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.gitignoreH A D06-Jan-201931 43

Makefile.amH A D06-Jan-20191.1 KiB5037

READMEH A D06-Jan-2019823 1912

cgm2moab.cppH A D06-Jan-201914.1 KiB399269

cgm2moab.hppH A D06-Jan-2019899 3012

cub2h5m.cppH A D06-Jan-201954.6 KiB1,6971,333

obb_analysis.cppH A D06-Jan-201910.9 KiB403257

quads_to_tris.cppH A D06-Jan-20195.3 KiB156100

quads_to_tris.hppH A D06-Jan-2019800 2111

quads_to_tris_driver.cppH A D06-Jan-20191.2 KiB5135


1These are tools related to the representation of geometry and geometric
2topology in MOAB.
4Most of these depend on the existence of a functioning CGM installation, and
5some may recquire a version of CGM based on ACIS.
7cgm2moab: This tool was originally written to perform operations related to
8          the conversion of a geometry represented in a file format recognized
9          by CGM into a MOAB representation.  The most common options are for
10          setting tolerances used in faceting the geometry (these may be added
11          to mbconvert in the future).  Other options include the ability to
12          impose alternate faceting/tesselation on individual surfaces, and
13          the ability to generate a visualization of the oriented bounding box
14          tree that is generated for geometric queries.