1 /***********************************************************************
2  @C-file{
3     author              = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
4     version             = "2.00",
5     date                = "10 December 2000",
6     time                = "08:44:08 MST",
7     filename            = "ndiff.c",
8     copyright           = "Copyright (c) 2000 Nelson H. F. Beebe. This
9 			   code is licensed under the GNU General Public
10 			   License, version 2 or later.",
11     address             = "Center for Scientific Computing
12 			   University of Utah
13 			   Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC
14 			   155 S 1400 E RM 233
15 			   Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
16 			   USA",
17     telephone           = "+1 801 581 5254",
18     FAX                 = "+1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148",
19     URL                 = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe",
20     checksum            = "31885 1715 5905 53017",
21     email               = "beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org,
22 			   beebe@computer.org, beebe@ieee.org
23 			   (Internet)",
24     codetable           = "ISO/ASCII",
25     keywords            = "numerical file differencing",
26     supported           = "yes",
27     docstring           = "This program compares two putatively similar
28 			   files, ignoring small numeric differences.
29 			   Complete documentation can be found in the
30 			   accompanying UNIX manual page file,
31 			   ndiff.man.
33 			   Usage:
34 				ndiff [ -? ] [ -abserr abserr ]
35 				      [ -author ] [ -copyright ]
36 				      [ -fields n1a-n1b,n2,n3a-n3b,... ]
37 				      [ -help ] [ -logfile filename ]
38 				      [ -minwidth nnn ]
39 				      [ -outfile filename ]
40 				      [ -precision number-of-bits ]
41 				      [ -quick ] [ -quiet ]
42 				      [ -relerr relerr ]
43 				      [ -separators regexp ] [ -silent ]
44 				      [ -version ] [ -www ] infile1 infile2
46 			   The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
47 			   checksum as the first value, followed by the
48 			   equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
49 			   count) utility output of lines, words, and
50 			   characters.  This is produced by Robert
51 			   Solovay's checksum utility.",
52  }
53 ***********************************************************************/
55 /***********************************************************************
56  Coding conventions:
58     (1) This program is written in strictly-conforming 1989 ANSI/ISO
59 	Standard C (ANSI X3.159-1989, ISO/IEC 9899:1990).  No
60 	concession is made to the now-obsolete Kernighan & Ritchie style
61 	of C programming, since at the time of writing, the 1989
62 	language standard is over a decade old.  Standard-conforming
63 	C compilers have been available since at least the mid-1990s on
64 	every commercially-significant desktop, server, mini, and
65 	mainframe computer system.
67 	The new ANSI/ISO C language standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1999,
68 	informally known as C99, has been published, but no
69 	C99-conformant compilers are yet available (in late 2000) to
70 	test this program.
72     (2) Functions are defined in strict lexicographic order and written
73 	in the 7-bit ASCII character set, which occupies the first 128
74 	positions in the ISO8859-1 and Unicode character sets.
76     (3) Macros are spelled entirely in uppercase.  Global variables are
77 	spelled with an initial capital letter.  Functions are spelled
78 	entirely in lowercase.  Embedded underscores are used to make
79 	names more readable.  Even if lettercase is ignored, there are
80 	no clashes between local and global names, and all global names
81 	are unique in the first six characters, ignoring lettercase, as
82 	required by Section 3.1.2 of ANSI X3.159-1989.
84     (4) No preprocessor conditional may depend on any system-specific
85 	symbols, except in the associated configure script and the
86 	single confix.h file.
88     (5) No system header files may be included, except those
89 	defined in ANSI/ISO Standard C.  All header file #include
90 	statements must be bracketed by conditionals #if HAVE_xxx
91 	... #endif.  The HAVE_xxx symbols are defined in config.h,
92 	and determined automatically by the autoconfigure process.
94     (6) The code has been prettyprinted by the Free Software
95 	Foundation's GNU Project C prettyprinter, indent, using these
96 	options: -bap -bcd -bl -bli0 -di4 -i4 -ncdb -nce -ncs -nfc1
97 	-nip -npcs -nsc (normally stored in .indent.pro in the user's
98 	home directory).
100     (7) In order to be usable for handling files of arbitrary precision,
101 	this program uses the GNU Multiple Precision library, GMP, if it
102 	is found to be available at installation time.
104 	Otherwise, it will fall back to using extended (quadruple)
105 	precision, using the data type "long double", if that is
106 	supported.
108 	Failing that, it will revert to standard double precision (C
109 	data type "double").
111 	The only operational difference between these three choices is
112 	the ability to handle a wider exponent range than normal, and
113 	detect numeric differences of small magnitude.  The --version
114 	option will display the version number, along with the
115 	floating-point precision that is supported, and the machine
116 	epsilon. The precise numeric value of the latter may depend on
117 	an earlier --precision nnn option.
119     (8) In the event that the program is built using native precision,
120 	rather than GMP, the code should be relatively insensitive to
121 	the precise behavior of native arithmetic, including the choice
122 	of base, the number of bits or digits, the exponent range, and
123 	the availability of representations of infinity and NaN
124 	(not-a-number).
126 	The author has only systems implementing IEEE 754 floating-point
127 	arithmetic available for testing, but there should be no
128 	problems with arithmetic in IBM S/390 mainframe format,
129 	Compaq/DEC VAX format, or SGI/Cray format.
131 	Nor should the code be sensitive to the presence of longer
132 	intermediate-precision hardware registers, such as on the
133 	Intel x86 and Motorola 68K architectures, where registers hold
134 	80-bit values in temporary real format (1-bit sign, 15-bit
135 	exponent, 64-bit significand with no hidden bit), while memory
136 	words hold 64-bit values in double format (1-bit sign, 11-bit
137 	exponent, 53-bit significand including a leading hidden 1-bit,
138 	except in the case of denormalized values near the underflow
139 	limit, where there is no leading 1-bit, and normalization
140 	requirements are relaxed).
142 	Special programming care is taken when necessary to ensure that
143 	longer-precision registers do not produce anomalous results,
144 	such as in the computation of the machine epsilon.
146 ***********************************************************************/
148 #include "awklib.h"
150 #include "ndiff.h"
152 #if !defined(DATE)
153 #define DATE "unknown"
154 #endif
156 #if !defined(VERSION)
157 #define VERSION "unknown"
158 #endif
160 #if defined(DEBUG)
161 #define DEBUGPRINT(plist) (void)fprintf plist
162 #else
163 #define DEBUGPRINT(plist)
164 #endif
166 typedef struct
167 {
168     const char *name;
169     size_t min_length;
170     size_t(*optfun) (const char *next_arg);
171 }
172 option_table;
174 static awk_table_t Fields;
176 static const char *CNULL = (const char *)NULL;
177 static const char *InFile1 = (const char *)NULL;
178 static const char *InFile2 = (const char *)NULL;
180 /***********************************************************************
181   The precise value of the regular expression, NUMBER_PATTERN, to match
182   both an integer and a floating-point number is critical, and
183   documented in the accompanying manual page: it must match not only the
184   awk- and C-style -nnn, -n.nnn, and -n.nnne+nn, but also the Fortran
185   styles -nnn, -n.nnn, -n.D+nn, -.nnD+nn, -nD+nn, -n.nnnQ+nn,
186   -n.nnnd+nn, and -n.nnn+nnn.  The Fortran forms will be converted by
187   awkfloat() to awk-form.  Ada permits an nonsignificant underscore
188   between digits, so we support that too.
189 ***********************************************************************/
191 static const char *NUMBER_PATTERN =
192     "^[-+]?([0-9](_?[0-9])*([.]?([0-9](_?[0-9])*)*)?|[.][0-9](_?[0-9])*)([DdEeQq]?[-+]?[0-9](_?[0-9])*)?$";
194 static char *Program_Name = "ndiff";
196 static int Done = 0;
197 static int Error_Count = 0;
198 static int QUIET = 0;
199 static int SILENT = 0;
201 static fp_t ABSERR;
202 static fp_t Macheps;
203 static fp_t Max_Abserr;
204 static fp_t Max_Relerr;
205 static fp_t RELERR;
206 static fp_t This_Abserr;
207 static fp_t This_Relerr;
208 static fp_t Zero;
210 static size_t Max_Abserr_NF = 0;
211 static size_t Max_Abserr_NR = 0;
212 static size_t Max_Relerr_NF = 0;
213 static size_t Max_Relerr_NR = 0;
214 static size_t MINWIDTH = 0;
215 static size_t N_Fields = 0;
216 static size_t NRLINE = 0;
218 #if HAVE_GMP
219 static unsigned long int Precision = 256;
220 #endif
222 int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
223 static void cleanup(void);
224 static void compare_all(const char *f1line, const char *f2line,
225 			const char *f1parts[], const char *f2parts[],
226 			size_t n);
227 static void compare_files(const char *infile1, const char *infile2);
228 static void compare_some(const char *f1line, const char *f2line,
229 			 const char *f1parts[], const char *f2parts[],
230 			 size_t n);
231 static void compare_some(const char *f1line, const char *f2line,
232 			 const char *f1parts[], const char *f2parts[],
233 			 size_t n);
234 static int diff_field(const char *field1, const char *field2, size_t nfield);
235 static void do_args(int argc, char *argv[]);
236 static size_t do_one_arg(const char *this_arg, const char *next_arg);
237 static void error(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3);
238 static void fp_abs(fp_t * result, fp_t a);
239 static void fp_assign(fp_t * result, fp_t a);
240 static void fp_clear(fp_t a);
241 static int fp_cmp(fp_t a, fp_t b);
242 static void fp_div(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b);
243 static void fp_init(fp_t * a);
244 static void fp_max(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b);
245 static void fp_min(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b);
246 static void fp_mul(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b);
247 static void fp_sub(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b);
248 static const char *fp_to_string(fp_t a, int ndigits);
249 static int ignore(const char *field);
250 static void initialize(int argc, char *argv[]);
251 static void initialize_fields(const char *fields);
252 static void machine_epsilon(fp_t * result);
253 static void maxrelerr(fp_t * result, fp_t x, fp_t y);
254 static size_t opt_abserr(const char *next_arg);
255 static size_t opt_author(const char *next_arg);
256 static size_t opt_copyright(const char *next_arg);
257 static size_t opt_fields(const char *next_arg);
258 static size_t opt_help(const char *next_arg);
259 static size_t opt_logfile(const char *next_arg);
260 static size_t opt_minwidth(const char *next_arg);
261 static size_t opt_outfile(const char *next_arg);
262 static size_t opt_precision(const char *next_arg);
263 static size_t opt_quick(const char *next_arg);
264 static size_t opt_quiet(const char *next_arg);
265 static size_t opt_relerr(const char *next_arg);
266 static size_t opt_separators(const char *next_arg);
267 static size_t opt_silent(const char *next_arg);
268 static size_t opt_version(const char *next_arg);
269 static size_t opt_www(const char *next_arg);
270 static void print_lines(FILE * file, const char *lines[]);
271 static void report_difference(const char *f1line, const char *f2line,
272 			      size_t nfield);
273 static void string_to_fp(fp_t * result, const char *s);
274 static void usage(void);
275 static void warning(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3);
277 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])278 main(int argc, char *argv[])
279 {
280     initialize(argc, argv);
281     if ( (InFile1 == CNULL) || (InFile2 == CNULL) )
282 	usage();
283     else
284 	compare_files(InFile1, InFile2);
285     cleanup();
287     return ((Error_Count == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
288 }
291 static void
cleanup(void)292 cleanup(void)
293 {
294     /*******************************************************************
295       Free dynamically-allocated memory prior to exiting.
296     *******************************************************************/
298     fp_clear(ABSERR);
299     fp_clear(Macheps);
300     fp_clear(Max_Abserr);
301     fp_clear(Max_Relerr);
302     fp_clear(RELERR);
303     fp_clear(This_Abserr);
304     fp_clear(This_Relerr);
305     fp_clear(Zero);
307     awk_free_table(Fields.table, N_Fields);
308     awk_terminate();
309 }
312 static void
compare_all(const char * f1line,const char * f2line,const char * f1parts[],const char * f2parts[],size_t n)313 compare_all(const char *f1line, const char *f2line, const char *f1parts[],
314 	    const char *f2parts[], size_t n)
315 {
316     /*******************************************************************
317       Compare all fields in f1line and f2line, assuming that they have
318       already been split into n parts in f1parts[] and f2parts[].
320       If any fields differ, print a diff-style report, and increment
321       global variable Error_Count,
322     *******************************************************************/
324     size_t k;
326     for (k = 1; k <= n; ++k)
327     {
328 	if (diff_field(f1parts[k], f2parts[k], k) != 0)
329 	{
330 	    report_difference(f1line, f2line, k);
331 	    return;
332 	}
333     }
334 }
337 static void
compare_files(const char * infile1,const char * infile2)338 compare_files(const char *infile1, const char *infile2)
339 {
340     /*******************************************************************
341       Compare all lines in two files, printing a diff-style report of
342       differences.  If any numeric differences have been found, print a
343       one-line report of which matching line had the largest numeric
344       difference.  Finally, print a diagnostic if the files differ in
345       length.
346     *******************************************************************/
348     const char *f1line;
349     const char *f2line;
350     const char **f1parts;
351     const char **f2parts;
352     size_t n1;
353     size_t n2;
355     f1line = CNULL;		/* keep optimizers happy */
356     f2line = CNULL;
357     f1parts = &CNULL;
358     f2parts = &CNULL;
360     NRLINE = 0;
361     while ((awk_getline(infile1, &f1line) > 0)
362 	   && (awk_getline(infile2, &f2line) > 0))
363     {
364 	NRLINE++;
365 	n1 = awk_split(f1line, &f1parts, CNULL);
366 	n2 = awk_split(f2line, &f2parts, CNULL);
367 	if (n1 == n2)
368 	{
369 	    if (N_Fields == 0)
370 		compare_all(f1line, f2line, f1parts, f2parts, n1);
371 	    else
372 		compare_some(f1line, f2line, f1parts, f2parts, n1);
373 	}
374 	else
375 	    report_difference(f1line, f2line, (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2);
376 	awk_free_table(f1parts, n1);
377 	awk_free_table(f2parts, n2);
378 	awk_free_string(f1line);
379 	awk_free_string(f2line);
380     }
381     if (QUIET == 0)
382     {
383 	const char *t;
385 	if ((fp_cmp(ABSERR, Zero) != 0) && (fp_cmp(Max_Abserr, Zero) > 0))
386 	{
387 	    t = fp_to_string(Max_Abserr, 3);
388 	    (void)printf("### Maximum absolute error in matching lines = %s at line %d field %d\n",
389 		 t, (int)Max_Abserr_NR, (int)Max_Abserr_NF);
390 	    awk_free_string(t);
392 	}
393 	if ((fp_cmp(RELERR, Zero) != 0) && (fp_cmp(Max_Relerr, Zero) > 0))
394 	{
395 	    t = fp_to_string(Max_Relerr, 3);
396 	    (void)printf("### Maximum relative error in matching lines = %s at line %d field %d\n",
397 		 t, (int)Max_Relerr_NR, (int)Max_Relerr_NF);
398 	    awk_free_string(t);
399 	}
400     }
401     if (awk_getline(infile1, &f1line) > 0)
402     {
403 	awk_free_string(f1line);
404 	warning("second file is short", "", "");
405     }
406     if (awk_getline(infile2, &f2line) > 0)
407     {
408 	awk_free_string(f2line);
409 	warning("first file is short", "", "");
410     }
411     awk_close_infile(infile1);
412     awk_close_infile(infile2);
413 }
416 static void
compare_some(const char * f1line,const char * f2line,const char * f1parts[],const char * f2parts[],size_t n)417 compare_some(const char *f1line, const char *f2line, const char *f1parts[],
418 	     const char *f2parts[], size_t n)
419 {
420     /*******************************************************************
421       Compare selected fields in f1line and f2line, assuming that they
422       have already been split into n parts in f1parts[] and f2parts[].
423       The globals (N_Fields, Fields[]) define which fields are to be
424       compared.
426       If any fields differ, print a diff-style report, and increment
427       global variable Error_Count.
428     *******************************************************************/
430     size_t k;
431     size_t m;
433     for (k = 1; (k <= N_Fields) && (k <= n); ++k)
434     {
435 	m = (size_t) awk_string_to_unsigned_long(Fields.table[k]);
436 	if ((m <= n) && diff_field(f1parts[m], f2parts[m], m) != 0)
437 	{
438 	    report_difference(f1line, f2line, m);
439 	    return;
440 	}
441     }
442 }
445 static int
diff_field(const char * field1,const char * field2,size_t nfield)446 diff_field(const char *field1, const char *field2, size_t nfield)
447 {
448     /*******************************************************************
449       If both fields are identical as strings, return 0.
451       Otherwise, if both fields are numeric, return 0 if they are close
452       enough (as determined by the globals ABSERR and RELERR), or are both
453       ignorable (as determined by MINWIDTH), and otherwise return 1.
455       Otherwise, return 1.
457       The computed absolute and relative errors are saved in global
458       variables (This_Abserr and This_Relerr) for later use in diagnostic
459       reports.  These values are always zero for nonnumeric fields.
460     *******************************************************************/
462     fp_t f1;
463     fp_t f2;
464     int retval;
466     fp_assign(&This_Abserr, Zero);
467     fp_assign(&This_Relerr, Zero);
468     if (strcmp(field1, field2) == 0)	/* handle the commonest, and easiest, case first */
469 	return (0);
470     else if (awk_match(field1, NUMBER_PATTERN) &&
471 	     awk_match(field2, NUMBER_PATTERN))
472     {
473 	/* Handle MINWIDTH test while the fields are still strings */
474 	if (ignore(field1) && ignore(field2))
475 	    return (0);
477 	/* Now coerce both fields to floating-point numbers,
478 	   converting Fortran-style exponents, if necessary. */
479 	fp_init(&f1);
480 	fp_init(&f2);
482 	string_to_fp(&f1, field1);
483 	string_to_fp(&f2, field2);
485 	fp_sub(&This_Abserr, f1, f2);
486 	fp_abs(&This_Abserr, This_Abserr);
487 	maxrelerr(&This_Relerr, f1, f2);
488 	fp_abs(&This_Relerr, This_Relerr);
490 	retval = 0;	/* assume fields match, then try to prove they do not */
492 	if ((fp_cmp(ABSERR, Zero) != 0) && (fp_cmp(This_Abserr, ABSERR) > 0))
493 	    retval = 1;			/* mismatch: absolute error too large */
494 	if ((fp_cmp(RELERR, Zero) != 0) && (fp_cmp(This_Relerr, RELERR) > 0))
495 	    retval = 1;			/* mismatch: relative error too large */
497 	if (retval == 0)		/* fields match, so update the */
498 	{				/* maximum errors in matching lines */
499 	    if (fp_cmp(This_Abserr, Max_Abserr) > 0)
500 	    {
501 		Max_Abserr_NF = nfield;
502 		Max_Abserr_NR = NRLINE;
503 		fp_assign(&Max_Abserr, This_Abserr);
504 	    }
505 	    if (fp_cmp(This_Relerr, Max_Relerr) > 0)
506 	    {
507 		Max_Relerr_NF = nfield;
508 		Max_Relerr_NR = NRLINE;
509 		fp_assign(&Max_Relerr, This_Relerr);
510 	    }
511 	}
513 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.01: f1          = %s\n", fp_to_string(f1,10)));
514 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.02: f2          = %s\n", fp_to_string(f2,10)));
515 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.03: This_Abserr = %s\n", fp_to_string(This_Abserr,10)));
516 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.04: This_Relerr = %s\n", fp_to_string(This_Relerr,10)));
517 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.05: Max_Abserr  = %s\n", fp_to_string(Max_Abserr,10)));
518 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.06: Max_Relerr  = %s\n", fp_to_string(Max_Relerr,10)));
520 	fp_clear(f1);
521 	fp_clear(f2);
522 	return (retval);
523     }
524     else if (awk_is_NaN(field1) &&
525 	     awk_is_NaN(field2))
526 	return (0);
527     else if (awk_is_negative_infinity(field1) &&
528 	     awk_is_negative_infinity(field2))
529 	return (0);
530     else if (awk_is_positive_infinity(field1) &&
531 	     awk_is_positive_infinity(field2))
532 	return (0);
533     else
534 	return (1);
535 }
538 static void
do_args(int argc,char * argv[])539 do_args(int argc, char *argv[])
540 {
541     /*******************************************************************
542       Scan the command-line arguments and hand them each off to
543       do_one_arg() for processing.  Terminate if the Done flag is
544       set, or if errors occurred.
545     *******************************************************************/
548     size_t k;
550     for (k = 1; k < (size_t)argc; ++k)
551 	k += do_one_arg(argv[k], argv[k + 1]);
553     if (Done || (Error_Count > 0))
554     {
555 	cleanup();
556 	exit((Error_Count == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
557     }
558 }
561 static size_t
do_one_arg(const char * this_arg,const char * next_arg)562 do_one_arg(const char *this_arg, const char *next_arg)
563 {
564     /*******************************************************************
565       Match a command-line argument against the option table, and invoke
566       the required processing function on it.  If it is not an argument,
567       then it must be one of the command-line input files.
568     *******************************************************************/
570     size_t extra;
571     size_t n;
572     size_t m;
573     static option_table options[] = {
574 	{"?", 1, opt_help},
575 	{"abserr", 1, opt_abserr},
576 	{"absolute-error", 4, opt_abserr},
577 	{"author", 2, opt_author},
578 	{"copyleft", 5, opt_copyright},
579 	{"copyright", 1, opt_copyright},
580 	{"fields", 1, opt_fields},
581 	{"help", 1, opt_help},
582 	{"logfile", 1, opt_logfile},
583 	{"minwidth", 1, opt_minwidth},
584 	{"minimum-width", 4, opt_minwidth},
585 	{"outfile", 1, opt_outfile},
586 	{"precision", 1, opt_precision},
587 	{"quick", 4, opt_quick},
588 	{"quiet", 1, opt_quiet},
589 	{"relerr", 1, opt_relerr},
590 	{"relative-error", 4, opt_relerr},
591 	{"separators", 2, opt_separators},
592 	{"silent", 1, opt_silent},
593 	{"version", 1, opt_version},
594 	{"www", 1, opt_www},
595 	{(const char *)NULL, 0, (size_t (*)(const char *))NULL}
596     };
598     const char *org_arg;
599     const char *arg;
601     arg = org_arg = awk_tolower(this_arg);
602     if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] == '-'))	/* GNU/POSIX-style --option */
603 	arg += 2;
604     else if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] != '\0')) /* UNIX-style -option */
605 	arg++;
606     else			/* not option: expect input filename */
607     {
608 	if (InFile1 == CNULL)
609 	{
610 	    InFile1 = this_arg;
611 	    awk_free_string(org_arg);
612 	    return (0);
613 	}
614 	else if (InFile2 == CNULL)
615 	{
616 	    InFile2 = this_arg;
617 	    awk_free_string(org_arg);
618 	    return (0);
619 	}
620     }
622     extra = 0;
623     n = strlen(arg);
624     for (m = 0; options[m].name != CNULL; ++m)
625     {
626 	if ((n >= options[m].min_length)
627 	    && (strncmp(options[m].name, arg, n) == 0))
628 	{
629 	    extra = options[m].optfun(next_arg);
630 	    awk_free_string(org_arg);
631 	    return (extra);
632 	}
633     }
634     warning("unrecognized option ", this_arg, "");
635     Error_Count++;
637     awk_free_string(org_arg);
638     return (0);
639 }
642 static void
error(const char * s1,const char * s2,const char * s3)643 error(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3)
644 {
645     /*******************************************************************
646       Report a fatal error and terminate.
647     *******************************************************************/
649     (void)fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: %s%s%s\n", s1, s2, s3);
650     cleanup();
651     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
652 }
655 static void
fp_abs(fp_t * result,fp_t a)656 fp_abs(fp_t * result, fp_t a)
657 {
658     /*******************************************************************
659       Store the absolute value of the argument in *result, which is
660       assumed to already be properly initialized.
661     *******************************************************************/
663 #if HAVE_GMP
664     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.1: a = %s\n", fp_to_string(a,10)));
665     mpf_abs(*result, a);
666     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.2: abs(a) = %s\n", fp_to_string(*result,10)));
667 #else
668     *result = ((a < 0) ? -a : a);
669 #endif
670 }
673 static void
fp_assign(fp_t * result,fp_t a)674 fp_assign(fp_t * result, fp_t a)
675 {
676     /*******************************************************************
677       Assign a to *result, where both are assumed to already be properly
678       initialized.
679     *******************************************************************/
681 #if HAVE_GMP
682     mpf_set(*result, a);
683 #else
684     *result = a;
685 #endif
686 }
689 static void
fp_clear(fp_t a)690 fp_clear(fp_t a)
691 {
692     /*******************************************************************
693       Clear a floating-point variable.
694     *******************************************************************/
696 #if HAVE_GMP
697     mpf_clear(a);
698 #endif
699 }
702 static int
fp_cmp(fp_t a,fp_t b)703 fp_cmp(fp_t a, fp_t b)
704 {
705     /*******************************************************************
706       Compare two floating-point numbers, a and b, and return -2 if
707       either is a NaN, -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, and otherwise +1 if
708       a > b.
709     *******************************************************************/
711 #if HAVE_GMP
712     int n;
714     n = mpf_cmp(a, b);
716     if (n < 0)
717 	return (-1);
718     else if (n == 0)
719 	return (0);
720     else
721 	return (+1);
722 #else
723     if (a != a)			/* then a is a NaN */
724 	return (-2);
725     else if (b != b)		/* then b is a NaN */
726 	return (-2);
727     else if (a < b)
728 	return (-1);
729     else if (a == b)
730 	return (0);
731     else
732 	return (+1);
733 #endif
735 }
738 static void
fp_div(fp_t * result,fp_t a,fp_t b)739 fp_div(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b)
740 {
741     /*******************************************************************
742       Return a/b in *result, which is assumed to have been properly
743       initialized.
744     *******************************************************************/
746 #if HAVE_GMP
747     mpf_div(*result, a, b);
748 #else
749     *result = a / b;
750 #endif
752 }
755 static void
fp_init(fp_t * a)756 fp_init(fp_t *a)
757 {
758     /*******************************************************************
759       Initialize a floating-point variable.
760     *******************************************************************/
762 #if HAVE_GMP
763     mpf_init(*a);
765     *a = 0.0L;
766 #else
767     *a = 0.0;
768 #endif
769 }
772 static void
fp_max(fp_t * result,fp_t a,fp_t b)773 fp_max(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b)
774 {
775     /*******************************************************************
776       Store the larger of the two arguments a and b in *result, which
777       is assumed to have been properly initialized.  *result may be
778       either a or b.
779     *******************************************************************/
781 #if HAVE_GMP
782     if (fp_cmp(a, b) > 0)
783 	mpf_set(*result, a);
784     else
785 	mpf_set(*result, b);
786 #else
787     *result = (a > b) ? a : b;
788 #endif
789 }
792 static void
fp_min(fp_t * result,fp_t a,fp_t b)793 fp_min(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b)
794 {
795     /*******************************************************************
796       Store the smaller of the two arguments a and b in *result, which
797       is assumed to have been properly initialized.  *result may be
798       either a or b.
799     *******************************************************************/
801 #if HAVE_GMP
802     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.3: a = %s, b = %s\n", fp_to_string(a,10), fp_to_string(b,10)));
803     if (fp_cmp(a, b) < 0)
804 	mpf_set(*result, a);
805     else
806 	mpf_set(*result, b);
807     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.4: min(a,b) = %s\n", fp_to_string(*result,10)));
808 #else
809     *result = (a < b) ? a : b;
810 #endif
811 }
814 static void
fp_mul(fp_t * result,fp_t a,fp_t b)815 fp_mul(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b)
816 {
817     /*******************************************************************
818       Return a*b in *result, which is assumed to have been properly
819       initialized.
820     *******************************************************************/
822 #if HAVE_GMP
823     mpf_mul(*result, a, b);
824 #else
825     *result = a * b;
826 #endif
828 }
831 static void
fp_sub(fp_t * result,fp_t a,fp_t b)832 fp_sub(fp_t * result, fp_t a, fp_t b)
833 {
834     /*******************************************************************
835       Store the difference a - b in *result, which is assumed to already
836       be properly initialized.
837     *******************************************************************/
839 #if HAVE_GMP
840     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.5: a = %s, b = %s\n", fp_to_string(a,10), fp_to_string(b,10)));
841     mpf_sub(*result, a, b);
842     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.6: fp_sub(*result,a,b) = %s\n", fp_to_string(*result,10)));
843 #else
844     *result = a - b;
845 #endif
846 }
849 static double
fp_to_double(fp_t a)850 fp_to_double(fp_t a)
851 {
852     /*******************************************************************
853       Convert a to a double precision value and return it.
854     *******************************************************************/
856     const char *s;
857     double d;
859     s = fp_to_string(a, 35);
860     d = strtod(s, (char **)NULL);
861     awk_free_string(s);
863     return (d);
864 }
867 static const char *
fp_to_string(fp_t a,int n_digits)868 fp_to_string(fp_t a, int n_digits)
869 {
870     /*******************************************************************
871       Convert a to a string in a standard format, and return a pointer
872       to a dynamically-allocated string containing the result.  If
873       n_digits is negative or zero, then as many digits as required will
874       be used.  Otherwise, the number will have 1 non-zero digit before
875       the decimal point, and n_digits - 1 digits after.  The exponent is
876       always signed, and contains at least two digits, with no embedded
877       spaces.
878     *******************************************************************/
880 #if HAVE_GMP
881     char *s;
882     char *t;
883     mp_exp_t e;
885     if (mpf_sgn(a) == 0)		/* mpf_get_str() returns "" for zero */
886 	return (awk_dupstr("0.0e+00"));
887     else
888     {
889 	t = mpf_get_str((char *)NULL, (mp_exp_t *) & e, 10, 0, a);
890 	if ((n_digits > 0) && (n_digits < strlen(t)))
891 	    t[n_digits] = '\0';
892 	s = awk_padstr(t, 1 + 40);	/* extra space for e plus 128-bit integer (39 digits + sign) */
893 	if (t[0] == '-')
894 	    (void)sprintf(s, "%c%c.%se%+.2ld",
895 			  (int)t[0], (int)t[1], (t[2] ? &t[2] : "0"), (long int)(e - 1));
896 	else
897 	    (void)sprintf(s, "%c.%se%+.2ld",
898 			  (int)t[0], (t[1] ? &t[1] : "0"), (long int)(e - 1));
899 	awk_free_string(t);
900 	return ((const char *)s);
901     }
902 #else
903     char s[128];		/* big enough for double and quadruple precision */
906     (void)sprintf(s, "%.*Le", n_digits - 1, a);
907 #else
908     (void)sprintf(s, "%.*e", n_digits - 1, a);
909 #endif
911     return (awk_dupstr(s));
912 #endif
914 }
917 static int
ignore(const char * field)918 ignore(const char *field)
919 {
920     /*******************************************************************
921       Return 1 if field is ignorable, because it is shorter than
922       MINWIDTH and appears to be a real number.  Otherwise, return 0.
923     *******************************************************************/
925     return ((MINWIDTH > 0) &&
926 	    (strlen(field) < MINWIDTH) &&
927 	    awk_match(field, "[.DdEeQq]"));
928 }
931 static void
initialize(int argc,char * argv[])932 initialize(int argc, char *argv[])
933 {
934     /*******************************************************************
935       Process command-line options, and initialize global variables.
936     *******************************************************************/
938     Program_Name = (argv[0] == (char*)NULL) ? "ndiff" : argv[0];
939     awk_initialize();
941 #if HAVE_GMP
942     mpf_set_default_prec(Precision);
943 #endif
945     fp_init(&ABSERR);
946     fp_init(&Macheps);
947     fp_init(&Max_Abserr);
948     fp_init(&Max_Relerr);
949     fp_init(&RELERR);
950     fp_init(&This_Abserr);
951     fp_init(&This_Relerr);
952     fp_init(&Zero);
954     fp_assign(&ABSERR, Zero);
955     fp_assign(&Max_Abserr, Zero);
956     fp_assign(&Max_Relerr, Zero);
957     fp_assign(&RELERR, Zero);
958     fp_assign(&This_Abserr, Zero);
959     fp_assign(&This_Relerr, Zero);
960     Max_Abserr_NF = 0;
961     Max_Abserr_NR = 0;
962     Max_Relerr_NF = 0;
963     Max_Relerr_NR = 0;
965     awk_new_table(&Fields);
966     N_Fields = 0;
967     Error_Count = 0;
969     machine_epsilon(&Macheps);
971     do_args(argc, argv);
973     if ((fp_cmp(ABSERR, Zero) == 0) && (fp_cmp(RELERR, Zero) == 0))	/* supply default (see man pages) */
974     {
975 #if HAVE_GMP
976 	fp_t temp;
978 	mpf_init_set_d(temp, 8.0);	/* temp = 8.0 */
979 	mpf_mul(temp, temp, Macheps);	/* temp = 8.0 * Macheps */
980 	mpf_set_d(RELERR, 1.0e-15);	/* RELERR = 1.0e-15 */
981 	fp_max(&RELERR, RELERR, temp);
982 	mpf_clear(temp);
983 #else
984 	fp_max(&RELERR, (fp_t) 1.0e-15, (fp_t) 8.0 * Macheps);
985 #endif
986     }
987 }
990 static void
initialize_fields(const char * fields)991 initialize_fields(const char *fields)
992 {
993     /*******************************************************************
994       Convert a FIELDS=n1a-n1b,n2,n3a-n3b,... specification to a list
995       of N_Fields numbers in Fields[].
996     *******************************************************************/
998     size_t j;
999     size_t k;
1000     size_t m;
1001     size_t n;
1002     const char **numbers;
1003     const char **parts;
1005     numbers = &CNULL;		/* keep optimizers happy */
1006     parts = &CNULL;
1008     N_Fields = 0;
1009     n = awk_split(fields, &parts, ",");
1010     for (k = 1; k <= n; ++k)
1011     {
1012 	m = awk_split(parts[k], &numbers, "-+");
1013 	if (m == 1)
1014 	{
1015 	    if (!awk_match(parts[k], "^[0-9]+$"))
1016 		error("non-numeric fields value [", parts[k], "]");
1017 	    else if (parts[k] == 0)
1018 		error("zero fields value [", parts[k],
1019 		      "]: fields are numbered from 1");
1020 	    else
1021 		awk_add_element(&Fields, ++N_Fields, awk_dupstr(parts[k]));
1022 	}
1023 	else if (m == 2)
1024 	{
1025 	    if ((!awk_match(numbers[1], "^[0-9]+$")) ||
1026 		(!awk_match(numbers[2], "^[0-9]+$")))
1027 		error("non-numeric fields range [", parts[k], "]");
1028 	    else if ((awk_string_to_long(numbers[1]) == 0L) ||
1029 		     (awk_string_to_long(numbers[2]) == 0L))
1030 		error("zero value in fields range [", parts[k],
1031 		      "]: fields are numbered from 1");
1032 	    else if (awk_string_to_long(numbers[1]) >
1033 		     awk_string_to_long(numbers[2]))
1034 		error("bad fields range [", parts[k], "]");
1035 	    else if ((awk_string_to_long(numbers[2]) -
1036 		      awk_string_to_long(numbers[1]) + 1) > 100)
1037 		error("fields range [", parts[k], "] exceeds 100");
1038 	    else
1039 	    {
1040 		for (j = (size_t) awk_string_to_unsigned_long(numbers[1]);
1041 		     j <= (size_t) awk_string_to_unsigned_long(numbers[2]);
1042 		     ++j)
1043 		    awk_add_element(&Fields, ++N_Fields,
1044 				    awk_unsigned_long_to_string(
1045 								(unsigned
1046 								 long)j));
1047 	    }
1048 	}
1049 	else
1050 	    error("bad fields range [", parts[k], "]");
1051 	awk_free_table(numbers, m);
1052     }
1053     awk_free_table(parts, n);
1054 }
1057 static void
machine_epsilon(fp_t * result)1058 machine_epsilon(fp_t * result)
1059 {
1060     /*******************************************************************
1061       Store the machine epsilon (the smallest number x such that (1 + x)
1062       differs from 1) in *result, which is assumed to have been properly
1063       initialized.
1064     *******************************************************************/
1066     static fp_t x;
1067     static fp_t y;
1069 #if HAVE_GMP
1070     fp_t half;
1072     mpf_init_set_d(half, 0.5);	/* half = 0.5 */
1073     mpf_init_set_d(x, 1.0);	/* x = 1.0 */
1074     mpf_init(y);
1075     mpf_mul(y, half, x);	/* y = 0.5*x */
1076     mpf_add_ui(y, y, 1UL);	/* y = 1 + 0.5*x */
1077     DEBUGPRINT((stderr, "DEBUG: machine_epsilon(): x = %s\ty = %s\n",
1078 		  fp_to_string(x, 3), fp_to_string(y, 0)));
1079     while (mpf_cmp_ui(y, 1UL) != 0)
1080     {
1081 	mpf_mul(x, half, x);	/* x = 0.5*x */
1082 	mpf_mul(y, half, x);	/* y = 0.5*x */
1083 	mpf_add_ui(y, y, 1UL);	/* y = 1 + 0.5*x */
1084 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr, "DEBUG: machine_epsilon(): x = %s\ty = %s\n",
1085 		      fp_to_string(x, 3), fp_to_string(y, 0)));
1086     }
1088     mpf_clear(y);
1089     mpf_clear(half);
1090     mpf_set(*result, x);
1091     mpf_clear(x);
1093     x = 1.0L;
1094     y = 1.0L + x * 0.5L;
1095     store(&y);
1096     while (y != 1.0L)
1097     {
1098 	store(&x);
1099 	x *= 0.5L;
1100 	y = 1.0L + x * 0.5L;
1101 	store(&y);
1102 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr, "DEBUG: machine_epsilon(): x = %.35Lg\ty = %.35Lg\n",
1103 		      (long double)x, (long double)y));
1104     }
1105     *result = x;
1106 #else
1107     x = 1.0;
1108     y = 1.0 + x * 0.5;
1109     store(&y);
1110     while (y != 1.0)
1111     {
1112 	store(&x);
1113 	x *= 0.5;
1114 	y = 1.0 + x * 0.5;
1115 	store(&y);
1116 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr, "DEBUG: machine_epsilon(): x = %.35g\ty = %.35g\n",
1117 		      (double)x, (double)y));
1118     }
1119     *result = x;
1120 #endif
1122     DEBUGPRINT((stderr, "DEBUG: Macheps = %s\n", fp_to_string(*result, 0)));
1123 }
1126 static void
maxrelerr(fp_t * result,fp_t x,fp_t y)1127 maxrelerr(fp_t * result, fp_t x, fp_t y)
1128 {
1129     /*******************************************************************
1130       Compute the maximum relative error of two values, x and y, and
1131       store it in *result.
1132     *******************************************************************/
1134     fp_t t1;
1135     fp_t t2;
1136     fp_t t3;
1137     fp_t xabs;
1138     fp_t yabs;
1140     fp_init(&t1);
1141     fp_init(&t2);
1142     fp_init(&t3);
1143     fp_init(&xabs);
1144     fp_init(&yabs);
1146     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.70: x = %s\n", fp_to_string(x,10)));
1147     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.71: y = %s\n", fp_to_string(y,10)));
1149     fp_abs(&xabs, x);
1150     fp_abs(&yabs, y);
1152     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.72: x = %s\n", fp_to_string(xabs,10)));
1153     DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 0.73: y = %s\n", fp_to_string(yabs,10)));
1155     /* See the documentation of the -relerr option in ndiff.man for the
1156        explanation of this complex definition: */
1158     if (fp_cmp(x, y) == 0)
1159 	fp_assign(result, Zero);	/* *result = 0 */
1160     else if ((fp_cmp(x, Zero) != 0) && (fp_cmp(y, Zero) != 0))
1161     {
1162 	fp_sub(&t1, x, y);		/* t1 = x - y */
1163 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 1: t1 = %s = %s - %s\n", fp_to_string(t1,10), fp_to_string(x,10), fp_to_string(y,10)));
1164 	fp_abs(&t1, t1);		/* t1 = abs(x - y) */
1165 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 2: t1 = %s\n", fp_to_string(t1,10)));
1166 	fp_min(&t2, xabs, yabs);	/* t2 = min(abs(x),abs(y)) */
1167 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 3: t2 = %s = min(%s,%s)\n", fp_to_string(t1,10), fp_to_string(xabs,10), fp_to_string(yabs,10)));
1168 	fp_div(result, t1, t2);		/* *result = abs(x-y)/min(x,y) */
1169 	DEBUGPRINT((stderr,"DEBUG 4: *result = %s\n", fp_to_string(*result,10)));
1170     }
1171     else if ((fp_cmp(x, Zero) == 0) && (fp_cmp(y, Zero) != 0))
1172 	string_to_fp(result,"1");	/* *result = 1 */
1173     else if ((fp_cmp(y, Zero) == 0) && (fp_cmp(x, Zero) != 0))
1174 	string_to_fp(result,"1");	/* *result = 1 */
1175     else
1176 	fp_assign(result, Zero);	/* *result = 0 */
1178     fp_clear(t1);
1179     fp_clear(t2);
1180     fp_clear(t3);
1181     fp_clear(xabs);
1182     fp_clear(yabs);
1183 }
1186 static size_t
opt_abserr(const char * next_arg)1187 opt_abserr(const char *next_arg)
1188 {
1189     /*******************************************************************
1190       Process the -abserr option, and return the number of extra
1191       arguments consumed.
1192     *******************************************************************/
1194     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1195 	error("expected -abserr absolute-error", "", "");
1196     string_to_fp(&ABSERR, next_arg);
1197     return (1);
1198 }
1201 static size_t
opt_author(const char * next_arg)1202 opt_author(const char *next_arg)
1203 {
1204     /*******************************************************************
1205       Process the -author option, and return the number of extra
1206       arguments consumed.
1207     *******************************************************************/
1209     static const char *lines[] = {
1210 	"Author:",
1211 	"\tNelson H. F. Beebe",
1212 	"\tCenter for Scientific Computing",
1213 	"\tUniversity of Utah",
1214 	"\tDepartment of Mathematics, 322 INSCC",
1215 	"\t155 S 1400 E RM 233",
1216 	"\tSalt Lake City, UT 84112-0090",
1217 	"\tUSA",
1218 	"\tEmail: beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org,",
1219 	"\t       beebe@computer.org, beebe@ieee.org (Internet)",
1220 	"\tWWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe",
1221 	"\tTelephone: +1 801 581 5254",
1222 	"\tFAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148",
1223 	(const char *)NULL,
1224     };
1226     print_lines(stderr, lines);
1227     Done = 1;
1228     return (0);
1229 }
1232 static size_t
opt_copyright(const char * next_arg)1233 opt_copyright(const char *next_arg)
1234 {
1235     /*******************************************************************
1236       Process the -copyright option, and return the number of extra
1237       arguments consumed.
1238     *******************************************************************/
1240     static const char *lines[] = {
1241 	"########################################################################",
1242 	"########################################################################",
1243 	"########################################################################",
1244 	"###                                                                  ###",
1245 	"### ndiff: compare putatively similar files, ignoring small numeric  ###",
1246 	"###        differences                                               ###",
1247 	"###                                                                  ###",
1248 	"###              Copyright (C) 2000 Nelson H. F. Beebe               ###",
1249 	"###                                                                  ###",
1250 	"### This program is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL), ###",
1251 	"### version 2 or later, available as the file COPYING in the program ###",
1252 	"### source distribution, and on the Internet at                      ###",
1253 	"###                                                                  ###",
1254 	"###               ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/GPL                          ###",
1255 	"###                                                                  ###",
1256 	"###               http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html               ###",
1257 	"###                                                                  ###",
1258 	"### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    ###",
1259 	"### modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   ###",
1260 	"### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   ###",
1261 	"### the License, or (at your option) any later version.              ###",
1262 	"###                                                                  ###",
1263 	"### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  ###",
1264 	"### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   ###",
1266 	"### GNU General Public License for more details.                     ###",
1267 	"###                                                                  ###",
1268 	"### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public        ###",
1269 	"### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free       ###",
1270 	"### Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,   ###",
1271 	"### MA 02111-1307 USA.                                               ###",
1272 	"########################################################################",
1273 	"########################################################################",
1274 	"########################################################################",
1275 	(const char *)NULL
1276     };
1278     print_lines(stderr, lines);
1279     Done = 1;
1280     return (0);
1281 }
1284 static size_t
opt_fields(const char * next_arg)1285 opt_fields(const char *next_arg)
1286 {
1287     /*******************************************************************
1288       Process the -fields option, and return the number of extra
1289       arguments consumed.
1290     *******************************************************************/
1292     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1293 	error("expected -fields fields", "", "");
1294     initialize_fields(next_arg);
1295     return (1);
1296 }
1299 static size_t
opt_help(const char * next_arg)1300 opt_help(const char *next_arg)
1301 {
1302     /*******************************************************************
1303       Process the -help option, and return the number of extra
1304       arguments consumed.
1305     *******************************************************************/
1307     static const char *lines[] = {
1308 	"Usage:",
1309 	"\tndiff [ -? ] [ -abserr abserr ] [ -author ] [ -copyright ]",
1310 	"\t      [ -fields n1a-n1b,n2,n3a-n3b,...  ] [ -help ]",
1311 	"\t      [ -logfile filename ] [ -minwidth nnn ] [ -outfile filename ]",
1312 	"\t      [ -precision number-of-bits ] [ -quick ] [ -quiet ]",
1313 	"\t      [ -relerr relerr ] [ -separators regexp ] [ -silent ]",
1314 	"\t      [ -version ] [ -www ]",
1315 	"\t      infile1 infile2",
1316 	(const char *)NULL
1317     };
1319     print_lines(stderr, lines);
1320     Done = 1;
1321     return (0);
1322 }
1325 static size_t
opt_logfile(const char * next_arg)1326 opt_logfile(const char *next_arg)
1327 {
1328     /*******************************************************************
1329       Process the -logfile option, and return the number of extra
1330       arguments consumed.
1331     *******************************************************************/
1333     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1334 	error("expected -logfile filename", "", "");
1335     if (freopen(next_arg, "w", stderr) == (FILE *) NULL)
1336     {
1337 	cleanup();
1338 	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	/* no stderr error left to report an error on */
1339     }
1340     return (1);
1341 }
1344 static size_t
opt_minwidth(const char * next_arg)1345 opt_minwidth(const char *next_arg)
1346 {
1347     /*******************************************************************
1348       Process the -minwidth option, and return the number of extra
1349       arguments consumed.
1350     *******************************************************************/
1352     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1353 	error("expected -minwidth width", "", "");
1354     MINWIDTH = (size_t) awk_string_to_unsigned_long(next_arg);
1355     return (1);
1356 }
1359 static size_t
opt_outfile(const char * next_arg)1360 opt_outfile(const char *next_arg)
1361 {
1362     /*******************************************************************
1363       Process the -outfile option, and return the number of extra
1364       arguments consumed.
1365     *******************************************************************/
1367     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1368 	error("expected -outfile filename", "", "");
1369     if (freopen(next_arg, "w", stdout) == (FILE *) NULL)
1370 	error("could not reopen ", next_arg, " on stdout");
1371     return (1);
1372 }
1375 static size_t
opt_precision(const char * next_arg)1376 opt_precision(const char *next_arg)
1377 {
1378     /*******************************************************************
1379       Process the -precision option, and return the number of extra
1380       arguments consumed.
1381     *******************************************************************/
1383     size_t n;
1385     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1386 	error("expected -precision number-of-bits", "", "");
1387     n = (size_t) awk_string_to_unsigned_long(next_arg);
1388     if (n > 0)
1389     {
1390 #if HAVE_GMP
1391 	Precision = n;
1392 	mpf_set_default_prec(Precision);
1393 	machine_epsilon(&Macheps);	/* must be updated when precision changes */
1394 #else
1395 	warning
1396 	    ("no support for multiple-precision arithmetic has been compiled into this version",
1397 	     "", "");
1398 #endif
1399     }
1400     return (1);
1401 }
1404 static size_t
opt_quick(const char * next_arg)1405 opt_quick(const char *next_arg)
1406 {
1407     /*******************************************************************
1408       Process the -quick option, and return the number of extra
1409       arguments consumed.
1410     *******************************************************************/
1412     return (0);			/* TO DO: complete this complex function */
1413 }
1416 static size_t
opt_quiet(const char * next_arg)1417 opt_quiet(const char *next_arg)
1418 {
1419     /*******************************************************************
1420       Process the -quiet option, and return the number of extra
1421       arguments consumed.
1422     *******************************************************************/
1424     QUIET = 1;
1425     return (0);
1426 }
1429 static size_t
opt_relerr(const char * next_arg)1430 opt_relerr(const char *next_arg)
1431 {
1432     /*******************************************************************
1433       Process the -relerr option, and return the number of extra
1434       arguments consumed.
1435     *******************************************************************/
1436     fp_t one;
1438     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1439 	error("expected -relerr relative-error", "", "");
1440     string_to_fp(&RELERR, next_arg);
1442     fp_init(&one);
1443     string_to_fp(&one,"1");
1445     if (fp_cmp(RELERR, Macheps) < 1)
1446     {
1447 	char s[100];
1448 	const char *t1;
1449 	const char *t2;
1451 	t1 = fp_to_string(RELERR, 3);
1452 	t2 = fp_to_string(Macheps, 6);
1453 	(void)sprintf(s,"RELERR = %s is below machine epsilon %s", t1, t2);
1454 	warning(s,"","");
1455 	awk_free_string(t1);
1456 	awk_free_string(t2);
1457     }
1458     else if (fp_cmp(RELERR, one) > 0)
1459 	fp_mul(&RELERR, RELERR, Macheps);
1461     fp_clear(one);
1463     return (1);
1464 }
1467 static size_t
opt_separators(const char * next_arg)1468 opt_separators(const char *next_arg)
1469 {
1470     /*******************************************************************
1471       Process the -separators option, and return the number of extra
1472       arguments consumed.
1473     *******************************************************************/
1475     if (next_arg == CNULL)
1476 	error("expected -separators separators", "", "");
1477     FS = next_arg;
1478     return (1);
1479 }
1482 static size_t
opt_silent(const char * next_arg)1483 opt_silent(const char *next_arg)
1484 {
1485     /*******************************************************************
1486       Process the -silent option, and return the number of extra
1487       arguments consumed.
1488     *******************************************************************/
1490     SILENT = 1;
1491     return (0);
1492 }
1495 static size_t
opt_version(const char * next_arg)1496 opt_version(const char *next_arg)
1497 {
1498     /*******************************************************************
1499       Process the -version option, and return the number of extra
1500       arguments consumed.
1501     *******************************************************************/
1502     const char *t;
1504     machine_epsilon(&Macheps);
1506     t = fp_to_string(Macheps, 3);
1507     (void)fprintf(stderr,
1508 		  "Version %s of [%s] [%s: epsilon = %s]\n",
1510     awk_free_string(t);
1511     Done = 1;
1512     return (0);
1513 }
1516 static size_t
opt_www(const char * next_arg)1517 opt_www(const char *next_arg)
1518 {
1519     /*******************************************************************
1520       Process the -www option, and return the number of extra arguments
1521       consumed.
1522     *******************************************************************/
1524     static const char *lines[] = {
1525 	"Master World-Wide Web source distribution:",
1526 	"\tftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/misc/ndiff-" VERSION ".tar.gz",
1527        	"\thttp://www.math.utah.edu/pub/misc/ndiff-" VERSION ".tar.gz",
1528 	(const char *)NULL,
1529     };
1531     print_lines(stderr, lines);
1532     Done = 1;
1533     return (0);
1534 }
1537 static void
print_lines(FILE * outfile,const char * lines[])1538 print_lines(FILE * outfile, const char *lines[])
1539 {
1540     /*******************************************************************
1541       Print the array of lines[] on outfile, supplying a newline after
1542       each.
1543     *******************************************************************/
1545     size_t k;
1547     for (k = 0; lines[k] != CNULL; ++k)
1548 	(void)fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", lines[k]);
1549 }
1552 static void
report_difference(const char * f1line,const char * f2line,size_t nfield)1553 report_difference(const char *f1line, const char *f2line, size_t nfield)
1554 {
1555     /*******************************************************************
1556       Print a diff-style difference of two lines, but also show in the
1557       separator line the field number at which they differ, and the global
1558       absolute and relative errors, if they are nonzero.
1559     *******************************************************************/
1561     if (SILENT == 0)
1562     {
1563 	(void)printf("%luc%lu\n", (unsigned long)NRLINE, (unsigned long)NRLINE);
1564 	(void)printf("< %s\n", f1line);
1565 	if ((fp_cmp(This_Abserr, Zero) != 0)
1566 	    || (fp_cmp(This_Relerr, Zero) != 0))
1567 	{
1568 	    const char *abserr;
1569 	    const char *relerr;
1570 	    fp_t emult;
1571 	    fp_t tenk;
1573 	    fp_init(&emult);
1574 	    fp_init(&tenk);
1576 	    fp_assign(&emult, This_Relerr);
1577 	    fp_div(&emult, emult, Macheps);	/* emult = This_Relerr / Macheps */
1578 	    fp_assign(&tenk, Zero);
1579 	    string_to_fp(&tenk, "10000");
1580 	    abserr = fp_to_string(This_Abserr, 3);
1581 	    relerr = fp_to_string(This_Relerr, 3);
1583 	    if (fp_cmp(ABSERR, Zero) == 0) /* suppress absolute error report */
1584 	    {
1585 		if (fp_cmp(emult, tenk) >= 0)
1586 		    (void)printf("--- field %d\trelative error %s\n",
1587 			   (int)nfield, relerr);
1588 		else
1589 		    (void)printf("--- field %d\trelative error %s [%d*(machine epsilon)]\n",
1590 			 (int)nfield, relerr, (int)(fp_to_double(emult) + 0.5));
1591 	    }
1592 	    else if (fp_cmp(RELERR, Zero) == 0)	/* suppress relative error report */
1593 		(void)printf("--- field %d\tabsolute error %s\n", (int)nfield, abserr);
1594 	    else			/* report both absolute and relative errors */
1595 	    {
1596 		if (fp_cmp(emult, tenk) >= 0)
1597 		    (void)printf("--- field %d\tabsolute error %s\trelative error %s\n",
1598 			   (int)nfield, abserr, relerr);
1599 		else
1600 		    (void)printf("--- field %d\tabsolute error %s\trelative error %s [%d*(machine epsilon)]\n",
1601 			 (int)nfield, abserr, relerr, (int)(fp_to_double(emult) + 0.5));
1602 	    }
1604 	    awk_free_string(abserr);
1605 	    awk_free_string(relerr);
1607 	    fp_clear(emult);
1608 	    fp_clear(tenk);
1609 	}
1610 	else
1611 	    (void)printf("--- field %d\n", (int)nfield);
1612 	(void)printf("> %s\n", f2line);
1613     }
1614     Error_Count++;
1615 }
1618 static void
string_to_fp(fp_t * result,const char * s)1619 string_to_fp(fp_t * result, const char *s)
1620 {
1621     /*******************************************************************
1622       Convert a numeric string to an fp_t floating-point number, and
1623       return the result as a pointer to a floating-point number in an
1624       internal buffer which will be overwritten on the next call.
1626       Fortran use has any of E, e, D, d, Q, or q, or even nothing at
1627       all, for the exponent letter, but awk and C only allow E and e.
1629       Ada usefully permits nonsignificant underscores for
1630       readability: 3.14159265358979323846 and
1631       3.14159_26535_89793_23846 are equivalent.
1633       We can safely assume that there are no leading or trailing
1634       whitespace characters, because all strings passed to this
1635       function are the result of splitting lines into
1636       whitespace-delimited fields.
1637     *******************************************************************/
1639     char *t;
1640     const char *t1;
1641     const char *t2;
1643     t = (char*)awk_dupstr(s);
1644     (void)awk_gsub("_", "", &t);	/* remove Ada-style separators */
1645     (void)awk_gsub("[DdQq]", "e", &t);	/* convert Fortran exponent letters to awk-style */
1646     if (awk_match(t, "[0-9.][-+][0-9]+$"))	/* then letter-less exponent */
1647     {
1648 	t1 = awk_substr(t, 1, RSTART);
1649 	t2 = awk_substr(t, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 1);
1650 	awk_free_string(t);
1651 	t = awk_padstr("",(size_t)(RSTART + RLENGTH));
1652 	(void)sprintf(t, "%se%s", t1, t2);	/* insert exponent letter e */
1653 	awk_free_string(t1);
1654 	awk_free_string(t2);
1655     }
1656     if (awk_match(t, "^[ \t]*[-+]?[.]")) /* missing digit before decimal point? */
1657     {					/* gmp does not recognize such numbers */
1658 	char *t3;
1660 	t3 = awk_padstr(t,1);
1661 	t3[RSTART + RLENGTH - 2] = '0';		/* supply leading zero digit */
1662 	(void)strcpy(&t3[RSTART+RLENGTH-1],&t[RSTART+RLENGTH-2]);
1663 	awk_free_string(t);
1664 	t = t3;
1665     }
1667 #if HAVE_GMP
1668     mpf_set_str(*result, t, 10);
1670     (void)sscanf(t, "%Lg", result);
1671 #else
1672     *result = (fp_t) awk_string_to_double(t);
1673 #endif
1675     awk_free_string(t);
1676 }
1679 static void
usage(void)1680 usage(void)
1681 {
1682     /*******************************************************************
1683       Print a usage message on stderr, and exit with a failure code.
1684     *******************************************************************/
1686     static const char *lines[] = {
1687 	"\t[ -? ] [ -abserr abserr ] [ -author ] [ -copyright ]",
1688 	"\t\t[ -fields n1a-n1b,n2,n3a-n3b,...  ] [ -help ]",
1689 	"\t\t[ -logfile filename ] [ -minwidth nnn ]",
1690 	"\t\t[ -outfile filename ] [ -precision number-of-bits ]",
1691 	"\t\t[ -quick ] [ -quiet ] [ -relerr relerr ]",
1692 	"\t\t[ -separators regexp ] [ -silent ] [ -version ]",
1693 	"\t\t[ -www ] infile1 infile2",
1694 	(const char *)NULL,
1695     };
1697     (void)fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t%s", Program_Name);
1698     print_lines(stderr, lines);
1699     cleanup();
1700     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1701 }
1704 static void
warning(const char * s1,const char * s2,const char * s3)1705 warning(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3)
1706 {
1707     /*******************************************************************
1708       Print a warning message on stderr, using emacs compile-command-style
1709       message format.
1710     *******************************************************************/
1711     if (FNR > 0)
1712 	(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s:%ld:%%%%%s%s%s\n", FILENAME, (long)FNR, s1, s2, s3);
1713     else			/* special case for diagnostics during initialization */
1714 	(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s\n", s1, s2, s3);
1715 }