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MakefileH A D13-Oct-20213.8 KiB10583

README.mdH A D13-Oct-20211.4 KiB147

mhd.cH A D13-Oct-202117 KiB411348

mhd.shH A D03-May-20222.5 KiB6950

mhd.vcxprojH A D13-Oct-202121.9 KiB386386


1# MHD Image I/O
3This code sample aims to provide a simple piece of code, which takes an image and produces a visual result using LIBXSMM's MHD image file I/O. Performing a single convolution is *not* a showcase of LIBXSMM's Deeplearning as the code only runs over a single image with one channel.
4LIBXSMM's CNNs are vectorized over image channels (multiple images) according to the native vector-width of the processor and otherwise fall back to a high-level implementation.
6**NOTE**: For high-performance deep learning, please refer to the collection of [CNN layer samples](https://github.com/hfp/libxsmm/tree/master/samples/deeplearning/cnnlayer).
8The executable can run with the following arguments (all arguments are optional):
10> mhd   [<filename-in>  [<nrepeat>  [<kw>  [<kh>]  [<filename-out>]]]]
12For stable timing (benchmark), the key operation (convolution) may be repeated (`nrepeat`). Further, `kw` and `kh` can specify the kernel-size of the convolution. The `filename-in` and `filename-out` name MHD-files used as input and output respectively. The `filename-in` may be a pseudo-file (that does not exist) but specify the image resolution of generated input (`w`[x`h`] where the file `wxh.mhd` stores the generated image data). To load an image from a familiar format (JPG, PNG, etc.), please have a look at [Meta Image File I/O](https://libxsmm.readthedocs.io/libxsmm_aux/#meta-image-file-io).