1\ GNU Scientific Library interface              Mon Sep 12 14:40:15 MDT 2005
2\ Copyright (C) 2007, Sergey Plis
4\ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6\ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7\ (at your option) any later version.
9\ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12\ GNU General Public License for more details.
14\needs float    import float
15warning off
16\needs locals|  include locals.fs
17warning on
18\needs atlas    include atlas.fs
19\needs callback include callback.fs
20\needs vectors  include vectors.fs
21\needs complex  include complex.fb
23Module GSL
25\ stole the hash function from hash.fs of bigforth
26| &14 Value Hashbits
27| 1 Hashbits << Value Hashlen
29Label (hash ( SI:string -- AX:key )  :R  DX push
30      .b lods  $1F # AX and  AX CX mov  DX DX xor  CX 1 # shr
31      b IF  SI ) AH mov  SI inc  THEN  CX dec
32      0>= IF  BEGIN  .w SI ) DX mov  2 # SI add  CX dec
33                     DX AX *2 I) AX lea  0< UNTIL  THEN
34      & Hashbits A#) CX mov  AX DX mov  AX shr  DX AX add
35      & Hashlen  A#) CX mov  CX dec  CX AX and  DX pop  ret
36| Code Hash ( string -- key )
37       R: SI push  AX SI mov  (hash rel) call  SI pop
38    Next end-code
40also dos also complex also float also atlas also vectors
42s" libptcblas.so" getlib 0<>
44    library libblas libptcblas.so depends libatlas
46    library libblas libcblas.so depends libatlas
49library libgsl libgsl.so.0 depends libblas
51legacy off
53\ some functions
54libgsl gsl_log1p df (fp) gsl_log1p ( df -- df )
55libgsl gsl_acosh df (fp) gsl_acosh ( df -- df )
57\ error handling                         Wed Sep 21 23:04:06 MDT 2005
58libgsl gsl_set_error_handler ptr (int) gsl_set_error_handler
59( function -- function )
60libgsl gsl_strerror int (ptr) gsl_strerror
62callback 4:0 (void) int int int int callback;
63: cstr-fstr ( addr -- addr len )
64    0
65    begin 2dup + c@ 0 = not while
66            1+
67    repeat ;
69| : .bold-red ." " ;
70| : .red ." " ;
71| : .reset    ." " ;
72| : cb-test
73    cr
74    \ .bold-red
75    ." GSL ERROR: " cr
76    \ .reset cr
77    10 spaces gsl_strerror cstr-fstr type cr
78    drop \    ." at line: " . cr
79    drop \    ." of file: " cstr-fstr type cr
80    10 spaces cstr-fstr type cr
81    \ .red
82    -1 abort" failed at" ;
83' cb-test 4:0 c_plus
85\ 1 2 c_plus 2:1call .
86| variable old_handler
87c_plus gsl_set_error_handler old_handler !
890 Constant GSL_SUCCESS
91\ random number generation               Mon Sep 12 22:06:01 MDT 2005
93libgsl gsl_rng_types_setup (ptr) gsl_rng_types_setup ( -- *gsl_rng_type)
94libgsl gsl_rng_env_setup (ptr) gsl_rng_env_setup ( -- *gsl_rng)
95libgsl gsl_rng_alloc int (int) gsl_rng_alloc ( *gsl_rng_type -- *gsl_rng )
96libgsl gsl_rng_name int (int) gsl_rng_name ( *gsl_rng -- string )
97libgsl gsl_rng_set int int (void) gsl_rng_set ( *gsl_rng int -- )
98libgsl gsl_rng_uniform int (fp) gsl_rng_uniform ( *gsl_rng -- df )
99libgsl gsl_rng_uniform_pos int (fp) gsl_rng_uniform_pos ( *gsl_rng -- df )
100libgsl gsl_rng_uniform_int int int (int) gsl_rng_uniform_int ( *gsl_rng n --n )
101libgsl gsl_rng_get int (int) gsl_rng_get ( *gsl_rng -- int )
102libgsl gsl_rng_max int (int) gsl_rng_max ( *gsl_rng -- int )
103libgsl gsl_rng_min int (int) gsl_rng_min ( *gsl_rng -- int )
104libgsl gsl_rng_clone int (int) gsl_rng_clone ( *gsl_rng -- *gsl_rng )
105libgsl gsl_rng_free int (int) gsl_rng_free ( *gsl_rng -- )
109\ random number distributions                     Tue Sep 13 00:44:35 MDT 2005
110\ Gaussian
111libgsl gsl_ran_gaussian df int (fp) gsl_ran_gaussian ( *gsl_rng df -- df )
112libgsl gsl_ran_gaussian_ratio_method df int (fp) gsl_ran_gaussian_ratio_method ( *gsl_rng df -- df )
113libgsl gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf df df (fp) gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf ( df df -- df )
114\ sigma = 1
115libgsl gsl_ran_ugaussian int (fp) gsl_ran_ugaussian ( *gsl_rng -- df )
116libgsl gsl_ran_ugaussian_ratio_method int (fp) gsl_ran_ugaussian_ratio_method ( *gsl_rng -- df )
117libgsl gsl_ran_ugaussian_pdf df (fp) gsl_ran_ugaussian_pdf ( df df -- df )
118libgsl gsl_ran_discrete_preproc int int (int) gsl_ran_discrete_preproc ( int int -- int )
119libgsl gsl_ran_discrete int int (int) gsl_ran_discrete
120libgsl gsl_ran_discrete_free int (void) gsl_ran_discrete_free
121libgsl gsl_ran_shuffle int int ptr ptr (void) gsl_ran_shuffle
122\ cdf P(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{x} p(x)dx  Q(x) = \int_{x}^{\infty} p(x)dx
123libgsl gsl_cdf_gaussian_P df df (fp) gsl_cdf_gaussian_P ( df df -- df )
124libgsl gsl_cdf_gaussian_Q df df (fp) gsl_cdf_gaussian_Q ( df df -- df )
125libgsl gsl_cdf_gaussian_Pinv df df (fp) gsl_cdf_gaussian_Pinv ( df df -- df )
126libgsl gsl_cdf_gaussian_Qinv df df (fp) gsl_cdf_gaussian_Qinv ( df df -- df )
127\ sigma = 1 cdf
128libgsl gsl_cdf_ugaussian_P df (fp) gsl_cdf_ugaussian_P ( df -- df )
129libgsl gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Q df (fp) gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Q ( df -- df )
130libgsl gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Pinv df (fp) gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Pinv ( df -- df )
131libgsl gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Qinv df (fp) gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Qinv ( df -- df )
134\ statistics                                      Tue Sep 13 01:17:35 MDT 2005
135libgsl gsl_stats_mean int int int (fp) gsl_stats_mean ( array{ step size -- df )
136libgsl gsl_stats_variance int int int (fp) gsl_stats_variance ( array{ step size -- df )
137libgsl gsl_stats_variance_m df int int int (fp) gsl_stats_variance_m ( df array{ step size -- df )
138libgsl gsl_stats_sd int int int (fp) gsl_stats_sd ( array{ step size -- df )
139libgsl gsl_stats_sd_m df int int int (fp) gsl_stats_sd_m ( df array{ step size -- df )
140libgsl gsl_stats_skew int int int (fp) gsl_stats_skew ( array{ step size -- df )
141libgsl gsl_stats_kurtosis int int int (fp) gsl_stats_kurtosis ( array{ step size -- df )
142libgsl gsl_stats_lag1_autocorrelation int int int (fp) gsl_stats_lag1_autocorrelation
143( array{ step size -- df )
144libgsl gsl_stats_max int int int (fp) gsl_stats_max ( array{ step size -- df )
145libgsl gsl_stats_min int int int (fp) gsl_stats_min ( array{ step size -- df )
146libgsl gsl_stats_max_index int int int (int) gsl_stats_max_index ( array{ step size -- n )
147libgsl gsl_stats_min_index int int int (int) gsl_stats_min_index ( array{ step size -- n )
149\ vectors and matrices                           Wed Sep 14 00:15:36 MDT 2005
151\ Vectors
152libgsl gsl_block_alloc  int (int) gsl_block_alloc ( n -- addr )
153libgsl gsl_block_calloc int (int) gsl_block_calloc ( n -- addr )
154libgsl gsl_block_free   int (int) gsl_block_free ( n -- addr )
156libgsl gsl_vector_alloc             int (int) gsl_vector_alloc ( n -- addr )
157libgsl gsl_vector_calloc            int (int) gsl_vector_calloc ( n -- addr )
158libgsl gsl_vector_alloc_from_vector int int int ptr (int) gsl_vector_alloc_from_vector
159libgsl gsl_vector_free          int (void) gsl_vector_free ( addr -- )
160libgsl gsl_vector_get         int int (fp) gsl_vector_get ( addr i -- df )
161libgsl gsl_vector_set df int int (void/fp) gsl_vector_set ( df addr i --  )
162libgsl gsl_vector_set_all    df int (void) gsl_vector_set_all ( df addr -- )
163libgsl gsl_vector_set_zero      int (void) gsl_vector_set_zero ( addr -- )
164libgsl gsl_vector_memcpy     int int (int) gsl_vector_memcpy ( dest_addr src_addr -- n )
166libgsl gsl_vector_add           int int (int) gsl_vector_add          ( addr addr -- n )
167libgsl gsl_vector_sub           int int (int) gsl_vector_sub          ( addr addr -- n )
168libgsl gsl_vector_mul           int int (int) gsl_vector_mul          ( addr addr -- n )
169libgsl gsl_vector_div           int int (int) gsl_vector_div          ( addr addr -- n )
170libgsl gsl_vector_scale          df int (int) gsl_vector_scale        ( df addr -- n )
171libgsl gsl_vector_add_constant   df int (int) gsl_vector_add_constant ( df addr -- n )
172libgsl gsl_vector_max                int (fp) gsl_vector_max          ( addr -- df )
173libgsl gsl_vector_min                int (fp) gsl_vector_min          ( addr -- df )
174libgsl gsl_vector_max_index          int (fp) gsl_vector_max_index    ( addr -- df )
175libgsl gsl_vector_min_index          int (fp) gsl_vector_min_index    ( addr -- df )
176libgsl gsl_vector_subvector int int int (int) gsl_vector_subvector
177\ Vector properties
178libgsl gsl_vector_isnull   ptr         (int) gsl_vector_isnull
179libgsl gsl_vector_ispos    ptr         (int) gsl_vector_ispos
180libgsl gsl_vector_isneg    ptr         (int) gsl_vector_isneg
182\ permutations
183libgsl gsl_permutation_alloc   int (int) gsl_permutation_alloc ( n -- *gsl_prm)
184libgsl gsl_permutation_calloc int (int) gsl_permutation_calloc ( n -- *gsl_prm)
185libgsl gsl_permutation_init   int (void) gsl_permutation_init ( *gsl_prm -- )
186libgsl gsl_permutation_free   int (void) gsl_permutation_free ( *gsl_prm -- )
187libgsl gsl_permutation_get int int (int) gsl_permutation_get ( *gsl_prm i -- n)
189\ Matrices
190\ Allocation
191libgsl gsl_matrix_alloc               int int (int) gsl_matrix_alloc
192libgsl gsl_matrix_calloc              int int (int) gsl_matrix_calloc
193libgsl gsl_matrix_alloc_from_block [ 5 ] ints (int) gsl_matrix_alloc_from_block
194libgsl gsl_matrix_alloc_from_matrix [ 5 ] ints (int) gsl_matrix_alloc_from_matrix
195libgsl gsl_matrix_free     ( *gsl_matrix -- )      int (void) gsl_matrix_free
196\ Accessing matrix elements
197libgsl gsl_matrix_get      int int int (fp) gsl_matrix_get ( *m i j  -- df )
198libgsl gsl_matrix_set df int int int (void) gsl_matrix_set ( df *m i j  -- )
199libgsl gsl_matrix_ptr     int int int (int) gsl_matrix_ptr ( *m i j  -- *[i,j] )
200\ Initializing matrix elements
201libgsl gsl_matrix_set_all      df int (void) gsl_matrix_set_all      ( *m df -- n )
202libgsl gsl_matrix_set_zero     df int (void) gsl_matrix_set_zero     ( *m df -- n )
203libgsl gsl_matrix_set_identity df int (void) gsl_matrix_set_identity ( *m df -- n )
204\ Reading and writing matrices
205libgsl gsl_matrix_fwrite      ptr ptr (int) gsl_matrix_fwrite
206libgsl gsl_matrix_fread       ptr ptr (int) gsl_matrix_fread
207libgsl gsl_matrix_fprintf ptr ptr ptr (int) gsl_matrix_fprintf
208libgsl gsl_matrix_fscanf      ptr ptr (int) gsl_matrix_fscanf
209\ Copying matrices
210libgsl gsl_matrix_memcpy      int int (int) gsl_matrix_memcpy ( *m *m -- n )
211libgsl gsl_matrix_swap        int int (int) gsl_matrix_swap ( *m *m -- n )
212\ Copying Rows and columns
213libgsl gsl_matrix_get_row int int int (int) gsl_matrix_get_row
214libgsl gsl_matrix_set_row int int int (int) gsl_matrix_set_row
215libgsl gsl_matrix_get_col int int int (int) gsl_matrix_get_col
216libgsl gsl_matrix_set_col int int int (int) gsl_matrix_set_col
217\ Exchanging rows and columns
218libgsl gsl_matrix_swap_rows    int int ptr (int) gsl_matrix_swap_rows
219libgsl gsl_matrix_swap_columns int int ptr (int) gsl_matrix_swap_columns
220libgsl gsl_matrix_swap_rowcol  int int ptr (int) gsl_matrix_swap_rowcol
221libgsl gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy int int (int) gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy
222libgsl gsl_matrix_transpose            int (int) gsl_matrix_transpose
223\ Matrix operations
224libgsl gsl_matrix_add          int int (int) gsl_matrix_add
225libgsl gsl_matrix_sub          int int (int) gsl_matrix_sub
226libgsl gsl_matrix_mul_elements int int (int) gsl_matrix_mul_elements
227libgsl gsl_matrix_div_elements int int (int) gsl_matrix_div_elements
228libgsl gsl_matrix_scale         df int (int)  gsl_matrix_scale
229libgsl gsl_matrix_add_constant  df int (int) gsl_matrix_add_constant
230\ Finding maximum and minimum elements of matrices
231libgsl gsl_matrix_max                 ptr (fp) gsl_matrix_max
232libgsl gsl_matrix_min                 ptr (fp) gsl_matrix_min
233libgsl gsl_matrix_minmax    ptr ptr ptr (void) gsl_matrix_minmax
234libgsl gsl_matrix_min_index ptr ptr ptr (void) gsl_matrix_min_index
235libgsl gsl_matrix_max_index ptr ptr ptr (void) gsl_matrix_max_index
236libgsl gsl_matrix_minmax_index ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr (void) gsl_matrix_minmax_index
237\ Matrix properties
238libgsl gsl_matrix_isnull   ptr         (int) gsl_matrix_isnull
239libgsl gsl_matrix_ispos    ptr         (int) gsl_matrix_ispos
240libgsl gsl_matrix_isneg    ptr         (int) gsl_matrix_isneg
241\ libgsl gsl_matrix_isnonneg ptr         (int) gsl_matrix_isnonneg
244libgsl gsl_matrix_submatrix int int int int int (int) gsl_matrix_submatrix ( *gsl_matrix k1 k2 n1 n2 -- n )
245libgsl gsl_matrix_row int int (int) gsl_matrix_row ( *gsl_matrix idx -- *gsl_vector )
246libgsl gsl_matrix_column int int (int) gsl_matrix_column ( *gsl_matrix idx -- *gsl_vector )
247libgsl gsl_matrix_diagonal int (int) gsl_matrix_diagonal ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_vector )
250\ BLAS                                      Wed Sep 14 16:10:34 MDT 2005
251\ libblas cblas_dgemm int int df int int int
252\ int df int int int int int int (void/fp) cblas_dgemm
253libblas cblas_dgemv int int int int df int
254int df int int int int (void/fp) cblas_dgemv
255libgsl gsl_blas_ddot int int int (int) gsl_blas_ddot
256( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector df -- n )
257libgsl gsl_blas_dgemm int df int int df int int (int/fp) gsl_blas_dgemm
258libgsl gsl_blas_dger int int int df (int/fp) gsl_blas_dger
259( alpha *gsl_vector *gsl_vector *gsl_matrix -- n ) ( A=\alpha x y^T+A )
260libgsl gsl_blas_dgemv int df int int df int (int/fp) gsl_blas_dgemv
261( n alpha *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector beta *gsl_vector -- n )
263\ Linear ALgebra                            Wed Sep 14 13:39:22 MDT 2005
265libgsl gsl_linalg_LU_decomp int int int (int) gsl_linalg_LU_decomp
266( *gsl_matrix *gsl_permutation *variable -- n )
267libgsl gsl_linalg_LU_invert int int int (int) gsl_linalg_LU_invert
268( *gsl_matrix *gsl_permutation *gsl_matrix -- n )
269libgsl gsl_linalg_SV_decomp int int int int (int) gsl_linalg_SV_decomp
270( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- n )
271libgsl gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod int int int int int (int) gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod
272( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- n )
274\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275\                  *** Ordinary Differential Equations ***
276\ --- ODE system
278    cell func \ (* function)
279        \ (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void * params);
280    cell jac \ (* jacobian)
281        \ (double t, const double y[], double * dfdy, double dfdt[],
282        \ void * params);
283    cell dim \ dimension;
284    cell params \ * params;
285} gsl_odeiv_system
286\ constants related to ODE
287 1 constant GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_INC
288 0 constant GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_NIL
289-1 constant GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC
291callback gsl_odeiv_func4:1     (int) df int int int callback;
292callback gsl_odeiv_jac5:1  (int) df int int int int callback;
294\ --- Stepping Functions
295libgsl gsl_odeiv_step_alloc ptr int (ptr) gsl_odeiv_step_alloc
296( *step_type int -- *step )
297libgsl gsl_odeiv_step_reset ptr (int) gsl_odeiv_step_reset ( *step -- r )
298libgsl gsl_odeiv_step_free ptr (void) gsl_odeiv_step_free  ( *step  -- )
299libgsl gsl_odeiv_step_name ptr (ptr) gsl_odeiv_step_name   ( *step -- *str0 )
300libgsl gsl_odeiv_step_order ptr (int) gsl_odeiv_step_order ( *step -- order)
301libgsl gsl_odeiv_step_apply int int int int int df df int (int) gsl_odeiv_step_apply
302( -- )
303\ --- Available algorithms
304libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rk2    (int)    gsl_odeiv_step_rk2
305libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rk4    (int)    gsl_odeiv_step_rk4
306libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45  (int)  gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45
307libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rkck   (int)   gsl_odeiv_step_rkck
308libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rk8pd  (int)  gsl_odeiv_step_rk8pd
309libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rk2imp (int) gsl_odeiv_step_rk2imp
310libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_rk4imp (int) gsl_odeiv_step_rk4imp
311libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_bsimp  (int)  gsl_odeiv_step_bsimp
312libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_gear1  (int)  gsl_odeiv_step_gear1
313libgsl _gsl_odeiv_step_gear2  (int)  gsl_odeiv_step_gear2
315: gsl_odeiv_step_rk2    [func']    _gsl_odeiv_step_rk2 @ ;
316: gsl_odeiv_step_rk4    [func']    _gsl_odeiv_step_rk4 @ ;
317: gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45  [func']  _gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45 @ ;
318: gsl_odeiv_step_rkck   [func']   _gsl_odeiv_step_rkck @ ;
319: gsl_odeiv_step_rk8pd  [func']  _gsl_odeiv_step_rk8pd @ ;
320: gsl_odeiv_step_rk2imp [func'] _gsl_odeiv_step_rk2imp @ ;
321: gsl_odeiv_step_rk4imp [func'] _gsl_odeiv_step_rk4imp @ ;
322: gsl_odeiv_step_bsimp  [func']  _gsl_odeiv_step_bsimp @ ;
323: gsl_odeiv_step_gear1  [func']  _gsl_odeiv_step_gear1 @ ;
324: gsl_odeiv_step_gear2  [func']  _gsl_odeiv_step_gear2 @ ;
326\ --- Adaptive Step-size Control
327libgsl gsl_odeiv_control_standard_new df df df df (ptr) gsl_odeiv_control_standard_new ( a_dydt a_y eps_rel eps_abs -- *control )
328libgsl gsl_odeiv_control_y_new df df (int) gsl_odeiv_control_y_new
329( eps_abs eps_rel -- *control )
330libgsl gsl_odeiv_control_yp_new df df (ptr) gsl_odeiv_control_yp_new
331( eps_abs eps_rel -- *control )
332libgsl gsl_odeiv_control_free ptr (void) gsl_odeiv_control_free ( *control -- )
333libgsl gsl_odeiv_control_name ptr (ptr) gsl_odeiv_control_name  ( *c -- *str0 )
335\ --- Evolution
336libgsl gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc int (int) gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc
337( #dimensions -- evolution_func )
338libgsl gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply int int df int int int int int (int) gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply
339( -- )
340libgsl gsl_odeiv_evolve_reset ptr (int) gsl_odeiv_evolve_reset ( *e -- r )
341libgsl gsl_odeiv_evolve_free ptr (void) gsl_odeiv_evolve_free  ( *e --  )
342\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
343\                     *** Fast Fourier Transform ***
344\ -- real
345libgsl gsl_fft_real_wavetable_alloc int (ptr) gsl_fft_real_wavetable_alloc
346libgsl gsl_fft_real_wavetable_free  ptr (void) gsl_fft_real_wavetable_free
347libgsl gsl_fft_real_workspace_alloc int (ptr) gsl_fft_real_workspace_alloc
348libgsl gsl_fft_real_workspace_free  ptr (void) gsl_fft_real_workspace_free
349\ in-place
350libgsl gsl_fft_real_transform ptr int int ptr ptr (int) gsl_fft_real_transform
351libgsl gsl_fft_real_unpack    ptr ptr int int (int) gsl_fft_real_unpack
353\ -- halfcomplex
354\ - mixed radix
355libgsl gsl_fft_hc_wtbl_alloc int (ptr) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable_alloc
356libgsl gsl_fft_hc_wtbl_free  ptr (void) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable_free
357libgsl gsl_fft_hc_backward   ptr int int ptr ptr (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_backward
358libgsl gsl_fft_hc_inverse    ptr int int ptr ptr (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_inverse
359libgsl gsl_fft_hc_transform  ptr int int ptr ptr (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_transform
360libgsl gsl_fft_hc_unpack     ptr ptr int int (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_unpack
361\ - radix2
362libgsl gsl_fft_hc_r2_unpack    ptr ptr int int (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_unpack
363libgsl gsl_fft_hc_r2_backward  ptr int int (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_backward
364libgsl gsl_fft_hc_r2_inverse   ptr int int (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_inverse
365libgsl gsl_fft_hc_r2_transform ptr int int (int) gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_transform
368| hashlen 32 vector fftpre(
370    cell next
371    cell size
372    cell workspace
373    cell r_wavetable
374    cell hc_wavetable
375} gsl_fft_precomputes
376| create $buf 255 allot
377| : 2str dup >r abs s>d <# #s r> sign #> $buf 0place ;
378| : s>hash ( n -- key ) 2str $buf hash ;
379| : (cache-fft) ( n -- addr )
380    sizeof gsl_fft_precomputes allocate throw >r
381    0 r@ gsl_fft_precomputes next !
382    dup r@ gsl_fft_precomputes size !
383    dup gsl_fft_real_workspace_alloc r@ gsl_fft_precomputes workspace !
384    dup gsl_fft_real_wavetable_alloc r@ gsl_fft_precomputes r_wavetable !
385        gsl_fft_hc_wtbl_alloc r@ gsl_fft_precomputes hc_wavetable !
386    r> ;
387| : cache-fft ( size -- addr )
388    dup s>hash
389    fftpre( over )@ 0= if
390        swap (cache-fft)
391        fftpre( rot dup >r )!
392        fftpre( r> )@
393    else
394        swap (cache-fft)
395        swap fftpre( over )@
396        over gsl_fft_precomputes next !
397        fftpre( rot dup >r )!
398        fftpre( r> )@
399    then ;
400\ in case not found addr is just the size
401| : find-fft-cache ( n -- addr 0/1 )
402    dup s>hash fftpre( swap )@ dup
403    begin while
404            2dup gsl_fft_precomputes size @ =
405            if nip true exit then
406            gsl_fft_precomputes next @ dup
407    repeat ;
409legacy on
411\ Structures
414    cell name
415    cell max
416    cell min
417    cell size
418    cell set
419    cell get
420    cell get_double
421} gsl_rng_type
424    cell type
425    cell state
426} gsl_rng
429    cell size
430    cell data
431} gsl_block
434    cell size
435    cell stride
436    cell data
437    cell block
438    cell owner
439} gsl_vector
441' gsl_block alias gsl_permutation
444    cell size1
445    cell size2
446    cell tda
447    cell data
448    cell block
449    cell owner
450} gsl_matrix
452\ random number generation functions
453: 0-len dup 1- 0 begin 1+ 2dup + c@ 0= until nip ;
454: )gsl-rng ( addr i -- *gsl_rng_type )
455    cells + @ ;
457\ setting up all available random number generators
458gsl_rng_types_setup  value gsl_rng_array(
4590 value gsl_rng_default
460: gsl-free ( -- )
461    gsl_rng_default gsl_rng_free ;
463: borosh13 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
464    gsl_rng_array( 0 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
465: cmrg ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
466    gsl_rng_array( 1 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
467: coveyou ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
468    gsl_rng_array( 2 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
469: fishman18 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
470    gsl_rng_array( 3 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
471: fishman20 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
472    gsl_rng_array( 4 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
473: fishman2x ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
474    gsl_rng_array( 5 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
475: gfsr4 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
476    gsl_rng_array( 6 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
477: knuthran ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
478    gsl_rng_array( 7 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
479: knuthran2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
480    gsl_rng_array( 8 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
481: lecuyer21 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
482    gsl_rng_array( 9 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
483: minstd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
484    gsl_rng_array( 10 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
485: mrg ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
486    gsl_rng_array( 11 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
487: mt19937 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
488    gsl_rng_array( 12 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
489: mt19937_1999 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
490    gsl_rng_array( 13 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
491: mt19937_1998 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
492    gsl_rng_array( 14 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
493: r250 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
494    gsl_rng_array( 15 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
495: ran0 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
496    gsl_rng_array( 16 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
497: ran1 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
498    gsl_rng_array( 17 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
499: ran2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
500    gsl_rng_array( 18 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
501: ran3 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
502    gsl_rng_array( 19 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
503: rand ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
504    gsl_rng_array( 20 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
505: rand48 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
506    gsl_rng_array( 21 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
507: random128-bsd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
508    gsl_rng_array( 22 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
509: random128-glibc2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
510    gsl_rng_array( 23 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
511: random128-libc5 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
512    gsl_rng_array( 24 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
513: random256-bsd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
514    gsl_rng_array( 25 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
515: random256-glibc2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
516    gsl_rng_array( 26 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
517: random256-libc5 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
518    gsl_rng_array( 27 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
519: random32-bsd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
520    gsl_rng_array( 28 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
521: random32-glibc2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
522    gsl_rng_array( 29 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
523: random32-libc5 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
524    gsl_rng_array( 30 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
525: random64-bsd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
526    gsl_rng_array( 31 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
527: random64-glibc2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
528    gsl_rng_array( 32 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
529: random64-libc5 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
530    gsl_rng_array( 33 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
531: random8-bsd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
532    gsl_rng_array( 34 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
533: random8-glibc2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
534    gsl_rng_array( 35 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
535: random8-libc5 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
536    gsl_rng_array( 36 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
537: random-bsd ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
538    gsl_rng_array( 37 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
539: random-glibc2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
540    gsl_rng_array( 38 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
541: random-libc5 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
542    gsl_rng_array( 39 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
543: randu ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
544    gsl_rng_array( 40 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
545: ranf ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
546    gsl_rng_array( 41 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
547: ranlux ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
548    gsl_rng_array( 42 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
549: ranlux389 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
550    gsl_rng_array( 43 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
551: ranlxd1 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
552    gsl_rng_array( 44 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
553: ranlxd2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
554    gsl_rng_array( 45 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
555: ranlxs0 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
556    gsl_rng_array( 46 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
557: ranlxs1 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
558    gsl_rng_array( 47 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
559: ranlxs2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
560    gsl_rng_array( 48 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
561: ranmar ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
562    gsl_rng_array( 49 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
563: slatec ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
564    gsl_rng_array( 50 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
565: taus ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
566    gsl_rng_array( 51 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
567: taus2 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
568    gsl_rng_array( 52 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
569: taus113 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
570    gsl_rng_array( 53 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
571: transputer ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
572    gsl_rng_array( 54 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
573: tt800 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
574    gsl_rng_array( 55 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
575: uni ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
576    gsl_rng_array( 56 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
577: uni32 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
578    gsl_rng_array( 57 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
579: vax ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
580    gsl_rng_array( 58 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
581: waterman14 ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
582    gsl_rng_array( 59 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
583: zuf ( -- *gsl_rng ) gsl_rng_default 0<> if gsl-free then
584    gsl_rng_array( 60 )gsl-rng gsl_rng_alloc to gsl_rng_default ;
586\ words for actual generation of random numbers
587: gsl-randomg ( -- n )
588    gsl_rng_default gsl_rng_get ;
589: gsl-randomu /* -- f \in [0,1) */
590    gsl_rng_default gsl_rng_uniform ;
591: gsl-randomu+ /* -- f \in (0,1) */
592    gsl_rng_default gsl_rng_uniform_pos ;
593: gsl-random-up ( n -- f \in [0,n] )
594    gsl_rng_default swap gsl_rng_uniform_int ;
595: gsl-set-seed ( n -- )
596    gsl_rng_default swap gsl_rng_set ;
597: gsl-clone ( -- *gsl_rng )
598    gsl_rng_default gsl_rng_clone ;
599: gsl-gaussian ( -- df )
600    gsl_rng_default !1 gsl_ran_gaussian ;
601: gsl-discrete ( *gsl_ran_discrete -- n )
602    gsl_rng_default swap gsl_ran_discrete ;
604\ vectors and matrices
6050 constant GSL_VECTOR_TYPE
6061 constant GSL_MATRIX_TYPE
607: gsltypeof ' >body cell + @ ;
609: fvector ( n -- | -- id addr )
610    create
611    gsl_vector_calloc ,
613  does> @ ;
615\ allocate a nameless vector
616: :] ( # -- addr ) gsl_vector_calloc ;
617\ allocate a nameless matrix
618: :]] ( # # -- addr ) gsl_matrix_calloc ;
620: ]@ ( addr i -- df ) gsl_vector_get ;
621: ]! ( df addr i -- ) gsl_vector_set ;
622: ]data ( addr -- *data ) gsl_vector data @ ;
623: ]stride ( addr -- *data ) gsl_vector stride @ ;
624: ]fill ( df addr -- ) gsl_vector_set_all ;
625: ]erase ( addr -- ) gsl_vector_set_zero ;
626: ]+ ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_add drop ;
627: ]- ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_sub drop ;
628: ]e*! ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_mul drop ;
629: ]size ( *gsl_vector -- n ) gsl_vector size @ ;
630: ]outer* ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- *gsl_matrix )
631    over ]size over ]size gsl_matrix_calloc dup >r !1
632    gsl_blas_dger drop r> ;
633\ no control for divizion by zero (I get segfaults)
634: ]/ ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_div throw ;
635: ]clone ( *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
636    dup gsl_vector size @ gsl_vector_alloc
637    dup -rot swap gsl_vector_memcpy drop ;
639: ]add ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
640    ]clone dup -rot swap ]+ ;
641: ]sub ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
642    swap ]clone dup -rot swap ]- ;
643: ]mul ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
644    swap ]clone dup -rot swap ]e*! ;
645: ]div ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
646    swap ]clone dup -rot swap ]/ ;
648: ]*c ( df *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_scale drop ;
649: ]+c ( df *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_add_constant drop ;
650: ]max ( *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_max ;
651: ]min ( *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_min ;
652: ]imax ( *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_max_index ;
653: ]imin ( *gsl_vector -- ) gsl_vector_min_index ;
654: ]copy] ( *gsl_vector_dest *gsl_vector_src -- ) gsl_vector_memcpy drop ;
655: ]negate !-1.0 ]*c ;
656: ]ones ( n -- *gsl_vector ) :] dup 1e ]fill ;
658: ]]slice ( *gsl_matrix x y n m -- *gsl_matrix )
659    gsl_matrix_alloc_from_matrix ;
660: ]slice ( *gsl_vector offset length stride -- *gsl_vector )
661    gsl_vector_alloc_from_vector ;
663: ]null? ( *gsl_vector -- 0/-1 ) gsl_vector_isnull negate ;
664: ]pos? ( *gsl_vector -- 0/-1 ) gsl_vector_ispos negate ;
665: ]neg? ( *gsl_vector -- 0/-1 ) gsl_vector_isneg negate ;
667\ FFT                                                            19jan08sp
668: ]fft! ( *gsl_vector -- )
669    dup ]size >r dup ]stride >r ]data r> r>
670    dup find-fft-cache if
671        dup gsl_fft_precomputes r_wavetable @
672        swap gsl_fft_precomputes workspace @
673    else
674        drop
675        dup cache-fft
676        dup gsl_fft_precomputes r_wavetable @
677        swap gsl_fft_precomputes workspace @
678    then
679    gsl_fft_real_transform throw ;
680: ]fft ( *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
681    ]clone dup ]fft! ;
682: ]ifft! ( *gsl_vector --  )
683    dup ]size >r dup ]stride >r ]data r> r>
684    dup find-fft-cache if
685        dup gsl_fft_precomputes hc_wavetable @
686        swap gsl_fft_precomputes workspace @
687    else
688        drop
689        dup cache-fft
690        dup gsl_fft_precomputes hc_wavetable @
691        swap gsl_fft_precomputes workspace @
692    then
693    gsl_fft_hc_inverse throw ;
694: ]ifft ( *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
695    ]clone dup ]ifft! ;
696\ multiply two half complex vectors
697\ store result in the first
698: ]hc*! ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- )
699    2dup 0 ]@ 0 ]@ f* over 0 ]!
700    dup ]size dup %1 and not + 1 do
701        2dup
702        dup i ]@ i 1+ ]@
703        dup i ]@ i 1+ ]@ z*
704        over dup i 1+ ]! i ]!
705    2 +loop
706    dup ]size %1 and not if
707        2dup
708        dup ]size 1- dup >r ]@ dup r@ ]@ f* r> ]!
709    then
710    2drop ;
712\ pseudomatrices and vectors
713: pvector ( *data n -- *gsl_vector )
714    sizeof gsl_vector allocate throw
715    dup >r dup 1 swap gsl_vector stride !
716    gsl_vector size ! r@
717    gsl_vector data ! r@
718    0 swap gsl_vector owner ! r> ;
720: pmatrix! ( *data tda n m *pmatrix -- *gsl_matrix )
721    dup >r gsl_matrix size2 !
722    r@ gsl_matrix size1 !
723    r@ gsl_matrix tda !
724    r@ gsl_matrix data !
725    0 r@ gsl_matrix owner !
726    r> ;
728: pmatrix ( *data tda n m -- *gsl_matrix )
729    sizeof gsl_matrix allocate throw
730    dup 0 swap gsl_matrix owner !
731    pmatrix! ;
733\ permutations
735: fpermutation ( n -- | -- id addr )
736    create
737    gsl_permutation_calloc ,
738  does> @ ;
739: }@ ( *gsl_permutation i -- n ) gsl_permutation_get ;
740: }data ( *gsl_permutation -- *data ) gsl_block data @ ;
741: }size ( *gsl_permutation -- *data ) gsl_block size @ ;
742: }free ( *gsl_permutation -- ) gsl_permutation_free ;
743: }sign ( *gsl_permutation -- 1/-1 )
744    1 over dup }size 0 do
745	dup i }@ i <> if swap negate swap then
746    loop drop ;
748\ matrices
750: fmatrix ( n m -- | -- id addr )
751    create
752    gsl_matrix_calloc ,
754  does> @ ;
756: free_pseudomatrix ( pmatrix/pvector -- ) free throw ;
758create free_matrix ' free_pseudomatrix , ' gsl_matrix_free ,
759create free_vector ' free_pseudomatrix , ' gsl_vector_free ,
761: ]]free ( *gsl_matrix -- )
762    dup gsl_matrix owner @
763    cells free_matrix + @ execute ;
764: ]free ( addr -- )
765    dup gsl_vector owner @
766    cells free_vector + @ execute ;
767: ]]@ ( *gsl_matrix i j -- df ) gsl_matrix_get ;
768: ]]*@ ( *gsl_matrix i j -- *[i,j] ) gsl_matrix_ptr ;
769: ]]! ( *gsl_matrix i j df -- ) gsl_matrix_set ;
770: ]]fill ( addr df -- ) gsl_matrix_set_all ;
771: ]]size1 gsl_matrix size1 @ ;
772: ]]size2 gsl_matrix size2 @ ;
773: ]]dim ( *gsl_matrix -- m n ) dup ]]size1 swap ]]size2 ;
774: ]]dim. ( *gsl_matrix -- ) ]]dim swap . ." x" . cr ;
775: ]]data ( *gsl_matrix -- addr) gsl_matrix data @ ;
776: ]]tda gsl_matrix tda @ ;
777: ]]block gsl_matrix block @ ;
778: ]]owner gsl_matrix owner @ ;
779: ]]copy]] ( *gsl_matrix_dest *gsl_matrix_src -- ) gsl_matrix_memcpy drop ;
780: ]]'copy]] ( *gsl_matrix_dest *gsl_matrix_src -- ) gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy drop ;
781\ : ]]row ( *gsl_matrix idx -- *gsl_vector ) gsl_matrix_row ;
782\ : ]]col ( *gsl_matrix idx -- *gsl_vector ) gsl_matrix_column ;
783: ]]>]  ( *gsl_vector *gsl_matrix i -- ) gsl_matrix_get_col drop ;
784: ]]>]' ( *gsl_vector *gsl_matrix i -- ) gsl_matrix_get_row drop ;
785: ]>]]  ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector i -- ) swap gsl_matrix_set_col drop ;
786: ]'>]] ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector i -- ) swap gsl_matrix_set_row drop ;
788: ]]max gsl_matrix_max ;
789: ]]min gsl_matrix_min ;
790: ]]add! ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- )
791    gsl_matrix_add drop ;
792: ]]sub! ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- )
793    gsl_matrix_sub drop ;
794: ]]e*! ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- )
795    gsl_matrix_mul_elements drop ;
796: ]]*c ( *gsl_matrix df -- )
797    gsl_matrix_scale drop ;
798: ]]+c ( df *gsl_matrix -- ) gsl_matrix_add_constant drop ;
799: ]]clone ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
800    dup dup gsl_matrix size1 @ swap gsl_matrix size2 @
801    gsl_matrix_alloc
802    dup -rot swap gsl_matrix_memcpy drop ;
803: ]]negate !-1.0 ]]*c ;
805: ]]+ ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
806    ]]clone dup -rot swap ]]add! ;
808: ]]- ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
809    swap ]]clone dup -rot swap ]]sub! ;
810: ]]null? ( *gsl_matrix -- 0/-1 ) gsl_matrix_isnull negate ;
811: ]]pos? ( *gsl_matrix -- 0/-1 ) gsl_matrix_ispos negate ;
812: ]]neg? ( *gsl_matrix -- 0/-1 ) gsl_matrix_isneg negate ;
814\ blas
816\ constants
817101 Constant CblasRowMajor
818102 Constant CblasColMajor
819111 Constant CblasNoTrans
820112 Constant CblasTrans
821113 Constant CblasConjTrans
822121 Constant CblasUpper
823122 Constant CblasLower
824131 Constant CblasNonUnit
825132 Constant CblasUnit
826141 Constant CblasLeft
827142 Constant CblasRight
829: action? (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix n n n -- )
830    dup 0= if
831        drop
832        2swap 2dup
833        ]]size2 swap ]]size1 swap
834        exit
835    then
836    dup 1 = if
837        drop
838        2swap 2dup
839        ]]size2 swap ]]size2 swap
840        exit
841    then
842    2 = if
843        2swap 2dup
844        ]]size1 swap ]]size1 swap
845        exit
846    then
847    3 = if
848        2swap 2dup
849        ]]size1 swap ]]size2 swap
850        exit
851    then ;
853create samemattable ' noop , ' ]]clone ,
854: samemat (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- 1/0 *gsl_matrix )
855    dup -rot = abs dup -rot cells samemattable + @ execute ; macro
857: ]]mul (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix n n n -- *gsl_matrix )
858    !1 !0 action?
859    gsl_matrix_alloc dup >r
860    gsl_blas_dgemm drop r> ;
861: ]]* (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
862    2dup samemat dup rot 2>r nip
863    CblasNoTrans CblasNoTrans 0 ]]mul
864    2r> if ]]free else drop then ;
865: ]]'* (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
866    2dup samemat dup rot 2>r nip
867    CblasTrans CblasNoTrans 1 ]]mul
868    2r> if ]]free else drop then ;
869: ]]*' (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
870    2dup samemat dup rot 2>r nip
871    CblasNoTrans CblasTrans 2 ]]mul
872    2r> if ]]free else drop then ;
873: ]]'*' (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
874    2dup samemat dup rot 2>r nip
875    CblasTrans CblasTrans 3 ]]mul
876    2r> if ]]free else drop then ;
878: ]]mul! (  n n *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- )
879    !1 !0 gsl_blas_dgemm drop ;
880: ]]*! (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- )
881    >r CblasNoTrans CblasNoTrans 2swap r> ]]mul! ;
882: ]]'*! (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix --  )
883    >r CblasTrans CblasNoTrans 2swap r> ]]mul! ;
884: ]]*'! (  *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- )
885    >r CblasNoTrans CblasTrans 2swap r> ]]mul! ;
888: ]]*] ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
889    over ]]size1 gsl_vector_alloc >r
890    CblasNoTrans -rot r@ !1 !0 gsl_blas_dgemv drop r> ;
891: ]]'*] ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
892    over ]]size1 gsl_vector_alloc >r
893    CblasTrans -rot r@ !1 !0 gsl_blas_dgemv drop r> ;
895: ]]i ( *gsl_matrix -- )
896    dup dup ]]size1 swap ]]size2 <> if
897        abort" ERROR: Not a square matrix!"
898    then
899    dup ]]size1 0 do
900        dup i i !1 ]]!
901    loop drop ;
902: identity ( n -- *gsl_matrix )
903    dup gsl_matrix_calloc dup ]]i ;
904: min-identity ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
905    dup ]]size1 swap ]]size2 min identity ;
906: left/right' ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
907    over ]]size1 over ]]size1 > if
908        swap ]]*' exit
909    else
910        ]]'* exit
911    then ;
913\ original matrix remains intact
914: ]]' ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
915    dup min-identity dup >r
916    left/right'
917    r> ]]free ;
918: ]]T! ( *gsl_matrix -- )
919    gsl_matrix_transpose drop ;
921: ]]T ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
922    dup ]]dim swap gsl_matrix_alloc dup rot gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy drop ;
924: ]]2T ( *gsl_matr *gsl_matrix -- )
925    gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy drop ;
927: ]]+! ( *gsl_matrix i j df -- ) >r 2dup r@ ]]@ f+ r> ]]! ;
928: ]]scale! ( *gsl_matrix i j df -- ) >r 2dup r@ ]]@ f* r> ]]! ;
929: ]]data_ij ( *gsl_matrix i j -- addr)
930    rot >r swap r@ ]]tda dfloats * swap dfloats + r> ]]data + ;
931\ Cross product can be either calculated through determinant:
932: ]x ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
933    3 gsl_vector_alloc
934    { x1[ x2[ x3[ |
935    x1[ 2 ]@ fnegate x2[ 1 ]@ f* x1[ 1 ]@ x2[ 2 ]@ f* f+ x3[ 0 ]!
936    x1[ 2 ]@ x2[ 0 ]@ f* x1[ 0 ]@ fnegate x2[ 2 ]@ f* f+ x3[ 1 ]!
937    x1[ 1 ]@ fnegate x2[ 0 ]@ f* x1[ 0 ]@ x2[ 1 ]@ f* f+ x3[ 2 ]!
938    x3[ } ;
939\ or using algebraic form when first vector in the product is
940\ rewritten in a matrix form:
941\ a x b = [C_a] b
942\         [ 0   -a[2]  a[1] ]
943\ [C_a] = [ a[2] 0    -a[0] ]
944\         [-a[1] a[0]  0    ]
945\ a function to convert a vector into such matrix:
946: ]>[x] ( ] -- ]] )
947    [IFDEF] debug
948        dup ]size 3 <> abort" Not a 3D vector!"
949    [THEN]
950    3 3 :]] dup >r
951    swap 2dup 2 ]@ fdup dup fnegate 0 1 ]]! 1 0 ]]!
952    2dup 1 ]@ fdup dup fnegate 2 0 ]]! 0 2 ]]!
953    0 ]@ fdup dup fnegate 1 2 ]]! 2 1 ]]! r> ;
954: ]. ( *gsl_vector *gsl_vector -- f:dot_product )
955    { x1[ x2[ |
956    0 0 sp@ x1[ x2[ rot gsl_blas_ddot drop fd>f } ;
957: ]total ( *gsl_vector -- f:sum )
958    dup ]size gsl_vector_alloc dup !1 ]fill dup rot ]. ]free ;
959\ probability normalize - assures sum is unity
960: ]pnormalize ( *gsl_vector - )
961    dup ]total 1/f ]*c ;
962: |]| ( *gsl_vector -- f:norm ) dup ].  fsqrt ;
963\ assures vector norm is unity
964: ]normalize ( *gsl_vector - )
965    dup |]| 1/f ]*c ;
966: ]distance ( *gsl-vector *gsl-vector -- f )
967    ]sub dup |]| ]free ;
968: ]+! ( *gsl_vector i df -- )
969    2dup ]@ f+ ]! ;
970: ]*! ( *gsl_vector i df -- )
971    2dup ]@ f* ]! ;
973: ]]*]m ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector -- *gsl_vector )
974    over ]]size1 gsl_vector_calloc
975    { m[[ x[ y[ |
976    m[[ ]]size1 0 do
977        m[[ ]]size2 0 do
978            m[[ j i ]]@ x[ i ]@ f* y[ j ]+!
979        loop
980    loop y[ } ;
982: >#rows ( -- )
983    swap ]]size1 >= abort" number of rows is bigger than available!" ;
984: >#cols ( -- )
985    swap ]]size2 >= abort" number of columns is bigger than available!" ;
987: ]]row ( *gsl_matrix n -- *gsl_vector )
988    2dup >#rows
989    sizeof gsl_vector allocate throw
990    dup 1 swap gsl_vector stride ! >r
991    over ]]size2 r@ gsl_vector size !
992    0 ]]data_ij r@ gsl_vector data !
993    0 r@ gsl_vector owner ! r> ;
994\ assumes all dimensions are set correctly
995: ]]row! ( *gsl_vector *gsl_matrix n -- )
996    rot >r 2dup >#rows 0 ]]data_ij r> gsl_vector data ! ;
997: ]]col ( *gsl_matrix n -- *gsl_vector )
998    2dup >#cols
999    sizeof gsl_vector allocate throw >r
1000    over ]]tda r@ gsl_vector stride !
1001    over ]]size1 r@ gsl_vector size !
1002    over ]]block r@ gsl_vector block !
1003    0 swap ]]data_ij r@ gsl_vector data !
1004    0 r@ gsl_vector owner ! r> ;
1005: ]]rfill ( f:n *gsl_matrix i -- ) ]]row dup ]fill ]free ;
1006: ]]cfill ( f:n *gsl_matrix i -- ) ]]col dup ]fill ]free ;
1009: ]]submat ( *gsl_matrix n1 n2 m1 m2 -- *gsl_matrix )
1010    { m[[ n1 n2 m1 m2 |
1011    sizeof gsl_matrix allocate throw >r
1012    n2 n1 - 1+          r@ gsl_matrix size1 !
1013    m2 m1 - 1+          r@ gsl_matrix size2 !
1014    m[[ n1 m1 ]]data_ij r@ gsl_matrix data  !
1015    m[[ ]]tda           r@ gsl_matrix tda   !
1016    0                   r@ gsl_matrix owner ! r> } ;
1018: ?square ( *gsl_matrix -- )
1019    dup ]]size1 swap ]]size2 <> abort" ERROR: Not a square matrix!" ;
1020: ]]diag ( *gsl_matrix n1 n2 -- *gsl_vector )
1021    rot dup ?square -rot
1022    sizeof gsl_vector allocate throw { d[ |
1023    over - d[ gsl_vector size !
1024    2dup dup ]]data_ij d[ gsl_vector data ! drop
1025    dup ]]tda d[ gsl_vector stride !
1026        ]]block d[ gsl_vector block !
1027    0 d[ gsl_vector owner !
1028    d[ } ;
1030\ with input matrix replaced by the result
1031: ]]gsl-svd ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector )
1032    dup ]]size2 dup dup gsl_matrix_calloc
1033    swap dup gsl_vector_calloc swap
1034    gsl_vector_calloc
1035    { mV vS vW |
1036    mV vS vW gsl_linalg_SV_decomp drop
1037    vW ]free
1038    mV vS } ;
1039\ seems to be 30% faster
1040: ]]gsl-svdm ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector )
1041    dup ]]size2 dup ( a n n -- )
1042    dup dup gsl_matrix_calloc swap ( a n a n -- )
1043    dup gsl_matrix_calloc rot dup ( a a a n n -- )
1044    gsl_vector_calloc swap
1045    gsl_vector_calloc
1046    { mX mV vS vW |
1047    mX mV vS vW gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod drop
1048    vW ]free mX ]]free
1049    mV vS } ;
1052: ]]alu ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_permutation ) ( matrix replaced with its lu )
1053    { a[[ |
1054    CblasRowMajor a[[ ]]size1 a[[ ]]size2 a[[ ]]data a[[ ]]size1 dup
1055    gsl_permutation_alloc dup >r }data
1056    clapack_dgetrf throw r> } ;
1057: ]]ainv ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_permutation -- )
1058    \ LU of a matrix replaced with its inverse
1059    { a[[ t{ |
1060    CblasRowMajor a[[ ]]size2 a[[ ]]data a[[ ]]size1 t{ }data
1061    clapack_dgetri throw } ;
1062: ]]ainvert ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
1063    [IFDEF] отладка
1064	dup ?square
1065    [THEN]
1066    ]]clone dup dup >r ]]alu dup >r ]]ainv r> }free r> ;
1067: ]]det ( *gsl_matrix -- f:determinant )
1068    [IFDEF] отладка
1069	dup ?square
1070    [THEN]
1071    ]]clone dup ]]alu >r 1e0
1072    dup ]]size1 0 do dup i dup ]]@ f* loop ]]free
1073    \ compute permutation sign
1074    r> }sign s>f f* }free ;
1075\ calculates the work needed for dgesvd_ ( see man dgesvd )
1076: lwork ( m n -- c )
1077    2dup max -rot min 3 * over + swap 5 * max ;
1078\ this svd returns U MxM so eats a lot of memory
1079: ]]asvda ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector )
1080    ]]clone { A[[ |
1081    A[[ ]]size1 dup gsl_matrix_alloc
1082    A[[ ]]size2 dup gsl_matrix_alloc
1083    A[[ ]]size1 A[[ ]]size2 min gsl_vector_alloc
1084    8 cells allocate throw
1085    { U[[ V[[ W[ p[ |
1086    ascii A p[ 0 cells + ! p[ 0 cells +
1087    ascii A p[ 1 cells + ! p[ 1 cells +
1088    A[[ ]]size1 p[ 2 cells + ! p[ 2 cells +
1089    A[[ ]]size2 p[ 3 cells + ! p[ 3 cells +
1090    A[[ ]]data
1091    p[ 2 cells +
1092    W[ ]data
1093    U[[ ]]data
1094    U[[ ]]size1 p[ 4 cells + ! p[ 4 cells +
1095    V[[ ]]data
1096    V[[ ]]size1 p[ 5 cells + ! p[ 5 cells +
1097    A[[ ]]size1 A[[ ]]size2 lwork
1098    dup gsl_vector_alloc dup >r
1099    ]data swap p[ 6 cells + ! p[ 6 cells +
1100    p[ 7 cells +
1101    dgesvd_
1102    r> ]free p[ free throw A[[ ]]free
1103    U[[ V[[ W[ } } ;
1105\ performs A=U*S*V^T
1106\ A = MxN, where M>N, pass it A^T
1107\ returns U^T (MxN), V(NxN) and vector of N eigenvalues
1108: ]]asvdO ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix *gsl_vector )
1109    { A[[ |
1110    A[[ ]]size2 A[[ ]]size1 min dup gsl_matrix_alloc
1111    A[[ ]]size1 A[[ ]]size2 min gsl_vector_alloc
1112    8 cells allocate throw
1113    { V[[ W[ p[ |
1114    ascii O p[ 0 cells + ! p[ 0 cells +
1115    ascii S p[ 1 cells + ! p[ 1 cells +
1116    A[[ ]]size2 p[ 2 cells + ! p[ 2 cells +
1117    A[[ ]]size1 p[ 3 cells + ! p[ 3 cells +
1118    A[[ ]]data
1119    p[ 2 cells +
1120    W[ ]data
1121    0
1122    p[ 2 cells +
1123    V[[ ]]data
1124    V[[ ]]size2 p[ 5 cells + ! p[ 5 cells +
1125    A[[ ]]size2 A[[ ]]size1 lwork
1126    dup gsl_vector_alloc dup >r
1127    ]data swap p[ 6 cells + ! p[ 6 cells +
1128    p[ 7 cells +
1129    dgesvd_
1130    r> ]free p[ free throw
1131    A[[ V[[ W[ } } ;
1134: ]diag[[ ( *gsl_vector -- *gsl_matrix )
1135    dup ]size dup dup gsl_matrix_calloc swap
1136    0 do
1137        2dup swap i ]@ i i ]]!
1138    loop nip ;
1140: ]print\ ( *gsl_vector -- )
1141    dup ]size 0 do dup i ]@ fx. loop drop ;
1142: ]print ( *gsl_vector -- ) ]print\ cr ;
1143: ]]print ( *gsl_matrix -- )
1144    cr precision swap
1145    5 set-precision
1146    dup ]]size1 0 do
1147        \ i . ." :  "
1148        dup ]]size2 0 do
1149            dup
1150            j i ]]@ fs.
1151        loop
1152        cr
1153    loop
1154    drop set-precision ;
1155: ]]row-print ( *gsl_matrix i -- )
1156    cr
1157    over gsl_matrix size2 @ 0 do
1158        2dup
1159         i ]]@ f.
1160    loop
1161    cr 2drop ;
1163: ]]col-print ( *gsl_matrix i -- )
1164    cr
1165    over gsl_matrix size1 @ 0 do
1166        2dup
1167        i swap ]]@ f.
1168    loop
1169    cr 2drop ;
1171: ]]nthrow ( *gsl_matrix n -- addr )
1172    over ]]tda * dfloats swap ]]data + ;
1174: ]]randomize ( *gsl_matrix -- )
1175    dup dup ]]size1 swap ]]size2 * 0 do
1176            dup
1177            gsl-randomu
1178            ]]data i dfloats + df!
1179    loop drop ;
1180: ]randomize ( *gsl_vector -- )
1181    dup ]size 0 do
1182            dup
1183            gsl-randomu
1184            i ]!
1185    loop drop ;
1186: ]mean ( *gsl_vector -- f )
1187    dup ]stride swap dup ]size swap ]data
1188    rot rot gsl_stats_mean ;
1190: ]variance ( *gsl_vector -- f )
1191    dup ]stride swap dup ]size swap ]data
1192    rot rot gsl_stats_variance ;
1194: ]sd ( *gsl_vector -- f )
1195    dup ]stride swap dup ]size swap ]data
1196    rot rot gsl_stats_sd ;
1198: ]skew ( *gsl_vector -- f )
1199    dup ]stride swap dup ]size swap ]data
1200    rot rot gsl_stats_skew ;
1202: ]kurtosis ( *gsl_vector -- f )
1203    dup ]stride swap dup ]size swap ]data
1204    rot rot gsl_stats_kurtosis ;
1206: ]]gsl-lu ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix *gsl_permutation )
1207    1 sp@ rot ]]clone dup >r dup ]]size1 gsl_permutation_calloc dup >r rot
1208    gsl_linalg_LU_decomp drop r> r> swap rot drop ;
1210: ]]gsl-invert ( *gsl_matrix -- *gsl_matrix )
1211    ]]clone dup dup ]]gsl-lu 2dup >r >r rot
1212    gsl_linalg_LU_invert drop r> ]]free r> }free ;
1214' ]]ainvert alias ]]invert
1215' ]]asvdO alias ]]svd
1217: ]]save ( *gsl_matrix *gsl_matrix_cfa fid -- )
1218    -rot { m[[ name[[ |
1219    >r
1220    name[[ >name count 1+ nip 0 m[[ ]]size2 m[[ ]]size1 0
1221    sp@ 5 cells r@ write-file throw
1222    2drop 2drop drop
1223    name[[ >name count 1+ r@ write-file throw
1224    m[[ ]]size1 m[[ ]]size2 * dfloats  m[[ ]]T dup s>f ]]data swap
1225    r> write-file throw  f>s ]]free } ;
1227\ these words do not work with float matrices but are needed for
1228\ scientific calculations, that's why they are in this module
1230: _hmatrix ( n m size -- addr )
1231    rot over * 2 pick * [ 2 cells ] literal +
1232    allocate throw dup [ 2 cells ] literal + >r
1233    rot over ! [ 1 cells ] literal + ! r> ;
1234: hmatrix ( n m size -- )
1235    create
1236    rot over * 2 pick * [ 2 cells ] literal + allocate throw dup ,
1237    rot over ! [ 1 cells ] literal + !
1238  does> @ [ 2 cells ] literal + ;
1239: }}row-size ( hmatrix -- ) [ 2 cells ] literal - @ ;
1240: freeHmatrix ( hmatrix -- ) [ 2 cells ] literal - free throw ;
1241: }} ( addr i j -- addr[i][j] )    \ word to fetch 2-D array addresses
1242    >R >R                          \ indices to return stack temporarily
1243    DUP CELL- CELL- 2@             \ &a[0][0] size m
1244    R> * R> + *
1245    +
1246    ALIGNED ;
1247: h->[[ ( hmatrix -- gsl_matrix )
1248    dup }}row-size 3 swap gsl_matrix_alloc
1249    dup ]]size2 0 do
1250        3 0 do
1251          2dup swap i j }} w@ s>f i j ]]!
1252        loop
1253    loop nip ;
1255\ some sequencing code
1256: arange ( f:start f:end f:step -- x[ )
1257    f-rot
1258    fswap fdup f>r f- fover f/ f>s :] fr>
1259    dup ]size 0 do
1260        dup fover i s>f f* fover f+ i ]!
1261    loop ;
1262: product ( x[ -- f:P )
1263    !1 dup ]size 0 do
1264        dup i ]@ f*
1265    loop drop ;
1267\ initializing random number generator to some value in order to have
1268\ it available upon loading of gsl
1270: )randperm ( *v( -- )
1271    gsl_rng_default swap
1272    dup )size over )type 8 / gsl_ran_shuffle ;
1274previous previous previous previous previous