1## Copyright (C) 2017 Hartmut Gimpel <hg_code@gmx.de>
2## Copyright (C) 2018 Carnë Draug <carandraug@octave.org>
4## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7## (at your option) any later version.
9## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12## GNU General Public License for more details.
14## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17## -*- texinfo -*-
18## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{centers} =} imfindcircles (@var{im}, @var{radius})
19## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{centers} =} imfindcircles (@var{im}, @var{RadiusRange})
20## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{centers} =} imfindcircles (@dots{}, @var{property}, @var{value})
21## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{centers}, @var{radii}, @var{strengths}] =} imfindcircles (@dots{})
22## Find circles in image using the circular Hough transform.
24## This function finds circles in a given 2d image @var{im}.
25## The image data can be grayscale, rgb color, or binary.
26## The search is done only for circular shapes of approximatly
27## the given @var{radius} (single value) or @var{RadiusRange}
28## (a two element vector [r_min, r_max]).
30## The output @var{centers} is a two column matrix,
31## where each row contains the (fractional) x and y coordinates of
32## the center of one found circle. The output rows are ordered
33## according the @var{strengths} of the circles, the strongest
34## circle first.
36## The output @var{radii} is a column vector of the (fractional)
37## radii of the found circles, in the same order as the circle centers.
38## If @var{radius} is specified, instead of @var{RadiusRange}, then
39## all values in @var{radii} are the same as @var{radius}.
41## The output @var{strengths} is a measure of how "strong"
42## the corresponding circle is. (A sharp, smooth and full circle gives
43## roughly a value of one. The minimum value is zero.)
45## Additionally the following optional property-value-pairs can be used:
46## @table @var
47## @item ObjectPolarity
48## Either "bright" circles on darker background can be searched (default),
49## or "dark" circles on brighter background.
51## @item Method
52## The default method "PhaseCode" is faster as the
53## (currently unimplemented) method "TwoStage".
54## For literature and details on the algorithm, see comments
55## in the code.
57## @item Sensitivity
58## A value between 0 and 1 to say how strong
59## a circle must be in order to be found. With a value
60## of 1 no circles are discarded, default value is 0.85.
61## (Use bigger values of Sensitivity if your circles are
62## not properly found, until unwanted "ghost" circles
63## start to appear.)
65## @item EdgeThreshold
66## A value between 0 and 1 to say how strong
67## an edge point of the image must be, to be
68## considered as a possible point on a circle circumference.
69## With a value of 0 all possible
70## edge points are considered, with a value of 1 only the
71## edge point with the stronges gradient will be considered.
72## As default value the output of @code{graythresh} (Otsu's threshold)
73## of the gradient image is taken.
74## @end table
76## Notes:
77## @itemize @bullet
78## @item
79## Only center points inside the image region can be found.
80## @item
81## For concentric cirles the output is unpredictable.
82## @item
83## For optimal speed, keep the radius range and the image size
84## as small as possible.
85## @item
86## For radius values above 100 pixels the sensitivity and accuracy
87## of this algorithm starts to decrease.
88## @item
89## For big radius ranges the sensitivity decreases. Try to keep
90## r_max < 3 * r_min .
91## @item
92## RGB color images will automatically be converted to grayscale
93## using the @code{rgb2gray} function.
94## @item
95## Binary images will automatically be converted to grayscale
96## and be slightly smoothed before processing.
97## @end itemize
99## Compatibility note: The @var{centers} and @var{radii} outputs
100## have good compatibility to the Matlab outputs. The @var{strengths}
101## outputs differ a bit, but have mostly the same ordering.
102## Currently only the (default) Matlab algorithm "PhaseCode" is implemented
103## in Octave.
105## @seealso{hough, hough_circle}
106## @end deftypefn
108## Algorithm:
109## The following papers and books were used for the
110## implementation of this function:
112## [1] (for general information on the circle Hough transform
113##       and the basic algorithmic approach)
114##       E. R. Davies: "Computer & Machine Vision"
115##       Academic Press (2012), 4th edition
116##       chapter 12 "Circle and Ellipse Detection"
117## [2] (for the 'phase code' algorithm to search for a radius range
118##        with just a 2-dimensional accumulator array)
119##       T. J. Artherton and D. J. Kerbyson:
120##       "Size invariant circle detection"
121##       Image and Vision Computing 17 (1999), p. 795-803.
122## [3] (for 'state of the art' peak finding in the circular Hough
123##        transform accumulator array)
124##       C. Zhang, F. Huber, M. Knop, F. A.  Hamprecht:
125##       "Yest cell detection and segmentation in bright field microscopy"
126##       IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Imag. (ISBI), April 2014, p. 1267-1270.
128## A more detailed description of the individual steps of the
129## algorithm is given in the following code itself.
131function [centers, radii, strengths] = imfindcircles (im, radiusrange, varargin)
133  if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 10 || mod (numel (varargin), 2) != 0)
134    print_usage ();
135  endif
137  p = inputParser ();
138  p.FunctionName = "imfindcircles";
139  p.addParamValue ("ObjectPolarity", "bright",
140                   @(x) any (strcmpi (x, {"bright", "dark"})));
141  p.addParamValue ("Method", "PhaseCode",
142                   @(x) any (strcmpi (x, {"PhaseCode", "TwoStage"})));
143  p.addParamValue ("Sensitivity", 0.85,
144                   @(x) isnumeric (x) && isreal (x) && isscalar (x));
146  ## The default value of EdgeThreshold must be computed later.
147  p.addParamValue ("EdgeThreshold", [],
148                   @(x) isnumeric (x) && isreal (x) && isscalar (x));
149  p.parse (varargin{:});
151  dark_circles = strcmpi (p.Results.ObjectPolarity, "dark");
152  sensitivity = p.Results.Sensitivity;
153  edge_thresh = p.Results.EdgeThreshold;
155  if (! isimage (im) || ! any (ndims (im) == [2, 3]))
156    error ("imfindcircles: IM must be a logical or numeric 2d or 3d array");
157  elseif (ndims (im) == 3 && size (im, 3) != 3)
158    error ("imfindcircles: the 3d image IM must be a RGB image");
159  endif
161  if (all (numel (radiusrange) != [1 2]))
162    error ("imfindcircles: RADIUS or RADIUSRANGE must be a vector of length 1 or 2");
163  elseif (! isnumeric (radiusrange) || any (radiusrange <= 0))
164    error ("imfindcircles: RADIUS or RADIUSRANGE must be positive")
165  elseif (numel (radiusrange) == 2 && radiusrange(1) > radiusrange(2))
166    error ("imfindcircles: RADIUSRANGE(1) must be smaller than RADIUSRANGE(2)")
167  endif
169  if (strcmpi (p.Results.Method, "TwoStage"))
170    error ("imfindcirles: the 'TwoStage' method is not yet implemented.  Try 'PhaseCode' instead.");
171  endif
173  if (sensitivity < 0 || sensitivity > 1)
174    error ("imfindcircles: 'Sensitivity' must be between 0 and 1");
175  endif
177  if (! isempty (edge_thresh) && (edge_thresh < 0 || edge_thresh > 1))
178    error ("imfindcircles: 'EdgeThreshold' must be between 0 and 1");
179  endif
181  H = cht_accumulator (im, radiusrange, edge_thresh, dark_circles);
182  [centers, centers_ind, strengths] = cht_centers (H, sensitivity);
184  ## Output values must be sorted by strength.
185  [strengths, idx_sorted] = sort (strengths, "descend");
186  centers = centers(idx_sorted,:);
188  if (isargout (2))
189    if (isscalar (radiusrange))
190      radii = repmat (radiusrange, numel (strengths), 1);
191    else
192      radii = cht_radii (H(centers_ind), radiusrange);
193      ## Output values must be sorted by strength.
194      radii = radii(idx_sorted);
195    endif
196  endif
200## Convert image from RGB or logical types into a floating point 2D
201## image that can be used for CHT.
202function im = cht_image_preparation (im)
203  if (isinteger (im))
204    im = im2double (im);
205  endif
207  if (size (im, 3) == 3)
208    im = rgb2gray (im);
209  endif
211  ## The Matlab help page mentions "preprocessing" of
212  ## binary input images to "improve the accuracy".
213  ## Unsure what they do here.
214  ## We'll just do a little (carefully rotation symmetrical)
215  ## smoothing as grayscale images, because we need
216  ## the accurate gradient directions later on. (This wouldn't
217  ## work properly with the binary images itself.)
218  if (islogical (im))
219    im = im2single (im);
220    gauss_filter = fspecial ("gaussian", [9 9], 1.5);
221    im = imfilter (im, gauss_filter, "replicate");
222  endif
226## calculate the intensity gradients values at edge pixels
227## using the Sobel operator (see ref. [1], chapter 12.2)
228## (we'll always call the first coordinate "x" here)
229function [G0, GxE, GyE, E_ind] = edge_intensity_gradients (im, edge_thresh)
230  sobel_x = fspecial ("sobel");
231  sobel_y = sobel_x';
232  Gx = imfilter (im, sobel_x, "replicate");
233  Gy = imfilter (im, sobel_y, "replicate");
234  G = sqrt (Gx.^ 2 + Gy.^ 2); # sqrt is expensive, but yields higher angle precision
236  ## get rid of empty gradient images, they would cause trouble later on:
237  Gmax = max (G(:));
238  if (Gmax == 0)
239    E_ind = [](:);
240  else
241    ## Find the edge pixels by thresholding the gradient image.  If
242    ## not set, estimate threshold with Otsu's algorithm.
243    if (isempty (edge_thresh))
244      edge_thresh = graythresh (G ./ Gmax);
245    endif
246    E_ind = find (G > (edge_thresh * Gmax)); # edge pixels indices
247  endif
248  G0 = G(E_ind);
249  GxE = Gx(E_ind);
250  GyE = Gy(E_ind);
254function [xs, ys] = candidate_centers (im, R, edge_thresh)
255  [G0, GxE, GyE, E_ind] = edge_intensity_gradients (im, edge_thresh);
256  [Ex, Ey] = ind2sub (size (im), E_ind);
258  ## generate stroke pixels (xs, ys):
259  ## This does not involve sin and cos calculations,
260  ## which helps for speed (see ref. [1].)
261  ## (automatic broadcasting here,
262  ##  R is a row vector, the G's are column vectors.)
263  xs = Ex - R .* (GxE ./ G0);   # eq. 12.3 (ref. [1])
264  ys = Ey - R .* (GyE ./ G0);   # eq. 12.4 (ref. [1])
265  ## round to integer pixel positions:
266  xs = round (xs);
267  ys = round (ys);
271## visit all edge pixels and generate
272## a "spoke" in the circular Hough transform:
273## A spoke is a line of pixels which are a distance r1 to r2
274## away from the edge point, this distance is taken in
275## the edge direction (gradient) of this very edge point.
276## The resulting points on the spokes are candidates for circle
277## center points. And each gradient pixel can vote for
278## one center pixel candidate (for each radius value).
279## All spoke points are summed up in the accumulator array H.
280## (see equations 12.3 and 12.4 for xs and ys in ref. [1])
281function H = cht_accumulator (im, radiusrange, edge_thresh, dark_circles)
282  im = cht_image_preparation (im);
284  if (isscalar (radiusrange))
285    R = radiusrange;
286  else
287    ## Range of circle radii.  Step size of 0.5 covers all integer
288    ## circle diameters.
289    R = radiusrange(1):0.5:radiusrange(2);
290  endif
292  ## code the circle polarity in the radius sign:
293  ## (different direction of "spoke", see ref. [1], chapter 12.2)
294  if (dark_circles)
295    [xs, ys] = candidate_centers (im, -R, edge_thresh);
296  else
297    [xs, ys] = candidate_centers (im, R, edge_thresh);
298  endif
299  ns = rows (xs);
301  ## limit pixel position and code values to the image size:
302  xs = xs(:);
303  ys = ys(:);
304  idx_outside = (xs < 1 | xs > rows (im) | ys < 1 | ys > columns (im));
305  xs(idx_outside) = [];
306  ys(idx_outside) = [];
308  if (isscalar (radiusrange))
309    codes = 1 ./ R; # phase coding is not useful for a single radius value
310  else
311    ## pre-calculate the phases and (complex) code values for all radii:
312    ## We use the "log phase coding", which is best, according to
313    ## ref. [2].
314    logR = log (R);
315    phase = 2 .* pi .* ((logR - logR(1))
316                        ./ (logR(end) - logR(1))); # eq. 8 (ref. [2])
317    code = exp (i .* phase); # eq. 5 (ref. [2])
318    code ./= R;   # eq. 11 (ref. [2]) , radius normalization
319    ## -> a full and perfect circle will give a value of 2pi in H
321    codes = repmat (code, ns, 1)(:);
322    codes(idx_outside) = [];
323  endif
325  ## add the code value of all those spoke pixels
326  ## to the corresponding pixel position in H:
327  H = accumarray ([xs, ys], codes, size (im));
331## Find local (regional) maximas in H, because they are the circle
332## center pixels. This part of the algorithm is taken from ref. [3],
333## section 2.2 "Detecting cell center candidates".
334function [centers, centers_ind, strengths] = cht_centers (H, sensitivity)
335  ## Take the absolute value of the H accumulator array which may be
336  ## complex if we had a radius range and phase coded annulus.
337  H = abs (H);
339  ## do some smoothing before searching for peak positions
340  ## use a (rotation symmetric) gaussian filter for this (see ref. [3])
341  gauss_filter = fspecial ("gaussian", [9 9], 2);  # a bigger filter might join nearby centers
342  H = imfilter (H, gauss_filter, 0); # introduces small shifts of centers near the edge,
343                                     # but padding "replicate" would be worse
345  ## define threshold to suppress smaller peaks in H:
346  peak_thresh = 1 - sensitivity;
347  peak_thresh *= 2*pi; # because a full circle can add up to 2pi in H
349  ## use the h-maxima transform to suppress maximas with a too low height:
350  Hbig = imhmax (H, peak_thresh);
351  ## find the regional maxima of those smoothed big peaks in H:
352  Hmax_BW = imregionalmax (Hbig ./ max (Hbig(:)));
354  ## Use those maxima as well as their surrounding peak
355  ## to calculate a weighted average for the peak position:
356  ## (This gives the circle center positions with the necessary
357  ## subpixel accuracy.)
358  props = regionprops (Hmax_BW, Hbig, "WeightedCentroid");
359  centers = cell2mat ({props.WeightedCentroid}');
361  ## for the "strength" return value, take the (smoothed) H:
362  ## (Matlab seems to do this a bit different.)
363  centers_ind = sub2ind (size (H), round (centers(:,2)), round (centers(:,1)));
364  strengths = H(centers_ind) ./ (2*pi); # normalize a "full" circle to 1
368## calculate the circle radius from the complex phase in H:
369## (i.e. undo the phase coding)
370function radii = cht_radii (H, radiusrange)
371  r1 = radiusrange(1);
372  r2 = radiusrange(2);
373  c_phase = arg (H);
374  c_phase(c_phase < 0) += (2*pi);
375  radii = exp ((c_phase ./ (2*pi) .* (log (r2) - log (r1))) + log (r1));
379%!shared im0, rgb0, im1
380%! im0 = [0 0 0 0 0;
381%!        0 1 2 1 0;
382%!        0 2 5 2 0;
383%!        0 1 2 1 0;
384%!        0 0 0 0 0];
385%! rgb0 = cat (3, im0, 3.*im0, 2.*im0);
386%! im1 = zeros (20);
387%! im1(2:6, 5:9) = 1;
388%! im1(13:19, 13:19) = 1;
390%!function image = circlesimage (numx, numy, centersx, centersy, rs, values)
391%!  ## create an image with circles of given parameters
392%!  num = length (centersx);
393%!  image = zeros (numy, numx);
394%!  [indy, indx] = meshgrid (1:numx, 1:numy);
395%!  for n = 1:num
396%!    centerx = centersx(n);
397%!    centery = centersy(n);
398%!    r = rs(n);
399%!    value = values(n);
400%!    dist_squared = (indx - centerx).^ 2 + (indy - centery).^ 2;
401%!    image(dist_squared <= (r-0.5)^2) = value;
402%!  endfor
406## test input syntax:
407%!error imfindcircles ()
408%!error imfindcircles (im0)
409%!error imfindcircles (im0, [1 2 3])
410%!error imfindcircles (im0, -3)
411%!error imfindcircles (im0, 4+2*i)
412%!error imfindcircles (ones (5,5,4), 2)
413%!error imfindcircles (ones (5,5,5,5), 2)
414%!error imfindcircles (im0, [2 1])
415%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "rubbish")
416%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "more", "rubbish")
417%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity", "rubbish")
418%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity", 5)
419%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity")
420%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Method", "rubbish")
421%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Method", 5)
422%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Method")
423%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Sensitivity", "rubbish")
424%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Sensitivity")
425%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Sensitivity", -0.1)
426%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Sensitivity", 1.1)
427%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Sensitivity", [0.1 0.2])
428%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", "rubbish")
429%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold")
430%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", -0.1)
431%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", 1.1)
432%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", [0.1 0.2])
433%!error imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", 0.1, "ObjectPolarity", "bright",
434%!                     "Sensitivity", 0.3, "Method", "PhaseCode", "more", 1)
436%!test # none of this should fail
437%! imfindcircles (im0, 2);
438%! imfindcircles (im0, [1 2]);
439%! imfindcircles (logical (im0), 2);
440%! imfindcircles (logical (im0), [1 2]);
441%! imfindcircles (rgb0, 2);
442%! imfindcircles (rgb0, [1 2]);
443%! imfindcircles (uint8 (im0), 2);
444%! imfindcircles (uint8 (im0), [1 2]);
445%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity", "bright");
446%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity", "dark");
447%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Method", "PhaseCode");
448%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "Sensitivity", 0.5);
449%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", 0.5);
450%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity", "bright", "Method", "PhaseCode");
451%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "ObjectPolarity", "bright", "Sensitivity", 0.3,
452%!                "Method", "PhaseCode");
453%! imfindcircles (im0, 2, "EdgeThreshold", 0.1, "ObjectPolarity", "bright",
454%!                "Sensitivity", 0.3, "Method", "PhaseCode");
457## output class, number and shape:
459%! centers = imfindcircles (im1, 2);
460%! assert (size (centers, 2), 2)
461%! assert (class (centers), "double")
464%! [centers, radii] = imfindcircles (im1, [1 5]);
465%! assert (size (centers, 2), 2)
466%! assert (size (radii, 2), 1)
467%! assert (class (radii), "double")
470%! [centers, radii, strengths] = imfindcircles (im1, [1 5]);
471%! assert (size (strengths, 2), 1)
472%! assert (class (strengths), "double")
474%!error [a b c d] = imfindcircles (im0, 2);
477## test calculation results:
478%!test   ## sub-pixel accuracy of circle center
479%! xs = [95.7];
480%! ys = [101.1];
481%! rs = [50];
482%! vals = [0.5];
483%! im = circlesimage (200, 200, xs, ys, rs, vals);
484%! filt = ones (3) ./ 9;
485%! im = imfilter (im, filt);
486%! [centers, radii] = imfindcircles (im, [40 60]);
487%! assert (centers, [101.1, 95.7], 0.1);
488%! assert (radii, 50, 1);
491%! ## specificity to circular shapes and strengths output value
492%! xs = [100 202];
493%! ys = [101, 203];
494%! rs = [40, 41];
495%! vals = [0.8, 0.9];
496%! im = circlesimage (300, 300, xs, ys, rs, vals);
497%! filt = ones (3) ./ 9;
498%! im = imfilter (im, filt);
499%! im(30:170, 50:100) = 0;
500%! im(20:120, 180:280) = 1;
501%! [centers, radii, strengths] = imfindcircles (im, [30 50], "Sensitivity", 0.9);
502%! assert (size (centers), [2 2]);
503%! assert (centers, [203, 202; 101, 100], 1.5);
504%! assert (radii, [40; 41], 2.5);
505%! assert (strengths(1) / strengths(2) > 1.8, true);
507%!test # radius range parameter &  dark circles
508%! xs = [50, 420, 180];
509%! ys = [80, 100, 200];
510%! rs = [35, 30, 40];
511%! vals = [0.7, 0.8, 0.9];
512%! im = circlesimage (300, 500, xs, ys, rs, vals);
513%! filt = ones (3) ./ 9;
514%! im = imfilter (im, filt);
515%! [centers1, radii1] = imfindcircles (im, [28 36]);
516%! [centers2, radii2] = imfindcircles (im, [28 42]);
517%! assert (size (centers1), [2 2]);
518%! assert (centers1, [100 420; 80 50], 0.2);
519%! assert (radii1, [30; 35], 2);
520%! assert (size (centers2), [3 2]);
521%! im_dark = 1-im;
522%! [centers_dark, radii_dark, strengths_dark] = imfindcircles (im_dark, [25 42], "ObjectPolarity", "dark");
523%! assert (sortrows (centers_dark), [80 50; 100 420; 200 180], 0.2);
524%! assert (sortrows (radii_dark), [30; 35; 40], 1);
526%!test # ability to find circles with big radius
527%! xs = [111, 555, 341];
528%! ys = [222, 401, 161];
529%! rs = [45, 50, 150];
530%! vals = [0.6, 0.8, 0.7];
531%! im = circlesimage (400, 701, xs, ys, rs, vals);
532%! [centers, radii] = imfindcircles (im, [140 160], "Sensitivity", 0.98);
533%! assert (centers, [161, 341], 0.2);
534%! assert (radii, 150, 1);
536%!test # overlapping circles
537%! xs = [105, 155];
538%! ys = [202, 221];
539%! rs = [45, 50];
540%! vals = [0.5, 0.8];
541%! im = circlesimage(385, 422, xs, ys, rs, vals);
542%! filt = ones (3) ./ 9;
543%! im = imfilter (im, filt);
544%! [centers, radii] = imfindcircles (im, [30 80]);
545%! assert (centers, [221, 155; 202, 105], 0.5);
546%! assert (radii, [50; 45], 1);
548%!test # overlapping circles, only 10 pixels apart
549%! xs = [155, 155];
550%! ys = [175, 157];
551%! rs = [50, 50];
552%! vals = [0.7, 0.8];
553%! im = circlesimage (300, 300, xs, ys, rs, vals);
554%! filt = ones (3) ./ 9;
555%! im = imfilter (im, filt);
556%! [centers, radii] = imfindcircles (im, [30 80], "Sensitivity", 0.95);
557%! assert (centers, [157, 155; 175, 155], 1);
558%! assert (radii, [50; 50], 1);
560%!test # edge threshold parameter
561%! xs = [100 202];
562%! ys = [101, 203];
563%! rs = [40, 41];
564%! vals = [0.1, 0.9];
565%! im = circlesimage (300, 300, xs, ys, rs, vals);
566%! filt = ones (3) ./ 9;
567%! im= imfilter (im, filt);
568%! [centers_auto, radii_auto] = imfindcircles (im, [30 50]);
569%! [centers_0, radii_0] = imfindcircles (im, [30 50], "EdgeThreshold", 0);
570%! [centers_05, radii_05] = imfindcircles (im, [30 50], "EdgeThreshold", 0.5);
571%! assert (centers_auto, [203, 202], 0.2);
572%! assert (radii_auto, 41, 1);
573%! assert (centers_0, [101, 100; 203, 202], 0.2);
574%! assert (radii_0, [40; 41], 1);
575%! assert (centers_05,  [203, 202], 0.2);
576%! assert (radii_05, 41, 1);
579%! ## First generate an input image:
580%! model = [ 1.0   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.5   0
581%!           1.0   0.3   0.3  -0.1  -0.2   0
582%!          -0.5   0.7   0.7  -0.5   0.5   0];
583%! im = phantom (model);
584%! im(170:230,170:230) = 1;
585%! im = imfilter (im, fspecial ("average", 3));
586%! im = imnoise (im, "salt & pepper");
587%! imshow (im);
589%! ## Find and show circles with radius between 20 and 50:
590%! [centers, radii] = imfindcircles (im, [20 50]);
591%! viscircles (centers, radii)
592%! title ("found circles in red")