1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
12 #include "mfem.hpp"
13 #include "unit_tests.hpp"
15 using namespace mfem;
testQuadratureInterpolator(const int dim,const int p,const int qpts,const QVectorLayout q_layout,const int nx,const int ny,const int nz)17 static bool testQuadratureInterpolator(const int dim,
18                                        const int p,
19                                        const int qpts,
20                                        const QVectorLayout q_layout,
21                                        const int nx, const int ny, const int nz)
22 {
23    // Keep for debugging purposes:
24    const bool verbose = false;
25    if (verbose)
26    {
27       std::cout << "testQuadratureInterpolator(dim=" << dim
28                 << ",p=" << p
29                 << ",q=" << qpts
30                 << ",l=" << (q_layout == QVectorLayout::byNODES ?
31                              "by_nodes" : "by_vdim")
32                 << ",nx=" << nx
33                 << ",ny=" << ny
34                 << ",nz=" << nz
35                 << ")" << std::endl;
36    }
38    const int vdim = dim;
39    const int seed = 0x100001b3;
40    const int ordering = Ordering::byNODES;
42    REQUIRE((dim == 2 || dim == 3));
43    Mesh mesh = dim == 1 ? Mesh::MakeCartesian1D(nx, Element::SEGMENT) :
44                dim == 2 ? Mesh::MakeCartesian2D(nx,ny, Element::QUADRILATERAL):
45                Mesh::MakeCartesian3D(nx,nx,nz, Element::HEXAHEDRON);
47    const H1_FECollection fec(p, dim);
48    FiniteElementSpace sfes(&mesh, &fec, 1, ordering);
49    FiniteElementSpace vfes(&mesh, &fec, vdim, ordering);
51    GridFunction x(&sfes);
52    x.Randomize(seed);
54    GridFunction nodes(&vfes);
55    mesh.SetNodalGridFunction(&nodes);
56    {
57       Array<int> dofs, vdofs;
58       GridFunction rdm(&vfes);
59       Vector h0(vfes.GetNDofs());
60       rdm.Randomize(seed);
61       rdm -= 0.5;
62       h0 = infinity();
63       for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNE(); i++)
64       {
65          vfes.GetElementDofs(i, dofs);
66          const double hi = mesh.GetElementSize(i);
67          for (int j = 0; j < dofs.Size(); j++)
68          {
69             h0(dofs[j]) = std::min(h0(dofs[j]), hi);
70          }
71       }
72       rdm.HostReadWrite();
73       for (int i = 0; i < vfes.GetNDofs(); i++)
74       {
75          for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
76          {
77             rdm(vfes.DofToVDof(i,d)) *= (0.25/p)*h0(i);
78          }
79       }
80       for (int i = 0; i < vfes.GetNBE(); i++)
81       {
82          vfes.GetBdrElementVDofs(i, vdofs);
83          for (int j = 0; j < vdofs.Size(); j++) { rdm(vdofs[j]) = 0.0; }
84       }
85       nodes -= rdm;
86    }
88    const Geometry::Type GeomType = mesh.GetElementBaseGeometry(0);
89    const IntegrationRule &ir = IntRules.Get(GeomType, 2*qpts-1);
90    const QuadratureInterpolator *sqi(sfes.GetQuadratureInterpolator(ir));
91    const QuadratureInterpolator *vqi(vfes.GetQuadratureInterpolator(ir));
93    const int NE(mesh.GetNE());
94    const int NQ(ir.GetNPoints());
95    const int ND(sfes.GetFE(0)->GetDof());
96    REQUIRE(ND == vfes.GetFE(0)->GetDof());
98    const ElementDofOrdering nat_ordering = ElementDofOrdering::NATIVE;
99    const ElementDofOrdering lex_ordering = ElementDofOrdering::LEXICOGRAPHIC;
100    const Operator *SRN(sfes.GetElementRestriction(nat_ordering));
101    const Operator *SRL(sfes.GetElementRestriction(lex_ordering));
102    const Operator *VRN(vfes.GetElementRestriction(nat_ordering));
103    const Operator *VRL(vfes.GetElementRestriction(lex_ordering));
104    MFEM_VERIFY(SRN, "No element sn-restriction operator found!");
105    MFEM_VERIFY(SRL, "No element sl-restriction operator found!");
106    MFEM_VERIFY(VRN, "No element vn-restriction operator found!");
107    MFEM_VERIFY(VRL, "No element vl-restriction operator found!");
109    const double rel_tol = 1e-12;
111    {
112       // Scalar
113       sqi->SetOutputLayout(q_layout);
114       Vector xe(1*ND*NE);
115       REQUIRE(xe.Size() == SRN->Height());
116       REQUIRE(SRN->Height() == SRL->Height());
117       // Full results
118       Vector sq_val_f(NQ*NE), sq_der_f(dim*NQ*NE), sq_pdr_f(dim*NQ*NE);
119       // Tensor results
120       Vector sq_val_t(NQ*NE), sq_der_t(dim*NQ*NE), sq_pdr_t(dim*NQ*NE);
121       {
122          // Full
123          SRN->Mult(x, xe);
124          sqi->DisableTensorProducts();
126          sqi->Values(xe, sq_val_f);
128          sqi->Derivatives(xe, sq_der_f);
130          sqi->PhysDerivatives(xe, sq_pdr_f);
131       }
132       {
133          // Tensor
134          SRL->Mult(x, xe);
135          sqi->EnableTensorProducts();
137          sqi->Values(xe, sq_val_t);
139          sqi->Derivatives(xe, sq_der_t);
141          sqi->PhysDerivatives(xe, sq_pdr_t);
142       }
143       double norm, rel_error;
145       norm = sq_val_f.Normlinf();
146       sq_val_f -= sq_val_t;
147       rel_error = sq_val_f.Normlinf()/norm;
148       if (verbose)
149       { std::cout << "sq_val rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
150       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
152       norm = sq_der_f.Normlinf();
153       sq_der_f -= sq_der_t;
154       rel_error = sq_der_f.Normlinf()/norm;
155       if (verbose)
156       { std::cout << "sq_der rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
157       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
159       norm = sq_pdr_f.Normlinf();
160       sq_pdr_f -= sq_pdr_t;
161       rel_error = sq_pdr_f.Normlinf()/norm;
162       if (verbose)
163       { std::cout << "sq_pdr rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
164       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
165    }
167    {
168       // Vector
169       vqi->SetOutputLayout(q_layout);
170       Vector ne(vdim*ND*NE);
171       REQUIRE(ne.Size() == VRN->Height());
172       REQUIRE(VRN->Height() == VRL->Height());
173       // Full results
174       Vector vq_val_f(dim*NQ*NE), vq_der_f(vdim*dim*NQ*NE),
175              vq_det_f(NQ*NE),
176              vq_pdr_f(vdim*dim*NQ*NE);
177       // Tensor results
178       Vector vq_val_t(dim*NQ*NE), vq_der_t(vdim*dim*NQ*NE),
179              vq_det_t(NQ*NE),
180              vq_pdr_t(vdim*dim*NQ*NE);
181       {
182          // Full
183          VRN->Mult(nodes, ne);
184          vqi->DisableTensorProducts();
186          vqi->Values(ne, vq_val_f);
188          vqi->Derivatives(ne, vq_der_f);
190          vqi->Determinants(ne, vq_det_f);
192          vqi->PhysDerivatives(ne, vq_pdr_f);
193       }
194       {
195          // Tensor
196          VRL->Mult(nodes, ne);
197          vqi->EnableTensorProducts();
199          vqi->Values(ne, vq_val_t);
201          vqi->Derivatives(ne, vq_der_t);
203          vqi->Determinants(ne, vq_det_t);
205          vqi->PhysDerivatives(ne, vq_pdr_t);
206       }
207       double norm, rel_error;
209       norm = vq_val_f.Normlinf();
210       vq_val_f -= vq_val_t;
211       rel_error = vq_val_f.Normlinf()/norm;
212       if (verbose)
213       { std::cout << "vq_val rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
214       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
216       norm = vq_der_f.Normlinf();
217       vq_der_f -= vq_der_t;
218       rel_error = vq_der_f.Normlinf()/norm;
219       if (verbose)
220       { std::cout << "vq_der rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
221       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
223       norm = vq_det_f.Normlinf();
224       vq_det_f -= vq_det_t;
225       rel_error = vq_det_f.Normlinf()/norm;
226       if (verbose)
227       { std::cout << "vq_det rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
228       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
230       norm = vq_pdr_f.Normlinf();
231       vq_pdr_f -= vq_pdr_t;
232       rel_error = vq_pdr_f.Normlinf()/norm;
233       if (verbose)
234       { std::cout << "vq_pdr rel. error = " << rel_error << std::endl; }
235       REQUIRE(rel_error <= rel_tol);
236    }
238    return true;
239 }
241 TEST_CASE("QuadratureInterpolator",
242           "[QuadratureInterpolator]"
243           "[CUDA]")
244 {
245    const auto d = GENERATE(2,3); // dimension
246    const auto p = GENERATE(range(1,7)); // element order, 1 <= p < 7
247    const auto q = GENERATE_COPY(p+1,p+2); // 1D quadrature points
248    const auto l = GENERATE(QVectorLayout::byNODES, QVectorLayout::byVDIM);
249    const auto nx = 3; // number of element in x
250    const auto ny = 3; // number of element in y
251    const auto nz = 3; // number of element in z
252    testQuadratureInterpolator(d, p, q, l, nx, ny, nz);
253 } // TEST_CASE "QuadratureInterpolator"