1## Copyright (C) 2002 Jeff Orchard <jjo@sfu.ca>
3## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
4## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
5## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
6## version.
8## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
11## details.
13## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
14## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16## -*- texinfo -*-
17## @deftypefn {Function File} {} imshear (@var{M}, @var{axis}, @var{alpha}, @var{bbox})
18## Applies a shear to the image @var{M}.
20## The argument @var{M} is either a matrix or an RGB image.
22## @var{axis} is the axis along which the shear is to be applied, and can
23## be either 'x' or 'y'.
24## For example, to shear sideways is to shear along the 'x' axis. Choosing
25## 'y' causes an up/down shearing.
27## @var{alpha} is the slope of the shear. For an 'x' shear, it is the
28## horizontal shift (in pixels) applied to the pixel above the
29## center. For a 'y' shear, it is the vertical shift (in pixels)
30## applied to the pixel just to the right of the center pixel.
32## NOTE: @var{alpha} does NOT need to be an integer.
34## @var{bbox} can be one of 'loose', 'crop' or 'wrap'.
35## 'loose' allows the image to grow to accommodate the new transformed image.
36## 'crop' keeps the same size as the original, clipping any part of the image
37## that is moved outside the bounding box.
38## 'wrap' keeps the same size as the original, but does not clip the part
39## of the image that is outside the bounding box. Instead, it wraps it back
40## into the image.
42## If called with only 3 arguments, @var{bbox} is set to 'loose' by default.
43## @end deftypefn
45function g = imshear(m, axis, alpha, bbox, noshift)
47  # The code below only does y-shearing. This is because of
48  # the implementation of fft (operates on columns, but not rows).
49  # So, transpose first for x-shearing.
50  if ( strcmp(axis, "x")==1 )
51    m = m';
52  endif
54  if ( nargin < 4 )
55    bbox = "loose";
56    noshift = 0;
57  elseif ( nargin < 5 )
58    noshift = 0;
59  endif
61  [ydim_orig xdim_orig] = size(m);
62  if ( strcmp(bbox, "wrap") == 0 )
63    ypad = ceil( (xdim_orig+1)/2 * abs(alpha) );
64    m = padarray (m, ypad);
65  endif
67  [ydim_new xdim_new] = size(m);
68  xcentre = ( xdim_new + 1 ) / 2;
69  ycentre = ( ydim_new + 1 ) / 2;
71  # This applies FFT to columns of m (x-axis remains a spatial axis).
72  # Because the way that fft and fftshift are implemented, the origin
73  # will move by 1/2 pixel, depending on the polarity of the image
74  # dimensions.
75  #
76  # If dim is even (=2n), then the origin of the fft below is located
77  # at the centre of pixel (n+1). ie. if dim=16, then centre is at 9.
78  #
79  # If dim is odd (=2n+1), then the origin of the fft below is located
80  # at the centre of pixel (n). ie. if dim=15, then centre is at 8.
81  if ( noshift==1 )
82    M = fft(m);
83  else
84    #M = imtranslate(fft(imtranslate(m, -xcentre, ycentre, "wrap")), xcentre, -ycentre, "wrap");
85    M = fftshift(fft(fftshift(m)));
86  endif
88  [ydim xdim] = size(m);
89  x = zeros(ydim, xdim);
91  # Find coords of the origin of the image.
92  if ( noshift==1 )
93    xc_coord = 1;
94    yc_coord = 1;
95    l = (1:ydim)' - yc_coord;
96    r = (1:xdim) - xc_coord;
97    if ( strcmp(bbox, "wrap")==1 )
98      l((ydim/2):ydim) = l((ydim/2):ydim) - ydim;
99      r((xdim/2):xdim) = r((xdim/2):xdim) - xdim;
100    endif
101  else
102    xc_coord = (xdim+1)/2;
103    yc_coord = (ydim+1)/2;
104    l = (1:ydim)' - yc_coord;
105    r = (1:xdim) - xc_coord;
106  endif
107  x = l * r;
109  Ms = M.* exp(2*pi*I*alpha/ydim * x);
111  if ( noshift==1 )
112    g = abs(ifft(Ms));
113  else
114    #g = abs(imtranslate( ifft( imtranslate(Ms, -xcentre, ycentre, "wrap") ), xcentre, -ycentre, "wrap"));
115    g = abs( fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(Ms))) );
116  endif
118  if ( strcmp(bbox, "crop")==1 )
119    g = g(ypad+1:ydim_orig+ypad, :);
120  endif
122  # Un-transpose if x-shearing was wanted
123  if ( strcmp(axis, "x")==1 )
124    g = g';
125  endif