1 //****************************************************************************//
2 //       Copyright (C) 2016 Florent Hivert <Florent.Hivert@lri.fr>,           //
3 //                                                                            //
4 //  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)       //
5 //                                                                            //
6 //    This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            //
7 //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
9 //   General Public License for more details.                                 //
10 //                                                                            //
11 //  The full text of the GPL is available at:                                 //
12 //                                                                            //
13 //                  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/                              //
14 //****************************************************************************//
19 #include <array>
20 #include <cassert>
21 #include <cstdint>
22 #include <functional>  // less<>
23 #include <ostream>
24 #include <vector>
25 #include <x86intrin.h>
27 #include "epu.hpp"
28 #include "vect16.hpp"
30 namespace HPCombi {
32 // Forward declaration
33 struct Perm16;
34 struct PTransf16;
35 struct Transf16;
37 /** Partial transformation of @f$\{0\dots 15\}@f$
38  *
39  */
40 struct alignas(16) PTransf16 : public Vect16 {
sizeHPCombi::PTransf1642     static constexpr size_t size() { return 16; };
44     using vect = HPCombi::Vect16;
45     using array = TPUBuild<epu8>::array;
47     PTransf16() = default;
48     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR PTransf16(const PTransf16 &vv) = default;
PTransf16HPCombi::PTransf1649     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR PTransf16(const vect vv) : Vect16(vv) {}
PTransf16HPCombi::PTransf1650     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR PTransf16(const epu8 x) : Vect16(x) {}
51     PTransf16(std::vector<uint8_t> dom, std::vector<uint8_t> rng,
52               size_t = 0 /* unused */);
53     PTransf16(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> il);
55     PTransf16 &operator=(const PTransf16 &) = default;
operator =HPCombi::PTransf1656     PTransf16 &operator=(const epu8 &vv) { v = vv; return *this; }
58     //! Return whether \c *this is a well constructed object
validateHPCombi::PTransf1659     bool validate(size_t k = 16) const {
60         return HPCombi::is_partial_transformation(v, k);
61     }
63     //! The identity partial transformation.
oneHPCombi::PTransf1664     static HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR PTransf16 one() { return epu8id; }
65     //! The product of two partial transformations.
operator *HPCombi::PTransf1666     PTransf16 operator*(const PTransf16 &p) const {
67         return HPCombi::permuted(v, p.v) | (p.v == Epu8(0xFF));
68     }
70     /** Returns a mask for the image of \c *this */
71     epu8 image_mask(bool complement=false) const;
72     /** Returns a bit mask for the image of \c *this */
73     uint32_t image_bitset(bool complement=false) const;
74     /** Returns a mask for the domain of \c *this */
75     epu8 domain_mask(bool complement=false) const;
76     /** Returns a bit mask for the domain of \c *this */
77     uint32_t domain_bitset(bool complement=false) const;
79     /** Returns the partial right identity for \c *this */
80     PTransf16 right_one() const;
81     /** Returns the partial left identity for \c *this */
82     PTransf16 left_one() const;
84     /** Returns the size of the image of \c *this */
85     uint32_t rank_ref() const;
86     /** Returns the size of the image of \c *this */
87     uint32_t rank() const;
89     /** Returns a mask for the fix point of \c *this */
90     epu8 fix_points_mask(bool complement=false) const;
91     /** Returns a bit mask for the fix point of \c *this */
92     uint32_t fix_points_bitset(bool complement=false) const;
93     /** Returns the smallest fix point of \c *this */
94     uint8_t smallest_fix_point() const;
95     /** Returns the smallest non fix point of \c *this */
96     uint8_t smallest_moved_point() const;
97     /** Returns the largest fix point of \c *this */
98     uint8_t largest_fix_point() const;
99     /** Returns the largest non fix point of \c *this */
100     uint8_t largest_moved_point() const;
101     /** Returns the number of fix points of \c *this */
102     uint8_t nb_fix_points() const;
103 };
105 /** Full transformation of @f$\{0\dots 15\}@f$
106  *
107  */
108 struct Transf16 : public PTransf16 {
110     Transf16() = default;
111     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR Transf16(const Transf16 &vv) = default;
Transf16HPCombi::Transf16112     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR Transf16(const vect vv) : PTransf16(vv) {}
Transf16HPCombi::Transf16113     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR Transf16(const epu8 x) : PTransf16(x) {}
Transf16HPCombi::Transf16114     Transf16(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> il) : PTransf16(il) {}
115     Transf16 &operator=(const Transf16 &) = default;
117     //! Return whether \c *this is a well constructed object
validateHPCombi::Transf16118     bool validate(size_t k = 16) const {
119         return HPCombi::is_transformation(v, k);
120     }
122     //! The identity transformation.
oneHPCombi::Transf16123     static HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR Transf16 one() { return epu8id; }
124     //! The product of two transformations.
operator *HPCombi::Transf16125     Transf16 operator*(const Transf16 &p) const {
126         return HPCombi::permuted(v, p.v);
127     }
129     //! Construct a transformation from its 64 bits compressed.
130     explicit Transf16(uint64_t compressed);
131     //! The 64 bit compressed form of a transformation.
132     explicit operator uint64_t() const;
133 };
135 /** Partial permutationof @f$\{0\dots 15\}@f$
136  *
137  */
138 struct PPerm16 : public PTransf16 {
140     PPerm16() = default;
141     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR PPerm16(const PPerm16 &) = default;
PPerm16HPCombi::PPerm16142     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR PPerm16(const vect vv) : PTransf16(vv) {}
PPerm16HPCombi::PPerm16143     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR PPerm16(const epu8 x) : PTransf16(x) {}
PPerm16HPCombi::PPerm16144     PPerm16(std::vector<uint8_t> dom, std::vector<uint8_t> rng,
145             size_t = 0 /* unused */) : PTransf16(dom, rng) {}
PPerm16HPCombi::PPerm16146     PPerm16(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> il) : PTransf16(il) {}
147     PPerm16 &operator=(const PPerm16 &) = default;
149     //! Return whether \c *this is a well constructed object
validateHPCombi::PPerm16150     bool validate(size_t k = 16) const {
151         return HPCombi::is_partial_permutation(v, k);
152     }
154     //! The identity partial permutations.
oneHPCombi::PPerm16155     static HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR PPerm16 one() { return epu8id; }
156     //! The product of two partial perrmutations.
operator *HPCombi::PPerm16157     PPerm16 operator*(const PPerm16 &p) const {
158         return this->PTransf16::operator*(p);
159     }
161     /** @class common_inverse_pperm
162      * @brief The inverse of a partial permutation
163      * @details
164      * @returns the inverse of \c *this. The inverse of @f$p@f$ is the unique
165      * partial permutation @f$i@f$ such that @f$ p * i * p = p@f$ and
166      * @f$ i * p * i = i@f$
167      * @par Example:
168      * @code
169      * Perm16 x = {0,3,2,4,0xFF,5,6,0xFF,8,9,11,0xFF,12,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};
170      * x.inverse()
171      * @endcode
172      * Returns
173      * @verbatim {0,0xFF,2,1,3,5,6,0xFF,8,9,0xFF,10,12,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF} @endverbatim
174      */
175     /** @copydoc common_inverse_pperm
176      *  @par Algorithm:
177      *  @f$O(n)@f$ algorithm using reference cast to arrays
178      */
179     PPerm16 inverse_ref() const;
180     /** @copydoc common_inverse_pperm
181      *  @par Algorithm:
182      *  @f$O(\log n)@f$ algorithm using some kind of vectorized dichotomic
183      * search.
184      */
185     PPerm16 inverse_find() const;
right_oneHPCombi::PPerm16187     PPerm16 right_one() const { return PTransf16::right_one(); }
left_oneHPCombi::PPerm16188     PPerm16 left_one() const { return PTransf16::left_one(); }
189 };
191 /** Permutations of @f$\{0\dots 15\}@f$
192  *
193  */
194 struct Perm16 : public Transf16 /* public PPerm : diamond problem */ {
196     Perm16() = default;
197     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR Perm16(const Perm16 &) = default;
Perm16HPCombi::Perm16198     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR Perm16(const vect vv) : Transf16(vv) {}
Perm16HPCombi::Perm16199     HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR_CONSTRUCTOR Perm16(const epu8 x) : Transf16(x) {}
200     Perm16 &operator=(const Perm16 &) = default;
Perm16HPCombi::Perm16201     Perm16(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> il) : Transf16(il) {}
203     //! Return whether \c *this is a well constructed object
validateHPCombi::Perm16204     bool validate(size_t k = 16) const {
205         return HPCombi::is_permutation(v, k);
206     }
208     // It's not possible to have a static constexpr member of same type as class
209     // being defined (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11928089/)
210     // therefore we chose to have functions.
211     //! The identity partial permutation.
oneHPCombi::Perm16212     static HPCOMBI_CONSTEXPR Perm16 one() { return epu8id; }
213     //! The product of two permutations
operator *HPCombi::Perm16214     Perm16 operator*(const Perm16 &p) const {
215         return HPCombi::permuted(v, p.v);
216     }
218     //! Construct a permutations from its 64 bits compressed.
Perm16HPCombi::Perm16219     explicit Perm16(uint64_t compressed) : Transf16(compressed) {}
221     /** @class common_inverse
222      * @brief The inverse permutation
223      * @details
224      * @returns the inverse of \c *this
225      * @par Example:
226      * @code
227      * Perm16 x = {0,3,2,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
228      * x.inverse()
229      * @endcode
230      * Returns
231      * @verbatim {0,4,2,1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} @endverbatim
232      */
233     /** @copydoc common_inverse
234      *  @par Algorithm:
235      *  Reference @f$O(n)@f$ algorithm using loop and indexed access
236      */
237     Perm16 inverse_ref() const;
238     /** @copydoc common_inverse
239      *  @par Algorithm:
240      *  @f$O(n)@f$ algorithm using reference cast to arrays
241      */
242     Perm16 inverse_arr() const;
243     /** @copydoc common_inverse
244      *  @par Algorithm:
245      *  Insert the identity in the least significant bits and sort using a
246      *  sorting network. The number of round of the optimal sorting network is
247      *  open as far as I know, therefore the complexity is unknown.
248      */
249     Perm16 inverse_sort() const;
250     /** @copydoc common_inverse
251      *  @par Algorithm:
252      *  @f$O(\log n)@f$ algorithm using some kind of vectorized dichotomic
253      * search.
254      */
inverse_findHPCombi::Perm16255     Perm16 inverse_find() const { return permutation_of(v, one()); }
256     /** @copydoc common_inverse
257      *  @par Algorithm:
258      *
259      * Raise \e *this to power @f$\text{LCM}(1, 2, ..., n) - 1@f$ so complexity
260      * is in @f$O(log (\text{LCM}(1, 2, ..., n) - 1)) = O(n)@f$
261      */
262     Perm16 inverse_pow() const;
263     /** @copydoc common_inverse
264      *  @par Algorithm:
265      *  Compute power from @f$n/2@f$ to @f$n@f$, when @f$\sigma^k(i)=i@f$ then
266      *  @f$\sigma^{-1}(i)=\sigma^{k-1}(i)@f$. Complexity @f$O(n)@f$
267      */
268     Perm16 inverse_cycl() const;
269     /** @copydoc common_inverse
270      *
271      *  Frontend method: currently aliased to #inverse_cycl */
inverseHPCombi::Perm16272     Perm16 inverse() const { return inverse_cycl(); }
274     /** The elementary transposition exchanging @f$i@f$ and @f$i+1@f$ */
275     static Perm16 elementary_transposition(uint64_t i);
276     /** A random permutation of size @f$n@f$*/
277     static Perm16 random(uint64_t n = 16);
278     /** The \c r -th permutation of size \c n for the
279      *  Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter order.
280      */
281     static Perm16 unrankSJT(int n, int r);
283     /** @class common_lehmer
284      * @brief The Lehmer code of a permutation
285      * @details
286      * @returns the Lehmer code of \c *this
287      * @par Example:
288      * @code
289      * Perm16 x = {0,3,2,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
290      * x.lehmer()
291      * @endcode
292      * Returns
293      * @verbatim {0,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} @endverbatim
294      */
295     /** @copydoc common_lehmer
296      *  @par Algorithm:
297      *  Reference @f$O(n^2)@f$ algorithm using loop and indexed access
298      */
299     epu8 lehmer_ref() const;
300     /** @copydoc common_lehmer
301      *  @par Algorithm:
302      *  Reference @f$O(n^2)@f$ algorithm using array, loop and indexed access
303      */
304     epu8 lehmer_arr() const;
305     /** @copydoc common_lehmer
306      *  @par Algorithm:
307      *  Fast @f$O(n)@f$ algorithm using vector comparison
308      */
309     epu8 lehmer() const;
311     /** @class common_length
312      * @brief The Coxeter length (ie: number of inversion) of a permutation
313      * @details
314      * @returns the number of inversions of \c *this
315      * @par Example:
316      * @code
317      * Perm16 x = {0,3,2,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
318      * x.length()
319      * @endcode
320      * Returns @verbatim 4 @endverbatim
321      */
322     /** @copydoc common_length
323      *  @par Algorithm:
324      *  Reference @f$O(n^2)@f$ algorithm using loop and indexed access
325      */
326     uint8_t length_ref() const;
327     /** @copydoc common_length
328      *  @par Algorithm:
329      *  Reference @f$O(n^2)@f$ algorithm using loop and indexed access after
330      *     a cast to \c std::array
331      */
332     uint8_t length_arr() const;
333     /** @copydoc common_length
334      *  @par Algorithm:
335      *  @f$O(n)@f$ using vector lehmer and fast horizontal sum
336      */
337     uint8_t length() const;
339     /** @class common_nb_descent
340      * @brief The number of descent of a permutation
341      * @details
342      * @returns the number of inversions of \c *this
343      * @par Example:
344      * @code
345      * Perm16 x {0,3,2,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
346      * x.length()
347      * @endcode
348      * Returns @verbatim 2 @endverbatim
349      */
350     /** @copydoc common_nb_descent
351      *  @par Algorithm:
352      *  Reference @f$O(n)@f$ using a loop
353      */
354     uint8_t nb_descents_ref() const;
355     /** @copydoc common_nb_descent
356      *  @par Algorithm:
357      *  Reference @f$O(1)@f$ using vector shift and comparison
358      */
359     uint8_t nb_descents() const;
361     /** The set partition of the cycles of a permutation
362      * @details
363      * @returns the a vector @f$v@f$ where @$fv[i]@$f contains the smallest
364      *     element in the cycle of $i$ in \c *this
365      * @par Example:
366      * @code
367      * Perm16 x {1,2,3,6,0,5,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,14,13}
368      * x.cycles_partition()
369      * @endcode
370      * Returns
371      @verbatim
372      [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,13]
373      @endverbatim
374      */
375     epu8 cycles_partition() const;
377     /** @class common_nb_cycles
378      * @brief The number of cycles of a permutation
379      * @details
380      * @returns the number of cycles of \c *this
381      * @par Example:
382      * @code
383      * Perm16 x {1,2,3,6,0,5,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,14,13}
384      * x.nb_cycles()
385      * @endcode
386      * Returns @verbatim 10 @endverbatim
387      */
388     /** @copydoc common_nb_cycles
389      *  @par Algorithm:
390      *  Reference @f$O(n)@f$ using a boolean vector
391      */
392     uint8_t nb_cycles_ref() const;
393     /** @copydoc common_nb_cycles
394      *  @par Algorithm:
395      *  Reference @f$O(\log(n))@f$ using #cycles_partition
396      */
397     uint8_t nb_cycles_unroll() const;
398     /** @copydoc common_nb_cycles
399      *  @par Algorithm: aliased to #nb_cycles_unroll
400      */
nb_cyclesHPCombi::Perm16401     uint8_t nb_cycles() const { return nb_cycles_unroll(); }
403     /** @class common_left_weak_leq
404      * @brief Compare two permutations for the left weak order
405      * @par Example:
406      * @code
407      * Perm16 x{2,0,3,1}, y{3,0,2,1};
408      * x.left_weak_leq(y)
409      * @endcode
410      * Returns @verbatim true @endverbatim
411      */
412     /** @copydoc common_left_weak_leq
413      *  @par Algorithm:
414      *  Reference @f$O(n^2)@f$ testing inclusion of inversions one by one
415      */
416     bool left_weak_leq_ref(Perm16 other) const;
417     /** @copydoc common_left_weak_leq
418      *  @par Algorithm:
419      *  Reference @f$O(n)@f$ with vectorized test of inclusion
420      */
421     bool left_weak_leq_length(Perm16 other) const;
422     /** @copydoc common_left_weak_leq
423      *  @par Algorithm:
424      *  @f$O(n)@f$ algorithm using length
425      */
426     bool left_weak_leq(Perm16 other) const;
428 };
430 /*****************************************************************************/
431 /** Memory layout concepts check  ********************************************/
432 /*****************************************************************************/
434 static_assert(sizeof(epu8) == sizeof(Perm16),
435               "epu8 and Perm16 have a different memory layout !");
436 static_assert(std::is_trivial<epu8>(), "epu8 is not a trivial class !");
437 static_assert(std::is_trivial<Perm16>(), "Perm16 is not a trivial class !");
439 }  // namespace HPCombi
441 #include "perm16_impl.hpp"
443 namespace std {
445 template <> struct hash<HPCombi::PTransf16> {
446     //! A hash operator for #HPCombi::PTransf16
operator ()std::hash447     size_t operator()(const HPCombi::PTransf16 &ar) const {
448         return std::hash<HPCombi::epu8>{}(ar.v);
449     }
450 };
452 template <> struct hash<HPCombi::Transf16> {
453     //! A hash operator for #HPCombi::Transf16
operator ()std::hash454     size_t operator()(const HPCombi::Transf16 &ar) const {
455         return uint64_t(ar);
456     }
457 };
459 template <> struct hash<HPCombi::PPerm16> {
460     //! A hash operator for #HPCombi::PPerm16
operator ()std::hash461     size_t operator()(const HPCombi::PPerm16 &ar) const {
462         return std::hash<HPCombi::epu8>{}(ar.v);
463     }
464 };
466 template <> struct hash<HPCombi::Perm16> {
467     //! A hash operator for #HPCombi::Perm16
operator ()std::hash468     size_t operator()(const HPCombi::Perm16 &ar) const {
469         return uint64_t(ar);
470     }
471 };
473 }  // namespace std