1## Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@users.sf.net>
2## Copyright (C) 2004 <asbjorn.sabo@broadpark.no>
3## Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Peter Lanspeary <peter.lanspeary@.adelaide.edu.au>
5## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8## (at your option) any later version.
10## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13## GNU General Public License for more details.
15## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16## along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, see
17## <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19## -*- texinfo -*-
20## @deftypefn  {Function File} {[@var{R}, @var{lag}] =} xcorr ( @var{X} )
21## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@dots{} =} xcorr ( @var{X}, @var{Y} )
22## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@dots{} =} xcorr ( @dots{}, @var{maxlag})
23## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@dots{} =} xcorr ( @dots{}, @var{scale})
24## Estimates the cross-correlation.
26## Estimate the cross correlation R_xy(k) of vector arguments @var{X} and @var{Y}
27## or, if @var{Y} is omitted, estimate autocorrelation R_xx(k) of vector @var{X},
28## for a range of lags k specified by  argument "maxlag".  If @var{X} is a
29## matrix, each column of @var{X} is correlated with itself and every other
30## column.
32## The cross-correlation estimate between vectors "x" and "y" (of
33## length N) for lag "k" is given by
35## @tex
36## $$   R_{xy}(k) = \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i+k} \conj(y_i),
37## @end tex
38## @ifnottex
39## @example
40## @group
41##            N
42## R_xy(k) = sum x_@{i+k@} conj(y_i),
43##           i=1
44## @end group
45## @end example
46## @end ifnottex
48## where data not provided (for example x(-1), y(N+1)) is zero. Note the
49## definition of cross-correlation given above. To compute a
50## cross-correlation consistent with the field of statistics, see @command{xcov}.
52## @strong{ARGUMENTS}
53## @table @var
54## @item X
55## [non-empty; real or complex; vector or matrix] data
57## @item Y
58## [real or complex vector] data
60## If @var{X} is a matrix (not a vector), @var{Y} must be omitted.
61## @var{Y} may be omitted if @var{X} is a vector; in this case xcorr
62## estimates the autocorrelation of @var{X}.
64## @item maxlag
65## [integer scalar] maximum correlation lag
66## If omitted, the default value is N-1, where N is the
67## greater of the lengths of @var{X} and @var{Y} or, if @var{X} is a matrix,
68## the number of rows in @var{X}.
70## @item scale
71## [character string] specifies the type of scaling applied
72## to the correlation vector (or matrix). is one of:
73## @table @samp
74## @item none
75## return the unscaled correlation, R,
76## @item biased
77## return the biased average, R/N,
78## @item unbiased
79## return the unbiased average, R(k)/(N-|k|),
80## @item coeff
81## return the correlation coefficient, R/(rms(x).rms(y)),
82## where "k" is the lag, and "N" is the length of @var{X}.
83## If omitted, the default value is "none".
84## If @var{Y} is supplied but does not have the same length as @var{X},
85## scale must be "none".
86## @end table
87## @end table
90## @table @var
91## @item R
92## array of correlation estimates
93## @item lag
94## row vector of correlation lags [-maxlag:maxlag]
95## @end table
97## The array of correlation estimates has one of the following forms:
98## (1) Cross-correlation estimate if @var{X} and @var{Y} are vectors.
100## (2) Autocorrelation estimate if is a vector and @var{Y} is omitted.
102## (3) If @var{X} is a matrix, R is an matrix containing the cross-correlation
103## estimate of each column with every other column. Lag varies with the first
104## index so that R has 2*maxlag+1 rows and P^2 columns where P is the number of
105## columns in @var{X}.
107## If Rij(k) is the correlation between columns i and j of @var{X}
109## @code{R(k+maxlag+1,P*(i-1)+j) == Rij(k)}
111## for lag k in [-maxlag:maxlag], or
113## @code{R(:,P*(i-1)+j) == xcorr(X(:,i),X(:,j))}.
115## @code{reshape(R(k,:),P,P)} is the cross-correlation matrix for @code{X(k,:)}.
117## @seealso{xcov}
118## @end deftypefn
120## The cross-correlation estimate is calculated by a "spectral" method
121## in which the FFT of the first vector is multiplied element-by-element
122## with the FFT of second vector.  The computational effort depends on
123## the length N of the vectors and is independent of the number of lags
124## requested.  If you only need a few lags, the "direct sum" method may
125## be faster:
127## Ref: Stearns, SD and David, RA (1988). Signal Processing Algorithms.
128##      New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
130## unbiased:
131##  ( hankel(x(1:k),[x(k:N); zeros(k-1,1)]) * y ) ./ [N:-1:N-k+1](:)
132## biased:
133##  ( hankel(x(1:k),[x(k:N); zeros(k-1,1)]) * y ) ./ N
135## If length(x) == length(y) + k, then you can use the simpler
136##    ( hankel(x(1:k),x(k:N-k)) * y ) ./ N
138function [R, lags] = xcorr (X, Y, maxlag, scale)
140  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 4)
141    print_usage;
142  endif
144  ## assign arguments that are missing from the list
145  ## or reassign (right shift) them according to data type
146  if nargin==1
147    Y=[]; maxlag=[]; scale=[];
148  elseif nargin==2
149    maxlag=[]; scale=[];
150    if ischar(Y), scale=Y; Y=[];
151    elseif isscalar(Y), maxlag=Y; Y=[];
152    endif
153  elseif nargin==3
154    scale=[];
155    if ischar(maxlag), scale=maxlag; maxlag=[]; endif
156    if isscalar(Y), maxlag=Y; Y=[]; endif
157  endif
159  ## assign defaults to missing arguments
160  if isvector(X)
161    ## if isempty(Y), Y=X; endif  ## this line disables code for autocorr'n
162    N = max(length(X),length(Y));
163  else
164    N = rows(X);
165  endif
166  if isempty(maxlag), maxlag=N-1; endif
167  if isempty(scale), scale='none'; endif
169  ## check argument values
170  if isempty(X) || isscalar(X) || ischar(Y) || ! ismatrix(X)
171    error("xcorr: X must be a vector or matrix");
172  endif
173  if isscalar(Y) || ischar(Y) || (!isempty(Y) && !isvector(Y))
174    error("xcorr: Y must be a vector");
175  endif
176  if !isempty(Y) && !isvector(X)
177    error("xcorr: X must be a vector if Y is specified");
178  endif
179  if !isscalar(maxlag) || !isreal(maxlag) || maxlag<0 || fix(maxlag)!=maxlag
180    error("xcorr: maxlag must be a single non-negative integer");
181  endif
182  ##
183  ## sanity check on number of requested lags
184  ##   Correlations for lags in excess of +/-(N-1)
185  ##    (a) are not calculated by the FFT algorithm,
186  ##    (b) are all zero; so provide them by padding
187  ##        the results (with zeros) before returning.
188  if (maxlag > N-1)
189    pad_result = maxlag - (N - 1);
190    maxlag = N - 1;
191    %error("xcorr: maxlag must be less than length(X)");
192  else
193    pad_result = 0;
194  endif
195  if isvector(X) && isvector(Y) && length(X) != length(Y) && ...
196        !strcmp(scale,'none')
197    error("xcorr: scale must be 'none' if length(X) != length(Y)")
198  endif
200  P = columns(X);
201  M = 2^nextpow2(N + maxlag);
202  if !isvector(X)
203    ## For matrix X, correlate each column "i" with all other "j" columns
204    R = zeros(2*maxlag+1,P^2);
206    ## do FFTs of padded column vectors
207    pre = fft (postpad (prepad (X, N+maxlag), M) );
208    post = conj (fft (postpad (X, M)));
210    ## do autocorrelations (each column with itself)
211    ##  -- if result R is reshaped to 3D matrix (i.e. R=reshape(R,M,P,P))
212    ##     the autocorrelations are on leading diagonal columns of R,
213    ##     where i==j in R(:,i,j)
214    cor = ifft (post .* pre);
215    R(:, 1:P+1:P^2) = cor (1:2*maxlag+1,:);
217    ## do the cross correlations
218    ##   -- these are the off-diagonal column of the reshaped 3D result
219    ##      matrix -- i!=j in R(:,i,j)
220    for i=1:P-1
221      j = i+1:P;
222      cor = ifft( pre(:,i*ones(length(j),1)) .* post(:,j) );
223      R(:,(i-1)*P+j) = cor(1:2*maxlag+1,:);
224      R(:,(j-1)*P+i) = conj( flipud( cor(1:2*maxlag+1,:) ) );
225    endfor
226  elseif isempty(Y)
227    ## compute autocorrelation of a single vector
228    post = fft( postpad(X(:),M) );
229    cor = ifft( post .* conj(post) );
230    R = [ conj(cor(maxlag+1:-1:2)) ; cor(1:maxlag+1) ];
231  else
232    ## compute cross-correlation of X and Y
233    ##  If one of X & Y is a row vector, the other can be a column vector.
234    pre  = fft( postpad( prepad( X(:), length(X)+maxlag ), M) );
235    post = fft( postpad( Y(:), M ) );
236    cor = ifft( pre .* conj(post) );
237    R = cor(1:2*maxlag+1);
238  endif
240  ## if inputs are real, outputs should be real, so ignore the
241  ## insignificant complex portion left over from the FFT
242  if isreal(X) && (isempty(Y) || isreal(Y))
243    R=real(R);
244  endif
246  ## correct for bias
247  if strcmp(scale, 'biased')
248    R = R ./ N;
249  elseif strcmp(scale, 'unbiased')
250    R = R ./ ( [ N-maxlag:N-1, N, N-1:-1:N-maxlag ]' * ones(1,columns(R)) );
251  elseif strcmp(scale, 'coeff')
252    ## R = R ./ R(maxlag+1) works only for autocorrelation
253    ## For cross correlation coeff, divide by rms(X)*rms(Y).
254    if !isvector(X)
255      ## for matrix (more than 1 column) X
256      rms = sqrt( sumsq(X) );
257      R = R ./ ( ones(rows(R),1) * reshape(rms.'*rms,1,[]) );
258    elseif isempty(Y)
259      ##  for autocorrelation, R(zero-lag) is the mean square.
260      R = R / R(maxlag+1);
261    else
262      ##  for vectors X and Y
263      R = R / sqrt( sumsq(X)*sumsq(Y) );
264    endif
265  elseif !strcmp(scale, 'none')
266    error("xcorr: scale must be 'biased', 'unbiased', 'coeff' or 'none'");
267  endif
269  ## Pad result if necessary
270  ##  (most likely is not required, use "if" to avoid unnecessary code)
271  ## At this point, lag varies with the first index in R;
272  ##  so pad **before** the transpose.
273  if pad_result
274    R_pad = zeros(pad_result,columns(R));
275    R = [R_pad; R; R_pad];
276  endif
277  ## Correct the shape (transpose) so it is the same as the first input vector
278  if isvector(X) && P > 1
279    R = R.';
280  endif
282  ## return the lag indices if desired
283  if nargout == 2
284    maxlag += pad_result;
285    lags = [-maxlag:maxlag];
286  endif
290##------------ Use brute force to compute the correlation -------
291##if !isvector(X)
292##  ## For matrix X, compute cross-correlation of all columns
293##  R = zeros(2*maxlag+1,P^2);
294##  for i=1:P
295##    for j=i:P
296##      idx = (i-1)*P+j;
297##      R(maxlag+1,idx) = X(:,i)' * X(:,j);
298##      for k = 1:maxlag
299##        R(maxlag+1-k,idx) = X(k+1:N,i)' * X(1:N-k,j);
300##        R(maxlag+1+k,idx) = X(1:N-k,i)' * X(k+1:N,j);
301##      endfor
302##      if (i!=j), R(:,(j-1)*P+i) = conj(flipud(R(:,idx))); endif
303##    endfor
304##  endfor
305##elseif isempty(Y)
306##  ## reshape X so that dot product comes out right
307##  X = reshape(X, 1, N);
309##  ## compute autocorrelation for 0:maxlag
310##  R = zeros (2*maxlag + 1, 1);
311##  for k=0:maxlag
312##    R(maxlag+1+k) = X(1:N-k) * X(k+1:N)';
313##  endfor
315##  ## use symmetry for -maxlag:-1
316##  R(1:maxlag) = conj(R(2*maxlag+1:-1:maxlag+2));
318##  ## reshape and pad so X and Y are the same length
319##  X = reshape(postpad(X,N), 1, N);
320##  Y = reshape(postpad(Y,N), 1, N)';
322##  ## compute cross-correlation
323##  R = zeros (2*maxlag + 1, 1);
324##  R(maxlag+1) = X*Y;
325##  for k=1:maxlag
326##    R(maxlag+1-k) = X(k+1:N) * Y(1:N-k);
327##    R(maxlag+1+k) = X(1:N-k) * Y(k+1:N);
328##  endfor