1 /* $Id: ClpPdco.cpp 1665 2011-01-04 17:55:54Z lou $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2003, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #ifdef COIN_DO_PDCO
8 /* Pdco algorithm
10 Method
13 */
17 #include "CoinPragma.hpp"
19 #include <math.h>
21 #include "CoinDenseVector.hpp"
22 #include "ClpPdco.hpp"
23 #include "ClpPdcoBase.hpp"
24 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
25 #include "ClpHelperFunctions.hpp"
26 #include "ClpLsqr.hpp"
27 #include "CoinTime.hpp"
28 #include "ClpMessage.hpp"
29 #include <cfloat>
30 #include <cassert>
31 #include <string>
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #include <iostream>
35 int
pdco()36 ClpPdco::pdco()
37 {
38      printf("Dummy pdco solve\n");
39      return 0;
40 }
41 // ** Temporary version
42 int
pdco(ClpPdcoBase * stuff,Options & options,Info & info,Outfo & outfo)43 ClpPdco::pdco( ClpPdcoBase * stuff, Options &options, Info &info, Outfo &outfo)
44 {
45 //    D1, D2 are positive-definite diagonal matrices defined from d1, d2.
46 //           In particular, d2 indicates the accuracy required for
47 //           satisfying each row of Ax = b.
48 //
49 // D1 and D2 (via d1 and d2) provide primal and dual regularization
50 // respectively.  They ensure that the primal and dual solutions
51 // (x,r) and (y,z) are unique and bounded.
52 //
53 // A scalar d1 is equivalent to d1 = ones(n,1), D1 = diag(d1).
54 // A scalar d2 is equivalent to d2 = ones(m,1), D2 = diag(d2).
55 // Typically, d1 = d2 = 1e-4.
56 // These values perturb phi(x) only slightly  (by about 1e-8) and request
57 // that A*x = b be satisfied quite accurately (to about 1e-8).
58 // Set d1 = 1e-4, d2 = 1 for least-squares problems with bound constraints.
59 // The problem is then
60 //
61 //    minimize    phi(x) + 1/2 norm(d1*x)^2 + 1/2 norm(A*x - b)^2
62 //    subject to  bl <= x <= bu.
63 //
64 // More generally, d1 and d2 may be n and m vectors containing any positive
65 // values (preferably not too small, and typically no larger than 1).
66 // Bigger elements of d1 and d2 improve the stability of the solver.
67 //
68 // At an optimal solution, if x(j) is on its lower or upper bound,
69 // the corresponding z(j) is positive or negative respectively.
70 // If x(j) is between its bounds, z(j) = 0.
71 // If bl(j) = bu(j), x(j) is fixed at that value and z(j) may have
72 // either sign.
73 //
74 // Also, r and y satisfy r = D2 y, so that Ax + D2^2 y = b.
75 // Thus if d2(i) = 1e-4, the i-th row of Ax = b will be satisfied to
76 // approximately 1e-8.  This determines how large d2(i) can safely be.
77 //
78 //
80 // options         = pdcoSet;                  provided with pdco.m
81 // [obj,grad,hess] = pdObj( x );               provided by user
82 //               y = pdMat( name,mode,m,n,x ); provided by user if pdMat
83 //                                             is a string, not a matrix
84 //
86 // pdObj      is a string containing the name of a function pdObj.m
87 //            or a function_handle for such a function
88 //            such that [obj,grad,hess] = pdObj(x) defines
89 //            obj  = phi(x)              : a scalar,
90 //            grad = gradient of phi(x)  : an n-vector,
91 //            hess = diag(Hessian of phi): an n-vector.
92 //         Examples:
93 //            If phi(x) is the linear function c"x, pdObj should return
94 //               [obj,grad,hess] = [c"*x, c, zeros(n,1)].
95 //            If phi(x) is the entropy function E(x) = sum x(j) log x(j),
96 //               [obj,grad,hess] = [E(x), log(x)+1, 1./x].
97 // pdMat      may be an ifexplicit m x n matrix A (preferably sparse!),
98 //            or a string containing the name of a function pdMat.m
99 //            or a function_handle for such a function
100 //            such that y = pdMat( name,mode,m,n,x )
101 //            returns   y = A*x (mode=1)  or  y = A"*x (mode=2).
102 //            The input parameter "name" will be the string pdMat.
103 // b          is an m-vector.
104 // bl         is an n-vector of lower bounds.  Non-existent bounds
105 //            may be represented by bl(j) = -Inf or bl(j) <= -1e+20.
106 // bu         is an n-vector of upper bounds.  Non-existent bounds
107 //            may be represented by bu(j) =  Inf or bu(j) >=  1e+20.
108 // d1, d2     may be positive scalars or positive vectors (see above).
109 // options    is a structure that may be set and altered by pdcoSet
110 //            (type help pdcoSet).
111 // x0, y0, z0 provide an initial solution.
112 // xsize, zsize are estimates of the biggest x and z at the solution.
113 //            They are used to scale (x,y,z).  Good estimates
114 //            should improve the performance of the barrier method.
115 //
116 //
118 // x          is the primal solution.
119 // y          is the dual solution associated with Ax + D2 r = b.
120 // z          is the dual solution associated with bl <= x <= bu.
121 // inform = 0 if a solution is found;
122 //        = 1 if too many iterations were required;
123 //        = 2 if the linesearch failed too often.
124 // PDitns     is the number of Primal-Dual Barrier iterations required.
125 // CGitns     is the number of Conjugate-Gradient  iterations required
126 //            if an iterative solver is used (LSQR).
127 // time       is the cpu time used.
128 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
131 //    pdxxxbounds
132 //    pdxxxdistrib
133 //    pdxxxlsqr
134 //    pdxxxlsqrmat
135 //    pdxxxmat
136 //    pdxxxmerit
137 //    pdxxxresid1
138 //    pdxxxresid2
139 //    pdxxxstep
140 //
142 //    global pdDDD1 pdDDD2 pdDDD3
143 //
144 //
145 // NOTES:
146 // The matrix A should be reasonably well scaled: norm(A,inf) =~ 1.
147 // The vector b and objective phi(x) may be of any size, but ensure that
148 // xsize and zsize are reasonably close to norm(x,inf) and norm(z,inf)
149 // at the solution.
150 //
151 // The files defining pdObj  and pdMat
152 // must not be called Fname.m or Aname.m!!
153 //
154 //
155 // AUTHOR:
156 //    Michael Saunders, Systems Optimization Laboratory (SOL),
157 //    Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
158 //    saunders@stanford.edu
159 //
161 //    Byunggyoo Kim, SOL, Stanford University.
162 //    bgkim@stanford.edu
163 //
165 // 20 Jun 1997: Original version of pdsco.m derived from pdlp0.m.
166 // 29 Sep 2002: Original version of pdco.m  derived from pdsco.m.
167 //              Introduced D1, D2 in place of gamma*I, delta*I
168 //              and allowed for general bounds bl <= x <= bu.
169 // 06 Oct 2002: Allowed for fixed variabes: bl(j) = bu(j) for any j.
170 // 15 Oct 2002: Eliminated some work vectors (since m, n might be LARGE).
171 //              Modularized residuals, linesearch
172 // 16 Oct 2002: pdxxx..., pdDDD... names rationalized.
173 //              pdAAA eliminated (global copy of A).
174 //              Aname is now used directly as an ifexplicit A or a function.
175 //              NOTE: If Aname is a function, it now has an extra parameter.
176 // 23 Oct 2002: Fname and Aname can now be function handles.
177 // 01 Nov 2002: Bug fixed in feval in pdxxxmat.
178 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
180 //  global pdDDD1 pdDDD2 pdDDD3
181      double inf = 1.0e30;
182      double eps = 1.0e-15;
183      double atolold, r3ratio, Pinf, Dinf, Cinf, Cinf0;
185      printf("\n   --------------------------------------------------------");
186      printf("\n   pdco.m                            Version of 01 Nov 2002");
187      printf("\n   Primal-dual barrier method to minimize a convex function");
188      printf("\n   subject to linear constraints Ax + r = b,  bl <= x <= bu");
189      printf("\n   --------------------------------------------------------\n");
191      int m = numberRows_;
192      int n = numberColumns_;
193      bool ifexplicit = true;
195      CoinDenseVector<double> b(m, rhs_);
196      CoinDenseVector<double> x(n, x_);
197      CoinDenseVector<double> y(m, y_);
198      CoinDenseVector<double> z(n, dj_);
199      //delete old arrays
200      delete [] rhs_;
201      delete [] x_;
202      delete [] y_;
203      delete [] dj_;
204      rhs_ = NULL;
205      x_ = NULL;
206      y_ = NULL;
207      dj_ = NULL;
209      // Save stuff so available elsewhere
210      pdcoStuff_ = stuff;
212      double normb  = b.infNorm();
213      double normx0 = x.infNorm();
214      double normy0 = y.infNorm();
215      double normz0 = z.infNorm();
217      printf("\nmax |b | = %8g     max |x0| = %8g", normb , normx0);
218      printf(                "      xsize   = %8g", xsize_);
219      printf("\nmax |y0| = %8g     max |z0| = %8g", normy0, normz0);
220      printf(                "      zsize   = %8g", zsize_);
222      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
223      // Initialize.
224      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
225      //true   = 1;
226      //false  = 0;
227      //zn     = zeros(n,1);
228      int nb     = n + m;
229      int nkkt   = nb;
230      int CGitns = 0;
231      int inform = 0;
232      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
233      //  Only allow scalar d1, d2 for now
234      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
235      /*
236      if (d1_->size()==1)
237          d1_->resize(n, d1_->getElements()[0]);  // Allow scalar d1, d2
238      if (d2_->size()==1)
239          d2->resize(m, d2->getElements()[0]);  // to mean dk * unit vector
240       */
241      assert (stuff->sizeD1() == 1);
242      double d1 = stuff->getD1();
243      double d2 = stuff->getD2();
245      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
246      // Grab input options.
247      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
248      int  maxitn    = options.MaxIter;
249      double featol    = options.FeaTol;
250      double opttol    = options.OptTol;
251      double steptol   = options.StepTol;
252      int  stepSame  = 1;  /* options.StepSame;   // 1 means stepx == stepz */
253      double x0min     = options.x0min;
254      double z0min     = options.z0min;
255      double mu0       = options.mu0;
256      int  LSproblem = options.LSproblem;  // See below
257      int  LSmethod  = options.LSmethod;   // 1=Cholesky    2=QR    3=LSQR
258      int  itnlim    = options.LSQRMaxIter * CoinMin(m, n);
259      double atol1     = options.LSQRatol1;  // Initial  atol
260      double atol2     = options.LSQRatol2;  // Smallest atol,unless atol1 is smaller
261      double conlim    = options.LSQRconlim;
262      int  wait      = options.wait;
264      // LSproblem:
265      //  1 = dy          2 = dy shifted, DLS
266      // 11 = s          12 =  s shifted, DLS    (dx = Ds)
267      // 21 = dx
268      // 31 = 3x3 system, symmetrized by Z^{1/2}
269      // 32 = 2x2 system, symmetrized by X^{1/2}
271      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
272      // Set other parameters.
273      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
274      int  kminor    = 0;      // 1 stops after each iteration
275      double eta       = 1e-4;   // Linesearch tolerance for "sufficient descent"
276      double maxf      = 10;     // Linesearch backtrack limit (function evaluations)
277      double maxfail   = 1;      // Linesearch failure limit (consecutive iterations)
278      double bigcenter = 1e+3;   // mu is reduced if center < bigcenter.
280      // Parameters for LSQR.
281      double atolmin   = eps;    // Smallest atol if linesearch back-tracks
282      double btol      = 0;      // Should be small (zero is ok)
283      double show      = false;  // Controls lsqr iteration log
284      /*
285      double gamma     = d1->infNorm();
286      double delta     = d2->infNorm();
287      */
288      double gamma = d1;
289      double delta = d2;
291      printf("\n\nx0min    = %8g     featol   = %8.1e", x0min, featol);
292      printf(                  "      d1max   = %8.1e", gamma);
293      printf(  "\nz0min    = %8g     opttol   = %8.1e", z0min, opttol);
294      printf(                  "      d2max   = %8.1e", delta);
295      printf(  "\nmu0      = %8.1e     steptol  = %8g", mu0  , steptol);
296      printf(                  "     bigcenter= %8g"  , bigcenter);
298      printf("\n\nLSQR:");
299      printf("\natol1    = %8.1e     atol2    = %8.1e", atol1 , atol2 );
300      printf(                  "      btol    = %8.1e", btol );
301      printf("\nconlim   = %8.1e     itnlim   = %8d"  , conlim, itnlim);
302      printf(                  "      show    = %8g"  , show );
304 // LSmethod  = 3;  ////// Hardwire LSQR
305 // LSproblem = 1;  ////// and LS problem defining "dy".
306      /*
307        if wait
308          printf("\n\nReview parameters... then type "return"\n")
309          keyboard
310        end
311      */
312      if (eta < 0)
313           printf("\n\nLinesearch disabled by eta < 0");
315      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
316      // All parameters have now been set.
317      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
318      double time    = CoinCpuTime();
319      bool useChol = (LSmethod == 1);
320      bool useQR   = (LSmethod == 2);
321      bool direct  = (LSmethod <= 2 && ifexplicit);
322      char solver[6];
323      strcpy(solver, "  LSQR");
326      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
327      // Categorize bounds and allow for fixed variables by modifying b.
328      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
330      int nlow, nupp, nfix;
331      int *bptrs[3] = {0};
332      getBoundTypes(&nlow, &nupp, &nfix, bptrs );
333      int *low = bptrs[0];
334      int *upp = bptrs[1];
335      int *fix = bptrs[2];
337      int nU = n;
338      if (nupp == 0) nU = 1;  //Make dummy vectors if no Upper bounds
340      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
341      //  Get pointers to local copy of model bounds
342      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
344      CoinDenseVector<double> bl(n, columnLower_);
345      double *bl_elts = bl.getElements();
346      CoinDenseVector<double> bu(nU, columnUpper_);  // this is dummy if no UB
347      double *bu_elts = bu.getElements();
349      CoinDenseVector<double> r1(m, 0.0);
350      double *r1_elts = r1.getElements();
351      CoinDenseVector<double> x1(n, 0.0);
352      double *x1_elts = x1.getElements();
354      if (nfix > 0) {
355           for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
356                x1_elts[fix[k]] = bl[fix[k]];
357           matVecMult(1, r1, x1);
358           b = b - r1;
359           // At some stage, might want to look at normfix = norm(r1,inf);
360      }
362      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
363      // Scale the input data.
364      // The scaled variables are
365      //    xbar     = x/beta,
366      //    ybar     = y/zeta,
367      //    zbar     = z/zeta.
368      // Define
369      //    theta    = beta*zeta;
370      // The scaled function is
371      //    phibar   = ( 1   /theta) fbar(beta*xbar),
372      //    gradient = (beta /theta) grad,
373      //    Hessian  = (beta2/theta) hess.
374      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
375      double beta = xsize_;
376      if (beta == 0) beta = 1; // beta scales b, x.
377      double zeta = zsize_;
378      if (zeta == 0) zeta = 1; // zeta scales y, z.
379      double theta  = beta * zeta;                          // theta scales obj.
380      // (theta could be anything, but theta = beta*zeta makes
381      // scaled grad = grad/zeta = 1 approximately if zeta is chosen right.)
383      for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
384           bl_elts[low[k]] = bl_elts[low[k]] / beta;
385      for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
386           bu_elts[upp[k]] = bu_elts[upp[k]] / beta;
387      d1     = d1 * ( beta / sqrt(theta) );
388      d2     = d2 * ( sqrt(theta) / beta );
390      double beta2  = beta * beta;
391      b.scale( (1.0 / beta) );
392      y.scale( (1.0 / zeta) );
393      x.scale( (1.0 / beta) );
394      z.scale( (1.0 / zeta) );
396      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
397      // Initialize vectors that are not fully used if bounds are missing.
398      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
399      CoinDenseVector<double> rL(n, 0.0);
400      CoinDenseVector<double> cL(n, 0.0);
401      CoinDenseVector<double> z1(n, 0.0);
402      CoinDenseVector<double> dx1(n, 0.0);
403      CoinDenseVector<double> dz1(n, 0.0);
404      CoinDenseVector<double> r2(n, 0.0);
406      // Assign upper bd regions (dummy if no UBs)
408      CoinDenseVector<double> rU(nU, 0.0);
409      CoinDenseVector<double> cU(nU, 0.0);
410      CoinDenseVector<double> x2(nU, 0.0);
411      CoinDenseVector<double> z2(nU, 0.0);
412      CoinDenseVector<double> dx2(nU, 0.0);
413      CoinDenseVector<double> dz2(nU, 0.0);
415      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
416      // Initialize x, y, z, objective, etc.
417      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
418      CoinDenseVector<double> dx(n, 0.0);
419      CoinDenseVector<double> dy(m, 0.0);
420      CoinDenseVector<double> Pr(m);
421      CoinDenseVector<double> D(n);
422      double *D_elts = D.getElements();
423      CoinDenseVector<double> w(n);
424      double *w_elts = w.getElements();
425      CoinDenseVector<double> rhs(m + n);
428      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
429      // Pull out the element array pointers for efficiency
430      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
431      double *x_elts  = x.getElements();
432      double *x2_elts = x2.getElements();
433      double *z_elts  = z.getElements();
434      double *z1_elts = z1.getElements();
435      double *z2_elts = z2.getElements();
437      for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
438           x_elts[low[k]]  = CoinMax( x_elts[low[k]], bl[low[k]]);
439           x1_elts[low[k]] = CoinMax( x_elts[low[k]] - bl[low[k]], x0min  );
440           z1_elts[low[k]] = CoinMax( z_elts[low[k]], z0min  );
441      }
442      for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
443           x_elts[upp[k]]  = CoinMin( x_elts[upp[k]], bu[upp[k]]);
444           x2_elts[upp[k]] = CoinMax(bu[upp[k]] -  x_elts[upp[k]], x0min  );
445           z2_elts[upp[k]] = CoinMax(-z_elts[upp[k]], z0min  );
446      }
447      //////////////////// Assume hessian is diagonal. //////////////////////
449 //  [obj,grad,hess] = feval( Fname, (x*beta) );
450      x.scale(beta);
451      double obj = getObj(x);
452      CoinDenseVector<double> grad(n);
453      getGrad(x, grad);
454      CoinDenseVector<double> H(n);
455      getHessian(x , H);
456      x.scale((1.0 / beta));
458      double * g_elts = grad.getElements();
459      double * H_elts = H.getElements();
461      obj /= theta;                       // Scaled obj.
462      grad = grad * (beta / theta) + (d1 * d1) * x; // grad includes x regularization.
463      H  = H * (beta2 / theta) + (d1 * d1)      ; // H    includes x regularization.
466      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
467      // Compute primal and dual residuals:
468      // r1 =  b - Aprod(x) - d2*d2*y;
469      // r2 =  grad - Atprod(y) + z2 - z1;
470      //  rL =  bl - x + x1;
471      //  rU =  x + x2 - bu; */
472      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
473      //  [r1,r2,rL,rU,Pinf,Dinf] = ...
474      //      pdxxxresid1( Aname,fix,low,upp, ...
475      //                   b,bl,bu,d1,d2,grad,rL,rU,x,x1,x2,y,z1,z2 );
476      pdxxxresid1( this, nlow, nupp, nfix, low, upp, fix,
477                   b, bl_elts, bu_elts, d1, d2, grad, rL, rU, x, x1, x2, y, z1, z2,
478                   r1, r2, &Pinf, &Dinf);
479      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
480      // Initialize mu and complementarity residuals:
481      //    cL   = mu*e - X1*z1.
482      //    cU   = mu*e - X2*z2.
483      //
484      // 25 Jan 2001: Now that b and obj are scaled (and hence x,y,z),
485      //              we should be able to use mufirst = mu0 (absolute value).
486      //              0.1 worked poorly on StarTest1 with x0min = z0min = 0.1.
487      // 29 Jan 2001: We might as well use mu0 = x0min * z0min;
488      //              so that most variables are centered after a warm start.
489      // 29 Sep 2002: Use mufirst = mu0*(x0min * z0min),
490      //              regarding mu0 as a scaling of the initial center.
491      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
492      //  double mufirst = mu0*(x0min * z0min);
493      double mufirst = mu0;   // revert to absolute value
494      double mulast  = 0.1 * opttol;
495      mulast  = CoinMin( mulast, mufirst );
496      double mu      = mufirst;
497      double center,  fmerit;
498      pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2,
499                   z1, z2, &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0 );
500      fmerit = pdxxxmerit(nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );
502      // Initialize other things.
504      bool  precon   = true;
505      double PDitns    = 0;
506      bool converged = false;
507      double atol      = atol1;
508      atol2     = CoinMax( atol2, atolmin );
509      atolmin   = atol2;
510      //  pdDDD2    = d2;    // Global vector for diagonal matrix D2
512      //  Iteration log.
514      double stepx   = 0;
515      double stepz   = 0;
516      int nf      = 0;
517      int itncg   = 0;
518      int nfail   = 0;
520      printf("\n\nItn   mu   stepx   stepz  Pinf  Dinf");
521      printf("  Cinf   Objective    nf  center");
522      if (direct) {
523           printf("\n");
524      } else {
525           printf("  atol   solver   Inexact\n");
526      }
528      double regx = (d1 * x).twoNorm();
529      double regy = (d2 * y).twoNorm();
530      //  regterm = twoNorm(d1.*x)^2  +  norm(d2.*y)^2;
531      double regterm = regx * regx + regy * regy;
532      double objreg  = obj  +  0.5 * regterm;
533      double objtrue = objreg * theta;
535      printf("\n%3g                     ", PDitns        );
536      printf("%6.1f%6.1f" , log10(Pinf ), log10(Dinf));
537      printf("%6.1f%15.7e", log10(Cinf0), objtrue    );
538      printf("   %8.1f\n"   , center                   );
539      /*
540      if kminor
541        printf("\n\nStart of first minor itn...\n");
542        keyboard
543      end
544      */
545      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
546      // Main loop.
547      //---------------------------------------------------------------------
548      // Lsqr
549      ClpLsqr  thisLsqr(this);
550      //  while (converged) {
551      while(PDitns < maxitn) {
552           PDitns = PDitns + 1;
554           // 31 Jan 2001: Set atol according to progress, a la Inexact Newton.
555           // 07 Feb 2001: 0.1 not small enough for Satellite problem.  Try 0.01.
556           // 25 Apr 2001: 0.01 seems wasteful for Star problem.
557           //              Now that starting conditions are better, go back to 0.1.
559           double r3norm = CoinMax(Pinf,   CoinMax(Dinf,  Cinf));
560           atol   = CoinMin(atol,  r3norm * 0.1);
561           atol   = CoinMax(atol,  atolmin   );
562           info.r3norm = r3norm;
564           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
565           //  Define a damped Newton iteration for solving f = 0,
566           //  keeping  x1, x2, z1, z2 > 0.  We eliminate dx1, dx2, dz1, dz2
567           //  to obtain the system
568           //
569           //     [-H2  A"  ] [ dx ] = [ w ],   H2 = H + D1^2 + X1inv Z1 + X2inv Z2,
570           //     [ A   D2^2] [ dy ] = [ r1]    w  = r2 - X1inv(cL + Z1 rL)
571           //                                           + X2inv(cU + Z2 rU),
572           //
573           //  which is equivalent to the least-squares problem
574           //
575           //     min || [ D A"]dy  -  [  D w   ] ||,   D = H2^{-1/2}.         (*)
576           //         || [  D2 ]       [D2inv r1] ||
577           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
578           for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
579                H_elts[low[k]]  = H_elts[low[k]] + z1[low[k]] / x1[low[k]];
580           for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
581                H[upp[k]]  = H[upp[k]] + z2[upp[k]] / x2[upp[k]];
582           w = r2;
583           for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
584                w[low[k]]  = w[low[k]] - (cL[low[k]] + z1[low[k]] * rL[low[k]]) / x1[low[k]];
585           for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
586                w[upp[k]]  = w[upp[k]] + (cU[upp[k]] + z2[upp[k]] * rU[upp[k]]) / x2[upp[k]];
588           if (LSproblem == 1) {
589                //-----------------------------------------------------------------
590                //  Solve (*) for dy.
591                //-----------------------------------------------------------------
592                H      = 1.0 / H;  // H is now Hinv (NOTE!)
593                for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
594                     H[fix[k]] = 0;
595                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
596                     D_elts[k] = sqrt(H_elts[k]);
597                thisLsqr.borrowDiag1(D_elts);
598                thisLsqr.diag2_ = d2;
600                if (direct) {
601                     // Omit direct option for now
602                } else {// Iterative solve using LSQR.
603                     //rhs     = [ D.*w; r1./d2 ];
604                     for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
605                          rhs[k] = D_elts[k] * w_elts[k];
606                     for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
607                          rhs[n+k] = r1_elts[k] * (1.0 / d2);
608                     double damp    = 0;
610                     if (precon) {   // Construct diagonal preconditioner for LSQR
611                          matPrecon(d2, Pr, D);
612                     }
613                     /*
614                     	rw(7)        = precon;
615                             info.atolmin = atolmin;
616                             info.r3norm  = fmerit;  // Must be the 2-norm here.
618                             [ dy, istop, itncg, outfo ] = ...
619                        pdxxxlsqr( nb,m,"pdxxxlsqrmat",Aname,rw,rhs,damp, ...
620                                   atol,btol,conlim,itnlim,show,info );
623                     	thisLsqr.input->rhs_vec = &rhs;
624                     	thisLsqr.input->sol_vec = &dy;
625                     	thisLsqr.input->rel_mat_err = atol;
626                     	thisLsqr.do_lsqr(this);
627                     	*/
628                     //  New version of lsqr
630                     int istop, itn;
631                     dy.clear();
632                     show = false;
633                     info.atolmin = atolmin;
634                     info.r3norm  = fmerit;  // Must be the 2-norm here.
636                     thisLsqr.do_lsqr( rhs, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim,
637                                       show, info, dy , &istop, &itncg, &outfo, precon, Pr);
638                     if (precon)
639                          dy = dy * Pr;
641                     if (!precon && itncg > 999999)
642                          precon = true;
644                     if (istop == 3  ||  istop == 7 )  // conlim or itnlim
645                          printf("\n    LSQR stopped early:  istop = //%d", istop);
648                     atolold   = outfo.atolold;
649                     atol      = outfo.atolnew;
650                     r3ratio   = outfo.r3ratio;
651                }// LSproblem 1
653                //      grad      = pdxxxmat( Aname,2,m,n,dy );   // grad = A"dy
654                grad.clear();
655                matVecMult(2, grad, dy);
656                for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
657                     grad[fix[k]] = 0;                            // grad is a work vector
658                dx = H * (grad - w);
660           } else {
661                perror( "This LSproblem not yet implemented\n" );
662           }
663           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
665           CGitns += itncg;
667           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
668           // dx and dy are now known.  Get dx1, dx2, dz1, dz2.
669           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
670           for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
671                dx1[low[k]] = - rL[low[k]] + dx[low[k]];
672                dz1[low[k]] =  (cL[low[k]] - z1[low[k]] * dx1[low[k]]) / x1[low[k]];
673           }
674           for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
675                dx2[upp[k]] = - rU[upp[k]] - dx[upp[k]];
676                dz2[upp[k]] =  (cU[upp[k]] - z2[upp[k]] * dx2[upp[k]]) / x2[upp[k]];
677           }
678           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
679           // Find the maximum step.
680           //--------------------------------------------------------------------
681           double stepx1 = pdxxxstep(nlow, low, x1, dx1 );
682           double stepx2 = inf;
683           if (nupp > 0)
684                stepx2 = pdxxxstep(nupp, upp, x2, dx2 );
685           double stepz1 = pdxxxstep( z1     , dz1      );
686           double stepz2 = inf;
687           if (nupp > 0)
688                stepz2 = pdxxxstep( z2     , dz2      );
689           double stepx  = CoinMin( stepx1, stepx2 );
690           double stepz  = CoinMin( stepz1, stepz2 );
691           stepx  = CoinMin( steptol * stepx, 1.0 );
692           stepz  = CoinMin( steptol * stepz, 1.0 );
693           if (stepSame) {                  // For NLPs, force same step
694                stepx = CoinMin( stepx, stepz );   // (true Newton method)
695                stepz = stepx;
696           }
698           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
699           // Backtracking linesearch.
700           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
701           bool fail     =  true;
702           nf       =  0;
704           while (nf < maxf) {
705                nf      = nf + 1;
706                x       = x        +  stepx * dx;
707                y       = y        +  stepz * dy;
708                for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
709                     x1[low[k]] = x1[low[k]]  +  stepx * dx1[low[k]];
710                     z1[low[k]] = z1[low[k]]  +  stepz * dz1[low[k]];
711                }
712                for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
713                     x2[upp[k]] = x2[upp[k]]  +  stepx * dx2[upp[k]];
714                     z2[upp[k]] = z2[upp[k]]  +  stepz * dz2[upp[k]];
715                }
716                //      [obj,grad,hess] = feval( Fname, (x*beta) );
717                x.scale(beta);
718                obj = getObj(x);
719                getGrad(x, grad);
720                getHessian(x, H);
721                x.scale((1.0 / beta));
723                obj        /= theta;
724                grad       = grad * (beta / theta)  +  d1 * d1 * x;
725                H          = H * (beta2 / theta)  +  d1 * d1;
727                //      [r1,r2,rL,rU,Pinf,Dinf] = ...
728                pdxxxresid1( this, nlow, nupp, nfix, low, upp, fix,
729                             b, bl_elts, bu_elts, d1, d2, grad, rL, rU, x, x1, x2,
730                             y, z1, z2, r1, r2, &Pinf, &Dinf );
731                //double center, Cinf, Cinf0;
732                //      [cL,cU,center,Cinf,Cinf0] = ...
733                pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2, z1, z2,
734                             &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0);
735                double fmeritnew = pdxxxmerit(nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );
736                double step      = CoinMin( stepx, stepz );
738                if (fmeritnew <= (1 - eta * step)*fmerit) {
739                     fail = false;
740                     break;
741                }
743                // Merit function didn"t decrease.
744                // Restore variables to previous values.
745                // (This introduces a little error, but save lots of space.)
747                x       = x        -  stepx * dx;
748                y       = y        -  stepz * dy;
749                for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
750                     x1[low[k]] = x1[low[k]]  -  stepx * dx1[low[k]];
751                     z1[low[k]] = z1[low[k]]  -  stepz * dz1[low[k]];
752                }
753                for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
754                     x2[upp[k]] = x2[upp[k]]  -  stepx * dx2[upp[k]];
755                     z2[upp[k]] = z2[upp[k]]  -  stepz * dz2[upp[k]];
756                }
757                // Back-track.
758                // If it"s the first time,
759                // make stepx and stepz the same.
761                if (nf == 1 && stepx != stepz) {
762                     stepx = step;
763                } else if (nf < maxf) {
764                     stepx = stepx / 2;
765                }
766                stepz = stepx;
767           }
769           if (fail) {
770                printf("\n     Linesearch failed (nf too big)");
771                nfail += 1;
772           } else {
773                nfail = 0;
774           }
776           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
777           // Set convergence measures.
778           //--------------------------------------------------------------------
779           regx = (d1 * x).twoNorm();
780           regy = (d2 * y).twoNorm();
781           regterm = regx * regx + regy * regy;
782           objreg  = obj  +  0.5 * regterm;
783           objtrue = objreg * theta;
785           bool primalfeas    = Pinf  <=  featol;
786           bool dualfeas      = Dinf  <=  featol;
787           bool complementary = Cinf0 <=  opttol;
788           bool enough        = PDitns >=       4; // Prevent premature termination.
789           bool converged     = primalfeas  &  dualfeas  &  complementary  &  enough;
791           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
792           // Iteration log.
793           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
794           char str1[100], str2[100], str3[100], str4[100], str5[100];
795           sprintf(str1, "\n%3g%5.1f" , PDitns      , log10(mu)   );
796           sprintf(str2, "%8.5f%8.5f" , stepx       , stepz       );
797           if (stepx < 0.0001 || stepz < 0.0001) {
798                sprintf(str2, " %6.1e %6.1e" , stepx       , stepz       );
799           }
801           sprintf(str3, "%6.1f%6.1f" , log10(Pinf) , log10(Dinf));
802           sprintf(str4, "%6.1f%15.7e", log10(Cinf0), objtrue     );
803           sprintf(str5, "%3d%8.1f"   , nf          , center      );
804           if (center > 99999) {
805                sprintf(str5, "%3d%8.1e"   , nf          , center      );
806           }
807           printf("%s%s%s%s%s", str1, str2, str3, str4, str5);
808           if (direct) {
809                // relax
810           } else {
811                printf(" %5.1f%7d%7.3f", log10(atolold), itncg, r3ratio);
812           }
813           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
814           // Test for termination.
815           //-------------------------------------------------------------------
816           if (kminor) {
817                printf( "\nStart of next minor itn...\n");
818                //      keyboard;
819           }
821           if (converged) {
822                printf("\n   Converged");
823                break;
824           } else if (PDitns >= maxitn) {
825                printf("\n   Too many iterations");
826                inform = 1;
827                break;
828           } else if (nfail  >= maxfail) {
829                printf("\n   Too many linesearch failures");
830                inform = 2;
831                break;
832           } else {
834                // Reduce mu, and reset certain residuals.
836                double stepmu  = CoinMin( stepx , stepz   );
837                stepmu  = CoinMin( stepmu, steptol );
838                double muold   = mu;
839                mu      = mu   -  stepmu * mu;
840                if (center >= bigcenter)
841                     mu = muold;
843                // mutrad = mu0*(sum(Xz)/n); // 24 May 1998: Traditional value, but
844                // mu     = CoinMin(mu,mutrad ); // it seemed to decrease mu too much.
846                mu      = CoinMax(mu, mulast); // 13 Jun 1998: No need for smaller mu.
847                //      [cL,cU,center,Cinf,Cinf0] = ...
848                pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2, z1, z2,
849                             &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0 );
850                fmerit = pdxxxmerit( nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );
852                // Reduce atol for LSQR (and SYMMLQ).
853                // NOW DONE AT TOP OF LOOP.
855                atolold = atol;
856                // if atol > atol2
857                //   atolfac = (mu/mufirst)^0.25;
858                //   atol    = CoinMax( atol*atolfac, atol2 );
859                // end
861                // atol = CoinMin( atol, mu );     // 22 Jan 2001: a la Inexact Newton.
862                // atol = CoinMin( atol, 0.5*mu ); // 30 Jan 2001: A bit tighter
864                // If the linesearch took more than one function (nf > 1),
865                // we assume the search direction needed more accuracy
866                // (though this may be true only for LPs).
867                // 12 Jun 1998: Ask for more accuracy if nf > 2.
868                // 24 Nov 2000: Also if the steps are small.
869                // 30 Jan 2001: Small steps might be ok with warm start.
870                // 06 Feb 2001: Not necessarily.  Reinstated tests in next line.
872                if (nf > 2  ||  CoinMin( stepx, stepz ) <= 0.01)
873                     atol = atolold * 0.1;
874           }
875           //---------------------------------------------------------------------
876           // End of main loop.
877           //---------------------------------------------------------------------
878      }
881      for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
882           x[fix[k]] = bl[fix[k]];
883      z      = z1;
884      if (nupp > 0)
885           z = z - z2;
886      printf("\n\nmax |x| =%10.3f", x.infNorm() );
887      printf("    max |y| =%10.3f", y.infNorm() );
888      printf("    max |z| =%10.3f", z.infNorm() );
889      printf("   scaled");
891      x.scale(beta);
892      y.scale(zeta);
893      z.scale(zeta);   // Unscale x, y, z.
895      printf(  "\nmax |x| =%10.3f", x.infNorm() );
896      printf("    max |y| =%10.3f", y.infNorm() );
897      printf("    max |z| =%10.3f", z.infNorm() );
898      printf(" unscaled\n");
900      time   = CoinCpuTime() - time;
901      char str1[100], str2[100];
902      sprintf(str1, "\nPDitns  =%10g", PDitns );
903      sprintf(str2, "itns =%10d", CGitns );
904      //  printf( [str1 " " solver str2] );
905      printf("    time    =%10.1f\n", time);
906      /*
907      pdxxxdistrib( abs(x),abs(z) );   // Private function
909      if (wait)
910        keyboard;
911      */
912 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
913 // End function pdco.m
914 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
915      /*  printf("Solution x values:\n\n");
916        for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
917          printf(" %d   %e\n", k, x[k]);
918      */
919 // Print distribution
920      float thresh[9] = { 0.00000001, 0.0000001, 0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.00001};
921      int counts[9] = {0};
922      for (int ij = 0; ij < n; ij++) {
923           for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
924                if(x[ij] < thresh[j]) {
925                     counts[j] += 1;
926                     break;
927                }
928           }
929      }
930      printf ("Distribution of Solution Values\n");
931      for (int j = 8; j > 1; j--)
932           printf(" %f  to  %f %d\n", thresh[j-1], thresh[j], counts[j]);
933      printf("   Less than   %f %d\n", thresh[2], counts[0]);
935      return 0;
936 }
937 // LSQR
938 void
lsqr()939 ClpPdco::lsqr()
940 {
941 }
matVecMult(int mode,double * x_elts,double * y_elts)943 void ClpPdco::matVecMult( int mode, double* x_elts, double* y_elts)
944 {
945      pdcoStuff_->matVecMult(this, mode, x_elts, y_elts);
946 }
matVecMult(int mode,CoinDenseVector<double> & x,double * y_elts)947 void ClpPdco::matVecMult( int mode, CoinDenseVector<double> &x, double *y_elts)
948 {
949      double *x_elts = x.getElements();
950      matVecMult( mode, x_elts, y_elts);
951      return;
952 }
matVecMult(int mode,CoinDenseVector<double> & x,CoinDenseVector<double> & y)954 void ClpPdco::matVecMult( int mode, CoinDenseVector<double> &x, CoinDenseVector<double> &y)
955 {
956      double *x_elts = x.getElements();
957      double *y_elts = y.getElements();
958      matVecMult( mode, x_elts, y_elts);
959      return;
960 }
matVecMult(int mode,CoinDenseVector<double> * x,CoinDenseVector<double> * y)962 void ClpPdco::matVecMult( int mode, CoinDenseVector<double> *x, CoinDenseVector<double> *y)
963 {
964      double *x_elts = x->getElements();
965      double *y_elts = y->getElements();
966      matVecMult( mode, x_elts, y_elts);
967      return;
968 }
matPrecon(double delta,double * x_elts,double * y_elts)969 void ClpPdco::matPrecon(double delta, double* x_elts, double* y_elts)
970 {
971      pdcoStuff_->matPrecon(this, delta, x_elts, y_elts);
972 }
matPrecon(double delta,CoinDenseVector<double> & x,double * y_elts)973 void ClpPdco::matPrecon(double delta, CoinDenseVector<double> &x, double *y_elts)
974 {
975      double *x_elts = x.getElements();
976      matPrecon(delta, x_elts, y_elts);
977      return;
978 }
matPrecon(double delta,CoinDenseVector<double> & x,CoinDenseVector<double> & y)980 void ClpPdco::matPrecon(double delta, CoinDenseVector<double> &x, CoinDenseVector<double> &y)
981 {
982      double *x_elts = x.getElements();
983      double *y_elts = y.getElements();
984      matPrecon(delta, x_elts, y_elts);
985      return;
986 }
matPrecon(double delta,CoinDenseVector<double> * x,CoinDenseVector<double> * y)988 void ClpPdco::matPrecon(double delta, CoinDenseVector<double> *x, CoinDenseVector<double> *y)
989 {
990      double *x_elts = x->getElements();
991      double *y_elts = y->getElements();
992      matPrecon(delta, x_elts, y_elts);
993      return;
994 }
getBoundTypes(int * nlow,int * nupp,int * nfix,int ** bptrs)995 void ClpPdco::getBoundTypes(int *nlow, int *nupp, int *nfix, int **bptrs)
996 {
997      *nlow = numberColumns_;
998      *nupp = *nfix = 0;
999      int *low_ = (int *)malloc(numberColumns_ * sizeof(int)) ;
1000      for (int k = 0; k < numberColumns_; k++)
1001           low_[k] = k;
1002      bptrs[0] = low_;
1003      return;
1004 }
getObj(CoinDenseVector<double> & x)1006 double ClpPdco::getObj(CoinDenseVector<double> &x)
1007 {
1008      return pdcoStuff_->getObj(this, x);
1009 }
getGrad(CoinDenseVector<double> & x,CoinDenseVector<double> & g)1011 void ClpPdco::getGrad(CoinDenseVector<double> &x, CoinDenseVector<double> &g)
1012 {
1013      pdcoStuff_->getGrad(this, x, g);
1014 }
getHessian(CoinDenseVector<double> & x,CoinDenseVector<double> & H)1016 void ClpPdco::getHessian(CoinDenseVector<double> &x, CoinDenseVector<double> &H)
1017 {
1018      pdcoStuff_->getHessian(this, x, H);
1019 }
1020 #endif