1 /* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
3 /*
4  *  Main authors:
5  *     Guido Tack <guido.tack@monash.edu>
6  */
8 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
9  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
10  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
12 #pragma once
14 #include <minizinc/copy.hh>
15 #include <minizinc/eval_par.hh>
16 #include <minizinc/flatten.hh>
17 #include <minizinc/optimize.hh>
19 #include <cmath>
21 // TODO: Should this be a command line option? It doesn't seem too expensive
22 // #define OUTPUT_CALLTREE
24 namespace MiniZinc {
26 /// Result of evaluation
27 class EE {
28 public:
29   /// The result value
30   KeepAlive r;
31   /// Boolean expression representing whether result is defined
32   KeepAlive b;
33   /// Constructor
EE(Expression * r0=nullptr,Expression * b0=nullptr)34   explicit EE(Expression* r0 = nullptr, Expression* b0 = nullptr) : r(r0), b(b0) {}
35 };
37 /// Boolean evaluation context
38 enum BCtx { C_ROOT, C_POS, C_NEG, C_MIX };
40 /// Evaluation context
41 struct Ctx {
42   /// Boolean context
43   BCtx b;
44   /// Integer context
45   BCtx i;
46   /// Boolen negation flag
47   bool neg;
48   /// Default constructor (root context)
CtxMiniZinc::Ctx49   Ctx() : b(C_ROOT), i(C_MIX), neg(false) {}
50   /// Copy constructor
CtxMiniZinc::Ctx51   Ctx(const Ctx& ctx) : b(ctx.b), i(ctx.i), neg(ctx.neg) {}
52   /// Assignment operator
operator =MiniZinc::Ctx53   Ctx& operator=(const Ctx& ctx) {
54     if (this != &ctx) {
55       b = ctx.b;
56       i = ctx.i;
57       neg = ctx.neg;
58     }
59     return *this;
60   }
61 };
63 /// Turn \a c into positive context
64 BCtx operator+(const BCtx& c);
65 /// Negate context \a c
66 BCtx operator-(const BCtx& c);
68 class EnvI {
69 public:
70   Model* model;
71   Model* originalModel;
72   Model* output;
73   VarOccurrences varOccurrences;
74   VarOccurrences outputVarOccurrences;
76   std::ostream& outstream;
77   std::ostream& errstream;
78   std::stringstream logstream;
79   std::stringstream checkerOutput;
81   // The current pass number (used for unifying and disabling path construction in final pass)
82   unsigned int currentPassNumber;
83   // Used for disabling path construction in final pass
84   unsigned int finalPassNumber;
85   // Used for disabling path construction past the maxPathDepth of previous passes
86   unsigned int maxPathDepth;
89   // Call stack depth
90   int callDepth = 0;
91 #endif
93   VarOccurrences outputFlatVarOccurrences;
94   CopyMap cmap;
95   IdMap<KeepAlive> reverseMappers;
96   struct WW {
97     WeakRef r;
98     WeakRef b;
WWMiniZinc::EnvI::WW99     WW(const WeakRef& r0, const WeakRef& b0) : r(r0), b(b0) {}
100   };
101   typedef KeepAliveMap<WW> CSEMap;
102   bool ignorePartial;
103   bool ignoreUnknownIds;
104   std::vector<Expression*> callStack;
105   std::vector<std::pair<KeepAlive, bool> > errorStack;
106   std::vector<int> idStack;
107   unsigned int maxCallStack;
108   std::vector<std::string> warnings;
109   std::vector<int> modifiedVarDecls;
110   std::unordered_set<std::string> deprecationWarnings;
111   int inRedundantConstraint;
112   int inSymmetryBreakingConstraint;
113   int inMaybePartial;
114   struct {
115     int reifConstraints;
116     int impConstraints;
117     int impDel;
118     int linDel;
119   } counters;
120   bool inReverseMapVar;
121   FlatteningOptions fopts;
122   unsigned int pathUse;
123   ASTStringMap<Item*> reverseEnum;
125   struct PathVar {
126     KeepAlive decl;
127     unsigned int passNumber;
128   };
129   // Store mapping from path string to (VarDecl, pass_no) tuples
130   typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, PathVar> PathMap;
131   // Mapping from arbitrary Expressions to paths
132   typedef KeepAliveMap<std::string> ReversePathMap;
133   std::vector<KeepAlive> checkVars;
135 protected:
136   CSEMap _cseMap;
137   Model* _flat;
138   bool _failed;
139   unsigned int _ids;
140   ASTStringMap<ASTString> _reifyMap;
141   PathMap _pathMap;
142   ReversePathMap _reversePathMap;
143   ASTStringSet _filenameSet;
144   typedef std::unordered_map<VarDeclI*, unsigned int> EnumMap;
145   EnumMap _enumMap;
146   std::vector<VarDeclI*> _enumVarDecls;
147   typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned int> ArrayEnumMap;
148   ArrayEnumMap _arrayEnumMap;
149   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > _arrayEnumDecls;
150   bool _collectVardecls;
152 public:
153   EnvI(Model* model0, std::ostream& outstream0 = std::cout, std::ostream& errstream0 = std::cerr);
154   ~EnvI();
155   long long int genId();
156   /// Set minimum new temporary id to \a i+1
minId(unsigned int i)157   void minId(unsigned int i) { _ids = std::max(_ids, i + 1); }
158   void cseMapInsert(Expression* e, const EE& ee);
159   CSEMap::iterator cseMapFind(Expression* e);
160   void cseMapRemove(Expression* e);
161   CSEMap::iterator cseMapEnd();
162   void dump();
164   unsigned int registerEnum(VarDeclI* vdi);
165   VarDeclI* getEnum(unsigned int i) const;
166   unsigned int registerArrayEnum(const std::vector<unsigned int>& arrayEnum);
167   const std::vector<unsigned int>& getArrayEnum(unsigned int i) const;
168   /// Check if \a t1 is a subtype of \a t2 (including enumerated types if \a strictEnum is true)
169   bool isSubtype(const Type& t1, const Type& t2, bool strictEnum) const;
hasReverseMapper(Id * ident)170   bool hasReverseMapper(Id* ident) { return reverseMappers.find(ident) != reverseMappers.end(); }
172   void flatAddItem(Item* i);
173   void flatRemoveItem(ConstraintI* i);
174   void flatRemoveItem(VarDeclI* i);
175   void flatRemoveExpr(Expression* e, Item* i);
177   void voAddExp(VarDecl* vd);
178   void annotateFromCallStack(Expression* e);
179   void fail(const std::string& msg = std::string());
180   bool failed() const;
181   Model* flat();
182   void swap();
swapOutput()183   void swapOutput() { std::swap(model, output); }
184   ASTString reifyId(const ASTString& id);
185   static ASTString halfReifyId(const ASTString& id);
186   std::ostream& dumpStack(std::ostream& os, bool errStack);
187   bool dumpPath(std::ostream& os, bool force = false);
188   void addWarning(const std::string& msg);
189   void collectVarDecls(bool b);
getPathMap()190   PathMap& getPathMap() { return _pathMap; }
getReversePathMap()191   ReversePathMap& getReversePathMap() { return _reversePathMap; }
getFilenameSet()192   ASTStringSet& getFilenameSet() { return _filenameSet; }
194   void copyPathMapsAndState(EnvI& env);
195   /// deprecated, use Solns2Out
196   std::ostream& evalOutput(std::ostream& os, std::ostream& log);
197   void createErrorStack();
198   Call* surroundingCall() const;
200   void cleanupExceptOutput();
201 };
203 void set_computed_domain(EnvI& envi, VarDecl* vd, Expression* domain, bool is_computed);
204 EE flat_exp(EnvI& env, const Ctx& ctx, Expression* e, VarDecl* r, VarDecl* b);
205 EE flatten_id(EnvI& env, const Ctx& ctx, Expression* e, VarDecl* r, VarDecl* b,
206               bool doNotFollowChains);
208 class CmpExpIdx {
209 public:
210   std::vector<KeepAlive>& x;
CmpExpIdx(std::vector<KeepAlive> & x0)211   CmpExpIdx(std::vector<KeepAlive>& x0) : x(x0) {}
operator ()(int i,int j) const212   bool operator()(int i, int j) const {
213     if (Expression::equal(x[i](), x[j]())) {
214       return false;
215     }
216     if (x[i]()->isa<Id>() && x[j]()->isa<Id>() && x[i]()->cast<Id>()->idn() != -1 &&
217         x[j]()->cast<Id>()->idn() != -1) {
218       return x[i]()->cast<Id>()->idn() < x[j]()->cast<Id>()->idn();
219     }
220     return x[i]() < x[j]();
221   }
222 };
224 template <class Lit>
225 class LinearTraits {};
226 template <>
227 class LinearTraits<IntLit> {
228 public:
229   typedef IntVal Val;
eval(EnvI & env,Expression * e)230   static Val eval(EnvI& env, Expression* e) { return eval_int(env, e); }
constructLinBuiltin(BinOpType bot,ASTString & callid,int & coeff_sign,Val & d)231   static void constructLinBuiltin(BinOpType bot, ASTString& callid, int& coeff_sign, Val& d) {
232     switch (bot) {
233       case BOT_LE:
234         callid = constants().ids.int_.lin_le;
235         coeff_sign = 1;
236         d += 1;
237         break;
238       case BOT_LQ:
239         callid = constants().ids.int_.lin_le;
240         coeff_sign = 1;
241         break;
242       case BOT_GR:
243         callid = constants().ids.int_.lin_le;
244         coeff_sign = -1;
245         d = -d + 1;
246         break;
247       case BOT_GQ:
248         callid = constants().ids.int_.lin_le;
249         coeff_sign = -1;
250         d = -d;
251         break;
252       case BOT_EQ:
253         callid = constants().ids.int_.lin_eq;
254         coeff_sign = 1;
255         break;
256       case BOT_NQ:
257         callid = constants().ids.int_.lin_ne;
258         coeff_sign = 1;
259         break;
260       default:
261         assert(false);
262         break;
263     }
264   }
265   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
id_eq()266   static ASTString id_eq() { return constants().ids.int_.eq; }
267   typedef IntBounds Bounds;
finite(const IntBounds & ib)268   static bool finite(const IntBounds& ib) { return ib.l.isFinite() && ib.u.isFinite(); }
finite(const IntVal & v)269   static bool finite(const IntVal& v) { return v.isFinite(); }
computeBounds(EnvI & env,Expression * e)270   static Bounds computeBounds(EnvI& env, Expression* e) { return compute_int_bounds(env, e); }
271   typedef IntSetVal* Domain;
evalDomain(EnvI & env,Expression * e)272   static Domain evalDomain(EnvI& env, Expression* e) { return eval_intset(env, e); }
newDomain(Val v)273   static Expression* newDomain(Val v) {
274     return new SetLit(Location().introduce(), IntSetVal::a(v, v));
275   }
newDomain(Val v0,Val v1)276   static Expression* newDomain(Val v0, Val v1) {
277     return new SetLit(Location().introduce(), IntSetVal::a(v0, v1));
278   }
newDomain(Domain d)279   static Expression* newDomain(Domain d) { return new SetLit(Location().introduce(), d); }
domainContains(Domain dom,Val v)280   static bool domainContains(Domain dom, Val v) { return dom->contains(v); }
domainEquals(Domain dom,Val v)281   static bool domainEquals(Domain dom, Val v) {
282     return dom->size() == 1 && dom->min(0) == v && dom->max(0) == v;
283   }
domainEquals(Domain dom1,Domain dom2)284   static bool domainEquals(Domain dom1, Domain dom2) {
285     IntSetRanges d1(dom1);
286     IntSetRanges d2(dom2);
287     return Ranges::equal(d1, d2);
288   }
domainTighter(Domain dom,Bounds b)289   static bool domainTighter(Domain dom, Bounds b) {
290     return !b.valid || dom->min() > b.l || dom->max() < b.u;
291   }
domainIntersects(Domain dom,Val v0,Val v1)292   static bool domainIntersects(Domain dom, Val v0, Val v1) {
293     return (v0 > v1) || (dom->size() > 0 && dom->min(0) <= v1 && v0 <= dom->max(dom->size() - 1));
294   }
domainEmpty(Domain dom)295   static bool domainEmpty(Domain dom) { return dom->size() == 0; }
limitDomain(BinOpType bot,Domain dom,Val v)296   static Domain limitDomain(BinOpType bot, Domain dom, Val v) {
297     IntSetRanges dr(dom);
298     IntSetVal* ndomain;
299     switch (bot) {
300       case BOT_LE:
301         v -= 1;
302         // fall through
303       case BOT_LQ: {
304         Ranges::Bounded<IntVal, IntSetRanges> b =
305             Ranges::Bounded<IntVal, IntSetRanges>::maxiter(dr, v);
306         ndomain = IntSetVal::ai(b);
307       } break;
308       case BOT_GR:
309         v += 1;
310         // fall through
311       case BOT_GQ: {
312         Ranges::Bounded<IntVal, IntSetRanges> b =
313             Ranges::Bounded<IntVal, IntSetRanges>::miniter(dr, v);
314         ndomain = IntSetVal::ai(b);
315       } break;
316       case BOT_NQ: {
317         Ranges::Const<IntVal> c(v, v);
318         Ranges::Diff<IntVal, IntSetRanges, Ranges::Const<IntVal> > d(dr, c);
319         ndomain = IntSetVal::ai(d);
320       } break;
321       default:
322         assert(false);
323         return nullptr;
324     }
325     return ndomain;
326   }
intersectDomain(Domain dom,Val v0,Val v1)327   static Domain intersectDomain(Domain dom, Val v0, Val v1) {
328     IntSetRanges dr(dom);
329     Ranges::Const<IntVal> c(v0, v1);
330     Ranges::Inter<IntVal, IntSetRanges, Ranges::Const<IntVal> > inter(dr, c);
331     return IntSetVal::ai(inter);
332   }
floorDiv(Val v0,Val v1)333   static Val floorDiv(Val v0, Val v1) {
334     return static_cast<long long int>(
335         floor(static_cast<double>(v0.toInt()) / static_cast<double>(v1.toInt())));
336   }
ceilDiv(Val v0,Val v1)337   static Val ceilDiv(Val v0, Val v1) {
338     return static_cast<long long int>(
339         ceil(static_cast<double>(v0.toInt()) / static_cast<double>(v1.toInt())));
340   }
newLit(Val v)341   static IntLit* newLit(Val v) { return IntLit::a(v); }
342 };
343 template <>
344 class LinearTraits<FloatLit> {
345 public:
346   typedef FloatVal Val;
eval(EnvI & env,Expression * e)347   static Val eval(EnvI& env, Expression* e) { return eval_float(env, e); }
constructLinBuiltin(BinOpType bot,ASTString & callid,int & coeff_sign,Val & d)348   static void constructLinBuiltin(BinOpType bot, ASTString& callid, int& coeff_sign, Val& d) {
349     switch (bot) {
350       case BOT_LE:
351         callid = constants().ids.float_.lin_lt;
352         coeff_sign = 1;
353         break;
354       case BOT_LQ:
355         callid = constants().ids.float_.lin_le;
356         coeff_sign = 1;
357         break;
358       case BOT_GR:
359         callid = constants().ids.float_.lin_lt;
360         coeff_sign = -1;
361         d = -d;
362         break;
363       case BOT_GQ:
364         callid = constants().ids.float_.lin_le;
365         coeff_sign = -1;
366         d = -d;
367         break;
368       case BOT_EQ:
369         callid = constants().ids.float_.lin_eq;
370         coeff_sign = 1;
371         break;
372       case BOT_NQ:
373         callid = constants().ids.float_.lin_ne;
374         coeff_sign = 1;
375         break;
376       default:
377         assert(false);
378         break;
379     }
380   }
381   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
id_eq()382   static ASTString id_eq() { return constants().ids.float_.eq; }
383   typedef FloatBounds Bounds;
finite(const FloatBounds & ib)384   static bool finite(const FloatBounds& ib) { return ib.l.isFinite() && ib.u.isFinite(); }
finite(const FloatVal & v)385   static bool finite(const FloatVal& v) { return v.isFinite(); }
computeBounds(EnvI & env,Expression * e)386   static Bounds computeBounds(EnvI& env, Expression* e) { return compute_float_bounds(env, e); }
387   typedef FloatSetVal* Domain;
evalDomain(EnvI & env,Expression * e)388   static Domain evalDomain(EnvI& env, Expression* e) { return eval_floatset(env, e); }
newDomain(Val v)390   static Expression* newDomain(Val v) {
391     return new SetLit(Location().introduce(), FloatSetVal::a(v, v));
392   }
newDomain(Val v0,Val v1)393   static Expression* newDomain(Val v0, Val v1) {
394     return new SetLit(Location().introduce(), FloatSetVal::a(v0, v1));
395   }
newDomain(Domain d)396   static Expression* newDomain(Domain d) { return new SetLit(Location().introduce(), d); }
domainContains(Domain dom,Val v)397   static bool domainContains(Domain dom, Val v) { return dom->contains(v); }
domainEquals(Domain dom,Val v)398   static bool domainEquals(Domain dom, Val v) {
399     return dom->size() == 1 && dom->min(0) == v && dom->max(0) == v;
400   }
domainTighter(Domain dom,Bounds b)402   static bool domainTighter(Domain dom, Bounds b) {
403     return !b.valid || dom->min() > b.l || dom->max() < b.u;
404   }
domainIntersects(Domain dom,Val v0,Val v1)405   static bool domainIntersects(Domain dom, Val v0, Val v1) {
406     return (v0 > v1) || (dom->size() > 0 && dom->min(0) <= v1 && v0 <= dom->max(dom->size() - 1));
407   }
domainEmpty(Domain dom)408   static bool domainEmpty(Domain dom) { return dom->size() == 0; }
domainEquals(Domain dom1,Domain dom2)410   static bool domainEquals(Domain dom1, Domain dom2) {
411     FloatSetRanges d1(dom1);
412     FloatSetRanges d2(dom2);
413     return Ranges::equal(d1, d2);
414   }
intersectDomain(Domain dom,Val v0,Val v1)416   static Domain intersectDomain(Domain dom, Val v0, Val v1) {
417     if (dom != nullptr) {
418       FloatSetRanges dr(dom);
419       Ranges::Const<FloatVal> c(v0, v1);
420       Ranges::Inter<FloatVal, FloatSetRanges, Ranges::Const<FloatVal> > inter(dr, c);
421       return FloatSetVal::ai(inter);
422     }
423     Domain d = FloatSetVal::a(v0, v1);
424     return d;
425   }
limitDomain(BinOpType bot,Domain dom,Val v)426   static Domain limitDomain(BinOpType bot, Domain dom, Val v) {
427     FloatSetRanges dr(dom);
428     FloatSetVal* ndomain;
429     switch (bot) {
430       case BOT_LE:
431         return nullptr;
432       case BOT_LQ: {
433         Ranges::Bounded<FloatVal, FloatSetRanges> b =
434             Ranges::Bounded<FloatVal, FloatSetRanges>::maxiter(dr, v);
435         ndomain = FloatSetVal::ai(b);
436       } break;
437       case BOT_GR:
438         return nullptr;
439       case BOT_GQ: {
440         Ranges::Bounded<FloatVal, FloatSetRanges> b =
441             Ranges::Bounded<FloatVal, FloatSetRanges>::miniter(dr, v);
442         ndomain = FloatSetVal::ai(b);
443       } break;
444       case BOT_NQ: {
445         Ranges::Const<FloatVal> c(v, v);
446         Ranges::Diff<FloatVal, FloatSetRanges, Ranges::Const<FloatVal> > d(dr, c);
447         ndomain = FloatSetVal::ai(d);
448       } break;
449       default:
450         assert(false);
451         return nullptr;
452     }
453     return ndomain;
454   }
floorDiv(Val v0,Val v1)455   static Val floorDiv(Val v0, Val v1) { return v0 / v1; }
ceilDiv(Val v0,Val v1)456   static Val ceilDiv(Val v0, Val v1) { return v0 / v1; }
newLit(Val v)457   static FloatLit* newLit(Val v) { return FloatLit::a(v); }
458 };
460 template <class Lit>
simplify_lin(std::vector<typename LinearTraits<Lit>::Val> & c,std::vector<KeepAlive> & x,typename LinearTraits<Lit>::Val & d)461 void simplify_lin(std::vector<typename LinearTraits<Lit>::Val>& c, std::vector<KeepAlive>& x,
462                   typename LinearTraits<Lit>::Val& d) {
463   std::vector<int> idx(c.size());
464   for (auto i = static_cast<unsigned int>(idx.size()); i--;) {
465     idx[i] = i;
466     Expression* e = follow_id_to_decl(x[i]());
467     if (auto* vd = e->dynamicCast<VarDecl>()) {
468       if (vd->e() && vd->e()->isa<Lit>()) {
469         x[i] = vd->e();
470       } else {
471         x[i] = e->cast<VarDecl>()->id();
472       }
473     } else {
474       x[i] = e;
475     }
476   }
477   std::sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(), CmpExpIdx(x));
478   unsigned int ci = 0;
479   for (; ci < x.size(); ci++) {
480     if (Lit* il = x[idx[ci]]()->dynamicCast<Lit>()) {
481       d += c[idx[ci]] * il->v();
482       c[idx[ci]] = 0;
483     } else {
484       break;
485     }
486   }
487   for (unsigned int i = ci + 1; i < x.size(); i++) {
488     if (Expression::equal(x[idx[i]](), x[idx[ci]]())) {
489       c[idx[ci]] += c[idx[i]];
490       c[idx[i]] = 0;
491     } else if (Lit* il = x[idx[i]]()->dynamicCast<Lit>()) {
492       d += c[idx[i]] * il->v();
493       c[idx[i]] = 0;
494     } else {
495       ci = i;
496     }
497   }
498   ci = 0;
499   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) {
500     if (c[i] != 0) {
501       c[ci] = c[i];
502       x[ci] = x[i];
503       ci++;
504     }
505   }
506   c.resize(ci);
507   x.resize(ci);
508 }
510 }  // namespace MiniZinc