1 /* lrslong.h      (lrs long integer arithmetic library              */
2 /* Copyright: David Avis 2000, avis@cs.mcgill.ca                    */
3 /* Version 4.0, February 17, 2000                                   */
5 /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA  02110-1335, USA.
18  */
19 /******************************************************************************/
20 /*  See http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~avis/C/lrs.html for lrs usage instructions   */
21 /******************************************************************************/
22 /* This package contains the extended precision routines used by lrs
23    and some other miscellaneous routines. The maximum precision depends on
24    the parameter MAX_DIGITS defined below, with usual default of 255L. This
25    gives a maximum of 1020 decimal digits on 32 bit machines. The procedure
26    lrs_mp_init(dec_digits) may set a smaller number of dec_digits, and this
27    is useful if arrays or matrices will be used.
28  */
31 /*
32 #ifdef PLRS
33 #include <string>
34 using namespace std;
35 #endif
36 */
38 /***********/
39 /* defines */
40 /***********/
41 /*
42    this is number of longwords. Increasing this won't cost you that much
43    since only variables other than the A matrix are allocated this size.
44    Changing affects running time in small but not very predictable ways.
45  */
47 #define MAX_DIGITS 255L
49 /*
50    this is in decimal digits, you pay in memory if you increase this,
51    unless you override by a line with
52    digits n
53    before the begin line of your file.
54  */
55 #define DEFAULT_DIGITS 100L
59 /**********MACHINE DEPENDENT CONSTANTS***********/
60 /* MAXD is 2^(k-1)-1 where k is word size       */
61 /* MAXDm is 2^(k/2-1)-1 where k is word size    */
62 /* MAXDa is 2^(k-2)-1 where k is word size      */
63 /* MAXD must be at least 2*BASE^2               */
64 /* If BASE is 10^k, use "%k.ku" for FORMAT      */
65 /* INTSIZE is number of bytes for integer       */
66 /* 64/128 bit arithmetic                        */
67 /************************************************/
68 #ifdef B128
69 /* 128 bit machines */                   /* compiler does not accept big constants! */
70 #define MAXD 9223372036854775807L        /* should be 2^127 -1 but is  2^63 - 1 */
71 #define MAXDm 9223372036854775807L       /* 2^63 - 1 */
72 #define MAXDa 9223372036854775807L        /* should be 2^126 -1 but is  2^63 - 1 */
73 /* max power of 10 fitting in signed int64 */
74 #define P10_INT64  1000000000000000000ULL
76 #define BASE 1000000000L
77 #define FORMAT "%9.9u"
78 #define BASE_DIG 9
79 #define INTSIZE 16L
80 #define BIT "128bit"
81 #else
82 /* 64 bit machines */
83 #define MAXD 9223372036854775807LL        /* 2^63 - 1 */
84 #define MAXDm 2147483647LL                /* 2^31 - 1 */
85 #define MAXDa 4611686018427387904LL       /* 2^62 - 1 */
86 #define BASE 1000000000L
87 #define FORMAT "%9.9u"
88 #define BASE_DIG 9
89 #define INTSIZE 16L
90 #define BIT "64bit"
91 #endif
93 #define MAXINPUT 1000		/*max length of any input rational */
95 #define POS 1L
96 #define NEG -1L
97 #ifndef TRUE
98 #define TRUE 1L
99 #endif
100 #ifndef FALSE
101 #define FALSE 0L
102 #endif
103 #define ONE 1L
104 #define TWO 2L
105 #define ZERO 0L
107 /**********************************/
108 /*         MACROS                 */
109 /* dependent on mp implementation */
110 /**********************************/
112 #ifdef SAFE
113 /* lazy but fast overflow checking */
115 #define mpsafem(a,b)             *(a)>MAXDm||*(b)>MAXDm||*(a)<-MAXDm||*(b)<-MAXDm
116 #define mpsafea(a,b)             *(a)>MAXDa||*(b)>MAXDa||*(a)<-MAXDa||*(b)<-MAXDa
118 #ifdef DEBUG
119 #define mperrorm(a,b)            fprintf(stdout,"  : max(|a|,|b|) > %ld\n",MAXDa);lrs_overflow(1)
120 #define mperrora(a,b)            fprintf(stdout,"  : max(|a|,|b|) > %ld\n",MAXDa);lrs_overflow(1)
121 #define linint(a, ka, b, kb)    if( mpsafem(a,b) ) {fprintf(stdout, "\n*linint ");mperrorm(a,b);}  else *(a) = *(a) * ka + *(b) * kb
122 #define mulint(a, b, c)         if( mpsafem(a,b) ) {fprintf(stdout, "\n*mulint ");mperrorm(a,b);}  else *(c) = *(a) * *(b)
123 #define addint(a, b, c)         if( mpsafea(a,b) ) {fprintf(stdout, "\n*addint ");mperrora(a,b);}  else *(c) = *(a) + *(b)
124 #define subint(a, b, c)         if( mpsafea(a,b) ) {fprintf(stdout, "\n*subint ");mperrora(a,b);}  else *(c) = *(a) - *(b)
125 #define decint(a, b)            if( mpsafea(a,b) ) {fprintf(stdout, "\n*decint ");mperrora(a,b);}  else *(a) = *(a) - *(b)
126 #else
127 #define linint(a, ka, b, kb)    if( mpsafem(a,b) ) lrs_overflow(1) ; else *(a) = *(a) * ka + *(b) * kb
128 #define mulint(a, b, c)         if( mpsafem(a,b) ) lrs_overflow(1) ; else *(c) = *(a) * *(b)
129 #define addint(a, b, c)         if( mpsafea(a,b) ) lrs_overflow(1) ; else *(c) = *(a) + *(b)
130 #define subint(a, b, c)         if( mpsafea(a,b) ) lrs_overflow(1) ; else *(c) = *(a) - *(b)
131 #define decint(a, b)            if( mpsafea(a,b) ) lrs_overflow(1) ; else *(a) = *(a) - *(b)
132 #endif
134 #else
135 /* unprotected routines */
136 #define addint(a, b, c)         *(c) = *(a) + *(b)
137 #define subint(a, b, c)         *(c) = *(a) - *(b)
138 #define linint(a, ka, b, kb)    *(a) = *(a) * ka + *(b) * kb
139 #define mulint(a, b, c)         *(c) = *(a) * *(b)
140 #endif
142 #define unchecked_decint(a, b)  *(a) = *(a) - *(b)  /* only safe if a,b come from mulint */
143 #define divint(a, b, c)         *(c) = *(a) / *(b); *(a) = *(a) % *(b)
144 #define exactdivint(a,b,c) 	*(c) = *(a) / *(b);
146 #define abs128(a)		(a>0? a : -1*a)
147 #define changesign(a)           (*(a) = - *(a))
148 #define copy(a, b)              ((a)[0] = (b)[0])
149 #define mp_greater(a, b)           (*(a) > *(b) )
150 #define itomp(in, a)             *(a) =  in
153 #define one(a)                  (*(a) == 1)
154 #define negative(a)             (*(a) < 0)
155 #define normalize(a)            (void) 0
156 #define positive(a)             (*(a) > 0)
157 #define sign(a)                 (*(a) < 0 ? NEG : POS)
158 #ifndef B128
159  #define storesign(a, sa)        (*(a) = labs(*(a)) * sa)
160 #else
161  #define storesign(a, sa)	(*(a) = abs128(*(a)) * sa)
162 #endif
163 #define zero(a)                 (*(a) == 0)
166 /*
167  *  convert between decimal and machine (longword digits). Notice lovely
168  *  implementation of ceiling function :-)
169  */
170 #define DEC2DIG(d) ( (d) % BASE_DIG ? (d)/BASE_DIG+1 : (d)/BASE_DIG)
171 #define DIG2DEC(d) ((d)*BASE_DIG)
173 #ifndef OMIT_SIGNALS
174 #include <signal.h>
175 #include <stdlib.h>		/* labs */
176 #include <unistd.h>
177 #define errcheck(s,e) if ((long)(e)==-1L){  perror(s);exit(1);}
178 #endif
180 #define CALLOC(n,s) xcalloc(n,s,__LINE__,__FILE__)
182 /*************/
183 /* typedefs  */
184 /*************/
185 #ifndef B128
186 typedef long long lrs_mp[1];		/* type lrs_mp holds one long integer */
187 typedef long long *lrs_mp_t;
188 typedef long long **lrs_mp_vector;
189 typedef long long ***lrs_mp_matrix;
190 #else
191 typedef __int128 lrs_mp[1];	/* type lrs_mp holds one 128-bit integer */
192 typedef __int128 *lrs_mp_t;
193 typedef __int128 **lrs_mp_vector;
194 typedef __int128 ***lrs_mp_matrix;
195 #endif
197 /*********************/
198 /*global variables   */
199 /*********************/
201 extern long lrs_digits;		/* max permitted no. of digits   */
202 extern long lrs_record_digits;		/* this is the biggest acheived so far.     */
204 extern FILE *lrs_ifp;			/* input file pointer       */
205 extern FILE *lrs_ofp;			/* output file pointer      */
207 /*********************************************************/
208 /* Initialization and allocation procedures - must use!  */
209 /******************************************************* */
211 //void mulint(lrs_mp a, lrs_mp b, lrs_mp c);
213 long lrs_mp_init (long dec_digits, FILE * lrs_ifp, FILE * lrs_ofp);	/* max number of decimal digits, fps   */
215 #define lrs_alloc_mp(a)
216 #define lrs_clear_mp(a)
218 lrs_mp_t lrs_alloc_mp_t();                      /* dynamic allocation of lrs_mp                  */
219 lrs_mp_vector lrs_alloc_mp_vector (long n);	/* allocate lrs_mp_vector for n+1 lrs_mp numbers */
220 lrs_mp_matrix lrs_alloc_mp_matrix (long m, long n);	/* allocate lrs_mp_matrix for m+1 x n+1 lrs_mp   */
222 void lrs_clear_mp_vector (lrs_mp_vector a, long n);
223 void lrs_clear_mp_matrix (lrs_mp_matrix a, long m, long n);
225 #ifndef MA
226 #define suf(func) func
227 #endif
229 #ifdef MA
230 #ifdef B128
231 #define suf(func) func##_2
232 #else
233 #define suf(func) func##_1
234 #endif
235 #endif
237 #define atoaa suf(atoaa)
238 #define atomp suf(atomp)
239 #define comprod suf(comprod)
240 #define divrat suf(divrat)
241 #define gcd suf(gcd)
242 #define getfactorial suf(getfactorial)
243 #define lcm suf(lcm)
244 #define linrat suf(linrat)
245 #define lrs_alloc_mp_matrix suf(lrs_alloc_mp_matrix)
246 #define lrs_alloc_mp_t suf(lrs_alloc_mp_t)
247 #define lrs_alloc_mp_vector suf(lrs_alloc_mp_vector)
248 #define lrs_clear_mp_matrix suf(lrs_clear_mp_matrix)
249 #define lrs_clear_mp_vector suf(lrs_clear_mp_vector)
250 #define lrs_digits suf(lrs_digits)
251 #define lrs_getdigits suf(lrs_getdigits)
252 #define lrs_overflow suf(lrs_overflow)
253 #define lrs_mp_init suf(lrs_mp_init)
254 #define lrs_record_digits suf(lrs_record_digits)
255 #define mptodouble suf(mptodouble)
256 #define mptoi suf(mptoi)
257 #define mpgetstr10 suf(mpgetstr10)
258 #define mulrat suf(mulrat)
259 #define myrandom suf(myrandom)
260 #define notimpl suf(notimpl)
261 #define pmp suf(pmp)
262 #define prat suf(prat)
263 #define cprat suf(cprat)
264 #define cpmp suf(cpmp)
265 #define rattodouble suf(rattodouble)
266 #define readmp suf(readmp)
267 #define readrat suf(readrat)
268 #define plrs_readrat suf(plrs_readrat)
269 #define reduce suf(reduce)
270 #define reducearray suf(reducearray)
271 #define reduceint suf(reduceint)
272 #define stringcpy suf(stringcpy)
273 #define xcalloc suf(xcalloc)
275 /*********************************************************/
276 /* Core library functions - depend on mp implementation  */
277 /******************************************************* */
279 void atomp (const char s[], lrs_mp a);	/* convert string to lrs_mp integer               */
280 long compare (lrs_mp a, lrs_mp b);	/* a ? b and returns -1,0,1 for <,=,> */
281 void gcd (lrs_mp u, lrs_mp v);	/* returns u=gcd(u,v) destroying v                */
282 void mptodouble (lrs_mp a, double *x);	/* convert lrs_mp to double                       */
283 long mptoi (lrs_mp a);		/* convert lrs_mp to long integer */
284 char *mpgetstr10(char *, lrs_mp); /* convert lrs_mp to string */
285 #ifdef PLRS
286 long plrs_readrat (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da, const char * rat);	/* take a rational number and convert to lrs_mp   */
287 #endif
288 char *cprat(const char *name, lrs_mp Nt, lrs_mp Dt); /* mp rat to char  */
289 char *cpmp(const char *name, lrs_mp Nt);             /* mp int to char  */
290 void pmp (const char *name, lrs_mp a);	/* print the long precision integer a             */
291 void prat (const char *name, lrs_mp Nt, lrs_mp Dt);	/* reduce and print  Nt/Dt                        */
292 void readmp (lrs_mp a);		/* read an integer and convert to lrs_mp          */
293 long readrat (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da);	/* read a rational or int and convert to lrs_mp   */
294 void reduce (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da);	/* reduces Na Da by gcd(Na,Da)                    */
296 /*********************************************************/
297 /* Standard arithmetic & misc. functions                 */
298 /* should be independent of mp implementation            */
299 /******************************************************* */
301 void atoaa (const char in[], char num[], char den[]);	/* convert rational string in to num/den strings  */
302 long atos (char s[]);		/* convert s to integer                           */
303 long comprod (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Nb, lrs_mp Nc, lrs_mp Nd);	/* +1 if Na*Nb > Nc*Nd,-1 if Na*Nb > Nc*Nd else 0 */
304 void divrat (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da, lrs_mp Nb, lrs_mp Db, lrs_mp Nc, lrs_mp Dc);
305 						       /* computes Nc/Dc = (Na/Da) /( Nb/Db ) and reduce */
306 void getfactorial (lrs_mp factorial, long k);	/* compute k factorial in lrs_mp                  */
307 void linrat (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da, long ka, lrs_mp Nb, lrs_mp Db, long kb, lrs_mp Nc, lrs_mp Dc);
308 void lcm (lrs_mp a, lrs_mp b);	/* a = least common multiple of a, b; b is saved  */
309 void mulrat (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da, lrs_mp Nb, lrs_mp Db, lrs_mp Nc, lrs_mp Dc);
310 						       /* computes Nc/Dc=(Na/Da)*(Nb/Db) and reduce      */
311 long myrandom (long num, long nrange);	/* return a random number in range 0..nrange-1    */
312 void notimpl (const char *s);	/* bail out - help!                               */
313 void rattodouble (lrs_mp a, lrs_mp b, double *x);	/* convert lrs_mp rational to double              */
314 void reduceint (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da);	/* divide Na by Da and return it                  */
315 void reducearray (lrs_mp_vector p, long n);	/* find gcd of p[0]..p[n-1] and divide through by */
316 void scalerat (lrs_mp Na, lrs_mp Da, long ka);	/* scales rational by ka                          */
318 /********************************/
319 /* Matrix and vector allocation */
320 /********************************/
321 void lrs_clear_mp_vector (lrs_mp_vector p, long n);
322 lrs_mp_vector lrs_alloc_mp_vector(long n);
323 void lrs_clear_mp_vector(lrs_mp_vector p, long n);
324 lrs_mp_matrix lrs_alloc_mp_matrix(long m, long n);
325 void lrs_clear_mp_matrix(lrs_mp_matrix p, long m, long n);
326 long lrs_mp_init(long dec_digits, FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout);
329 /* how big are numbers? */
330 extern long lrs_digits;		/* max permitted no. of digits   */
331 extern long lrs_record_digits;	/* this is the biggest achieved so far. */
333 /**********************************/
334 /* Miscellaneous functions        */
335 /******************************** */
337 void lrs_getdigits (long *a, long *b);	/* send digit information to user                         */
339 void stringcpy (char *s, char *t);	/* copy t to s pointer version                            */
341 void *calloc ();
342 void *malloc ();
343 void *xcalloc (long n, long s, long l, const char *f);
345 void lrs_default_digits_overflow ();
346 void lrs_exit(int i);
347 void lrs_overflow(int i);
348 /* end of  lrs_long.h (vertex enumeration using lexicographic reverse search) */