2 /*     This program solves a sparse linear system Ax = b using LUSOL. */
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <string.h>
8 #include <time.h>
9 #include "commonlib.h"
10 #include "myblas.h"
11 #include "lusol.h"
12 #include "lusolio.h"
13 #include "lusolmain.h"
15 #if (defined WIN32) || (defined WIN64)
_strupr_(char * s)16 void _strupr_(char *s)
17 {
18   _strupr(s);
19 }
20 #else
21 /* Yin Zhang noted that _strupr() is not available on many Unix platforms */
_strupr_(char * s)22 void _strupr_(char *s)
23 {
24   int  i;
25   char c;
26   for (i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
27     c = s[i];
28     if (c <= 'z' && c >= 'a') {
29       s[i] = c - 'a' + 'A';
30     }
31   }
32 }
33 #endif
getFileName(char * filename,char * test)35 MYBOOL getFileName(char *filename, char *test)
36 {
37   MYBOOL status;
38   status = (MYBOOL) (('-' != test[0]) && (strlen(test) > 1));
39   if(status)
40     strcpy(filename, test);
41   return(status);
42 }
isNum(char val)43 MYBOOL isNum(char val)
44 {
45   int ord;
46   ord = (int) val - 48;
47   return( (MYBOOL) ((ord >= 0) && (ord <= 9)) );
48 }
main(int argc,char * argv[],char * envp[])50 void main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] )
51 {
52 /* Output device */
53   FILE *outunit = stdout;
55 /* Overall dimensions allocated */
56   int    maxm = MAXROWS, maxn = MAXCOLS, maxnz = MAXNZ,
57          replace = 0, randcol = 0;
58   MYBOOL ftran = TRUE;
60 /* Storage for A, b */
61   REAL   *Aij = NULL, *b = NULL, *xexact = NULL;
62   int    *iA = NULL, *jA = NULL;
64 /* Storage for LUSOL */
65   LUSOLrec *LUSOL = NULL;
67 /* Define local storage variables */
68   int  i     , inform, j     , k     , i1   ,
69        m     , useropt, lenb, lenx,
70        n     , nelem , nnzero;
71   REAL Amax  , test  ,
72        bnorm , rnorm , xnorm,
73        *rhs = NULL, *r = NULL, *x = NULL;
74   char fileext[50], filename[255], blasname[255];
75   MYBOOL printsolution = FALSE, success = FALSE;
77 /* Check if we have input parameters */
78   useropt = argc;
79   if(useropt < 2) {
80     printf("LUSOL v%d.%d.%d.%d - Linear equation solver - Development edition.\n",
82     printf("Usage:   lusol [-p <type>] [-t <tolerance>] [-m <memscalar>]\n");
83     printf("               [-s] <MatrixFile> [<RhsFile>]\n");
84     printf("Options: -p <type>        <0..3>    Selects pivot type.\n");
85     printf("         -t <tolerance>   <1..100>  Selects diagonal tolerance.\n");
86     printf("         -m <memscalar>   <%d..100> Memory allocation scalar.\n", LUSOL_MULT_nz_a);
87     printf("         -b               Solves using btran (rather than ftran).\n");
88     printf("         -r <times>       Randomly replace a column and resolve.\n");
89     printf("         -s               Show the computed solution.\n");
90     printf("         -blas <lib>      Activates external optimized BLAS library.\n");
91     printf("Formats: Conventional RCV .TXT, MatrixMarket .MTX, or Harwell-Boeing .RUA\n");
92     printf("Author:  Michael A. Saunders (original Fortran version)\n");
93     printf("         Kjell Eikland       (modified C version)\n");
94     return;
95   }
97 /* Create the LUSOL object and set user options */
98   LUSOL = LUSOL_create(outunit, 0, LUSOL_PIVMOD_TPP, 0);
99 #if 1
101 #elif 0
103 #endif
104   LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_SCALAR_NZA] = 10;
105   i = 1;
106   n = 0;
107   filename[0] = '\0';
108   blasname[0] = '\0';
109   while((n == 0) && (i < argc)) {
110     if(strcmp("-p", argv[i]) == 0) {
111       i1 = i+1;
112       if((i1 < argc) && isNum(argv[i1][0])) {
113         i = i1;
114         m = atoi(argv[i]);
115         if(m < 0 || m > LUSOL_PIVMOD_MAX)
116           continue;
117         LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_PIVOTTYPE] = m;
118       }
119     }
120     else if(strcmp("-t", argv[i]) == 0) {
121       i1 = i+1;
122       if((i1 < argc) && isNum(argv[i1][0])) {
123         i = i1;
124         Amax = atof(argv[i]);
125         if(Amax < 1 || Amax > 100)
126           continue;
127         LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_FACTORMAX_Lij] = Amax;
128       }
129     }
130     else if(strcmp("-m", argv[i]) == 0) {
131       i1 = i+1;
132       if((i1 < argc) && isNum(argv[i1][0])) {
133         i = i1;
134         m = atoi(argv[i]);
135         if(m < LUSOL_MULT_nz_a || m > 100)
136           continue;
137         LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_SCALAR_NZA] = atoi(argv[i]);
138       }
139     }
140     else if(strcmp("-s", argv[i]) == 0)
141       printsolution = TRUE;
142     else if(strcmp("-b", argv[i]) == 0)
143       ftran = FALSE;
144     else if(strcmp("-r", argv[i]) == 0) {
145       i1 = i+1;
146       if((i1 < argc) && isNum(argv[i1][0])) {
147         i = i1;
148         m = atoi(argv[i]);
149         if(m < 0 || m > 10)
150           continue;
151       }
152       else
153         m = 1;
154       srand((unsigned) time( NULL ));
155       replace = 2*m;
156     }
157     else if(strcmp("-blas", argv[i]) == 0) {
158       i1 = i+1;
159       if((i1 < argc) && getFileName(blasname, argv[i1])) {
160         if(!load_BLAS(blasname))
161           fprintf(outunit, "Could not load external BLAS library '%s'\n", blasname);
162         i = i1;
163       }
164       else
165         fprintf(outunit, "Ignoring incomplete parameter %d '%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
166     }
167     else {
168       if(getFileName(filename, argv[i])) {
169         useropt = i;
170         break;
171       }
172       else
173         fprintf(outunit, "Ignoring unknown parameter %d '%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
174     }
175     i++;
176   }
178 /* Obtain file extension and see if we must estimate matrix data size */
179   strcpy(fileext, strchr(argv[useropt], '.'));
180   /* Yin Zhang noted that _strupr() is not available on many Unix platforms. */
181   _strupr_(fileext);
182 /*  _strupr(fileext);*/
184   /* Read conventional text file format */
185   if(strcmp(fileext, ".TXT") == 0) {
186     if(!ctf_size_A(filename, &maxm, &maxn, &maxnz))
187       goto x900;
188   }
189   /* Read MatrixMarket file format */
190   else if(strcmp(fileext, ".MTX") == 0) {
191     if(!mmf_size_A(filename, &maxm, &maxn, &maxnz))
192       goto x900;
193   }
194   /* Read Harwell-Boeing file format */
195   else if(strcmp(fileext, ".RUA") == 0) {
196     if(!hbf_size_A(filename, &maxm, &maxn, &maxnz))
197       goto x900;
198   }
199   else {
200     fprintf(outunit, "Unrecognized matrix file extension %s\n", fileext);
201     goto x900;
202   }
204 /* Create the arrays */
206   Aij = (REAL *) LUSOL_CALLOC(maxnz + BLAS_BASE, sizeof(REAL));
207   iA = (int *)   LUSOL_CALLOC(maxnz + BLAS_BASE, sizeof(int));
208   jA = (int *)   LUSOL_CALLOC(maxnz + BLAS_BASE, sizeof(int));
209   if(ftran)
210     lenb = maxm;
211   else
212     lenb = maxn;
213   b   = (REAL *) LUSOL_CALLOC(lenb+BLAS_BASE, sizeof(REAL));
214   rhs = (REAL *) LUSOL_CALLOC(lenb+BLAS_BASE, sizeof(REAL));
216   if(ftran)
217     lenx = maxn;
218   else
219     lenx = maxm;
220   xexact = (REAL *) LUSOL_CALLOC(lenx+BLAS_BASE, sizeof(REAL));
221   r = (REAL *) LUSOL_CALLOC(lenx+BLAS_BASE, sizeof(REAL));
222   x = (REAL *) LUSOL_CALLOC(lenx+BLAS_BASE, sizeof(REAL));
224 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
225    Read data files.
226    ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
227   fprintf(stdout, "\n========================================\n");
228   fprintf(stdout,   "LUSOL v%d.%d.%d.%d - Linear equation solver",
230   fprintf(stdout, "\n========================================\n");
232 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
233    Read data for A
234    ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
235   /* Read conventional text file format */
236   if(strcmp(fileext, ".TXT") == 0) {
237     if(!ctf_read_A(argv[useropt], maxm, maxn, maxnz,
238                    &m, &n, &nnzero, iA, jA, Aij))
239       goto x900;
240   }
241   /* Read MatrixMarket file format */
242   else if(strcmp(fileext, ".MTX") == 0) {
243     if(!mmf_read_A(argv[useropt], maxm, maxn, maxnz,
244                    &m, &n, &nnzero, iA, jA, Aij))
245       goto x900;
246   }
247   /* Read Harwell-Boeing file format */
248   else if(strcmp(fileext, ".RUA") == 0) {
249     if(!hbf_read_A(argv[useropt], maxm, maxn, maxnz,
250                    &m, &n, &nnzero, iA, jA, Aij))
251       goto x900;
252   }
253   else {
254     fprintf(outunit, "Error: Unrecognized matrix file extension %s\n", fileext);
255     goto x900;
256   }
258 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
259    Read data for b
260    ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
261   /* Handle Harwell-Boeing case where the file contains a RHS */
262   i = strcmp(fileext, ".RUA");
264   if((useropt == argc-1) && (i != 0)) {
265     srand(timeNow());
266     i1 = m;
267     while(i1 > 0) {
268       test = rand();
269       i = RAND_MAX;
270       i = (int) ((test/i)*(m-1));
271 /*      b[i+1] = 1.0; */
272       b[i+1] = i - 5;
273       i1--;
274     }
275     if(printsolution)
276       blockWriteREAL(outunit, "\nGenerated RHS vector", b, 1, lenb);
277   }
278   else {
279     if(i != 0)
280       useropt++;
281     strcpy(fileext, strchr(argv[useropt], '.'));
282     _strupr_(fileext);
284     /* Read conventional text file format */
285     if(strcmp(fileext, ".TXT") == 0) {
286       if(!ctf_read_b(argv[useropt], lenb, b))
287         goto x900;
288     }
289     /* Read MatrixMarket file format */
290     else if(strcmp(fileext, ".MTX") == 0) {
291       if(!mmf_read_b(argv[useropt], lenb, b))
292         goto x900;
293     }
294   /* Read Harwell-Boeing file format */
295     else if(strcmp(fileext, ".RUA") == 0) {
296       if(!hbf_read_b(argv[useropt], lenb, b))
297         goto x900;
298     }
299     else {
300       fprintf(outunit, "Error: Unrecognized vector file extension %s\n", fileext);
301       goto x900;
302     }
303   }
304   success = TRUE;
306 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
307    Show data on input
308    ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
309   fprintf(outunit, "\nData read from:\n%s\n", filename);
310   test = (double) nnzero / ((double) m * (double) n);
311   test *= 100.0;
312   fprintf(outunit, "Rows = %d   Columns = %d   Non-zeros = %d  Density =%8.4f%%\n",
313                    m, n, nnzero, test);
315 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
316    Load A into (a, indc, indr).
317    ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
318 #if 0 /* BUG !!! */
319   if(n != m)
320     LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_KEEPLU] = FALSE;
321 #endif
322 #ifdef LegacyTesting
325 #endif
327   if(!LUSOL_assign(LUSOL, iA, jA, Aij, nnzero, TRUE)) {
328     fprintf(outunit, "Error: LUSOL failed due to insufficient memory.\n");
329     goto x900;
330   }
332 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
333    Factor  A = L U.
334    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
335   nelem = nnzero;
336   inform = LUSOL_factorize( LUSOL);
337   if(inform > LUSOL_INFORM_SERIOUS) {
338     fprintf(outunit, "Error:\n%s\n", LUSOL_informstr(LUSOL, inform));
339     goto x900;
340   }
341   if(n != m)
342     goto x800;
344   /* Get the largest element in A; we use it below as an estimate
345      of ||A||_inf, even though it isn't a proper norm. */
346   Amax = LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_MAXELEM_A];
348 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
349    SOLVE  A x = b  or  x'A = b'.
350    Save b first because lu6sol() overwrites the rhs.
351    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
352   MEMCOPY(x, b, lenb+BLAS_BASE);
354 Resolve:
355   if(ftran)
356     inform = LUSOL_ftran(LUSOL, x, NULL, FALSE);
357   else
358     inform = LUSOL_btran(LUSOL, x, NULL);
359   if(inform > LUSOL_INFORM_SERIOUS) {
360     fprintf(outunit, "Error:\n%s\n", LUSOL_informstr(LUSOL, inform));
361     goto x900;
362   }
363   if(printsolution)
364     blockWriteREAL(outunit, "\nSolution vector", x, 1, lenb);
366 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
367    Set r = b - Ax.
368    Find norm of r and x.
369    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
370   MEMCOPY(r, b, lenb+BLAS_BASE);
371   for(k = 1; k <= nnzero; k++) {
372     i    = iA[k];  /* Row number    */
373     j    = jA[k];  /* Column number */
374     if(ftran)
375       r[i] -= Aij[k]*x[j];
376     else
377       r[j] -= Aij[k]*x[i];
378   }
379 /*  blockWriteREAL(outunit, "\nResidual vector", r, 1, lenb);*/
380   bnorm  = dnormi( lenb, b );
381   rnorm  = dnormi( lenb, r );
382   xnorm  = dnormi( lenx, x );
384 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
385    Report the findings.
386    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
387   if(randcol > 0)
388     fprintf(outunit, "\n\nColumn %d was %s\n",
389                       randcol,
390                       (mod(replace,2) == 1 ? "replaced with random data" : "restored"));
392 x800:
393   fprintf(outunit, "\nLU size statistics (%d reallocations):\n",
394                    LUSOL->expanded_a);
395   test = LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_U0]+LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_L0];
396   fprintf(outunit, "L0-size = %d   U0-size = %d   LU-nonzeros = %d   Fill-in = %.1fx\n",
397                    LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_L0],
398                    LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_NONZEROS_U0],
399                    (int) test, test/nnzero);
400   if(n != m) {
401     fprintf(outunit, "%s with a factor tol. of %g identified %d singularities.\n",
402                      LUSOL_pivotLabel(LUSOL), LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_FACTORMAX_Lij],
403                      LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_SINGULARITIES]);
404     goto x900;
405   }
407   test   = rnorm / (Amax*xnorm);
408   fprintf(outunit, "\nAccuracy statistics:\n");
409   fprintf(outunit, "%s with a factor tol. of %g gave a rel.error of %g and %d singularities.\n",
410                    LUSOL_pivotLabel(LUSOL), LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_FACTORMAX_Lij], test,
411                    LUSOL->luparm[LUSOL_IP_SINGULARITIES]);
412   fprintf(outunit, "Amax = %g   bnorm = %g   rnorm = %g   xnorm = %g\n",
413                    Amax, bnorm, rnorm, xnorm);
415   fprintf(outunit, "\n");
417   if (test <= 1.0e-8)
418     fprintf(outunit, "The equations were solved with very high accuracy.\n");
419   else if (test <= 1.0e-6)
420     fprintf(outunit, "The equations were solved with reasonably good accuracy.\n");
421   else {
422     if (test <= 1.0e-4)
423       fprintf(outunit, "Questionable accuracy; the LU factors may not be good enough.\n");
424     else
425       fprintf(outunit, "Poor accuracy; the LU factorization probably failed.\n");
427       fprintf(outunit, "Try a smaller factor tolerance (current is %g).\n",
428                        LUSOL->parmlu[LUSOL_RP_FACTORMAX_Lij]);
429     else
430       fprintf(outunit, "Try a smaller factor tolerance and/or TRP pivoting.\n");
431   }
433  /* Check if we should replace a column and resolve */
434   if(replace > 0) {
435     replace--;
436     MEMCLEAR(x, lenb+BLAS_BASE);
437     if(mod(replace, 2) == 1) {
438       /* Randomly find a column and replace the column values with random data */
439       rnorm   = rand();
440       randcol = (int) (n * rnorm / (RAND_MAX+1.0)) + 1;
441       for(i = 1; i < m; i++)
442         x[i] = Amax * rand() / RAND_MAX;
443     }
444     else {
445       /* Put the previously replaced column back and resolve */
446       for (k = 1; k <= nnzero; k++) {
447         i    = iA[k];
448         j    = jA[k];
449         if(j == randcol)
450           x[i] = Aij[k];
451       }
452     }
453     inform = LUSOL_replaceColumn(LUSOL, randcol, x);
454     MEMCOPY(b, x, lenb+BLAS_BASE);
455     if(inform != LUSOL_INFORM_LUSUCCESS)
456       fprintf(outunit, "Error:\n%s\n", LUSOL_informstr(LUSOL, inform));
457     else
458       goto Resolve;
459   }
462 /* Free memory */
463 x900:
464   if(!success)
465     fprintf(outunit, "Insufficient memory or data file not found.\n");
467   LUSOL_FREE(Aij);
468   LUSOL_FREE(b);
469   LUSOL_FREE(xexact);
470   LUSOL_FREE(iA);
471   LUSOL_FREE(jA);
473   LUSOL_FREE(rhs);
474   LUSOL_FREE(r);
475   LUSOL_FREE(x);
477 #if 0
478   LUSOL_dump(NULL, LUSOL);
479  -blas "atlas_AXP_512_360.dll" -b -p 1 "STP3D_A.MTX"
480  "C:\Shared Files\Visual Studio Projects\LU\MatrixMarket\sherman5.mtx" "C:\Shared Files\Visual Studio Projects\LU\MatrixMarket\sherman5_rhs1.mtx"
481  A6805.txt b6805.txt
482  A10009.txt b10009.txt
483  fidap005.mtx fidap005_rhs1.mtx
484  fidapm05.mtx fidapm05_rhs1.mtx
485  -b -p 1 "basis.mtx"
486  -b -p 1 "LU-test3.mtx"
487 #endif
489   LUSOL_free(LUSOL);
491 /*     End of main program for Test of LUSOL */
492 }