1 /*
3 Copyright (C) 2014-2015   Thomas Vasileiou
5 This file is part of LTI Syncope.
7 LTI Syncope is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 LTI Syncope is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with LTI Syncope.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 H-infinity optimal controller using modified Glover's and Doyle's
21 formulas (continuous-time).
22 Uses SLICOT SB10AD by courtesy of NICONET e.V.
23 <http://www.slicot.org>
25 Author: Thomas Vasileiou <thomas-v@wildmail.com>
26 Created: January 2014
27 Version: 0.2
29 */
31 #include <octave/oct.h>
32 #include "common.h"
34 extern "C"
35 {
36     int F77_FUNC (sb10ad, SB10AD)
37                  (F77_INT& JOB,
38                   F77_INT& N, F77_INT& M, F77_INT& NP,
39                   F77_INT& NCON, F77_INT& NMEAS,
40                   double& GAMMA,
41                   double* A, F77_INT& LDA,
42                   double* B, F77_INT& LDB,
43                   double* C, F77_INT& LDC,
44                   double* D, F77_INT& LDD,
45                   double* AK, F77_INT& LDAK,
46                   double* BK, F77_INT& LDBK,
47                   double* CK, F77_INT& LDCK,
48                   double* DK, F77_INT& LDDK,
49                   double* AC, F77_INT& LDAC,
50                   double* BC, F77_INT& LDBC,
51                   double* CC, F77_INT& LDCC,
52                   double* DC, F77_INT& LDDC,
53                   double* RCOND,
54                   double& GTOL, double& ACTOL,
55                   F77_INT* IWORK, F77_INT& LIWORK,
56                   double* DWORK, F77_INT& LDWORK,
57                   F77_LOGICAL* BWORK, F77_INT& LBWORK,
58                   F77_INT& INFO);
59 }
61 // PKG_ADD: autoload ("__sl_sb10ad__", "__control_slicot_functions__.oct");
62 DEFUN_DLD (__sl_sb10ad__, args, nargout,
63    "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
64 Slicot SB10AD Release 5.0\n\
65 No argument checking.\n\
66 For internal use only.")
67 {
68     octave_idx_type nargin = args.length ();
69     octave_value_list retval;
71     if (nargin != 9)
72     {
73         print_usage ();
74     }
75     else
76     {
77         // arguments in
78         Matrix a = args(0).matrix_value ();
79         Matrix b = args(1).matrix_value ();
80         Matrix c = args(2).matrix_value ();
81         Matrix d = args(3).matrix_value ();
83         F77_INT ncon = args(4).int_value ();
84         F77_INT nmeas = args(5).int_value ();
85         double gamma = args(6).double_value ();
86         double gtol = args(7).double_value ();
87         double actol = args(8).double_value ();
89         F77_INT n = TO_F77_INT (a.rows ());      // n: number of states
90         F77_INT m = TO_F77_INT (b.columns ());   // m: number of inputs
91         F77_INT np = TO_F77_INT (c.rows ());     // np: number of outputs
93         F77_INT lda = max (1, TO_F77_INT (a.rows ()));
94         F77_INT ldb = max (1, TO_F77_INT (b.rows ()));
95         F77_INT ldc = max (1, TO_F77_INT (c.rows ()));
96         F77_INT ldd = max (1, TO_F77_INT (d.rows ()));
98         F77_INT ldak = max (1, n);
99         F77_INT ldbk = max (1, n);
100         F77_INT ldck = max (1, ncon);
101         F77_INT lddk = max (1, ncon);
103         F77_INT ldac = max (1, 2*n);
104         F77_INT ldbc = max (1, 2*n);
105         F77_INT ldcc = max (1, np-nmeas);
106         F77_INT lddc = max (1, np-nmeas);
108         F77_INT job = 1;
110         // arguments out
111         Matrix ak (ldak, n);
112         Matrix bk (ldbk, nmeas);
113         Matrix ck (ldck, n);
114         Matrix dk (lddk, nmeas);
115         Matrix ac (ldac, 2*n);
116         Matrix bc (ldbc, m-ncon);
117         Matrix cc (ldcc, 2*n);
118         Matrix dc (lddc, m-ncon);
119         ColumnVector rcond (4);
121         // workspace
123         F77_INT m2 = ncon;
124         F77_INT m1 = m - m2;
125         F77_INT np2 = nmeas;
126         F77_INT np1 = np - np2;
127         F77_INT nd1 = np1 - m2;
128         F77_INT nd2 = m1 - np2;
130         F77_INT liwork = max (2*max (n, m-ncon, np-nmeas, ncon, nmeas), n*n);
131         F77_INT lw1 = n*m + np*n + np*m + m2*m2 + np2*np2;
132         F77_INT lw2 = max ((n + np1 + 1)*(n + m2) +
133                   max (3*(n + m2) + n + np1, 5*(n + m2)),
134                       (n + np2)*(n + m1 + 1) +
135                   max (3*(n + np2) + n + m1, 5*(n + np2)),
136                       m2 + np1*np1 +
137                   max (np1*max (n, m1), 3*m2 + np1, 5*m2),
138                       np2 + m1*m1 +
139                   max (max (n, np1)*m1, 3*np2 + m1, 5*np2));
140         F77_INT lw3 = max (nd1*m1 + max (4*min (nd1, m1) + max (nd1,m1),
141                       6*min (nd1, m1)), np1*nd2 +
142                   max (4*min (np1, nd2) + max (np1, nd2),
143                                     6*min (np1, nd2)));
144         F77_INT lw4 = 2*m*m + np*np + 2*m*n + m*np + 2*n*np;
145         F77_INT lw5 = 2*n*n + m*n + n*np;
146         F77_INT lw6 = max (m*m + max (2*m1, 3*n*n +
147                   max (n*m, 10*n*n + 12*n + 5)),
148                       np*np + max (2*np1, 3*n*n +
149                   max (n*np, 10*n*n + 12*n + 5)));
150         F77_INT lw7 = m2*np2 + np2*np2 + m2*m2 +
151                   max (nd1*nd1 + max (2*nd1, (nd1 + nd2)*np2),
152                       nd2*nd2 + max (2*nd2, nd2*m2), 3*n,
153                       n*(2*np2 + m2) +
154                   max (2*n*m2, m2*np2 +
155                   max (m2*m2 + 3*m2, np2*(2*np2 + m2 + max (np2, n)))));
156         F77_INT ldwork = lw1 + max (1, lw2, lw3, lw4, lw5 + max (lw6,lw7));
157         F77_INT lbwork = 2*n;
159         OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (F77_INT, iwork, liwork);
160         OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dwork, ldwork);
161         OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (F77_LOGICAL, bwork, lbwork);
163         // error indicator
164         F77_INT info;
167         // SLICOT routine SB10AD
168         F77_XFCN (sb10ad, SB10AD,
169                  (job,
170                   n, m, np,
171                   ncon, nmeas,
172                   gamma,
173                   a.fortran_vec (), lda,
174                   b.fortran_vec (), ldb,
175                   c.fortran_vec (), ldc,
176                   d.fortran_vec (), ldd,
177                   ak.fortran_vec (), ldak,
178                   bk.fortran_vec (), ldbk,
179                   ck.fortran_vec (), ldck,
180                   dk.fortran_vec (), lddk,
181                   ac.fortran_vec (), ldac,
182                   bc.fortran_vec (), ldbc,
183                   cc.fortran_vec (), ldcc,
184                   dc.fortran_vec (), lddc,
185                   rcond.fortran_vec (),
186                   gtol, actol,
187                   iwork, liwork,
188                   dwork, ldwork,
189                   bwork, lbwork,
190                   info));
192         if (f77_exception_encountered)
193             error ("hinfsyn: __sl_sb10ad__: exception in SLICOT subroutine SB10AD");
195         static const char* err_msg[] = {
196             "0: successful exit",
197             "1: the matrix [A-j*omega*I, B2; C1, D12] had "
198                 "not full column rank in respect to the tolerance EPS",
199             "2: the matrix [A-j*omega*I, B1; C2, D21] "
200                 "had not full row rank in respect to the tolerance EPS",
201             "3: the matrix D12 had not full column rank in "
202                 "respect to the tolerance SQRT(EPS)",
203             "4: the matrix D21 had not full row rank in respect "
204                 "to the tolerance SQRT(EPS)",
205             "5: the singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm "
206                 "did not converge (when computing the SVD of one of the matrices "
207                 "[A, B2; C1, D12], [A, B1; C2, D21], D12 or D21)",
208             "6: the controller is not admissible (too small value "
209                 "of gamma)",
210             "7: the X-Riccati equation was not solved "
211                 "successfully (the controller is not admissible or "
212                 "there are numerical difficulties)",
213             "8: the Y-Riccati equation was not solved "
214                 "successfully (the controller is not admissible or "
215                 "there are numerical difficulties)",
216             "9: the determinant of Im2 + Tu*D11HAT*Ty*D22 is "
217                 "zero [3]",
218             "10: there was numerical problems when estimating"
219                 "the singular values of D1111, D1112, D1111', D1121'",
220             "11: the matrices Inp2 - D22*DK or Im2 - DK*D22"
221                 "are singular to working precision",
222             "12: a stabilizing controller cannot be found"};
224         error_msg ("hinfsyn", info, 12, err_msg);
227         // return values
228         retval(0) = ak;
229         retval(1) = bk;
230         retval(2) = ck;
231         retval(3) = dk;
232         retval(4) = ac;
233         retval(5) = bc;
234         retval(6) = cc;
235         retval(7) = dc;
236         retval(8) = gamma;
237         retval(9) = rcond;
238     }
240     return retval;
241 }