1 /* cubhamg.c : pick those inputs that are nonhamiltonian and
2                 have max degree <= 3.
4  Usage:
5 cubhamg [-#] [-v|-V] [-n#-#|-y#-#|-i|-I|-o|-x|-e|-E] [-b|-t] [infile [outfile]]
7         infile is the name of the input file in graph6/sparse6 format
8         outfile is the name of the output file in the same format
10 	stdin and stdout are the defaults for infile and outfile
12 	The output file will have a header >>graph6<< or >>sparse6<<
13         if and only if the input file does.
15         Optional switches:
17         -#  A parameter useful for tuning (default 100)
18 	-v  Report nonhamiltonian graphs and noncubic graphs
19 	-V  .. in addition give a cycle for the hamiltonian ones
20 	-n#-#  If the two numbers are v and i, then the i-th edge
21 	    out of vertex v is required to be not in the cycle.
22 	    It must be that i=1..3 and v=0..n-1.
23 	-y#-#  If the two numbers are v and i, then the i-th edge
24 	    out of vertex v is required to be in the cycle.
25 	    It must be that i=1..3 and v=0..n-1.
26             You can use any number of -n/-y switches to force
27             edges.  Out of range first arguments are ignored.
28             If -y and -n give same edge, -y wins.
29         -i  Test + property: for each edge e, there is a hamiltonian
30             cycle using e.
31 	-I  Test ++ property: for each pair of edges e,e', there is
32             a hamiltonian cycle which uses both e and e'.
33         -o  Test - property: for each edge e, there is a hamiltonian
34             cycle avoiding e.
35         -x  Test +- property: for each pair of edges e,e', there is
36             a hamiltonian cycle which uses e but avoids e'.
37         -e  Test 3/4 property: for each edge e, at least 3 of the 4
38             paths of length 3 passing through e lie on hamiltonian cycles.
39         -E  Test 3/4+ property: for each edge e failing the 3/4 property,
40             all three ways of joining e to the rest of the graph are
41             hamiltonian avoiding e.
42         -T# Specify a timeout, being a limit on how many search tree
43             nodes are made.  If the timeout occurs, the graph is
44             written to the output as if it is nonhamiltonian.
45         -R# Specify the number of repeat attempts for each stage.
46         -F  Analyze covering paths from 2 or 4 vertices of degree 2.
48 	-b  Require biconnectivity
49         -t  Require triconnectivity  (note: quadratic algorithm)
51         -y, -n, -#, -R and -T are ignored for -i, -I, -x, -o, -e, -E, -F
53 	B. D. McKay, Nov 1995 + Aug 1996 + Feb 2002 + Jul 2008 + Nov 2015
55 **************************************************************************/
57 #ifndef MAXN
58 #define MAXN 30002  /* 2 more than largest graph size! */
59 #endif
61 #if MAXN==0
62 #error MAXN cannot be zero for cubhamg
63 #endif
65 #include "gtools.h"
66 #include "naurng.h"
68 /**************************************************************************/
70 #define RANPERM TRUE
72 /* cubham.h */
74 #define MAXNE ((3 * MAXN) / 2)
75 #define FALSE 0
76 #define TRUE 1
77 #define YES 1
78 #define DUNNO 0
79 #define NO (-1)
80 #define HABORT 5
82 #define BADLIM 100  /* limit on number of bad things to report per graph */
83 #define MAXA  100   /* max number of -y or -n switches */
85 typedef int cubgraph[MAXN][4];
86 typedef int vertvec[MAXN];
87 typedef int edgevec[MAXNE+1];
88 static long nodecount,maxnodes,totalnodes;
89 static long timeout;
90 static long repeats;
91 static int verbose;
93 #define NO_LIMIT 0x7FFFFFFFL
95 static long standard[]
96   = {30,40,50,60,100,200,300,400,500,1000,2000,3000,5000,
97      10000,20000,30000,100000,300000,1000000};
98 #define NUMMAXNODES (sizeof(standard)/sizeof(long))
99 static nauty_counter numtries[NUMMAXNODES+1];
101 /* cubham.c */
103 /***************************************************************************
105         *****   Instructions for using cubham.  *****
107     cubham can find hamiltonian cycles in graphs of maximum
108     degree at most 3, with specifed edges either required or forbidden.
109     To use it:
111     (1) Check that MAXN (defined in cubham.h) is at least equal to the
112     number of vertices.
114     (2) #include cubham.h.
116     (3) The cubic graph must be stored in an object of type cubgraph.  Say
117     you call it g.  The vertices are numbered 0,1,..., and the neighbours of
118     vertex i are g[i][0], g[i][1] and g[i][2].  Entries of the form g[i][3]
119     are unused.  If the degree is less than 3, -1 is used as padding.
121     (4) Call   cubinit(g,eno,v1,v2,nv,&ne), where
122         g     = the cubic graph                         (input)
123         eno   = another object of type cubgraph         (output)
124         v1,v2 = objects of type edgevec                 (output)
125         nv    = the number of vertices                  (input)
126 	ne    = the number of edges                     (output)
128     This numbers the edges 0,1,...ne-1, and defines
129         eno[i][j]      = the number of the edge {i, g[i][j]}
130         {v1[j], v2[j]} = the vertices of the j-th edge.
132     (5) Call  cubham(g,eno,initclass,v1,v2,cycle,outclass,nv,ne), where
133         g,eno,v1,v2,nv = as above                       (input)
134         initclass = initial edge classification         (input)
135         outclass = final edge classifiction             (output)
136         cycle = the hamiltonian cycle found, if any     (output)
138     The value returned by cubham is either YES (hamiltonian cycle found)
139         or NO (there isn't any).
141     The initial edge classification is specified by you in the edgevec
142     initclass[].  For each edge j, (0 <= j < 3*nv/2), set
143     initclass[j] = NO, YES or DUNNO, if edge j must not be in the cycle,
144     must be in the cycle, or don't care, respectively.  Passing NULL as
145     the initclass parameter is equivalent to setting each edge to DUNNO.
146     All initial classifications are legal, even those clearly impossible.
148     The final edge classification is set by cubham in the edgevec
149     outclass[], if a hamiltonian cycle is found.  Each entry should be
150     either NO or YES.  No final classification is provided if NULL is passed
151     as the outclass parameter.
153     The hamiltonian cycle itself, if any, is returned as cycle[0], cycle[1],
154     ..., cycle[nv-1], cycle[0].  If the cycle is not needed, you can pass
155     NULL for this parameter.
157     Step (4) need not be repeated if the same graph is processed again with
158     a different initial classification.
160 ****************************************************************************/
162 #define POP(x) (onstack[x = *(--stackptr)] = 0)
163 #define PUSH(x) if(onstack[x]!=stacklev){onstack[x]=stacklev;*(stackptr++)=x;}
164 #define RESETSTACK {stacklev++; stackptr = stack;}
166 typedef struct
167 {
168     edgevec class;
169     vertvec din,dout,farend;
170 } nodedata;
172 static nodedata hcnodat;
173 static cubgraph eno;
174 static vertvec onstack,stack;       /* stack contains vertex numbers */
175 static int *stackptr,stacklev;      /* stackptr points above top */
176 static int classstack[4*MAXNE];      /* stack of classifications */
177    /* x >= 0        : edge number
178      (x < 0 above y : farend[-x-1] = y  */
179 static int *classstackptr;       /* points above top of classstack */
180 static int classout(cubgraph,nodedata*,int,int,int);
181 static int classin(cubgraph,cubgraph,nodedata*,int,int,int,int*,int);
183 #define MAXES 0
185 #if MAXES
186 static int maxlevel,maxclassstack;
187 #endif
189 static void
dummy(void)190 dummy(void)
191 {
192 }
194 static void
check_it(int index,cubgraph g,cubgraph eno,edgevec v1,edgevec v2,int * din,int * dout,int * class,int * farend,int nin,int nv,int stable)195 check_it(int index, cubgraph g, cubgraph eno, edgevec v1, edgevec v2,
196          int *din, int *dout, int *class, int *farend, int nin, int nv,
197          int stable)
198 /* Check some things */
199 {
200     int xdin[MAXN],xdout[MAXN],xnin,v,i,j,k,l,*gv,xin,xout,has1;
202     for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i) xdin[i] = xdout[i] = 0;
203     xnin = has1 = 0;
205     for (v = 0; v < nv; ++v)
206     {
207 	gv = g[v];
208 	xin = xout = 0;
209 	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
210 	    if (gv[i] >= 0)
211 	    {
212 		j = eno[v][i];
213 		if (class[j] == NO) ++xout;
214 		if (class[j] == YES) ++xin;
215 	    }
216 	if (xout != dout[v] || xin != din[v])
217 	{
218 	    fprintf(stderr,">E%d degrees of %d: din,dout=%d,%d really %d,%d\n",
219 			index,v,din[v],dout[v],xin,xout);
220 	    dummy();
221 	}
222 	if (xin == 1) ++has1;
223 	xnin += xin;
224     }
226     xnin /= 2;
227     if (xnin != nin)
228     {
229         fprintf(stderr,">E%d nin=%d actually %d\n",index,nin,xnin);
230         dummy();
231     }
232     if (nin != 0 && !has1)
233     {
234         fprintf(stderr,">E%d nin=%d has no in=1\n",index,nin);
235         dummy();
236     }
238     for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
239 	if (din[i] == 0)
240 	{
241             if (farend[i] != i)
242     	    {
243         	fprintf(stderr,">E%d farend[isolate %d]=%d\n",
244 			index,i,farend[i]);
245         	dummy();
246 	    }
247 	}
248 	else if (din[i] == 1)
249 	{
250 	    k = -1;
251 	    j = i;
252 	    do
253 	    {
254 	        for (l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
255 		    if (g[j][l] >= 0 && g[j][l] != k && class[eno[j][l]] == YES)
256 			break;
257 		k = j;
258 		if (l < 3) j = g[j][l];
259 	    } while (l < 3);
260             if (farend[i] != j)
261     	    {
262         	fprintf(stderr,">E%d farend[%d]=%d really %d\n",
263 			index,i,farend[i],j);
264         	dummy();
265 	    }
266         }
268     if (stable)
269 	for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
270 	    if ((dout[i] == 1 && din[i] != 2) || (din[i] == 2 && dout[i] != 1)
271 		|| dout[i] > 1 || din[i] > 2)
272 	    {
273 		fprintf(stderr,">E%d din[%d]=%d dout[%d]=%d\n",
274 		        index,i,din[i],i,dout[i]);
275 		dummy();
276 	    }
277 }
279 static void
cubinit(cubgraph g,cubgraph eno,edgevec v1,edgevec v2,int nv,int ne)280 cubinit(cubgraph g, cubgraph eno, edgevec v1, edgevec v2, int nv, int ne)
281 /* initialise edge numbers, etc. */
282 {
283         int *gpx,*gpy,*enop,x,y,i,j,n,en;
285         n = nv;
286         en = 0;
287         for (x = 0; x < n; ++x)
288         {
289             gpx = g[x];
290             enop = eno[x];
291             for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
292                 if ((y = gpx[i]) < 0)
293 		    enop[i] = ne;
294 		else if (y > x)
295                 {
296                     v1[en] = x;
297                     v2[en] = y;
298                     enop[i] = en++;
299                 }
300                 else
301                 {
302                     gpy = g[y];
303                     for (j = 0; gpy[j] != x; j++)
304                         {}
305                     enop[i] = eno[y][j];
306                 }
307         }
309         if (en != ne)
310             fprintf(stderr,"%% cubinit got en=%d when ne=%d\n",en,ne);
311 }
313 static int
propagate(cubgraph g,cubgraph eno,nodedata * ndptr,int * nin,int nv)314 propagate(cubgraph g, cubgraph eno, nodedata *ndptr, int *nin, int nv)
315 /* propagate classifications: */
316 /*   ans = YES, NO or DUNNO */
317 {
318         int v,w,i,status;
319         nodedata *np;
320         int *gp,*enop,*class,*din,*dout;
322         status = DUNNO;
323         np = ndptr;
324         class = np->class;
325         din = np->din;
326         dout = np->dout;
328         while (status == DUNNO && stackptr > stack)
329         {
330             POP(v);
331             gp = g[v];
332             enop = eno[v];
333             if (dout[v] == 0)
334             {
335                 if (din[v] == 2)
336                 {
337                     if (class[enop[0]] == DUNNO)      i = 0;
338                     else if (class[enop[1]] == DUNNO) i = 1;
339                     else                              i = 2;
340                     w = gp[i];
341                     status = classout(g,np,v,w,enop[i]);
342                     PUSH(w);
343                 }
344                 else if (din[v] == 3)
345                     status = NO;
346             }
347             else if (dout[v] == 1)
348             {
349                 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
350                 if (class[enop[i]] == DUNNO)
351                 {
352                     w = gp[i];
353                     if ((status = classin(g,eno,np,v,w,enop[i],nin,nv))
354                                                                  != DUNNO)
355                         break;
356                     else
357                         PUSH(w);
358                 }
359             }
360             else
361                 status = NO;
362         }
364         if (status != NO && *nin == nv) return YES;
365         else			        return status;
366 }
368 static int
classout(cubgraph g,nodedata * nodat,int v,int w,int en)369 classout(cubgraph g, nodedata *nodat, int v, int w, int en)
370 /* classify edge en = vw out */
371 {
372         nodedata *np;
374         np = nodat;
375         ++np->dout[v];
376         ++np->dout[w];
377         np->class[en] = NO;
378 	*classstackptr++ = en;
379 #if MAXES
380 	if (classstackptr-classstack > maxclassstack)
381 	    maxclassstack = classstackptr-classstack;
382 #endif
384         return DUNNO;
385 }
387 static int
classin(cubgraph g,cubgraph eno,nodedata * nodat,int v,int w,int en,int * nin,int nv)388 classin(cubgraph g, cubgraph eno, nodedata *nodat,
389                                     int v, int w, int en, int *nin, int nv)
390 /* classify edge en = vw in */
391 {
392         nodedata *np;
393         int *farend,*gp,fv,fw,i;
395         np = nodat;
396         ++np->din[v];
397         ++np->din[w];
398         np->class[en] = YES;
399 	*classstackptr++ = en;
400 #if MAXES
401 	if (classstackptr-classstack > maxclassstack)
402 	    maxclassstack = classstackptr-classstack;
403 #endif
405         ++*nin;
406         if (*nin == nv)
407 	{
408 	    return DUNNO;
409 	}
411         farend = np->farend;
412         fv = farend[v];
413         fw = farend[w];
414 	*classstackptr++ = farend[fv];
415 	*classstackptr++ = -fv-1;
416 	*classstackptr++ = farend[fw];
417 	*classstackptr++ = -fw-1;
418 #if MAXES
419 	if (classstackptr-classstack > maxclassstack)
420 	    maxclassstack = classstackptr-classstack;
421 #endif
422         farend[fv] = fw;
423         farend[fw] = fv;
425         gp = g[fv];
426         if      (gp[0] == fw) i = 0;
427         else if (gp[1] == fw) i = 1;
428         else if (gp[2] == fw) i = 2;
429         else                  return DUNNO;
431         i = eno[fv][i];
432         if (np->class[i] == DUNNO)
433         {
434             PUSH(fv);
435             PUSH(fw);
436             if (*nin == nv - 1)
437                 return classin(g,eno,np,fv,fw,i,nin,nv);
438             else
439                 return classout(g,np,fv,fw,i);
440         }
442         return DUNNO;
443 }
445 static int
hamnode(cubgraph g,cubgraph eno,edgevec v1,edgevec v2,nodedata * nodat,int level,int nin,int nv)446 hamnode(cubgraph g, cubgraph eno, edgevec v1, edgevec v2,
447 	nodedata *nodat, int level, int nin, int nv)
448 /* main node for recursion */
449 {
450         int i,p,q,status;
451         int v,w,en,*gv,*enov;
452 	int *csptr;
454 #if MAXES
455 	if (level > maxlevel) maxlevel = level;
456 #endif
458         if (++nodecount > maxnodes && maxnodes != NO_LIMIT) return HABORT;
459         status = propagate(g,eno,nodat,&nin,nv);
461         if (status != DUNNO) return status;
463         for (v = nv; --v >= 0;)
464             if (nodat->din[v] == 1) break;
466         if (v < 0) v = 0;
468         gv = g[v];
469         enov = eno[v];
471         for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
472         {
473             en = enov[i];
474             if (nodat->class[en] == DUNNO)
475             {
476                 w = gv[i];
477                 csptr = classstackptr;
478                 status = classout(g,nodat,v,w,en);
479                 if (status == YES) break;
480 	 	if (status == NO)
481 		{
482 		    while (classstackptr > csptr)
483 		    {
484 			p = *--classstackptr;
485 			if (p >= 0)
486 			{
487 			    if (nodat->class[p] == YES)
488 			    {
489 				--nodat->din[v1[p]];
490 				--nodat->din[v2[p]];
491 			    }
492 			    else
493 			    {
494 				--nodat->dout[v1[p]];
495 				--nodat->dout[v2[p]];
496 			    }
497 			    nodat->class[p] = DUNNO;
498 			}
499 			else
500 			{
501 			    q = *--classstackptr;
502 			    nodat->farend[-p-1] = q;
503 			}
504 		    }
505                     continue;
506 		}
507                 RESETSTACK;
508                 PUSH(v);
509                 PUSH(w);
510                 status = hamnode(g,eno,v1,v2,nodat,level+1,nin,nv);
511                 if (status == YES) break;
512 		while (classstackptr > csptr)
513 		{
514 		    p = *--classstackptr;
515 		    if (p >= 0)
516 		    {
517 		        if (nodat->class[p] == YES)
518 		        {
519 		    	    --nodat->din[v1[p]];
520 		    	    --nodat->din[v2[p]];
521 		        }
522 		        else
523 		        {
524 		    	    --nodat->dout[v1[p]];
525 		    	    --nodat->dout[v2[p]];
526 		        }
527 		        nodat->class[p] = DUNNO;
528 		    }
529 		    else
530 		    {
531 			q = *--classstackptr;
532 			nodat->farend[-p-1] = q;
533 		    }
534 		}
535                 if (status == HABORT) return HABORT;
536             }
537         }
539         if (status == DUNNO)
540             fprintf(stderr,"hamnode returning DUNNO, this can't happen\n");
541         return status;
542 }
544 static int
cubham(cubgraph g,cubgraph eno,edgevec initclass,edgevec v1,edgevec v2,vertvec cycle,edgevec outclass,int nv,int ne)545 cubham(cubgraph g, cubgraph eno, edgevec initclass, edgevec v1, edgevec v2,
546        vertvec cycle, edgevec outclass, int nv, int ne)
547 /* external interface */
548 {
549         int i,j,status,nin,v,w;
551         for (i = ne; --i >= 0;)
552             hcnodat.class[i] = DUNNO;
553 	if (3*nv > 2*ne) hcnodat.class[ne] = NO;
555         for (i = nv; --i >= 0;)
556         {
557             hcnodat.din[i] = hcnodat.dout[i] = 0;
558             hcnodat.farend[i] = i;
559             onstack[i] = 0;
560         }
561         nin = 0;
562         stacklev = 0;
563         RESETSTACK;
565 	for (i = nv; --i >= 0;)
566 	{
567 	    if (g[i][1] < 0) return NO;
568 	    if (g[i][2] < 0)
569 	    {
570 		hcnodat.dout[i] = 1;
571 		PUSH(i);
572 	    }
573 	}
575         status = DUNNO;
576 	classstackptr = classstack;
577         if (initclass)
578             for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
579                 if (initclass[i] != DUNNO)
580                 {
581                     v = v1[i];
582                     w = v2[i];
583                     if (initclass[i] == NO)
584                     {
585                         if (hcnodat.class[i] == YES)
586                             status = NO;
587                         else if (hcnodat.class[i] == DUNNO)
588                         {
589                             if (hcnodat.dout[v] == 0)
590                             {
591                                 status = classout(g,&hcnodat,v,w,i);
592                                 PUSH(v);
593                                 PUSH(w);
594                             }
595                             else
596                                 status = NO;
597 			}
598                     }
599                     else if (initclass[i] == YES)
600                     {
601                         if (hcnodat.class[i] == NO)
602                             status = NO;
603                         else if (hcnodat.class[i] == DUNNO)
604 			{
605                             if (hcnodat.din[v] < 2)
606                             {
607                                 status = classin(g,eno,&hcnodat,v,w,i,&nin,nv);
608                                 PUSH(v);
609                                 PUSH(w);
610                             }
611                             else
612                                 status = NO;
613 			}
614                     }
616                     if (status != DUNNO) break;
617                 }
619         if (status == DUNNO)
620             status = hamnode(g,eno,v1,v2,&hcnodat,0,nin,nv);
622         if (status == YES && cycle)
623         {
624             w = -1;
625             v = 0;
626             cycle[0] = 0;
627             for (i = 1; i < nv; ++i)
628             {
629                 for (j = 0; g[v][j] == w || hcnodat.class[eno[v][j]] != YES; ++j)
630                     {}
631                 w = v;
632                 v = g[v][j];
633                 cycle[i] = v;
634             }
635         }
636         if (status == YES && outclass)
637             for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
638                 outclass[i] = hcnodat.class[i];
640         return status;
641 }
643 /********************************************************************/
645 static int
isham(cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int weight,int * vv,int * vi,int nvv,int * yy,int * yi,int nyy,int * cyc)646 isham(cubgraph cub,
647       int n, int ne, int weight,
648       int *vv, int *vi, int nvv,
649       int *yy, int *yi, int nyy, int *cyc)
650 /* test if hamiltonian; optionally return a cycle
651    Forbid the vi[i]-th nbr of vv[i], for i=0..nvv-1
652    Force the yi[i]-th nbr of yy[i], for i=0..nyy-1
653      WARNING: vi[i]/yi[i] is numbered starting at 1  */
654 {
655         int i,j,k;
656         int nmax,ch;
657         cubgraph cubcopy;
658         edgevec v1,v2,initclass,outclass;
659         int perm[MAXN],pinv[MAXN];
660 	double tmp;
662 #if !RANPERM
664         maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
665         nodecount = 0;
666         cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
668         for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
669             initclass[i] = DUNNO;
671 	for (i = 0; i < nvv; ++i)
672 	    if (vv[i] < n) initclass[eno[vv[i]][vi[i]-1]] = NO;
673 	for (i = 0; i < nyy; ++i)
674 	    if (yy[i] < n) initclass[eno[yy[i]][yi[i]-1]] = YES;
676         ch = cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,cyc,outclass,n,ne);
678         totalnodes += nodecount;
679         ++numtries[0];
681 #else
682         ch = HABORT;
683 	maxnodes = -1;
684         for (nmax = 0; ch == HABORT && maxnodes != timeout; ++nmax)
685         {
686             if (nmax/repeats < NUMMAXNODES)
687             {
688 		tmp = (double)standard[nmax/repeats] * (double)weight
689                                              * (double)n/ 10000.0;
690 		if (tmp >= (double)NO_LIMIT) maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
691 		else                        maxnodes = tmp;
692 		if (timeout > 0 && timeout < maxnodes) maxnodes = timeout;
693             }
694             else if (timeout > 0)
695 		maxnodes = timeout;
696 	    else
697                 maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
699 	    if (nmax != 0)
700 	    {
701                 for (i = n; --i > 0;)
702                 {
703                     k = KRAN(i+1);
704                     j = perm[i];
705                     perm[i] = perm[k];
706                     perm[k] = j;
707                 }
708 	    }
709 	    else
710 	    {
711 		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
712 		    perm[i] = i;
713 	    }
715             for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
716             {
717                 j = perm[i];
718                 cubcopy[j][0] = cub[i][0] < 0 ? -1 : perm[cub[i][0]];
719                 cubcopy[j][1] = cub[i][1] < 0 ? -1 : perm[cub[i][1]];
720                 cubcopy[j][2] = cub[i][2] < 0 ? -1 : perm[cub[i][2]];
721             }
723             cubinit(cubcopy,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
724             nodecount = 0;
726             for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
727                 initclass[i] = DUNNO;
729             for (i = 0; i < nvv; ++i)
730                 if (vv[i] < n) initclass[eno[perm[vv[i]]][vi[i]-1]] = NO;
731             for (i = 0; i < nyy; ++i)
732                 if (yy[i] < n) initclass[eno[perm[yy[i]]][yi[i]-1]] = YES;
734             ch = cubham(cubcopy,eno,initclass,v1,v2,cyc,outclass,n,ne);
735             totalnodes += nodecount;
736             ++numtries[nmax/repeats];
737         }
739 	if (cyc != NULL && ch == YES)
740 	{
741 	    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
742 		pinv[perm[i]] = i;
743 	    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
744 		cyc[i] = pinv[cyc[i]];
745 	}
746 #endif
748         return ch;
749 }
751 /**************************************************************************/
753 static int
optadd(cubgraph cub,int v1,int v2)754 optadd(cubgraph cub, int v1, int v2)
755 /* v1 and v2 must have degree 2 and be distinct.
756    Add edge v1-v2 if not already present; return index of edge in cub[v1]. */
757 {
758     if (cub[v1][0] == v2) return 0;
759     if (cub[v1][1] == v2) return 1;
760     cub[v1][2] = v2;
761     cub[v2][2] = v1;
762     return 2;
763 }
765 /**************************************************************************/
767 static void
dofragment(nauty_counter id,cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int weight)768 dofragment(nauty_counter id, cubgraph cub, int n, int ne, int weight)
769 /* Test for coverage by one or two paths between vertices of degree 2 */
770 {
771     int i,i1,i2,i3,i4;
772     int v1,v2,v3,v4,j1,j3;
773     int deg2[MAXN],ndeg2;
774     int yy[3],yi[3],newne;
775     int cyc[MAXN];
776     int status;
778     ndeg2 = 0;
779     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
780     {
781         if (cub[i][0] < 0 || cub[i][1] < 0)
782             gt_abort(">E -F forbids degree 0,1\n");
784 	if (cub[i][2] < 0) deg2[ndeg2++] = i;
785     }
787     printf("Input " COUNTER_FMT ":",id);
788     for (i = 0; i < ndeg2; ++i) printf(" %d",deg2[i]);
789     printf("\n");
791     printf(" Pairs: ");
792     for (i1 = 0; i1 < ndeg2; ++i1)
793     for (i2 = i1+1; i2 < ndeg2; ++i2)
794     {
795 	v1 = deg2[i1]; v2 = deg2[i2];
796 	j1 = optadd(cub,v1,v2);
797 	yy[0] = v1; yi[0] = j1+1;
798 	newne = ne + (j1==2);
799 	status = isham(cub,n,newne,weight,NULL,NULL,0,yy,yi,1,cyc);
800         if (status == HABORT)
801 	    printf(" T%d-%d",v1,v2);
802         if (status == NO)
803 	    printf(" N%d-%d",v1,v2);
804         else
805         {
806 	    printf(" Y%d-%d",v1,v2);
807             if (verbose > 1)
808 	    {
809 		printf("[");
810 	        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf(" %d",cyc[i]);
811 	        printf("]\n");
812 	    }
813         }
814 	cub[v1][2] = cub[v2][2] = -1;
815     }
816     printf("\n");
818     printf(" Quartets: ");
819     for (i1 = 0; i1 < ndeg2; ++i1)
820     for (i2 = i1+1; i2 < ndeg2; ++i2)
821     for (i3 = i1+1; i3 < ndeg2; ++i3)
822     for (i4 = i3+1; i4 < ndeg2; ++i4)
823     {
824         if (i3 == i2 || i4 == i2) continue;
826 	v1 = deg2[i1]; v2 = deg2[i2];
827 	j1 = optadd(cub,v1,v2);
828 	v3 = deg2[i3]; v4 = deg2[i4];
829 	j3 = optadd(cub,v3,v4);
830 	yy[0] = v1; yi[0] = j1+1;
831         yy[1] = v3; yi[1] = j3+1;
832 	newne = ne + (j1==2) + (j3==2);
833 	status = isham(cub,n,newne,weight,NULL,NULL,0,yy,yi,2,cyc);
834         if (status == HABORT)
835 	    printf(" T%d-%d,%d-%d",v1,v2,v3,v4);
836         if (status == NO)
837 	    printf(" N%d-%d,%d-%d",v1,v2,v3,v4);
838         else
839         {
840 	    printf(" Y%d-%d,%d-%d",v1,v2,v3,v4);
841 	    if (verbose > 1)
842 	    {
843 		printf("[");
844 	        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf(" %d",cyc[i]);
845 	        printf("]\n");
846 	    }
847         }
848 	cub[v1][2] = cub[v2][2] = -1;
849 	cub[v3][2] = cub[v4][2] = -1;
850     }
851     printf("\n");
852 }
854 /********************************************************************/
856 static int
hasinout(cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int * x0,int * x1,int * y0,int * y1,int limit)857 hasinout(cubgraph cub,
858          int n, int ne, int *x0, int *x1, int *y0, int *y1, int limit)
859 /* test if cub has in-out (+-) property */
860 {
861 	edgevec v1,v2,initclass,outclass;
862 	set *d0,*di,*dii;
863 	int i,ii,j,jj;
864 	int me,nbad;
865         DYNALLSTAT(graph,done,done_sz);
867 	me = (ne + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE;
869         DYNALLOC2(graph,done,done_sz,ne,me,"hasinout");
871 	d0 = (set*)done;
872 	EMPTYSET(d0,me);
873 	for (j = 0; j < ne; ++j)
874 	    ADDELEMENT(d0,j);
876 	for (i = 1, di = d0 + me; i < ne; ++i, di += me)
877 	{
878 	    for (j = 0; j < me; ++j)
879 		di[j] = d0[j];
880 	    DELELEMENT(di,i);
881 	}
882 	DELELEMENT(d0,0);
884 	cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
885 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
886 	    initclass[i] = DUNNO;
888 	maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
889 	nbad = 0;
891 	for (i = 0, di = (set*)done; i < ne; ++i, di += me)
892 	    for (j = -1; (j = nextelement(di,me,j)) >= 0;)
893 	    {
894 		initclass[i] = NO;
895 		initclass[j] = YES;
896 		++numtries[0];
897 		if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,
898 							outclass,n,ne) == NO)
899 		{
900 		    x0[nbad] = v1[i]; x1[nbad] = v2[i];
901 		    y0[nbad] = v1[j]; y1[nbad] = v2[j];
902 		    ++nbad;
903 		    if (nbad >= limit) return nbad;
904 		}
905 		else
906 		{
907                     for (ii = i, dii = di; ii < ne; ++ii, dii += me)
908                     if (outclass[ii] == NO)
909                         for (jj = 0; jj < ne; ++jj)
910                             if (outclass[jj] == YES)
911                                 DELELEMENT(dii,jj);
912 		}
914 		initclass[i] = DUNNO;
915 		initclass[j] = DUNNO;
916 	    }
918 	return nbad;
919 }
921 /**************************************************************************/
923 static int
hasinin(cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int * x0,int * x1,int * y0,int * y1,int limit)924 hasinin(cubgraph cub,
925         int n, int ne, int *x0, int *x1, int *y0, int *y1, int limit)
926 /* test if cub has in-in (++) property */
927 {
928         edgevec v1,v2,initclass,outclass;
929 	set *d0,*di,*dii;
930 	int i,ii,j,jj;
931 	int me,nbad;
932         DYNALLSTAT(graph,done,done_sz);
934 	me = (ne + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE;
936         DYNALLOC2(graph,done,done_sz,ne,me,"hasinin");
938 	d0 = (set*)done;
939 	EMPTYSET(d0,me);
940 	for (j = 0; j < ne; ++j)
941 	    ADDELEMENT(d0,j);
943 	for (i = 1, di = d0 + me; i < ne; ++i, di += me)
944 	{
945 	    for (j = 0; j < me; ++j)
946 		di[j] = d0[j];
947 	    DELELEMENT(di,i);
948 	}
949 	DELELEMENT(d0,0);
951 	cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
952 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
953 	    initclass[i] = DUNNO;
955 	maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
956 	nbad = 0;
958 	for (i = 0, di = (set*)done; i < ne; ++i, di += me)
959 	    for (j = i; (j = nextelement(di,me,j)) >= 0;)
960 	    {
961 		initclass[i] = YES;
962 		initclass[j] = YES;
963 		++numtries[0];
964 		if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,outclass,n,ne) == NO)
965 		{
966                     x0[nbad] = v1[i]; x1[nbad] = v2[i];
967                     y0[nbad] = v1[j]; y1[nbad] = v2[j];
968                     ++nbad;
969                     if (nbad >= limit) return nbad;
970 		}
971 		else
972 	 	{
973                     for (ii = i, dii = di; ii < ne; ++ii, dii += me)
974                     if (outclass[ii] == YES)
975                         for (jj = ii; jj < ne; ++jj)
976                             if (outclass[jj] == YES)
977                                 DELELEMENT(dii,jj);
978 		}
980 		initclass[i] = DUNNO;
981 		initclass[j] = DUNNO;
982 	    }
983 	return nbad;
984 }
986 /**************************************************************************/
988 static int
hasin(cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int * x0,int * x1,int limit)989 hasin(cubgraph cub, int n, int ne, int *x0, int *x1, int limit)
990 /* test if cub has "in" property */
991 {
992 	edgevec v1,v2,initclass,outclass;
993 	boolean done[MAXNE];
994 	int i,ii;
995 	int nbad;
997 	cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
998 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
999 	{
1000 	    initclass[i] = DUNNO;
1001 	    done[i] = FALSE;
1002 	}
1004 	maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
1005 	nbad = 0;
1007 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1008 	    if (!done[i])
1009 	    {
1010 		initclass[i] = YES;
1011 		++numtries[0];
1012 		if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,outclass,n,ne) == NO)
1013 		{
1014 		    x0[nbad] = v1[i]; x1[nbad] = v2[i];
1015 		    ++nbad;
1016 		    if (nbad >= limit) return nbad;
1017 		}
1018 		else
1019 		{
1020                     for (ii = i; ii < ne; ++ii)
1021                     if (outclass[ii] == YES) done[ii] = TRUE;
1022 		}
1024 		initclass[i] = DUNNO;
1025 	    }
1026 	return nbad;
1027 }
1029 /**************************************************************************/
1031 static boolean
eplus(cubgraph acub,int n,int ne,int x,int y,int * pwhy)1032 eplus(cubgraph acub, int n, int ne, int x, int y, int *pwhy)
1033 {
1034         cubgraph cub;
1035         edgevec v1,v2,initclass;
1036 	int i,a,b,c,d,xy,why;
1038 	if (3*n != 2*ne)
1039 	{
1040 	    fprintf(stderr,
1041 		"cubhamg: eplus() not implemented for noncubic graphs\n");
1042 	    exit(1);
1043 	}
1045         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1046         {
1047             cub[i][0] = acub[i][0];
1048             cub[i][1] = acub[i][1];
1049             cub[i][2] = acub[i][2];
1050         }
1052 	if      (cub[x][0] == y)
1053 	{
1054 	    xy = 0;
1055 	    a = cub[x][1];
1056 	    b = cub[x][2];
1057 	}
1058 	else if (cub[x][1] == y)
1059         {
1060             xy = 1;
1061             a = cub[x][0];
1062             b = cub[x][2];
1063         }
1064 	else
1065         {
1066             xy = 2;
1067             a = cub[x][0];
1068             b = cub[x][1];
1069         }
1071 	if      (cub[y][0] == x)
1072         {
1073             c = cub[y][1];
1074             d = cub[y][2];
1075         }
1076         else if (cub[y][1] == x)
1077         {
1078             c = cub[y][0];
1079             d = cub[y][2];
1080         }
1081         else
1082         {
1083             c = cub[y][0];
1084             d = cub[y][1];
1085         }
1087 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1088 	    initclass[i] = DUNNO;
1090 	why = 0;
1091 	cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
1092 	initclass[eno[x][xy]] = NO;
1093 	if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,NULL,n,ne) == YES)
1094 	    why |= 1;
1095 	initclass[eno[x][xy]] = DUNNO;
1097 #define CHANGE(z,p,q) if (cub[z][0]==p) cub[z][0]=q;\
1098      else if (cub[z][1]==p) cub[z][1]=q; else cub[z][2]=q;
1100 	CHANGE(x,b,c);
1101 	CHANGE(y,c,b);
1102 	CHANGE(b,x,y);
1103 	CHANGE(c,y,x);
1105         cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
1106         initclass[eno[x][xy]] = NO;
1107         if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,NULL,n,ne) == YES)
1108             why |= 2;
1109         initclass[eno[x][xy]] = DUNNO;
1111 	CHANGE(x,c,d);
1112 	CHANGE(y,d,c);
1113 	CHANGE(c,x,y);
1114 	CHANGE(d,y,x);
1116         cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
1117         initclass[eno[x][xy]] = NO;
1118         if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,NULL,n,ne) == YES)
1119             why |= 4;
1121 	*pwhy = why;
1122 	return why == 7;
1123 }
1125 /**************************************************************************/
1127 static int
hase34(cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int * x0,int * x1,int * why,boolean plus,int limit)1128 hase34(cubgraph cub,
1129        int n, int ne, int *x0, int *x1, int *why, boolean plus, int limit)
1130 /* test if cub has "e34" property */
1131 {
1132 	edgevec v1,v2,initclass,outclass;
1133 	int ea[4*MAXNE],eb[4*MAXNE],ec[4*MAXNE];
1134 	boolean done[4*MAXNE];
1135 	int count[MAXNE];
1136 	int i,ii;
1137 	int vi,nbad,pluswhy;
1138 	static int pop[] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
1140 	if (3*n != 2*ne)
1141 	{
1142 	    fprintf(stderr,
1143 		"cubhamg: hase34() not implemented for noncubic graphs\n");
1144 	    exit(1);
1145 	}
1146 	cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
1147 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1148 	{
1149 	    initclass[i] = DUNNO;
1150 	    count[i] = 0;
1151 	}
1153 	for (i = ii = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1154 	{
1155 	    eb[ii] = eb[ii+1] = eb[ii+2] = eb[ii+3] = i;
1156 	    done[ii] = done[ii+1] = done[ii+2] = done[ii+3] = FALSE;
1158 	    vi = v1[i];
1159 	    if (eno[vi][0] != i) ea[ii++] = eno[vi][0];
1160 	    if (eno[vi][1] != i) ea[ii++] = eno[vi][1];
1161 	    if (eno[vi][2] != i) ea[ii++] = eno[vi][2];
1162 	    ea[ii] = ea[ii-2];
1163 	    ea[ii+1] = ea[ii-1];
1165 	    vi = v2[i];
1166             if (eno[vi][0] != i) ec[ii++] = eno[vi][0];
1167             if (eno[vi][1] != i) ec[ii++] = eno[vi][1];
1168             if (eno[vi][2] != i) ec[ii++] = eno[vi][2];
1169             ec[ii-4] = ec[ii-3] = ec[ii-2];
1170             ec[ii-2] = ec[ii-1];
1171 	}
1173 	maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
1174 	nbad = 0;
1176 	for (i = 0; i < 4*ne; ++i)
1177 	    if (!done[i])
1178 	    {
1179 		initclass[ea[i]] = YES;
1180 		initclass[eb[i]] = YES;
1181 		initclass[ec[i]] = YES;
1182 		++numtries[0];
1183 		if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,
1184 						outclass,n,ne) == YES)
1185 		    for (ii = i; ii < 4*ne; ++ii)
1186 			if (!done[ii] && outclass[ea[ii]] == YES &&
1187 			    outclass[eb[ii]] == YES && outclass[ec[ii]] == YES)
1188 			{
1189 			    done[ii] = TRUE;
1190 			    count[eb[ii]] |= 1 << (ii & 3);
1191 			}
1192 		++numtries[0];
1193 		initclass[ea[i]] = DUNNO;
1194                 initclass[eb[i]] = DUNNO;
1195                 initclass[ec[i]] = DUNNO;
1196 	    }
1198 	pluswhy = 0;
1199 	for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1200 	    if (pop[count[i]] < 3
1201                 && (!plus || !eplus(cub,n,ne,v1[i],v2[i],&pluswhy)))
1202 	    {
1203                 x0[nbad] = v1[i]; x1[nbad] = v2[i];
1204 		why[nbad] = (pluswhy << 4) | count[i];
1205                 ++nbad;
1206                 if (nbad >= limit) return nbad;
1207             }
1209 	return nbad;
1210 }
1212 /**************************************************************************/
1214 #if 0
1215 static int
1216 oldhasout(cubgraph cub, int n, int ne, int *x0, int *x1, int limit)
1217 /* test if cub has "out" property */
1218 {
1219         edgevec v1,v2,initclass,outclass;
1220         boolean done[MAXNE];
1221         int i,ii;
1222         int nbad;
1224         cubinit(cub,eno,v1,v2,n,ne);
1225         for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1226         {
1227             initclass[i] = DUNNO;
1228             done[i] = FALSE;
1229         }
1231         maxnodes = NO_LIMIT;
1232 	nbad = 0;
1234         for (i = 0; i < ne; ++i)
1235             if (!done[i])
1236             {
1237                 initclass[i] = NO;
1238                 ++numtries[0];
1239                 if (cubham(cub,eno,initclass,v1,v2,NULL,outclass,n,ne) == NO)
1240                 {
1241                     x0[nbad] = v1[i]; x1[nbad] = v2[i];
1242                     ++nbad;
1243                     if (nbad >= limit) return nbad;
1244                 }
1245 		else
1246 		{
1247 		    for (ii = i; ii < ne; ++ii)
1248                     if (outclass[ii] == NO) done[ii] = TRUE;
1249 		}
1251                 initclass[i] = DUNNO;
1252             }
1253         return nbad;
1254 }
1255 #endif
1257 /**************************************************************************/
1259 static int
hasout(cubgraph cub,int n,int ne,int weight,int * x0,int * x1,int limit)1260 hasout(cubgraph cub, int n, int ne, int weight, int *x0, int *x1, int limit)
1261 /* test if cub has "out" property
1262    Returns are -2 for timeout, -1 for nonhamiltonian, otherwise
1263    number of edges not present in any cycle */
1264 {
1265 	cubgraph done;
1266 	int cyc[MAXN];
1267         int vv[2],vi[2];
1268         int nbad,ch;
1269 	int i,j,ii,jj,x,y,z;
1271 	nbad = 0;
1273 	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) done[i][0] = done[i][1] = done[i][2] = 0;
1275 	ch = isham(cub,n,ne,weight,vv,vi,0,NULL,NULL,0,cyc);
1276 	if (ch == HABORT) return -2;
1277 	if (ch == NO) return -1;
1279 	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1280 	{
1281 	    x = cyc[i];
1282             y = cyc[i==n-1?0:i+1];
1283 	    z = cyc[i==0?n-1:i-1];
1284 	    for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
1285 		if (cub[x][j] >= 0 &&
1286 		    cub[x][j] != y && cub[x][j] != z) break;
1287 	    if (j < 3) done[x][j] = 1;
1288 	}
1290 	for (ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii)
1291 	for (jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj)
1292 	{
1293 	    if (cub[ii][jj] > ii && !done[ii][jj])
1294 	    {
1295 		vv[0] = ii;
1296 		vi[0] = jj+1;
1297 		ch = isham(cub,n,ne,weight,vv,vi,1,NULL,NULL,0,cyc);
1298                 if (ch == HABORT) return -2;
1299 		if (ch == NO)
1300 		{
1301 		    x0[nbad] = ii;
1302 		    x1[nbad] = cub[ii][jj];
1303 		    ++nbad;
1304 		}
1305 		else
1306 		{
1307 		    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1308 		    {
1309 	    	        x = cyc[i];
1310             	        y = cyc[i==n-1?0:i+1];
1311 	    	        z = cyc[i==0?n-1:i-1];
1312 	    	        for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
1313 			    if (cub[x][j] >= 0 &&
1314 		    	    cub[x][j] != y && cub[x][j] != z) break;
1315 	    	        if (j < 3) done[x][j] = 1;
1316 		    }
1318 		}
1319 	    }
1320 	}
1322         return nbad;
1323 }
1325 /**************************************************************************/
1327 static boolean
biconnected_cub(cubgraph cub,int n)1328 biconnected_cub(cubgraph cub, int n)
1329 /* test whether cub is biconnected */
1330 {
1331         int i,sp,v,w,x;
1332         set visited[MAXM];
1333         int numvis,num[MAXN],lp[MAXN],stack[MAXN];
1334 	int m,*gv;
1336         if (n <= 2) return FALSE;
1338 	m = (n + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE;
1339 	EMPTYSET(visited,m);
1340 	ADDELEMENT(visited,0);
1342         stack[0] = 0;
1343         num[0] = 0;
1344         lp[0] = 0;
1345         numvis = 1;
1346         sp = 0;
1347         v = 0;
1348 	gv = (int*)cub[v];
1350         for (;;)
1351         {
1352 	    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1353 		if (gv[i] >= 0 && !ISELEMENT(visited,gv[i])) break;
1355             if (i < 3)
1356             {
1357                 w = v;
1358                 v = gv[i];  /* visit next child */
1359                 stack[++sp] = v;
1360 		gv = (int*)cub[v];
1361                 ADDELEMENT(visited,v);
1362                 lp[v] = num[v] = numvis++;
1364                 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1365 		{
1366 		    x = gv[i];
1367 		    if (x >= 0 && x != w && ISELEMENT(visited,x))
1368 			if (num[x] < lp[v])  lp[v] = num[x];
1369 		}
1370             }
1371             else
1372             {
1373                 w = v;                  /* back up to parent */
1374                 if (sp <= 1)          return numvis == n;
1375                 v = stack[--sp];
1376 		gv = (int*)cub[v];
1377                 if (lp[w] >= num[v])  return FALSE;
1378                 if (lp[w] < lp[v])    lp[v] = lp[w];
1379             }
1380         }
1381 }
1383 /**************************************************************************/
1385 static boolean
biconnected_cub_v(cubgraph cub,int vv,int n)1386 biconnected_cub_v(cubgraph cub, int vv, int n)
1387 /* test whether cub-vv is biconnected */
1388 {
1389         int i,sp,v,w,x,start;
1390         set visited[MAXM];
1391         int numvis,num[MAXN],lp[MAXN],stack[MAXN];
1392 	int m,*gv;
1394         if (n <= 3) return FALSE;
1395 	start = (vv == 0 ? 1 : 0);
1397 	m = (n + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE;
1398 	EMPTYSET(visited,m);
1399 	ADDELEMENT(visited,start);
1400 	ADDELEMENT(visited,vv);
1402         stack[0] = start;
1403         num[start] = 0;
1404         lp[start] = 0;
1405         numvis = 1;
1406         sp = 0;
1407         v = start;
1408 	gv = (int*)cub[v];
1410         for (;;)
1411         {
1412 	    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1413 		if (gv[i] >= 0 && !ISELEMENT(visited,gv[i])) break;
1415             if (i < 3)
1416             {
1417                 w = v;
1418                 v = gv[i];  /* visit next child */
1419                 stack[++sp] = v;
1420 		gv = (int*)cub[v];
1421                 ADDELEMENT(visited,v);
1422                 lp[v] = num[v] = numvis++;
1424                 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1425 		{
1426 		    x = gv[i];
1427 		    if (x >= 0 && x != w && x != vv && ISELEMENT(visited,x))
1428 			if (num[x] < lp[v])  lp[v] = num[x];
1429 		}
1430             }
1431             else
1432             {
1433                 w = v;                  /* back up to parent */
1434                 if (sp <= 1)          return numvis == n-1;
1435                 v = stack[--sp];
1436 		gv = (int*)cub[v];
1437                 if (lp[w] >= num[v])  return FALSE;
1438                 if (lp[w] < lp[v])    lp[v] = lp[w];
1439             }
1440         }
1441 }
1443 /**************************************************************************/
1445 static boolean
biconnected_v(graph * g,int vv,int m,int n)1446 biconnected_v(graph *g, int vv, int m, int n)
1447 /* test whether g-vv is biconnected */
1448 /* version for arbitrary sizes */
1449 {
1450         int i,sp,v,w;
1451 	setword ww;
1452         set sw[MAXM],visited[MAXM];
1453         int numvis,num[MAXN],lp[MAXN],stack[MAXN];
1454 	int start;
1455 	set *gv;
1457         if (n <= 3) return FALSE;
1459 	start = vv == 0 ? 1 : 0;
1460 	EMPTYSET(visited,m);
1461 	ADDELEMENT(visited,start);
1462 	ADDELEMENT(visited,vv);
1464         stack[0] = start;
1465         num[start] = 0;
1466         lp[start] = 0;
1467         numvis = 1;
1468         sp = 0;
1469         v = start;
1470 	gv = (set*)g + m*v;
1472         for (;;)
1473         {
1474 	    for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
1475 		if ((ww = gv[i] & ~visited[i])) break; /* = */
1477             if (i < m)
1478             {
1479                 w = v;
1480                 v = TIMESWORDSIZE(i) + FIRSTBIT(ww);   /* visit next child */
1481                 stack[++sp] = v;
1482 		gv = (set*)g + m*v;
1483                 ADDELEMENT(visited,v);
1484                 lp[v] = num[v] = numvis++;
1485 		for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
1486 		    sw[i] = gv[i] & visited[i];
1487 		DELELEMENT(sw,w);
1488 		DELELEMENT(sw,vv);
1490                 for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
1491 		{
1492 		    ww = sw[i];
1493                     while (ww)
1494                     {
1495 			TAKEBIT(w,ww);
1496 			w += TIMESWORDSIZE(i);
1497                         if (num[w] < lp[v])  lp[v] = num[w];
1498                     }
1499 		}
1500             }
1501             else
1502             {
1503                 w = v;                  /* back up to parent */
1504                 if (sp <= 1)     return numvis == n-1;
1505                 v = stack[--sp];
1506 		gv = (set*)g + m*v;
1507                 if (lp[w] >= num[v])  return FALSE;
1508                 if (lp[w] < lp[v])    lp[v] = lp[w];
1509             }
1510         }
1511 }
1513 /**************************************************************************/
1515 static boolean
triconnected_cub(cubgraph cub,int n)1516 triconnected_cub(cubgraph cub, int n)
1517 /* test whether triconnected; awfully inefficient */
1518 {
1519 	int vv;
1521 	if (n <= 3) return FALSE;
1523 	for (vv = n-1; --vv >= 0;)
1524 	    if (!biconnected_cub_v(cub,vv,n)) return FALSE;
1526 	return TRUE;
1527 }
1529 /**************************************************************************/
1531 static boolean
gtocub(graph * g,int m,int n,cubgraph cub,int * pne)1532 gtocub(graph *g, int m, int n, cubgraph cub, int *pne)
1533 /* Convert nauty-format graph into cubgraph.  Returns FALSE if there
1534  * are any vertices of degree 4 or more.
1535  */
1536 {
1537 	int i,j,nde;
1538 	set *gi;
1540 	nde = 0;
1541 	for (i = 0, gi = (set*)g; i < n; ++i, gi += m)
1542 	{
1543 	    cub[i][0] = cub[i][1] = cub[i][2] = -1;
1544 	    j = nextelement(gi,m,-1);
1545 	    if (j < 0) continue;
1546 	    cub[i][0] = j;
1547 	    ++nde;
1548 	    j = nextelement(gi,m,j);
1549             if (j < 0) continue;
1550             cub[i][1] = j;
1551 	    ++nde;
1552 	    j = nextelement(gi,m,j);
1553             if (j < 0) continue;
1554             cub[i][2] = j;
1555 	    ++nde;
1556 	    if (nextelement(gi,m,j) >= 0) return FALSE;
1557 	}
1559 	*pne = nde / 2;
1560 	return TRUE;
1561 }
1563 /**************************************************************************/
1565 static boolean
sgtocub(sparsegraph * sg,cubgraph cub,int * pne)1566 sgtocub(sparsegraph *sg, cubgraph cub, int *pne)
1567 /* Convert sparse-format graph into cubgraph.  Returns FALSE if there
1568  * are any vertices of degree 4 or more.
1569  */
1570 {
1571 	int *d,*e;
1572 	size_t *v;
1573 	int n,i,j,vi;
1574 	unsigned long int nde;
1576 	nde = 0;
1577 	n = sg->nv;
1578 	SG_VDE(sg,v,d,e);
1579 	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1580 	{
1581 	    if (d[i] >= 4) return FALSE;
1582 	    vi = v[i];
1584 	    cub[i][0] = cub[i][1] = cub[i][2] = -1;
1585 	    for (j = 0; j < d[i]; ++j)
1586 	       cub[i][j] = e[vi+j];
1587 	    nde += d[i];
1588 	}
1590 	*pne = nde / 2;
1591 	return TRUE;
1592 }
1594 /**************************************************************************/
1596 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])1597 main(int argc, char *argv[])
1598 {
1599         char *infilename,*outfilename;
1600         FILE *infile,*outfile,*msgfile;
1601         boolean badargs,biconn,triconn,fragment;
1602 	boolean in,out,inin,inout,e34,e34plus,testing;
1603         nauty_counter numread,noncub,nonham,nonconn,numto;
1604         int ch,weight,m,n,ne,i,namesgot,nl;
1605 	int nbad,limit,x0[BADLIM],x1[BADLIM],y0[BADLIM],y1[BADLIM];
1606 	sparsegraph sg;
1607 	int vv[MAXA],vi[MAXA],nvv,cyc[MAXN];
1608         int yy[MAXA],yi[MAXA],nyy;
1609 	double t0,t1;
1610 	cubgraph cub;
1611         char *arg;
1612 	int codetype;
1614         infilename = outfilename = NULL;
1615         badargs = FALSE;
1616 	e34plus = e34 = in = out = inin = inout = FALSE;
1617 	fragment = biconn = triconn = testing = FALSE;
1618 	verbose = 0;
1619 	weight = 100;
1620 	nvv = nyy = 0;
1621 	timeout = 0;
1622 	repeats = 1;
1624      /* parse argument list */
1626         namesgot = 0;
1627         for (i = 1; i < argc && !badargs; ++i)
1628         {
1629             arg = argv[i];
1630             if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] != '\0')
1631             {
1632                 if (arg[1] == 'v')
1633                     verbose = (verbose == 0 ? 1 : verbose);
1634 		else if (arg[1] == 'V')
1635 		    verbose = 2;
1636                 else if (arg[1] == 'i')
1637                     in = TRUE;
1638                 else if (arg[1] == 'I')
1639                     inin = TRUE;
1640                 else if (arg[1] == 'o')
1641                     out = TRUE;
1642 		else if (arg[1] == 'x')
1643 		    inout = TRUE;
1644 		else if (arg[1] == 'e')
1645 		    e34 = TRUE;
1646 		else if (arg[1] == 'E')
1647 		    e34 = e34plus = TRUE;
1648                 else if (arg[1] == 'b')
1649                     biconn = TRUE;
1650                 else if (arg[1] == 't')
1651                     triconn = TRUE;
1652                 else if (arg[1] == 'Q')
1653                     testing = TRUE;
1654                 else if (arg[1] == 'F')
1655                     fragment = TRUE;
1656 		else if (arg[1] == 'n')
1657 		{
1658 		    if (nvv == MAXA)
1659 		    {
1660 			fprintf(stderr,">E cubhamg : too many -n switches\n");
1661 			exit(1);
1662 		    }
1663 		    if (sscanf(arg+2,"%d-%d",&vv[nvv],&vi[nvv]) != 2)
1664 			badargs = TRUE;
1665 		    else if (vi[nvv] < 1 || vi[nvv] > 3)
1666 		    {
1667 			fprintf(stderr,
1668                                ">E cubhamg : second arg of -n must be 1..3\n");
1669 			exit(1);
1670 		    }
1671 		    ++nvv;
1672 		}
1673 		else if (arg[1] == 'y')
1674 		{
1675 		    if (nyy == MAXA)
1676 		    {
1677 			fprintf(stderr,">E cubhamg : too many -y switches\n");
1678 			exit(1);
1679 		    }
1680 		    if (sscanf(arg+2,"%d-%d",&yy[nyy],&yi[nyy]) != 2)
1681 			badargs = TRUE;
1682 		    else if (yi[nyy] < 1 || yi[nyy] > 3)
1683 		    {
1684 			fprintf(stderr,
1685                                ">E cubhamg : second arg of -y must be 1..3\n");
1686 			exit(1);
1687 		    }
1688 		    ++nyy;
1689 		}
1690 		else if (arg[1] >= '0' && arg[1] <= '9')
1691 		    sscanf(arg+1,"%d",&weight);
1692 		else if (arg[1] == 'T')
1693 		{
1694 		    if (sscanf(arg+2,"%ld",&timeout) != 1 || timeout < 0)
1695 		    {
1696 			fprintf(stderr,">E cubhamg : bad -T value\n");
1697 			exit(1);
1698 		    }
1699 		    else if (timeout > NO_LIMIT-1)
1700 			timeout = NO_LIMIT - 1;
1701 		}
1702 		else if (arg[1] == 'R')
1703 		{
1704 		    if (sscanf(arg+2,"%ld",&repeats) != 1 || repeats < 1)
1705 		    {
1706 			fprintf(stderr,">E cubhamg : bad -R value\n");
1707 			exit(1);
1708 		    }
1709 		}
1710 		else
1711 		    badargs = TRUE;
1712             }
1713             else
1714             {
1715                 if (namesgot == 0)
1716                 {
1717                     namesgot = 1;
1718                     infilename = arg;
1719                 }
1720                 else if (namesgot == 1)
1721                 {
1722                     namesgot = 2;
1723                     outfilename = arg;
1724                 }
1725                 else
1726                     badargs = TRUE;
1727             }
1728         }
1730 	if (badargs)
1731 	{
1732 	    fprintf(stderr,
1733          ">E Usage: cubhamg [-#] [-v | -V] [-n#-#] [-y#-#] [infile [outfile]]\n");
1734 	    exit(1);
1735 	}
1737      /* open input file */
1739         if (infilename && infilename[0] == '-') infilename = NULL;
1740         infile = opengraphfile(infilename,&codetype,FALSE,1);
1741         if (!infile) exit(1);
1742         if (!infilename) infilename = "stdin";
1744         if (infilename == NULL) infilename = "stdin";
1746         NODIGRAPHSYET(codetype);
1748      /* open output file */
1750         if (outfilename == NULL || outfilename[0] == '-')
1751         {
1752             outfile = stdout;
1753             outfilename = "stdout";
1754             msgfile = stderr;
1755         }
1756         else
1757         {
1758             msgfile = stdout;
1759             if ((outfile = fopen(outfilename,"w")) == NULL)
1760             {
1761                 fprintf(stderr,
1762                     ">E cubhamg: can't open %s for writing\n",outfilename);
1763                 ABORT(">E cubhamg");
1764             }
1765         }
1767 	if (triconn) biconn = FALSE;
1768 	if (e34) in = out = inin = inout = FALSE;
1769 	if (inout) in = out = inin = FALSE;
1770 	if (inin) in = out = FALSE;
1771 	if (out) in = FALSE;
1772 	if (testing) out = TRUE;
1774 	if (codetype&HAS_HEADER)
1775         {
1776             if (codetype&SPARSE6) writeline(outfile,SPARSE6_HEADER);
1777             else                  writeline(outfile,GRAPH6_HEADER);
1778         }
1780 //if (codetype&SPARSE6) outproc = writes6;
1781 //else                  outproc = writeg6;
1783 	numread = noncub = nonham = nonconn = 0;
1784 	numto = 0;
1786 	t0 = CPUTIME;
1788 	limit = verbose ? BADLIM : 1;
1790 	SG_INIT(sg);
1791 	while (read_sg(infile,&sg))
1792 	{
1793 	    ++numread;
1794 	    n = sg.nv;
1796 	    if (n >= MAXN-1)
1797 	    {
1798 		fprintf(stderr,
1799                     ">E cubhamg: input " COUNTER_FMT " too big\n",numread);
1800 		exit(1);
1801 	    }
1802 #if MAXM==1
1803 	    if (3*n >= 2*WORDSIZE)
1804 	    {
1805 		fprintf(stderr,
1806                     ">E cubhamg: must compile with MAXM>1 for ne>WORDSIZE\n");
1807 		exit(1);
1808 	    }
1809 #endif
1811 	    if (!sgtocub(&sg,cub,&ne))
1812 	    {
1813 		if (verbose)
1814 		    fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1815                                     " has maxdeg>3.\n",numread);
1816 		++noncub;
1817 	    }
1818 	    else if (biconn && !biconnected_cub(cub,n))
1819 		++nonconn;
1820 	    else if (triconn && !triconnected_cub(cub,n))
1821 		++nonconn;
1822             else if (e34)
1823             {
1824                 if ((nbad = hase34(cub,n,ne,x0,x1,y0,e34plus,limit)) > 0)
1825                 {
1826                     if (verbose)
1827 		    {
1828                         fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1829                                         " fails property e34%s:",
1830                                                numread,e34plus ? "+" : "");
1831 			if (e34plus)
1832 			    for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i)
1833 			        fprintf(msgfile," %d-%d[%02x]",
1834 						x0[i],x1[i],y0[i]);
1835 			else
1836 			    for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i)
1837 			        fprintf(msgfile," %d-%d",x0[i],x1[i]);
1838 			fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1839 		    }
1840                     ++nonham;
1841                     writelast(outfile);
1842                 }
1843             }
1844 	    else if (inout)
1845 	    {
1846 		if ((nbad = hasinout(cub,n,ne,x0,x1,y0,y1,limit)) > 0)
1847 		{
1848 		    if (verbose)
1849                     {
1850                         fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1851                                         " fails property -+:",numread);
1852                         for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i)
1853                             fprintf(msgfile," %d-%d/%d-%d",
1854 				    x0[i],x1[i],y0[i],y1[i]);
1855                         fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1856                     }
1857 		    ++nonham;
1858                     writelast(outfile);
1859 		}
1860 	    }
1861             else if (inin)
1862             {
1863                 if ((nbad = hasinin(cub,n,ne,x0,x1,y0,y1,limit)) > 0)
1864                 {
1865                     if (verbose)
1866 		    {
1867                         fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1868                                         " fails property ++:",numread);
1869                         for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i)
1870                             fprintf(msgfile," %d-%d/%d-%d",
1871                                     x0[i],x1[i],y0[i],y1[i]);
1872                         fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1873                     }
1874                     ++nonham;
1875                     writelast(outfile);
1876                 }
1877             }
1878             else if (out)
1879             {
1880                 if ((nbad = hasout(cub,n,ne,weight,x0,x1,limit)) != 0)
1881                 {
1882                     if (verbose)
1883 		    {
1884 			if (nbad == -2)
1885                             fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1886                                         " timed out\n",numread);
1887 			else if (nbad == -1)
1888                             fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1889                                         " is nonhamiltonian\n",numread);
1890 			else
1891 			{
1892                             fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1893                                             " fails property -:",numread);
1894                             for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i)
1895                                 fprintf(msgfile," %d-%d",x0[i],x1[i]);
1896                             fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1897 		 	}
1898                     }
1899 		    if (nbad != -1)
1900 		    {
1901                         ++nonham;
1902                         writelast(outfile);
1903 		    }
1904                 }
1905             }
1906             else if (in)
1907             {
1908                 if ((nbad = hasin(cub,n,ne,x0,x1,limit)) > 0)
1909                 {
1910                     if (verbose)
1911                     {
1912                         fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1913                                         " fails property +:",numread);
1914                         for (i = 0; i < nbad; ++i)
1915                             fprintf(msgfile," %d-%d",x0[i],x1[i]);
1916                         fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1917                     }
1918                     ++nonham;
1919                     writelast(outfile);
1920                 }
1921             }
1922 	    else if (fragment)
1923             {
1924 		dofragment(numread,cub,n,ne,weight);
1925             }
1926 	    else if ((ch = isham(cub,n,ne,weight,vv,vi,nvv,yy,yi,nyy,cyc)) == NO)
1927 	    {
1928 	   	if (verbose)
1929                     fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT
1930                                     " is not hamiltonian.\n",numread);
1931                 ++nonham;
1932 		writelast(outfile);
1933 	    }
1934 	    else if (ch == HABORT)
1935 	    {
1936                 if (verbose)
1937                     fprintf(msgfile,"Input " COUNTER_FMT " timed out.\n",numread);
1938                 ++numto;
1939                  writelast(outfile);
1940             }
1941 	    else if (verbose >= 2)
1942 	    {
1943 		fprintf(msgfile,"Cycle in input " COUNTER_FMT ":\n",numread);
1944 		if (n <= 100) nl = 26;
1945 		else          nl = 19;
1946 		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1947 	 	{
1948 		    if (i > 0 && i % nl == 0) fprintf(msgfile,"\n ");
1949 		    fprintf(msgfile," %d",cyc[i]);
1950 		}
1951 		fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1952 	    }
1953 	}
1954 	t1 = CPUTIME;
1956 	fprintf(msgfile,">C " COUNTER_FMT
1957                         " graphs read from %s\n",numread,infilename);
1958 	if (noncub > 0)
1959 	    fprintf(msgfile,">C " COUNTER_FMT " graphs with maxdeg > 3\n",noncub);
1960 	if (nonconn > 0)
1961 	    fprintf(msgfile,">C " COUNTER_FMT " graphs not %sconnected\n",
1962 			    nonconn,biconn ? "bi" : "tri");
1963 	if (numto > 0)
1964 	    fprintf(msgfile,">C " COUNTER_FMT " graphs timed out\n",numto);
1965 	fprintf(msgfile,
1966  	    ">Z " COUNTER_FMT " %s graphs written to %s; %3.2f sec\n",
1967               nonham+numto, e34 ? (e34plus ? "non-e34+" : "non-e34") :
1968 	            inout ? "non-inout" :
1969                         out ? "non-out" :
1970 		            in ? "non-in" : "nonhamiltonian",
1971                 outfilename,t1-t0);
1972 	if (verbose)
1973 	{
1974 	    fprintf(msgfile,"Tries:");
1975 	    for (i = 0; i <= NUMMAXNODES && numtries[i] > 0; ++i)
1976 		fprintf(msgfile," " COUNTER_FMT,numtries[i]);
1977 	    fprintf(msgfile,"\n");
1978 	}
1979 #if MAXES
1980 	fprintf(msgfile,"Maximum level = %d; Maximum classstack = %d\n",
1981 		maxlevel,maxclassstack);
1982 #endif
1984 	return 0;
1985 }