1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
12 #include "mfem.hpp"
13 #include "unit_tests.hpp"
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <cmath>
18 using namespace mfem;
20 /**
21  * Utility function to generate IntegerationPoints, based on param ip
22  * that are outside the unit interval.  Results are placed in output
23  * parameter arr.
24  */
GetRelatedIntegrationPoints(const IntegrationPoint & ip,int dim,Array<IntegrationPoint> & arr)25 void GetRelatedIntegrationPoints(const IntegrationPoint& ip, int dim,
26                                  Array<IntegrationPoint>& arr)
27 {
28    IntegrationPoint pt = ip;
29    int idx = 0;
31    switch (dim)
32    {
33       case 1:
34          arr.SetSize(3);
36          pt.x =   ip.x;    arr[idx++] = pt;
37          pt.x =  -ip.x;    arr[idx++] = pt;
38          pt.x = 1+ip.x;    arr[idx++] = pt;
39          break;
40       case 2:
41          arr.SetSize(7);
43          pt.Set2(  ip.x,   ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
44          pt.Set2( -ip.x,   ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
45          pt.Set2(  ip.x,  -ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
46          pt.Set2( -ip.x,  -ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
47          pt.Set2(1+ip.x,   ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
48          pt.Set2(  ip.x, 1+ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
49          pt.Set2(1+ip.x, 1+ip.y); arr[idx++] = pt;
50          break;
51       case 3:
52          arr.SetSize(15);
54          pt.Set3(  ip.x,   ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
55          pt.Set3( -ip.x,   ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
56          pt.Set3(  ip.x,  -ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
57          pt.Set3( -ip.x,  -ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
58          pt.Set3(  ip.x,   ip.y,  -ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
59          pt.Set3( -ip.x,   ip.y,  -ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
60          pt.Set3(  ip.x,  -ip.y,  -ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
61          pt.Set3( -ip.x,  -ip.y,  -ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
62          pt.Set3(1+ip.x,   ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
63          pt.Set3(  ip.x, 1+ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
64          pt.Set3(1+ip.x, 1+ip.y,   ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
65          pt.Set3(  ip.x,   ip.y, 1+ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
66          pt.Set3(1+ip.x,   ip.y, 1+ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
67          pt.Set3(  ip.x, 1+ip.y, 1+ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
68          pt.Set3(1+ip.x, 1+ip.y, 1+ip.z );  arr[idx++] = pt;
69          break;
70    }
71 }
73 /**
74  * Tests fe->CalcShape() over a grid of IntegrationPoints
75  * of resolution res. Also tests at integration points
76  * that are outside the element.
77  */
TestCalcShape(FiniteElement * fe,int res,double tol=1e-12)78 void TestCalcShape(FiniteElement* fe, int res, double tol=1e-12)
79 {
80    int dim = fe->GetDim();
82    Vector weights( fe->GetDof() );
84    // Get a uniform grid or integration points
85    RefinedGeometry* ref = GlobGeometryRefiner.Refine( fe->GetGeomType(), res);
86    const IntegrationRule& intRule = ref->RefPts;
88    int npoints = intRule.GetNPoints();
89    for (int i=0; i < npoints; ++i)
90    {
91       // Get the current integration point from intRule
92       IntegrationPoint pt = intRule.IntPoint(i);
94       // Get several variants of this integration point
95       // some of which are inside the element and some are outside
96       Array<IntegrationPoint> ipArr;
97       GetRelatedIntegrationPoints( pt, dim, ipArr );
99       // For each such integration point check that the weights
100       // from CalcShape() sum to one
101       for (int j=0; j < ipArr.Size(); ++j)
102       {
103          IntegrationPoint& ip = ipArr[j];
104          fe->CalcShape(ip, weights);
105          REQUIRE(weights.Sum() == MFEM_Approx(1., tol, tol));
106       }
107    }
108 }
111 TEST_CASE("CalcShape for several Lagrange FiniteElement instances",
112           "[Lagrange1DFiniteElement]"
113           "[BiLinear2DFiniteElement]"
114           "[BiQuad2DFiniteElement]"
115           "[LagrangeHexFiniteElement]")
116 {
117    int maxOrder = 5;
118    int resolution = 10;
120    SECTION("Lagrange1DFiniteElement")
121    {
122       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
123       {
124          std::cout << "Testing Lagrange1DFiniteElement::CalcShape() "
125                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
126          Lagrange1DFiniteElement fe(order);
127          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution);
128       }
129    }
131    SECTION("BiLinear2DFiniteElement")
132    {
133       std::cout << "Testing BiLinear2DFiniteElement::CalcShape()" << std::endl;
134       BiLinear2DFiniteElement fe;
135       TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution);
136    }
138    SECTION("BiQuad2DFiniteElement")
139    {
140       std::cout << "Testing BiQuad2DFiniteElement::CalcShape()" << std::endl;
141       BiQuad2DFiniteElement fe;
142       TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution);
143    }
146    SECTION("LagrangeHexFiniteElement")
147    {
148       std::cout << "Testing LagrangeHexFiniteElement::CalcShape() "
149                 << "for order 2" << std::endl;
151       // Comments for LagrangeHexFiniteElement state
152       // that only degree 2 is functional for this class
153       LagrangeHexFiniteElement fe(2);
154       TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution);
155    }
156 }
158 TEST_CASE("CalcShape for several H1 FiniteElement instances",
159           "[H1_SegmentElement]"
160           "[H1_TriangleElement]"
161           "[H1_QuadrilateralElement]"
162           "[H1_TetrahedronElement]"
163           "[H1_HexahedronElement]"
164           "[H1_WedgeElement]")
165 {
166    int maxOrder = 5;
167    int resolution = 10;
169    SECTION("H1_SegmentElement")
170    {
171       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
172       {
173          std::cout << "Testing H1_SegmentElement::CalcShape() "
174                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
175          H1_SegmentElement fe(order);
176          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution, 2e-11*std::pow(10, order));
177       }
178    }
180    SECTION("H1_TriangleElement")
181    {
182       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
183       {
184          std::cout << "Testing H1_TriangleElement::CalcShape() "
185                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
186          H1_TriangleElement fe(order);
187          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution, 2e-11*std::pow(10, order));
188       }
189    }
191    SECTION("H1_QuadrilateralElement")
192    {
193       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
194       {
195          std::cout << "Testing H1_QuadrilateralElement::CalcShape() "
196                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
197          H1_QuadrilateralElement fe(order);
198          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution, 2e-11*std::pow(10, order));
199       }
200    }
202    SECTION("H1_TetrahedronElement")
203    {
204       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
205       {
206          std::cout << "Testing H1_TetrahedronElement::CalcShape() "
207                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
208          H1_TetrahedronElement fe(order);
209          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution, 2e-11*std::pow(10, order));
210       }
211    }
213    SECTION("H1_HexahedronElement")
214    {
215       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
216       {
217          std::cout << "Testing H1_HexahedronElement::CalcShape() "
218                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
219          H1_HexahedronElement fe(order);
220          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution, 2e-11*std::pow(10, order));
221       }
222    }
224    SECTION("H1_WedgeElement")
225    {
226       for (int order =1; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
227       {
228          std::cout << "Testing H1_WedgeElement::CalcShape() "
229                    << "for order " << order << std::endl;
230          H1_WedgeElement fe(order);
231          TestCalcShape(&fe, resolution, 2e-11*std::pow(10, order));
232       }
233    }
235 }