensation due to removal of excess supersat
351            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: prcitot(:,:) ! autoconversion of cloud ice to snow
352            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: praitot(:,:) ! accretion of cloud ice by snow
353            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qirestot(:,:) ! residual ice deposition due to removal of excess supersat
354            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: mnuccrtot(:,:) ! mixing ratio tendency due to heterogeneous freezing of rain to snow (1/s)
355            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: pracstot(:,:) ! mixing ratio tendency due to accretion of rain by snow (1/s)
356            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: meltsdttot(:,:) ! latent heating rate due to melting of snow  (W/kg)
357            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: frzrdttot(:,:) ! latent heating rate due to homogeneous freezing of rain (W/kg)
358            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: mnuccdtot(:,:) ! mass tendency from ice nucleation
359            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nrout(:,:) ! rain number concentration (1/m3)
360            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nsout(:,:) ! snow number concentration (1/m3)
361            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: refl(:,:) ! analytic radar reflectivity
362            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: arefl(:,:) ! average reflectivity will zero points outside valid range
363            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: areflz(:,:) ! average reflectivity in z.
364            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: frefl(:,:) ! fractional occurrence of radar reflectivity
365            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: csrfl(:,:) ! cloudsat reflectivity
366            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: acsrfl(:,:) ! cloudsat average
367            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: fcsrfl(:,:) ! cloudsat fractional occurrence of radar reflectivity
368            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: rercld(:,:) ! effective radius calculation for rain + cloud
369            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: ncai(:,:) ! output number conc of ice nuclei available (1/m3)
370            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: ncal(:,:) ! output number conc of CCN (1/m3)
371            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qrout2(:,:) ! copy of qrout as used to compute drout2
372            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qsout2(:,:) ! copy of qsout as used to compute dsout2
373            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nrout2(:,:) ! copy of nrout as used to compute drout2
374            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nsout2(:,:) ! copy of nsout as used to compute dsout2
375            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: drout2(:,:) ! mean rain particle diameter (m)
376            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: dsout2(:,:) ! mean snow particle diameter (m)
377            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: freqs(:,:) ! fractional occurrence of snow
378            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: freqr(:,:) ! fractional occurrence of rain
379            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: nfice(:,:) ! fractional occurrence of ice
380            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: qcrat(:,:) ! limiter for qc process rates (1=no limit --> 0. no qc)
381            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: prer_evap(:,:)
382            CHARACTER(LEN=128), intent(out) :: errstring ! output status (non-blank for error return)
383            ! Tendencies calculated by external schemes that can replace MG's native
384            ! process tendencies.
385            ! Used with CARMA cirrus microphysics
386            ! (or similar external microphysics model)
387            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in), pointer :: tnd_qsnow(:,:) ! snow mass tendency (kg/kg/s)
388            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in), pointer :: tnd_nsnow(:,:) ! snow number tendency (#/kg/s)
389            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in), pointer :: re_ice(:,:) ! ice effective radius (m)
390            ! From external ice nucleation.
391            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in), pointer :: frzimm(:,:) ! Number tendency due to immersion freezing (1/cm3)
392            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in), pointer :: frzcnt(:,:) ! Number tendency due to contact freezing (1/cm3)
393            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in), pointer :: frzdep(:,:) ! Number tendency due to deposition nucleation (1/cm3)
394            ! local workspace
395            ! all units mks unless otherwise stated
396            ! local copies of input variables
397            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qc(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud liquid mixing ratio (kg/kg)
398            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qi(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg)
399            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nc(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud liquid number concentration (1/kg)
400            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ni(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud liquid number concentration (1/kg)
401            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain mixing ratio (kg/kg)
402            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qs(mgncol,nlev) ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg)
403            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain number concentration (1/kg)
404            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ns(mgncol,nlev) ! snow number concentration (1/kg)
405            ! general purpose variables
406            REAL(KIND=r8) :: deltat ! sub-time step (s)
407            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mtime ! the assumed ice nucleation timescale
408            ! physical properties of the air at a given point
409            REAL(KIND=r8) :: rho(mgncol,nlev) ! density (kg m-3)
410            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dv(mgncol,nlev) ! diffusivity of water vapor
411            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mu(mgncol,nlev) ! viscosity
412            REAL(KIND=r8) :: sc(mgncol,nlev) ! schmidt number
413            REAL(KIND=r8) :: rhof(mgncol,nlev) ! density correction factor for fallspeed
414            ! cloud fractions
415            REAL(KIND=r8) :: precip_frac(mgncol,nlev) ! precip fraction assuming maximum overlap
416            REAL(KIND=r8) :: cldm(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud fraction
417            REAL(KIND=r8) :: icldm(mgncol,nlev) ! ice cloud fraction
418            REAL(KIND=r8) :: lcldm(mgncol,nlev) ! liq cloud fraction
419            ! mass mixing ratios
420            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qcic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud cloud liquid
421            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qiic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud cloud ice
422            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qsic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip snow
423            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qric(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip rain
424            ! number concentrations
425            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ncic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud droplet
426            REAL(KIND=r8) :: niic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-cloud cloud ice
427            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsic(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip snow
428            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nric(mgncol,nlev) ! in-precip rain
429            ! maximum allowed ni value
430            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nimax(mgncol,nlev)
431            ! Size distribution parameters for:
432            ! cloud ice
433            REAL(KIND=r8) :: lami(mgncol,nlev) ! slope
434            REAL(KIND=r8) :: n0i(mgncol,nlev) ! intercept
435            ! cloud liquid
436            REAL(KIND=r8) :: lamc(mgncol,nlev) ! slope
437            REAL(KIND=r8) :: pgam(mgncol,nlev) ! spectral width parameter
438            ! snow
439            REAL(KIND=r8) :: lams(mgncol,nlev) ! slope
440            REAL(KIND=r8) :: n0s(mgncol,nlev) ! intercept
441            ! rain
442            REAL(KIND=r8) :: lamr(mgncol,nlev) ! slope
443            REAL(KIND=r8) :: n0r(mgncol,nlev) ! intercept
444            ! Rates/tendencies due to:
445            ! Instantaneous snow melting
446            REAL(KIND=r8) :: minstsm(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
447            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ninstsm(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
448            ! Instantaneous rain freezing
449            REAL(KIND=r8) :: minstrf(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
450            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ninstrf(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
451            ! deposition of cloud ice
452            REAL(KIND=r8) :: vap_dep(mgncol,nlev) ! deposition from vapor to ice PMC 12/3/12
453            ! sublimation of cloud ice
454            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ice_sublim(mgncol,nlev) ! sublimation from ice to vapor PMC 12/3/12
455            ! ice nucleation
456            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nnuccd(mgncol,nlev) ! number rate from deposition/cond.-freezing
457            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mnuccd(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
458            ! freezing of cloud water
459            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mnuccc(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
460            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nnuccc(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
461            ! contact freezing of cloud water
462            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mnucct(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
463            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nnucct(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
464            ! deposition nucleation in mixed-phase clouds (from external scheme)
465            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mnudep(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
466            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nnudep(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
467            ! ice multiplication
468            REAL(KIND=r8) :: msacwi(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
469            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsacwi(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
470            ! autoconversion of cloud droplets
471            REAL(KIND=r8) :: prc(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
472            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nprc(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration (rain)
473            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nprc1(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration (cloud droplets)
474            ! self-aggregation of snow
475            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsagg(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
476            ! self-collection of rain
477            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nragg(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
478            ! collection of droplets by snow
479            REAL(KIND=r8) :: psacws(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
480            REAL(KIND=r8) :: npsacws(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
481            ! collection of rain by snow
482            REAL(KIND=r8) :: pracs(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
483            REAL(KIND=r8) :: npracs(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
484            ! freezing of rain
485            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mnuccr(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
486            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nnuccr(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
487            ! freezing of rain to form ice (mg add 4/26/13)
488            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mnuccri(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
489            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nnuccri(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
490            ! accretion of droplets by rain
491            REAL(KIND=r8) :: pra(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
492            REAL(KIND=r8) :: npra(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
493            ! autoconversion of cloud ice to snow
494            REAL(KIND=r8) :: prci(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
495            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nprci(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
496            ! accretion of cloud ice by snow
497            REAL(KIND=r8) :: prai(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
498            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nprai(mgncol,nlev) ! number concentration
499            ! evaporation of rain
500            REAL(KIND=r8) :: pre(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
501            ! sublimation of snow
502            REAL(KIND=r8) :: prds(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio
503            ! number evaporation
504            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsubi(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice
505            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsubc(mgncol,nlev) ! droplet
506            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsubs(mgncol,nlev) ! snow
507            REAL(KIND=r8) :: nsubr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain
508            ! bergeron process
509            REAL(KIND=r8) :: berg(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio (cloud ice)
510            REAL(KIND=r8) :: bergs(mgncol,nlev) ! mass mixing ratio (snow)
511            ! fallspeeds
512            ! number-weighted
513            REAL(KIND=r8) :: uns(mgncol,nlev) ! snow
514            REAL(KIND=r8) :: unr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain
515            ! air density corrected fallspeed parameters
516            REAL(KIND=r8) :: arn(mgncol,nlev) ! rain
517            REAL(KIND=r8) :: asn(mgncol,nlev) ! snow
518            REAL(KIND=r8) :: acn(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud droplet
519            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ain(mgncol,nlev) ! cloud ice
520            ! Mass of liquid droplets used with external heterogeneous freezing.
521            REAL(KIND=r8) :: mi0l(mgncol)
522            ! saturation vapor pressures
523            REAL(KIND=r8) :: esl(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid
524            REAL(KIND=r8) :: esi(mgncol,nlev) ! ice
525            REAL(KIND=r8) :: esn ! checking for RH after rain evap
526            ! saturation vapor mixing ratios
527            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qvl(mgncol,nlev) ! liquid
528            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qvi(mgncol,nlev) ! ice
529            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qvn ! checking for RH after rain evap
530            ! relative humidity
531            REAL(KIND=r8) :: relhum(mgncol,nlev)
532            ! parameters for cloud water and cloud ice sedimentation calculations
533            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fc(nlev)
534            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fnc(nlev)
535            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fi(nlev)
536            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fni(nlev)
537            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fr(nlev)
538            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fnr(nlev)
539            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fs(nlev)
540            REAL(KIND=r8) :: fns(nlev)
541            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faloutc(nlev)
542            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faloutnc(nlev)
543            REAL(KIND=r8) :: falouti(nlev)
544            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faloutni(nlev)
545            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faloutr(nlev)
546            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faloutnr(nlev)
547            REAL(KIND=r8) :: falouts(nlev)
548            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faloutns(nlev)
549            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndc
550            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndnc
551            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndi
552            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndni
553            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndqie
554            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndqce
555            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndr
556            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndnr
557            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltnds
558            REAL(KIND=r8) :: faltndns
559            REAL(KIND=r8) :: rainrt(mgncol,nlev) ! rain rate for reflectivity calculation
560            ! dummy variables
561            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dum
562            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dum1
563            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dum2
564            ! dummies for checking RH
565            REAL(KIND=r8) :: qtmp
566            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ttmp
567            ! dummies for conservation check
568            REAL(KIND=r8) :: ratio
569            REAL(KIND=r8) :: tmpfrz
570            ! dummies for in-cloud variables
571            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumc(mgncol,nlev) ! qc
572            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumnc(mgncol,nlev) ! nc
573            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumi(mgncol,nlev) ! qi
574            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumni(mgncol,nlev) ! ni
575            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain mixing ratio
576            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumnr(mgncol,nlev) ! rain number concentration
577            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dums(mgncol,nlev) ! snow mixing ratio
578            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dumns(mgncol,nlev) ! snow number concentration
579            ! Array dummy variable
580            REAL(KIND=r8) :: dum_2d(mgncol,nlev)
581            ! loop array variables
582            ! "i" and "k" are column/level iterators for internal (MG) variables
583            ! "n" is used for other looping (currently just sedimentation)
584            INTEGER :: k
585            INTEGER :: i
586            INTEGER :: n
587            ! number of sub-steps for loops over "n" (for sedimentation)
588            INTEGER :: nstep
589            !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
590            ! default return error message
591            errstring = ' '
592            IF (.not. (do_cldice .or.        (associated(tnd_qsnow) .and. associated(tnd_nsnow) .and. associated(re_ice)))) THEN
593                errstring = "MG's native cloud ice processes are disabled, but no replacement values were passed in."
594            END IF
595            IF (use_hetfrz_classnuc .and. (.not.        (associated(frzimm) .and. associated(frzcnt) .and. associated(frzdep)))) THEN
596                errstring = "External heterogeneous freezing is enabled, but the required tendencies were not all passed in."
597            END IF
598            ! Process inputs
599            ! assign variable deltat to deltatin
600            deltat = deltatin
601            ! Copies of input concentrations that may be changed internally.
602            qc = qcn
603            nc = ncn
604            qi = qin
605            ni = nin
606            qr = qrn
607            nr = nrn
608            qs = qsn
609            ns = nsn
610            ! cldn: used to set cldm, unused for subcolumns
611            ! liqcldf: used to set lcldm, unused for subcolumns
612            ! icecldf: used to set icldm, unused for subcolumns
613            IF (microp_uniform) THEN
614                ! subcolumns, set cloud fraction variables to one
615                ! if cloud water or ice is present, if not present
616                ! set to mincld (mincld used instead of zero, to prevent
617                ! possible division by zero errors).
618                WHERE ( qc >= qsmall )
619                    lcldm = 1._r8
620                    ELSEWHERE
621                    lcldm = mincld
622                END WHERE
623                WHERE ( qi >= qsmall )
624                    icldm = 1._r8
625                    ELSEWHERE
626                    icldm = mincld
627                END WHERE
628                cldm = max(icldm, lcldm)
629                ELSE
630                ! get cloud fraction, check for minimum
631                cldm = max(cldn,mincld)
632                lcldm = max(liqcldf,mincld)
633                icldm = max(icecldf,mincld)
634            END IF
635            ! Initialize local variables
636            ! local physical properties
637            rho = p/(r*t)
638            dv = 8.794e-5_r8 * t**1.81_r8 / p
639            mu = 1.496e-6_r8 * t**1.5_r8 / (t + 120._r8)
640            sc = mu/(rho*dv)
641            ! air density adjustment for fallspeed parameters
642            ! includes air density correction factor to the
643            ! power of 0.54 following Heymsfield and Bansemer 2007
644            rhof = (rhosu/rho)**0.54_r8
645            arn = ar*rhof
646            asn = as*rhof
647            acn = g*rhow/(18._r8*mu)
648            ain = ai*(rhosu/rho)**0.35_r8
649            !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
650            ! Get humidity and saturation vapor pressures
651            DO k=1,nlev
652                DO i=1,mgncol
653                    CALL qsat_water(t(i,k), p(i,k), esl(i,k), qvl(i,k))
654                    ! make sure when above freezing that esi=esl, not active yet
655                    IF (t(i,k) >= tmelt) THEN
656                        esi(i,k) = esl(i,k)
657                        qvi(i,k) = qvl(i,k)
658                        ELSE
659                        CALL qsat_ice(t(i,k), p(i,k), esi(i,k), qvi(i,k))
660                    END IF
661                END DO
662            END DO
663            relhum = q / max(qvl, qsmall)
664            !===============================================
665            ! set mtime here to avoid answer-changing
666            mtime = deltat
667            ! initialize microphysics output
668            qcsevap = 0._r8
669            qisevap = 0._r8
670            qvres = 0._r8
671            cmeitot = 0._r8
672            vtrmc = 0._r8
673            vtrmi = 0._r8
674            qcsedten = 0._r8
675            qisedten = 0._r8
676            qrsedten = 0._r8
677            qssedten = 0._r8
678            pratot = 0._r8
679            prctot = 0._r8
680            mnuccctot = 0._r8
681            mnuccttot = 0._r8
682            msacwitot = 0._r8
683            psacwstot = 0._r8
684            bergstot = 0._r8
685            bergtot = 0._r8
686            melttot = 0._r8
687            homotot = 0._r8
688            qcrestot = 0._r8
689            prcitot = 0._r8
690            praitot = 0._r8
691            qirestot = 0._r8
692            mnuccrtot = 0._r8
693            pracstot = 0._r8
694            meltsdttot = 0._r8
695            frzrdttot = 0._r8
696            mnuccdtot = 0._r8
697            rflx = 0._r8
698            sflx = 0._r8
699            ! initialize precip output
700            qrout = 0._r8
701            qsout = 0._r8
702            nrout = 0._r8
703            nsout = 0._r8
704            ! for refl calc
705            rainrt = 0._r8
706            ! initialize rain size
707            rercld = 0._r8
708            qcsinksum_rate1ord = 0._r8
709            ! initialize variables for trop_mozart
710            nevapr = 0._r8
711            prer_evap = 0._r8
712            evapsnow = 0._r8
713            prain = 0._r8
714            prodsnow = 0._r8
715            cmeout = 0._r8
716            precip_frac = mincld
717            lamc = 0._r8
718            ! initialize microphysical tendencies
719            tlat = 0._r8
720            qvlat = 0._r8
721            qctend = 0._r8
722            qitend = 0._r8
723            qstend = 0._r8
724            qrtend = 0._r8
725            nctend = 0._r8
726            nitend = 0._r8
727            nrtend = 0._r8
728            nstend = 0._r8
729            ! initialize in-cloud and in-precip quantities to zero
730            qcic = 0._r8
731            qiic = 0._r8
732            qsic = 0._r8
733            qric = 0._r8
734            ncic = 0._r8
735            niic = 0._r8
736            nsic = 0._r8
737            nric = 0._r8
738            ! initialize precip at surface
739            prect = 0._r8
740            preci = 0._r8
741            ! initialize precip fallspeeds to zero
742            ums = 0._r8
743            uns = 0._r8
744            umr = 0._r8
745            unr = 0._r8
746            ! initialize limiter for output
747            qcrat = 1._r8
748            ! Many outputs have to be initialized here at the top to work around
749            ! ifort problems, even if they are always overwritten later.
750            effc = 10._r8
751            lamcrad = 0._r8
752            pgamrad = 0._r8
753            effc_fn = 10._r8
754            effi = 25._r8
755            deffi = 50._r8
756            qrout2 = 0._r8
757            nrout2 = 0._r8
758            drout2 = 0._r8
759            qsout2 = 0._r8
760            nsout2 = 0._r8
761            dsout = 0._r8
762            dsout2 = 0._r8
763            freqr = 0._r8
764            freqs = 0._r8
765            reff_rain = 0._r8
766            reff_snow = 0._r8
767            refl = -9999._r8
768            arefl = 0._r8
769            areflz = 0._r8
770            frefl = 0._r8
771            csrfl = 0._r8
772            acsrfl = 0._r8
773            fcsrfl = 0._r8
774            ncal = 0._r8
775            ncai = 0._r8
776            nfice = 0._r8
777            !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
778            ! droplet activation
779            ! get provisional droplet number after activation. This is used for
780            ! all microphysical process calculations, for consistency with update of
781            ! droplet mass before microphysics
782            ! calculate potential for droplet activation if cloud water is present
783            ! tendency from activation (npccn) is read in from companion routine
784            ! output activated liquid and ice (convert from #/kg -> #/m3)
785            !--------------------------------------------------
786            WHERE ( qc >= qsmall )
787                nc = max(nc + npccn*deltat, 0._r8)
788                ncal = nc*rho/lcldm ! sghan minimum in #/cm3
789                ELSEWHERE
790                ncal = 0._r8
791            END WHERE
792            WHERE ( t < icenuct )
793                ncai = naai*rho
794                ELSEWHERE
795                ncai = 0._r8
796            END WHERE
797            !===============================================
798            ! ice nucleation if activated nuclei exist at t<-5C AND rhmini + 5%
799            !-------------------------------------------------------
800            IF (do_cldice) THEN
801                WHERE ( naai > 0._r8 .and. t < icenuct .and.           relhum*esl/esi > rhmini+0.05_r8 )
802                    !if NAAI > 0. then set numice = naai (as before)
803                    !note: this is gridbox averaged
804                    nnuccd = (naai-ni/icldm)/mtime*icldm
805                    nnuccd = max(nnuccd,0._r8)
806                    nimax = naai*icldm
807                    !Calc mass of new particles using new crystal mass...
808                    !also this will be multiplied by mtime as nnuccd is...
809                    mnuccd = nnuccd * mi0
810                    ELSEWHERE
811                    nnuccd = 0._r8
812                    nimax = 0._r8
813                    mnuccd = 0._r8
814                END WHERE
815            END IF
816            !=============================================================================
817            pre_vert_loop: DO k=1,nlev
818                pre_col_loop: DO i=1,mgncol
819                    ! calculate instantaneous precip processes (melting and homogeneous freezing)
820                    ! melting of snow at +2 C
821                    IF (t(i,k) > snowmelt) THEN
822                        IF (qs(i,k) > 0._r8) THEN
823                            ! make sure melting snow doesn't reduce temperature below threshold
824                            dum = -xlf/cpp*qs(i,k)
825                            IF (t(i,k)+dum < snowmelt) THEN
826                                dum = (t(i,k)-snowmelt)*cpp/xlf
827                                dum = dum/qs(i,k)
828                                dum = max(0._r8,dum)
829                                dum = min(1._r8,dum)
830                                ELSE
831                                dum = 1._r8
832                            END IF
833                            minstsm(i,k) = dum*qs(i,k)
834                            ninstsm(i,k) = dum*ns(i,k)
835                            dum1 = -xlf*minstsm(i,k)/deltat
836                            tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+dum1
837                            meltsdttot(i,k) = meltsdttot(i,k) + dum1
838                            qs(i,k) = max(qs(i,k) - minstsm(i,k), 0._r8)
839                            ns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k) - ninstsm(i,k), 0._r8)
840                            qr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k) + minstsm(i,k), 0._r8)
841                            nr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k) + ninstsm(i,k), 0._r8)
842                        END IF
843                    END IF
844                    ! freezing of rain at -5 C
845                    IF (t(i,k) < rainfrze) THEN
846                        IF (qr(i,k) > 0._r8) THEN
847                            ! make sure freezing rain doesn't increase temperature above threshold
848                            dum = xlf/cpp*qr(i,k)
849                            IF (t(i,k)+dum > rainfrze) THEN
850                                dum = -(t(i,k)-rainfrze)*cpp/xlf
851                                dum = dum/qr(i,k)
852                                dum = max(0._r8,dum)
853                                dum = min(1._r8,dum)
854                                ELSE
855                                dum = 1._r8
856                            END IF
857                            minstrf(i,k) = dum*qr(i,k)
858                            ninstrf(i,k) = dum*nr(i,k)
859                            ! heating tendency
860                            dum1 = xlf*minstrf(i,k)/deltat
861                            tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+dum1
862                            frzrdttot(i,k) = frzrdttot(i,k) + dum1
863                            qr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k) - minstrf(i,k), 0._r8)
864                            nr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k) - ninstrf(i,k), 0._r8)
865                            qs(i,k) = max(qs(i,k) + minstrf(i,k), 0._r8)
866                            ns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k) + ninstrf(i,k), 0._r8)
867                        END IF
868                    END IF
869                    ! obtain in-cloud values of cloud water/ice mixing ratios and number concentrations
870                    !-------------------------------------------------------
871                    ! for microphysical process calculations
872                    ! units are kg/kg for mixing ratio, 1/kg for number conc
873                    IF (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
874                        ! limit in-cloud values to 0.005 kg/kg
875                        qcic(i,k) = min(qc(i,k)/lcldm(i,k),5.e-3_r8)
876                        ncic(i,k) = max(nc(i,k)/lcldm(i,k),0._r8)
877                        ! specify droplet concentration
878                        IF (nccons) THEN
879                            ncic(i,k) = ncnst/rho(i,k)
880                        END IF
881                        ELSE
882                        qcic(i,k) = 0._r8
883                        ncic(i,k) = 0._r8
884                    END IF
885                    IF (qi(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
886                        ! limit in-cloud values to 0.005 kg/kg
887                        qiic(i,k) = min(qi(i,k)/icldm(i,k),5.e-3_r8)
888                        niic(i,k) = max(ni(i,k)/icldm(i,k),0._r8)
889                        ! switch for specification of cloud ice number
890                        IF (nicons) THEN
891                            niic(i,k) = ninst/rho(i,k)
892                        END IF
893                        ELSE
894                        qiic(i,k) = 0._r8
895                        niic(i,k) = 0._r8
896                    END IF
897                END DO pre_col_loop
898            END DO pre_vert_loop
899            !========================================================================
900            ! for sub-columns cldm has already been set to 1 if cloud
901            ! water or ice is present, so precip_frac will be correctly set below
902            ! and nothing extra needs to be done here
903            precip_frac = cldm
904            micro_vert_loop: DO k=1,nlev
905                IF (trim(micro_mg_precip_frac_method) == 'in_cloud') THEN
906                    IF (k /= 1) THEN
907                        WHERE ( qc(:,k) < qsmall .and. qi(:,k) < qsmall )
908                            precip_frac(:,k) = precip_frac(:,k-1)
909                        END WHERE
910                    END IF
911                    ELSE IF (trim(micro_mg_precip_frac_method) == 'max_overlap') THEN
912                    ! calculate precip fraction based on maximum overlap assumption
913                    ! if rain or snow mix ratios are smaller than threshold,
914                    ! then leave precip_frac as cloud fraction at current level
915                    IF (k /= 1) THEN
916                        WHERE ( qr(:,k-1) >= qsmall .or. qs(:,k-1) >= qsmall )
917                            precip_frac(:,k) = max(precip_frac(:,k-1),precip_frac(:,k))
918                        END WHERE
919                    END IF
920                END IF
921                DO i = 1, mgncol
922                    !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
923                    ! get size distribution parameters based on in-cloud cloud water
924                    ! these calculations also ensure consistency between number and mixing ratio
925                    !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
926                    ! cloud liquid
927                    !-------------------------------------------
928                    CALL size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, qcic(i,k), ncic(i,k), rho(i,k), pgam(i,k), lamc(i,k))
929                END DO
930                !========================================================================
931                ! autoconversion of cloud liquid water to rain
932                ! formula from Khrouditnov and Kogan (2000), modified for sub-grid distribution of qc
933                ! minimum qc of 1 x 10^-8 prevents floating point error
934                CALL kk2000_liq_autoconversion(microp_uniform, qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), rho(:,k), relvar(:,k), prc(:,k), nprc(:,k), &
935                nprc1(:,k))
936                ! assign qric based on prognostic qr, using assumed precip fraction
937                ! note: this could be moved above for consistency with qcic and qiic calculations
938                qric(:,k) = qr(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k)
939                nric(:,k) = nr(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k)
940                ! limit in-precip mixing ratios to 10 g/kg
941                qric(:,k) = min(qric(:,k),0.01_r8)
942                ! add autoconversion to precip from above to get provisional rain mixing ratio
943                ! and number concentration (qric and nric)
944                WHERE ( qric(:,k).lt.qsmall )
945                    qric(:,k) = 0._r8
946                    nric(:,k) = 0._r8
947                END WHERE
948                ! make sure number concentration is a positive number to avoid
949                ! taking root of negative later
950                nric(:,k) = max(nric(:,k),0._r8)
951                ! Get size distribution parameters for cloud ice
952                CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_ice_props, qiic(:,k), niic(:,k), lami(:,k), n0i(:,k))
953                !.......................................................................
954                ! Autoconversion of cloud ice to snow
955                ! similar to Ferrier (1994)
956                IF (do_cldice) THEN
957                    CALL ice_autoconversion(t(:,k), qiic(:,k), lami(:,k), n0i(:,k), dcs, prci(:,k), nprci(:,k))
958                    ELSE
959                    ! Add in the particles that we have already converted to snow, and
960                    ! don't do any further autoconversion of ice.
961                    prci(:,k) = tnd_qsnow(:,k) / cldm(:,k)
962                    nprci(:,k) = tnd_nsnow(:,k) / cldm(:,k)
963                END IF
964                ! note, currently we don't have this
965                ! inside the do_cldice block, should be changed later
966                ! assign qsic based on prognostic qs, using assumed precip fraction
967                qsic(:,k) = qs(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k)
968                nsic(:,k) = ns(:,k)/precip_frac(:,k)
969                ! limit in-precip mixing ratios to 10 g/kg
970                qsic(:,k) = min(qsic(:,k),0.01_r8)
971                ! if precip mix ratio is zero so should number concentration
972                WHERE ( qsic(:,k) < qsmall )
973                    qsic(:,k) = 0._r8
974                    nsic(:,k) = 0._r8
975                END WHERE
976                ! make sure number concentration is a positive number to avoid
977                ! taking root of negative later
978                nsic(:,k) = max(nsic(:,k),0._r8)
979                !.......................................................................
980                ! get size distribution parameters for precip
981                !......................................................................
982                ! rain
983                CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, qric(:,k), nric(:,k), lamr(:,k), n0r(:,k))
984                WHERE ( lamr(:,k) >= qsmall )
985                    ! provisional rain number and mass weighted mean fallspeed (m/s)
986                    unr(:,k) = min(arn(:,k)*gamma_br_plus1/lamr(:,k)**br,9.1_r8*rhof(:,k))
987                    umr(:,k) = min(arn(:,k)*gamma_br_plus4/(6._r8*lamr(:,k)**br),9.1_r8*rhof(:,k))
988                    ELSEWHERE
989                    umr(:,k) = 0._r8
990                    unr(:,k) = 0._r8
991                END WHERE
992                !......................................................................
993                ! snow
994                CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_snow_props, qsic(:,k), nsic(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k))
995                WHERE ( lams(:,k) > 0._r8 )
996                    ! provisional snow number and mass weighted mean fallspeed (m/s)
997                    ums(:,k) = min(asn(:,k)*gamma_bs_plus4/(6._r8*lams(:,k)**bs),1.2_r8*rhof(:,k))
998                    uns(:,k) = min(asn(:,k)*gamma_bs_plus1/lams(:,k)**bs,1.2_r8*rhof(:,k))
999                    ELSEWHERE
1000                    ums(:,k) = 0._r8
1001                    uns(:,k) = 0._r8
1002                END WHERE
1003                IF (do_cldice) THEN
1004                    IF (.not. use_hetfrz_classnuc) THEN
1005                        ! heterogeneous freezing of cloud water
1006                        !----------------------------------------------
1007                        CALL immersion_freezing(microp_uniform, t(:,k), pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), relvar(:,k), &
1008                        mnuccc(:,k), nnuccc(:,k))
1009                        ! make sure number of droplets frozen does not exceed available ice nuclei concentration
1010                        ! this prevents 'runaway' droplet freezing
1011                        WHERE ( qcic(:,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(:,k).lt.269.15_r8 )
1012                            WHERE ( nnuccc(:,k)*lcldm(:,k).gt.nnuccd(:,k) )
1013                                ! scale mixing ratio of droplet freezing with limit
1014                                mnuccc(:,k) = mnuccc(:,k)*(nnuccd(:,k)/(nnuccc(:,k)*lcldm(:,k)))
1015                                nnuccc(:,k) = nnuccd(:,k)/lcldm(:,k)
1016                            END WHERE
1017                        END WHERE
1018                        CALL contact_freezing(microp_uniform, t(:,k), p(:,k), rndst(:,k,:), nacon(:,k,:), pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), &
1019                        qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), relvar(:,k), mnucct(:,k), nnucct(:,k))
1020                        mnudep(:,k) = 0._r8
1021                        nnudep(:,k) = 0._r8
1022                        ELSE
1023                        ! Mass of droplets frozen is the average droplet mass, except
1024                        ! with two limiters: concentration must be at least 1/cm^3, and
1025                        ! mass must be at least the minimum defined above.
1026                        mi0l = qcic(:,k)/max(ncic(:,k), 1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k))
1027                        mi0l = max(mi0l_min, mi0l)
1028                        WHERE ( qcic(:,k) >= qsmall )
1029                            nnuccc(:,k) = frzimm(:,k)*1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k)
1030                            mnuccc(:,k) = nnuccc(:,k)*mi0l
1031                            nnucct(:,k) = frzcnt(:,k)*1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k)
1032                            mnucct(:,k) = nnucct(:,k)*mi0l
1033                            nnudep(:,k) = frzdep(:,k)*1.0e6_r8/rho(:,k)
1034                            mnudep(:,k) = nnudep(:,k)*mi0
1035                            ELSEWHERE
1036                            nnuccc(:,k) = 0._r8
1037                            mnuccc(:,k) = 0._r8
1038                            nnucct(:,k) = 0._r8
1039                            mnucct(:,k) = 0._r8
1040                            nnudep(:,k) = 0._r8
1041                            mnudep(:,k) = 0._r8
1042                        END WHERE
1043                    END IF
1044                    ELSE
1045                    mnuccc(:,k) = 0._r8
1046                    nnuccc(:,k) = 0._r8
1047                    mnucct(:,k) = 0._r8
1048                    nnucct(:,k) = 0._r8
1049                    mnudep(:,k) = 0._r8
1050                    nnudep(:,k) = 0._r8
1051                END IF
1052                CALL snow_self_aggregation(t(:,k), rho(:,k), asn(:,k), rhosn, qsic(:,k), nsic(:,k), nsagg(:,k))
1053                CALL accrete_cloud_water_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), asn(:,k), uns(:,k), mu(:,k), qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), qsic(:,k), &
1054                pgam(:,k), lamc(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), psacws(:,k), npsacws(:,k))
1055                IF (do_cldice) THEN
1056                    CALL secondary_ice_production(t(:,k), psacws(:,k), msacwi(:,k), nsacwi(:,k))
1057                    ELSE
1058                    nsacwi(:,k) = 0.0_r8
1059                    msacwi(:,k) = 0.0_r8
1060                END IF
1061                CALL accrete_rain_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), umr(:,k), ums(:,k), unr(:,k), uns(:,k), qric(:,k), qsic(:,k), lamr(:,k), &
1062                n0r(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), pracs(:,k), npracs(:,k))
1063                CALL heterogeneous_rain_freezing(t(:,k), qric(:,k), nric(:,k), lamr(:,k), mnuccr(:,k), nnuccr(:,k))
1064                CALL accrete_cloud_water_rain(microp_uniform, qric(:,k), qcic(:,k), ncic(:,k), relvar(:,k), accre_enhan(:,k), pra(&
1065                :,k), npra(:,k))
1066                CALL self_collection_rain(rho(:,k), qric(:,k), nric(:,k), nragg(:,k))
1067                IF (do_cldice) THEN
1068                    CALL accrete_cloud_ice_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), asn(:,k), qiic(:,k), niic(:,k), qsic(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), &
1069                    prai(:,k), nprai(:,k))
1070                    ELSE
1071                    prai(:,k) = 0._r8
1072                    nprai(:,k) = 0._r8
1073                END IF
1074                CALL evaporate_sublimate_precip(t(:,k), rho(:,k), dv(:,k), mu(:,k), sc(:,k), q(:,k), qvl(:,k), qvi(:,k), lcldm(:,&
1075                k), precip_frac(:,k), arn(:,k), asn(:,k), qcic(:,k), qiic(:,k), qric(:,k), qsic(:,k), lamr(:,k), n0r(:,k), lams(:,&
1076                k), n0s(:,k), pre(:,k), prds(:,k))
1077                CALL bergeron_process_snow(t(:,k), rho(:,k), dv(:,k), mu(:,k), sc(:,k), qvl(:,k), qvi(:,k), asn(:,k), qcic(:,k), &
1078                qsic(:,k), lams(:,k), n0s(:,k), bergs(:,k))
1079                bergs(:,k) = bergs(:,k)*micro_mg_berg_eff_factor
1080                !+++PMC 12/3/12 - NEW VAPOR DEP/SUBLIMATION GOES HERE!!!
1081                IF (do_cldice) THEN
1082                    CALL ice_deposition_sublimation(t(:,k), q(:,k), qi(:,k), ni(:,k), icldm(:,k), rho(:,k), dv(:,k), qvl(:,k), &
1083                    qvi(:,k), berg(:,k), vap_dep(:,k), ice_sublim(:,k))
1084                    berg(:,k) = berg(:,k)*micro_mg_berg_eff_factor
1085                    WHERE ( vap_dep(:,k) < 0._r8 .and. qi(:,k) > qsmall .and. icldm(:,k) > mincld )
1086                        nsubi(:,k) = vap_dep(:,k) / qi(:,k) * ni(:,k) / icldm(:,k)
1087                        ELSEWHERE
1088                        nsubi(:,k) = 0._r8
1089                    END WHERE
1090                    ! bergeron process should not reduce nc unless
1091                    ! all ql is removed (which is handled elsewhere)
1092                    !in fact, nothing in this entire file makes nsubc nonzero.
1093                    nsubc(:,k) = 0._r8
1094                END IF  !do_cldice
1095                !---PMC 12/3/12
1096                DO i=1,mgncol
1097                    ! conservation to ensure no negative values of cloud water/precipitation
1098                    ! in case microphysical process rates are large
1099                    !===================================================================
1100                    ! note: for check on conservation, processes are multiplied by omsm
1101                    ! to prevent problems due to round off error
1102                    ! conservation of qc
1103                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1104                    dum = ((prc(i,k)+pra(i,k)+mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+msacwi(i,k)+              psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)&
1105                    +berg(i,k))*deltat
1106                    IF (dum.gt.qc(i,k)) THEN
1107                        ratio = qc(i,k)/deltat/((prc(i,k)+pra(i,k)+mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+                 msacwi(i,k)+psacws(i,&
1108                        k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+berg(i,k))*omsm
1109                        prc(i,k) = prc(i,k)*ratio
1110                        pra(i,k) = pra(i,k)*ratio
1111                        mnuccc(i,k) = mnuccc(i,k)*ratio
1112                        mnucct(i,k) = mnucct(i,k)*ratio
1113                        msacwi(i,k) = msacwi(i,k)*ratio
1114                        psacws(i,k) = psacws(i,k)*ratio
1115                        bergs(i,k) = bergs(i,k)*ratio
1116                        berg(i,k) = berg(i,k)*ratio
1117                        qcrat(i,k) = ratio
1118                        ELSE
1119                        qcrat(i,k) = 1._r8
1120                    END IF
1121                    !PMC 12/3/12: ratio is also frac of step w/ liquid.
1122                    !thus we apply berg for "ratio" of timestep and vapor
1123                    !deposition for the remaining frac of the timestep.
1124                    IF (qc(i,k) >= qsmall) THEN
1125                        vap_dep(i,k) = vap_dep(i,k)*(1._r8-qcrat(i,k))
1126                    END IF
1127                END DO
1128                DO i=1,mgncol
1129                    !=================================================================
1130                    ! apply limiter to ensure that ice/snow sublimation and rain evap
1131                    ! don't push conditions into supersaturation, and ice deposition/nucleation don't
1132                    ! push conditions into sub-saturation
1133                    ! note this is done after qc conservation since we don't know how large
1134                    ! vap_dep is before then
1135                    ! estimates are only approximate since other process terms haven't been limited
1136                    ! for conservation yet
1137                    ! first limit ice deposition/nucleation vap_dep + mnuccd
1138                    dum1 = vap_dep(i,k) + mnuccd(i,k)
1139                    IF (dum1 > 1.e-20_r8) THEN
1140                        dum = (q(i,k)-qvi(i,k))/(1._r8 + xxls_squared*qvi(i,k)/(cpp*rv*t(i,k)**2))/deltat
1141                        dum = max(dum,0._r8)
1142                        IF (dum1 > dum) THEN
1143                            ! Allocate the limited "dum" tendency to mnuccd and vap_dep
1144                            ! processes. Don't divide by cloud fraction; these are grid-
1145                            ! mean rates.
1146                            dum1 = mnuccd(i,k) / (vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))
1147                            mnuccd(i,k) = dum*dum1
1148                            vap_dep(i,k) = dum - mnuccd(i,k)
1149                        END IF
1150                    END IF
1151                END DO
1152                DO i=1,mgncol
1153                    !===================================================================
1154                    ! conservation of nc
1155                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1156                    dum = (nprc1(i,k)+npra(i,k)+nnuccc(i,k)+nnucct(i,k)+              npsacws(i,k)-nsubc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)*deltat
1157                    IF (dum.gt.nc(i,k)) THEN
1158                        ratio = nc(i,k)/deltat/((nprc1(i,k)+npra(i,k)+nnuccc(i,k)+nnucct(i,k)+                npsacws(i,k)-nsubc(&
1159                        i,k))*lcldm(i,k))*omsm
1160                        nprc1(i,k) = nprc1(i,k)*ratio
1161                        npra(i,k) = npra(i,k)*ratio
1162                        nnuccc(i,k) = nnuccc(i,k)*ratio
1163                        nnucct(i,k) = nnucct(i,k)*ratio
1164                        npsacws(i,k) = npsacws(i,k)*ratio
1165                        nsubc(i,k) = nsubc(i,k)*ratio
1166                    END IF
1167                    mnuccri(i,k) = 0._r8
1168                    nnuccri(i,k) = 0._r8
1169                    IF (do_cldice) THEN
1170                        ! freezing of rain to produce ice if mean rain size is smaller than Dcs
1171                        IF (lamr(i,k) > qsmall .and. 1._r8/lamr(i,k) < dcs) THEN
1172                            mnuccri(i,k) = mnuccr(i,k)
1173                            nnuccri(i,k) = nnuccr(i,k)
1174                            mnuccr(i,k) = 0._r8
1175                            nnuccr(i,k) = 0._r8
1176                        END IF
1177                    END IF
1178                END DO
1179                DO i=1,mgncol
1180                    ! conservation of rain mixing ratio
1181                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1182                    dum = ((-pre(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-              (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))&
1183                    *lcldm(i,k))*deltat
1184                    ! note that qrtend is included below because of instantaneous freezing/melt
1185                    IF (dum.gt.qr(i,k).and.              (-pre(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k)).ge.qsmall) THEN
1186                        ratio = (qr(i,k)/deltat+(pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k))/                   precip_frac(i,k)/(-pre(i,k)&
1187                        +pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k))*omsm
1188                        pre(i,k) = pre(i,k)*ratio
1189                        pracs(i,k) = pracs(i,k)*ratio
1190                        mnuccr(i,k) = mnuccr(i,k)*ratio
1191                        mnuccri(i,k) = mnuccri(i,k)*ratio
1192                    END IF
1193                END DO
1194                DO i=1,mgncol
1195                    ! conservation of rain number
1196                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1197                    ! Add evaporation of rain number.
1198                    IF (pre(i,k) < 0._r8) THEN
1199                        dum = pre(i,k)*deltat/qr(i,k)
1200                        dum = max(-1._r8,dum)
1201                        nsubr(i,k) = dum*nr(i,k)/deltat
1202                        ELSE
1203                        nsubr(i,k) = 0._r8
1204                    END IF
1205                END DO
1206                DO i=1,mgncol
1207                    dum = ((-nsubr(i,k)+npracs(i,k)+nnuccr(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)-nragg(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-              nprc(i,k)&
1208                    *lcldm(i,k))*deltat
1209                    IF (dum.gt.nr(i,k)) THEN
1210                        ratio = (nr(i,k)/deltat+nprc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k))/                 (-nsubr(i,k)+npracs(i,k)&
1211                        +nnuccr(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)-nragg(i,k))*omsm
1212                        nragg(i,k) = nragg(i,k)*ratio
1213                        npracs(i,k) = npracs(i,k)*ratio
1214                        nnuccr(i,k) = nnuccr(i,k)*ratio
1215                        nsubr(i,k) = nsubr(i,k)*ratio
1216                        nnuccri(i,k) = nnuccri(i,k)*ratio
1217                    END IF
1218                END DO
1219                IF (do_cldice) THEN
1220                    DO i=1,mgncol
1221                        ! conservation of qi
1222                        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1223                        dum = ((-mnuccc(i,k)-mnucct(i,k)-mnudep(i,k)-msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(prci(i,k)+                 prai(i,k)&
1224                        )*icldm(i,k)-mnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)                 -ice_sublim(i,k)-vap_dep(i,k)-berg(i,k)-mnuccd(&
1225                        i,k))*deltat
1226                        IF (dum.gt.qi(i,k)) THEN
1227                            ratio = (qi(i,k)/deltat+vap_dep(i,k)+berg(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)+                    (mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,&
1228                            k)+mnudep(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+                    mnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))/            &
1229                                    ((prci(i,k)+prai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)-ice_sublim(i,k))*omsm
1230                            prci(i,k) = prci(i,k)*ratio
1231                            prai(i,k) = prai(i,k)*ratio
1232                            ice_sublim(i,k) = ice_sublim(i,k)*ratio
1233                        END IF
1234                    END DO
1235                END IF
1236                IF (do_cldice) THEN
1237                    DO i=1,mgncol
1238                        ! conservation of ni
1239                        !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1240                        IF (use_hetfrz_classnuc) THEN
1241                            tmpfrz = nnuccc(i,k)
1242                            ELSE
1243                            tmpfrz = 0._r8
1244                        END IF
1245                        dum = ((-nnucct(i,k)-tmpfrz-nnudep(i,k)-nsacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(nprci(i,k)+                 nprai(i,k)&
1246                        -nsubi(i,k))*icldm(i,k)-nnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)-                 nnuccd(i,k))*deltat
1247                        IF (dum.gt.ni(i,k)) THEN
1248                            ratio = (ni(i,k)/deltat+nnuccd(i,k)+                    (nnucct(i,k)+tmpfrz+nnudep(i,k)+nsacwi(i,k))&
1249                            *lcldm(i,k)+                    nnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))/                    ((nprci(i,k)+nprai(&
1250                            i,k)-nsubi(i,k))*icldm(i,k))*omsm
1251                            nprci(i,k) = nprci(i,k)*ratio
1252                            nprai(i,k) = nprai(i,k)*ratio
1253                            nsubi(i,k) = nsubi(i,k)*ratio
1254                        END IF
1255                    END DO
1256                END IF
1257                DO i=1,mgncol
1258                    ! conservation of snow mixing ratio
1259                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1260                    dum = (-(prds(i,k)+pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-(prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)              -(&
1261                    bergs(i,k)+psacws(i,k))*lcldm(i,k))*deltat
1262                    IF (dum.gt.qs(i,k).and.-prds(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1263                        ratio = (qs(i,k)/deltat+(prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+                 (bergs(i,k)+psacws(i,k))*lcldm(&
1264                        i,k)+(pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k))/                 precip_frac(i,k)/(-prds(i,k))*omsm
1265                        prds(i,k) = prds(i,k)*ratio
1266                    END IF
1267                END DO
1268                DO i=1,mgncol
1269                    ! conservation of snow number
1270                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1271                    ! calculate loss of number due to sublimation
1272                    ! for now neglect sublimation of ns
1273                    nsubs(i,k) = 0._r8
1274                    dum = ((-nsagg(i,k)-nsubs(i,k)-nnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-nprci(i,k)*icldm(i,k))*deltat
1275                    IF (dum.gt.ns(i,k)) THEN
1276                        ratio = (ns(i,k)/deltat+nnuccr(i,k)*                 precip_frac(i,k)+nprci(i,k)*icldm(i,k))/precip_frac(&
1277                        i,k)/                 (-nsubs(i,k)-nsagg(i,k))*omsm
1278                        nsubs(i,k) = nsubs(i,k)*ratio
1279                        nsagg(i,k) = nsagg(i,k)*ratio
1280                    END IF
1281                END DO
1282                DO i=1,mgncol
1283                    ! next limit ice and snow sublimation and rain evaporation
1284                    ! get estimate of q and t at end of time step
1285                    ! don't include other microphysical processes since they haven't
1286                    ! been limited via conservation checks yet
1287                    IF ((pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k) < -1.e-20_r8) THEN
1288                        qtmp = q(i,k)-(ice_sublim(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)+                 (pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(&
1289                        i,k))*deltat
1290                        ttmp = t(i,k)+((pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))*xxlv+                 (prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)&
1291                        +ice_sublim(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))*xxls)*deltat/cpp
1292                        ! use rhw to allow ice supersaturation
1293                        CALL qsat_water(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn)
1294                        ! modify ice/precip evaporation rate if q > qsat
1295                        IF (qtmp > qvn) THEN
1296                            dum1 = pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)/((pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k))
1297                            dum2 = prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)/((pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k))
1298                            ! recalculate q and t after vap_dep and mnuccd but without evap or sublim
1299                            qtmp = q(i,k)-(vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))*deltat
1300                            ttmp = t(i,k)+((vap_dep(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k))*xxls)*deltat/cpp
1301                            ! use rhw to allow ice supersaturation
1302                            CALL qsat_water(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn)
1303                            dum = (qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8 + xxlv_squared*qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2))
1304                            dum = min(dum,0._r8)
1305                            ! modify rates if needed, divide by precip_frac to get local (in-precip) value
1306                            pre(i,k) = dum*dum1/deltat/precip_frac(i,k)
1307                            ! do separately using RHI for prds and ice_sublim
1308                            CALL qsat_ice(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn)
1309                            dum = (qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8 + xxls_squared*qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2))
1310                            dum = min(dum,0._r8)
1311                            ! modify rates if needed, divide by precip_frac to get local (in-precip) value
1312                            prds(i,k) = dum*dum2/deltat/precip_frac(i,k)
1313                            ! don't divide ice_sublim by cloud fraction since it is grid-averaged
1314                            dum1 = (1._r8-dum1-dum2)
1315                            ice_sublim(i,k) = dum*dum1/deltat
1316                        END IF
1317                    END IF
1318                END DO
1319                ! Big "administration" loop enforces conservation, updates variables
1320                ! that accumulate over substeps, and sets output variables.
1321                DO i=1,mgncol
1322                    ! get tendencies due to microphysical conversion processes
1323                    !==========================================================
1324                    ! note: tendencies are multiplied by appropriate cloud/precip
1325                    ! fraction to get grid-scale values
1326                    ! note: vap_dep is already grid-average values
1327                    ! The net tendencies need to be added to rather than overwritten,
1328                    ! because they may have a value already set for instantaneous
1329                    ! melting/freezing.
1330                    qvlat(i,k) = qvlat(i,k)-(pre(i,k)+prds(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)-             vap_dep(i,k)-ice_sublim(i,k)&
1331                    -mnuccd(i,k)-mnudep(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1332                    tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+((pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k))              *xxlv+(prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)&
1333                    +ice_sublim(i,k)+mnuccd(i,k)+mnudep(i,k)*lcldm(i,k))*xxls+              ((bergs(i,k)+psacws(i,k)+mnuccc(i,k)&
1334                    +mnucct(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(mnuccr(i,k)+              pracs(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)&
1335                    +berg(i,k))*xlf)
1336                    qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)+              (-pra(i,k)-prc(i,k)-mnuccc(i,k)-mnucct(i,k)-msacwi(i,k)-              &
1337                    psacws(i,k)-bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)-berg(i,k)
1338                    IF (do_cldice) THEN
1339                        qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)+                 (mnuccc(i,k)+mnucct(i,k)+mnudep(i,k)+msacwi(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(&
1340                        -prci(i,k)-                 prai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+vap_dep(i,k)+berg(i,k)+ice_sublim(i,k)+                 &
1341                        mnuccd(i,k)+mnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1342                    END IF
1343                    qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)+              (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(pre(i,k)-pracs(i,k)-              &
1344                    mnuccr(i,k)-mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)
1345                    qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)+              (prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+(psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(&
1346                    prds(i,k)+              pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)
1347                    cmeout(i,k) = vap_dep(i,k) + ice_sublim(i,k) + mnuccd(i,k)
1348                    ! add output for cmei (accumulate)
1349                    cmeitot(i,k) = vap_dep(i,k) + ice_sublim(i,k) + mnuccd(i,k)
1350                    ! assign variables for trop_mozart, these are grid-average
1351                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1352                    ! evaporation/sublimation is stored here as positive term
1353                    evapsnow(i,k) = -prds(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1354                    nevapr(i,k) = -pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1355                    prer_evap(i,k) = -pre(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1356                    ! change to make sure prain is positive: do not remove snow from
1357                    ! prain used for wet deposition
1358                    prain(i,k) = (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(-pracs(i,k)-              mnuccr(i,k)-mnuccri(i,k))*precip_frac(&
1359                    i,k)
1360                    prodsnow(i,k) = (prai(i,k)+prci(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+(psacws(i,k)+bergs(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)+(pracs(i,k)+mnuccr(i,k))&
1361                    *precip_frac(i,k)
1362                    ! following are used to calculate 1st order conversion rate of cloud water
1363                    !    to rain and snow (1/s), for later use in aerosol wet removal routine
1364                    ! previously, wetdepa used (prain/qc) for this, and the qc in wetdepa may be smaller than the qc
1365                    !    used to calculate pra, prc, ... in this routine
1366                    ! qcsinksum_rate1ord = { rate of direct transfer of cloud water to rain & snow }
1367                    !                      (no cloud ice or bergeron terms)
1368                    qcsinksum_rate1ord(i,k) = (pra(i,k)+prc(i,k)+psacws(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)
1369                    ! Avoid zero/near-zero division.
1370                    qcsinksum_rate1ord(i,k) = qcsinksum_rate1ord(i,k) /              max(qc(i,k),1.0e-30_r8)
1371                    ! microphysics output, note this is grid-averaged
1372                    pratot(i,k) = pra(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1373                    prctot(i,k) = prc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1374                    mnuccctot(i,k) = mnuccc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1375                    mnuccttot(i,k) = mnucct(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1376                    msacwitot(i,k) = msacwi(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1377                    psacwstot(i,k) = psacws(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1378                    bergstot(i,k) = bergs(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1379                    bergtot(i,k) = berg(i,k)
1380                    prcitot(i,k) = prci(i,k)*icldm(i,k)
1381                    praitot(i,k) = prai(i,k)*icldm(i,k)
1382                    mnuccdtot(i,k) = mnuccd(i,k)*icldm(i,k)
1383                    pracstot(i,k) = pracs(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1384                    mnuccrtot(i,k) = mnuccr(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1385                    nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)+             (-nnuccc(i,k)-nnucct(i,k)-npsacws(i,k)+nsubc(i,k)              -npra(i,&
1386                    k)-nprc1(i,k))*lcldm(i,k)
1387                    IF (do_cldice) THEN
1388                        IF (use_hetfrz_classnuc) THEN
1389                            tmpfrz = nnuccc(i,k)
1390                            ELSE
1391                            tmpfrz = 0._r8
1392                        END IF
1393                        nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)+ nnuccd(i,k)+                 (nnucct(i,k)+tmpfrz+nnudep(i,k)+nsacwi(i,k))&
1394                        *lcldm(i,k)+(nsubi(i,k)-nprci(i,k)-                 nprai(i,k))*icldm(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)
1395                    END IF
1396                    nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)+(nsubs(i,k)+              nsagg(i,k)+nnuccr(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)+nprci(i,k)*icldm(&
1397                    i,k)
1398                    nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)+              nprc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)+(nsubr(i,k)-npracs(i,k)-nnuccr(i,k)              &
1399                    -nnuccri(i,k)+nragg(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)
1400                    ! make sure that ni at advanced time step does not exceed
1401                    ! maximum (existing N + source terms*dt), which is possible if mtime < deltat
1402                    ! note that currently mtime = deltat
1403                    !================================================================
1404                    IF (do_cldice .and. nitend(i,k).gt.0._r8.and.ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat.gt.nimax(i,k)) THEN
1405                        nitend(i,k) = max(0._r8,(nimax(i,k)-ni(i,k))/deltat)
1406                    END IF
1407                END DO
1408                ! End of "administration" loop
1409            END DO micro_vert_loop ! end k loop
1410            !-----------------------------------------------------
1411            ! convert rain/snow q and N for output to history, note,
1412            ! output is for gridbox average
1413            qrout = qr
1414            nrout = nr * rho
1415            qsout = qs
1416            nsout = ns * rho
1417            ! calculate precip fluxes
1418            ! calculate the precip flux (kg/m2/s) as mixingratio(kg/kg)*airdensity(kg/m3)*massweightedfallspeed(m/s)
1419            ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1420            rflx(:,2:) = rflx(:,2:) + (qric*rho*umr*precip_frac)
1421            sflx(:,2:) = sflx(:,2:) + (qsic*rho*ums*precip_frac)
1422            ! calculate n0r and lamr from rain mass and number
1423            ! divide by precip fraction to get in-precip (local) values of
1424            ! rain mass and number, divide by rhow to get rain number in kg^-1
1425            CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, qric, nric, lamr, n0r)
1426            ! Calculate rercld
1427            ! calculate mean size of combined rain and cloud water
1428            CALL calc_rercld(lamr, n0r, lamc, pgam, qric, qcic, ncic, rercld)
1429            ! Assign variables back to start-of-timestep values
1430            ! Some state variables are changed before the main microphysics loop
1431            ! to make "instantaneous" adjustments. Afterward, we must move those changes
1432            ! back into the tendencies.
1433            ! These processes:
1434            !  - Droplet activation (npccn, impacts nc)
1435            !  - Instantaneous snow melting  (minstsm/ninstsm, impacts qr/qs/nr/ns)
1436            !  - Instantaneous rain freezing (minstfr/ninstrf, impacts qr/qs/nr/ns)
1437            !================================================================================
1438            ! Re-apply droplet activation tendency
1439            nc = ncn
1440            nctend = nctend + npccn
1441            ! Re-apply rain freezing and snow melting.
1442            dum_2d = qs
1443            qs = qsn
1444            qstend = qstend + (dum_2d-qs)/deltat
1445            dum_2d = ns
1446            ns = nsn
1447            nstend = nstend + (dum_2d-ns)/deltat
1448            dum_2d = qr
1449            qr = qrn
1450            qrtend = qrtend + (dum_2d-qr)/deltat
1451            dum_2d = nr
1452            nr = nrn
1453            nrtend = nrtend + (dum_2d-nr)/deltat
1454            !.............................................................................
1455            !================================================================================
1456            ! modify to include snow. in prain & evap (diagnostic here: for wet dep)
1457            nevapr = nevapr + evapsnow
1458            prain = prain + prodsnow
1459            sed_col_loop: DO i=1,mgncol
1460                DO k=1,nlev
1461                    ! calculate sedimentation for cloud water and ice
1462                    !================================================================================
1463                    ! update in-cloud cloud mixing ratio and number concentration
1464                    ! with microphysical tendencies to calculate sedimentation, assign to dummy vars
1465                    ! note: these are in-cloud values***, hence we divide by cloud fraction
1466                    dumc(i,k) = (qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat)/lcldm(i,k)
1467                    dumi(i,k) = (qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat)/icldm(i,k)
1468                    dumnc(i,k) = max((nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat)/lcldm(i,k),0._r8)
1469                    dumni(i,k) = max((ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat)/icldm(i,k),0._r8)
1470                    dumr(i,k) = (qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k)
1471                    dumnr(i,k) = max((nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k),0._r8)
1472                    dums(i,k) = (qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k)
1473                    dumns(i,k) = max((ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat)/precip_frac(i,k),0._r8)
1474                    ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number
1475                    IF (nccons) THEN
1476                        dumnc(i,k) = ncnst/rho(i,k)
1477                    END IF
1478                    ! switch for specification of cloud ice number
1479                    IF (nicons) THEN
1480                        dumni(i,k) = ninst/rho(i,k)
1481                    END IF
1482                    ! obtain new slope parameter to avoid possible singularity
1483                    CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_ice_props, dumi(i,k), dumni(i,k), lami(i,k))
1484                    CALL size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, dumc(i,k), dumnc(i,k), rho(i,k), pgam(i,k), lamc(i,k))
1485                    ! calculate number and mass weighted fall velocity for droplets and cloud ice
1486                    !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1487                    IF (dumc(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1488                        vtrmc(i,k) = acn(i,k)*gamma(4._r8+bc+pgam(i,k))/                 (lamc(i,k)**bc*gamma(pgam(i,k)+4._r8))
1489                        fc(k) = g*rho(i,k)*vtrmc(i,k)
1490                        fnc(k) = g*rho(i,k)*                 acn(i,k)*gamma(1._r8+bc+pgam(i,k))/                 (lamc(i,k)&
1491                        **bc*gamma(pgam(i,k)+1._r8))
1492                        ELSE
1493                        fc(k) = 0._r8
1494                        fnc(k) = 0._r8
1495                    END IF
1496                    ! calculate number and mass weighted fall velocity for cloud ice
1497                    IF (dumi(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1498                        vtrmi(i,k) = min(ain(i,k)*gamma_bi_plus4/(6._r8*lami(i,k)**bi),                 1.2_r8*rhof(i,k))
1499                        fi(k) = g*rho(i,k)*vtrmi(i,k)
1500                        fni(k) = g*rho(i,k)*                 min(ain(i,k)*gamma_bi_plus1/lami(i,k)**bi,1.2_r8*rhof(i,k))
1501                        ELSE
1502                        fi(k) = 0._r8
1503                        fni(k) = 0._r8
1504                    END IF
1505                    ! fallspeed for rain
1506                    CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, dumr(i,k), dumnr(i,k), lamr(i,k))
1507                    IF (lamr(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1508                        ! 'final' values of number and mass weighted mean fallspeed for rain (m/s)
1509                        unr(i,k) = min(arn(i,k)*gamma_br_plus1/lamr(i,k)**br,9.1_r8*rhof(i,k))
1510                        umr(i,k) = min(arn(i,k)*gamma_br_plus4/(6._r8*lamr(i,k)**br),9.1_r8*rhof(i,k))
1511                        fr(k) = g*rho(i,k)*umr(i,k)
1512                        fnr(k) = g*rho(i,k)*unr(i,k)
1513                        ELSE
1514                        fr(k) = 0._r8
1515                        fnr(k) = 0._r8
1516                    END IF
1517                    ! fallspeed for snow
1518                    CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_snow_props, dums(i,k), dumns(i,k), lams(i,k))
1519                    IF (lams(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1520                        ! 'final' values of number and mass weighted mean fallspeed for snow (m/s)
1521                        ums(i,k) = min(asn(i,k)*gamma_bs_plus4/(6._r8*lams(i,k)**bs),1.2_r8*rhof(i,k))
1522                        uns(i,k) = min(asn(i,k)*gamma_bs_plus1/lams(i,k)**bs,1.2_r8*rhof(i,k))
1523                        fs(k) = g*rho(i,k)*ums(i,k)
1524                        fns(k) = g*rho(i,k)*uns(i,k)
1525                        ELSE
1526                        fs(k) = 0._r8
1527                        fns(k) = 0._r8
1528                    END IF
1529                    ! redefine dummy variables - sedimentation is calculated over grid-scale
1530                    ! quantities to ensure conservation
1531                    dumc(i,k) = (qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat)
1532                    dumnc(i,k) = max((nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8)
1533                    dumi(i,k) = (qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat)
1534                    dumni(i,k) = max((ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8)
1535                    dumr(i,k) = (qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat)
1536                    dumnr(i,k) = max((nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8)
1537                    dums(i,k) = (qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat)
1538                    dumns(i,k) = max((ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat),0._r8)
1539                    IF (dumc(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnc(i,k) = 0._r8
1540                    IF (dumi(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumni(i,k) = 0._r8
1541                    IF (dumr(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnr(i,k) = 0._r8
1542                    IF (dums(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumns(i,k) = 0._r8
1543                END DO  !!! vertical loop
1544                ! initialize nstep for sedimentation sub-steps
1545                ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria
1546                ! for sedimentation calculations
1547                !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1548                nstep = 1 + int(max(           maxval( fi/pdel(i,:)),           maxval(fni/pdel(i,:)))           * deltat)
1549                ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability
1550                !==============================================================
1551                DO n = 1,nstep
1552                    IF (do_cldice) THEN
1553                        falouti = fi  * dumi(i,:)
1554                        faloutni = fni * dumni(i,:)
1555                        ELSE
1556                        falouti = 0._r8
1557                        faloutni = 0._r8
1558                    END IF
1559                    ! top of model
1560                    k = 1
1561                    ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies
1562                    faltndi = falouti(k)/pdel(i,k)
1563                    faltndni = faloutni(k)/pdel(i,k)
1564                    qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)-faltndi/nstep
1565                    nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)-faltndni/nstep
1566                    ! sedimentation tendency for output
1567                    qisedten(i,k) = qisedten(i,k)-faltndi/nstep
1568                    dumi(i,k) = dumi(i,k)-faltndi*deltat/nstep
1569                    dumni(i,k) = dumni(i,k)-faltndni*deltat/nstep
1570                    DO k = 2,nlev
1571                        ! for cloud liquid and ice, if cloud fraction increases with height
1572                        ! then add flux from above to both vapor and cloud water of current level
1573                        ! this means that flux entering clear portion of cell from above evaporates
1574                        ! instantly
1575                        ! note: this is not an issue with precip, since we assume max overlap
1576                        dum1 = icldm(i,k)/icldm(i,k-1)
1577                        dum1 = min(dum1,1._r8)
1578                        faltndqie = (falouti(k)-falouti(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1579                        faltndi = (falouti(k)-dum1*falouti(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1580                        faltndni = (faloutni(k)-dum1*faloutni(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1581                        ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies
1582                        qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)-faltndi/nstep
1583                        nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)-faltndni/nstep
1584                        ! sedimentation tendency for output
1585                        qisedten(i,k) = qisedten(i,k)-faltndi/nstep
1586                        ! add terms to to evap/sub of cloud water
1587                        qvlat(i,k) = qvlat(i,k)-(faltndqie-faltndi)/nstep
1588                        ! for output
1589                        qisevap(i,k) = qisevap(i,k)-(faltndqie-faltndi)/nstep
1590                        tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+(faltndqie-faltndi)*xxls/nstep
1591                        dumi(i,k) = dumi(i,k)-faltndi*deltat/nstep
1592                        dumni(i,k) = dumni(i,k)-faltndni*deltat/nstep
1593                    END DO
1594                    ! units below are m/s
1595                    ! sedimentation flux at surface is added to precip flux at surface
1596                    ! to get total precip (cloud + precip water) rate
1597                    prect(i) = prect(i)+falouti(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8
1598                    preci(i) = preci(i)+falouti(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8
1599                END DO
1600                ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria
1601                ! for sedimentation calculations
1602                !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1603                nstep = 1 + int(max(           maxval( fc/pdel(i,:)),           maxval(fnc/pdel(i,:)))           * deltat)
1604                ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability
1605                !==============================================================
1606                DO n = 1,nstep
1607                    faloutc = fc  * dumc(i,:)
1608                    faloutnc = fnc * dumnc(i,:)
1609                    ! top of model
1610                    k = 1
1611                    ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies
1612                    faltndc = faloutc(k)/pdel(i,k)
1613                    faltndnc = faloutnc(k)/pdel(i,k)
1614                    qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)-faltndc/nstep
1615                    nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)-faltndnc/nstep
1616                    ! sedimentation tendency for output
1617                    qcsedten(i,k) = qcsedten(i,k)-faltndc/nstep
1618                    dumc(i,k) = dumc(i,k)-faltndc*deltat/nstep
1619                    dumnc(i,k) = dumnc(i,k)-faltndnc*deltat/nstep
1620                    DO k = 2,nlev
1621                        dum = lcldm(i,k)/lcldm(i,k-1)
1622                        dum = min(dum,1._r8)
1623                        faltndqce = (faloutc(k)-faloutc(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1624                        faltndc = (faloutc(k)-dum*faloutc(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1625                        faltndnc = (faloutnc(k)-dum*faloutnc(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1626                        ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies
1627                        qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)-faltndc/nstep
1628                        nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)-faltndnc/nstep
1629                        ! sedimentation tendency for output
1630                        qcsedten(i,k) = qcsedten(i,k)-faltndc/nstep
1631                        ! add terms to to evap/sub of cloud water
1632                        qvlat(i,k) = qvlat(i,k)-(faltndqce-faltndc)/nstep
1633                        ! for output
1634                        qcsevap(i,k) = qcsevap(i,k)-(faltndqce-faltndc)/nstep
1635                        tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+(faltndqce-faltndc)*xxlv/nstep
1636                        dumc(i,k) = dumc(i,k)-faltndc*deltat/nstep
1637                        dumnc(i,k) = dumnc(i,k)-faltndnc*deltat/nstep
1638                    END DO
1639                    prect(i) = prect(i)+faloutc(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8
1640                END DO
1641                ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria
1642                ! for sedimentation calculations
1643                !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1644                nstep = 1 + int(max(           maxval( fr/pdel(i,:)),           maxval(fnr/pdel(i,:)))           * deltat)
1645                ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability
1646                !==============================================================
1647                DO n = 1,nstep
1648                    faloutr = fr  * dumr(i,:)
1649                    faloutnr = fnr * dumnr(i,:)
1650                    ! top of model
1651                    k = 1
1652                    ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies
1653                    faltndr = faloutr(k)/pdel(i,k)
1654                    faltndnr = faloutnr(k)/pdel(i,k)
1655                    qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)-faltndr/nstep
1656                    nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)-faltndnr/nstep
1657                    ! sedimentation tendency for output
1658                    qrsedten(i,k) = qrsedten(i,k)-faltndr/nstep
1659                    dumr(i,k) = dumr(i,k)-faltndr*deltat/real(nstep)
1660                    dumnr(i,k) = dumnr(i,k)-faltndnr*deltat/real(nstep)
1661                    DO k = 2,nlev
1662                        faltndr = (faloutr(k)-faloutr(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1663                        faltndnr = (faloutnr(k)-faloutnr(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1664                        ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies
1665                        qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)-faltndr/nstep
1666                        nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)-faltndnr/nstep
1667                        ! sedimentation tendency for output
1668                        qrsedten(i,k) = qrsedten(i,k)-faltndr/nstep
1669                        dumr(i,k) = dumr(i,k)-faltndr*deltat/real(nstep)
1670                        dumnr(i,k) = dumnr(i,k)-faltndnr*deltat/real(nstep)
1671                    END DO
1672                    prect(i) = prect(i)+faloutr(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8
1673                END DO
1674                ! calculate number of split time steps to ensure courant stability criteria
1675                ! for sedimentation calculations
1676                !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1677                nstep = 1 + int(max(           maxval( fs/pdel(i,:)),           maxval(fns/pdel(i,:)))           * deltat)
1678                ! loop over sedimentation sub-time step to ensure stability
1679                !==============================================================
1680                DO n = 1,nstep
1681                    falouts = fs  * dums(i,:)
1682                    faloutns = fns * dumns(i,:)
1683                    ! top of model
1684                    k = 1
1685                    ! add fallout terms to microphysical tendencies
1686                    faltnds = falouts(k)/pdel(i,k)
1687                    faltndns = faloutns(k)/pdel(i,k)
1688                    qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)-faltnds/nstep
1689                    nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)-faltndns/nstep
1690                    ! sedimentation tendency for output
1691                    qssedten(i,k) = qssedten(i,k)-faltnds/nstep
1692                    dums(i,k) = dums(i,k)-faltnds*deltat/real(nstep)
1693                    dumns(i,k) = dumns(i,k)-faltndns*deltat/real(nstep)
1694                    DO k = 2,nlev
1695                        faltnds = (falouts(k)-falouts(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1696                        faltndns = (faloutns(k)-faloutns(k-1))/pdel(i,k)
1697                        ! add fallout terms to eulerian tendencies
1698                        qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)-faltnds/nstep
1699                        nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)-faltndns/nstep
1700                        ! sedimentation tendency for output
1701                        qssedten(i,k) = qssedten(i,k)-faltnds/nstep
1702                        dums(i,k) = dums(i,k)-faltnds*deltat/real(nstep)
1703                        dumns(i,k) = dumns(i,k)-faltndns*deltat/real(nstep)
1704                    END DO  !! k loop
1705                    prect(i) = prect(i)+falouts(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8
1706                    preci(i) = preci(i)+falouts(nlev)/g/real(nstep)/1000._r8
1707                END DO  !! nstep loop
1708                ! end sedimentation
1709                !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
1710                ! get new update for variables that includes sedimentation tendency
1711                ! note : here dum variables are grid-average, NOT in-cloud
1712                DO k=1,nlev
1713                    dumc(i,k) = max(qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1714                    dumi(i,k) = max(qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1715                    dumnc(i,k) = max(nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1716                    dumni(i,k) = max(ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1717                    dumr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1718                    dumnr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1719                    dums(i,k) = max(qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1720                    dumns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)
1721                    ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number
1722                    IF (nccons) THEN
1723                        dumnc(i,k) = ncnst/rho(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)
1724                    END IF
1725                    ! switch for specification of cloud ice number
1726                    IF (nicons) THEN
1727                        dumni(i,k) = ninst/rho(i,k)*icldm(i,k)
1728                    END IF
1729                    IF (dumc(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnc(i,k) = 0._r8
1730                    IF (dumi(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumni(i,k) = 0._r8
1731                    IF (dumr(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumnr(i,k) = 0._r8
1732                    IF (dums(i,k).lt.qsmall) dumns(i,k) = 0._r8
1733                    ! calculate instantaneous processes (melting, homogeneous freezing)
1734                    !====================================================================
1735                    ! melting of snow at +2 C
1736                    IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat > snowmelt) THEN
1737                        IF (dums(i,k) > 0._r8) THEN
1738                            ! make sure melting snow doesn't reduce temperature below threshold
1739                            dum = -xlf/cpp*dums(i,k)
1740                            IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat+dum.lt. snowmelt) THEN
1741                                dum = (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-snowmelt)*cpp/xlf
1742                                dum = dum/dums(i,k)
1743                                dum = max(0._r8,dum)
1744                                dum = min(1._r8,dum)
1745                                ELSE
1746                                dum = 1._r8
1747                            END IF
1748                            qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)-dum*dums(i,k)/deltat
1749                            nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)-dum*dumns(i,k)/deltat
1750                            qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)+dum*dums(i,k)/deltat
1751                            nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)+dum*dumns(i,k)/deltat
1752                            dum1 = -xlf*dum*dums(i,k)/deltat
1753                            tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+dum1
1754                            meltsdttot(i,k) = meltsdttot(i,k) + dum1
1755                        END IF
1756                    END IF
1757                    ! freezing of rain at -5 C
1758                    IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat < rainfrze) THEN
1759                        IF (dumr(i,k) > 0._r8) THEN
1760                            ! make sure freezing rain doesn't increase temperature above threshold
1761                            dum = xlf/cpp*dumr(i,k)
1762                            IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat+dum.gt.rainfrze) THEN
1763                                dum = -(t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-rainfrze)*cpp/xlf
1764                                dum = dum/dumr(i,k)
1765                                dum = max(0._r8,dum)
1766                                dum = min(1._r8,dum)
1767                                ELSE
1768                                dum = 1._r8
1769                            END IF
1770                            qrtend(i,k) = qrtend(i,k)-dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat
1771                            nrtend(i,k) = nrtend(i,k)-dum*dumnr(i,k)/deltat
1772                            ! get mean size of rain = 1/lamr, add frozen rain to either snow or cloud ice
1773                            ! depending on mean rain size
1774                            CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, dumr(i,k), dumnr(i,k), lamr(i,k))
1775                            IF (lamr(i,k) < 1._r8/dcs) THEN
1776                                qstend(i,k) = qstend(i,k)+dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat
1777                                nstend(i,k) = nstend(i,k)+dum*dumnr(i,k)/deltat
1778                                ELSE
1779                                qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)+dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat
1780                                nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)+dum*dumnr(i,k)/deltat
1781                            END IF
1782                            ! heating tendency
1783                            dum1 = xlf*dum*dumr(i,k)/deltat
1784                            frzrdttot(i,k) = frzrdttot(i,k) + dum1
1785                            tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+dum1
1786                        END IF
1787                    END IF
1788                    IF (do_cldice) THEN
1789                        IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat > tmelt) THEN
1790                            IF (dumi(i,k) > 0._r8) THEN
1791                                ! limit so that melting does not push temperature below freezing
1792                                !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1793                                dum = -dumi(i,k)*xlf/cpp
1794                                IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat+dum.lt.tmelt) THEN
1795                                    dum = (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-tmelt)*cpp/xlf
1796                                    dum = dum/dumi(i,k)
1797                                    dum = max(0._r8,dum)
1798                                    dum = min(1._r8,dum)
1799                                    ELSE
1800                                    dum = 1._r8
1801                                END IF
1802                                qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)+dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat
1803                                ! for output
1804                                melttot(i,k) = dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat
1805                                ! assume melting ice produces droplet
1806                                ! mean volume radius of 8 micron
1807                                nctend(i,k) = nctend(i,k)+3._r8*dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat/                       (&
1808                                4._r8*pi*5.12e-16_r8*rhow)
1809                                qitend(i,k) = ((1._r8-dum)*dumi(i,k)-qi(i,k))/deltat
1810                                nitend(i,k) = ((1._r8-dum)*dumni(i,k)-ni(i,k))/deltat
1811                                tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)-xlf*dum*dumi(i,k)/deltat
1812                            END IF
1813                        END IF
1814                        ! homogeneously freeze droplets at -40 C
1815                        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1816                        IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat < 233.15_r8) THEN
1817                            IF (dumc(i,k) > 0._r8) THEN
1818                                ! limit so that freezing does not push temperature above threshold
1819                                dum = dumc(i,k)*xlf/cpp
1820                                IF (t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat+dum.gt.233.15_r8) THEN
1821                                    dum = -(t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat-233.15_r8)*cpp/xlf
1822                                    dum = dum/dumc(i,k)
1823                                    dum = max(0._r8,dum)
1824                                    dum = min(1._r8,dum)
1825                                    ELSE
1826                                    dum = 1._r8
1827                                END IF
1828                                qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)+dum*dumc(i,k)/deltat
1829                                ! for output
1830                                homotot(i,k) = dum*dumc(i,k)/deltat
1831                                ! assume 25 micron mean volume radius of homogeneously frozen droplets
1832                                ! consistent with size of detrained ice in stratiform.F90
1833                                nitend(i,k) = nitend(i,k)+dum*3._r8*dumc(i,k)/(4._r8*3.14_r8*1.563e-14_r8*                       &
1834                                500._r8)/deltat
1835                                qctend(i,k) = ((1._r8-dum)*dumc(i,k)-qc(i,k))/deltat
1836                                nctend(i,k) = ((1._r8-dum)*dumnc(i,k)-nc(i,k))/deltat
1837                                tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+xlf*dum*dumc(i,k)/deltat
1838                            END IF
1839                        END IF
1840                        ! remove any excess over-saturation, which is possible due to non-linearity when adding
1841                        ! together all microphysical processes
1842                        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1843                        ! follow code similar to old 1 scheme
1844                        qtmp = q(i,k)+qvlat(i,k)*deltat
1845                        ttmp = t(i,k)+tlat(i,k)/cpp*deltat
1846                        ! use rhw to allow ice supersaturation
1847                        CALL qsat_water(ttmp, p(i,k), esn, qvn)
1848                        IF (qtmp > qvn .and. qvn > 0) THEN
1849                            ! expression below is approximate since there may be ice deposition
1850                            dum = (qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8+xxlv_squared*qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2))/deltat
1851                            ! add to output cme
1852                            cmeout(i,k) = cmeout(i,k)+dum
1853                            ! now add to tendencies, partition between liquid and ice based on temperature
1854                            IF (ttmp > 268.15_r8) THEN
1855                                dum1 = 0.0_r8
1856                                ! now add to tendencies, partition between liquid and ice based on te
1857                                !-------------------------------------------------------
1858                                ELSE IF (ttmp < 238.15_r8) THEN
1859                                dum1 = 1.0_r8
1860                                ELSE
1861                                dum1 = (268.15_r8-ttmp)/30._r8
1862                            END IF
1863                            dum = (qtmp-qvn)/(1._r8+(xxls*dum1+xxlv*(1._r8-dum1))**2                    *qvn/(cpp*rv*ttmp**2))/deltat
1864                            qctend(i,k) = qctend(i,k)+dum*(1._r8-dum1)
1865                            ! for output
1866                            qcrestot(i,k) = dum*(1._r8-dum1)
1867                            qitend(i,k) = qitend(i,k)+dum*dum1
1868                            qirestot(i,k) = dum*dum1
1869                            qvlat(i,k) = qvlat(i,k)-dum
1870                            ! for output
1871                            qvres(i,k) = -dum
1872                            tlat(i,k) = tlat(i,k)+dum*(1._r8-dum1)*xxlv+dum*dum1*xxls
1873                        END IF
1874                    END IF
1875                    ! calculate effective radius for pass to radiation code
1876                    !=========================================================
1877                    ! if no cloud water, default value is 10 micron for droplets,
1878                    ! 25 micron for cloud ice
1879                    ! update cloud variables after instantaneous processes to get effective radius
1880                    ! variables are in-cloud to calculate size dist parameters
1881                    dumc(i,k) = max(qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/lcldm(i,k)
1882                    dumi(i,k) = max(qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/icldm(i,k)
1883                    dumnc(i,k) = max(nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/lcldm(i,k)
1884                    dumni(i,k) = max(ni(i,k)+nitend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/icldm(i,k)
1885                    dumr(i,k) = max(qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k)
1886                    dumnr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k)+nrtend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k)
1887                    dums(i,k) = max(qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k)
1888                    dumns(i,k) = max(ns(i,k)+nstend(i,k)*deltat,0._r8)/precip_frac(i,k)
1889                    ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number
1890                    IF (nccons) THEN
1891                        dumnc(i,k) = ncnst/rho(i,k)
1892                    END IF
1893                    ! switch for specification of cloud ice number
1894                    IF (nicons) THEN
1895                        dumni(i,k) = ninst/rho(i,k)
1896                    END IF
1897                    ! limit in-cloud mixing ratio to reasonable value of 5 g kg-1
1898                    dumc(i,k) = min(dumc(i,k),5.e-3_r8)
1899                    dumi(i,k) = min(dumi(i,k),5.e-3_r8)
1900                    ! limit in-precip mixing ratios
1901                    dumr(i,k) = min(dumr(i,k),10.e-3_r8)
1902                    dums(i,k) = min(dums(i,k),10.e-3_r8)
1903                    ! cloud ice effective radius
1904                    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1905                    IF (do_cldice) THEN
1906                        IF (dumi(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1907                            dum_2d(i,k) = dumni(i,k)
1908                            CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_ice_props, dumi(i,k), dumni(i,k), lami(i,k))
1909                            IF (dumni(i,k) /=dum_2d(i,k)) THEN
1910                                ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range
1911                                nitend(i,k) = (dumni(i,k)*icldm(i,k)-ni(i,k))/deltat
1912                            END IF
1913                            effi(i,k) = 1.5_r8/lami(i,k)*1.e6_r8
1914                            ELSE
1915                            effi(i,k) = 25._r8
1916                        END IF
1917                        ! ice effective diameter for david mitchell's optics
1918                        deffi(i,k) = effi(i,k)*rhoi/rhows*2._r8
1919                        ELSE
1920                        ! NOTE: If CARMA is doing the ice microphysics, then the ice effective
1921                        ! radius has already been determined from the size distribution.
1922                        effi(i,k) = re_ice(i,k) * 1.e6_r8 ! m -> um
1923                        deffi(i,k) = effi(i,k) * 2._r8
1924                    END IF
1925                    ! cloud droplet effective radius
1926                    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1927                    IF (dumc(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1928                        ! switch for specification of droplet and crystal number
1929                        IF (nccons) THEN
1930                            ! make sure nc is consistence with the constant N by adjusting tendency, need
1931                            ! to multiply by cloud fraction
1932                            ! note that nctend may be further adjusted below if mean droplet size is
1933                            ! out of bounds
1934                            nctend(i,k) = (ncnst/rho(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)-nc(i,k))/deltat
1935                        END IF
1936                        dum = dumnc(i,k)
1937                        CALL size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, dumc(i,k), dumnc(i,k), rho(i,k), pgam(i,k), lamc(i,k))
1938                        IF (dum /= dumnc(i,k)) THEN
1939                            ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range
1940                            nctend(i,k) = (dumnc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)-nc(i,k))/deltat
1941                        END IF
1942                        effc(i,k) = (pgam(i,k)+3._r8)/lamc(i,k)/2._r8*1.e6_r8
1943                        !assign output fields for shape here
1944                        lamcrad(i,k) = lamc(i,k)
1945                        pgamrad(i,k) = pgam(i,k)
1946                        ! recalculate effective radius for constant number, in order to separate
1947                        ! first and second indirect effects
1948                        !======================================
1949                        ! assume constant number of 10^8 kg-1
1950                        dumnc(i,k) = 1.e8_r8
1951                        ! Pass in "false" adjust flag to prevent number from being changed within
1952                        ! size distribution subroutine.
1953                        CALL size_dist_param_liq(mg_liq_props, dumc(i,k), dumnc(i,k), rho(i,k), pgam(i,k), lamc(i,k))
1954                        effc_fn(i,k) = (pgam(i,k)+3._r8)/lamc(i,k)/2._r8*1.e6_r8
1955                        ELSE
1956                        effc(i,k) = 10._r8
1957                        lamcrad(i,k) = 0._r8
1958                        pgamrad(i,k) = 0._r8
1959                        effc_fn(i,k) = 10._r8
1960                    END IF
1961                    ! recalculate 'final' rain size distribution parameters
1962                    ! to ensure that rain size is in bounds, adjust rain number if needed
1963                    IF (dumr(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1964                        dum = dumnr(i,k)
1965                        CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_rain_props, dumr(i,k), dumnr(i,k), lamr(i,k))
1966                        IF (dum /= dumnr(i,k)) THEN
1967                            ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range
1968                            nrtend(i,k) = (dumnr(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)-nr(i,k))/deltat
1969                        END IF
1970                    END IF
1971                    ! recalculate 'final' snow size distribution parameters
1972                    ! to ensure that snow size is in bounds, adjust snow number if needed
1973                    IF (dums(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
1974                        dum = dumns(i,k)
1975                        CALL size_dist_param_basic(mg_snow_props, dums(i,k), dumns(i,k), lams(i,k))
1976                        IF (dum /= dumns(i,k)) THEN
1977                            ! adjust number conc if needed to keep mean size in reasonable range
1978                            nstend(i,k) = (dumns(i,k)*precip_frac(i,k)-ns(i,k))/deltat
1979                        END IF
1980                    END IF
1981                END DO  ! vertical k loop
1982                DO k=1,nlev
1983                    ! if updated q (after microphysics) is zero, then ensure updated n is also zero
1984                    !=================================================================================
1985                    IF (qc(i,k)+qctend(i,k)*deltat.lt.qsmall) nctend(i,k) = -nc(i,k)/deltat
1986                    IF (do_cldice .and. qi(i,k)+qitend(i,k)*deltat.lt.qsmall) nitend(i,k) = -ni(i,k)/deltat
1987                    IF (qr(i,k)+qrtend(i,k)*deltat.lt.qsmall) nrtend(i,k) = -nr(i,k)/deltat
1988                    IF (qs(i,k)+qstend(i,k)*deltat.lt.qsmall) nstend(i,k) = -ns(i,k)/deltat
1989                END DO
1990            END DO sed_col_loop ! i loop
1991            ! DO STUFF FOR OUTPUT:
1992            !==================================================
1993            ! qc and qi are only used for output calculations past here,
1994            ! so add qctend and qitend back in one more time
1995            qc = qc + qctend*deltat
1996            qi = qi + qitend*deltat
1997            ! averaging for snow and rain number and diameter
1998            !--------------------------------------------------
1999            ! drout2/dsout2:
2000            ! diameter of rain and snow
2001            ! dsout:
2002            ! scaled diameter of snow (passed to radiation in 1)
2003            ! reff_rain/reff_snow:
2004            ! calculate effective radius of rain and snow in microns for COSP using Eq. 9 of COSP v1.3 manual
2005            WHERE ( qrout .gt. 1.e-7_r8        .and. nrout.gt.0._r8 )
2006                qrout2 = qrout * precip_frac
2007                nrout2 = nrout * precip_frac
2008                ! The avg_diameter call does the actual calculation; other diameter
2009                ! outputs are just drout2 times constants.
2010                drout2 = avg_diameter(qrout, nrout, rho, rhow)
2011                freqr = precip_frac
2012                reff_rain = 1.5_r8*drout2*1.e6_r8
2013                ELSEWHERE
2014                qrout2 = 0._r8
2015                nrout2 = 0._r8
2016                drout2 = 0._r8
2017                freqr = 0._r8
2018                reff_rain = 0._r8
2019            END WHERE
2020            WHERE ( qsout .gt. 1.e-7_r8        .and. nsout.gt.0._r8 )
2021                qsout2 = qsout * precip_frac
2022                nsout2 = nsout * precip_frac
2023                ! The avg_diameter call does the actual calculation; other diameter
2024                ! outputs are just dsout2 times constants.
2025                dsout2 = avg_diameter(qsout, nsout, rho, rhosn)
2026                freqs = precip_frac
2027                dsout = 3._r8*rhosn/rhows*dsout2
2028                reff_snow = 1.5_r8*dsout2*1.e6_r8
2029                ELSEWHERE
2030                dsout = 0._r8
2031                qsout2 = 0._r8
2032                nsout2 = 0._r8
2033                dsout2 = 0._r8
2034                freqs = 0._r8
2035                reff_snow = 0._r8
2036            END WHERE
2037            ! analytic radar reflectivity
2038            !--------------------------------------------------
2039            ! formulas from Matthew Shupe, NOAA/CERES
2040            ! *****note: radar reflectivity is local (in-precip average)
2041            ! units of mm^6/m^3
2042            DO i = 1,mgncol
2043                DO k=1,nlev
2044                    IF (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
2045                        dum = (qc(i,k)/lcldm(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1000._r8)**2                 /(0.109_r8*(nc(i,k)+nctend(i,k)*deltat)&
2046                        /lcldm(i,k)*rho(i,k)/1.e6_r8)*lcldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k)
2047                        ELSE
2048                        dum = 0._r8
2049                    END IF
2050                    IF (qi(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
2051                        dum1 = (qi(i,k)*rho(i,k)/icldm(i,k)*1000._r8/0.1_r8)**(1._r8/0.63_r8)*icldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k)
2052                        ELSE
2053                        dum1 = 0._r8
2054                    END IF
2055                    IF (qsout(i,k).ge.qsmall) THEN
2056                        dum1 = dum1+(qsout(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1000._r8/0.1_r8)**(1._r8/0.63_r8)
2057                    END IF
2058                    refl(i,k) = dum+dum1
2059                    ! add rain rate, but for 37 GHz formulation instead of 94 GHz
2060                    ! formula approximated from data of Matrasov (2007)
2061                    ! rainrt is the rain rate in mm/hr
2062                    ! reflectivity (dum) is in DBz
2063                    IF (rainrt(i,k).ge.0.001_r8) THEN
2064                        dum = log10(rainrt(i,k)**6._r8)+16._r8
2065                        ! convert from DBz to mm^6/m^3
2066                        dum = 10._r8**(dum/10._r8)
2067                        ELSE
2068                        ! don't include rain rate in R calculation for values less than 0.001 mm/hr
2069                        dum = 0._r8
2070                    END IF
2071                    ! add to refl
2072                    refl(i,k) = refl(i,k)+dum
2073                    !output reflectivity in Z.
2074                    areflz(i,k) = refl(i,k) * precip_frac(i,k)
2075                    ! convert back to DBz
2076                    IF (refl(i,k).gt.minrefl) THEN
2077                        refl(i,k) = 10._r8*log10(refl(i,k))
2078                        ELSE
2079                        refl(i,k) = -9999._r8
2080                    END IF
2081                    !set averaging flag
2082                    IF (refl(i,k).gt.mindbz) THEN
2083                        arefl(i,k) = refl(i,k) * precip_frac(i,k)
2084                        frefl(i,k) = precip_frac(i,k)
2085                        ELSE
2086                        arefl(i,k) = 0._r8
2087                        areflz(i,k) = 0._r8
2088                        frefl(i,k) = 0._r8
2089                    END IF
2090                    ! bound cloudsat reflectivity
2091                    csrfl(i,k) = min(csmax,refl(i,k))
2092                    !set averaging flag
2093                    IF (csrfl(i,k).gt.csmin) THEN
2094                        acsrfl(i,k) = refl(i,k) * precip_frac(i,k)
2095                        fcsrfl(i,k) = precip_frac(i,k)
2096                        ELSE
2097                        acsrfl(i,k) = 0._r8
2098                        fcsrfl(i,k) = 0._r8
2099                    END IF
2100                END DO
2101            END DO
2102            !redefine fice here....
2103            dum_2d = qsout + qrout + qc + qi
2104            dumi = qsout + qi
2105            WHERE ( dumi .gt. qsmall .and. dum_2d .gt. qsmall )
2106                nfice = min(dumi/dum_2d,1._r8)
2107                ELSEWHERE
2108                nfice = 0._r8
2109            END WHERE
2110        END SUBROUTINE micro_mg_tend
2111        !========================================================================
2113        !========================================================================
2115        elemental SUBROUTINE calc_rercld(lamr, n0r, lamc, pgam, qric, qcic, ncic, rercld)
2116            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: lamr ! rain size parameter (slope)
2117            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: n0r ! rain size parameter (intercept)
2118            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: lamc ! size distribution parameter (slope)
2119            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: pgam ! droplet size parameter
2120            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: qric ! in-cloud rain mass mixing ratio
2121            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: qcic ! in-cloud cloud liquid
2122            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(in) :: ncic ! in-cloud droplet number concentration
2123            REAL(KIND=r8), intent(inout) :: rercld ! effective radius calculation for rain + cloud
2124            ! combined size of precip & cloud drops
2125            REAL(KIND=r8) :: atmp
2126            ! Rain drops
2127            IF (lamr > 0._r8) THEN
2128                atmp = n0r * pi / (2._r8 * lamr**3._r8)
2129                ELSE
2130                atmp = 0._r8
2131            END IF
2132            ! Add cloud drops
2133            IF (lamc > 0._r8) THEN
2134                atmp = atmp +           ncic * pi * rising_factorial(pgam+1._r8, 2)/(4._r8 * lamc**2._r8)
2135            END IF
2136            IF (atmp > 0._r8) THEN
2137                rercld = rercld + 3._r8 *(qric + qcic) / (4._r8 * rhow * atmp)
2138            END IF
2139        END SUBROUTINE calc_rercld
2140        !========================================================================
2141        !UTILITIES
2142        !========================================================================
2144    END MODULE micro_mg2_0