1 /***************************************************************************
2  * mgl.h is part of Math Graphic Library
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Alexey Balakin <mathgl.abalakin@gmail.ru>       *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
16  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
19  ***************************************************************************/
20 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 /// Wrapper class for all graphics
22 class mglGraph
23 {
mglGraph(const mglGraph &)24 	mglGraph(const mglGraph &) {gr=0;}	// copying is not allowed
25 	const mglGraph &operator=(const mglGraph &t)	{	gr=0;	return t;	}
26 protected:
27 	HMGL gr;
28 public:
29 	HMPR pr;	///< Pointer to associated MGL parser
30 	mglGraph(int kind=-1)
31 	{	pr = NULL;
32 		if(kind==0)	gr=mgl_create_graph(600, 400);
34 		else if(kind==1)	gr=mgl_create_graph_gl();
35 #else
36 		else if(kind==1)
37 		{	gr=mgl_default_graph();	mgl_use_graph(gr,1);
38 			SetGlobalWarn("OpenGL support was disabled. Please, enable it and rebuild MathGL.");	}
39 #endif
40 		else	{	gr=mgl_default_graph();	mgl_use_graph(gr,1);	}
41 	}
mglGraph(int kind,int width,int height)42 	mglGraph(int kind, int width, int height)
43 	{	pr = NULL;
44 		if(kind==0)	gr=mgl_create_graph(width, height);
46 		else if(kind==1)	gr=mgl_create_graph_gl();
47 #else
48 		else if(kind==1)
49 		{	gr=mgl_default_graph();	mgl_use_graph(gr,1);
50 			SetGlobalWarn("OpenGL support was disabled. Please, enable it and rebuild MathGL.");	}
51 #endif
52 		else	{	gr=mgl_default_graph();	mgl_use_graph(gr,1);	mgl_set_size(gr,width,height);	}
53 	}
mglGraph(HMGL graph)54 	mglGraph(HMGL graph)
55 	{	pr = NULL;	gr = graph;		mgl_use_graph(gr,1);	}
~mglGraph()56 	virtual ~mglGraph()
57 	{	if(mgl_use_graph(gr,-1)<1)	mgl_delete_graph(gr);	}
58 	/// Get pointer to internal HMGL object
Self()59 	inline HMGL Self()	{	return gr;	}
60 	/// Set default parameters for plotting
DefaultPlotParam()61 	inline void DefaultPlotParam()			{	mgl_set_def_param(gr);	}
62 	/// Set name of plot for saving filename
SetPlotId(const char * id)63 	inline void SetPlotId(const char *id)	{	mgl_set_plotid(gr,id);	}
64 	/// Get name of plot for saving filename
GetPlotId()65 	inline const char *GetPlotId()	{	return mgl_get_plotid(gr);	}
67 	/// Ask to stop drawing
68 	inline void Stop(bool stop=true)	{	mgl_ask_stop(gr, stop);	}
69 	/// Check if plot termination is asked
NeedStop()70 	inline bool NeedStop()	{	return mgl_need_stop(gr);	}
72 	/// Set the transparency on/off.
Alpha(bool enable)73 	inline void Alpha(bool enable)			{	mgl_set_alpha(gr, enable);	}
74 	/// Set the gray-scale mode on/off.
Gray(bool enable)75 	inline void Gray(bool enable)			{	mgl_set_gray(gr, enable);	}
76 	/// Set default value of alpha-channel
SetAlphaDef(double alpha)77 	inline void SetAlphaDef(double alpha)	{	mgl_set_alpha_default(gr, alpha);	}
78 	/// Set the transparency type (0 - usual, 1 - glass, 2 - lamp)
SetTranspType(int type)79 	inline void SetTranspType(int type)		{	mgl_set_transp_type(gr, type);	}
80 	/// Set the size of semi-transparent area around lines, marks, glyphs, ... Default is 1.
SetPenDelta(double d)81 	inline void SetPenDelta(double d)	{	mgl_pen_delta(gr,d);	}
83 	/// Set the using of light on/off.
Light(bool enable)84 	inline void Light(bool enable)			{	mgl_set_light(gr, enable);	}
85 	/// Switch on/off the specified light source.
Light(int n,bool enable)86 	inline void Light(int n,bool enable)	{	mgl_set_light_n(gr, n, enable);	}
87 	/// Use diffusive light (only for local light sources) -- OBSOLETE
SetDifLight(bool dif)88 	inline void SetDifLight(bool dif)		{	mgl_set_light_dif(gr, dif);	}
89 	/// Set to attach light settings to inplot.
AttachLight(bool enable)90 	inline void AttachLight(bool enable)		{	mgl_set_attach_light(gr, enable);	}
91 	/// Add a light source.
92 	inline void AddLight(int n, mglPoint p, char col='w', double bright=0.5, double ap=0)
93 	{	mgl_add_light_ext(gr, n, p.x, p.y, p.z, col, bright, ap);	}
94 	inline void AddLight(int n, mglPoint r, mglPoint p, char col='w', double bright=0.5, double ap=0)
95 	{	mgl_add_light_loc(gr, n, r.x, r.y, r.z, p.x, p.y, p.z, col, bright, ap);	}
96 	/// Set ambient light brightness
SetAmbient(double i)97 	inline void SetAmbient(double i)			{	mgl_set_ambbr(gr, i);	}
98 	/// Set diffusive light brightness
SetDiffuse(double i)99 	inline void SetDiffuse(double i)			{	mgl_set_difbr(gr, i);	}
100 	/// Set the fog distance or switch it off (if d=0).
101 	inline void Fog(double d, double dz=0.25)	{	mgl_set_fog(gr, d, dz);		}
103 	/// Set relative width of rectangles in Bars, Barh, BoxPlot, Candle, OHLC (default is 0.7)
SetBarWidth(double width)104 	inline void SetBarWidth(double width)	{	mgl_set_bar_width(gr, width);	}
105 	/// Set default size of marks (locally you can use "size" option)
SetMarkSize(double size)106 	inline void SetMarkSize(double size)		{	mgl_set_mark_size(gr, size);	}
107 	/// Set default size of arrows (locally you can use "size" option)
SetArrowSize(double size)108 	inline void SetArrowSize(double size)	{	mgl_set_arrow_size(gr, size);	}
109 	/// Set number of mesh lines (use 0 to draw all of them)
SetMeshNum(int num)110 	inline void SetMeshNum(int num)			{	mgl_set_meshnum(gr, num);	}
111 	/// Set number of visible faces (use 0 to draw all of them)
SetFaceNum(int num)112 	inline void SetFaceNum(int num)			{	mgl_set_facenum(gr, num);	}
113 	/// Set TeX parsing at text drawing
SetTeXparse(bool val)114 	inline void SetTeXparse(bool val)		{	mgl_set_tex_parse(gr, val);	}
116 	/// Set cutting for points outside of bounding box
SetCut(bool cut)117 	inline void SetCut(bool cut)				{	mgl_set_cut(gr, cut);	}
118 	/// Set additional cutting box
SetCutBox(mglPoint p1,mglPoint p2)119 	inline void SetCutBox(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2)
120 	{	mgl_set_cut_box(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);	}
121 	/// Set the cutting off condition (formula)
CutOff(const char * EqC)122 	inline void CutOff(const char *EqC)		{	mgl_set_cutoff(gr, EqC);	}
124 	/// Set default font size
SetFontSize(double size)125 	inline void SetFontSize(double size)	{	mgl_set_font_size(gr, size);	}
126 	/// Set default font style and color
SetFontDef(const char * fnt)127 	inline void SetFontDef(const char *fnt)	{	mgl_set_font_def(gr, fnt);	}
128 	/// Set FontSize by size in pt and picture DPI (default is 16 pt for dpi=72)
129 	virtual void SetFontSizePT(double pt, int dpi=72)	{	SetFontSize(pt*27.f/dpi);	}
130 	/// Set FontSize by size in centimeters and picture DPI (default is 0.56 cm = 16 pt)
131 	inline void SetFontSizeCM(double cm, int dpi=72)	{	SetFontSizePT(cm*28.45f,dpi);	}
132 	/// Set FontSize by size in inch and picture DPI (default is 0.22 in = 16 pt)
133 	inline void SetFontSizeIN(double in, int dpi=72)	{	SetFontSizePT(in*72.27f,dpi);	}
134 	/// Load font from file
135 	inline void LoadFont(const char *name, const char *path=NULL)
136 	{	mgl_load_font(gr, name, path);	}
137 	/// Copy font from another mglGraph instance
CopyFont(const mglGraph * GR)138 	inline void CopyFont(const mglGraph *GR)	{	mgl_copy_font(gr, GR->gr);}
139 	/// Restore font (load default font for new HMGL objects)
RestoreFont()140 	inline void RestoreFont()				{	mgl_restore_font(gr);	}
141 	/// Set to use or not text rotation
SetRotatedText(bool enable)142 	inline void SetRotatedText(bool enable)	{	mgl_set_rotated_text(gr, enable);	}
143 	/// Set to scale text in relative subplots too
SetScaleText(bool enable)144 	inline void SetScaleText(bool enable)	{	mgl_set_scale_text(gr, enable);	}
145 	/// Set default font for all new HMGL and mglGraph objects
146 	static inline void SetDefFont(const char *name, const char *path="")	{	mgl_def_font(name,path);	}
147 	/// Add user-defined glyph for symbol and set its optional id
DefineSymbol(char id,const mglData & x,const mglData & y)148 	inline void DefineSymbol(char id, const mglData &x, const mglData &y)
149 	{	mgl_define_symbol(gr, id, &x, &y);	}
151 	/// Set default palette
SetPalette(const char * colors)152 	inline void SetPalette(const char *colors)	{	mgl_set_palette(gr, colors);	}
153 	/// Set default color scheme
SetDefScheme(const char * sch)154 	inline void SetDefScheme(const char *sch)	{	mgl_set_def_sch(gr, sch);	}
156 	/// Sets RGB values for color with given id
SetColor(char id,double r,double g,double b)157 	static inline void SetColor(char id, double r, double g, double b)	{	mgl_set_color(id, r, g, b);	}
158 	/// Set mask for face coloring as array of type 'unsigned char[8]'
SetMask(char id,const char * mask)159 	static inline void SetMask(char id, const char *mask)	{	mgl_set_mask(id, mask);	}
160 	/// Set mask for face coloring as uint64_t number
SetMask(char id,uint64_t mask)161 	static inline void SetMask(char id, uint64_t mask)	{	mgl_set_mask_val(id, mask);	}
162 	/// Set default mask rotation angle
SetMaskAngle(int angle)163 	inline void SetMaskAngle(int angle)	{	mgl_set_mask_angle(gr, angle);	}
165 	/// Get last warning code
GetWarn()166 	inline int  GetWarn()	{	return mgl_get_warn(gr);}
167 	/// Set warning code ant fill message
SetWarn(int code,const char * info)168 	inline void SetWarn(int code, const char *info)	{	mgl_set_warn(gr,code,info);	}
169 	/// Get text of warning message(s)
Message()170 	inline const char *Message()	{	return mgl_get_mess(gr);	}
171 	/// Set global warning message
SetGlobalWarn(const char * text)172 	static inline void SetGlobalWarn(const char *text)	{	mgl_set_global_warn(text);	}
173 	/// Get text of global warning message(s)
GlobalWarn()174 	static inline const char *GlobalWarn()	{	return mgl_get_global_warn();	}
175 	/// Clear global warning message
ClearGlobalWarn()176 	static inline void ClearGlobalWarn()	{	mgl_clear_global_warn();	}
177 	/// Suppress printing warnings to stderr
SuppressWarn(bool on)178 	static inline void SuppressWarn(bool on)	{	mgl_suppress_warn(on);	}
179 	/// Check if MathGL version is valid (return false) or not (return true)
CheckVersion(const char * ver)180 	static inline bool CheckVersion(const char *ver)	{	return mgl_check_version(ver);	}
181 	/// Display progress of something.
Progress(int value,int maximal)182 	inline void Progress(int value, int maximal)	{	mgl_progress(value, maximal, gr);	}
184 	/// Set axis range scaling -- simplified way to shift/zoom axis range -- need to replot whole image!
185 	inline void ZoomAxis(mglPoint p1=mglPoint(0,0,0,0), mglPoint p2=mglPoint(1,1,1,1))
186 	{	mgl_zoom_axis(gr, p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.c, p2.x,p2.y,p2.z,p2.c);	}
187 	/// Add [v1, v2] to the current range in direction dir
AddRange(char dir,double v1,double v2)188 	inline void AddRange(char dir, double v1, double v2)
189 	{	mgl_add_range_val(gr, dir, v1, v2);	}
190 	/// Set range in direction dir as [v1, v2]
SetRange(char dir,double v1,double v2)191 	inline void SetRange(char dir, double v1, double v2)
192 	{	mgl_set_range_val(gr, dir, v1, v2);	}
193 	/// Set range in direction dir as minimal and maximal values of data a
194 	inline void SetRange(char dir, const mglData &dat, bool add=false)
195 	{	mgl_set_range_dat(gr, dir, &dat, add);	}
196 	/// Set values of axis range as minimal and maximal values of corresponding data
SetRanges(const mglData & xx,const mglData & yy,const mglData & zz,const mglData & cc)197 	inline void SetRanges(const mglData &xx, const mglData &yy, const mglData &zz, const mglData &cc)
198 	{	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'x',&xx,0);	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'y',&yy,0);
199 		mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'z',&zz,0);	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'c',&cc,0);	}
200 	/// Set values of axis range as minimal and maximal values of corresponding data
SetRanges(const mglData & xx,const mglData & yy,const mglData & zz)201 	inline void SetRanges(const mglData &xx, const mglData &yy, const mglData &zz)
202 	{	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'x',&xx,0);	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'y',&yy,0);
203 		mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'z',&zz,0);	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'c',&zz,0);	}
204 	/// Set values of axis range as minimal and maximal values of corresponding data
SetRanges(const mglData & xx,const mglData & yy)205 	inline void SetRanges(const mglData &xx, const mglData &yy)
206 	{	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'x',&xx,0);	mgl_set_range_dat(gr,'y',&yy,0);	}
207 	/// Set values of axis ranges
208 	inline void SetRanges(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double z1=0, double z2=0)
209 	{	mgl_set_ranges(gr, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2);	}
210 	/// Set values of axis ranges
SetRanges(mglPoint p1,mglPoint p2)211 	inline void SetRanges(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2)
212 	{	mgl_set_ranges(gr, p1.x, p2.x, p1.y, p2.y, p1.z, p2.z);	}
213 	/// Set ranges for automatic variables
214 	inline void SetAutoRanges(double x1, double x2, double y1=0, double y2=0, double z1=0, double z2=0, double c1=0, double c2=0)
215 	{	mgl_set_auto_ranges(gr, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, c1, c2);	}
216 	/// Set ranges for automatic variables
SetAutoRanges(mglPoint p1,mglPoint p2)217 	inline void SetAutoRanges(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2)
218 	{	mgl_set_auto_ranges(gr, p1.x, p2.x, p1.y, p2.y, p1.z, p2.z, p1.c, p2.c);	}
219 	/// Set axis origin
SetOrigin(mglPoint p)220 	inline void SetOrigin(mglPoint p)
221 	{	mgl_set_origin(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z);	}
222 	inline void SetOrigin(double x0, double y0, double z0=NaN)
223 	{	mgl_set_origin(gr, x0, y0, z0);	}
225 	/// Set the transformation formulas for coordinate. Use "" for built-in ones
226 	inline void SetFunc(const char *EqX, const char *EqY, const char *EqZ=NULL, const char *EqA=NULL)
227 	{	mgl_set_func(gr, EqX, EqY, EqZ, EqA);	}
228 	/// Set one of predefined transformation rule
SetCoor(int how)229 	inline void SetCoor(int how)		{	mgl_set_coor(gr, how);	}
230 	/// Set to draw Ternary axis (triangle like axis, grid and so on)
231 	/** val=1 for Ternary axis (a+b+c=1, z=z),
232 	 *  val=2 for Quaternary axis (a+b+c+d=1),
233 	 *  val|4 for projections. */
Ternary(int val)234 	inline void Ternary(int val)		{	mgl_set_ternary(gr, val);	}
236 	/// Set to use or not tick labels rotation
SetTickRotate(bool val)237 	inline void SetTickRotate(bool val)	{	mgl_set_tick_rotate(gr,val);	}
238 	/// Set to use or not tick labels skipping
SetTickSkip(bool val)239 	inline void SetTickSkip(bool val)	{	mgl_set_tick_skip(gr,val);	}
240 	/// Set tick length
241 	inline void SetTickLen(double len, double stt=1)
242 	{	mgl_set_tick_len(gr, len, stt);	}
243 	/// Set axis and ticks style
244 	inline void SetAxisStl(const char *stl="k", const char *tck=0, const char *sub=0)
245 	{	mgl_set_axis_stl(gr, stl, tck, sub);	}
247 	/// Set time templates for ticks
248 	inline void SetTicksTime(char dir, double d=0, const char *t="")
249 	{	mgl_set_ticks_time(gr,dir,d,t);	}
250 	/// Set ticks text (\n separated). Use "" to disable this feature.
251 	inline void SetTicksVal(char dir, const char *lbl, bool add=false)
252 	{	mgl_set_ticks_str(gr,dir,lbl,add);	}
253 	inline void SetTicksVal(char dir, const wchar_t *lbl, bool add=false)
254 	{	mgl_set_ticks_wcs(gr,dir,lbl,add);	}
255 	/// Set ticks position and text (\n separated). Use "" to disable this feature.
256 	inline void SetTicksVal(char dir, const mglData &v, const char *lbl, bool add=false)
257 	{	mgl_set_ticks_val(gr,dir,&v,lbl,add);	}
258 	inline void SetTicksVal(char dir, const mglData &v, const wchar_t *lbl, bool add=false)
259 	{	mgl_set_ticks_valw(gr,dir,&v,lbl,add);	}
260 	/// Add manual tick at given position. Use "" to disable this feature.
AddTick(char dir,double val,const char * lbl)261 	inline void AddTick(char dir, double val, const char *lbl)
262 	{	mgl_add_tick(gr,dir,val,lbl);	}
AddTick(char dir,double val,const wchar_t * lbl)263 	inline void AddTick(char dir, double val, const wchar_t *lbl)
264 	{	mgl_add_tickw(gr,dir,val,lbl);	}
265 	/// Set the ticks parameters and string for its factor
266 	inline void SetTicks(char dir, double d=0, int ns=0, double org=NaN, const char *factor="")
267 	{	mgl_set_ticks_fact(gr, dir, d, ns, org, factor);	}
SetTicks(char dir,double d,int ns,double org,const wchar_t * factor)268 	inline void SetTicks(char dir, double d, int ns, double org, const wchar_t *factor)
269 	{	mgl_set_ticks_factw(gr, dir, d, ns, org, factor);	}
270 	/// Auto adjust ticks
271 	inline void Adjust(const char *dir="xyzc")
272 	{	mgl_adjust_ticks(gr, dir);	}
273 	/// Set templates for ticks
SetTickTempl(char dir,const char * t)274 	inline void SetTickTempl(char dir, const char *t)
275 	{	mgl_set_tick_templ(gr,dir,t);	}
SetTickTempl(char dir,const wchar_t * t)276 	inline void SetTickTempl(char dir, const wchar_t *t)
277 	{	mgl_set_tick_templw(gr,dir,t);	}
278 	/// Tune ticks (tune|1 for common multiplier, tune|2 for common component)
279 	inline void SetTuneTicks(int tune, double fact_pos=1.15)
280 	{	mgl_tune_ticks(gr, tune, fact_pos);	}
281 	/// Set additional shift of tick labels
SetTickShift(mglPoint p)282 	inline void SetTickShift(mglPoint p)
283 	{	mgl_set_tick_shift(gr,p.x,p.y,p.z,p.c);	}
284 	/// Set to use UTC time instead of local time
SetTimeUTC(bool enable)285 	inline void SetTimeUTC(bool enable)
286 	{	mgl_set_flag(gr,enable, MGL_USE_GMTIME);	}
287 	/// Set to draw tick labels at axis origin
288 	inline void SetOriginTick(bool enable=true)
289 	{	mgl_set_flag(gr,!enable, MGL_NO_ORIGIN);	}
290 	/// Set bit-value flag of HMGL state (for advanced users only)
SetFlagAdv(int val,uint32_t flag)291 	inline void SetFlagAdv(int val, uint32_t flag)
292 	{	mgl_set_flag(gr, val, flag);	}
294 	/// Put further plotting in m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the image.
295 	/** String \a style may contain:
296 	 *  '<' for reserving space at left
297 	 *  '>' for reserving space at right
298 	 *  '^' for reserving space at top
299 	 *  '_' for reserving space at bottom
300 	 *  '#' for using whole region. */
301 	inline void SubPlot(int nx,int ny,int m,const char *style="<>_^", double dx=0, double dy=0)
302 	{	mgl_subplot_d(gr, nx, ny, m, style, dx, dy);	}
303 	/// Put further plotting in rectangle of dx*dy cells starting from m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the image and shift it by distance {sx,sy}.
304 	/** String \a style may contain:
305 	 *  '<' for reserving space at left
306 	 *  '>' for reserving space at right
307 	 *  '^' for reserving space at top
308 	 *  '_' for reserving space at bottom
309 	 *  '#' for using whole region. */
310 	inline void MultiPlot(int nx,int ny,int m, int dx, int dy, const char *style="<>_^", double sx=0, double sy=0)
311 	{	mgl_multiplot_d(gr, nx, ny, m, dx, dy, style, sx, sy);	}
312 	/// Put further plotting in a region [x1,x2]*[y1,y2] of the image or subplot (x1,x2,y1,y2 in range [0, 1]).
313 	inline void InPlot(double x1,double x2,double y1,double y2, bool rel=true)
314 	{	if(rel)	mgl_relplot(gr, x1, x2, y1, y2);
315 		else	mgl_inplot(gr, x1, x2, y1, y2);	}
316 	/// Put further plotting in column cell of previous subplot
317 	inline void ColumnPlot(int num, int ind, double d=0)
318 	{	mgl_columnplot(gr,num,ind,d);	}
319 	/// Put further plotting in matrix cell of previous subplot
320 	inline void GridPlot(int nx, int ny, int ind, double d=0)
321 	{	mgl_gridplot(gr,nx,ny,ind,d);	}
322 	/// Put further plotting in cell of stick rotated on angles tet, phi
StickPlot(int num,int i,double tet,double phi)323 	inline void StickPlot(int num, int i, double tet, double phi)
324 	{	mgl_stickplot(gr,num,i,tet,phi);	}
325 	/// Put further plotting in cell of stick sheared on sx, sy.
326 	inline void ShearPlot(int num, int i, mreal sx, mreal sy, mreal xd=1, mreal yd=0)
327 	{	mgl_shearplot(gr,num,i,sx,sy,xd,yd);	}
329 	/// Set factor of plot size
SetPlotFactor(double val)330 	inline void SetPlotFactor(double val)
331 	{	mgl_set_plotfactor(gr,val);	}
332 	/// Push transformation matrix into stack
Push()333 	inline void Push()	{	mgl_mat_push(gr);	}
334 	/// Pop transformation matrix from stack
Pop()335 	inline void Pop()	{	mgl_mat_pop(gr);	}
337 	/// Add title for current subplot/inplot
338 	/** Style '#' draw box around the title. */
339 	inline 	void Title(const char *title,const char *stl="",double size=-2)
340 	{	mgl_title(gr,title,stl,size);	}
341 	/// Add title for current subplot/inplot
342 	/** Style '#' draw box around the title. */
343 	inline 	void Title(const wchar_t *title,const char *stl="",double size=-2)
344 	{	mgl_titlew(gr,title,stl,size);	}
345 	/// Set aspect ratio for further plotting.
346 	inline void Aspect(double Ax,double Ay,double Az=1)
347 	{	mgl_aspect(gr, Ax, Ay, Az);		}
348 	/// Shear a further plotting.
Shear(double Sx,double Sy)349 	inline void Shear(double Sx,double Sy)
350 	{	mgl_shear(gr, Sx, Sy);		}
351 	/// Rotate a further plotting.
352 	inline void Rotate(double TetX,double TetZ=0,double TetY=0)
353 	{	mgl_rotate(gr, TetX, TetZ, TetY);	}
354 	/// Rotate a further plotting around vector {x,y,z}.
RotateN(double Tet,double x,double y,double z)355 	inline void RotateN(double Tet,double x,double y,double z)
356 	{	mgl_rotate_vector(gr, Tet, x, y, z);	}
357 	/// Set perspective (in range [0,1)) for plot. Set to zero for switching off.
Perspective(double val)358 	inline void Perspective(double val)
359 	{	mgl_perspective(gr, val);	}
360 	/// Set angle of view independently from Rotate().
361 	inline void View(double TetX,double TetZ=0,double TetY=0)
362 	{	mgl_view(gr, TetX, TetZ, TetY);	}
363 	/// Set angle of view independently from Rotate().
364 	inline void ViewAsRotate(double TetZ,double TetX,double TetY=0)
365 	{	mgl_view(gr, -TetX, -TetZ, -TetY);	}
366 	/// Zoom in/out a part of picture (use Zoom(0, 0, 1, 1) for restore default)
Zoom(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2)367 	inline void Zoom(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
368 	{	mgl_zoom(gr, x1, y1, x2, y2);	}
370 	/// Set size of frame in pixels. Normally this function is called internally.
371 	inline void SetSize(int width, int height, bool clf=true)
372 	{	if(clf)	mgl_set_size(gr, width, height);
373 		else	mgl_scale_size(gr, width, height);	}
374 	/// Scaling for all further set size calls.
SetSizeScl(double scl)375 	static inline void SetSizeScl(double scl)	{	mgl_set_size_scl(scl);	}
376 	/// Set plot quality
377 	/** qual=0 -- no face drawing (fastest),
378 	 *  qual=1 -- no color interpolation (fast),
379 	 *  qual=2 -- high quality (normal),
380 	 *  qual|4 -- direct bitmap drawing (low memory usage);
381 	 *  qual|8 for dots drawing instead of primitives (extremely fast). */
382 	inline void SetQuality(int qual=MGL_DRAW_NORM)	{	mgl_set_quality(gr, qual);	}
383 	/// Get plot quality
GetQuality()384 	inline int GetQuality()	{	return mgl_get_quality(gr);	}
385 	/// Set drawing region for Quality&4
386 	inline void SetDrawReg(long nx=1, long ny=1, long m=0)	{	mgl_set_draw_reg(gr,nx,ny,m);	}
387 	/// Start group of objects
StartGroup(const char * name)388 	inline void StartGroup(const char *name)	{	mgl_start_group(gr, name);	}
389 	/// End group of objects
EndGroup()390 	inline void EndGroup()	{	mgl_end_group(gr);	}
391 	/// Highlight objects with given id
Highlight(int id)392 	inline void Highlight(int id)	{	mgl_highlight(gr, id);	}
393 	/// Set boundary box for export graphics into 2D file formats.
394 	/** If x2<0 (y2<0) then full width (height) will be used.
395 	 *  If x1<0 or y1<0 or x1>=x2|Width or y1>=y2|Height then cropping will be disabled. */
396 	inline void SetBBox(int x1=0, int y1=0, int x2=-1, int y2=-1)
397 	{	mgl_set_bbox(gr,x1,y1,x2,y2);	}
399 	/// Show current image
400 	inline void ShowImage(const char *viewer, bool keep=0)
401 	{	mgl_show_image(gr, viewer, keep);	}
402 	/// Write the frame in file (depending extension, write current frame if fname is empty)
403 	inline void WriteFrame(const char *fname=0,const char *descr="")
404 	{	mgl_write_frame(gr, fname, descr);	}
405 	/// Write the frame in file using JPEG format
406 	inline void WriteJPEG(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
407 	{	mgl_write_jpg(gr, fname, descr);	}
408 	/// Write the frame in file using PNG format with transparency
409 	inline void WritePNG(const char *fname,const char *descr="", bool alpha=true)
410 	{	if(alpha)	mgl_write_png(gr, fname, descr);
411 		else	mgl_write_png_solid(gr, fname, descr);	}
412 	/// Write the frame in file using BMP format
413 	inline void WriteBMP(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
414 	{	mgl_write_bmp(gr, fname, descr);	}
415 	/// Write the frame in file using BMP format
416 	inline void WriteTGA(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
417 	{	mgl_write_tga(gr, fname, descr);	}
418 	/// Write the frame in file using PostScript format
419 	inline void WriteEPS(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
420 	{	mgl_write_eps(gr, fname, descr);	}
421 	/// Write the frame in file using LaTeX format
422 	inline void WriteTEX(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
423 	{	mgl_write_tex(gr, fname, descr);	}
424 	/// Write the frame in file using PostScript format as bitmap
425 	inline void WriteBPS(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
426 	{	mgl_write_bps(gr, fname, descr);	}
427 	/// Write the frame in file using SVG format
428 	inline void WriteSVG(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
429 	{	mgl_write_svg(gr, fname, descr);	}
430 	/// Write the frame in file using GIF format (only for current frame!)
431 	inline void WriteGIF(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
432 	{	mgl_write_gif(gr, fname, descr);	}
434 	/// Write the frame in file using OBJ format
435 	inline void WriteOBJ(const char *fname,const char *descr="",bool use_png=true)
436 	{	mgl_write_obj(gr, fname, descr, use_png);	}
437 	/// Write the frame in file using OBJ format - Balakin way
438 	inline void WriteOBJold(const char *fname,const char *descr="",bool use_png=true)
439 	{	mgl_write_obj_old(gr, fname, descr, use_png);	}
440 	/// Write the frame in file using XYZ format
441 	inline void WriteXYZ(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
442 	{	mgl_write_xyz(gr, fname, descr);	}
443 	/// Write the frame in file using STL format (faces only)
444 	inline void WriteSTL(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
445 	{	mgl_write_stl(gr, fname, descr);	}
446 	/// Write the frame in file using OFF format
447 	inline void WriteOFF(const char *fname,const char *descr="", bool colored=false)
448 	{	mgl_write_off(gr, fname, descr,colored);	}
449 //	/// Write the frame in file using X3D format
450 //	inline void WriteX3D(const char *fname,const char *descr="")
451 //	{	mgl_write_x3d(gr, fname, descr);	}
452 	/// Write the frame in file using PRC format
453 	inline void WritePRC(const char *fname,const char *descr="",bool make_pdf=true)
454 	{	mgl_write_prc(gr, fname, descr, make_pdf);	}
455 	/// Export in JSON format suitable for later drawing by JavaScript
456 	inline void WriteJSON(const char *fname,const char *descr="",bool force_z=false)
457 	{	if(force_z)	mgl_write_json_z(gr, fname, descr);
458 		else 	mgl_write_json(gr, fname, descr);	}
459 	/// Return string of JSON data suitable for later drawing by JavaScript
GetJSON()460 	inline const char *GetJSON()	{	return mgl_get_json(gr);	}
462 	/// Force preparing the image. It can be useful for OpenGL mode mostly.
Finish()463 	inline void Finish()			{	mgl_finish(gr);	}
464 	/// Create new frame.
NewFrame()465 	inline void NewFrame()		{	mgl_new_frame(gr);	}
466 	/// Finish frame drawing
EndFrame()467 	inline void EndFrame()		{	mgl_end_frame(gr);	}
468 	/// Get the number of created frames
GetNumFrame()469 	inline int GetNumFrame()	{	return mgl_get_num_frame(gr);	}
470 	/// Reset frames counter (start it from zero)
ResetFrames()471 	inline void ResetFrames()	{	mgl_reset_frames(gr);	}
472 	/// Delete primitives for i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
DelFrame(int i)473 	inline void DelFrame(int i)	{	mgl_del_frame(gr, i);	}
474 	/// Get drawing data for i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
GetFrame(int i)475 	inline void GetFrame(int i)	{	mgl_get_frame(gr, i);	}
476 	/// Set drawing data for i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on). Work as EndFrame() but don't add frame to GIF image.
SetFrame(int i)477 	inline void SetFrame(int i)	{	mgl_set_frame(gr, i);	}
478 	/// Append drawing data from i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
ShowFrame(int i)479 	inline void ShowFrame(int i){	mgl_show_frame(gr, i);	}
480 	/// Clear list of primitives for current drawing
ClearFrame()481 	inline void ClearFrame()	{	mgl_clear_frame(gr);	}
483 	/// Start write frames to cinema using GIF format
484 	inline void StartGIF(const char *fname, int ms=100)
485 	{	mgl_start_gif(gr, fname,ms);	}
486 	/// Stop writing cinema using GIF format
CloseGIF()487 	inline void CloseGIF()		{	mgl_close_gif(gr);	}
488 	/// Export points and primitives in file using MGLD format
489 	inline void ExportMGLD(const char *fname, const char *descr=0)
490 	{	mgl_export_mgld(gr, fname, descr);	}
491 	/// Import points and primitives from file using MGLD format
492 	inline void ImportMGLD(const char *fname, bool add=false)
493 	{	mgl_import_mgld(gr, fname, add);	}
495 	/// Copy RGB values into array which is allocated by user
496 	/** Position of element {i,j} is [3*i + 3*Width*j]. */
GetRGB(char * imgdata,int imglen)497 	inline bool GetRGB(char *imgdata, int imglen)
498 	{
499 		long w=mgl_get_width(gr), h=mgl_get_height(gr);
500 		if(imglen>=3*w*h)	memcpy(imgdata, mgl_get_rgb(gr),3*w*h);
501 		return imglen>=3*w*h;
502 	}
503 	/// Get RGB values of current bitmap
504 	/** Position of element {i,j} is [3*i + 3*Width*j]. */
GetRGB()505 	inline const unsigned char *GetRGB()		{	return mgl_get_rgb(gr);	}
506 	/// Copy RGBA values into array which is allocated by user
507 	/** Position of element {i,j} is [4*i + 4*Width*j]. */
GetRGBA(char * imgdata,int imglen)508 	inline bool GetRGBA(char *imgdata, int imglen)
509 	{
510 		long w=mgl_get_width(gr), h=mgl_get_height(gr);
511 		if(imglen>=4*w*h)	memcpy(imgdata, mgl_get_rgba(gr),4*w*h);
512 		return imglen>=4*w*h;
513 	}
514 	/// Get RGBA values of current bitmap
515 	/** Position of element {i,j} is [4*i + 4*Width*j]. */
GetRGBA()516 	inline const unsigned char *GetRGBA()	{	return mgl_get_rgba(gr);	}
517 	/// Copy BGRN values into array which is allocated by user
GetBGRN(unsigned char * imgdata,int imglen)518 	inline bool GetBGRN(unsigned char *imgdata, int imglen)
519 	{
520 		long w=mgl_get_width(gr), h=mgl_get_height(gr), i;
521 		const unsigned char *buf=mgl_get_rgb(gr);
522 		if(imglen>=4*w*h)	for(i=0;i<w*h;i++)
523 		{
524 			imgdata[4*i]   = buf[3*i+2];
525 			imgdata[4*i+1] = buf[3*i+1];
526 			imgdata[4*i+2] = buf[3*i];
527 			imgdata[4*i+3] = 255;
528 		}
529 		return imglen>=4*w*h;
530 	}
531 	/// Copy RGBA values of background image into array which is allocated by user
532 	/** Position of element {i,j} is [4*i + 4*Width*j]. */
GetBackground(char * imgdata,int imglen)533 	inline bool GetBackground(char *imgdata, int imglen)
534 	{
535 		long w=mgl_get_width(gr), h=mgl_get_height(gr);
536 		if(imglen>=4*w*h)	memcpy(imgdata, mgl_get_background(gr),4*w*h);
537 		return imglen>=4*w*h;
538 	}
539 	/// Get RGBA values of background image
540 	/** Position of element {i,j} is [4*i + 4*Width*j]. */
GetBackground()541 	inline const unsigned char *GetBackground()	{	return mgl_get_background(gr);	}
542 	/// Get width of the image
GetWidth()543 	inline int GetWidth()	{	return mgl_get_width(gr);	}
544 	/// Get height of the image
GetHeight()545 	inline int GetHeight()	{	return mgl_get_height(gr);}
546 	/// Calculate 3D coordinate {x,y,z} for screen point {xs,ys}
CalcXYZ(int xs,int ys)547 	inline mglPoint CalcXYZ(int xs, int ys)
548 	{
549 		mreal x,y,z;
550 		mgl_calc_xyz(gr,xs,ys,&x,&y,&z);
551 		return mglPoint(x,y,z);
552 	}
553 	/// Calculate screen point {xs,ys} for 3D coordinate {x,y,z}
CalcScr(mglPoint p)554 	inline mglPoint CalcScr(mglPoint p)
555 	{
556 		int xs,ys;
557 		mgl_calc_scr(gr,p.x,p.y,p.z,&xs,&ys);
558 		return mglPoint(xs,ys);
559 	}
560 	/// Set object/subplot id
SetObjId(int id)561 	inline void SetObjId(int id)		{	mgl_set_obj_id(gr,id);	}
562 	/// Get object id
GetObjId(long x,long y)563 	inline int GetObjId(long x,long y)	{	return mgl_get_obj_id(gr,x,y);	}
564 	/// Get subplot id
GetSplId(long x,long y)565 	inline int GetSplId(long x,long y)	{	return mgl_get_spl_id(gr,x,y);	}
566 	/// Check if {\a xs,\a ys} is close to active point with accuracy d, and return its position or -1
567 	inline long IsActive(int xs, int ys, int d=1)	{	return mgl_is_active(gr,xs,ys,d);	}
569 	/// Combine plots from 2 canvases. Result will be saved into this
Combine(const mglGraph * g)570 	inline void Combine(const mglGraph *g)	{	mgl_combine_gr(gr,g->gr);	}
572 	/// Clear up the frame and fill background by specified color
Clf(double r,double g,double b)573 	inline void Clf(double r, double g, double b)	{	mgl_clf_rgb(gr, r, g, b);	}
574 	/// Clear up the frame and fill background by specified color with manual transparency
Clf(const char * col)575 	inline void Clf(const char *col)	{	mgl_clf_str(gr, col);	}
576 	/// Clear up the frame and fill background by specified color
Clf(char col)577 	inline void Clf(char col)	{	mgl_clf_chr(gr, col);	}
578 	/// Clear up the frame
Clf()579 	inline void Clf()	{	mgl_clf(gr);	}
580 	/// Clear unused points and primitives. Useful only in combination with SetFaceNum().
ClearUnused()581 	inline void ClearUnused()	{	mgl_clear_unused(gr);	}
583 	/// Load background image (basic variant: no scaling, whole image)
584 	inline void LoadBackground(const char *fname, double alpha=1)
585 	{	mgl_load_background(gr,fname,alpha);	}
586 	/// Load image for background from file.
587 	/** Parameter 'how' can be:
588 	 *   'a' for filling current subplot only;
589 	 *   's' for scaling (resizing) image to whole area;
590 	 *   'c' for centering image;
591 	 *   'm' for tessellate image as mosaic. */
592 	void LoadBackground(const char *fname, const char *how, double alpha=1)
593 	{	mgl_load_background_ext(gr,fname,how,alpha);	}
594 	/// Fill background image by specified color
FillBackground(const mglColor & cc)595 	void FillBackground(const mglColor &cc)
596 	{	mgl_fill_background(gr, cc.r,cc.g,cc.b);	}
597 	/// Force drawing the image and use it as background one
Rasterize()598 	inline void Rasterize()			{	mgl_rasterize(gr);	}
600 	/// Draws the point (ball) at position {x,y,z} with color c
601 	inline void Ball(mglPoint p, char c='r')
602 	{	char s[3]={'.',c,0};	mgl_mark(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, s);	}
603 	/// Draws the mark at position p
Mark(mglPoint p,const char * mark)604 	inline void Mark(mglPoint p, const char *mark)
605 	{	mgl_mark(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, mark);	}
606 	/// Draws the line between points by specified pen
607 	/** Large \a n (for example, n=100) should be used for geodesic line in curved coordinates */
608 	inline void Line(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2, const char *pen="B",int n=2)
609 	{	mgl_line(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, pen, n);	}
610 	/// Draws the spline curve between points by specified pen
611 	inline void Curve(mglPoint p1, mglPoint d1, mglPoint p2, mglPoint d2, const char *pen="B", int n=100)
612 	{	mgl_curve(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, d1.x, d1.y, d1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, d2.x, d2.y, d2.z, pen, n);	}
613 	/// Draws the 3d error box e for point p
614 	inline void Error(mglPoint p, mglPoint e, const char *pen="k")
615 	{	mgl_error_box(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, e.x, e.y, e.z, pen);	}
617 	/// Draws Lamerey diagram for mapping x_new = f(x_old)
618 	/** String \a stl may contain: ‘v’ for drawing arrows; ‘~’ for disable 1st segment.
619 	 *	Option value set the number of segments (default is 20).*/
620 	inline void Lamerey(double x0, const mglData &f, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
621 	{	mgl_lamerey_dat(gr,x0,&f,stl,opt);	}
622 	inline void Lamerey(double x0, const char *func, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
623 	{	mgl_lamerey_str(gr,x0,func,stl,opt);	}
624 	/// Draws Bifurcation diagram for mapping x_new = f(x_old) in x-axis range
625 	/** Option value set the number of stationary points (default is 1024).*/
626 	inline void Bifurcation(double dx, const mglData &f, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
627 	{	mgl_bifurcation_dat(gr,dx,&f,stl,opt);	}
628 	inline void Bifurcation(double dx, const char *func, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
629 	{	mgl_bifurcation_str(gr,dx,func,stl,opt);	}
631 	/// Draws Iris plots for determining cross-dependences of data arrays
632 	/** NOTE: using the same ranges and empty ids will not draw axis. This will add data to existing Iris plot.
633 	 * 	Option value set the size of data labels ids, separated by ';'.*/
634 	inline void Iris(mglData &dats, const char *ids, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
635 	{	mgl_iris_1(gr,&dats,ids,stl,opt);	}
636 	inline void Iris(mglData &dats, const wchar_t *ids, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
637 	{	mgl_irisw_1(gr,&dats,ids,stl,opt);	}
638 	inline void Iris(mglData &dats, mglData &ranges, const char *ids, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
639 	{	mgl_iris(gr,&dats,&ranges,ids,stl,opt);	}
640 	inline void Iris(mglData &dats, mglData &ranges, const wchar_t *ids, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
641 	{	mgl_irisw(gr,&dats,&ranges,ids,stl,opt);	}
643 	/// Draws the face between points with color stl (include interpolation up to 4 colors).
644 	inline void Face(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2, mglPoint p3, mglPoint p4, const char *stl="r")
645 	{	mgl_face(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, p3.x, p3.y, p3.z, p4.x, p4.y, p4.z, stl);	}
646 	/// Draws the face in y-z plane at point p with color stl (include interpolation up to 4 colors).
647 	inline void FaceX(mglPoint p, double wy, double wz, const char *stl="w", double dx=0, double dy=0)
648 	{	mgl_facex(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, wy, wz, stl, dx, dy);	}
649 	/// Draws the face in x-z plane at point p with color stl (include interpolation up to 4 colors).
650 	inline void FaceY(mglPoint p, double wx, double wz, const char *stl="w", double dx=0, double dy=0)
651 	{	mgl_facey(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, wx, wz, stl, dx, dy);	}
652 	/// Draws the face in x-y plane at point p with color stl (include interpolation up to 4 colors).
653 	inline void FaceZ(mglPoint p, double wx, double wy, const char *stl="w", double dx=0, double dy=0)
654 	{	mgl_facez(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, wx, wy, stl, dx, dy);	}
655 	/// Draws the drop at point p in direction d with color col and radius r
656 	/** Parameter \a shift set the degree of drop oblongness: ‘0’ is sphere, ‘1’ is maximally oblongness drop. Parameter \a ap set relative width of the drop (this is analogue of “ellipticity” for the sphere).*/
657 	inline void Drop(mglPoint p, mglPoint d, double r, const char *col="r", double shift=1, double ap=1)
658 	{	mgl_drop(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, d.x, d.y, d.z, r, col, shift, ap);	}
659 	/// Draws the sphere at point p with color col and radius r
660 	inline void Sphere(mglPoint p, double r, const char *col="r")
661 	{	mgl_sphere(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, r, col);	}
662 	/// Draws the cone between points p1,p2 with radius r1,r2 and with style stl
663 	/** Parameter \a stl can contain:
664 	 * ‘@’ for drawing edges;
665 	 * ‘#’ for wired cones;
666 	 * ‘t’ for drawing tubes/cylinder instead of cones/prisms;
667 	 * ‘4’, ‘6’, ‘8’ for drawing square, hex- or octo-prism instead of cones.*/
668 	inline void Cone(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2, double r1, double r2=-1, const char *stl="r@")
669 	{	mgl_cone(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z,r1,r2,stl);	}
670 	/// Draws the ellipse between points p1,p2 with color stl and width r
671 	/** Parameter \a stl can contain:
672 	 * ‘#’ for wired figure (boundary only);
673 	 * ‘@’ for filled figure and with boundary (second color or black one is used for boundary).*/
674 	inline void Ellipse(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2, double r, const char *stl="r")
675 	{	mgl_ellipse(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, r,stl);	}
676 	/// Draws the circle at point p with color stl and radius r
677 	/** Parameter \a stl can contain:
678 	 * ‘#’ for wired figure (boundary only);
679 	 * ‘@’ for filled figure and with boundary (second color or black one is used for boundary).*/
680 	inline void Circle(mglPoint p, double r, const char *stl="r")
681 	{	mgl_ellipse(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, p.x, p.y, p.z, r,stl);	}
682 	/// Draws the rhomb between points p1,p2 with color stl and width r
683 	/** Parameter \a stl can contain:
684 	 * ‘#’ for wired figure (boundary only);
685 	 * ‘@’ for filled figure and with boundary (second color or black one is used for boundary).*/
686 	inline void Rhomb(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2, double r, const char *stl="r")
687 	{	mgl_rhomb(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, r,stl);	}
688 	/// Draws the polygon based on points p1,p2 with color stl
689 	/** Parameter \a stl can contain:
690 	 * ‘#’ for wired figure (boundary only);
691 	 * ‘@’ for filled figure and with boundary (second color or black one is used for boundary).*/
692 	inline void Polygon(mglPoint p1, mglPoint p2, int n, const char *stl="r")
693 	{	mgl_polygon(gr, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, n,stl);	}
694 	/// Draws the arc around axis pr with center at p0 and starting from p1, by color stl and angle a (in degrees)
695 	inline void Arc(mglPoint p0, mglPoint pa, mglPoint p1, double a, const char *stl="r")
696 	{	mgl_arc_ext(gr, p0.x,p0.y,p0.z, pa.x,pa.y,pa.z, p1.x,p1.y,p1.z, a,stl);	}
697 	/// Draws the arc around axis 'z' with center at p0 and starting from p1, by color stl and angle a (in degrees)
698 	inline void Arc(mglPoint p0, mglPoint p1, double a, const char *stl="r")
699 	{	mgl_arc_ext(gr, p0.x,p0.y,p0.z, 0,0,1, p1.x,p1.y,p0.z, a,stl);	}
700 	/// Draws bitmap (logo) which is stretched along whole axis range
701 	inline void Logo(long w, long h, const unsigned char *rgba, bool smooth=false, const char *opt="")
702 	{	mgl_logo(gr, w, h, rgba, smooth, opt);	}
703 	inline void Logo(const char *fname, bool smooth=false, const char *opt="")
704 	{	mgl_logo_file(gr, fname, smooth, opt);	}
706 	/// Draw user-defined symbol in position p
707 	inline void Symbol(mglPoint p, char id, const char *how="", double size=-1)
708 	{	mgl_symbol(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, id, how, size);	}
709 	/// Draw user-defined symbol in position p along direction d
710 	inline void Symbol(mglPoint p, mglPoint d, char id, const char *how="", double size=-1)
711 	{	mgl_symbol_dir(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, d.x, d.y, d.z, id, how, size);	}
712 	/// Print text in position p with specified font
713 	inline void Putsw(mglPoint p,const wchar_t *text,const char *font=":C",double size=-1)
714 	{	mgl_putsw(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, text, font, size);	}
715 	/// Print text in position p with specified font
716 	inline void Puts(mglPoint p,const char *text,const char *font=":C",double size=-1)
717 	{	mgl_puts(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, text, font, size);	}
718 	/// Print text in position p with specified font
719 	inline void Putsw(double x, double y,const wchar_t *text,const char *font=":AC",double size=-1)
720 	{	mgl_putsw(gr, x, y, 0, text, font, size);	}
721 	/// Print text in position p with specified font
722 	inline void Puts(double x, double y,const char *text,const char *font=":AC",double size=-1)
723 	{	mgl_puts(gr, x, y, 0, text, font, size);	}
724 	/// Print text in position p along direction d with specified font
725 	inline void Putsw(mglPoint p, mglPoint d, const wchar_t *text, const char *font=":L", double size=-1)
726 	{	mgl_putsw_dir(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, d.x, d.y, d.z, text, font, size);	}
727 	/// Print text in position p along direction d with specified font
728 	inline void Puts(mglPoint p, mglPoint d, const char *text, const char *font=":L", double size=-1)
729 	{	mgl_puts_dir(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, d.x, d.y, d.z, text, font, size);	}
731 	/// Print text along the curve
732 	inline void Text(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *text, const char *font="", const char *opt="")
733 	{	mgl_text_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, text, font, opt);	}
734 	/// Print text along the curve
735 	inline void Text(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *text, const char *font="", const char *opt="")
736 	{	mgl_text_xy(gr, &x, &y, text, font, opt);	}
737 	/// Print text along the curve
738 	inline void Text(const mglData &y, const char *text, const char *font="", const char *opt="")
739 	{	mgl_text_y(gr, &y, text, font, opt);	}
740 	/// Print text along the curve
741 	inline void Text(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const wchar_t *text, const char *font="", const char *opt="")
742 	{	mgl_textw_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, text, font, opt);	}
743 	/// Print text along the curve
744 	inline void Text(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const wchar_t *text, const char *font="", const char *opt="")
745 	{	mgl_textw_xy(gr, &x, &y, text, font, opt);	}
746 	/// Print text along the curve
747 	inline void Text(const mglData &y, const wchar_t *text, const char *font="", const char *opt="")
748 	{	mgl_textw_y(gr, &y, text, font, opt);	}
750 	/// Draws bounding box outside the plotting volume with color c.
751 	/** Style ‘@’ produce filled back faces. */
752 	inline void Box(const char *col="", bool ticks=true)
753 	{	mgl_box_str(gr, col, ticks);	}
754 	/// Draw axises with ticks in direction(s) dir.
755 	/** Parameter \a dir may contain:
756 	 *	‘xyzt’for drawing axis in corresponding direction;
757 	 *	‘XYZT’ for drawing axis in corresponding direction but with inverted positions of labels;
758 	 *	‘~’, ‘_’ for disabling tick labels;
759 	 *	‘U’ for disabling rotation of tick labels;
760 	 *	‘^’ for inverting default axis origin;
761 	 *	‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
762 	 *	‘AKDTVISO’ for drawing arrow at the end of axis;
763 	 *	‘a’ for forced adjusting of axis ticks;
764 	 *	‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
765 	 *	‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
766 	 *	‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
767 	 *	‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
768 	 *	‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
769 	 *	‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.
770 	 *	 Option "value" set the manual rotation angle for the ticks. */
771 	inline void Axis(const char *dir="xyzt", const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
772 	{	mgl_axis(gr, dir,stl,opt);	}
773 	/// Draw grid lines perpendicular to direction(s) dir.
774 	inline void Grid(const char *dir="xyzt",const char *pen="B", const char *opt="")
775 	{	mgl_axis_grid(gr, dir, pen, opt);	}
776 	/// Print the label text for axis dir.
777 	/** Option "value" set additional shifting of the label. */
778 	inline void Label(char dir, const char *text, double pos=+1, const char *opt="")
779 	{	mgl_label(gr, dir, text, pos, opt);	}
780 	/// Print the label text for axis dir.
781 	/** Option "value" set additional shifting of the label. */
782 	inline void Label(char dir, const wchar_t *text, double pos=+1, const char *opt="")
783 	{	mgl_labelw(gr, dir, text, pos, opt);	}
785 	/// Draw colorbar at edge of axis
786 	/** Parameter \a sch may contain:
787 	 *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
788 	 *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
789 	 *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
790 	 *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
791 	 *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
792 	 *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
793 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
794 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
795 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
796 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
797 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
798 	inline void Colorbar(const char *sch="")
799 	{	mgl_colorbar(gr, sch);	}
800 	/// Draw colorbar at manual position
801 	/** Parameter \a sch may contain:
802 	 *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
803 	 *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
804 	 *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
805 	 *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
806 	 *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
807 	 *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
808 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
809 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
810 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
811 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
812 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
813 	inline void Colorbar(const char *sch,double x,double y,double w=1,double h=1)
814 	{	mgl_colorbar_ext(gr, sch, x,y,w,h);	}
815 	/// Draw colorbar with manual colors at edge of axis
816 	/** Parameter \a sch may contain:
817 	 *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
818 	 *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
819 	 *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
820 	 *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
821 	 *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
822 	 *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
823 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
824 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
825 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
826 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
827 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
828 	inline void Colorbar(const mglData &val, const char *sch="")
829 	{	mgl_colorbar_val(gr, &val, sch);	}
830 	/// Draw colorbar with manual colors at manual position
831 	/** Parameter \a sch may contain:
832 	 *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
833 	 *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
834 	 *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
835 	 *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
836 	 *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
837 	 *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
838 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
839 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
840 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
841 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
842 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
843 	inline void Colorbar(const mglData &val, const char *sch,double x,double y,double w=1,double h=1)
844 	{	mgl_colorbar_val_ext(gr, &val, sch, x,y,w,h);	}
846 	/// Add string to legend
AddLegend(const char * text,const char * style)847 	inline void AddLegend(const char *text,const char *style)
848 	{	mgl_add_legend(gr, text, style);	}
AddLegend(const wchar_t * text,const char * style)849 	inline void AddLegend(const wchar_t *text,const char *style)
850 	{	mgl_add_legendw(gr, text, style);	}
851 	/// Clear saved legend string
ClearLegend()852 	inline void ClearLegend()
853 	{	mgl_clear_legend(gr);	}
854 	/// Draw legend of accumulated strings at position {x,y}
855 	/** Parameter fnt may contain:
856 	 *	 font style for legend text;
857 	 *	 colors for background (first one), border (second one) and text (last one);
858 	 *	 ‘A’ for positioning in absolute coordinates;
859 	 *	 ‘^’ for positioning outside of specified point;
860 	 *	 ‘-’ for arranging entries horizontally;
861 	 *	 ‘#’ for drawing box around legend.
862 	 * Option value set the space between line samples and text (default is 0.1).*/
863 	inline void Legend(double x, double y, const char *font="#", const char *opt="")
864 	{	mgl_legend_pos(gr, x, y, font, opt);	}
865 	/// Draw legend of accumulated strings
866 	/** Parameter fnt may contain:
867 	 *	 font style for legend text;
868 	 *	 colors for background (first one), border (second one) and text (last one);
869 	 *	 ‘A’ for positioning in absolute coordinates;
870 	 *	 ‘^’ for positioning outside of specified point;
871 	 *	 ‘-’ for arranging entries horizontally;
872 	 *	 ‘#’ for drawing box around legend.
873 	 * Option value set the space between line samples and text (default is 0.1).
874 	 * Parameter \a where sets position: 0 at bottom-left, 1 at bottom-right, 2 at top-left, 3 at top-right (default).*/
875 	inline void Legend(int where=3, const char *font="#", const char *opt="")
876 	{	mgl_legend(gr, where, font, opt);	}
877 	/// Set number of marks in legend sample
SetLegendMarks(int num)878 	inline void SetLegendMarks(int num)		{	mgl_set_legend_marks(gr, num);	}
880 	/// Draw usual curve {x,y,z}
881 	inline void Plot(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
882 	{	mgl_plot_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
883 	/// Draw usual curve {x,y}
884 	inline void Plot(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
885 	{	mgl_plot_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen,opt);	}
886 	/// Draw usual curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range
887 	inline void Plot(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
888 	{	mgl_plot(gr, &y, pen,opt);	}
889 	/// Draw tapes which rotates as (bi-)normales of curve {x,y,z}
890 	/** The width of tape is proportional to barwidth and can be changed by option "value".*/
891 	inline void Tape(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
892 	{	mgl_tape_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
893 	/// Draw tapes which rotates as (bi-)normales of curve {x,y}
894 	/** The width of tape is proportional to barwidth and can be changed by option "value".*/
895 	inline void Tape(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
896 	{	mgl_tape_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen,opt);	}
897 	/// Draw tapes which rotates as (bi-)normales of curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range
898 	/** The width of tape is proportional to barwidth and can be changed by option "value".*/
899 	inline void Tape(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
900 	{	mgl_tape(gr, &y, pen,opt);	}
901 	/// Draw radar chart (plot in curved coordinates)
902 	/** Option "value" set the additional shift of data (i.e. the data a+value is used instead of a).*/
903 	inline void Radar(const mglData &a, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
904 	{	mgl_radar(gr, &a, pen, opt);	}
906 	/// Draw stairs for points in arrays {x,y,z}
907 	inline void Step(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
908 	{	mgl_step_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
909 	/// Draw stairs for points in arrays {x,y}
910 	inline void Step(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
911 	{	mgl_step_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen, opt);	}
912 	/// Draw stairs for points in arrays {x,y} with x in x-axis range
913 	inline void Step(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
914 	{	mgl_step(gr, &y, pen, opt);	}
916 	/// Draw curve {x,y,z} which is colored by c (like tension plot)
917 	inline void Tens(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
918 	{	mgl_tens_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, pen, opt);	}
919 	/// Draw curve {x,y} which is colored by c (like tension plot)
920 	inline void Tens(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
921 	{	mgl_tens_xy(gr, &x, &y, &c, pen, opt);	}
922 	/// Draw curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range which is colored by c (like tension plot)
923 	inline void Tens(const mglData &y, const mglData &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
924 	{	mgl_tens(gr, &y, &c, pen, opt);	}
926 	/// Fill area between curve {x,y,z} and axis plane
927 	/** Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
928 	inline void Area(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
929 	{	mgl_area_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
930 	/// Fill area between curve {x,y} and axis plane
931 	/** Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
932 	inline void Area(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
933 	{	mgl_area_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen, opt);	}
934 	/// Fill area between curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range and axis plane
935 	/** Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
936 	inline void Area(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
937 	{	mgl_area(gr, &y, pen, opt);	}
939 	/// Fill area between curves {x,y1} and {x,y2} with x in x-axis range
940 	/** Style 'i' will fill area only if y1 < y2.
941 	  * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
942 	inline void Region(const mglData &y1, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
943 	{	mgl_region(gr, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);	}
944 	/// Fill area between curves {x,y1} and {x,y2}
945 	/** Style 'i' will fill area only if y1 < y2.
946 	  * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
947 	inline void Region(const mglData &x, const mglData &y1, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
948 	{	mgl_region_xy(gr, &x, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);	}
949 	/// Fill area (draw ribbon) between curves {x1,y1,z1} and {x2,y2,z2}
950 	/** Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
951 	inline void Region(const mglData &x1, const mglData &y1, const mglData &z1, const mglData &x2, const mglData &y2, const mglData &z2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
952 	{	mgl_region_3d(gr, &x1, &y1, &z1, &x2, &y2, &z2, pen, opt);	}
953 	/// Fill area (draw ribbon) between curves {x1,y1} and {x2,y2}
954 	/** Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
955 	inline void Region(const mglData &x1, const mglData &y1, const mglData &x2, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
956 	{	mgl_region_3d(gr, &x1, &y1, NULL, &x2, &y2, NULL, pen, opt);	}
958 	/// Draw lines with arrows between points {x1,y1,z1} and {x2,y2,z2}
959 	inline void Lines(const mglData &x1, const mglData &y1, const mglData &z1, const mglData &x2, const mglData &y2, const mglData &z2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
960 	{	mgl_lines_xyz(gr, &x1, &y1, &z1, &x2, &y2, &z2, pen, opt);	}
961 	/// Draw lines with arrows between points {x1,y1,zMin} and {x2,y2,zMin}
962 	inline void Lines(const mglData &x1, const mglData &y1, const mglData &x2, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
963 	{	mgl_lines_xy(gr, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, pen, opt);	}
964 	/// Draw lines with arrows between: points {x1,y} and {x2,y} with y in y-axis range if \a pen contain 'x'; or points {x,y1} and {x,y2} with x in x-axis range.
965 	inline void Lines(const mglData &y1, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
966 	{	if(mglchr(pen,'x'))	mgl_lines_x(gr, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);
967 		else	mgl_lines(gr, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);	}
969 	/// Draw vertical lines from points {x,y,z} to axis plane
970 	inline void Stem(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
971 	{	mgl_stem_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
972 	/// Draw vertical lines from points {x,y} to axis plane
973 	inline void Stem(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
974 	{	mgl_stem_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen, opt);	}
975 	/// Draw vertical lines from points {x,y} with x in x-axis range to axis plane
976 	inline void Stem(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
977 	{	mgl_stem(gr, &y, pen, opt);	}
979 	/// Draw vertical bars from points {x,y,z} to axis plane
980 	/** String \a pen may contain:
981 	 * ‘a’ for drawing boxes one above another (like summation);
982 	 * ‘f’ for waterfall chart;
983 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.
984 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
985 	inline void Bars(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
986 	{	mgl_bars_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
987 	/// Draw vertical bars from points {x,y} to axis plane
988 	/** String \a pen may contain:
989 	 * ‘a’ for drawing boxes one above another (like summation);
990 	 * ‘f’ for waterfall chart;
991 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.
992 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
993 	inline void Bars(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
994 	{	mgl_bars_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen, opt);	}
995 	/// Draw vertical bars from points {x,y} with x in x-axis range to axis plane
996 	/** String \a pen may contain:
997 	 * ‘a’ for drawing boxes one above another (like summation);
998 	 * ‘f’ for waterfall chart;
999 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.
1000 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
1001 	inline void Bars(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1002 	{	mgl_bars(gr, &y, pen, opt);	}
1003 	/// Draw horizontal bars from points {x,y} to axis plane
1004 	/** String \a pen may contain:
1005 	 * ‘a’ for drawing boxes one above another (like summation);
1006 	 * ‘f’ for waterfall chart;
1007 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.
1008 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
1009 	inline void Barh(const mglData &y, const mglData &v, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1010 	{	mgl_barh_yx(gr, &y, &v, pen, opt);	}
1011 	/// Draw horizontal bars from points {x,y} with y in y-axis range to axis plane
1012 	/** String \a pen may contain:
1013 	 * ‘a’ for drawing boxes one above another (like summation);
1014 	 * ‘f’ for waterfall chart;
1015 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.
1016 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
1017 	inline void Barh(const mglData &v, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1018 	{	mgl_barh(gr, &v, pen, opt);	}
1019 	/// Draw chart for data a
1020 	/** Space denote transparent color. Style '#' draw black borders. */
1021 	inline void Chart(const mglData &a, const char *colors="", const char *opt="")
1022 	{	mgl_chart(gr, &a, colors,opt);	}
1024 	/// Draw Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) diagram
1025 	/**  Different colors for up and down values are used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. */
1026 	inline void OHLC(const mglData &x, const mglData &open, const mglData &high, const mglData &low, const mglData &close, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1027 	{	mgl_ohlc_x(gr, &x, &open,&high,&low,&close,pen,opt);	}
1028 	/// Draw Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) diagram with x in x-axis range
1029 	/**  Different colors for up and down values are used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. */
1030 	inline void OHLC(const mglData &open, const mglData &high, const mglData &low, const mglData &close, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1031 	{	mgl_ohlc(gr, &open,&high,&low,&close,pen,opt);	}
1033 	/// Draw box-plot (special 5-value plot used in statistic)
1034 	/** String \a pen may contain ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.*/
1035 	inline void BoxPlot(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1036 	{	mgl_boxplot_xy(gr, &x, &y, pen,opt);	}
1037 	/// Draw box-plot (special 5-value plot used in statistic) with x in x-axis range
1038 	/** String \a pen may contain ‘<’, ‘^’, ‘>’ for aligning boxes: at left, centered, at right.*/
1039 	inline void BoxPlot(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1040 	{	mgl_boxplot(gr, &y, pen,opt);	}
1042 	/// Draw candle plot
1043 	/** Different colors are used for up and down values if 2 colors are specified.
1044 	 *  Style ‘#’ force drawing wire candle even for 2-color scheme. */
1045 	inline void Candle(const mglData &x, const mglData &v1, const mglData &v2, const mglData &y1, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1046 	{	mgl_candle_xyv(gr, &x, &v1, &v2, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);	}
1047 	/// Draw candle plot with x in x-axis range
1048 	/** Different colors are used for up and down values if 2 colors are specified.
1049 	 *  Style ‘#’ force drawing wire candle even for 2-color scheme. */
1050 	inline void Candle(const mglData &v1, const mglData &v2, const mglData &y1, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1051 	{	mgl_candle_yv(gr, &v1, &v2, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);	}
1052 	inline void Candle(const mglData &v1, const mglData &v2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1053 	{	mgl_candle_yv(gr, &v1, &v2, NULL, NULL, pen, opt);	}
1054 	/// Draw candle plot with v1=v[i], v2=v[i+1]
1055 	/** Different colors are used for up and down values if 2 colors are specified.
1056 	 *  Style ‘#’ force drawing wire candle even for 2-color scheme. */
1057 	inline void Candle(const mglData &y, const mglData &y1, const mglData &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1058 	{	mgl_candle(gr, &y, &y1, &y2, pen, opt);	}
1059 	/// Draw candle plot with v1=v[i], v2=v[i+1]
1060 	/** Different colors are used for up and down values if 2 colors are specified.
1061 	 *  Style ‘#’ force drawing wire candle even for 2-color scheme. */
1062 	inline void Candle(const mglData &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1063 	{	mgl_candle(gr, &y, NULL, NULL, pen, opt);	}
1065 	/// Draw cones from points {x,y,z} to axis plane
1066 	/** String \a pen may contain:
1067 	 * ‘@’ for drawing edges;
1068 	 * ‘#’ for wired cones;
1069 	 * ‘t’ for drawing tubes/cylinders instead of cones/prisms;
1070 	 * ‘4’, ‘6’, ‘8’ for drawing square, hex- or octo-prism instead of cones;
1071 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ for aligning cones left, right or centering them at its x-coordinates.
1072 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
1073 	inline void Cones(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *pen="@", const char *opt="")
1074 	{	mgl_cones_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, pen, opt);	}
1075 	/// Draw cones from points {x,z} to axis plane
1076 	/** String \a pen may contain:
1077 	 * ‘@’ for drawing edges;
1078 	 * ‘#’ for wired cones;
1079 	 * ‘t’ for drawing tubes/cylinders instead of cones/prisms;
1080 	 * ‘4’, ‘6’, ‘8’ for drawing square, hex- or octo-prism instead of cones;
1081 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ for aligning cones left, right or centering them at its x-coordinates.
1082 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
1083 	inline void Cones(const mglData &x, const mglData &z, const char *pen="@", const char *opt="")
1084 	{	mgl_cones_xz(gr, &x, &z, pen, opt);	}
1085 	/// Draw cones from points {x,z} with x in x-axis range to axis plane
1086 	/** String \a pen may contain:
1087 	 * ‘@’ for drawing edges;
1088 	 * ‘#’ for wired cones;
1089 	 * ‘t’ for drawing tubes/cylinders instead of cones/prisms;
1090 	 * ‘4’, ‘6’, ‘8’ for drawing square, hex- or octo-prism instead of cones;
1091 	 * ‘<’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ for aligning cones left, right or centering them at its x-coordinates.
1092 	 * Gradient filling is used if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves.*/
1093 	inline void Cones(const mglData &z, const char *pen="@", const char *opt="")
1094 	{	mgl_cones(gr, &z, pen, opt);	}
1096 	/// Draw error boxes {ey} at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1097 	/** Style ‘@’ set to draw large semitransparent mark instead of error box.*/
1098 	inline void Error(const mglData &y, const mglData &ey, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1099 	{	mgl_error(gr, &y, &ey, pen, opt);	}
1100 	/// Draw error boxes {ey} at points {x,y}
1101 	/** Style ‘@’ set to draw large semitransparent mark instead of error box.*/
1102 	inline void Error(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ey, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1103 	{	mgl_error_xy(gr, &x, &y, &ey, pen, opt);	}
1104 	/// Draw error boxes {ex,ey} at points {x,y}
1105 	/** Style ‘@’ set to draw large semitransparent mark instead of error box.*/
1106 	inline void Error(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ex, const mglData &ey, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1107 	{	mgl_error_exy(gr, &x, &y, &ex, &ey, pen, opt);	}
1109 	/// Draw marks with size r at points {x,y,z}
1110 	inline void Mark(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const char *pen, const char *opt="")
1111 	{	mgl_mark_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &r, pen, opt);	}
1112 	/// Draw marks with size r at points {x,y}
1113 	inline void Mark(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const char *pen, const char *opt="")
1114 	{	mgl_mark_xy(gr, &x, &y, &r, pen, opt);	}
1115 	/// Draw marks with size r at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1116 	inline void Mark(const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const char *pen, const char *opt="")
1117 	{	mgl_mark_y(gr, &y, &r, pen, opt);	}
1119 	/// Draw Poincare map at condition s==0 for curve {x,y,z}
1120 	inline void Pmap(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &s, const char *pen, const char *opt="")
1121 	{	mgl_pmap_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &s, pen, opt);	}
1122 	/// Draw Poincare map at condition s==0 for curve {x,y}
1123 	inline void Pmap(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &s, const char *pen, const char *opt="")
1124 	{	mgl_pmap_xy(gr, &x, &y, &s, pen, opt);	}
1125 	/// Draw Poincare map at condition s==0 for curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1126 	inline void Pmap(const mglData &y, const mglData &s, const char *pen, const char *opt="")
1127 	{	mgl_pmap(gr, &y, &s, pen, opt);	}
1129 	/// Draw textual marks with size r at points {x,y,z}
1130 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1131 	{	mgl_textmark_xyzr(gr, &x, &y, &z, &r, text, fnt, opt);	}
1132 	/// Draw textual marks with size r at points {x,y}
1133 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1134 	{	mgl_textmark_xyr(gr, &x, &y, &r, text, fnt, opt);	}
1135 	/// Draw textual marks with size r at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1136 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1137 	{	mgl_textmark_yr(gr, &y, &r, text, fnt, opt);	}
1138 	/// Draw textual marks at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1139 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &y, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1140 	{	mgl_textmark(gr, &y, text, fnt, opt);	}
1141 	/// Draw textual marks with size r at points {x,y,z}
1142 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1143 	{	mgl_textmarkw_xyzr(gr, &x, &y, &z, &r, text, fnt, opt);	}
1144 	/// Draw textual marks with size r at points {x,y}
1145 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1146 	{	mgl_textmarkw_xyr(gr, &x, &y, &r, text, fnt, opt);	}
1147 	/// Draw textual marks with size r at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1148 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1149 	{	mgl_textmarkw_yr(gr, &y, &r, text, fnt, opt);	}
1150 	/// Draw textual marks at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1151 	inline void TextMark(const mglData &y, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1152 	{	mgl_textmarkw(gr, &y, text, fnt, opt);	}
1154 	/// Draw labels for points coordinate(s) at points {x,y,z}
1155 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1156 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1157 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1158 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1159 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1160 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1161 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.*/
1162 	inline void Label(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1163 	{	mgl_label_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, text, fnt, opt);	}
1164 	/// Draw labels for points coordinate(s) at points {x,y}
1165 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1166 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1167 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1168 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1169 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1170 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1171 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.*/
1172 	inline void Label(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1173 	{	mgl_label_xy(gr, &x, &y, text, fnt, opt);	}
1174 	/// Draw labels for points coordinate(s) at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1175 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1176 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1177 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1178 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1179 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1180 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1181 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.*/
1182 	inline void Label(const mglData &y, const char *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1183 	{	mgl_label_y(gr, &y, text, fnt, opt);	}
1184 	/// Draw labels for points coordinate(s) at points {x,y,z}
1185 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1186 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1187 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1188 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1189 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1190 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1191 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.*/
1192 	inline void Label(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1193 	{	mgl_labelw_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, text, fnt, opt);	}
1194 	/// Draw labels for points coordinate(s) at points {x,y}
1195 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1196 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1197 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1198 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1199 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1200 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1201 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.*/
1202 	inline void Label(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1203 	{	mgl_labelw_xy(gr, &x, &y, text, fnt, opt);	}
1204 	/// Draw labels for points coordinate(s) at points {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1205 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1206 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1207 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1208 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1209 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1210 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1211 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.*/
1212 	inline void Label(const mglData &y, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
1213 	{	mgl_labelw_y(gr, &y, text, fnt, opt);	}
1215 	/// Draw table for values val along given direction with row labels text
1216 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1217 	 *	 ‘#’ for drawing cell borders;
1218 	 *	 ‘|’ for limiting table widh by subplot one (equal to option ‘value 1’);
1219 	 *	 ‘=’ for equal width of all cells;
1220 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1221 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1222 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1223 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1224 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1225 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.
1226 	 * Option value set the width of the table (default is 1).*/
1227 	inline void Table(const mglData &val, const char *text, const char *fnt="#|", const char *opt="")
1228 	{	mgl_table(gr, 0, 0, &val, text, fnt, opt);	}
1229 	/// Draw table for values val along given direction with row labels text
1230 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1231 	 *	 ‘#’ for drawing cell borders;
1232 	 *	 ‘|’ for limiting table widh by subplot one (equal to option ‘value 1’);
1233 	 *	 ‘=’ for equal width of all cells;
1234 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1235 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1236 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1237 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1238 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1239 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.
1240 	 * Option value set the width of the table (default is 1).*/
1241 	inline void Table(const mglData &val, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="#|", const char *opt="")
1242 	{	mgl_tablew(gr, 0, 0, &val, text, fnt, opt);	}
1243 	/// Draw table for values val along given direction with row labels text at given position
1244 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1245 	 *	 ‘#’ for drawing cell borders;
1246 	 *	 ‘|’ for limiting table widh by subplot one (equal to option ‘value 1’);
1247 	 *	 ‘=’ for equal width of all cells;
1248 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1249 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1250 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1251 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1252 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1253 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.
1254 	 * Option value set the width of the table (default is 1).*/
1255 	inline void Table(double x, double y, const mglData &val, const char *text, const char *fnt="#|", const char *opt="")
1256 	{	mgl_table(gr, x, y, &val, text, fnt, opt);	}
1257 	/// Draw table for values val along given direction with row labels text at given position
1258 	/** String \a fnt may contain:
1259 	 *	 ‘#’ for drawing cell borders;
1260 	 *	 ‘|’ for limiting table widh by subplot one (equal to option ‘value 1’);
1261 	 *	 ‘=’ for equal width of all cells;
1262 	 *	 ‘f’ for fixed format of printed numbers;
1263 	 *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’;
1264 	 *	 ‘F’ for printing in LaTeX format;
1265 	 *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive numbers;
1266 	 *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’;
1267 	 *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing numbers.
1268 	 * Option value set the width of the table (default is 1).*/
1269 	inline void Table(double x, double y, const mglData &val, const wchar_t *text, const char *fnt="#|", const char *opt="")
1270 	{	mgl_tablew(gr, x, y, &val, text, fnt, opt);	}
1272 	/// Draw tube with radius r around curve {x,y,z}
1273 	inline void Tube(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1274 	{	mgl_tube_xyzr(gr, &x, &y, &z, &r, pen, opt);	}
1275 	/// Draw tube with radius r around curve {x,y,z}
1276 	inline void Tube(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, double r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1277 	{	mgl_tube_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, r, pen, opt);	}
1278 	/// Draw tube with radius r around curve {x,y}
1279 	inline void Tube(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1280 	{	mgl_tube_xyr(gr, &x, &y, &r, pen, opt);	}
1281 	/// Draw tube with radius r around curve {x,y}
1282 	inline void Tube(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, double r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1283 	{	mgl_tube_xy(gr, &x, &y, r, pen, opt);	}
1284 	/// Draw tube with radius r around curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1285 	inline void Tube(const mglData &y, const mglData &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1286 	{	mgl_tube_r(gr, &y, &r, pen, opt);	}
1287 	/// Draw tube with radius r around curve {x,y} with x in x-axis range
1288 	inline void Tube(const mglData &y, double r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1289 	{	mgl_tube(gr, &y, r, pen, opt);	}
1290 	/// Draw surface of curve {r,z} rotation around axis
1291 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1292 	inline void Torus(const mglData &r, const mglData &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
1293 	{	mgl_torus(gr, &r, &z, pen,opt);	}
1295 	/// Draw mesh lines for 2d data specified parametrically
1296 	inline void Mesh(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1297 	{	mgl_mesh_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1298 	/// Draw mesh lines for 2d data
1299 	inline void Mesh(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1300 	{	mgl_mesh(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1302 	/// Draw waterfall plot for 2d data specified parametrically
1303 	/** Style 'x' draw lines in x-direction. */
1304 	inline void Fall(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1305 	{	mgl_fall_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1306 	/// Draw waterfall plot for 2d data
1307 	/** Style 'x' draw lines in x-direction. */
1308 	inline void Fall(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1309 	{	mgl_fall(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1311 	/// Draw belts for 2d data specified parametrically
1312 	/** Style 'x' draw belts in x-direction. */
1313 	inline void Belt(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1314 	{	mgl_belt_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1315 	/// Draw belts for 2d data
1316 	/** Style 'x' draw belts in x-direction. */
1317 	inline void Belt(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1318 	{	mgl_belt(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1319 	/// Draw belts for 2d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c
1320 	/** Style 'x' draw belts in x-direction. */
1321 	inline void BeltC(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1322 	{	mgl_beltc_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, stl, opt);	}
1323 	/// Draw belts for 2d data with color proportional to c
1324 	/** Style 'x' draw belts in x-direction. */
1325 	inline void BeltC(const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1326 	{	mgl_beltc(gr, &z, &c, stl, opt);	}
1328 	/// Draw surface for 2d data specified parametrically with color proportional to z
1329 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1330 	inline void Surf(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1331 	{	mgl_surf_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1332 	/// Draw surface for 2d data with color proportional to z
1333 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1334 	inline void Surf(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1335 	{	mgl_surf(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1337 	/// Draw grid lines for density plot of 2d data specified parametrically
1338 	inline void Grid(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1339 	{	mgl_grid_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1340 	/// Draw grid lines for density plot of 2d data
1341 	inline void Grid(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1342 	{	mgl_grid(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1344 	/// Draw vertical tiles with manual colors c for 2d data specified parametrically
1345 	inline void Tile(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1346 	{	mgl_tile_xyc(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, stl, opt);	}
1347 	/// Draw vertical tiles for 2d data specified parametrically
1348 	inline void Tile(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1349 	{	mgl_tile_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1350 	/// Draw vertical tiles for 2d data
1351 	inline void Tile(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1352 	{	mgl_tile(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1354 	/// Draw density plot for 2d data specified parametrically
1355 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1356 	inline void Dens(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1357 	{	mgl_dens_xy(gr, &x, &y, &c, stl, opt);	}
1358 	/// Draw density plot for 2d data
1359 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1360 	inline void Dens(const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1361 	{	mgl_dens(gr, &c, stl, opt);	}
1363 	/// Draw vertical boxes for 2d data specified parametrically
1364 	/** Style ‘#’ draw filled boxes. */
1365 	inline void Boxs(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1366 	{	mgl_boxs_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, stl, opt);	}
1367 	/// Draw vertical boxes for 2d data
1368 	/** Style ‘#’ draw filled boxes. */
1369 	inline void Boxs(const mglData &z, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1370 	{	mgl_boxs(gr, &z, stl, opt);	}
1372 	/// Draw contour lines on parametric surface at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1373 	/** Style ‘f’ to draw solid contours.
1374 	 * Style 't'/'T' draw contour labels below/above contours.*/
1375 	inline void ContP(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1376 	{	mgl_contp_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
1377 	/// Draw contour lines on parametric surface at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1378 	/** Style ‘f’ to draw solid contours.
1379 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1380 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1381 	inline void ContP(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1382 	{	mgl_contp(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
1383 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1384 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1385 	 * Style 't'/'T' draw contour labels below/above contours.*/
1386 	inline void Cont(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1387 	{	mgl_cont_xy_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1388 	/// Draw contour lines for 2d data
1389 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1390 	 * Style 't'/'T' draw contour labels below/above contours.*/
1391 	inline void Cont(const mglData &v, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1392 	{	mgl_cont_val(gr, &v, &z, sch, opt);	}
1393 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1394 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1395 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1396 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1397 	inline void Cont(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1398 	{	mgl_cont_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1399 	/// Draw contour lines for 2d data
1400 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1401 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1402 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1403 	inline void Cont(const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1404 	{	mgl_cont(gr, &z, sch, opt);	}
1405 	/// Draw contour lines at a[i,j]=val specified parametrically
1406 	/** Style 't'/'T' draw contour labels below/above contours.*/
1407 	inline void ContGen(mreal val, const mglData &a, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1408 	{	mgl_cont_gen(gr, val, &a, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1410 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1411 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box. */
1412 	inline void ContF(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1413 	{	mgl_contf_xy_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1414 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for 2d data
1415 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box. */
1416 	inline void ContF(const mglData &v, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1417 	{	mgl_contf_val(gr, &v, &z, sch, opt);	}
1418 	/// Draw solid contours for 2d data specified parametrically
1419 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1420 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1421 	inline void ContF(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1422 	{	mgl_contf_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1423 	/// Draw solid contours for 2d data
1424 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1425 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1426 	inline void ContF(const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1427 	{	mgl_contf(gr, &z, sch, opt);	}
1428 	/// Draw solid contours between a[i,j]=v1 and a[i,j]=v2 specified parametrically */
1429 	inline void ContFGen(mreal v1, mreal v2, const mglData &a, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1430 	{	mgl_contf_gen(gr, v1,v2, &a, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1432 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically with specified colors
1433 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box. */
1434 	inline void ContD(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1435 	{	mgl_contd_xy_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1436 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for 2d data with specified colors
1437 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box. */
1438 	inline void ContD(const mglData &v, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1439 	{	mgl_contd_val(gr, &v, &z, sch, opt);	}
1440 	/// Draw solid contours for 2d data specified parametrically with specified colors
1441 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1442 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1443 	inline void ContD(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1444 	{	mgl_contd_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1445 	/// Draw solid contours for 2d data with specified colors
1446 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1447 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1448 	inline void ContD(const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1449 	{	mgl_contd(gr, &z, sch, opt);	}
1451 	/// Draw contour tubes between manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1452 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box. */
1453 	inline void ContV(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1454 	{	mgl_contv_xy_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1455 	/// Draw contour tubes between manual levels for 2d data
1456 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box. */
1457 	inline void ContV(const mglData &v, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1458 	{	mgl_contv_val(gr, &v, &z, sch, opt);	}
1459 	/// Draw contour tubes for 2d data specified parametrically
1460 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1461 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1462 	inline void ContV(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1463 	{	mgl_contv_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1464 	/// Draw contour tubes for 2d data
1465 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
1466 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1467 	inline void ContV(const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1468 	{	mgl_contv(gr, &z, sch, opt);	}
1470 	/// Draw axial-symmetric isosurfaces at manual levels for 2d data specified parametrically
1471 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1472 	 * ‘#’ for wired plot;
1473 	 * ‘.’ for plot by dots;
1474 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for rotation around x-, z-axis correspondingly (default is y-axis). */
1475 	inline void Axial(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1476 	{	mgl_axial_xy_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, sch,opt);	}
1477 	/// Draw axial-symmetric isosurfaces at manual levels for 2d data
1478 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1479 	 * ‘#’ for wired plot;
1480 	 * ‘.’ for plot by dots;
1481 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for rotation around x-, z-axis correspondingly (default is y-axis). */
1482 	inline void Axial(const mglData &v, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1483 	{	mgl_axial_val(gr, &v, &z, sch, opt);	}
1484 	/// Draw axial-symmetric isosurfaces for 2d data specified parametrically
1485 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1486 	 * ‘#’ for wired plot;
1487 	 * ‘.’ for plot by dots;
1488 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for rotation around x-, z-axis correspondingly (default is y-axis).
1489 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1490 	inline void Axial(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1491 	{	mgl_axial_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
1492 	/// Draw axial-symmetric isosurfaces for 2d data
1493 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1494 	 * ‘#’ for wired plot;
1495 	 * ‘.’ for plot by dots;
1496 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for rotation around x-, z-axis correspondingly (default is y-axis).
1497 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1498 	inline void Axial(const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1499 	{	mgl_axial(gr, &z, sch, opt);	}
1501 	/// Draw curves of cross-section of isosurfaces a and b at manual levels for 3d data specified parametrically
1502 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1503 	inline void DCont(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1504 	{	mgl_dcont_xyz(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, &a, &b, sch, opt);	}
1505 	/// Draw curves of cross-section of isosurfaces a and b at manual levels for 3d data
1506 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1507 	inline void DCont(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1508 	{	mgl_dcont(gr, &v, &a, &b, sch, opt);	}
1509 	/// Draw curves of cross-section of isosurfaces a and b at manual levels for 3d data specified parametrically
1510 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1511 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1512 	inline void DCont(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1513 	{	mgl_dcont_xyz(gr, NULL, &x, &y, &z, &a, &b, sch, opt);	}
1514 	/// Draw curves of cross-section of isosurfaces a and b at manual levels for 3d data
1515 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1516 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1517 	inline void DCont(const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1518 	{	mgl_dcont(gr, NULL, &a, &b, sch, opt);	}
1520 	/// Draw grid lines for density plot at slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1521 	/** Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.*/
1522 	inline void Grid3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1523 	{	mgl_grid3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1524 	/// Draw grid lines for density plot at slice for 3d data
1525 	/** Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.*/
1526 	inline void Grid3(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1527 	{	mgl_grid3(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1529 	/// Draw density plot at slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1530 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.*/
1531 	inline void Dens3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1532 	{	mgl_dens3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1533 	/// Draw density plot at slice for 3d data
1534 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.*/
1535 	inline void Dens3(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1536 	{	mgl_dens3(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1538 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data specified parametrically
1539 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1540 	inline void Surf3(double Val, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1541 	{	mgl_surf3_xyz_val(gr, Val, &x, &y, &z, &a, stl, opt);	}
1542 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data
1543 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1544 	inline void Surf3(double Val, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1545 	{	mgl_surf3_val(gr, Val, &a, stl, opt);	}
1546 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically
1547 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1548 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1549 	inline void Surf3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1550 	{	mgl_surf3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, stl, opt);	}
1551 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data
1552 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1553 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1554 	inline void Surf3(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1555 	{	mgl_surf3(gr, &a, stl, opt);	}
1557 	/// Draw a semi-transparent cloud for 3d data specified parametrically
1558 	/** Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. Style ‘i’ use inverted values for transparency. */
1559 	inline void Cloud(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1560 	{	mgl_cloud_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, stl, opt);	}
1561 	/// Draw a semi-transparent cloud for 3d data
1562 	/** Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. Style ‘i’ use inverted values for transparency. */
1563 	inline void Cloud(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1564 	{	mgl_cloud(gr, &a, stl, opt);	}
1566 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels along slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1567 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines.
1568 	 * Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.
1569 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1570 	inline void Cont3(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1571 	{	mgl_cont3_xyz_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1572 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels along slice for 3d data
1573 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines.
1574 	 * Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.
1575 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1576 	inline void Cont3(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1577 	{	mgl_cont3_val(gr, &v, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1578 	/// Draw contour lines along slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1579 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines.
1580 	 * Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.
1581 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1582 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1583 	inline void Cont3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1584 	{	mgl_cont3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1585 	/// Draw contour lines along slice for 3d data
1586 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines.
1587 	 * Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.
1588 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1589 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1590 	inline void Cont3(const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1591 	{	mgl_cont3(gr, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1593 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels along slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1594 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly. */
1595 	inline void ContF3(const mglData &v, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1596 	{	mgl_contf3_xyz_val(gr, &v, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1597 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels along slice for 3d data
1598 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly. */
1599 	inline void ContF3(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1600 	{	mgl_contf3_val(gr, &v, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1601 	/// Draw solid contours along slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1602 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.
1603 	 *  Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7).*/
1604 	inline void ContF3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1605 	{	mgl_contf3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1606 	/// Draw solid contours along slice for 3d data
1607 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘x’ or ‘z’ produce plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly.
1608 	 *  Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7).*/
1609 	inline void ContF3(const mglData &a, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1610 	{	mgl_contf3(gr, &a, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1612 	/// Draw several isosurfaces for 3d beam in curvilinear coordinates
1613 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1614 	 *  Variable \a flag is bitwise:
1615 	 * ‘0x1’ - draw in accompanied (not laboratory) coordinates;
1616 	 * ‘0x2’ - draw projection to \rho-z plane;
1617 	 * ‘0x4’ - draw normalized in each slice field.*/
1618 	inline void Beam(const mglData &tr, const mglData &g1, const mglData &g2, const mglData &a, double r, const char *stl=0, int flag=0, int num=3)
1619 	{	mgl_beam(gr, &tr,&g1,&g2,&a,r,stl,flag,num);	}
1620 	/// Draw isosurface at value \a val for 3d beam in curvilinear coordinates
1621 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1622 	 *  Variable \a flag is bitwise:
1623 	 * ‘0x1’ - draw in accompanied (not laboratory) coordinates;
1624 	 * ‘0x2’ - draw projection to \rho-z plane;
1625 	 * ‘0x4’ - draw normalized in each slice field.*/
1626 	inline void Beam(double val, const mglData &tr, const mglData &g1, const mglData &g2, const mglData &a, double r, const char *stl=NULL, int flag=0)
1627 	{	mgl_beam_val(gr,val,&tr,&g1,&g2,&a,r,stl,flag);	}
1629 	/// Draw vertical tiles with variable size r and manual colors c for 2d data specified parametrically
1630 	inline void TileS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1631 	{	mgl_tiles_xyc(gr, &x, &y, &z, &r, &c, stl, opt);	}
1632 	/// Draw vertical tiles with variable size r for 2d data specified parametrically
1633 	inline void TileS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1634 	{	mgl_tiles_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, &r, stl, opt);	}
1635 	/// Draw vertical tiles with variable size r for 2d data
1636 	inline void TileS(const mglData &z, const mglData &r, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1637 	{	mgl_tiles(gr, &z, &r, stl, opt);	}
1639 	/// Draw surface for 2d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c
1640 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1641 	inline void SurfC(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1642 	{	mgl_surfc_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, sch,opt);	}
1643 	/// Draw surface for 2d data with color proportional to c
1644 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1645 	inline void SurfC(const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1646 	{	mgl_surfc(gr, &z, &c, sch,opt);	}
1648 	/// Draw surface for 2d data specified parametrically with alpha proportional to c
1649 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1650 	inline void SurfA(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1651 	{	mgl_surfa_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, sch,opt);	}
1652 	/// Draw surface for 2d data with alpha proportional to c
1653 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1654 	inline void SurfA(const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1655 	{	mgl_surfa(gr, &z, &c, sch,opt);	}
1657 	/// Draw surface for 2d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c and alpha proportional to a
1658 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1659 	inline void SurfCA(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1660 	{	mgl_surfca_xy(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, &a, sch,opt);	}
1661 	/// Draw surface for 2d data with color proportional to c and alpha proportional to a
1662 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1663 	inline void SurfCA(const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1664 	{	mgl_surfca(gr, &z, &c, &a, sch,opt);	}
1666 	/// Color map of matrix a to matrix b, both matrix can parametrically depend on coordinates
1667 	/** Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1668 	inline void Map(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1669 	{	mgl_map_xy(gr, &x, &y, &a, &b, sch, opt);	}
1670 	/// Color map of matrix a to matrix b
1671 	/** Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1672 	inline void Map(const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1673 	{	mgl_map(gr, &a, &b, sch, opt);	}
1675 	/// Draw density plot for spectra-gramm specified parametrically
1676 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1677 	inline void STFA(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &re, const mglData &im, int dn, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1678 	{	mgl_stfa_xy(gr, &x, &y, &re, &im, dn, sch, opt);	}
1679 	/// Draw density plot for spectra-gramm
1680 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1681 	inline void STFA(const mglData &re, const mglData &im, int dn, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1682 	{	mgl_stfa(gr, &re, &im, dn, sch, opt);	}
1684 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data specified parametrically with alpha proportional to b
1685 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1686 	inline void Surf3A(double Val, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1687 	{	mgl_surf3a_xyz_val(gr, Val, &x, &y, &z, &a, &b, stl, opt);	}
1688 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data with alpha proportional to b
1689 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1690 	inline void Surf3A(double Val, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1691 	{	mgl_surf3a_val(gr, Val, &a, &b, stl, opt);	}
1692 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically with alpha proportional to b
1693 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1694 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1695 	inline void Surf3A(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1696 	{	mgl_surf3a_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, &b, stl, opt);	}
1697 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data with alpha proportional to b
1698 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1699 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1700 	inline void Surf3A(const mglData &a, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1701 	{	mgl_surf3a(gr, &a, &b, stl, opt);	}
1703 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c
1704 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1705 	inline void Surf3C(double Val, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1706 	{	mgl_surf3c_xyz_val(gr, Val, &x, &y, &z, &a, &c, stl,opt);	}
1707 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data with color proportional to c
1708 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1709 	inline void Surf3C(double Val, const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1710 	{	mgl_surf3c_val(gr, Val, &a, &c, stl, opt);	}
1711 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c
1712 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1713 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1714 	inline void Surf3C(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1715 	{	mgl_surf3c_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, &c, stl, opt);	}
1716 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c
1717 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1718 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1719 	inline void Surf3C(const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1720 	{	mgl_surf3c(gr, &a, &c, stl, opt);	}
1722 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c and alpha proportional to b
1723 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1724 	inline void Surf3CA(double Val, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1725 	{	mgl_surf3ca_xyz_val(gr, Val, &x, &y, &z, &a, &c, &b, stl,opt);	}
1726 	/// Draw isosurface for 3d data with color proportional to c and alpha proportional to b
1727 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots. */
1728 	inline void Surf3CA(double Val, const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1729 	{	mgl_surf3ca_val(gr, Val, &a, &c, &b, stl, opt);	}
1730 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically with color proportional to c and alpha proportional to b
1731 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1732 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1733 	inline void Surf3CA(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1734 	{	mgl_surf3ca_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, &c, &b, stl, opt);	}
1735 	/// Draw isosurfaces for 3d data with color proportional to c and alpha proportional to b
1736 	/** Style ‘#’ draw wired plot. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.
1737 	 * Option "value" set the number of isosurfaces (default is 3). */
1738 	inline void Surf3CA(const mglData &a, const mglData &c, const mglData &b, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
1739 	{	mgl_surf3ca(gr, &a, &c, &b, stl, opt);	}
1741 	/// Plot dew drops for vector field {ax,ay} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y}
1742 	inline void Dew(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1743 	{	mgl_dew_xy(gr, &x, &y, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1744 	/// Plot dew drops for vector field {ax,ay}
1745 	inline void Dew(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1746 	{	mgl_dew_2d(gr, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1748 	/// Plot vectors at position {x,y} along {ax,ay} with length/color proportional to |a|
1749 	/** Option value set the vector length factor (if non-zero) or vector length to be proportional the distance between curve points (if value=0). */
1750 	inline void Traj(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1751 	{	mgl_traj_xy(gr, &x, &y, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1752 	/// Plot vectors at position {x,y,z} along {ax,ay,az} with length/color proportional to |a|
1753 	/** Option value set the vector length factor (if non-zero) or vector length to be proportional the distance between curve points (if value=0). */
1754 	inline void Traj(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1755 	{	mgl_traj_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1757 	/// Plot vector field {ax,ay} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y} with length/color proportional to |a|
1758 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1759 	 * ‘f’ for drawing arrows with fixed lengths,
1760 	 * ‘ >’, ‘<’ for drawing arrows to or from the ce*ll point (default is centering),
1761 	 * ‘.’ for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows,
1762 	 * ‘=’ for enabling color gradient along arrows. */
1763 	inline void Vect(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1764 	{	mgl_vect_xy(gr, &x, &y, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1765 	/// Plot vector field {ax,ay} with length/color proportional to |a|
1766 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1767 	 * ‘f’ for drawing arrows with fixed lengths,
1768 	 * ‘ >’, ‘<’ for drawing arrows to or from the ce*ll point (default is centering),
1769 	 * ‘.’ for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows,
1770 	 * ‘=’ for enabling color gradient along arrows. */
1771 	inline void Vect(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1772 	{	mgl_vect_2d(gr, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1773 	/// Plot vector field {ax,ay,az} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y,z} with length/color proportional to |a|
1774 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1775 	 * ‘f’ for drawing arrows with fixed lengths,
1776 	 * ‘ >’, ‘<’ for drawing arrows to or from the ce*ll point (default is centering),
1777 	 * ‘.’ for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows,
1778 	 * ‘=’ for enabling color gradient along arrows. */
1779 	inline void Vect(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1780 	{	mgl_vect_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1781 	/// Plot vector field {ax,ay,az} with length/color proportional to |a|
1782 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1783 	 * ‘f’ for drawing arrows with fixed lengths,
1784 	 * ‘ >’, ‘<’ for drawing arrows to or from the ce*ll point (default is centering),
1785 	 * ‘.’ for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows,
1786 	 * ‘=’ for enabling color gradient along arrows. */
1787 	inline void Vect(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1788 	{	mgl_vect_3d(gr, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1790 	/// Draw vector plot along slice for 3d data specified parametrically
1791 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1792 	 * ‘f’ for drawing arrows with fixed lengths,
1793 	 * ‘ >’, ‘<’ for drawing arrows to or from the ce*ll point (default is centering),
1794 	 * ‘.’ for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows,
1795 	 * ‘=’ for enabling color gradient along arrows,
1796 	 * ‘ x’, ‘z’ for producing plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly. */
1797 	inline void Vect3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *stl="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1798 	{	mgl_vect3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &ax,&ay,&az, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1799 	/// Draw vector plot along slice for 3d data
1800 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1801 	 * ‘f’ for drawing arrows with fixed lengths,
1802 	 * ‘ >’, ‘<’ for drawing arrows to or from the ce*ll point (default is centering),
1803 	 * ‘.’ for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows,
1804 	 * ‘=’ for enabling color gradient along arrows,
1805 	 * ‘ x’, ‘z’ for producing plot perpendicular to x- or z-direction correspondingly. */
1806 	inline void Vect3(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *stl="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1807 	{	mgl_vect3(gr, &ax,&ay,&az, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1809 	/// Plot flows for vector field {ax,ay} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y} with color proportional to |a|
1810 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1811 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1812 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1813 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1814 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1815 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1816 	inline void Flow(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1817 	{	mgl_flow_xy(gr, &x, &y, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1818 	/// Plot flows for vector field {ax,ay} with color proportional to |a|
1819 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1820 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1821 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1822 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1823 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1824 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1825 	inline void Flow(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1826 	{	mgl_flow_2d(gr, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1827 	/// Plot flows for vector field {ax,ay,az} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y,z} with color proportional to |a|
1828 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1829 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1830 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1831 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1832 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1833 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1834 	inline void Flow(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1835 	{	mgl_flow_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1836 	/// Plot flows for vector field {ax,ay,az} with color proportional to |a|
1837 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1838 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1839 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1840 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1841 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1842 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1843 	inline void Flow(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1844 	{	mgl_flow_3d(gr, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1846 	/// Plot flow from point p for vector field {ax,ay} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y} with color proportional to |a|
1847 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1848 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1849 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1850 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads. */
1851 	inline void FlowP(mglPoint p, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1852 	{	mgl_flowp_xy(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, &x, &y, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1853 	/// Plot flow from point p for vector field {ax,ay} with color proportional to |a|
1854 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1855 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1856 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1857 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads. */
1858 	inline void FlowP(mglPoint p, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1859 	{	mgl_flowp_2d(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, &ax, &ay, sch, opt);	}
1860 	/// Plot flow from point p for vector field {ax,ay,az} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y,z} with color proportional to |a|
1861 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1862 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1863 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1864 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1865 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly. */
1866 	inline void FlowP(mglPoint p, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1867 	{	mgl_flowp_xyz(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, &x, &y, &z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1868 	/// Plot flow from point p for vector field {ax,ay,az} with color proportional to |a|
1869 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1870 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1871 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1872 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1873 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly. */
1874 	inline void FlowP(mglPoint p, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1875 	{	mgl_flowp_3d(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, opt);	}
1877 	/// Plot flows from given plain for vector field {ax,ay,az} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y,z} with color proportional to |a|
1878 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1879 	* color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1880 	* 'v' for drawing arrows on the threads;
1881 	* 't' for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes.
1882 	* Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1883 	inline void Flow3(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1884 	{	mgl_flow3_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1885 	/// Plot flows from given plain for vector field {ax,ay,az} with color proportional to |a|
1886 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1887 	* color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1888 	* 'v' for drawing arrows on the threads;
1889 	* 't' for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes.
1890 	* Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1891 	inline void Flow3(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", double sVal=-1, const char *opt="")
1892 	{	mgl_flow3(gr, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, sVal, opt);	}
1893 	/// Plot flows for gradient of scalar field phi parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y,z}
1894 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1895 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1896 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1897 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1898 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1899 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1900 	inline void Grad(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &phi, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1901 	{	mgl_grad_xyz(gr,&x,&y,&z,&phi,sch,opt);	}
1902 	/// Plot flows for gradient of scalar field phi parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y}
1903 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1904 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1905 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1906 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1907 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1908 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1909 	inline void Grad(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &phi, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1910 	{	mgl_grad_xy(gr,&x,&y,&phi,sch,opt);	}
1911 	/// Plot flows for gradient of scalar field phi
1912 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1913 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1914 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1915 	 * ‘v’ for drawing arrows on the threads;
1916 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1917 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1918 	inline void Grad(const mglData &phi, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
1919 	{	mgl_grad(gr,&phi,sch,opt);	}
1921 	/// Plot flow pipes for vector field {ax,ay} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y} with color and radius proportional to |a|
1922 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1923 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1924 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1925 	 * ‘i’ for pipe radius to be inverse proportional to amplitude.
1926 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1927 	inline void Pipe(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", double r0=0.05, const char *opt="")
1928 	{	mgl_pipe_xy(gr, &x, &y, &ax, &ay, sch, r0, opt);	}
1929 	/// Plot flow pipes for vector field {ax,ay} with color and radius proportional to |a|
1930 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1931 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1932 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1933 	 * ‘i’ for pipe radius to be inverse proportional to amplitude.
1934 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1935 	inline void Pipe(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const char *sch="", double r0=0.05, const char *opt="")
1936 	{	mgl_pipe_2d(gr, &ax, &ay, sch, r0, opt);	}
1937 	/// Plot flow pipes for vector field {ax,ay,az} parametrically depended on coordinate {x,y,z} with color and radius proportional to |a|
1938 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1939 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1940 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1941 	 * ‘i’ for pipe radius to be inverse proportional to amplitude;
1942 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1943 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1944 	inline void Pipe(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", double r0=0.05, const char *opt="")
1945 	{	mgl_pipe_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, r0, opt);	}
1946 	/// Plot flow pipes for vector field {ax,ay,az} with color and radius proportional to |a|
1947 	/** String \a sch may contain:
1948 	 * color scheme: up-half (warm) corresponds to normal flow (like attractor), bottom-half (cold) corresponds to inverse flow (like source);
1949 	 * ‘#’ for starting threads from edges only;
1950 	 * ‘i’ for pipe radius to be inverse proportional to amplitude;
1951 	 * ‘x’, ‘z’ for drawing tapes of normals in x-y and y-z planes correspondingly.
1952 	 * Option "value" sets the number of threads (default is 5). */
1953 	inline void Pipe(const mglData &ax, const mglData &ay, const mglData &az, const char *sch="", double r0=0.05, const char *opt="")
1954 	{	mgl_pipe_3d(gr, &ax, &ay, &az, sch, r0, opt);	}
1956 	/// Draw density plot for data at x = sVal
1957 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1958 	inline void DensX(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1959 	{	mgl_dens_x(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1960 	/// Draw density plot for data at y = sVal
1961 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1962 	inline void DensY(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1963 	{	mgl_dens_y(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1964 	/// Draw density plot for data at z = sVal
1965 	/** Style ‘#’ draw grid lines. Style ‘.’ produce plot by dots.*/
1966 	inline void DensZ(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1967 	{	mgl_dens_z(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1969 	/// Draw contour lines for data at x = sVal
1970 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1971 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1972 	inline void ContX(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1973 	{	mgl_cont_x(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1974 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels for data at x = sVal
1975 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1976 	inline void ContX(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1977 	{	mgl_cont_x_val(gr, &v, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1978 	/// Draw contour lines for data at y = sVal
1979 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1980 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1981 	inline void ContY(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1982 	{	mgl_cont_y(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1983 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels for data at y = sVal
1984 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1985 	inline void ContY(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1986 	{	mgl_cont_y_val(gr, &v, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1987 	/// Draw contour lines for data at z = sVal
1988 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
1989 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1990 	inline void ContZ(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1991 	{	mgl_cont_z(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1992 	/// Draw contour lines at manual levels for data at z = sVal
1993 	/** Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours. */
1994 	inline void ContZ(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
1995 	{	mgl_cont_z_val(gr, &v, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
1997 	/// Draw solid contours for data at x = sVal
1998 	/** Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
1999 	inline void ContFX(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
2000 	{	mgl_contf_x(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
2001 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for data at x = sVal
2002 	inline void ContFX(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
2003 	{	mgl_contf_x_val(gr, &v, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
2004 	/// Draw solid contours for data at y = sVal
2005 	/** Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
2006 	inline void ContFY(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
2007 	{	mgl_contf_y(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
2008 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for data at y = sVal
2009 	inline void ContFY(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
2010 	{	mgl_contf_y_val(gr, &v, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
2011 	/// Draw solid contours for data at z = sVal
2012 	/** Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
2013 	inline void ContFZ(const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
2014 	{	mgl_contf_z(gr, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
2015 	/// Draw solid contours at manual levels for data at z = sVal
2016 	inline void ContFZ(const mglData &v, const mglData &a, const char *stl="", double sVal=mglNaN, const char *opt="")
2017 	{	mgl_contf_z_val(gr, &v, &a, stl, sVal, opt);	}
2019 	/// Draw curve for formula with x in x-axis range
2020 	/** Option "value" set initial number of points. */
2021 	inline void FPlot(const char *fy, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
2022 	{	mgl_fplot(gr, fy, stl, opt);	}
2023 	/// Draw curve for formulas parametrically depended on t in range [0,1]
2024 	/** Option "value" set initial number of points. */
2025 	inline void FPlot(const char *fx, const char *fy, const char *fz, const char *stl, const char *opt="")
2026 	{	mgl_fplot_xyz(gr, fx, fy, fz, stl, opt);	}
2027 	/// Draw surface by formula with x,y in axis range
2028 	/** Option "value" set initial number of points. */
2029 	inline void FSurf(const char *fz, const char *stl="", const char *opt="")
2030 	{	mgl_fsurf(gr, fz, stl, opt);	}
2031 	/// Draw surface by formulas parametrically depended on u,v in range [0,1]
2032 	/** Option "value" set initial number of points. */
2033 	inline void FSurf(const char *fx, const char *fy, const char *fz, const char *stl, const char *opt="")
2034 	{	mgl_fsurf_xyz(gr, fx, fy, fz, stl, opt);	}
2036 	/// Draw triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c.
2037 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. If id.ny=c.nx then c set the triangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2038 	inline void TriPlot(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2039 	{	mgl_triplot_xyzc(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &c, sch, opt);	}
2040 	/// Draw triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z}
2041 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. */
2042 	inline void TriPlot(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2043 	{	mgl_triplot_xyz(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2044 	/// Draw triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y}
2045 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. */
2046 	inline void TriPlot(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2047 	{	mgl_triplot_xy(gr, &nums, &x, &y, sch, opt);	}
2049 	/// Draw quad mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c
2050 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2051 	inline void QuadPlot(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2052 	{	mgl_quadplot_xyzc(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &c, sch, opt);	}
2053 	/// Draw quad mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z}
2054 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. */
2055 	inline void QuadPlot(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2056 	{	mgl_quadplot_xyz(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2057 	/// Draw quad mesh for points in arrays {x,y}
2058 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wire plot. */
2059 	inline void QuadPlot(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2060 	{	mgl_quadplot_xy(gr, &nums, &x, &y, sch, opt);	}
2062 	/// Draw contour lines for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z}
2063 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
2064 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
2065 	 * If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2066 	inline void TriCont(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2067 	{	mgl_tricont_xyc(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2068 	/// Draw contour lines for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z}
2069 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
2070 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
2071 	 * If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors.
2072 	 * Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
2073 	inline void TriContV(const mglData &v, const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2074 	{	mgl_tricont_xycv(gr, &v, &nums, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2075 	/// Draw contour lines for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c.
2076 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
2077 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
2078 	 * If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2079 	inline void TriCont(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2080 	{	mgl_tricont_xyzc(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
2081 	/// Draw contour lines for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c.
2082 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
2083 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
2084 	 * If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2085 	inline void TriContV(const mglData &v, const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2086 	{	mgl_tricont_xyzcv(gr, &v, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
2087 	/// Draw contour lines for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c.
2088 	/** Style ‘_’ to draw contours at bottom of axis box.
2089 	 * Style ‘t’/‘T’ draw contour labels below/above contours.
2090 	 * If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2091 	inline void TriCont(const mglData &v, const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2092 	{	mgl_tricont_xyzcv(gr, &v, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
2094 	/// Draw contour tubes for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z}
2095 	/** Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
2096 	inline void TriContVt(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2097 	{	mgl_tricontv_xyc(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2098 	/// Draw contour tubes for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c
2099 	/** Option "value" set the number of contour levels (default is 7). */
2100 	inline void TriContVt(const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2101 	{	mgl_tricontv_xyzc(gr, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
2102 	/// Draw contour tubes for triangle mesh for points in arrays {x,y,z} with specified color c
2103 	/** If id.ny=c.nx then c set the quadrangle colors, else vertex colors. */
2104 	inline void TriContVt(const mglData &v, const mglData &nums, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2105 	{	mgl_tricontv_xyzcv(gr, &v, &nums, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
2107 	/// Draw dots in points {x,y,z}.
2108 	inline void Dots(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2109 	{	mgl_dots(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2110 	/// Draw semitransparent dots in points {x,y,z} with specified alpha a.
2111 	inline void Dots(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2112 	{	mgl_dots_a(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, sch, opt);	}
2113 	/// Draw semitransparent dots in points {x,y,z} with specified color c and alpha a.
2114 	inline void Dots(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &c, const mglData &a, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2115 	{	mgl_dots_ca(gr, &x, &y, &z, &c, &a, sch, opt);	}
2116 	/// Draw surface reconstructed for points in arrays {x,y,z}.
2117 	/** Style ‘#’ produce wired plot. */
2118 	inline void Crust(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
2119 	{	mgl_crust(gr, &x, &y, &z, sch, opt);	}
2121 	/// Fit data along x-direction for each data row. Return array with values for found formula.
2122 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &y, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2123 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_1(gr, &y, eq,vars,0, opt));	}
2124 	/// Fit data along x-direction for each data row starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2125 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &y, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2126 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_1(gr, &y, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2127 	/// Fit data along x-, y-directions for each data slice. Return array with values for found formula.
2128 	inline mglData Fit2(const mglData &z, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2129 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_2(gr, &z, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2130 	/// Fit data along x-, y-direction for each data slice starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2131 	inline mglData Fit2(const mglData &z, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2132 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_2(gr, &z, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2133 	/// Fit data along along all directions. Return array with values for found formula.
2134 	inline mglData Fit3(const mglData &a, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2135 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_3(gr, &a, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2136 	/// Fit data along all directions starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2137 	inline mglData Fit3(const mglData &a, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2138 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_3(gr, &a, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2140 	/// Fit data along x-direction for each data row. Return array with values for found formula.
2141 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2142 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xy(gr, &x, &y, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2143 	/// Fit data along x-direction for each data row starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2144 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2145 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xy(gr, &x, &y, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2146 	/// Fit data along x-, y-directions for each data slice. Return array with values for found formula.
2147 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2148 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2149 	/// Fit data along x-, y-directions for each data slice starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2150 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2151 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2152 	/// Fit data along along all directions. Return array with values for found formula.
2153 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2154 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyza(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2155 	/// Fit data along along all directions starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2156 	inline mglData Fit(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2157 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyza(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, eq,vars, &ini, opt));	}
2159 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along x-direction for each data row. Return array with values for found formula.
2160 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &y, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2161 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_ys(gr, &y, &s, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2162 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along x-direction for each data row starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2163 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &y, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2164 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_ys(gr, &y, &s, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2165 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along x-direction for each data row. Return array with values for found formula.
2166 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2167 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xys(gr, &x, &y, &s, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2168 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along x-direction for each data row starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2169 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2170 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xys(gr, &x, &y, &s, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2171 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along x-, y-directions for each data slice. Return array with values for found formula.
2172 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2173 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyzs(gr, &x, &y, &z, &s, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2174 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along x-, y-directions for each data slice starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2175 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2176 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyzs(gr, &x, &y, &z, &s, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2177 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along all directions. Return array with values for found formula.
2178 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, const char *opt="")
2179 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyzas(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, &s, eq, vars,0, opt));	}
2180 	/// Fit data with dispersion s along all directions starting from \a ini values. Return array with values for found formula.
2181 	inline mglData FitS(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const mglData &s, const char *eq, const char *vars, mglData &ini, const char *opt="")
2182 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_fit_xyzas(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, &s, eq, vars, &ini, opt));	}
2184 	/// Print fitted last formula (with coefficients)
2185 	inline void PutsFit(mglPoint p, const char *prefix=0, const char *font="", double size=-1)
2186 	{	mgl_puts_fit(gr, p.x, p.y, p.z, prefix, font, size);	}
2187 	/// Get last fitted formula
GetFit()2188 	inline const char *GetFit()	const
2189 	{	return mgl_get_fit(gr);	}
2190 	/// Get chi for last fitted formula
GetFitChi()2191 	static inline mreal GetFitChi()
2192 	{	return mgl_get_fit_chi();	}
2193 	/// Get covariance matrix for last fitted formula
GetFitCovar()2194 	static inline mglData GetFitCovar()
2195 	{	return mglData(mgl_get_fit_covar());	}
2197 	/// Solve PDE with x,y,z in range axis range
2198 	inline mglData PDE(const char *ham, const mglData &ini_re, const mglData &ini_im, double dz=0.1, double k0=100, const char *opt="")
2199 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_pde_solve(gr,ham,&ini_re,&ini_im,dz,k0, opt));	}
2200 	/// Solve PDE with x,y,z in range axis range
2201 	inline mglDataC PDEc(const char *ham, const mglData &ini_re, const mglData &ini_im, double dz=0.1, double k0=100, const char *opt="")
2202 	{	return mglDataC(true,mgl_pde_solve_c(gr,ham,&ini_re,&ini_im,dz,k0, opt));	}
2204 	/// Solve PDE with x,y,z in range axis range using advanced (slow!!!) method (2d only)
2205 	inline mglData APDE(const char *ham, const mglData &ini_re, const mglData &ini_im, double dz=0.1, double k0=100, const char *opt="")
2206 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_pde_adv(gr,ham,&ini_re,&ini_im,dz,k0, opt));	}
2207 	/// Solve PDE with x,y,z in range axis range using advanced (slow!!!) method (2d only)
2208 	inline mglDataC APDEc(const char *ham, const mglData &ini_re, const mglData &ini_im, double dz=0.1, double k0=100, const char *opt="")
2209 	{	return mglDataC(true,mgl_pde_adv_c(gr,ham,&ini_re,&ini_im,dz,k0, opt));	}
2211 	/// Fill data by formula with x,y,z in range axis range
2212 	inline void Fill(mglData &u, const char *eq, const char *opt="")
2213 	{	mgl_data_fill_eq(gr, &u, eq, 0, 0, opt);	}
2214 	inline void Fill(mglData &u, const char *eq, const mglData &v, const char *opt="")
2215 	{	mgl_data_fill_eq(gr, &u, eq, &v, 0, opt);	}
2216 	inline void Fill(mglData &u, const char *eq, const mglData &v, const mglData &w, const char *opt="")
2217 	{	mgl_data_fill_eq(gr, &u, eq, &v, &w, opt);	}
2218 	/// Fill data by formula with x,y,z in range axis range
2219 	inline void Fill(mglDataC &u, const char *eq, const char *opt="")
2220 	{	mgl_datac_fill_eq(gr, &u, eq, 0, 0, opt);	}
2221 	inline void Fill(mglDataC &u, const char *eq, const mglData &v, const char *opt="")
2222 	{	mgl_datac_fill_eq(gr, &u, eq, &v, 0, opt);	}
2223 	inline void Fill(mglDataC &u, const char *eq, const mglData &v, const mglData &w, const char *opt="")
2224 	{	mgl_datac_fill_eq(gr, &u, eq, &v, &w, opt);	}
2226 	/// Fill dat by interpolated values of vdat parametrically depended on xdat for x in axis range
2227 	inline void Refill(mglData &dat, const mglData &xdat, const mglData &vdat, long sl=-1, const char *opt="")
2228 	{	mgl_data_refill_gr(gr,&dat,&xdat,0,0,&vdat,sl,opt);	}
2229 	/// Fill dat by interpolated values of vdat parametrically depended on xdat,ydat for x,y in axis range
2230 	inline void Refill(mglData &dat, const mglData &xdat, const mglData &ydat, const mglData &vdat, long sl=-1, const char *opt="")
2231 	{	mgl_data_refill_gr(gr,&dat,&xdat,&ydat,0,&vdat,sl,opt);	}
2232 	/// Fill dat by interpolated values of vdat parametrically depended on xdat,ydat,zdat for x,y,z in axis range
2233 	inline void Refill(mglData &dat, const mglData &xdat, const mglData &ydat, const mglData &zdat, const mglData &vdat, const char *opt="")
2234 	{	mgl_data_refill_gr(gr,&dat,&xdat,&ydat,&zdat,&vdat,-1,opt);	}
2236 	/// Fill dat by interpolated values of vdat parametrically depended on xdat for x in axis range
2237 	inline void Refill(mglDataC &dat, const mglData &xdat, const mglData &vdat, long sl=-1, const char *opt="")
2238 	{	mgl_datac_refill_gr(gr,&dat,&xdat,0,0,&vdat,sl,opt);	}
2239 	/// Fill dat by interpolated values of vdat parametrically depended on xdat,ydat for x,y in axis range
2240 	inline void Refill(mglDataC &dat, const mglData &xdat, const mglData &ydat, const mglData &vdat, long sl=-1, const char *opt="")
2241 	{	mgl_datac_refill_gr(gr,&dat,&xdat,&ydat,0,&vdat,sl,opt);	}
2242 	/// Fill dat by interpolated values of vdat parametrically depended on xdat,ydat,zdat for x,y,z in axis range
2243 	inline void Refill(mglDataC &dat, const mglData &xdat, const mglData &ydat, const mglData &zdat, const mglData &vdat, const char *opt="")
2244 	{	mgl_datac_refill_gr(gr,&dat,&xdat,&ydat,&zdat,&vdat,-1,opt);	}
2246 	/// Set the data by triangulated surface values assuming x,y,z in range axis range
2247 	inline void DataGrid(mglData &d, const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const char *opt="")
2248 	{	mgl_data_grid(gr,&d,&x,&y,&z,opt);	}
2250 	/// Make histogram (distribution) of data. This function do not plot data.
2251 	/** Option "value" sets the size of output array (default is mglFitPnts=100). */
2252 	inline mglData Hist(const mglData &x, const mglData &a, const char *opt="")
2253 	{	return mglData(true, mgl_hist_x(gr, &x, &a, opt));	}
2254 	/// Make histogram (distribution) of data. This function do not plot data.
2255 	/** Option "value" sets the size of output array (default is mglFitPnts=100). */
2256 	inline mglData Hist(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &a, const char *opt="")
2257 	{	return mglData(true, mgl_hist_xy(gr, &x, &y, &a, opt));	}
2258 	/// Make histogram (distribution) of data. This function do not plot data.
2259 	/** Option "value" sets the size of output array (default is mglFitPnts=100). */
2260 	inline mglData Hist(const mglData &x, const mglData &y, const mglData &z, const mglData &a, const char *opt="")
2261 	{	return mglData(true, mgl_hist_xyz(gr, &x, &y, &z, &a, opt));	}
Compression(bool)2263 	inline void Compression(bool){}		// NOTE: Add later -- IDTF
2264 	/// Set the preference for vertex color on/off (for formats that support it, now only PRC does).
VertexColor(bool enable)2265 	inline void VertexColor(bool enable)	{	mgl_set_flag(gr,enable, MGL_PREFERVC);	}
2266 	/// Render only front side of surfaces for dubugging purposes (for formats that support it, now only PRC does).
DoubleSided(bool enable)2267 	inline void DoubleSided(bool enable)	{	mgl_set_flag(gr,!enable, MGL_ONESIDED);	}
2268 //	inline void TextureColor(bool){}	// NOTE: Add later -- IDTF
2269 };
2270 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2271 /// Wrapper class for MGL parsing
2272 class mglParse
2273 {
2274 	HMPR pr;
2275 	mglParse &operator=(mglParse &p)
2276 	{	pr = p.pr;	mgl_use_parser(pr,1);	return p;	}
2277 public:
mglParse(HMPR p)2278 	mglParse(HMPR p)		{	pr = p;		mgl_use_parser(pr,1);	}
mglParse(mglParse & p)2279 	mglParse(mglParse &p)	{	pr = p.pr;	mgl_use_parser(pr,1);	}
2280 	mglParse(bool setsize=false)
2281 	{	pr=mgl_create_parser();	mgl_parser_allow_setsize(pr, setsize);	}
~mglParse()2282 	~mglParse()	{	if(mgl_use_parser(pr,-1)<1)	mgl_delete_parser(pr);	}
2283 	/// Get pointer to internal mglParser object
Self()2284 	inline HMPR Self()	{	return pr;	}
2285 	/// Parse and draw single line of the MGL script
Parse(mglGraph * gr,const char * str,int pos)2286 	inline int Parse(mglGraph *gr, const char *str, int pos)
2287 	{	return mgl_parse_line(gr->Self(), pr, str, pos);	}
Parse(mglGraph * gr,const wchar_t * str,int pos)2288 	inline int Parse(mglGraph *gr, const wchar_t *str, int pos)
2289 	{	return mgl_parse_linew(gr->Self(), pr, str, pos);	}
2290 	/// Execute MGL script text with '\n' separated lines
Execute(mglGraph * gr,const char * str)2291 	inline void Execute(mglGraph *gr, const char *str)
2292 	{	mgl_parse_text(gr->Self(), pr, str);	}
Execute(mglGraph * gr,const wchar_t * str)2293 	inline void Execute(mglGraph *gr, const wchar_t *str)
2294 	{	mgl_parse_textw(gr->Self(), pr, str);	}
2295 	/// Execute and draw script from the file
2296 	inline void Execute(mglGraph *gr, FILE *fp, bool print=false)
2297 	{	mgl_parse_file(gr->Self(), pr, fp, print);	}
2299 	/// Return type of command: 0 - not found, 1 - other data plot, 2 - func plot,
2300 	///		3 - setup, 4 - data handle, 5 - data create, 6 - subplot, 7 - program
2301 	///		8 - 1d plot, 9 - 2d plot, 10 - 3d plot, 11 - dd plot, 12 - vector plot
2302 	///		13 - axis, 14 - primitives, 15 - axis setup, 16 - text/legend, 17 - data transform
CmdType(const char * name)2303 	inline int CmdType(const char *name)
2304 	{	return mgl_parser_cmd_type(pr, name);	}
2305 	/// Return string of command format (command name and its argument[s])
CmdFormat(const char * name)2306 	inline const char *CmdFormat(const char *name)
2307 	{	return mgl_parser_cmd_frmt(pr, name);	}
2308 	/// Return description of MGL command
CmdDesc(const char * name)2309 	inline const char *CmdDesc(const char *name)
2310 	{	return mgl_parser_cmd_desc(pr, name);	}
2311 	/// Get name of command with number n
GetCmdName(long n)2312 	inline const char *GetCmdName(long n)
2313 	{	return mgl_parser_cmd_name(pr,n);	}
2314 	/// Get number of defined commands
GetCmdNum()2315 	inline long GetCmdNum()
2316 	{	return mgl_parser_cmd_num(pr);	}
2317 	/// Load new commands from external dynamic Library (must have "const mglCommand *mgl_cmd_extra" variable)
LoadDLL(const char * fname)2318 	inline void LoadDLL(const char *fname)
2319 	{	mgl_parser_load(pr, fname);	}
2320 	/// Apply one step for equation d vars[i]/dt = eqs[i] using Runge-Kutta method
2321 	inline void RK_Step(const char *eqs, const char *vars, mreal dt=1)
2322 	{	mgl_rk_step(pr, eqs, vars, dt);	}
2323 	inline void RK_Step(const wchar_t *eqs, const wchar_t *vars, mreal dt=1)
2324 	{	mgl_rk_step_w(pr, eqs, vars, dt);	}
2325 	// Open all data arrays from HDF file and assign it as variables of parser p
OpenHDF(const char * fname)2326 	inline void OpenHDF(const char *fname)
2327 	{	mgl_parser_openhdf(pr, fname);	}
2329 	/// Set value for parameter $N
AddParam(int id,const char * str)2330 	inline void AddParam(int id, const char *str)
2331 	{	mgl_parser_add_param(pr, id, str);	}
AddParam(int id,const wchar_t * str)2332 	inline void AddParam(int id, const wchar_t *str)
2333 	{	mgl_parser_add_paramw(pr, id, str);	}
2334 	/// Restore once flag
RestoreOnce()2335 	inline void RestoreOnce()	{	mgl_parser_restore_once(pr);	}
2336 	/// Allow changing size of the picture
AllowSetSize(bool allow)2337 	inline void AllowSetSize(bool allow)	{	mgl_parser_allow_setsize(pr, allow);	}
2338 	/// Allow reading/saving files
AllowFileIO(bool allow)2339 	inline void AllowFileIO(bool allow)		{	mgl_parser_allow_file_io(pr, allow);	}
2340 	/// Allow loading commands from external libraries
AllowDllCall(bool allow)2341 	inline void AllowDllCall(bool allow)	{	mgl_parser_allow_dll_call(pr, allow);	}
2342 	/// Set flag to stop script parsing
Stop()2343 	inline void Stop()	{	mgl_parser_stop(pr);	}
2344 	/// Set variant of argument(s) separated by '?' to be used in further commands
2345 	inline void SetVariant(int var=0)
2346 	{	mgl_parser_variant(pr, var);	}
2347 	/// Set starting object ID
2348 	inline void	StartID(int id=0)
2349 	{	mgl_parser_start_id(pr, id);	}
2351 	/// Return result of formula evaluation
Calc(const char * formula)2352 	inline mglData Calc(const char *formula)
2353 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_parser_calc(pr,formula)); 	}
Calc(const wchar_t * formula)2354 	inline mglData Calc(const wchar_t *formula)
2355 	{	return mglData(true,mgl_parser_calcw(pr,formula));	}
2357 	/// Find variable with given name or add a new one
2358 	/// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
AddVar(const char * name)2359 	inline mglData *AddVar(const char *name)
2360 	{	return mgl_parser_add_var(pr, name);	}
AddVar(const wchar_t * name)2361 	inline mglData *AddVar(const wchar_t *name)
2362 	{	return mgl_parser_add_varw(pr, name);	}
2363 	/// Find variable with given name or return NULL if no one
2364 	/// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
FindVar(const char * name)2365 	inline mglData *FindVar(const char *name)
2366 	{	return mgl_parser_find_var(pr, name);	}
FindVar(const wchar_t * name)2367 	inline mglData *FindVar(const wchar_t *name)
2368 	{	return mgl_parser_find_varw(pr, name);	}
2369 	/// Get variable with given id. Can be NULL for temporary ones.
2370 	/// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
GetVar(unsigned long id)2371 	inline mglData *GetVar(unsigned long id)
2372 	{	return mgl_parser_get_var(pr,id);	}
2373 	/// Get number of variables
GetNumVar()2374 	inline long GetNumVar()
2375 	{	return mgl_parser_num_var(pr);	}
2376 	/// Delete variable with name
DeleteVar(const char * name)2377 	inline void DeleteVar(const char *name)		{	mgl_parser_del_var(pr, name);		}
DeleteVar(const wchar_t * name)2378 	inline void DeleteVar(const wchar_t *name)	{	mgl_parser_del_varw(pr, name);		}
2379 	/// Delete all data variables
DeleteAll()2380 	void DeleteAll()	{	mgl_parser_del_all(pr);	}
2381 };
2382 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2383 //mglGraph mglGr;
2384 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------