1 /*!\file
2  * \author Matthias Elf
3  * \brief tailing off manager.
4  *
5  * \par License:
6  * This file is part of ABACUS - A Branch And CUt System
7  * Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003
8  * University of Cologne, Germany
9  *
10  * \par
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * \par
17  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * \par
23  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
24  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
25  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
26  *
27  * \see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
28  */
30 #pragma once
32 #include <ogdf/lib/abacus/ring.h>
33 #include <ogdf/lib/abacus/master.h>
35 namespace abacus {
38 //! Tailing off manager.
39 /**
40  * During the cutting plane phase of the optimization of a single
41  * subproblem it can be quite often observed that during the first
42  * iterations a significant decrease of the optimum value of the
43  * LP occurs, yet, this decrease becomes smaller and
44  * smaller in later iterations. This effect is called
45  * <i>tailing off</i> (see M. Padberg, G. Rinaldi, A branch-and-cut
46  * algorithm for the resolution of large-scale symmetric traveling
47  * salesman problems, SIAM Review 33, pp. 60-100).
48  * Experimental results show that it might
49  * be better to branch, although violated constraints can still
50  * be generated, than to continue the cutting plane phase.
51  *
52  * This class stores the history of the values of the last
53  * LP-solutions and implements all functions to control this
54  * tailing-off effect.
55  * The parameters are taken from the associated master.
56  */
57 class  TailOff :  public AbacusRoot  {
58 	friend class Sub;
59 public:
61 	//! The constructor takes the length of the tailing off history from Master::tailOffNLp().
62 	/**
63 	 * \param master A pointer to the corresponding master of the optimization.
64 	 */
TailOff(Master * master)65 	TailOff(Master *master) : master_(master)
66 	{
67 		if (master->tailOffNLp() > 0)
68 			lpHistory_ = new AbaRing<double>(master->tailOffNLp());
69 		else
70 			lpHistory_ = nullptr;
71 	}
73 	//! An alternative constructor takes the length of the tailing off history from the parameter NLp.
74 	/**
75 	 * \param master A pointer to the corresponding master of the optimization.
76 	 * \param NLp    The length of the tailing off history.
77 	 */
TailOff(Master * master,int NLp)78 	TailOff(Master *master, int NLp) : master_(master)
79 	{
80 		if (NLp > 0)
81 			lpHistory_ = new AbaRing<double>(NLp);
82 		else
83 			lpHistory_ = nullptr;
84 	}
86 	//! The destructor.
~TailOff()87 	~TailOff() { delete lpHistory_; }
90 	//! The output operator
91 	/**
92 	 * Writes the memorized LP-values on an output stream.
93 	 *
94 	 * \param out The output stream.
95 	 * \param rhs The tailing-off manager  being output.
96 	 *
97 	 * \return A reference to the output stream.
98 	 */
99 	friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TailOff &rhs);
101 	//! Checks whether there is a tailing-off effect.
102 	/**
103 	 * We assume a tailing-off effect if during the last Master::tailOffNLps()
104 	 * iterations of the cutting plane algorithms
105 	 * the dual bound changed at most Master::tailOffPercent() percent.
106 	 *
107 	 * \return true if a tailing off effect is observed, false otherwise.
108 	 */
109 	virtual bool tailOff() const;
111 	//! Can be used to retrieve the difference between the last and a previous LP-solution in percent.
112 	/**
113 	 * \param nLps The number of LPs before the last solved linear program
114 	 *             with which the last solved LP-value should be compared.
115 	 * \param d    Contains the absolute difference bewteen the value of the
116 	 *             last solved
117 	 *             linear program and the value of the linear program solved
118 	 *             \a nLps before in percent relative to the older value.
119 	 *
120 	 * \return 0 if the difference could be computed, i.e., the old
121 	 *           LP-value \a nLPs before the last one is store in the history,
122 	 *           1 otherwise.
123 	 */
124 	int diff(int nLps, double &d) const;
126 protected:
128 	//! A new LP-solution value can be stored by calling the function \a update().
129 	/**
130 	 * This update should be performed after every solution
131 	 * of an LP in the cutting plane generation phase of the subproblem
132 	 * optimization process.
133 	 *
134 	 * \param value The LP-solution value.
135 	 */
update(double value)136 	void update(double value) {
137 		if (lpHistory_)
138 			lpHistory_->insert(value);
139 	}
142 	//! Clears the solution history.
143 	/**
144 	 * This function
145 	 * should be called if variables are added, because
146 	 * normally the solution value of the LP-relaxation gets worse
147 	 * after the addition of variables. Such a
148 	 * change could falsely indicate a tailing-off effect if the
149 	 * history of LP-values is not reset.
150 	 */
reset()151 	void reset() {
152 		if (lpHistory_)
153 			lpHistory_->clear();
154 	}
157 	//! A pointer to the corresponding master of the optimization.
158 	Master   *master_;
160 	//! The LP-values considered in the tailing off analysis.
161 	AbaRing<double> *lpHistory_;
162 };
164 }