1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
11 //
12 //               ---------------------------------------------
13 //               Lissajous Miniapp:  Spinning optical illusion
14 //               ---------------------------------------------
15 //
16 // This miniapp generates two different Lissajous curves in 3D which appear to
17 // spin vertically and/or horizontally, even though the net motion is the same.
18 // Based on the 2019 Illusion of the year "Dual Axis Illusion" by Frank Force,
19 // see http://illusionoftheyear.com/2019/12/dual-axis-illusion.
20 //
21 // Compile with: make lissajous
22 //
23 // Sample runs:  lissajous
24 //               lissajous -a 5 -b 4
25 //               lissajous -a 4 -b 3 -delta -90
26 //               lissajous -o 8 -nx 3 -ny 3
27 //               lissajous -a 11 -b 10 -o 4
29 #include "mfem.hpp"
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <iostream>
33 using namespace std;
34 using namespace mfem;
36 double u_function(const Vector &x);
37 void lissajous_trans_v(const Vector &x, Vector &p);
38 void lissajous_trans_h(const Vector &x, Vector &p);
40 // Default Lissajous curve parameters
41 double a = 3.0;
42 double b = 2.0;
43 double delta = 90;
main(int argc,char * argv[])45 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
46 {
47    int nx = 32;
48    int ny = 3;
49    int order = 2;
50    bool visualization = true;
52    OptionsParser args(argc, argv);
53    args.AddOption(&nx, "-nx", "--num-elements-x",
54                   "Number of elements in x-direction.");
55    args.AddOption(&ny, "-ny", "--num-elements-y",
56                   "Number of elements in y-direction.");
57    args.AddOption(&order, "-o", "--mesh-order",
58                   "Order (polynomial degree) of the mesh elements.");
59    args.AddOption(&a, "-a", "--x-frequency",
60                   "Frequency of the x-component.");
61    args.AddOption(&b, "-b", "--y-frequency",
62                   "Frequency of the y-component.");
63    args.AddOption(&delta, "-delta", "--x-phase",
64                   "Phase angle of the x-component.");
65    args.AddOption(&visualization, "-vis", "--visualization", "-no-vis",
66                   "--no-visualization",
67                   "Enable or disable GLVis visualization.");
68    args.Parse();
69    if (!args.Good())
70    {
71       args.PrintUsage(cout);
72       return 1;
73    }
74    args.PrintOptions(cout);
76    delta *= M_PI / 180.0; // convert to radians
78    char vishost[] = "localhost";
79    int  visport   = 19916;
80    socketstream soutv, south;
82    {
83       Mesh mesh = Mesh::MakeCartesian2D(
84                      nx, ny, Element::QUADRILATERAL, 1, 2*M_PI, 2*M_PI);
85       mesh.SetCurvature(order, true, 3, Ordering::byVDIM);
86       mesh.Transform(lissajous_trans_v);
88       H1_FECollection fec(order, 3);
89       FiniteElementSpace fes(&mesh, &fec);
90       GridFunction u(&fes);
91       FunctionCoefficient ufc(u_function);
92       u.ProjectCoefficient(ufc);
94       if (visualization)
95       {
96          soutv.open(vishost, visport);
97          soutv << "solution\n" << mesh << u;
98          soutv << "keys 'ARRj" << std::string(90, '7')  << "'\n";
99          soutv << "palette 17 zoom 1.65 subdivisions 32 0\n";
100          soutv << "window_title 'V' window_geometry 0 0 500 500\n";
101          soutv << flush;
102       }
103    }
105    {
106       Mesh mesh = Mesh::MakeCartesian2D(
107                      nx, ny, Element::QUADRILATERAL, 1, 2*M_PI, 2*M_PI);
108       mesh.SetCurvature(order, true, 3, Ordering::byVDIM);
109       mesh.Transform(lissajous_trans_h);
111       H1_FECollection fec(order, 3);
112       FiniteElementSpace fes(&mesh, &fec);
113       GridFunction u(&fes);
114       FunctionCoefficient ufc(u_function);
115       u.ProjectCoefficient(ufc);
117       if (visualization)
118       {
119          south.open(vishost, visport);
120          south << "solution\n" << mesh << u;
121          south << "keys 'ARRj'\n";
122          south << "palette 17 zoom 1.65 subdivisions 32 0\n";
123          south << "window_title 'H' window_geometry 500 0 500 500\n";
124          south << flush;
125       }
127       ofstream mesh_ofs("lissajous.mesh");
128       mesh_ofs.precision(8);
129       mesh.Print(mesh_ofs);
130       ofstream sol_ofs("lissajous.gf");
131       sol_ofs.precision(8);
132       u.Save(sol_ofs);
133    }
135    soutv << "keys '.0" << std::string(b, '0') << "'\n" << flush;
136    south << "keys '.0" << std::string(a, '0') << "'\n" << flush;
138    cout << "Which direction(s) are the two curves spinning in?\n";
140    return 0;
141 }
143 // Simple function to project to help identify the spinning
u_function(const Vector & x)144 double u_function(const Vector &x)
145 {
146    return x[2];
147 }
149 // Tubular Lissajous curve with the given parameters (a, b, theta)
lissajous_trans(const Vector & x,Vector & p,double a,double b,double delta)150 void lissajous_trans(const Vector &x, Vector &p,
151                      double a, double b, double delta)
152 {
153    p.SetSize(3);
155    double phi = x[0];
156    double theta = x[1];
157    double t = phi;
159    double A = b; // Scaling of the curve along the x-axis
160    double B = a; // Scaling of the curve along the y-axis
162    // Lissajous curve on a 3D cylinder
163    p[0] = B*cos(b*t);
164    p[1] = B*sin(b*t); // Y
165    p[2] = A*sin(a*t + delta); // X
167    // Turn the curve into a tubular surface
168    {
169       // tubular radius
170       double R = 0.02*(A+B);
172       // normal to the cylinder at p(t)
173       double normal[3] = { cos(b*t), sin(b*t), 0 };
175       // tangent to the curve, dp/dt(t)
176       // double tangent[3] = { -b*B*sin(b*t), b*B*cos(b*t), A*a*cos(a*t+delta) };
178       // normalized cross product of tangent and normal at p(t)
179       double cn = 1e-128;
180       double cross[3] = { A*a*sin(b*t)*cos(a*t+delta), -A*a*cos(b*t)*cos(a*t+delta), b*B };
181       for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cn += cross[i]*cross[i]; }
182       for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cross[i] /= sqrt(cn); }
184       // create a tubular surface of radius R around the curve p(t), in the plane
185       // orthogonal to the tangent (with basis given by normal and cross)
186       for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
187       {
188          p[i] += R * (cos(theta)*normal[i] + sin(theta)*cross[i]);
189       }
190    }
191 }
193 // Vertically spinning curve
lissajous_trans_v(const Vector & x,Vector & p)194 void lissajous_trans_v(const Vector &x, Vector &p)
195 {
196    return lissajous_trans(x, p, a, b, delta);
197 }
199 // Horizontally spinning curve
lissajous_trans_h(const Vector & x,Vector & p)200 void lissajous_trans_h(const Vector &x, Vector &p)
201 {
202    return lissajous_trans(x, p, b, a, delta);
203 }