1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
12 #include "mfem.hpp"
13 using namespace mfem;
15 #include "unit_tests.hpp"
17 // You typically want to start by testing things one object at a time.
18 TEST_CASE("Integration rule container with no refinement", "[IntegrationRules]")
19 {
20    // This code is automatically re-executed for all of the sections.
21    IntegrationRules my_intrules(0, Quadrature1D::GaussLegendre);
22    IntegrationRule single_point_rule(1);
23    const IntegrationRule *ir;
25    // The tests will be reported in these sections.
26    // Each REQUIRE counts as an assertion.
27    // true = pass, false = fail
28    SECTION("can set int rules in empty container")
29    {
30       single_point_rule[0].weight = 1.0;
31       my_intrules.SetOwnRules(0);
33       my_intrules.Set(Geometry::SEGMENT, 0, single_point_rule);
34       ir = &my_intrules.Get(Geometry::SEGMENT, 0);
36       REQUIRE(ir->Size() == 1);
37       REQUIRE(ir->IntPoint(0).weight == 1.0);
38    }
40    SECTION("user set int rules really are owned by the user")
41    {
42       // Set up a custom int rule and put it in the container
43       single_point_rule[0].weight = 1.0;
44       my_intrules.SetOwnRules(0);
45       my_intrules.Set(Geometry::SEGMENT, 0, single_point_rule);
47       // Alter the int rule
48       single_point_rule[0].weight = 2.0;
50       // Test ownership by making sure that the int rule has changed
51       ir = &my_intrules.Get(Geometry::SEGMENT, 0);
52       REQUIRE(ir->IntPoint(0).weight == 2.0);
53    }
55    SECTION("point int rules 0, 1 accessible")
56    {
57       ir = &my_intrules.Get(Geometry::POINT, 0);
58       REQUIRE(ir->Size() == 1);
60       ir = &my_intrules.Get(Geometry::POINT, 1);
61       REQUIRE(ir->Size() == 1);
62    }
64    // Can't really unit test these because it will crash due to
65    // a null pointer dereference if it doesn't work.  This will
66    // force the crash in the unit tests though.
67    SECTION("resize of the SEGMENT int rule array")
68    {
69       ir = &my_intrules.Get(Geometry::SEGMENT, 100);
70       REQUIRE(true);
71    }
73    SECTION("setting the integration point index works")
74    {
75       ir = &my_intrules.Get(Geometry::CUBE, 5);
76       for (int i = 0; i < ir->Size(); i++)
77       {
78          REQUIRE(ir->IntPoint(i).index == i);
79       }
80    }
82    SECTION("intrules up to order 16 accessible")
83    {
84       for (int order = 0; order <= 16; order ++)
85       {
86          // Do this in reverse the usual order to make sure that
87          // the higher dimension cases are causing their constituent
88          // lower dimension cases to lazily create properly.
89          my_intrules.Get(Geometry::CUBE,        order);
90          my_intrules.Get(Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, order);
91          my_intrules.Get(Geometry::SQUARE,      order);
92          my_intrules.Get(Geometry::TRIANGLE,    order);
93          my_intrules.Get(Geometry::SEGMENT,     order);
94       }
95       REQUIRE(true);
96    }
97 }
poly2d(const IntegrationPoint & ip,int m,int n)100 double poly2d(const IntegrationPoint &ip, int m, int n)
101 {
102    return pow(ip.x, m)*pow(ip.y, n);
103    // exact integral over the reference triangle is
104    // m!n!/(m+n+2)! = 1/binom(m+n,m)/(m+n+1)/(m+n+2)
105 }
apoly2d(const IntegrationPoint & ip,int i,int j,int k)107 double apoly2d(const IntegrationPoint &ip, int i, int j, int k)
108 {
109    return pow(1. - ip.x - ip.y, i)*pow(ip.x, j)*pow(ip.y, k);
110    // exact integral over the reference triangle is (with p = i+j+k)
111    // i!j!k!/(p+2)! = 1/binom(p,i+j)/binom(i+j,i)/(p+1)/(p+2)
112 }
poly3d(const IntegrationPoint & ip,int l,int m,int n)114 double poly3d(const IntegrationPoint &ip, int l, int m, int n)
115 {
116    return pow(ip.x, l)*pow(ip.y, m)*pow(ip.z, n);
117    // exact integral over the reference tetrahedron is (with p = l+m+n)
118    // l!m!n!/(p+3)! = 1/binom(p,l+m)/binom(l+m,l)/(p+1)/(p+2)/(p+3)
119 }
121 TEST_CASE("Simplex integration rules", "[SimplexRules]")
122 {
123    // This code is automatically re-executed for all of the sections.
124    IntegrationRules my_intrules(0, Quadrature1D::GaussLegendre);
125    IntegrationRule single_point_rule(1);
127    const int maxn = 32;
128    int binom[maxn+1][maxn+1];
129    for (int n = 0; n <= maxn; n++)
130    {
131       binom[n][0] = binom[n][n] = 1;
132       for (int k = 1; k < n; k++)
133       {
134          binom[n][k] = binom[n-1][k] + binom[n-1][k-1];
135       }
136    }
138    SECTION("low triangle integration error on reference element for f=x^m y^n, where m+n <= p")
139    {
140       for (int order = 0; order <= 25; order++)
141       {
142          const IntegrationRule &ir = IntRules.Get(Geometry::TRIANGLE, order);
144          // using the monomial basis: x^m y^n, 0 <= m+n <= order
145          for (int p = 0; p <= order; p++)
146          {
147             for (int m = p; m >= 0; m--)
148             {
149                int n = p - m;
151                double integral = 0.0;
152                for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++)
153                {
154                   const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i);
155                   integral += ip.weight*poly2d(ip, m, n);
156                }
158                double exact = 1.0/binom[p][m]/(p + 1)/(p + 2);
159                double relerr = 1. - integral/exact;
161                // If a test fails any INFO statements preceding the REQUIRE are displayed
162                INFO("p=" << p << ", m=" << m << ", n=" << n);
163                REQUIRE(fabs(relerr) < 1e-11);
164             }
165          }
166       }
167    }
169    SECTION("low tet integration error on reference element for f=x^l y^m z^n, where l+m+n <= p")
170    {
171       for (int order = 0; order <= 21; order++)
172       {
173          const IntegrationRule &ir = IntRules.Get(Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, order);
175          for (int p = 0; p <= order; p++)
176          {
177             for (int l = p; l >= 0; l--)
178             {
179                for (int m = p - l; m >= 0; m--)
180                {
181                   int n = p - l - m;
183                   double integral = 0.0;
184                   for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++)
185                   {
186                      const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i);
187                      integral += ip.weight*poly3d(ip, l, m, n);
188                   }
190                   double exact = 1.0/binom[p][l+m]/binom[l+m][l]/(p+1)/(p+2)/(p+3);
191                   double relerr = 1. - integral/exact;
193                   // If a test fails any INFO statements preceding the REQUIRE are displayed
194                   INFO("p=" << p << ", l=" << l << ", m=" << m << ", n=" << n);
195                   REQUIRE(fabs(relerr) < 1e-11);
196                }
197             }
198          }
199       }
200    }
201 }