1 /* linbox/solutions/charpoly.h
2  * Copyright (C) 2005 Clement Pernet
3  *
4  * Written by Clement Pernet <clement.pernet@imag.fr>
5  *
6  * ========LICENCE========
7  * This file is part of the library LinBox.
8  *
9   * LinBox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public
11  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22  * ========LICENCE========
23  */
25 #ifndef __LINBOX_charpoly_H
26 #define __LINBOX_charpoly_H
28 #include "linbox/solutions/methods.h"
29 #include "linbox/util/debug.h"
30 #include "linbox/field/field-traits.h"
31 #include "linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h"
32 #include "linbox/matrix/matrix-domain.h"
33 #include "linbox/randiter/random-prime.h"
34 #include "linbox/algorithms/bbcharpoly.h"
35 // Namespace in which all LinBox library code resides
37 namespace LinBox
38 {
40 	// for specialization with respect to the DomainCategory
41 	template< class Blackbox, class Polynomial, class MyMethod, class DomainCategory>
42 	Polynomial& charpoly ( Polynomial            &P,
43                                const Blackbox        &A,
44                                const DomainCategory  &tag,
45                                const MyMethod        &M);
48 	/*	//error handler for rational domain
49 		template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial>
50 		Polynomial &charpoly (Polynomial& P,
51 		const Blackbox& A,
52 		const RingCategories::RationalTag& tag,
53 		const Method::Auto& M)
54 		{
55 		throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: charpoly is not yet defined over a rational domain");
56 		}
57 		*/
58 	/** \brief  ...using an optional Method parameter
59 	  \param P - the output characteristic polynomial.  If the polynomial
60 	  is of degree d, this random access container has size d+1, the 0-th
61 	  entry is the constant coefficient and the d-th is 1 since the charpoly
62 	  is monic.
63 	  \param A - a blackbox matrix
64 	  Optional \param M - the method object.  Generally, the default
65 	  object suffices and the algorithm used is determined by the class of M.
66 	  Basic methods are Method::Blackbox, Method::Elimination, and
67 	  Method::Auto (the default).
68 	  See methods.h for more options.
69 	  \return a reference to P.
70 	  */
71 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial, class MyMethod>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const MyMethod & M)72 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial         & P,
73                               const Blackbox     & A,
74                               const MyMethod     & M){
75 		return charpoly ( P, A, typename FieldTraits<typename Blackbox::Field>::categoryTag(), M);
76 	}
79 	/// \brief ...using default method
80 	template<class Blackbox, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A)81 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial        & P,
82                               const Blackbox    & A)
83 	{
84 		return charpoly (P, A, Method::Auto());
85 	}
87 	// The charpoly with Auto Method
88 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,const Method::Auto & M)89 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
90                               const Blackbox                   & A,
91                               const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,
92                               const Method::Auto             & M)
93 	{
94 		//return charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::Blackbox(M));
95 		return charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::DenseElimination(M));
96 	}
98 	// The charpoly with Auto Method
99 	template <class Domain, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const SparseMatrix<Domain> & A,const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,const Method::Auto & M)100 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
101 			      const SparseMatrix<Domain>       & A,
102 			      const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,
103 			      const Method::Auto             & M)
104 	{
105 		return charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::Blackbox(M));
106 	}
108 	// The charpoly with Auto Method
109 	template<class Domain, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const BlasMatrix<Domain> & A,const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,const Method::Auto & M)110 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
111 			      const BlasMatrix<Domain>         & A,
112 			      const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,
113 			      const Method::Auto             & M)
114 	{
115 		return charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::DenseElimination(M));
116 	}
118 	// The charpoly with Elimination Method
119 	template<class Blackbox, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,const Method::Elimination & M)120         Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
121                               const Blackbox                   & A,
122                               const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,
123                               const Method::Elimination        & M)
124 	{
125 		return charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::DenseElimination(M));
126 	}
129 	/** @brief Compute the characteristic polynomial over \f$\mathbf{Z}_p\f$.
130 	 *
131 	 * Compute the characteristic polynomial of a matrix using dense
132 	 * elimination methods
134 	 * @param P Polynomial where to store the result
135 	 * @param A Blackbox representing the matrix
136 	 * @param tag
137 	 * @param M
138 	 */
139 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial >
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,const Method::DenseElimination & M)140     Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
141                           const Blackbox                   & A,
142                           const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,
143                           const Method::DenseElimination    & M)
144 	{
145 		if (A.coldim() != A.rowdim())
146 			throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: matrix must be square for characteristic polynomial computation\n");
148 		BlasMatrix< typename Blackbox::Field >     BBB (A);
149 		BlasMatrixDomain< typename Blackbox::Field > BMD (BBB.field());
150                     //BlasVector<typename Blackbox::Field,Polynomial> P2(A.field(),P);
151 		BMD.charpoly (P, BBB);
152 		return P;//= P2.getRep() ;
153 	}
156 }
158 #include "linbox/algorithms/matrix-hom.h"
160 #include "linbox/algorithms/rational-cra-var-prec.h"
161 #include "linbox/algorithms/cra-builder-var-prec-early-multip.h"
162 #include "linbox/algorithms/charpoly-rational.h"
164 namespace LinBox
165 {
166 	template <class Blackbox, class MyMethod>
167 	struct IntegerModularCharpoly {
168 		const Blackbox &A;
169 		const MyMethod &M;
IntegerModularCharpolyIntegerModularCharpoly171 		IntegerModularCharpoly(const Blackbox& b, const MyMethod& n) :
172 			A(b), M(n)
173 		{}
175 		template<typename Field, class Polynomial>
operatorIntegerModularCharpoly176 		IterationResult operator()(Polynomial& P, const Field& F) const
177 		{
178 			typedef typename Blackbox::template rebind<Field>::other FBlackbox;
179 			FBlackbox Ap(A, F);
180 			charpoly (P, Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
181 			return IterationResult::CONTINUE;
182 			// std::cerr << "Charpoly(A) mod "<<F.characteristic()<<" = "<<P;
183 			// integer p;
184 			// F.characteristic(p);
185 			// std::cerr<<"Charpoly(A) mod "<<p<<" = "<<P;
186 		}
187 	};
189 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,const Method::Auto & M)190 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
191 						  const Blackbox                   & A,
192 						  const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,
193 						  const Method::Auto	       & M)
194 	{
195 		commentator().start ("Integer Charpoly", "Icharpoly");
196 		if (useBlackboxMethod(A))
197 			charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::Blackbox(M) );
198 		else
199 			charpoly(P, A, tag, Method::DenseElimination(M) );
200 		commentator().stop ("done", NULL, "Icharpoly");
201 		return P;
202 	}
204 }
206 #if defined(__LINBOX_HAVE_NTL)
208 #include "linbox/algorithms/cia.h"
209 namespace LinBox
210 {
211 	/** @brief Compute the characteristic polynomial over {\bf Z}
212 	 *
213 	 * Compute the characteristic polynomial of a matrix using dense
214 	 * elimination methods
216 	 * @param P Polynomial where to store the result
217 	 * @param A \ref Black-Box representing the matrix
218 	 */
221 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,const Method::DenseElimination & M)222 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
223 			      const Blackbox                   & A,
224 			      const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,
225 			      const Method::DenseElimination    & M)
226 	{
227 		if (A.coldim() != A.rowdim())
228 			throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: matrix must be square for characteristic polynomial computation\n");
229 		return cia (P, A, M);
230 	}
232 	/** Compute the characteristic polynomial over {\bf Z}
233 	 *
234 	 * Compute the characteristic polynomial of a matrix, represented via
235 	 * a blackBox.
236 	 *
237 	 * @param P Polynomial where to store the result
238 	 * @param A \ref Black-Box representing the matrix
239 	 */
240 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial/*, class Categorytag*/ >
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,const Method::Blackbox & M)241 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
242 			      const Blackbox                   & A,
243 			      const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,
244 			      const Method::Blackbox           & M)
245 	{
246 		if (A.coldim() != A.rowdim())
247 			throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: matrix must be square for characteristic polynomial computation\n");
248         return BBcharpoly::blackboxcharpoly (P, A, tag, M);
249 	}
251 }
253 #else //  no NTL
255 #include "linbox/ring/modular.h"
256 #include "linbox/algorithms/cra-domain.h"
257 #include "linbox/algorithms/cra-builder-full-multip.h"
258 #include "linbox/algorithms/cra-builder-early-multip.h"
259 #include "linbox/algorithms/matrix-hom.h"
261 namespace LinBox
262 {
264 	template <class Matrix, class Polynomial, class Method>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Matrix & A,const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,const Method & M)265 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
266                           const Matrix                     & A,
267                           const RingCategories::IntegerTag & tag,
268                           const Method                     & M)
269 	{
270 		if (A.coldim() != A.rowdim())
271 			throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: matrix must be square for characteristic polynomial computation\n");
273 		commentator().start ("Integer Charpoly : chinese remaindering", "IntCharpoly");
275         typedef Givaro::ModularBalanced<double> Field;
276 		PrimeIterator<IteratorCategories::HeuristicTag> genprime(FieldTraits<Field>::bestBitSize(A.coldim()));
278             // @todo: use a value for the switch provided by the method and not by a macro
280 		ChineseRemainder< CRABuilderEarlyMultip<Field > > cra(LINBOX_DEFAULT_EARLY_TERMINATION_THRESHOLD);
281 #else
282         double hbound = FastCharPolyHadamardBound(A);
283 		ChineseRemainder< CRABuilderFullMultip<Field > > cra(hbound);
284 #endif
285 		IntegerModularCharpoly<Matrix, Method> iteration(A, M);
286 		cra.operator() (P, iteration, genprime);
287 		commentator().stop ("done", NULL, "IbbCharpoly");
288 #ifdef _LB_CRATIMING
289         cra.reportTimes(std::clog) << std::endl;
290 #endif
291 		return P;
292 	}
294 }
296 #endif
298 namespace LinBox
299 {
300 	/** Compute the characteristic polynomial over \f$\mathbf{Z}_p\f$.
301 	 *
302 	 * Compute the characteristic polynomial of a matrix, represented via
303 	 * a blackBox.
304 	 *
305 	 * @param P Polynomial where to store the result
306 	 * @param A Blackbox representing the matrix
307 	 * @param tag
308 	 * @param M
309 	 */
310 	template <class Blackbox, class Polynomial/*, class Categorytag*/ >
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,const Method::Blackbox & M)311 	Polynomial& charpoly (Polynomial                       & P,
312 			      const Blackbox                   & A,
313 			      const RingCategories::ModularTag & tag,
314 			      const Method::Blackbox           & M)
315 	{
316 		if (A.coldim() != A.rowdim())
317 			throw LinboxError("LinBox ERROR: matrix must be square for characteristic polynomial computation\n");
319 		return BBcharpoly::blackboxcharpoly (P, A, tag, M);
320 	}
322 	template < class Blackbox, class Polynomial, class MyMethod>
charpoly(Polynomial & P,const Blackbox & A,const RingCategories::RationalTag & tag,const MyMethod & M)323 	Polynomial &charpoly (Polynomial& P, const Blackbox& A,
324 			      const RingCategories::RationalTag& tag, const MyMethod& M)
325 	{
326 		commentator().start ("Rational Charpoly", "Rcharpoly");
328         typedef Givaro::ModularBalanced<double> Field;
329 		PrimeIterator<IteratorCategories::HeuristicTag> genprime(FieldTraits<Field>::bestBitSize(A.coldim()));
330 		RationalChineseRemainderVarPrec< CRABuilderVarPrecEarlyMultip<Field > > rra(LINBOX_DEFAULT_EARLY_TERMINATION_THRESHOLD);
331 		IntegerModularCharpoly<Blackbox,MyMethod> iteration(A, M);
333 		Givaro::ZRing<Integer> Z;
334         DensePolynomial<Givaro::ZRing<Integer> > PP(Z); // use of integer due to non genericity of cra. PG 2005-08-04
335 		Integer den;
336 		rra(dynamic_cast<decltype(PP)::Domain_t::Storage_t&>(PP),den, iteration, genprime);
337 		size_t i =0;
338 		P.resize(PP.size());
339 		for (typename Polynomial::iterator it= P.begin(); it != P.end(); ++it, ++i)
340 			A.field().init(*it, PP[i],den);
342 		commentator().stop ("done", NULL, "Rcharpoly");
344 		return P;
345 	}
347 }  // end of LinBox namespace
348 #endif // __LINBOX_charpoly_H
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