2 /***************************************************************************
3                                                                            *
4 Copyright 2012 CertiVox IOM Ltd.                                           *
5                                                                            *
6 This file is part of CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK.                           *
7                                                                            *
8 The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK provides developers with an                 *
9 extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions.                    *
10 For further information about its features and functionalities please      *
11 refer to http://www.certivox.com                                           *
12                                                                            *
13 * The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK is free software: you can                 *
14   redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the                  *
15   GNU Affero General Public License as published by the                    *
16   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,               *
17   or (at your option) any later version.                                   *
18                                                                            *
19 * The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK is distributed in the hope                *
20   that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the       *
22   See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.              *
23                                                                            *
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public         *
25   License along with CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK.                           *
26   If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                              *
27                                                                            *
28 You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing     *
29 a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you    *
30 develop commercial activities involving the CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK     *
31 without disclosing the source code of your own applications, or shipping   *
32 the CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK with a closed source product.               *
33                                                                            *
34 ***************************************************************************/
35 /*
36  *   MIRACL arithmetic routines 3 - simple powers and roots
37  *   mrarth3.c
38  */
40 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #include "miracl.h"
expint(_MIPD_ int b,int n,big x)43 void expint(_MIPD_ int b,int n,big x)
44 { /* sets x=b^n */
45     unsigned int bit,un;
46 #ifdef MR_OS_THREADS
47     miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
48 #endif
49     if (mr_mip->ERNUM) return;
50     convert(_MIPP_ 1,x);
51     if (n==0) return;
53     MR_IN(50)
55     if (n<0)
56     {
57         mr_berror(_MIPP_ MR_ERR_NEG_POWER);
58         MR_OUT
59         return;
60     }
61     if (b==2) expb2(_MIPP_ n,x);
62     else
63     {
64         bit=1;
65         un=(unsigned int)n;
66         while (un>=bit) bit<<=1;
67         bit>>=1;
68         while (bit>0)
69         { /* ltr method */
70             multiply(_MIPP_ x,x,x);
71             if ((bit&un)!=0) premult(_MIPP_ x,b,x);
72             bit>>=1;
73         }
74     }
75     MR_OUT
76 }
power(_MIPD_ big x,long n,big z,big w)78 void power(_MIPD_ big x,long n,big z,big w)
79 { /* raise big number to int power  w=x^n *
80    * (mod z if z and w distinct)          */
81     mr_small norm;
82 #ifdef MR_OS_THREADS
83     miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
84 #endif
86     copy(x,mr_mip->w5);
87     zero(w);
88     if(mr_mip->ERNUM || size(mr_mip->w5)==0) return;
89     convert(_MIPP_ 1,w);
90     if (n==0L) return;
92     MR_IN(17)
94     if (n<0L)
95     {
96         mr_berror(_MIPP_ MR_ERR_NEG_POWER);
97         MR_OUT
98         return;
99     }
101     if (w==z) forever
102     { /* "Russian peasant" exponentiation */
103         if (n%2!=0L)
104              multiply(_MIPP_ w,mr_mip->w5,w);
105         n/=2L;
106         if (mr_mip->ERNUM || n==0L) break;
107         multiply(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w5,mr_mip->w5,mr_mip->w5);
108     }
109     else
110     {
111         norm=normalise(_MIPP_ z,z);
112         divide(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w5,z,z);
113         forever
114         {
115             if (mr_mip->user!=NULL) (*mr_mip->user)();
117             if (n%2!=0L) mad(_MIPP_ w,mr_mip->w5,mr_mip->w5,z,z,w);
118             n/=2L;
119             if (mr_mip->ERNUM || n==0L) break;
120             mad(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w5,mr_mip->w5,mr_mip->w5,z,z,mr_mip->w5);
121         }
122         if (norm!=1)
123         {
124 #ifdef MR_FP_ROUNDING
125             mr_sdiv(_MIPP_ z,norm,mr_invert(norm),z);
126 #else
127             mr_sdiv(_MIPP_ z,norm,z);
128 #endif
129             divide(_MIPP_ w,z,z);
130         }
131     }
133     MR_OUT
134 }
nroot(_MIPD_ big x,int n,big w)136 BOOL nroot(_MIPD_ big x,int n,big w)
137 {  /*  extract  lower approximation to nth root   *
138     *  w=x^(1/n) returns TRUE for exact root      *
139     *  uses Newtons method                        */
140     int sx,dif,s,p,d,lg2,lgx,rem;
141     BOOL full;
142 #ifdef MR_OS_THREADS
143     miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
144 #endif
145     if (mr_mip->ERNUM) return FALSE;
146     if (size(x)==0 || n==1)
147     {
148         copy(x,w);
149         return TRUE;
150     }
152     MR_IN(16)
154     if (n<1) mr_berror(_MIPP_ MR_ERR_BAD_ROOT);
155     sx=exsign(x);
156     if (n%2==0 && sx==MINUS) mr_berror(_MIPP_ MR_ERR_NEG_ROOT);
157     if (mr_mip->ERNUM)
158     {
159         MR_OUT
160         return FALSE;
161     }
162     insign(PLUS,x);
163     lgx=logb2(_MIPP_ x);
164     if (n>=lgx)
165     { /* root must be 1 */
166         insign(sx,x);
167         convert(_MIPP_ sx,w);
168         MR_OUT
169         if (lgx==1) return TRUE;
170         else        return FALSE;
171     }
172     expb2(_MIPP_ 1+(lgx-1)/n,mr_mip->w2);           /* guess root as 2^(log2(x)/n) */
173     s=(-(((int)x->len-1)/n)*n);
174     mr_shift(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,s/n,mr_mip->w2);
175     lg2=logb2(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2)-1;
176     full=FALSE;
177     if (s==0) full=TRUE;
178     d=0;
179     p=1;
180     while (!mr_mip->ERNUM)
181     { /* Newtons method */
182         copy(mr_mip->w2,mr_mip->w3);
183         mr_shift(_MIPP_ x,s,mr_mip->w4);
184         mr_mip->check=OFF;
185         power(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,n-1,mr_mip->w6,mr_mip->w6);
186         mr_mip->check=ON;
187         divide(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w4,mr_mip->w6,mr_mip->w2);
188         rem=size(mr_mip->w4);
189         subtract(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,mr_mip->w3,mr_mip->w2);
190         dif=size(mr_mip->w2);
191         subdiv(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,n,mr_mip->w2);
192         add(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,mr_mip->w3,mr_mip->w2);
193         p*=2;
194         if(p<lg2+d*mr_mip->lg2b) continue;
195         if (full && mr_abs(dif)<n)
196         { /* test for finished */
197             while (dif<0)
198             {
199                 rem=0;
200                 decr(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,1,mr_mip->w2);
201                 mr_mip->check=OFF;
202                 power(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,n,mr_mip->w6,mr_mip->w6);
203                 mr_mip->check=ON;
204                 dif=mr_compare(x,mr_mip->w6);
205             }
206             copy(mr_mip->w2,w);
207             insign(sx,w);
208             insign(sx,x);
209             MR_OUT
210             if (rem==0 && dif==0) return TRUE;
211             else                  return FALSE;
212         }
213         else
214         { /* adjust precision */
215             d*=2;
216             if (d==0) d=1;
217             s+=d*n;
218             if (s>=0)
219             {
220                 d-=s/n;
221                 s=0;
222                 full=TRUE;
223             }
224             mr_shift(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w2,d,mr_mip->w2);
225         }
226         p/=2;
227     }
228     MR_OUT
229     return FALSE;
230 }