1 /* linbox/algorithms/coppersmith.h
2  * evolved from block-wiedemann.h by George Yuhasz
3  *
4  * ========LICENCE========
5  * This file is part of the library LinBox.
6  *
7   * LinBox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public
9  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20  * ========LICENCE========
21  */
24 #ifndef __LINBOX_coppersmith_H
25 #define __LINBOX_coppersmith_H
27 #include <vector>
28 #include <numeric>
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <givaro/givpoly1crt.h>
34 #include "linbox/integer.h"
35 #include "linbox/util/commentator.h"
36 #include "linbox/algorithms/blackbox-block-container.h"
37 #include "linbox/algorithms/block-coppersmith-domain.h"
38 #include "linbox/solutions/det.h"
40 #include "linbox/util/error.h"
41 #include "linbox/util/debug.h"
43 namespace LinBox
44 {
46 	template <class _Domain>
47 	class CoppersmithSolver{
49 	public:
50 		typedef _Domain 			Domain;
51 		typedef typename Domain::Field                    Field;
52 		typedef typename Domain::Element       Element;
53 		typedef typename Domain::OwnMatrix 	Block;
54 		typedef typename Domain::Matrix 	Sub;
domain()56 		inline const Domain & domain() const { return *_MD; }
field()57 		inline const Field & field() const { return domain().field(); }
58 	protected:
59 		const Domain     *_MD;
60 		size_t		blocking;
62 	public:
63 		CoppersmithSolver(const Domain &MD, size_t blocking_ = 0) :
64 			 _MD(&MD), blocking(blocking_)
65 		{}
68 		template <class Vector, class Blackbox>
solveNonSingular(Vector & x,const Blackbox & B,const Vector & y)69 		Vector &solveNonSingular (Vector &x, const Blackbox &B, const Vector &y) const
70 		{
71 			commentator().start ("Coppersmith solveNonSingular", "solveNonSingular");
72 #if 1
73 			std::ostream& report = commentator().report(Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);
74 #endif
76 			//Set up the projection matrices and their dimensions
77 			size_t d = B.coldim();
78 			size_t r,c;
79 			integer tmp = uint64_t(d);
81 			//Set the blocking size, Using Pascal Giorgi's convention
82 			if(blocking==0){
83 				r=tmp.bitsize()-1;
84 				c=tmp.bitsize()-1;
85 			}else
86 				r=c=blocking;
88 			//Create the block
89 			Block U(field(),r,d);
90 			Block W(field(),d,c-1);
91 			Block V(field(),d,c);
93 			//Pick random entries for U and W. W will become the last c-1 columns of V
95 			U.random();
96 			W.random();
98 			//Multiply W by B on the left and place it in the last c-1 columns of V
99 			Sub V2(V,0,1,d,c-1);
100 			domain().mul(V2,B,W);
102 			//Make the first column of V a copy of the right side of the system, y
103 			for(size_t i=0; i<d; i++)
104 				V.setEntry(i,0,y[i]);
106 			//Create the sequence container and its iterator that will compute the projection
107 			BlackboxBlockContainer<Field, Blackbox > blockseq(&B,field(),U,V);
109 			//Get the generator of the projection using the Coppersmith algorithm (slightly modified by Yuhasz)
110 			BlockCoppersmithDomain<Domain, BlackboxBlockContainer<Field, Blackbox> > BCD(domain(), &blockseq,d);
111 			std::vector<Block> gen;
112 			std::vector<size_t> deg;
113 			deg = BCD.right_minpoly(gen);
114 			report << "Size of blockseq " << blockseq.size() << std::endl;
115 			report << "Size of gen " << gen.size() << std::endl;
116 			for(size_t i = 0; i < gen[0].coldim(); i++)
117 				report << "Column " << i << " has degree " << deg[i] << std::endl;
119 			//Reconstruct the solution
120 			//Pick a column of the generator with a nonzero element in the first row of the constant coefficient
121 			size_t idx = 0;
122 			if(field().isZero(gen[0].getEntry(0,0))){
123 				size_t i = 1;
124 				while(i<c && field().isZero(gen[0].getEntry(0,i)))
125 					i++;
126 				if(i==c)
127 					throw LinboxError(" block minpoly: matrix seems to be singular - abort");
128 				else
129 					idx=i;
130 			}
132 			//from 1 to the degree of the index column, multiply A^(i-1)V times the idx column of the generator coefficient x^i
133 			//Accumulate these results in xm
134 			size_t mu = deg[idx];
135 			Block BVo(V);
136 			Block BVe(field(),d,c);
137 			Block xm(field(),d,1);
138 			bool odd = true;
139 			for(size_t i = 1; i < mu+1; i++){
140 				Sub gencol(gen[i],0,idx,c,1); // BB changed d,1 to c,1
141 				Block BVgencol(field(),d,1);
142 				if(odd){
143 					domain().mul(BVgencol,BVo,gencol);
144 					domain().addin(xm, BVgencol);
145 					domain().mul(BVe,B,BVo);
146 					odd=false;
147 				}
148 				else{
149 					domain().mul(BVgencol,BVe,gencol);
150 					domain().addin(xm, BVgencol);
151 					domain().mul(BVo,B,BVe);
152 					odd=true;
153 				}
155 			}
157 			//For the constant coefficient, loop over the elements in the idx column except the first row
158 			//Multiply the corresponding column of W (the last c-1 columns of V before application of B) by the generator element
159 			//Accumulate the results in xm
160 			for(size_t i = 1; i < c; i++){
161 				Sub Wcol(W,0,i-1,d,1);
162 				Block Wcolgen0(field(),d,1);
163 				domain().mul(Wcolgen0, Wcol, gen[0].getEntry(i,idx));
164 				domain().addin(xm,Wcolgen0);
165 			}
167 			//Multiply xm by -1(move to the correct side of the equation) and divide the the 0,idx entry of the generator constant
168 			Element gen0inv;
169 			field().inv(gen0inv,gen[0].getEntry(0,idx));
170 			field().negin(gen0inv);
171 			domain().mulin(xm, gen0inv);
173 #if 0
174 			//Test to see if the answer works with U
175 			Block Bxm(field(),d,1), UBxm(field(),r,1), Uycol(field(), r,1);
176 			Sub ycol(V,0,0,d,1);
177 			domain().mul(Uycol, U, ycol);
178 			domain().mul(Bxm, B, xm);
179 			domain().mul(UBxm, U, Bxm);
181 			if(domain().areEqual(UBxm, Uycol))
182 				report << "The solution matches when projected by U" << endl;
183 			else
184 				report << "The solution does not match when projected by U" << endl;
185 #endif
188 			//Copy xm into x (Change type from 1 column matrix to Vector)
189 			for(size_t i =0; i<d; i++)
190 				x[i]=xm.getEntry(i,0);
192 			commentator().stop ("done", NULL, "solveNonSingular");
193 			return x;
194 		}
199 	}; // end of class CoppersmithSolver
201 	template <class _Domain>
202 	class CoppersmithRank{
204 	public:
205 		typedef _Domain 			Domain;
206 		typedef typename Domain::Field                    Field;
207 		typedef typename Domain::Element       Element;
208 		typedef typename Domain::Matrix 	Block;
209 		typedef typename Domain::Submatrix 	Sub;
210 		typedef typename Field::RandIter	Random;
domain()212 		inline const Domain & domain() const { return *_MD; }
field()213 		inline const Field & field() const { return domain().field(); }
214 	protected:
215 		const Domain     *_MD;
216 		Random		iter;
217 		size_t		blocking;
219 		//Compute the determinant of a polynomial matrix at the given set of evaluation points
220 		//Store the results in the vector dets.
EvalPolyMat(std::vector<Element> & dets,std::vector<Element> & values,std::vector<Block> & mat)221 		void EvalPolyMat(std::vector<Element> &dets, std::vector<Element> &values, std::vector<Block> & mat) const {
223 			size_t deg = mat.size() -1;
224 			size_t numv = values.size();
225 			//Compute the determinant of the evaluation at values[i] for each i
226 			for(size_t i = 0; i<numv; i++){
227 				//copy the highest matrix coefficient
228 				Block evalmat(field(), mat[0].rowdim(), mat[0].coldim());
229 				domain().copy(evalmat,mat[deg]);
230 				//Evaluate using a horner style evaluation
231 				typename std::vector<Block>::reverse_iterator addit =  mat.rbegin();
232 				addit++;
233 				for(addit; addit != mat.rend(); addit++){
234 					domain().mulin(evalmat,values[i]);
235 					domain().addin(evalmat,*addit);
236 				}//end loop computing horner evaluation
237 				//Compute the determinant of the evaluation and store it in dets[i]
238 				dets[i] = det(dets[i],evalmat);
239 			}//end loop over evaluation points
240 		}//end evaluation of polynominal matrix determinant
242 	public:
243 		CoppersmithRank(const Domain &MD, size_t blocking_ = 0) :
244 			 _MD(&MD), blocking(blocking_), iter(MD.field())
245 		{}
248 		template <class Blackbox>
rank(const Blackbox & B)249 		size_t rank (const Blackbox &B) const
250 		{
251 			commentator().start ("Coppersmith rank", "rank");
252 #if 1
253 			std::ostream& report = commentator().report(Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);
254 #endif
256 			//Set up the projection matrices and their dimensions
257 			size_t d = B.coldim();
258 			size_t r,c;
259 			integer tmp = uint64_t(d);
261 			//Set the blocking size, Using Pascal Giorgi's convention
262 			if(blocking==0){
263 				r=tmp.bitsize()-1;
264 				c=tmp.bitsize()-1;
265 			}else
266 				r=c=blocking;
268 			//Create the block
269 			Block U(field(),r,d);
270 			Block V(field(),d,c);
272 			//Pick random entries for U and W. W will become the last c-1 columns of V
274 			U.random();
275 			V.random();
278 			BlackboxBlockContainer<Field, Blackbox > blockseq(&B,field(),U,V);
280 			//Get the generator of the projection using the Coppersmith algorithm (slightly modified by Yuhasz)
281 			BlockCoppersmithDomain<Domain, BlackboxBlockContainer<Field, Blackbox> > BCD(domain(), &blockseq,d);
282 			std::vector<Block> gen;
283 			std::vector<size_t> deg;
284 			deg = BCD.right_minpoly(gen);
285 			for(size_t i = 0; i < gen[0].coldim(); i++)
286 				report << "Column " << i << " has degree " << deg[i] << std::endl;
288 			//Compute the rank via the determinant of the generator
289 			//Get the sum of column degrees
290 			//This is the degree of the determinant via Yuhasz thesis
291 			//size_t detdeg = std::accumulate(deg.begin(), deg.end(), 0);
292 			size_t detdeg= 0;
293 			for(size_t i = 0; i < gen[0].coldim(); i++)
294 				detdeg+=deg[i];
295 			//Set up interpolation with one more evaluation point than degree
296 			size_t numpoints = d+1;
297 			std::vector<Element> evalpoints(numpoints), evaldets(numpoints);
298 			for(typename std::vector<Element>::iterator evalit = evalpoints.begin(); evalit != evalpoints.end(); evalit++){
299 				do{
300 					//do iter.random(*evalit); while(field().isZero(*evalit));
301 					iter.random(*evalit);
302 				}while ((std::find(evalpoints.begin(), evalit, *evalit) != evalit));
303 			}//end evaluation point construction loop
305 			//Evaluate the generator determinant at the points
306 			EvalPolyMat(evaldets, evalpoints, gen);
307 			for(size_t k = 0; k <numpoints; k++)
308 				report << evalpoints[k] << "  " << evaldets[k] << std::endl;
309 			//Construct the polynomial using Givare interpolation
310 			//Stolen from Pascal Giorgi, linbox/examples/omp-block-rank.C
311 			typedef Givaro::Poly1CRT< Field >  PolyCRT;
312 			PolyCRT Interpolator(field(), evalpoints, "x");
313 			typename PolyCRT::Element Determinant;
314 			Interpolator.RnsToRing(Determinant,evaldets);
315 			Givaro::Degree intdetdeg;
316 			Interpolator.getpolydom().degree(intdetdeg,Determinant);
317 			Givaro::Degree intdetval;
318 			Interpolator.getpolydom().val(intdetval,Determinant);
319 			if(detdeg != (size_t) intdetdeg.value()){
320 				report << "sum of column degrees " << detdeg << std::endl;
321 				report << "interpolation degree " << intdetdeg.value() << std::endl;
322 			}
323 			report << "sum of column degrees " << detdeg << std::endl;
324 			report << "interpolation degree " << intdetdeg.value() << std::endl;
325 			report << "valence (trailing degree) " << intdetval.value() << std::endl;
326 			for(size_t k = 0; k<gen.size(); k++)
327 				domain().write(report, gen[k]) << "x^" << k << std::endl;
328 			Interpolator.write(report << "Interpolated determinant: ", Determinant) << std::endl;
329 			size_t myrank = size_t(intdetdeg.value() - intdetval.value());
330 			commentator().stop ("done", NULL, "Coppersmith rank");
331 			return myrank;
332 		}
337 	}; // end of class CoppersmithRank
339 	//Use the coppersmith block wiedemann to compute the determinant
340 	template <class _Domain>
341 	class CoppersmithDeterminant{
343 	public:
344 		typedef _Domain 			Domain;
345 		typedef typename Domain::Field                    Field;
346 		typedef typename Domain::Element       Element;
347 		typedef typename Domain::Matrix 	Block;
348 		typedef typename Domain::Submatrix 	Sub;
349 		typedef typename Field::RandIter	Random;
domain()351 		inline const Domain & domain() const { return *_MD; }
field()352 		inline const Field & field() const { return domain().field(); }
353 	protected:
354 		const Domain     *_MD;
355 		Random		iter;
356 		size_t		blocking;
358 		//Compute the determinant of a polynomial matrix at the given set of evaluation points
359 		//Store the results in the vector dets.
EvalPolyMat(std::vector<Element> & dets,std::vector<Element> & values,std::vector<Block> & mat)360 		void EvalPolyMat(std::vector<Element> &dets, std::vector<Element> &values, std::vector<Block> & mat) const {
362 			size_t deg = mat.size() -1;
363 			size_t numv = values.size();
364 			//Compute the determinant of the evaluation at values[i] for each i
365 			for(size_t i = 0; i<numv; i++){
366 				//copy the highest matrix coefficient
367 				Block evalmat(mat[deg]);
368 				//Evaluate using a horner style evaluation
369 				typename std::vector<Block>::reverse_iterator addit =  mat.rbegin();
370 				addit++;
371 				for(addit; addit != mat.rend(); addit++){
372 					domain().mulin(evalmat,values[i]);
373 					domain().addin(evalmat,*addit);
374 				}//end loop computing horner evaluation
375 				//Compute the determinant of the evaluation and store it in dets[i]
376 				dets[i] = det(dets[i],evalmat);
377 			}//end loop over evaluation points
378 		}//end evaluation of polynominal matrix determinant
380 	public:
381 		CoppersmithDeterminant(const Domain &MD, size_t blocking_ = 0) :
382 			 _MD(&MD), blocking(blocking_), iter(MD.field())
383 		{}
386 		template <class Blackbox>
det(const Blackbox & B)387 		Element det (const Blackbox &B) const
388 		{
389 			commentator().start ("Coppersmith determinant", "determinant");
390 #if 1
391 			std::ostream& report = commentator().report(Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);
392 #endif
394 			//Set up the projection matrices and their dimensions
395 			size_t d = B.coldim();
396 			size_t r,c;
397 			integer tmp = uint64_t(d);
399 			//Use given blocking size, if not given use Pascal Giorgi's convention
400 			if(blocking==0){
401 				r=tmp.bitsize()-1;
402 				c=tmp.bitsize()-1;
403 			}else
404 				r=c=blocking;
406 			//Create the block
407 			Block U(field(),r,d);
408 			Block V(field(),d,c);
410 			//Pick random entries for U and W. W will become the last c-1 columns of V
412 			U.random();
413 			V.random();
415 			//Multiply V by B on the left
416 			domain().leftMulin(B,V);
418 			//Create the sequence container and its iterator that will compute the projection
419 			BlackboxBlockContainer<Field, Blackbox > blockseq(&B,field(),U,V);
421 			//Get the generator of the projection using the Coppersmith algorithm (slightly modified by Yuhasz)
422 			BlockCoppersmithDomain<Domain, BlackboxBlockContainer<Field, Blackbox> > BCD(domain(), &blockseq,d);
423 			std::vector<Block> gen;
424 			std::vector<size_t> deg;
425 			deg = BCD.right_minpoly(gen);
427 			//Compute the determinant via the constant coefficient of the determinant of the generator
428 			//Get the sum of column degrees
429 			//This is the degree of the determinant via Yuhasz thesis
430 			//size_t detdeg = std::accumulate(deg.begin(), deg.end(), 0);
431 			size_t detdeg= 0;
432 			for(size_t i = 0; i < gen[0].coldim(); i++)
433 				detdeg+=deg[i];
434 			//Set up interpolation with one more evaluation point than degree
435 			size_t numpoints = 2*d;
436 			std::vector<Element> evalpoints(numpoints), evaldets(numpoints);
437 			for(typename std::vector<Element>::iterator evalit = evalpoints.begin(); evalit != evalpoints.end(); evalit++){
438 				do{
439 					do iter.random(*evalit); while(field().isZero(*evalit));
440 				}while ((std::find(evalpoints.begin(), evalit, *evalit) != evalit));
441 			}//end evaluation point construction loop
443 			//Evaluate the generator determinant at the points
444 			EvalPolyMat(evaldets, evalpoints, gen);
445 			//Construct the polynomial using Givare interpolation
446 			//Stolen from Pascal Giorgi, linbox/examples/omp-block-rank.C
447 			typedef Givaro::Poly1CRT<Field>  PolyCRT;
448 			PolyCRT Interpolator(field(), evalpoints, "x");
449 			typename PolyCRT::Element Determinant;
450 			Interpolator.RnsToRing(Determinant,evaldets);
451 			Givaro::Degree intdetdeg;
452 			Interpolator.getpolydom().degree(intdetdeg,Determinant);
453 			Givaro::Degree intdetval(0);
454 			Interpolator.getpolydom().val(intdetval,Determinant);
455 			if(d != (size_t)intdetdeg.value()){
456 				report << "The matrix is singular, determinant is zero" << std::endl;
457 				return field(0).zero;
458 			}
459 			Interpolator.write(report << "Interpolated determinant: ", Determinant) << std::endl;
460 			Element intdeterminant(field().zero);
461 			Interpolator.getpolydom().getEntry(intdeterminant,intdetval,Determinant);
462 			commentator().stop ("done", NULL, "Coppersmith determinant");
463 			return intdeterminant;
464 		}
466 	}; // end of class CoppersmithDeterminant
469 }// end of namespace LinBox
471 #endif //__LINBOX_coppersmith_H
473 // Local Variables:
474 // mode: C++
475 // tab-width: 4
476 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
477 // c-basic-offset: 4
478 // End:
479 // vim:sts=4:sw=4:ts=4:et:sr:cino=>s,f0,{0,g0,(0,\:0,t0,+0,=s