1 /**
2  * @file methods/hoeffding_trees/hoeffding_tree_main.cpp
3  * @author Ryan Curtin
4  *
5  * A command-line executable that can build a streaming decision tree.
6  *
7  * mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the 3-clause BSD license.  You should have received a copy of the
9  * 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack.  If not, see
10  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for more information.
11  */
12 #include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>
13 #include <mlpack/core/util/io.hpp>
14 #include <mlpack/core/util/mlpack_main.hpp>
16 #include <mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/hoeffding_tree.hpp>
17 #include <mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/binary_numeric_split.hpp>
18 #include <mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/information_gain.hpp>
19 #include <mlpack/methods/hoeffding_trees/hoeffding_tree_model.hpp>
20 #include <queue>
22 using namespace std;
23 using namespace mlpack;
24 using namespace mlpack::tree;
25 using namespace mlpack::data;
26 using namespace mlpack::util;
28 // Program Name.
29 BINDING_NAME("Hoeffding trees");
31 // Short description.
33     "An implementation of Hoeffding trees, a form of streaming decision tree "
34     "for classification.  Given labeled data, a Hoeffding tree can be trained "
35     "and saved for later use, or a pre-trained Hoeffding tree can be used for "
36     "predicting the classifications of new points.");
38 // Long description.
40     "This program implements Hoeffding trees, a form of streaming decision tree"
41     " suited best for large (or streaming) datasets.  This program supports "
42     "both categorical and numeric data.  Given an input dataset, this program "
43     "is able to train the tree with numerous training options, and save the "
44     "model to a file.  The program is also able to use a trained model or a "
45     "model from file in order to predict classes for a given test set."
46     "\n\n"
47     "The training file and associated labels are specified with the " +
48     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("training") + " and " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("labels") +
49     " parameters, respectively. Optionally, if " +
50     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("labels") + " is not specified, the labels are assumed "
51     "to be the last dimension of the training dataset."
52     "\n\n"
53     "The training may be performed in batch mode "
54     "(like a typical decision tree algorithm) by specifying the " +
55     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("batch_mode") + " option, but this may not be the best "
56     "option for large datasets."
57     "\n\n"
58     "When a model is trained, it may be saved via the " +
59     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("output_model") + " output parameter.  A model may be "
60     "loaded from file for further training or testing with the " +
61     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("input_model") + " parameter."
62     "\n\n"
63     "Test data may be specified with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("test") + " "
64     "parameter, and if performance statistics are desired for that test set, "
65     "labels may be specified with the " + PRINT_PARAM_STRING("test_labels") +
66     " parameter.  Predictions for each test point may be saved with the " +
67     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("predictions") + " output parameter, and class "
68     "probabilities for each prediction may be saved with the " +
69     PRINT_PARAM_STRING("probabilities") + " output parameter.");
71 // Example.
73     "For example, to train a Hoeffding tree with confidence 0.99 with data " +
74     PRINT_DATASET("dataset") + ", saving the trained tree to " +
75     PRINT_MODEL("tree") + ", the following command may be used:"
76     "\n\n" +
77     PRINT_CALL("hoeffding_tree", "training", "dataset", "confidence", 0.99,
78         "output_model", "tree") +
79     "\n\n"
80     "Then, this tree may be used to make predictions on the test set " +
81     PRINT_DATASET("test_set") + ", saving the predictions into " +
82     PRINT_DATASET("predictions") + " and the class probabilities into " +
83     PRINT_DATASET("class_probs") + " with the following command: "
84     "\n\n" +
85     PRINT_CALL("hoeffding_tree", "input_model", "tree", "test", "test_set",
86         "predictions", "predictions", "probabilities", "class_probs"));
88 // See also...
89 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("@decision_tree", "#decision_tree");
90 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("@random_forest", "#random_forest");
91 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("Mining High-Speed Data Streams (pdf)",
92         "http://dm.cs.washington.edu/papers/vfdt-kdd00.pdf");
93 BINDING_SEE_ALSO("mlpack::tree::HoeffdingTree class documentation",
94         "@doxygen/classmlpack_1_1tree_1_1HoeffdingTree.html");
96 PARAM_MATRIX_AND_INFO_IN("training", "Training dataset (may be categorical).",
97     "t");
98 PARAM_UROW_IN("labels", "Labels for training dataset.", "l");
100 PARAM_DOUBLE_IN("confidence", "Confidence before splitting (between 0 and 1).",
101     "c", 0.95);
102 PARAM_INT_IN("max_samples", "Maximum number of samples before splitting.", "n",
103     5000);
104 PARAM_INT_IN("min_samples", "Minimum number of samples before splitting.", "I",
105     100);
107 PARAM_MODEL_IN(HoeffdingTreeModel, "input_model", "Input trained Hoeffding tree"
108     " model.", "m");
109 PARAM_MODEL_OUT(HoeffdingTreeModel, "output_model", "Output for trained "
110     "Hoeffding tree model.", "M");
112 PARAM_MATRIX_AND_INFO_IN("test", "Testing dataset (may be categorical).", "T");
113 PARAM_UROW_IN("test_labels", "Labels of test data.", "L");
114 PARAM_UROW_OUT("predictions", "Matrix to output label predictions for test "
115     "data into.", "p");
116 PARAM_MATRIX_OUT("probabilities", "In addition to predicting labels, provide "
117     "rediction probabilities in this matrix.", "P");
119 PARAM_STRING_IN("numeric_split_strategy", "The splitting strategy to use for "
120     "numeric features: 'domingos' or 'binary'.", "N", "binary");
121 PARAM_FLAG("batch_mode", "If true, samples will be considered in batch instead "
122     "of as a stream.  This generally results in better trees but at the cost of"
123     " memory usage and runtime.", "b");
124 PARAM_FLAG("info_gain", "If set, information gain is used instead of Gini "
125     "impurity for calculating Hoeffding bounds.", "i");
126 PARAM_INT_IN("passes", "Number of passes to take over the dataset.", "s", 1);
128 PARAM_INT_IN("bins", "If the 'domingos' split strategy is used, this specifies "
129     "the number of bins for each numeric split.", "B", 10);
130 PARAM_INT_IN("observations_before_binning", "If the 'domingos' split strategy "
131     "is used, this specifies the number of samples observed before binning is "
132     "performed.", "o", 100);
134 // Convenience typedef.
135 typedef tuple<DatasetInfo, arma::mat> TupleType;
mlpackMain()137 static void mlpackMain()
138 {
139   // Check input parameters for validity.
140   const string numericSplitStrategy =
141       IO::GetParam<string>("numeric_split_strategy");
143   RequireAtLeastOnePassed({ "training", "input_model" }, true);
145   RequireAtLeastOnePassed({ "output_model", "predictions", "probabilities",
146       "test_labels" }, false, "no output will be given");
148   ReportIgnoredParam({{ "test", false }}, "probabilities");
149   ReportIgnoredParam({{ "test", false }}, "predictions");
151   ReportIgnoredParam({{ "training", false }}, "batch_mode");
152   ReportIgnoredParam({{ "training", false }}, "passes");
154   if (IO::HasParam("test"))
155   {
156     RequireAtLeastOnePassed({ "predictions", "probabilities", "test_labels" },
157         false, "no output will be given");
158   }
160   RequireParamInSet<string>("numeric_split_strategy", { "domingos", "binary" },
161       true, "unrecognized numeric split strategy");
163   // Do we need to load a model or do we already have one?
164   HoeffdingTreeModel* model;
165   DatasetInfo datasetInfo;
166   arma::mat trainingSet;
167   arma::Row<size_t> labels;
168   if (IO::HasParam("input_model"))
169   {
170     model = IO::GetParam<HoeffdingTreeModel*>("input_model");
171   }
172   else
173   {
174     // Initialize a model.
175     if (!IO::HasParam("info_gain") && (numericSplitStrategy == "domingos"))
176       model = new HoeffdingTreeModel(HoeffdingTreeModel::GINI_HOEFFDING);
177     else if (!IO::HasParam("info_gain") && (numericSplitStrategy == "binary"))
178       model = new HoeffdingTreeModel(HoeffdingTreeModel::GINI_BINARY);
179     else if (IO::HasParam("info_gain") && (numericSplitStrategy == "domingos"))
180       model = new HoeffdingTreeModel(HoeffdingTreeModel::INFO_HOEFFDING);
181     else
182       model = new HoeffdingTreeModel(HoeffdingTreeModel::INFO_BINARY);
183   }
185   // Now, do we need to train?
186   if (IO::HasParam("training"))
187   {
188     // Load necessary parameters for training.
189     const double confidence = IO::GetParam<double>("confidence");
190     const size_t maxSamples = (size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("max_samples");
191     const size_t minSamples = (size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("min_samples");
192     bool batchTraining = IO::HasParam("batch_mode");
193     const size_t bins = (size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("bins");
194     const size_t observationsBeforeBinning = (size_t)
195         IO::GetParam<int>("observations_before_binning");
196     size_t passes = (size_t) IO::GetParam<int>("passes");
197     if (passes > 1)
198       batchTraining = false; // We already warned about this earlier.
200     // We need to train the model.  First, load the data.
201     datasetInfo = std::move(std::get<0>(IO::GetParam<TupleType>("training")));
202     trainingSet = std::move(std::get<1>(IO::GetParam<TupleType>("training")));
203     for (size_t i = 0; i < trainingSet.n_rows; ++i)
204       Log::Info << datasetInfo.NumMappings(i) << " mappings in dimension "
205           << i << "." << endl;
207     if (IO::HasParam("labels"))
208     {
209       labels = std::move(IO::GetParam<arma::Row<size_t>>("labels"));
210     }
211     else
212     {
213       // Extract the labels from the last dimension of training set.
214       Log::Info << "Using the last dimension of training set as labels."
215           << endl;
216       labels = arma::conv_to<arma::Row<size_t>>::from(
217           trainingSet.row(trainingSet.n_rows - 1));
218       trainingSet.shed_row(trainingSet.n_rows - 1);
219     }
221     // Next, create the model with the right type.  Then build the tree with the
222     // appropriate type of instantiated numeric split type.  This is a little
223     // bit ugly.  Maybe there is a nicer way to get this numeric split
224     // information to the trees, but this is ok for now.
225     Timer::Start("tree_training");
227     // Do we need to initialize a model?
228     if (!IO::HasParam("input_model"))
229     {
230       // Build the model.
231       model->BuildModel(trainingSet, datasetInfo, labels,
232           arma::max(labels) + 1, batchTraining, confidence, maxSamples,
233           100, minSamples, bins, observationsBeforeBinning);
234       --passes; // This model-building takes one pass.
235     }
237     // Now pass over the trees as many times as we need to.
238     if (batchTraining)
239     {
240       // We only need to do batch training if we've not already called
241       // BuildModel.
242       if (IO::HasParam("input_model"))
243         model->Train(trainingSet, labels, true);
244     }
245     else
246     {
247       for (size_t p = 0; p < passes; ++p)
248         model->Train(trainingSet, labels, false);
249     }
251     Timer::Stop("tree_training");
252   }
254   // Do we need to evaluate the training set error?
255   if (IO::HasParam("training"))
256   {
257     // Get training error.
258     arma::Row<size_t> predictions;
259     model->Classify(trainingSet, predictions);
261     size_t correct = 0;
262     for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.n_elem; ++i)
263       if (labels[i] == predictions[i])
264         ++correct;
266     Log::Info << correct << " out of " << labels.n_elem << " correct "
267         << "on training set (" << double(correct) / double(labels.n_elem) *
268         100.0 << ")." << endl;
269   }
271   // Get the number of nodes in the tree.
272   Log::Info << model->NumNodes() << " nodes in the tree." << endl;
274   // The tree is trained or loaded.  Now do any testing if we need.
275   if (IO::HasParam("test"))
276   {
277     // Before loading, pre-set the dataset info by getting the raw parameter
278     // (that doesn't call data::Load()).
279     std::get<0>(IO::GetRawParam<TupleType>("test")) = datasetInfo;
280     arma::mat testSet = std::get<1>(IO::GetParam<TupleType>("test"));
282     arma::Row<size_t> predictions;
283     arma::rowvec probabilities;
285     Timer::Start("tree_testing");
286     model->Classify(testSet, predictions, probabilities);
287     Timer::Stop("tree_testing");
289     if (IO::HasParam("test_labels"))
290     {
291       arma::Row<size_t> testLabels =
292           std::move(IO::GetParam<arma::Row<size_t>>("test_labels"));
294       size_t correct = 0;
295       for (size_t i = 0; i < testLabels.n_elem; ++i)
296       {
297         if (predictions[i] == testLabels[i])
298           ++correct;
299       }
300       Log::Info << correct << " out of " << testLabels.n_elem << " correct "
301           << "on test set (" << double(correct) / double(testLabels.n_elem) *
302           100.0 << ")." << endl;
303     }
305     IO::GetParam<arma::Row<size_t>>("predictions") = std::move(predictions);
306     IO::GetParam<arma::mat>("probabilities") = std::move(probabilities);
307   }
309   // Check the accuracy on the training set.
310   IO::GetParam<HoeffdingTreeModel*>("output_model") = model;
311 }