1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) Intel Corporation - All rights reserved.                      *
3 * This file is part of the LIBXSMM library.                                   *
4 *                                                                             *
5 * For information on the license, see the LICENSE file.                       *
6 * Further information: https://github.com/hfp/libxsmm/                        *
7 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause                                       *
8 ******************************************************************************/
9 /* Alexander Heinecke, Evangelos Georganas, Hans Pabst,
10    Dhiraj Kalamkar, Ankush Mandal (Intel Corp.)
11 ******************************************************************************/
12 #include <libxsmm.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #if defined(_OPENMP)
17 # include <omp.h>
18 #endif
20 #define USE_OVERWRITE
22 /* include c-based dnn library */
23 #include "../common/dnn_common.h"
25 #define CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN(A) { const int chkerr_libxsmm_dnn_ = A; if (LIBXSMM_DNN_SUCCESS != chkerr_libxsmm_dnn_) { \
26   fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", libxsmm_dnn_get_error(chkerr_libxsmm_dnn_)); global_status = chkerr_libxsmm_dnn_; } \
27 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])29 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
30 {
31   unsigned char *naive_input, *naive_input_tmp;
32   char *naive_filter;
33   int *naive_output_fp;
34   int *naive_libxsmm_output;
35   unsigned char *input_libxsmm;
36   char *filter_libxsmm;
37   int *output_libxsmm;
38   int ifhp, ifwp, ofhp, ofwp, ofh, ofw;
39   int stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, pad_h_in, pad_w_in, pad_h_out, pad_w_out;
40   naive_conv_t naive_param;
41   void* scratch;
42   size_t scratch_size;
44   /* some parameters we can overwrite via cli,
45      default is some inner layer of overfeat */
46   int iters = 10;         /* repetitions of benchmark */
47   int ifw = 14;           /* input width, "W" */
48   int ifh = 18;           /* input height, "H" */
49   int nImg = 32;          /* mini-batch size, "N" */
50   int nIfm = 256;         /* number of input feature maps, "C" */
51   int nOfm = 512;         /* number of output feature maps, "K" */
52   int kh = 3;             /* filter height, "R" */
53   int kw = 3;             /* filter width, "S" */
54   int padh = 1;           /* padding in input, height */
55   int padw = 1;           /* padding in input, width */
56   int stride = 1;         /* stride when accessing inputs */
57   char type = 'A';        /* 'A': ALL, 'F': FP, 'B': BP, 'U', WU */
58   char format = 'L';
60   const char *const env_check = getenv("CHECK");
61   const double check = LIBXSMM_ABS(0 == env_check ? 1 : atof(env_check));
63 #if defined(_OPENMP)
64   int nThreads = omp_get_max_threads();       /* number of threads */
65 #else
66   int nThreads = 1;       /* number of threads */
67 #endif
68   int padding_mode = 0;   /* padding mode */
70   unsigned long long l_start, l_end;
71   double l_total = 0.0;
72   double lpOps = 0.0; /* number of low precision operations */
73   int i;
75   libxsmm_dnn_conv_desc conv_desc;
76   libxsmm_dnn_layer* libxsmm_handle;
77   libxsmm_dnn_tensor* libxsmm_input;
78   libxsmm_dnn_tensor* libxsmm_output;
79   libxsmm_dnn_tensor* libxsmm_filter;
80   libxsmm_dnn_tensor_datalayout* libxsmm_layout;
81   libxsmm_dnn_err_t status;
82   libxsmm_dnn_err_t global_status = LIBXSMM_DNN_SUCCESS;
84   libxsmm_matdiff_info norms_fwd, diff;
85   libxsmm_matdiff_clear(&norms_fwd);
86   libxsmm_matdiff_clear(&diff);
88   if (argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[1], "-h", 3)) {
89     printf("Usage: %s iters inpWidth inpHeight nImg nIfm nOfm kw kh pad stride type padding_mode\n", argv[0]);
90     return 0;
91   }
92   srand(1);
94   /* reading new values from cli */
95   i = 1;
96   if (argc > i) iters      = atoi(argv[i++]);
97   if (argc > i) ifw        = atoi(argv[i++]);
98   if (argc > i) ifh        = atoi(argv[i++]);
99   if (argc > i) nImg       = atoi(argv[i++]);
100   if (argc > i) nIfm       = atoi(argv[i++]);
101   if (argc > i) nOfm       = atoi(argv[i++]);
102   if (argc > i) kw         = atoi(argv[i++]);
103   if (argc > i) kh         = atoi(argv[i++]);
104   if (argc > i) padw       = atoi(argv[i++]);
105   if (argc > i) padh       = atoi(argv[i++]);
106   if (argc > i) stride     = atoi(argv[i++]);
107   if (argc > i) type       = *(argv[i++]);
108   if (argc > i) format     = *(argv[i++]);
109   if (argc > i) padding_mode = atoi(argv[i++]);
111   if (type != 'A' && type != 'F' && type != 'B' && type != 'U') {
112     printf("type needs to be 'A' (All), 'F' (FP only), 'B' (BP only), 'U' (WU only)\n");
113     return 0;
114   }
116   if (format != 'L') {
117     printf("format needs to be 'L'\n");
118     return 0;
119   }
121   stride_w = stride;
122   stride_h = stride;
123   pad_w = padw;
124   pad_h = padh;
126   if (0 == padding_mode) {
127     pad_h_in = 0;
128     pad_w_in = 0;
129     pad_h_out = 0;
130     pad_w_out = 0;
131   }
132   else {
133     /* TODO: change "1" to "0" if "padding_mode = -1" is acknowledged */
134     if (1 < padding_mode) pad_w = padding_mode;
135     pad_h_in = pad_h;
136     pad_w_in = pad_w;
137     pad_h_out = pad_h;
138     pad_w_out = pad_w;
139   }
141   /* deriving some values for naive code */
142   ofh = (ifh + 2 * pad_h - kh) / stride_h + 1;
143   ofw = (ifw + 2 * pad_w - kw) / stride_w + 1;
144   ifhp = ifh + 2 * pad_h_in;
145   ifwp = ifw + 2 * pad_w_in;
146   ofhp = ofh + 2 * pad_h_out;
147   ofwp = ofw + 2 * pad_w_out;
149   /* set struct for naive convolution */
150   naive_param.nImg = nImg;
151   naive_param.nIfm = nIfm;
152   naive_param.nOfm = nOfm;
153   naive_param.ifhp = ifhp;
154   naive_param.ifwp = ifwp;
155   naive_param.ifh = ifh;
156   naive_param.ifw = ifw;
157   naive_param.ofhp = ofhp;
158   naive_param.ofwp = ofwp;
159   naive_param.ofh = ofh;
160   naive_param.ofw = ofw;
161   naive_param.pad_h = pad_h;
162   naive_param.pad_w = pad_w;
163   naive_param.pad_h_in = pad_h_in;
164   naive_param.pad_w_in = pad_w_in;
165   naive_param.pad_h_out = pad_h_out;
166   naive_param.pad_w_out = pad_w_out;
167   naive_param.kh = kh;
168   naive_param.kw = kw;
169   naive_param.stride_h = stride_h;
170   naive_param.stride_w = stride_w;
172   /* print some summary */
173   printf("##########################################\n");
174   printf("#    Setting Up Common    #\n");
175   printf("##########################################\n");
176   printf("PARAMS: W:%d  H:%d  N:%d  C:%d  K:%d  R:%d  S:%d  P:%d  Q:%d  STRIDE:%d\n", ifw, ifh, nImg, nIfm, nOfm, kw, kh, ofh, ofw, stride);
177   printf("PARAMS: ITERS:%d", iters); if (LIBXSMM_FEQ(0, check)) printf("  Threads:%d\n", nThreads); else printf("\n");
178   printf(" InImg %dx%d Padded (%dx%d)\n", ifh, ifw, ifhp, ifwp);
179   printf("OutImg %dx%d Padded (%dx%d)\n", ofh, ofw, ofhp, ofwp);
180   printf("SIZE Input  (MB): %10.2f MiB\n", (double)(nImg*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp*sizeof(unsigned char))/(1024.0*1024.0) );
181   printf("SIZE Output (MB): %10.2f MiB\n", (double)(nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp*sizeof(int))/(1024.0*1024.0) );
182   printf("SIZE Input   (1): %10.2f MiB\n", (double)(1*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp*   sizeof(unsigned char))/(1024.0*1024.0) );
183   printf("SIZE Output  (1): %10.2f MiB\n", (double)(1*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp*   sizeof(int))/(1024.0*1024.0) );
184   printf("SIZE Weight     : %10.2f MiB\n", (double)(nIfm*nOfm*kw*kh*    sizeof(char))/(1024.0*1024.0) );
186   /* allocate data */
187   naive_input           = (unsigned char*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nImg*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp*sizeof(unsigned char), 2097152);
188   naive_output_fp       = (int*  )libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp*sizeof(int),   2097152);
189   naive_libxsmm_output  = (int*  )libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp*sizeof(int),   2097152);
190   naive_filter          = (char*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nOfm*nIfm*kh*kw*    sizeof(char), 2097152);
191   input_libxsmm         = (unsigned char*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nImg*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp*sizeof(unsigned char), 2097152);
192   filter_libxsmm        = (char*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nOfm*nIfm*kh*kw*    sizeof(char), 2097152);
193   output_libxsmm        = (int*) libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp*sizeof(int), 2097152);
195   /* initialize data */
196   naive_input_tmp  = (unsigned char*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc( nImg*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp*sizeof(unsigned char), 2097152);
197   zero_buf_uint8(naive_input, nImg*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp);
198   if (padding_mode == 0 ) {
199     init_buf_uint8(naive_input,          nImg*nIfm*ifhp*ifwp, 0, 0);
200   } else {
201     init_buf_uint8(naive_input_tmp,      nImg*nIfm*ifh*ifw, 0, 0);
202     copy_internal_nchw_uint8( naive_input , naive_input_tmp, nImg, nIfm, ifh, ifw, pad_h, pad_w);
203   }
204   init_buf_int8(naive_filter,         nOfm*nIfm*kh*kw, 0, 0);
205   zero_buf_int32(naive_output_fp,      nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp);
206   zero_buf_int32(output_libxsmm,      nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp);
207   zero_buf_int32(naive_libxsmm_output, nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp);
209   if (LIBXSMM_NEQ(0, check)) {
210     printf("##########################################\n");
211     printf("#         Computing Reference ...        #\n");
212     printf("##########################################\n");
213     /* run naive convolutions */
214     if (type == 'A' || type == 'F') {
215       naive_conv_fp_int8int32(&naive_param, naive_input, naive_output_fp, naive_filter);
216     }
218     printf("##########################################\n");
219     printf("#      Computing Reference ... done      #\n");
220     printf("##########################################\n");
221   }
223   printf("\n");
224   printf("##########################################\n");
225   printf("#     Setting Up    (custom-Storage)     #\n");
226   printf("##########################################\n");
228   /* setup LIBXSMM handle */
229   conv_desc.N = nImg;
230   conv_desc.C = nIfm;
231   conv_desc.H = ifh;
232   conv_desc.W = ifw;
233   conv_desc.K = nOfm;
234   conv_desc.R = kh;
235   conv_desc.S = kw;
236   conv_desc.u = stride_h;
237   conv_desc.v = stride_w;
238   conv_desc.pad_h = pad_h;
239   conv_desc.pad_w = pad_w;
240   conv_desc.pad_h_in = pad_h_in;
241   conv_desc.pad_w_in = pad_w_in;
242   conv_desc.pad_h_out = pad_h_out;
243   conv_desc.pad_w_out = pad_w_out;
244   conv_desc.threads = nThreads;
245   conv_desc.algo = LIBXSMM_DNN_CONV_ALGO_DIRECT;
246   conv_desc.buffer_format = LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_LIBXSMM;
247   conv_desc.filter_format = LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_LIBXSMM;
248   conv_desc.fuse_ops = LIBXSMM_DNN_CONV_FUSE_NONE;
249   conv_desc.options = LIBXSMM_DNN_CONV_OPTION_OVERWRITE;
250   conv_desc.datatype_in = LIBXSMM_DNN_DATATYPE_I8;
251   conv_desc.datatype_out = LIBXSMM_DNN_DATATYPE_I32;
253   libxsmm_handle = libxsmm_dnn_create_conv_layer( conv_desc, &status );
254   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
256   /* setup LIBXSMM buffers and filter */
257   libxsmm_layout = libxsmm_dnn_create_tensor_datalayout( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_INPUT, &status ); CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
258   libxsmm_input  = libxsmm_dnn_link_tensor( libxsmm_layout,  input_libxsmm, &status ); CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
259   libxsmm_dnn_destroy_tensor_datalayout( libxsmm_layout );
261   libxsmm_layout = libxsmm_dnn_create_tensor_datalayout( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_OUTPUT, &status ); CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
262   libxsmm_output  = libxsmm_dnn_link_tensor( libxsmm_layout,  output_libxsmm, &status ); CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
263   libxsmm_dnn_destroy_tensor_datalayout( libxsmm_layout );
265   libxsmm_layout = libxsmm_dnn_create_tensor_datalayout( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_FILTER, &status ); CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
266   libxsmm_filter  = libxsmm_dnn_link_tensor( libxsmm_layout,  filter_libxsmm, &status ); CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
267   libxsmm_dnn_destroy_tensor_datalayout( libxsmm_layout );
269   /* copy in data to LIBXSMM format */
270   /* we can also use the layout functions and set the data on our
271      own external to the library, @TODO, we plan to add an example here */
272   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_copyin_tensor( libxsmm_input, (void*)naive_input, LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW ) );
273   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_zero_tensor( libxsmm_output ) );
274   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_copyin_tensor( libxsmm_filter, (void*)naive_filter, LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_KCRS ) );
276   /* bind buffers and filter to handle */
277   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_bind_tensor( libxsmm_handle, libxsmm_input, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_INPUT ) );
278   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_bind_tensor( libxsmm_handle, libxsmm_output, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_OUTPUT ) );
279   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_bind_tensor( libxsmm_handle, libxsmm_filter, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_FILTER ) );
281   /* let's allocate and bind scratch */
282   scratch_size = libxsmm_dnn_get_scratch_size( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_ALL, &status );
283   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( status );
284   scratch = libxsmm_aligned_scratch( scratch_size, 2097152 );
285   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_bind_scratch( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_ALL, scratch ) );
286   /* set scratch to bogus to make sure that libxsmm takes care of zeroing internally */
288   if ((type == 'A' || type == 'F') && LIBXSMM_NEQ(0, check)) {
289     printf("##############################################\n");
290     printf("#  Check Correctness - FWD (custom-Storage)  #\n");
291     printf("##############################################\n");
292     /* run LIBXSMM convolutions */
293 #if defined(_OPENMP)
294 #   pragma omp parallel
295 #endif
296     {
297 #if defined(_OPENMP)
298       const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
299 #else
300       const int tid = 0;
301 #endif
302       CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_execute_st( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_FWD, 0, tid ) );
303     }
304     /* copy out data */
305     CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_copyout_tensor( libxsmm_output, (void*)naive_libxsmm_output, LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW ) );
307     /* compare */
308     libxsmm_matdiff(&norms_fwd, LIBXSMM_DATATYPE_I32, nImg*nOfm*ofhp*ofwp, 1, naive_output_fp, naive_libxsmm_output, 0, 0);
309     printf("L1 reference  : %.25g\n", norms_fwd.l1_ref);
310     printf("L1 test       : %.25g\n", norms_fwd.l1_tst);
311     printf("L2 abs.error  : %.24f\n", norms_fwd.l2_abs);
312     printf("L2 rel.error  : %.24f\n", norms_fwd.l2_rel);
313     printf("Linf abs.error: %.24f\n", norms_fwd.linf_abs);
314     printf("Linf rel.error: %.24f\n", norms_fwd.linf_rel);
315     printf("Check-norm    : %.24f\n", norms_fwd.normf_rel);
316     libxsmm_matdiff_reduce(&diff, &norms_fwd);
317   }
319   if (type == 'A' || type == 'F') {
320     printf("##########################################\n");
321     printf("#   Performance - FWD (custom-Storage)   #\n");
322     printf("##########################################\n");
323     /* run LIBXSMM convolution for performance */
324     for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
325 #if defined(_OPENMP)
326 #     pragma omp parallel
327 #endif
328       {
329 #if defined(_OPENMP)
330         const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
331 #else
332         const int tid = 0;
333 #endif
334         libxsmm_dnn_execute_st( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_FWD, 0, tid );
335       }
336     }
337     l_start = libxsmm_timer_tick();
338     for (i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
339 #if defined(_OPENMP)
340 #     pragma omp parallel
341 #endif
342       {
343 #if defined(_OPENMP)
344         const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
345 #else
346         const int tid = 0;
347 #endif
348         libxsmm_dnn_execute_st( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_FWD, 0, tid );
349       }
350     }
351     l_end = libxsmm_timer_tick();
352     l_total = libxsmm_timer_duration(l_start, l_end);
353     lpOps = (double)nImg * (double)nIfm * (double)nOfm * (double)ofh * (double)ofw * (double)(2 * kh * kw) * (double)iters;
355     printf("GOP  = %.5g\n", lpOps*1e-9/(double)iters);
356     printf("fp time = %.5g\n", ((double)(l_total/iters)));
357     printf("GOPS  = %.5g\n", (lpOps*1e-9)/l_total);
359     printf("PERFDUMP,FP,%s,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%.5g,%.5g,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", LIBXSMM_VERSION, nThreads, nImg, nIfm, nOfm,
360       ifw, ifh, kw, kh, stride, padw, padh, ((double)(l_total/iters)), (lpOps*1e-9)/l_total, norms_fwd.l1_ref, norms_fwd.l1_tst,
361       norms_fwd.l2_abs, norms_fwd.l2_rel, norms_fwd.linf_abs, norms_fwd.linf_rel, norms_fwd.normf_rel);
362   }
364   /* clean-up */
365   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_release_scratch( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_ALL ) );
366   libxsmm_free(scratch);
367   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_release_tensor( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_INPUT ) );
368   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_release_tensor( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_OUTPUT ) );
369   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_release_tensor( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_FILTER ) );
370   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_destroy_tensor( libxsmm_input ) );
371   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_destroy_tensor( libxsmm_output ) );
372   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_destroy_tensor( libxsmm_filter ) );
373   CHKERR_LIBXSMM_DNN( libxsmm_dnn_destroy_conv_layer( libxsmm_handle ) );
375   /* deallocate data */
376   libxsmm_free(naive_input);
377   libxsmm_free(naive_output_fp);
378   libxsmm_free(naive_libxsmm_output);
379   libxsmm_free(naive_filter);
380   libxsmm_free(input_libxsmm);
381   libxsmm_free(output_libxsmm);
382   libxsmm_free(filter_libxsmm);
384   { const char *const env_check_scale = getenv("CHECK_SCALE");
385     const double check_scale = LIBXSMM_ABS(0 == env_check_scale ? 1.0 : atof(env_check_scale));
386     if (LIBXSMM_NEQ(0, check) && (check < 100.0 * check_scale * diff.normf_rel) && (global_status == LIBXSMM_DNN_SUCCESS)) {
387       fprintf(stderr, "FAILED with an error of %f%%!\n", 100.0 * diff.normf_rel);
388       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
389     }
390   }
392   /* some empty lines at the end */
393   printf("\n\n\n");
395   return global_status;
396 }